THE I-J\.l\.\u um: nu... Roy N. Hickling. by Chas. Harris and Geo. E`. Mason. Walter Downey, by G. G. Johnston and W. H. Mayes. rv-.. r1 1ur......... L... riknn 1.1.1.-in and |.n.4\.; u. (l\lAALA~lIJ\lAAq Harry Mayes, by A. H. Wilson and Lou. Carson. n. 1,1,, :1 x . vv IvY:I,.__ l(&&J\-B V1. 1.1.. ;u.u._y\.u. Geo. E. Mason, by Chas. Harris and Chas. Wattie. Geo. G. Johnston, by Chas. Wattie and Chas. Harris. vwu . ,1 _,,_1_,_,, 1.-. run--- \JLAu-J. vv wuunv. Wallace G. Richardson, by Chas, Harris and Chas. Waitie. I REEVE o1= OR0 TP. 15 ' I GIVEN ACCL-AMATION Herbert J. Crawford, last year s de- puty-reeve. was elected` reeve of Ore on Monday. I. H. Luck and D. Mc- Kinlay also were nominated but with- drew. -u-u-,_ LI-_ _1___..A._.y.. ._'|..._.'.. 51.... .............. I\` For the deputy s chair the names of Morley Beathl James W. Crawford and ` Irwin McMahon were put forward. Mr. McMahon, who had announced his intention of being a candidate, was ill with the flu and unable to attend the nominations. Consequently the other two nominees have the fight to them- --`-.. LL- 4.\.._...... ............:11.\....9 .-.n.~4~n Lian | DCLVCD. | For the three councillors seats, the (candidates are J. R. Horne, 3. Mc- Kerrol1. W. I. Clark, J. Alex. Graham 5 and Jno. Roe. Others nominated were i E. H. Pearson, W. D. Fletcher, Camp- bell Raikes and Irwin McMahon. 1\_...l..... L- `LA :-.o.nn1uv\l- AF nlnbnnan {an C11 rwunca auu 1.: W111 1VL|.1J.VL(IuAl\.Illu l Owing to the amount of sickness in JAMES DORAN RTJUH b1J1'r:z,Lu UVCL vauuua uum.-uu. . There are twelve cups and a shield, the latter being the E. C. Drury. All the more popular breeds are taken care of. The cups are the W. A. Boys, C. E. Wright. W. E. Weegar. F. Fos- ter. Wilson Cup. Barrie Poultry Ass n., Barrie-Allandnle Dairy, C. & W. Mo- tors. W. L. Reeve. H. H. Creswicke W. H. Wright and D. F. Mccuaig. ` Notes on Show One of the first entries received this year was from W. H. Wright _of his famous Blue Orpingtons and Polish, birds which have been shown at Mad- ison Square Gardens. New York. n..1nh `lurnnll nf fnuhanahnnn nnn Re-Elected Marsh Dminage Among the Topics Discussed By CIIIILHJZIICS. FIREWORKS F AiL TO MATERIALIZE lN GWILLIMBURY Much Good Natured Bzmter Between Speakers and Audience. The municipal nominations for W. ,Gwillimbury were held in the Orange `Hall, Bond Heal on Monday and gproved a record breaker as far as inumbers were concerned, many hav- ving to stand throughout. During the ' past four _\`(~11'. ; the 1'c(.-1'0 and council !have been returned by acclftlllfttioll [and it was the prospect oi fl. contest lalonr: with \\`hlS])Cl'lllgS of i ireworl I at this meeting which brought out the c1'0\\'cl. The 0.\'1)`(_`t(.`t1 fi1' failed 1 to mutci'i:11i7.e but tliere were very few dull monicnts on account of the good- natured banter between spe.'-il-;ers and audience. As was to lmvc been expected the I/ecorcl oi the council came in for some kindly criticism but judging from the rttmosplierc of the meeting the '. a1'iou: members seemed to have giv~ enia sn.ti.<:facto1'y account of their lste\\'zn`dshi1). The new nominees for I recve and C0!.`.llCi1 based their pleas for `support. not on dissatisfaction with the old council so much as on the fact that it was time for someone else to have :1 chance at the honors. After calling the meeting to order Clutinnan Fred Ritchie called on Room 15`. Hambly. } I I i ! Mr. Hambly, who proved himself to She :1 splendid speaker. and 21 m:1s'ts~r i of d.>t:1i1, vary ably took his au(1i('n('e t11rm.Ig11 the various items of o:<;> . y 41. 4-:,, :_s _;,L ,__ _ Li. n;unu.u_;, I-AAKI y.u-.u ...u..y._.; |4\/ be I of ture shown in the financial sta.tcn1~nt. At considerable Ienggth he e\'p1:1ine:l the ! L f1$O11 for the very heavy expen- diture for roads and highways, point- ing out that Simcoe was at present in the midst of a big spending progi xzi for provincial work over which LL18 townships had no control but to which they had to contribute. He also clear-, ed up some misunderstandings regard- ing the Nottawasaga drainage scheme. I . . | Problems which had arisen in con-. nection with the Holland Marsh drainage. the publishing of a finan- cial statement periodically and other matters of general interest came in for their share of attention a`vso. usuu 0|.{Lu:1Lu \.-(uuvuu. avvvv .:.u . Ralph McCall, of Waubaushene. one of the. largest breeders of ornamental bantams in the country. will again contest for the Mccualg Bantam Cup, which he won last year. in the county. in... n....+n.. AP Tnnrlcknvn 119 `I F. Thompson, another aspirant for the reeveszhip, in :1 brief speech..m.9.d0 the claim that after a period of five years in office, a change of personnel was due and even though he had no particular complaint to make regard- ing the work of Mr. Hambly he nev- ertheless intended to let his na.m(: stand. vn u-,vy-__ ,_,___ _.___;. _-11_.) 1_._g 1___ oua.AA\.I. E. McKay was next called but he stated that he had no present ambi- tion for the office and would not t.).ke up any of the time of the Inoeting. ~-r ., Councillor Herman Lexmnx also an- nounced that he would not be :1 can- didate for the 1`eeve:`I1:,) as 1:} th-::1:,:11t it unwise to nmkc am cimzxqrr in the co11nci1'bcfm'o the end of this; (`om- ing year. At that time, he 1;-a.i:1, he might possib1_v b. in line for H21: `ann- 01`. H0 .`~'tf".".'1 1'n L*, 118 nut ru. 17 ) marsth land o'.':nm's had siqmml 111:` p--- .,~_: , ._ u-A.... u.-,. L.-.` ..,.1. -1..,.;.....1 nu. LA'.A`I.A nu the cotmr.-11 had no 131111011 the job ..1'1C sen I0\w' t.en(I<`1' `axe? fwr was I1CC(`Dt .`(1 and but to the tr:1v`..< at l/U MILL, List 1.` \ xv xv \.' -ma .. M! ..u. whnlo 1mr3e*:n}:ing would IIIIW` h(-frn'r.- nn'.'.' 1*.-*1 turned rwvr to tho 1"."-1n(`i1. As thin__z stood this would not take ` place till T?"-9Sib1_'v` sometime during: the .,\~ inn vvnn :- Councillor Percy Selby in his spe-:(-h also refrgrrod to the xmrsessify of n.ms1- ing zznd not l:.n<):'kin{;' il1r- mar:-.11 drainasre schrms and ('GllSl(h`l"`:`i Llur. old ('()l7n('l1 best ffftcl for 1'.`1<- job 01 lmndlinzz it in its final stuszcs. Councillor W. J. Dales Sp.')k.'- ln'l\.t'l_'./ stating that practirsally all the _i{i'0llY`ld had been covered by 0th )l`S. Coun. L. Noilly also consaidcn-cl tlmt it was useless to take up the time of 14-- ._-,...5:._.- ....'&1- l'....4L\.-xv. .-Hanna.-ninv` th: < the meeting with further discxzssion. E. J. Evans, who had men nomin- ated but who had no intmmon of nmninrg. took the council and Trom- urer J. Sutherlzmnd to tuk for not having the finamial statomeznt in :1 form more easilv comore11-:-nd<= by the ratepayers and for 3 time his speech resolved itself into a dinfojrue between the two men. Messrs. Levmox and M<'Kay with- drew for reeve and Mr. Baynes for Povncillor. lVC_y. 12:. U. lav 1110, vv. LU. 4.au_yu\.o. the township, the attendance was rather small. There was not much dis- cussion, the business being mostly of :1 routine nature. There were some suggestions for rr*\din~ the old town hall but no definite action was Lu LUIS uuuuu_y. Wm. Carter of Londsboro, F`. J. French of Newmarket and Major Cousins of Georgetown will be judges J. E. Harvey and W. R. B=>._vnL\ were called upon and eavh stzxted that he had not finally decided to let his name gm en the ballet. W. A. Nvxuy H. R. Wilson and Earl Rowe, M.P., were also asked to peak and each of these gentlemen responded briey. "I"!~.r. -rv\nr\f;v1n- fhnn r-Incnri nrifh the blltbt` E',Ulll:1'.'HIr:u 1copuuLu:u uAu.Ax_y. The meeting then closed with the I National Anthem. Those nominated were:-- For Reeve--Fra.nk Hambly, Prank Thompson, Herman Lennox, Elwoll I McKay. 1:1,... I`runnn1 Ilnrrnon T crnnnv 'DD'DI`V ` 1v1L;zx'a._y. 1 For Counci1-Herma.n Lennox, Percy } Selby. W. J. Dales, L. Neilly, J03. Har- ivey. E. J. Evans, W. R. Baynes. P fur.-.~-a Tnnnnv nn llYr\T('nw frH h.. uu vv 1; ; taken. -Baby s sleigh robea. finest qual- ity, large size, bio price reductions. Simmons & Co., The Coat Store. lb The W.C.T.U. mm h'~`r1 its mnntmy meeting at Miss Emma Kin9: s, on Jan. 7 at 3 pm. Friends, as well as mem- bers, invited. A RECORD CROWD ( Bond Head Corrcspon dent) A sum uh. to haw 1 SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 4 for an ;u_ [SUV U5 yaovo I5: prtze list. :38 '.h(".* xx- The mwa%&m&m&%m&&$m% 1. - . 3. comma EVENTS $&$%%%%%%%&%%m In I 5!` FF '00 all `UV: . on Barrie Poultry Show, Jan. 8. 9, 1 1929. Express paid one way on an ex- hibit: in No. 7 district. Don't; miss it. Write or phone H. 1". Morren, Barrie. I-u. nnnn`lll\ Ilnb 1_1h nun uccu Uaucu \.u.:.. 45.: Come to Knock school concert, Fri- day. Jan. 4. at 8 pm. - lb Owing to the flu, the debate an- nounced tor Jan. 4 in Mldhurst Hall has been postponed indefinitely. 1b rnhn v\nI\II`nII nlau Anni-. Human : On account of the flu the dance announced for Jan. 11 in Midhurst has been called off. 1b I1n_.s.\ in Ylnnnlr an`-inn` nnnnnwf HII._ HUI! uccu yunuyuucu auuULuaavua_y. 1.9.: The popular play. "Aunt Susan Visit. will be presented by the Burns Literary Society in Egbert church, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 8. p.m. Admission 36 and 25c. 1b 'I3......g Dnnll-sow knm Ian R 0 `I0 CIRCULATION THIS WEEK Mi "E31135! `Straight Fight in Both; I Councillors Are { Unopposed. LARGE ATTE'.N'DA.N CE Keen Interest Shown in Race fgr Essa Reeqxeships Given Most Attention %Finances and Roads Are } By Speakers. S For Reeve---Chas. Denney, by G. L.` `Davis and S. J. Halbert; J. Harold! Bell, by G. D. Banting and D. J. Mi!- 9 I .-_ I Lax... ler. \lCl. For Deputy-Reeve-W. J. C. Boake. by W. H. C. Ruthven and A. J. H. |Dunn; Norman Coxworth, by David |McCarm and R. F..Jennett. For Counc111ors--E. Morrison. by J. `H. Bell and Hy. Banting; . Carl iwhiteside, by Geo. D. Banting and Wm. Pearce; Frank Higglnson, by Dr. `West and A. Duckworth; Harcourt Blackstock, by E. Morrison and Geo. `L. Davis. u r-....:.....- uni 4-lqplnnuv `An tvxrr LJ. 1J?t\ .|b. Mr. Morrison withdrew, leaving Messrs. Whiteside. Higglnson and Blackstock, all new men, elected as councillors. -J--- -1--.. - :...L..... at 1-Ann 15+ nf-knr MANY ENTRIES FOR NEXT wmcs POULTRY SHOW UUUUULHUID. Essa has a feature not seen at other municipal nominations in that all the movers and seconders are given an `opportunity to speak before the can- didates are called upon. Brevity was the order with these. each saying a few words in favor of his man. Board of Health Dr. West of Angus, M.O.H., caused some amusement by saying that he . would prescribe a blood transfusion for the council, it being in dire need of some new blood." He then went on to speak of health matters. Hearty co- operation by the council and ratepay- ; ers in the carrying out of public health . regulations was acknowledged. The township had been threatened by two minor epidemics, but prompt action by the Board of Health and provincial authorities had headed these off. Some criticism had been heard of a diphtheria outbreak at Camp Borden having caused quite an expense to Essa. Dr. West said it didn't amount to two cents per ratepayer. Twenty- ve positive carriers were found in 'the Camp but the outbreak was kept down to three active cases. With the whole area under strict camp regula- tions. everyone was immunized and `the spread of the dread disease pre- vented. Had the disease started with `the same virulence in any other part `of the township. God only knows where it would have ended, declared the speaker. Reeve Denney Reviews Affairs When the chairman of the meeting, ' Township Clerk Dinwoody, announced ` that he would call the candidates in ` the order nominated and asked the "Deputy-Reeve to speak. Mr-. Bell stat- ed that for twenty years it had been ' the custom to have the reeve speak ` `first. ' v-\___._ r\._._.--.. .x..........1 4.- 1.1.. ....a. 31l.lDU- Reeve Denney jumped to his feet, said he was quite prepared to do so and took the platform. Before start- ing he invited the audience to ask `questions when he was through. Mr. Denney devoted the major portion of his time to county council matters. `In connection with the roads he show- ed Essa/s contribution to be $4,489 this year. This was quite a lot of money but the township had return- ed to it $4,000 for maintenance of the 4th line (county road). and there was Ithe work done on the townlines which quite offset the balance of $489. He and Deputy-Reeve Bell had succeeded in again having designated as a coun- ty highway the portion of road from Angus to 30 sideroad and then north. other townships had also had certain roads designated. but none of these stretches restored .to the bylaw had Dept. one of the Dept. officials spoken to did not hold out much hope. say- ing, You had better fix up- the coun- ty roads you have before you take ov- `yet been approved by the Highways er any more." Tnlrlnn nu unsung AC `kn IO-Anna AC D} COIL Ill\-I5 Vt Taking up some of the items of county expenditure. Mr. Denney said that salaries were about the only items the council had any control over. He had opposed increases to omclals given last June. He had a novel suggestion regarding salary increases. If an of- cial thinks he's worth more money. let him submit his resignation with his appli tion for more pay. Were this done here would not be so many re- quests for increases. All-Innunln IRA!-hams Annnvnnnna oar` `-QMUDUQ but CLJUAUWDUI-`II Although Mothers Allowances and Children's Shelter took a lot of money, they were doing ne work though he believed it would be cheaper to board out the children than to maintain the Shelter. The new method of paying- hospital accounts for indiggnt pati- ents he considered unfair to rural municipalities. He knew of oneotown- ship that had not a single patient. though it had to pay its share of the County's hair. Reeve Denney was op-_ 0 [page three, ;;1eae). I Those Nominated A . E + ' lie"? ./ , ' V ` 3\:$ I - % ;: . . ?>.;~;,;;~` H. J. CRAWFORD Who was accorded an acclamation for Oro Reeveship. icosm TO DRIVE ONE-EYEB AUTOS Scores PErvZJFines-Ac- cident Near Brad- ford Aired. Everything is in shipshape order. for the opening of the annual show of the Barrie Poultry Association which` takes place in. the Armouries next Tuesday, January 8. and continues; Wednesday and Thursday. As has been repeatedly pointed out the show; this year is to be much larger thanv formerly. with entries from greater distances and generally the show will take on the nature of a county exhi- bition. _ ' This desirable condition is the` fruition of years of effort on the part. of the local association but chiefly due to the eilorts of the Provincial Gov-f ernment, which desires to have fewer and better shows throughout the pro- vince. Instead of helping to finance llffln shows the depart-: } didates. One of the largest crowds ever seen at a municipal nomination packed the Orange Hall at Ivy last Monday after- noon. Some reworks were expected (which may have been the reason the caretaker carried a pail `of water to K the platform in addition to the pitcher placed on the chairman's table) but in the two hours of speaking there was little that could be so described. There were few personalities and very little heat manifested by the opposing can- As far as could be judged from applause the reeveship battle seemed to be of most interest to the `audience, though every speaker was given an excellent hearing. Every part of the township was represented in the gathering. ' 'T`1r-uncn kfnrninafn 1 I A reckless driving charge was heard: in last Friday mornings traic court, the upshot being that J..E. Moseley of Huntsville was ned $10 and costs. He had tendered this, the minimum ne, by mail and after hearing the evidence it was accepted by Magis- trate Jeffs. ` -v1w-..I- -0 \T.uuua.nubn4- nae u.I.`ubl: U Cllu Geo. D. Wark of Newmarket was the complainant. He" said that` on Dec. 15, about four miles north of Bradford, driving south, he attempt- ed to make a left hand turn into a farmhouse. His front wheels yiad just entered the driveway when he was rammed by Moseley, coming behind. The running board, front render and two doors of the War}: car were con- siderably damaged and the owner- intimated he proposed taking civil action. The informant cl imed Mos- eley did not have control of his car. He maintained he had put his hand out just before turning. - -~ _ -1 0-5---. A..-l..l.\.I I-A uuu Juuv ~\.-v-v ~..---___,, Dalton Ferry of ~Lefroy decided to ght the charge against him of driv- ing a one- eyed auto. Scores have paid nes for this offence in recent weeks but Ferry s case was different. Traffic Officer Buck said he chased him into a garage in West Gwi1lim- bury on Dec. 16 to have his lights xed and that he failed to do so, driv- ing away after the officer had left the garage.` ,This evidence was not corroborated and was atly denied by Ferry. He did admit one headlight was out when the traffic officer stop- ped him, however, and for this he paid $5.75. Had the original oence been proven the ne would have been much heavier. BANTAMS WIN AT CHICAGO A. F. A. Malcomson recently receiv- ed from D. J. Lonsberry, of Lethbrldge, A1ta., a letter in which he refers to winnings of birds, purchased from Mr. Malcomson, at the Coliseum Show held in Chicago recently. --L-.44 ___l.. uunu an; vnnuwav --v-----_,. He sent a. Rose Comb Bantam cock- erel and the two pullets and got first on cockerel, first and second on pul- lets; also on cockerel he won special Oro s New Reeve Many of our readers have expressed their commendation of the new and more readable type recently adopted `by The Examiner for its news columns. While this type appears much larger and can certainly be read. with far less strain on the eyes it is actually quite compact and gives fully as many, if not more, words to the column as the smaller type formerly used. ' BARRIE, cANAD_1, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1929. NEW GLASSES for Our Readers LICENSES NET ' I T_o_3v_N $3,225] Twelve iiver Trophiesi In Addition to the Prize Money. I A total of $3,226 was collected by! Barrie in various licenses during 1928, a. tidy revenue. The pool rooms topp- ed the list with $1,100. They are ve in number. Curb gas pumps, 32 all told, paid $800 into the municipal treasury. These gas pumps, the lic- ense for which is $25, are strung a- long from Mulcaster St. to the corner of Essa and Cumberland Sts. in A1- landale, including three on Bayeld St. from the Five Points to Collier St., but do not include drive-in places. which are tax free. Should. the town abolish the curb pump, as has often been suggested, a considerable re- venue would be lost. 1 Poolrooms He.;*?3:=-1_ist-\7\ ith $1,100.00 -- Gas Pumps Next. other revenues from licenses in- cluded $216 from pedlars, $260 from taxis, $650 from second hand dealers (this includes circus and transient traders), $50 from restaurants and $150 from butchers. There are now eleven butcher shops in Barrie. { for best Rose Comb Black Bantam inl the show and special for the best c1ean-1egged Bantam in the show. Fc');'"I;.ee\}e-J[ . F. ubly, Frank Thompson. ca-..'l`ln {A 6:. kn ..`I....& rruxus .1. uuuayw-nu. For Councillors (4 to be elect. ed)--1-I. Lennox,- W. J. Dales, L. Neilly, Percy Selby, Edgar J_ Evans and Joseph Harvey. SUNNIDALE For Reeve--Jos. Spicher and James Martin. ' v-.1-.. 1'\..uuv&u_DAn1vn nu, An UUIHUD 1.71.015 Inn. For Deputy-Reeve - 'rhos_ Bates and John Buie. I-J-.. 1......nl1`InIva [Q +,\ k,` an; Dumca uuu uvuu ..-nu... For Councillors (3 to be elect- ed)--John Forgie. Edgar Car- ruthers, Robt. Macham, John` Lockhart, H. ~M. Barker and Wm. Mansbrldge. TECUMSETH For Reeve-[Frank Wilcox and Robt. Wray. ` ' -tn-.. t1..unnl1`InucT'l7`:l A then A111 I\nUlJlA- VV 1 Gt] - For Councillors--Ed. Agnew, James Henderson, Fred Ap- perley and Geo. Baycroft. `In v-nae `nrornnv um c nlnnhari -_._--_ WILL HOLD BANQUET; ycxxcy arLl\A.\.avvu n4\~J\.4-LuJ.u James Bradley was `elected deputy by acclamation. ESSA For Reeve-C11as. Denney and J. Harold Bell. 1!? T ('1 vllu U. A..Luu.voun --y... For Deputy-Reeve-W. J. C. Boake and Norman Coxworth. ,, -111--- Aland-AA L.-. ._..-1_..- JJUGAG Gnu an Va Anaullag \Jvn H u; uL1. Councillors elected by acc1am- ation. B756 For Reeve-T-Jos. Drysdale and Field Downey. - v-1-.. `l'\.....J--u Dnnivn 'IR'.uu..L...`l1 1' Lcxu JJUVVLLUJ - v For Deputy-Reeve--Marsha.l1 Langman, Ed. Train and Ab. Toner. , ;--......n1...... .....1.. ..... ....4. J ULIUL a For Councillors only two out of the three required qualied. ORO For Deputy-Reeve -- Morley Beath and_Ja.mes W. Crawford. 1.1,. (`In-uunnl'I`InvIa ('2 fn kn nhanl-_ a,u.;amu Huang _vuu...-4.: n . u. u-v. u. For Councillors (3 to be elect- ed)-Jas. R. Horne, John Mc- Kerroll, W. I. Clark, J. Alex. Graham and John Roe. 1--r 1- rt-..--8;.-cal yuan f\1I\I'l\A LXJa.1lGo1Ll. auxu. UVLLLA I-V\l\4 H. J. Crawford was. elected reeve by acclamation. H INNISFIL For Reeve--G. C. Allan, A1- fred Webb, S. H. Reynolds. 11!... I1..........l11uu~ IO #1; Ian ninpdv &Lcu. vvcvu, ha. 5;. avugnuauu. For Councillors (3 to be elect- ed)-C. W. Henry, Geo. A. Martin, Frank Beatty and Arlie Green. 1'! 1-|-----I- ....... -1....L...l CL ccu. F. W. Peacock was elected deputy-reeve by acclamation. bliion. \ `is the{ Gov-? pro- finance` innumerable little shows the depart- ment desires to concentrate on one or two shows in each county. Barr-ie| has been chosen as one of the strateg- | icel points, because it is central and also because it has a live organiza- tion. AI..-..Au nnnuh-inc hgvp hppn 1-eQeiV__ In The Field WEST GWILLIMBURY FLOS xI._y 1411; :.;;u.\., \.aa\.\.n;. The attack on 1928 and previous |councils by Road Supervisor Sinclair }and a charge of alleged breach of faith }on the part of Reeve Allan, to the jeffect that he had agreed toretire ,from politics this year. featured the 3meeting. It was said Mr. Allan had H-,:,...L1,. ..... M...)-v Mr nnnn ...- urn:-tk n-.1,-1 F. w. PEACOCK DEPUTY! `xxL\.\.uA.A5. ;.u nu.u gun.` AV.LLu .;..u...; AA :double-crossed Messrs. Webb and! `Reynolds in what was to have been .a very interesting arrangement. Had pm. Allan dropped out, as he is a11eg-l ged to have promised to, Mr. Webb was ito have been reeve and Mr. Reynolds {deputy-reeve by aeclamatien, to save lthe township the expense of an elec- I n...-. H IFour Hours of Oratory ' Entertain Overowing Crowd. ! ` Not in many years has such wide- spread interest been shown in Innis- l township nominations as was evi- denced last Monday. The Orange Hall at Churchill was crowded to overow- Iing with ratepayers anxious to hear the proceedings. An interesting time was expected and the crowd was not disappointed. for there were nearly four hours of oratory, featured by many warm exchanges. charges and counter charges. Even after the Na-{ Xtional Anthem had been sung the} [crowd remained to talk things over. ~ There will `be a three-cornered ght 4--.. LL- .__-_._.1-:.. rru-- ............A. i `Mahy Warm Exchanges lat Innisfil Nominations `Three-Cornerfeid 0 Fight For Reeveship; Four Out For Council. Angora and Chinchilla? Rabbits Also to be 1 Featured. E | ua\.ru.u.. 4:4 ....-.D ..---. icrowd I `for the reeveship. The present reeve.l G. C. Allan, is in the eld, as is Al- .frec1 Webb, deputy-reeve in 1928, and IH. S. Reynolds, former deputy-reeve. Councillor Fred Peacock gets the de- gputy-reeveship by acclamation and `there are four candidates for the three I icouncilrnanic seats. These are: Geo. iA. Martin, C. W. Henry, Frank Beat- I l ty and Arlie Green. "Finn new-n n`r An 1")O nu:-I v\v-nninnc l nu; .1. ; But the plans went awry. Reeve` `Allan admitted making some kind ofl tentative agreement with Messrs! Webb and Reynolds, with strings at- tached. The reeve said his stipulated provisions had not been carried out and that he had decided to hoe his own row." I n-11-- ._L:_.. _ 15...! CI...........:...-... 6:... Iuvvan I.\.IIVc The action of Road Supervisor Sin-i clair in spending $466 on the 5th line} (Cochrane) road, came in for strong condeinnation. It was admitted that the road wa`a "good piece of work and! that the money had been advisedlyl spent. However, the road supervisor: had done the work on the say-so of Councillor Peacock, it was alleged, and unknown to Reeve Allan. , This has `been the cause of much of the trouble. Mr. Allan said that if he was reeve he was going to be such in fact. Mr. Sinclair said he had not yet attempt- ed to exert even a small portion of the authority given him by provincial statute and that he had been made 1'. rubber stamp" by previous councils. . 1 \ I HATCHER WAS PAID $200}: T9 SURRENDER CONTRACT . vv A \l L.I\IA\n\\ `ax,-v -----w The 1928 Water and Light Com-} mission held its nal meeting last Friday. The proceedings were veryi `brief . nothing being done apart from" iapproving of the minutes of the pre-t vious meeting. Included in these was` a motion to pay H. R. Hatcher the! sum of $200 to surrender his contract and to reengage John Hare as Super- . intendent at a salary of $2,300 a year. 3 The three commissioners. J. H. Ben- nett, retiring chairman. Frank Jae}-;-` son and Mayor Mccuaig were pre-I sent. There were no valedictory ad-} dresses or comment of any kind what- soever. 1 (Turn to page twelve, please) vasm. WUNCEL 3 GET AccLA1m'rm - .. I Unopposed :01` second term as Reeve- of Vespra Township. Not Much Criticism '1`-heir Regime Hr3:n'd at Nominations. ! Vespra Council has been 1'e`.urnc-:1 for 1929. Many names vsere oflssrrccl hi the nomin:1tions on Momlajr bui when - `the nal results vvere :a.11neunced U103. showed that an acclamation had been given the following: Ree`~Je--Jame<. Doran. Deputy-Reeve-Albert Ford. Council1oi's-Rov N. Hiekling. W211- ter Downey and Daniel McLean. - .1 ,1,,___ : tion. Already enquiries have been receiv- ed from exhibitors in Aurora. Bramp- ton. Milton, Orillia, Midland, Coiling- wood and, of course, places adjacent to Barrie. Entries started to come in two weeks ago. Twelve fine silver` trophies are at stake in addition to; the prize money. The trophies will be on exhibition in I-Iurlburt's Shoe store window next week. The Eckardt Trophy A new feature this year is the com- petition for the Eckardt Trophy, donated by A. J. H. Eckardt. of Tor- onto. It consists of a two-piece silver dessert set, gold lined, for the person winning the greatest number of points. The association here has chosen Bar-i red Rocks to govern this year's com- petition, This competition is to be perpetual. York, Duerin, Simcoe and Feel county exhibitors are eligible and the competition is to be repeated and rotated, one county each year. Will Hold Banquet On Wednesday night the Associa- tion is holding a banquet in the Arm- ouries at 7 p.m. Invitations are being sent out to members of parliament, W. A. Boys, 0. E. Wright, to Hon. E. n n........ 1:: ur Wndp, director of the There was not a large attendance in the township hall, Midhurst, when Wm. E. Brown, as chairman, callei upon the nominees for their views. Things ran along pretty smoothly, there not being much criticism of- -- .4._ ~n_...... ......;.u.mA fhn `roar : LBICU. Reeve Doran reviewed the year's l work, dealing more especially with county affairs. Deputy-Reeve Ford I explained the establishment of the T}; I forestry plot in which 15,000 trees had 1.--... ..1.....+,.A kn Hnn (`1nv f T-Tp also IOTBSLI'_Y [JIUU Lu wuzpu l.u,uuu u...\,., ....... `been planted by the Govt. He also dealt with Colonization Roads. par- ticularly in the Grenfel section. The three councillors gave a good account of their stewardshi;., paying special at- tention to roads expenditures in their respective divisions. Ale-::. H. Wilson was the chief critic of the Doran administration and h: did not find any very serious fauh with affairs. He announced that it 'w;s his positive intention to run for lreeve in 1930 and make another bio `Es-1' the wardensliip- ' 1 Other nominees spoke b:'ief1:.'. _ Those Nominated ' FOR REEVE r~x_,, 1'1 cu-v ... - c1m_;;. Ha-r Alex. Ii". Wilson. by }i11g"n Bif.jg.i and W. H. Mayes. James Duran. by Chas. Wz1Lti0 rm ' Geo. E. Mason. " Chas. I-Ia'.`ris, by Geo. E. Z`vI;':<;o11 an -|c. F. Wattie. '1 Gxmlt Knapp, by Chits. \>Vr.:!i.- :19. - V-u -u;.4..4 v 4:4 2:13 P. Wattie. by Pat. Ka\'?118fi `.0 Daxis. I ,J;.:ncs Spence. ; FOR DEPUTY-REEVE 3 Albert Ford. by W. Hm`-.'.a.7.'c1 nut` l'v'v`. W. Scott. Roy N. Hickling. by Clzus. }Ia:':'i: and Chas. VVa`.tie. V Walter Downey. by Geo. E. Zxlason `and Chas. Harris. Danie] McLean, by Chas. VVat".ie and lGeo. E. Mason. `adv .4-....n..... Vernon A. Caldwell, by A. H. Wilson and Lou. Carson. W. L. Russell, by A. H. Wilson and Lou. Carson. v.- u 1- 1 nu, v~r._.__:.. FOR COUNCILLORS Jas. A. Coutts, by Jas. Craig am`. A. A. Smith. I Daniel McLean, by Otto Davis and |Herb. Johnston. W. A. BOYS, U. Li. VV1.'15uu, vu J.J.\.na. C. Drury. R. W. Wade, director th live stock branch and to A. J. H. Eckarclt, Prof. Graham. O.A.C.. also to Mayor Mcouaig and council, the judges and the press. Presentation of trophies will be made at this event. The Rabbit Show The rabbit show is also to be aug- meniecl this year. It has been found necessary to build extra coops. An- r'orns and Chinchillas are to be fea- tured. This industry has been grow-5 ins`: steadily in Simcoe County and els:~\vl'1ere. The demand for an annual exhibition has been insistent. Com- {)if'HiiOl'l promises to be keen. , The Barrie Poultry Show of late has taken on more of a provincial-wide, status rather than that of a local' show. It will be considered a real] honor to carry off prizes offered, they igwiniz regarded as being of great com- mcrcial value to the breeder. For in- stance. the exhibitor who this year wins the Eckardt Trophy will be con- sidered to have the best Barred Rocks in a wide area. The same applies to: other divisions. ] There are twenty-ve special priz- es this year and eleven miscellaneous specials. many of which are for addi- tional cash, to augment the regular prize list. As an additional incentive the Association has made a cash don- ation spread over various divisions. I n-ui.....~. nutx hnnlna nnna and n chin]:-I I I