Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1929, p. 7

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Innis!!! Township Council met at ltroud on Saturday, Dec. 15, with all members present. COSTS ONLY ONE CENT A WORD With a Minimum Charge of 25 cents. 10 cents extra, if charged. `Ei iiiif Eiii i;'i;;? i;1stPrize juznd . |3I'd . . . . . . . . .. 5 Prizes :48 (0 each. E10 Prizes hp` 5 each. [75 Pnzes 3 2 each. Watts, but he vvuxred her away. I, don't want to have anything to do with you at all. he said as he left with officer Kelly for the County Jail. M Ezva of the dogs pictured above are lexactly alike. HANDSOME is one gof `them. The puzzle is to nd his ,twm-the dog markeq exactly the I `same as_ Handsome. Sm of the dogs `have d1_fferent ma.r}{mgs_; one 9f 't}1exn,_ Handsome (toe bxg dog 111 .me nuddle) and One Other Dog are `marked exactly the same. Look for markings only on Ears, Eyes, Crown `of Head, Tail and Front Legs. I Queen 1\.Ia:`.' 113:; mad= two for prizes at the Islington, Eng.. show. Great B1`it:1i?1`:: highest mountain. `Ben Nevis. 4.406 feet. has been climb- !ed by Joscuh T'a',*101' of E(1inbu1'_s_zh on a motorcycle. | Street or Box No.. i 1 Name of this Newspaper is . I Lqa V1 vuugauuu who 71 "13 a`g14 45 {g " 5911):-ISV d \lu|-QLLU i Comesyt Gmses January 31st, 1919 I I _| Harri-3 brzmch , Town. The name of Ha.ndsome s twin is. My name is. E7c*ry contesfnr: who qualies `WILL BE GWEN samples of our merchandise valued from 50c. to $2.00. Trucking Household Help Farm Help Clerk Sales Lady Stenographer House and Lot Money to Loan Hay Auto Parts Rabbits Pigeons How to Win GIVEN .5500 Cash .$I5o .5 `C .$ 25 .3 so .3 so .5150 5`. your Motor Vehicle Operator's License expired quiltx` . baby Agents Situation Board House to Rent Auto Parts Money on Mortgage Business Opportunity Pgts Singing Birds Used Piano Used Clothing Used Radio Second-hand Article And 21 Hundred Other Articles ..-----t, V`: -V --- YOU WILL POSITIVELY NOT BE ASKED [ _'I`0 SELL ANYTHING FOR US in order to wmauy of the Big Cash Prizes offered n`oovc.I When we receive your entry, _we will advisel you of the number of pomts [you have gained and ask you to make a small pur-| :h~\s(:fro::1 cur c:xhloA to qualify. YOU DO If-131` GBUCATE '1'O RSELF TO DO ANY-I THING FOR US BY SENDING IN AN wswm TO nus PUZZLE. I Send your news Hcems to The Examiner. Phone 222 or 223% Rules of Contest ' . Use sharp lead pencil. Write the` name of the dog you think isl Handsome s twin in the proper] place on the coupon. TVf\I1F TIQTYIQ (IRA `.In.'l.\aC UL! lull`; VUU 110 Write your namlevand address in! lead pencil on the coupon. Say` if Mr., Mrs. or Miss. I Cut advertisement out on dottedl line and send it to us. I Be neat; remember, in case of a tie, neamess will be consideredl in awarding prizes. | Employees of Atlantic Mills and their relatives are barred from this Contest. Only one entry will be acceptedl from a household. | Address entries to The Puzzle` Man, Atlantic Mills, 145 .WeI1ing- ton St. W ., Toronto 2, Ont. I ` ""'~....g. `~--249`; . __ _` \ Page It must be renewed at Gnce Every license to operate a motor vehicle in Ontario expired on December 31st. This applies to Chauffeur Licenses as well as Motor Vehicle Operators Licenses. Forms of application for renewal of Chauffeur and Operators Licenses may be obtained from any Agent of the Depart- ment or from any licensed Garage in the Province. Chauffeur and Operators Licenses may be procured from the Motor Vehicles Branch, Toronto, or from any Authorized Issuer of motor vehicle permits and licenses. There is an Issuer in each county. The fee for the renewal of a Chauffeur or Operator's license is $1.00. Each application for renewal of a license must be accom- panied by the applicant s present year license card. This regulation MUST BE COMPLIED WITH ABSOLUTELY in order that RENEWALS, which are issued without examination, may be issued only to those entitled thereto. All applicants for NEW licenses must undergo an exam- ination. In the event of the loss of a 1928 license, a duplicate can be secured only from the Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto. A fee of 50c. is charged, which should accompany the application for the duplicate. Procure your application form at once from any licensed garage or from any Agent of the Department, and be sure to have your present license with you when making appli- cation for renewal. Carefully preserve your new license, and, at all times when driving carry it on your person-not in the pocket of your car. 311 Damber 3131?. money by mail anywhere in Canada, the United States or the British Isles, use` Royal Bank Money Orders. They may be obtained at any branch of this 0.1- -,- -----d .' V - .- - -,_ _ Bank and ar pzlyable in either dollars or pounds. ' FOR safety and convenience in sending monev by anywhere `innit. 19E OF INNISF IL COUNCIL I if!!! ROYAL BANK OF CANADA IN CANADA This Advertisement tells you how to secure a new License Ontario Department of Highways `I 1--.... (T-.I-!..I.... D_.....J- Money Order Enclosed The Roya mm of Canad I `H I u`,`,`.. . IIIOYIIBH VIIICWY {MIR IVAII CIIIIHMO III! II UIAM [HRH II III VUIOI USMC!) _-r \- . on---an BANK MONEY ORDER No.12 1Zo"`Io}' {r21~.i:L; islmlxg TORONTO _..--_-_.V-..._ ._ ...... -- Oommunlcatlons and accounts were received from the following: A. G. Ar- dlgh. Boys 8: Boys, Fraser 65 Beatty, re Norland Estates; J. H. Cunning- hum. R. J. Lllllco, W. Fox, A. S. Van- ' derwater, Mlss Isabella S. Irons, E. B. Snelgrove, G. G. Green. Geo. L. Allen (Mt. Forest), A. R. I-Iassard and A. E. Wllson Co. clitchins. 816.00: Thcs. Reynolds, rent or ball, $2.00: G. 0. Allan, half year's `salary, $44.00, comrnisslonework, 25.- 00. financial statement, $5.00, tal, $74.00; A. L. Webb, F. W. Peacock. G. Martin, O. W. Henry, each for half year's salary and commission work, $69.00; G. 0. Allan, T. A. Sawyer, Dr. Mccallum and W. B. Sloan each $4.00 Board of Health meeting; Sam. Todd. |Sanltary Insp., $35.00: W. L. Black. quarter year's salary, $81.25, bonus on salary. $50.00, postage. $10.00, finan- cial statement, 35.00, ,total $146.25; W. R. Allen, collector, on account sal- ary, $150.00: road accounts amount- tlng to $2531.23 were passed and will appear in the nancial statement. A kvnvn nv\r\r\ir\Ir{r\(II (`.V\II9'I|}'|{`1 r- Lsacuua Ill \1Ul.ACLlUl-In Mrs. H. Campbell is spending the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. J. Ferguson, Stroud. Iklnn I1 Quin`:-uv `llhscna WIQHI an:-I -5` CL 5|-|DULl, DUI UH Miss G. Srigizy, Misses Elsie and Bessie King are home for the holidays. , _ __n AL Ii]-11415135 All Inn: Jtbuaunudun Dvuovvaanvanuo A bylaw appointing Churchill Or- ange Hall as the place for nomination was duly passed. 111 D Q`l'.f\A`Nl' (Ark Owing to so many being sick with colds and inuenza the Sunday School have postponed their Christmas enter- tainment. (Too lat; iagt week). Dec. 26--M1ss Spence is v1s1t!,ng friends in Goderlch. up..- 4u-...._I.-II I- .._-_.N..- bkn George Saunders or Chicago board- ed 9. train for his honeymoon think- ing his bride was aboard, but she was in the station and they were not re- united until 14 hours later. _ oounl VIII IOVAI. IAIM OI CANIDI & Q 0 - - llll IIUVAI. IR|'"\ U7 CINIU` T 6v (/.' The Clerk was authorized to sign; contract with H. E. Power Oomn. re Township Park when necessary con- tracts are signed to carry power to Bandy Cove. "an mung`: ....... I...-L......L...1 4... .....I4. J. R. Diet`, Manager M. C. Wiggle, Manage-.- HOLLY W. B. SLOAN. Clerk. 253 R5al%Baikof Canada Creates New High Record Total Assets At $909,395,884 Are Largest Ever Reported by Any Canadian Bank---Commercial Loans in Canada Have Gained Over $66,000,000. and Now" Total $292,315,472-' Prots at $5,381,253 Make -New High Mark. ` uuunug The Clerk was instructed to write the Toronto Casualty Co. re claims for damages to various cars. On mo- tlon the Clerk was instructed to noti- fy the Council of West Gwlllimbury that they will be held responsible for 50 per cent. of cost of . construction and maintenance or Innisfll-West Gwilllmbury town line. A new high record in Canadian banking, with the largest assets ever reported by a Canadian bank, is one or the outstanding features of the annual statement or The Royal Bank of Can- ada. With its large branch system, covering every section of the country, the bank has evidently been called upon to finance a very large propor-| tion oi. the increased trade and indus- try of the Dominion. The large re- sources of the bank have enabled it to readily do so and at the same time riiaintain its usual strong cash posi- on. ._-_ -_-.._I .I..L........4u Ln 6-Inn It , Of perhaps equal interest to the many shareholders is this year's pro- fit and loss -account. As a result of the more active trade conditions, earn- $145,422,394, from $153,411,835. Of equal importance is the manner` 5 in which savings deposits continue to. s expand, deposits bearing interest hav-'; V ings for the year also constitute a record for Canadian banks. Growth In Assets The marked progress reported from year to year has resulted in total as- sets of the bank having gained to $909,395,884, compared with $894,663,- 903 at the end of the previous year. This substantial gain has taken place notwithstanding that at the time last year's report was submitted it was in- timated that there were some large temporary deposits of a special nature. while it is understood that no such special deposits are included this year. This will be taken as a further indica- -tion of the strides the bank has made through its Very cclmplete 1'3an1z9~' against $1,809,831 at the end of the pro-` tion. Of total assets of $909,395,884 liquid assets are $398,862,085, being equal to over 50 per cent. of liabilities to the public. Included among them are cash` on hand and in banks totalling $180,-, 321,670. being 22.62 per cent. of liabil- ities to the public. Other liquid assets` include Dominion and Provincial Gov-, ernment securities. $85,257,914, com-, pared with $73,307,380; Canadian mun- lng now gained to $523,651,908, up` from $514,562,219 a year ago. Record Earnings A new high record for earnings hast been set. Prots for the year amount- ed to $5,881,253, as compared with $5,370,145 in the previous year. The prots, added to the amount carried forward from the previous year. brought the total am'ount available for distribution up to $7,691,085. This I reserve for 1 carried forward of $2,361,085. as a- vious year. A record disclosing such unusual gstrenrrth and reserves. should be es- `, pecially gratifying to shareholders and the public generally. As is well- known. the Royal has important of- ces and connections in all the prin-` cipal banking centres of the world and such a satisfactory report will be taken as evidence of the sound-._ ness of Canada s position. I t l ( 1 1 1 was applied as follows: dividends and . bonus $4,200,000; transferred to of- I flcers pension fund $200000; approp- ' riation for bank premises $400.000:_ Dominion Government, taxes $530,000; leaving a balance to be. Oro Council met at the Town Hall ` on Dec. 15 with all the members pre- ` _-...|. 8611!). Communications were read and dis- posed of from J. T. Simpson. Thos. E. ! Ross, James A. Northey, Jos.'on, James Link and C. H. Fullerton. I _ _Ll__ ._ -1 UCNAI-lbw cannon: --o-. V. -_. _ ..____ A resolution passed at a meeting or ratepayers oi Sunnidale, Flos and Ves- pra. asking that County Council at .their next session take steps to en- deavour to have the Department of Public Highways take over the whole cost of construction and maintenance of Provincial Highways was approved and Oro's representatives were in- structed to give full support when it comes up at County Council. I.-n-___ 4.1-- t~-.... `U11: 4 liquid; to; the: liabil-1 liquid Gov-! com- , .........a mm. um um um (".nnnrHn.n mun-I ernmenu securlucs. a>ou.aua,.~u-x, uuu:-y I dii6*TP.couNc1LsHows E CASH BALANCE OF $354i Robert storey was before the Coun- cil requesting to buy ve pine trees on Bass Lake road allowance. This mat- ter was left in the hands or Coun: Horne: also the request or Robt. Ben- nett for trees on same road, and of Wm. Anderson to cut trees and bush on Town Line opposite his property. III... IA'nAul-`know anhnn! avnntlnv-Inn T The gag. authorized tol pay Inn1sl s share of cost of work done on Innlsl-Vespra. Town Line. I UH I-Vwu uuav vypuwuuu nun ynuyu. VJ! Wm. McArthur. school attendance officer, brought in his report for the year showing the attendance had been fairly satisfactory. ' B fl. `rig-uIn1'l nnllnnnm vnnnv-1-Ar! ha The W. A. of the Anglican Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Hlgginson with a goodly number present and the president pre- siding. Mrs. Truax gave the Scripture reading and Mrs. C. Arnold gave an interesting missionary reading from the study book. The hostess served re- freshments, at the close of the meet- ing. The first meeting for the New Year will be held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Mccann. Bible reading is to be taken by Mrs. W. Miller and the mis- sionary by Mrs. H. Mccann. In two years, more than 1.000.000 pounds or reindeer meat was shipped out of Alaska. Radical economy in operating costs forms the prime objective of the Canadian National Railways newest design in locomotives, representing a revolutionary departure from present standards and practice, which has just been placed in service on`the main line between Brockville and Belleville. This new locomotive presents a tremendous advance in the use of the oil-electric type of locomotive and forms a. distinctive offering on the part of Canadian engineers towards the solution of the transpor- tation problems of this continent. As the National System was the pioneer three years ago in placing in service the first oil-electric car of 200 horse-power rating, its engineers have maintained leader- ship by the introduction oi! this locomotive, new in character and design, for fast passenger and freight service. a rm..- ..-... 1............u.... 1.. ct... a....+1-..... ny-onHnn'l nnfinafinn ne +1..` -m.,. .-.c 4-`uni nn 3.. ...-.nnmu 4...-n-..~ locuxnuuvus. ' . , The power developed by the oil engine is converted into electrical energy by the generator, trans- mitted to the traction motors geared to the driving axles, Where it is utilized in developing traction effort and speed. With the present gear ratio, which was laid out for high speed passenger service, the l.ocomotive`Will develop 9. tractive effort of 100,000 pounds during the accelerating periods. The electrical system of transmission utilizes full engine horse-power over a wide range of speed and tractive effort without a change of engine speed or shifting of gears. SBYVIUB. The new locomotive is the further practical application of the use of fuel oil in railway trans- portation in which an oil engine is used to drive a generator for supplying electrical energy to the propulsion motors. Power and speed are obtained at costs tar below those of coal-fired steam-driven locomotives. ~ mu- _......... .:......1........a 1-... 41... -41 nncy-Ina in nnnvnrfn Int-A n1nn+v.4nn1 4-uvsnunrrrv 1, +kn lvnvunvtn-Ono: +~..n.... in 1; on 019: up vua. J R. G. Kendall, ;;ol1ect.or. reported he Canadian National Engineers _UTOPlA icipal securities and British, foreign and 1 colonial public securities $16,730,643, down from $31,296,226, and railway and other bonds, debentures and stocks $16,640,108, compared with $15,890,650. Larger Business Handled The very prominent part which the lbank has played in nancing the larger business of the country is reected by commercial loans in Canada of $292,- 315,472 up from $225,536,860, an in- crease for the year of over $66,000,000. At the same time current loans else- where than in Canada are down to $145,422,394, from $153,411,835. nc nmiln` iv-nnn-r--nnnn in fkn nnohnnv-o The following accounts were order- ed paid: Lot Webb, refund dog tax, and SB. No. 11 debenture, $4.80; W. Copeland, caretaker Cookstown lock- up $6.75; A. G. Ardagh, on account, $150.00; W. A. Boys, on account, $80.- 13; Alvin Webb, Sanitary Inspector, $25.00; W. B. Sloan, quarter year's salary, $150.00: postage and telephone. $10.00: W. J. C. Copeland, balance on {had cnllentod 339500.00 of the 7993 L-___- 4- 4-4.- . !\.l\JLl1.lL.1.l. \v\.;L\; uxucxcu ycuu. I 1 I Reeve Luck briefly thanked all the 'members for their co-operation and . pport in the work for the year and I e other members each spoke of the pleasure it had been to look after thel Township business under his able leadership. ' 'l:1lun~\nl-1 CiL..L.....;..4 guuuvny us.) Cash ba.l., 1927 ...................... ..S Balance taxes, 1927 ............ .. R. G. Kendall, on acc. taxes 1 RC1!) `nun \/"A-\- - taxes to date.` : 5 The `T-`..{`.') d;_r tin: of Gm. A. P:'ei1- `tice wax: ordered struck off roll. 5 A claim of Samuel Kissnc}: for 03191 lamb killed by dogs was ordered paid; The various accounts before the Council were ordered paid. I 1 -am`..- 7.... k..z,.n.. n......1.nA an Hvsl uu..v.-,u\..\ .. r- -r Luau: s.uAo1.a Financial Statement The nancial statement for the year was presented and accepted. Receipts I":-.n'Iv\ 1...! 1nm-1 c- 1 19"] R0 1928 ...................................... - 39,5oo.oo| Int. and percentage on taxes 5.36 Union Schools ...................... .. 2.5 0.81 Treas. Dept. Rly. Tax , ........ .. 143.86 Treas. Sim. Co. School grts. 3,964.35 Non-resident taxes .............. .. 838.53 Treas. Dept. Colonization Road Bylaws ...................... .. 2,202.88 Sales, rents, etc. .................. .. 92.80 Town lines and Commuta- tion St. Labor .................. .. 120.69 unyuslulvux CD Salaries and allowances Print., Post., Sta.t y ........... .. Heat and light ............... .. Roads and bridges ........... .. Charity ................... . .......... .. School purposes ............... .. School debentures ............. .. Int. Drainage Debentures . Wire fence bonus ............. .. Board of Health ............... .. County Levy ..... ....... .... .. Miscellaneous ................... .. Sheep killed by dogs ....... .. I-Iawkestone Police Village . Cash balance Design Oil-Electric Locomotive H-st; aARRrE EXAMIN ER V $60,746.28 W` 3- TudhDe. Clerk and Treas. Expenditures -I ..n.........___ .$ 1,137.69 9,903.31 $60,740.28 .$ 1,932.30 597.38 17.50 9.440.239 443.17 ' 23344.70 561.35 24.09 298.62 155.00 . 22,331.00 381.22 451.00 407.70 $60,385.42 354.86 Arrested on a warrant issued on March 14, 1925, but which was never. executed, Geo. Watts, 11th con., Ves- pra, appeared in court Dec. 27th to answer to a charge laid under the Deserted Wives Act, preferred by his ' wife. He had been ordered to pay $10 a month, by the court, but never did so. The couple were married on May 17, 1922, but only lived together a `short time. Magistrate Jes reserved judgment in this case until Saturday and meantime Watts went to jail. xlhaffc nvkn `in R`) vinnsvo nf n n n n n u u- uxnu AALwu:AAuAa.Ll.u Iv uvvu IVDLAU IJ\J JGILA. Watts, who is 62 years of age, caus- ed considerable merriment when he went in the witness box to tell his side of the story. Ac-A vvnuu -unanuoolnnl L1... I.........L. ....I- - v According to history I am, replied Watts. He said his wife left him with- out cause. She ain t no Queen Vic- toria. What is good enough for me .should be good enough for her. I m a !sick man with asthma and unable to ;work. You can't make a man work if [he is not able to. v-Ir- i_;_u _ . .-. - _ Thursday, January 9. 1929 IS SENT TO JAIL ON 3-YEAR-OLD WARRANT .u av asvv uvwsu uu Watts wife is also ill and unable to go out but her sister testified as to {having seen accused with large rolls uof money, one a roll of $500 in tens and twenties. He denied this, saying he lived with his brother, `who paid the taxes. ....., ......\,u l She took all she could get hm- hands on. hired a car and went. away. never to come back. I never ordered` her away. "I"'$-an un'4`.\|.~ ...:..L_._ .7 I I - - -- v4 u;;u uvvsa . Are you married? the bench ask- A .\4l> (.4: VI ti] o l The wife's sister wanted to talk` to` Young Pigs Horses, Cattle, Sheep Milch Cows Poultry Farm Implements Cordwood Shrubs or Plants Lost Articles Furnished Room House and Lot Farm Movable Building Secona-Hand Article Why Not Try a Classified Ad`. aw. The Barrie Examine Or Do You Want Aiay of These? GIIS

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