64 High-Class Fully Accre:li'tel; Pure Bred Holstein-Friesian Cattle AT AVOCA FARM, ANGUS, ONT. TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1929 Sale will cnmmpnma at 19cm . V- .u u L1uJUU1_) . `:1 am convinced `The Patriot will receive the hearty endorsement of` every film fan in this town. It will ap- peal to all classes, said Manage: Collis. 1154 _ -_-y nu; unsa- (:The Patriot deals with the reilgqrr I. of Mad Paul I of Russia during t alatter part of the eighteenth century. Paul was the son of Catherine the` Great and his rule, though short, vms. one of the most amazing examples 01 [tyranny that ever blotted a page 11: lthe world's history. T own nnv...:.-._...y Irv!` .. . . .. ua1u.1L.u5D. _ Definite word was received by me today of the playing here of "Th6- .Patriot at the Dreamland theatre on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 16 and 17, announced Manager Collis. "In making this announcement I believe lthe citizens of this community wili have the privilege to witness the most startling dramatic performance ever seen on the screen. u 5rh1_- v\ - {entitled The Patriot starring Emu Jannings. nfihifn urns-.1 n... _A- ' ` ` Thursday, January 10, 195 -::n--:\- __._ _--...-...uu._y, uau. AU uuu 1ovunced sens 2 hprfnrmunnn n-On` s, so ywwvw av; DUVULIIA uyu I Thornton Dlvlslbn of Sons of Tem- perance will meet in the Temperance` Hall on Wednesday evening, Jan. 16.` r\_--._A. __.I_AL-.,_. p Uh IIIWU VUAI-I57: Most of the u patients are improv- ing and we`haven't heard or any new cases for several days. Thnrntnn '\CIrCnI;\n A! an`... .0 m... nun upuubc vovvvliu UV auuuaul UUUl&U8&o Miss Mary Ward was taken to the hospital on Tuesday and operated on tor mastoids. 1u....c. -5 LL... 4:.. ....u_._;.- _._- g_.._._____ . nnnvo unsung I I Oongratulatlons to-O. W. Henry who was again elected to Innisl Council. `lflnls Ilnouy `I7:-uuul Iiinn L-`-Au 4.. LL. ':&&wmmmaw&&mx&&J & THORNTON wilmwmw$wi$$&$m y Aw pt my sincere. a_1Vy,_c1g c'i`a-tion of the con- ;, ,`nce you placed in i .`me by electing me as_ Councillor. \ A TO ELECTORS OFT `INNISF IL: Both schools re-opened on Monday, rum-nlr-no I Pun Tmlvo jjjjuj There is the greatest partofthe cold weather ahead of us yet, so now will be one great chance to purchase at Selling Out prlces, that delayed purchase of an Overcoat. .;...;.`_:a Prices On everything will be marked to iowesti possible figures as to, quicklyobitain our objective---Ato get out of business. S H. mm. Vwz ASK CUSTOM- ERS HAVING OPEN ACCOUNTS ON ova sooxs. T0 PLEASE MAKE IMMEDIATE sar- . R. X. '1iu}m`p`-' . and Mrs. John `If! - - A. I 3.... wanna 6155 D: uvuu Wls., at Mrs. ALFRED L. WEBB wishes to thank the electors oi the Township of Innis- l for their support in electing him as Reeve for 1929 and wishes all 9. happy and prosperous year. ab REMEMBER---EVERYTHING MUST "BE SOLD AS WE ARE POSITIVELY U GIVING UP BUSINESS `He had been a bachelor for a long. long time, and the minister was ready and so was he and the girl for 9. won- derrul wedding on a palatial yacht. whenyall or a sudden a little `girl cried out, That's my daddy!" and busted up everything . It's a laugh. a scream. a riot, a-roar. to see Reginald Denny in V this periect comedy.-Capitol Thurs., m,, Sat. y _ 2:: _ Ivan Maw; Pianist, E1 Librarian. -Jon. Lennox. WHEN A FELLER` N51-135A menus] Trinity Young People's Society held I a social on Tuesday evening at which the side captained by Eleanor Mc- Kenzie entertained the opposing side of which Laura Halbert was captain. Dorothy Maiel played a pleasing piano solo, `Squadron Leader '1`. A. Lawrence - gave a most interesting and education- al talk on the Hudson Straits Exped- r ition which .started on July 17, 1927, continuing until August 27. 1928. A - competition followed and then Char- lotte Mason, the` retiring president. who leaves shortly to train at Soldiers Memorial Hospital. crime. was pre-_ sented with a Waterman's fountain pen. Rev. 8. J. Mccormack made a few remarks suitable to the occasion and Orvai Carr presented the gift. The election of omcers for the pr - sent year resulted as follows: Presi- dent, John -Henderson: Vice-Presh dents, Helen Boake, Nessie spears, Genevieve Jarnieson, Edna Mcxinnon: Secretary. Laura .1-Ialbert; Treasurer, Ivnh Maw! am. .1 u-- n.-..:. . oooo lie h&CIJlIUUCJ 0 Trinity Women's Association met at I the home of Mrs. H. M. Thompson on Thursday afternoon. The President.` Mrs. McKenzie, being ill, Mrs. W_igle presided. Owing to illness and stormy weather the attendance was not .as large as usual but considerable busi- ness was transacted. At the close of the meetingla dainty lunch was serv- ed by the hostess, assisted by her daughter, Lillian. ' vvo u A gloom vvas cast over this village on'Wednesday morning when the sad news was received that Mrs. Mcsherry `had been called to the Great Beyond during the night. Until a. short time ago Mrs. Mcsherry had lived in Innis- l and was 9. member of Trinity Un- ited Church. The sympathy or this community -is extended to Mr. Mc- Sherry and family, also to her sister, Mrs. Kennedy. 'T`1~lnH-u `Xfnvvuaunhn A.....-_a-u-_- _._ The Senior Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. J. D. Stew- art on Wednesday afternoon, 16th, at 2.30. The report oi. the provincial con- vention will be given by the delegates. Each member is asked to bring two iquilt blocks composed oi.` nine little blocks 4 1-2 inches square. The quilt [will be made for the Children's Shel- ter. . Mrs. E. Stubbs or the Boo, Ont., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Henry. Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Stubbs expect to go to Toronto the middle or the week where they will attend the wedding or their niece, Miss Muriel Thompson. Mrs. Henry will then go to Port Hope to spend the remainderoi the winter. W. A. Jamlesozrs; Mr. and Mrs. W11- I bur McLa.ren of Bhelbrook, Bask. JFA. GRAHAM desires to express his lppreeiation or the action or the elec- tors of Oro in honoring him with a seat in the Township Council and trusts that he will be able to serve them with advantage. ab I ooooo on H Vvuo Arthur White of Wyevale spent the week-end at the home or his brother. {W111 White. 11.. _...1 ID..- Un..-._'I_ oon_--_ ,- -c unan V vb IJOUJ 0 .Miss Florence Manhing spent the week-end with Mrs.,Leonard Argue at Allenwood. A..Ll.-.._ !IIvI_JL_ -1 uc__-,,,n, n -- - canola vvo I W1l1.Campbe1l left for Toronto on Monday to resume his studies at the university. 'nll'Iem 'I:II............. -|Ir-._..A.... _..-..A. LL- . .-v-nave Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Black spent; a few days last; week with friends at Rugby. ' 1ur.... I-111...... n..-..-.. _...s -an..- __,_ Mrs. Thos. Cooper and Doris are visiting her mother. Mrs. Murphy,-in |Alliston. curs`: ,___,,u, an - n. - _. .__.., _- --_-- .--.----V-an vvnuvavo Mlsehuth Bo;v`man returned to Bar- rie after spending a. few days at her home. - School re-opened on Tuesday. Chas. Lillie of Toronto was in town last week. W. F. Downey spent a. few days in Toronto this week. S. A. Tipping spent a couple or days in Orlllia this week. 1!..- 111... I-An!` LA I CHAS. DENNEY wishes to thank his supporters for their confidence In again electing him Reeve or the Town- ship or Essa. 2b `no sacoaauw UIIJD wccn. Mrs. Wm. Mofratt -is visiting her daughter at Niagara Falls. `.1... on, u 4* , ,..g.__ .. - .._-- V hiss Deftlsi Turner left for Toronto on Tuesday to attend business college. 1uI'h.- 1::..4.1.. -n........-._ _.-A..-...--: L- - ] AELMVALE NEWS ;3 Iiliiiiililllll non V 1 ollvvn 'Mr. and Mrs. Fratilplsey of Ed- giixwmmwiwmmmig ./ Giving up usine s s Alter serving the public more than lhirly years in the same store Vegetebles that are to be eaten in a raw state should be dipped quickly in- totbolllng water to destroy .6.ny germ,` and put in cheese cloth and placed di- rectly on the ice to preserve their- crimneu. - l ,, . _.. ..- ---_ V-`awn! vo vanv avugvo I` Following are the officers for the . year: J.P.N.G., Mrs. Geo. Graham: N.G.. Mrs. Harry Wade; V.G., Mrs. W. Beardsall; R.8.N.G., Mrs. H. _J. Play- er; L.8.N.G., Miss E. Foster; R.S.V.G., Mrs. Lylia. Ritchie; L.S.V.G., Mrs. Ed. Bell; R.s., Miss Florence Manning; I".8., Mrs. Fred Drysdale: Trea.s.. Mrs. R. A. Cqoper; Warden, Mrs. B._1Beu; Conductor, Mrs. L. Player; Chaplain, Miss P. Rowley: Pianist. `Mrs. Wm. Andrew; I.G., Mrs. Dan. Rowat; O.G., A. G, Beardsall. ova on U VD: IJL ynuulc. The result of the elections on Mon- day for Reeve and Deputy-Reeve for Flos Township was a win for Field Downey and Albert Toner, for Reeve and Deputy-Reeve respectively. Fig- ures are given in another column. Glen Rebekah Omcers Installed .O'mcers of Glen Rebekah Lodge for h 1929 were installed on Thursday ev- ening, Jan. 3, by D.D.P. Mrs. A. G. Besrdsali, assisted by the following members of the Lodge; D. M.,.Miss E. Foster: sec y., Mrs. Jos. Adams; Treas., Mrs. Fred Drysdale; Warden, s. M. Ritchie; Chaplain, Miss F. ` anhing. During the evenihg the Noble j Grand, Mrs. Geo. Graham, presented Mrs. Beardsall with a D.D.P. collar on behalf oi the degree team or the lodge. Mrs. G, u-nhnm mo: m..a.-.4-...n ...u.:. . g. . '1 NORMAN coxwonm extends his` sincere thanks to the electors of Eros Township for their hearty support in the recent election and promises his best eirorts in the discharge of the duties or Deputy-Reeve during 1929. p- .......-.. ua. vuc uugncc uculu UL hue 10088. ' Mrs. G. Graham was presented with a. Past G1-and sj wel. A lunch was gerved at `the closeof the lodge. V ] IAIIa.-.l.._ -.._ 1.1. - -an - A ..-u uuuguucs 0 I Miss Clara Long or Meaford and Miss Agnes Long of Rochester, N.Y., and Miss Betta Long of Detroit were] the guests of Mrs. H. Carnahan and. Mrs. Jos. Drysdale. ] "Fl-In vnmuii no `I... ..1..-A..|-.._ -.. 1-_.- any um :1 gain. Word was received on Tuesday of the death of Gabriel French, who was in Chicago spending the holiday with his daughter. `Klan I11.`-us 1' _.._ -1 ll`--J-~--" ` ' am asaawyyu | Miss Laura. McArthur of Co111ng- wood returned home on Wednesday! after spending the holiday with! friends here. I HVL- _ _ _ . -_ _,,, .. -/ .. ._- u xcuua ucre. The annual meeting or the Flos- Elmvale Horticultural Society will be held in the Llbrarg, on Friday, Jan. 11, at 8 pm. `KIA:-Ii nu-ma -.n..n`I.....I -.. II-|---_.s-__ ,1; K/Ir. and Mrs. Cecil Knapp and baby! of North Bay spent New Year's with _ the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Knapp. `Allen 7...... np-A..A.I..-.. -5 A-A-H I The annual lheeting of the Flos Ag- rlcultural Society will be held in the Parish Hall on Monday. Jan. 21, at 2 p.m. Ila ....A 11.... 1~--A-I --__-,.,, v-cu anvaauagu av AIGL uusuu. Misses Pearl Train and Bea. Ritchie spent a. few days with the formers sister, Mrs. W. M. Reid, Barrie. _._. ._--__., --.--- Mxs V1olei:"Wa.de left; last week for] Toronto where she has accepted a pos- : men in the Bank of Nova. Scotia. .us-go vvauu Ann unuvuch ] Miss V Isabel Campbell returried to Hampton on Saturday after enjoying the holidays at her home. T\K{r.-one Danna` l'l'|....-I... .....I '75-- 1-\JA._I_J_ T W. J. G. BOAKE wishes to thank the electors of Essa for the support given him at the polls, Jan. 7, and on pre- vious occasions. He tried to serve the people fearlessly and conscientiously regardless of results, has no apology to make for his stand on any question and accepts the verdict without com- plaint. To the new Council he wishes every success and to all the people a Happy New Year. 2b unavnvy \l\iVo &\IU WHO- Miss Margaret Kerr returned to To- ronto this week after enjoying the hol- idays with her mother. `Alina `l'....I....1 Iu_.._..I_--n ,__;.__,,,, _ ,- ooouvg nu auuv "yum: I Jack Rowat returned to Toronto af- ter enjoying the holiday with his uncle, Geo. Rowat. `Ill..- In'.......-.__J. or-___.. ._-L-_.,.--J A - - monton, Alta... were guests at Robt. H1sey s last week. Tnnb 13.-nun-.4 ...\J-.........I 4.- fI1-..-__A._ -1: _-ma`-aAn_nu: sxngmuzn 2: steadily on the C.N.R. for the past week between Orillia and South River, where there is much drifting and where snow on the level is about 22 inches deep. North of South River there is not so much and from Bar- rie south insumcient as to ' require plowing. The railway this morning re- ltceived a weather forecast which calls 3 for rain or sleet during the next 24 vnnv LUDUAIU DAMIE- Sngowplows have been operating, hours or more from Montreal through Barrie district to Sault Ste. Marie, known in C.N.R. omcialdom as dis-` ' tricts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 12. Called to Toronto Pulpit At a largely attended meeting held- last evening in Dufferin Street Pres-. byterian church `an unanimous call; ` was extended to Rev. Jae.` B. Thom-[= son of Allandale Presbyterian church.; The pulpit of Dufferin Street church" became vacant, with the transmission of Rev. John Mu_stard to Oakwood Presbyterian church. mended` Parents Diamond Wedding William Brooks is at present in Thedford, Ont., where on Tuesday he attended the diamond wedding of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.` William Brooks. .IKll, Ev:-dye; Gun Ivonne I..._. If... an I 7 __ _.__.. ...--.. one vu - Mr.i"<)oks';. S12. wa:s vi:-6;-1;mMay 24: 11845 , and Harriet Brqoks, Nov. 19, a VA VA: vvo While two weeks ago there were ov- er two hundred trainmen o duty with illness the staff is again practically up to normal. Both passenger and freight traffic is light. The latter is `expected to continue. so. Snowstorms and the ice harvest, when it starts, will pro; vide the only work out of the usual run, as far as can be anticipated at the present time. Qrunin-`IA.-u. I.--.- 1. --._ -_ _ _ _ ..-v qnovmuaug , ' Regihz7>.7l has left for Tor-V 1 `onto, where he will reside and com- -plete his studies at the Conservatory of ' :Mus1c. 4-u__,_.x.u, - _. - -- ' friends of Charles Ser-, vice, who was dangerously 111 with `pneumonia during the holidays, will `be glad to hear that he is on the way to recovery in the General Hospital, Toronto. 1111.11- ;___ __ _u,,, J. HAROLD BELL wishes to thank very sincerely the large number or el- ectors who gave him their support on Monday. `is wishes the 1929 council every success and trusts that the year may be a happy and successful one 101' the township and all its citizens. V DULVG 9 V. B. Collins, B.A., _Trinity College, Toronto, Mrs. F. Blainey of Goldwater and Mrs. Jos. Davidson of Mlmico spent Christmas` with their mother, Mrs. Collins, Cumberland St. ' - mI:f.mGars1de, L. Blogg and James gstlnson have returned to Michigan af- ;ter spending the holidays at their Ihomes here. 3%!!! _.___L ---, 1 - A- ' nnnn anus: ALVA V. U S.O.E. meet Tuesday, Jan. 15, at 8 pm. sharpvin Tra.1nmen s Hall. An- ! nual installation of officers. A lunch will be served. I 17 13 11.11]... un . .-.,,.,, .. .. .. ,1 77 - --v~ -- vv v--v-- -----II I1! d\IC\rUlI\J~Yo Miss Helen Gilchrist of Toronto is convalescing at her home here from an attack of inuenza. _ ; `Inn 551..--.. ._-4..-._.__.-I L, -- - 0- -` um nun Aavtuc Au 1.11.1111 DU- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rogers went." to Georgetown this week to attend. the funeral of the former's mother. vvnunn aanu noun.` ILL Lsaztlllluull. Mrs. Barnes, Midland, is visitihg her . `mother, Mrs. Cripps, who is ill. I vvon uuvwvn VJ. AJAAAHULJBG . _ 3 Jas. Stinson returned to Detroit last [Thursday after spending New Year's lat his home in Tlffin St. `Kw A-n:-I llama `I -.._.... *----L Cameron Gray spent over Sunday, with his sister in Hamilton. _ ! I 'f\If.,... 'l3........... Il.1AIA.__I 5, ,_`_`._, ..--- -... _-.. ! Mrs. Roboins of Toronto is spend-, ing a week or so with Mrs. J. Beleskey. ' `nrI 1.1-1-- r-u1-1.__.1-;. .4 Ir`, ALLHLVUHLIL >x<` &m%&m&mm&mmmmm an? 1 ml 1 Recnt non of Toronto and Mr. Turnbull or Rockdale, '. ! 1849. The four surviving children are: 5 Mrs. T. A. Wilson of Sudbury, Wm. 1 of Allandale, Mrs. W. J. Standford of! I ,Toronto, and Wesley of Toronto, who (3 were all present. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks 5 were married in St. Ann's Church, Ad- telaide Township, Jan. 8, 1869 and have t lived the greater part "of their lives in l_Thedford, Ont., Where Mr. Brooks was {town clerk for 31 years, having retired - in 1920. I I I | An important announcement in the! ` entertainment field of this town was 7. made today by Manager Collis of the Dreamland theatre, in announcing the . coming soon, the Paramount-Famous] Lasky Corporation s special production I LOCAL THEATRE MANAGER ! I OBTAINS SUPER-PICTURE 3 CAPITOLTHEATHE SAT. JAN.l2lh P34. ` `Dominion Builders , I . _ _ _ . . ....a. La, loll-III will commence at 12.30 LUNCH WILL BE SERVED FOR THOSE FROM A DISTANCE. Auctioneer: T. MERRIOTT MOORE H. S. WILSON. Proprietor. JACK HOUCK on pedigree. ANGUS. ONT. SPECIAL Avoca Holstein Dipersal RA Ll:...L Pl--- can 1 u A Tlnnree-reel Story of Tractor Power % }as supplied by the N INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER co. J. H. MCaw, Agent, 34 Bayfield St. ? SHOWN AT THE THANKS lg ELECTOFS!