Ill-ll; LIUAII yCl41c Th following officers were elected: President, D.` M. Coutts; Sec y.-Trea.s., Addison MacKenzie: business commit- tee, H. Halbert, R. Henry, W. Boake; Inspectors, north division. H. Halbert. W. Boake; south division, Scott Sharpe, Geo. Keast; committee to er`- range for banquet to he held in the near future, G. Reeves, E. Smith. W. Boake. Dec. 3-Mrs. Mark McMaster and Gilbgert visited Mrs. Chas. Bush, An- gus, on Sunday. .1 `J an Inna {vu Enos:-In 15-4. _'._-I_ vuuu svuo. u. ruuus U1. DCDIIUBUUI. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Greensides have been confined to their beds suffering from a severe attack of flu, but at time of writing are improving rapidly. Beef Ring Meeting The Beef Ring met at the home of the president, D. M. Coutts, on Thurs- day, Nov. 29. All the officers and most of the members were present. Every member seemed pleased with the man- ner in which the business had been transacted during the year and parti- i cularly so with the quality of the beef handled through the Ring. After all accounts were paid there was a tidy balance left in the treasury to start the next year. VF`-\ 'I\f\I1v'v\l! nO0l:uuu~ -inning -l..-&-.I. saws umvun, nun. \J. ruuuyuuxl. Mrs. Scott Sharpe spent 9. ew days this week with Mrs. McMaster at Bethesda. It.I_- I\I.l-.A un__II.I__ .._, _.,A _ And I adv VAAUUI-A91: Miss olive Mulliss spent a. few days with Mrs. D. Allan of Bethesda. 11-. Anna` ll`... 1..--.. 1~........_.n.s-- 1.-- 45 lldlulo Wm. Johnstdn has left for Dorset, Muskoka. 111-- 4--41- vu--,-- -,.,1 ;_.._ ,,. . 75 EIUQUQW Miss adie Wonch and friends of Toronto and Jack Wonch or Shanty Bay spent the week-end with their parents here. `Klan Tuna Ilhvuun In `on 14..-_&- AHA `IE1 GIIVW IIWI C0 Miss Inez Mayes is in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. G. Finlayson. Mr: Rant!-. havnn annnf .3 Cam Jana an outlaw on A VI uuvu. and Mrs. Thos. Graham of Cloverhlll spent Sunday at Herb. Wright's. Vkn nivnnhnlku A0 `Ia-In ;.`_.....-..lL.. I- qua; ow vvuv yaoovu away was I. UCDHDJ, ov. 27. Mrs. A. Ball has left for England where she will spend the winter with friends. 91!... -I_--_L_ _, 1-__ 0 L n,, - All v:'1-!l be sold wlthoutvreserve. Gala at 1 pm. W. A. Mcoonkey. Auct. Dec. 3-:1;/Es: D. M. Coutts and son James are spending a raw days with friends in Toronto. ` 11- .....1 `I... run... :~__I.-_.- _. vv 4 aguu B. The sympathy of this community is extended to the family of Mrs. Levi Mayes who passed away on Tuesday, Nov. up..- A $-11 |--_ O n. 4 ._ u HAWKESTONE _MmE.s1Nc Is!`-L1rn_=A<=*I u1jomA Goodwater, Sask., Nov. 19-The fun- eral or the late Mrs. Isabella Baycroft who died ,on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 15, at the home of her daugh- tar, Mrs. Rose White, was conducted on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Thos. _.-__._ - .___ __ -..--___--.; V. J. Alderson, a much respect- ' ed resident of Essa, passed peacefully away on November 16, 1928, at 11 a.m. with the doctor and nurse by his bedside. Mr. Alderson had not been ` in the best of health, having been ailing from heart trouble since last July, but no one thought the end was so near. Born in 1864 he came to Essa when a boy of twelve years. In 1899 he settled on a farm in Essa where he resided until his death. In 1892 `he married Miss Margaret Wil- kinson, daughter of the late John Wil- kinson. She and a daughter and two sons are left to mourn the loss of a loving husband and a kind father. The latter are Laurine of Utopia, Chi- vreil and Lawrence at home. There are two sisters, Mrs. J. Crawford and Mrs. L. Munro of Toronto. The high esteem in which he was held was evidenced by the beautiful floral tributes sent by friends. He was a Conservative in politics and in religion an Anglican, attending St. Peter s Church from the time he came to Essa until his death. He was an honest, upright man in all his dealings with his fellowmen. The funeral was largely attended despite the rough prevailing weather. A ser- vice was conducted at st. Peter s Church by his former rector, Rev. A. C. Mccallum of York Mills assisted by his rector, Rev. Mr. Knight and Rev. T. J. Dew of Bradford, a life- long friend of the deceased, all of whom spoke so highly of his charac- ter and his example which was left behind. Interment was made in Allis- ton Union cemetery. The pallbearers were T. G. McKnight, Cookstown, Jno. McKnight, Creemore, Thos. Hood, Jno. Arnold, Wm. Blanchard and Robert Addie, all of Essa. nu uuuyuwcu UL sun 1.11 auuuc. I In politics, Mr. Allan was an ardent Conservative. He believed in the prln- i ciples and policies of his party and ` stood loyally by them on all occasions. In 1918, following the lamented death of Hon. J. S. Duff, Minister of Agri- culture, he was elected as member in the Legislature for West Simcoe. At the subsequent general election in 1919 he was re-elected. In 1923 he vol- untarily withdrew being succeeded by J. E. Jamieson. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-Deering bin- der, '1-ft. cut; Frost 8.: Wood mower, nearly new; Massey-Harris seed drill; Oookshutt manure spreader; 2-furrow plow, single plow, single plow, Flury No. 18; cultivator, Frost 85 Wood; set iron harrows, set slelghs, Adams we.- gon, nearly new; cutter. combination stock rack, top buggy, nearly new; 2 acufflers, extension ladder, grain crusher, Chetham tanning mill, set scales, 2000 lbs.; set double harness, with breeching; set single harness, root pulper, 6 h.p. Olds gasoline en- gine, barn rope, slings and pulleys. also torks, chains, doubletrees and many other articles. l!l\'7QI!_YY f\ EIYTE \7fl'l'lfYI3II Ea--can cuulv uuu uccu. uuuuucu DU nib` 1101118. Mr. Allan was born in Newmarket; nearly seventy years ago and was rear-| ed in his home town. He attended the` public and high schools there and af- terward entered the University of Tor- onto. from which he was graduated in Arts. He then turned to the study or law and was graduated from osgoode Hall. Following the completion of his ' course he entered upon the practice , of his profession in Toronto and in 1896 came to Collingwood and engaged in law until a few months ago when ; he disposed of his practice. Tn nnl-{ms Inn A11...-. nu... .. .....a.._a.l`\ mimw&&mmm&mmw& l E OBITUARY g 2 %&%&*mw*wwwm%w& MRS. EMILY DARBY At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Sophia Hart, 46 Armstrong Ave., Toronto, Emily Darby, widow of the late John Darby of Barrie, died sud- denly on Dec. 3, 1928. Born in Pres- cott in 1841, deceased went to Toron- to a number of years ago, where she attended Dufferdn Street Presbyterian church. Three daughters, Miss Flor-. ence Darby, Mrs. `Doris Gaston and Mrs. Sophia Hart, and one son, Ed- mund,-surv1ve. u .__._..-.w, -nov- Collingwood lost a. foremost citizen on Thursday evening, Nov. 29, when William T. Allan, K.C., passed away. He had been 111 many months and of late had been confined to his home.` `RN10 Ann Inn lay... a... 1-r_-_.._---.I_4,L Jun; uwwsu Us Inll. The ladies of the village and com- munity gave a miscellaneous shower last Friday afternoon in the church to Miss Florida Adams. Many beautiful and useful presents were given after which a dainty lunch was served and all extended their good wishes to Miss Adams. - ] in: us: Jens. On Wednesday evening the W.M.s. held their annual meeting in the church. After the business and election of officers a fine supper was given to all the congregation of the church. The ladies of Lefroy know how to reach the heart of man. Flnn 1-4!-.. -0 1.1.. ...na__. , vvuu nu van: III: wsycuucu. The two local grain dealers are kept pretty busy these days handling the - season's crop. They say not quite as ` much grain as last year has been marketed. The prices are a little bet- ter this year. n `I'll:-Irlnctinvo Anrnuulun... LI.- vvvu-:- IWDBCLIU VFGULMII o Richard Forbgs, who is in R.V. Hos- pital, Barrie, being treated for a very 'bad case of appendicitis, is doing as well as can be expected. The tum Inna` nmu... A....1...... -..- v__..:L liargyjafron w 1` VVIIWI GI VIUIUUQ HOUSEHOLD FURNI'I`URE-Range, coal stove. wood heater. Melotte cream separator. cot, extension table, Ham- ilton incubator, quantity linoleum. III_.___._ .1 --I_ __ .4 Au; 4.. ,I aavwyavaa AVA vlcuubllltllh. Mr. Fawcett had to give up teach- ing again on account of poor health. It is hoped he may soon be able to resume teaching. `lnhev-A `DA:-has .1..- .1- a.. In Q7 -vv-_ I X`*%$*K`K4% X`$*X`$$$$ * &\ W. Corner of Tomnib spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr: I`! `D .1uI'>.1-.-........... a- 1.. an uA5\-nun vuw ynncuvna LUUA. ` Mrs. C. P. ;1VR:Lennan is in R.V.M Hospital for treatment. 4 ll`: `III--.u...bL 1....` .n._ ..a___ ___, L where we are equipped better than ever to at- tend to all your wants in the line of WILLIAM JOSEPH ALDERSON M_U].CASTER sr. MRS. ISABELLA BAYCROFT l'5_L'-jfi"l'lV"'(-3 AND EEATINQ iiif D mam s71'3E:'x' Altln-fMP'LEMEN'1`S` AND novsxmonn armors -rut name EXAMINER W. T. ALLAN, K.C. Pl:on`e I80 32 1-Wotable fatures are gasoline pump instead of vacuum tank nun: cuuxuuuceu I! seen one 01 `CD2 i most important develo ments in re- cent motor histo - e production t a werful an attractive six in the ow price range hitherto oc- cupied exclusively b fours. Among the seven new mo els offered are the coach and sport cabriolet seen above tofether with the fully en- closed va ve-in-head motor. This motor develops 46 horse- ower-32 per cent more than its our-cylinder redecessor. -The fac- tory states t at speed has been stepped up to satisfy maximum requirements, vv BVUUUILLJALUIAGUG ULACILL. The deceased came West twenty- five years ago and made her home with her family. She lived her life in a sincere christian manner, being a members of the Presbyterian church until union was effected when she; became a member of the United church. She took particular interest in missionary work and was a. life member of the Women s Missionary Society. Gian `I nnnn An J-A chanting: 1.-.. 1...... A..- Bray. The funeral `was attended by a large number of sympathlzing friends, the capacity of the community hall in Goodwater being taxed to its limit to accommodate them. 1 ff'I'l-U. A .... ..-.1 --..-- IIv-_L L- - IUULU v_y . She leaves to mourn her loss, one. yum unu- CATTLE--Black cow, 4 yrs.. calf at 1001;; Durham cow, 4 yrs.. due Jan. 10; Durhamcow, 5 yrs., milking, due May 20; Hereford cow. 8 yrs., due Mar. 1: Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs., due Feb. 28; Holstein heifer. 3 yrs., clue June 11: Holstein cow, 7 yrs., due March 16. / lI'V'vII!IF| l\_.1!_._J ____ _. A feed, adjustable driver's seat, water temperature gauge on dash, and special accelerating pump which operates when the accelera- tor is depressed. \.lLAU- The pallbearers were Geo. Culham, J. H. McManus, A. Woodwork, John ; Thompson, J. T. Pepper, M. Ledding- `ham. Banks of flowers and a large l 1 cortege bore testimony to the high es- teem in which the deceased was held. The fr-inn.-In 4`.-nw-. l\ .1:..4....._- ._.1-_ ` vuunnt u; vvsuuu vur: ucucuacu W215 11310. ` The friends from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs. John A. Cotton, Killam, Miss Maud Bell, "son, Thomas Baycroft of Goodwa.ter,5 and three daughters, Mrs. John A. I Cotton, Killam, Alta., Mrs. Rose White and Mrs. Harold Thackeray of Good- water; also three sisters, Miss Martha Bell of Barrie, Ont., Mrs. Annie Wal- lace and Miss Maud Bell of Elmvale, Ont. annotincement of the car reveals that Chevrolet engineer! began four years ago the research work, planning and proving ground testing which culminated in the new car. More than 100 different motors are said to have been builj and tested. 1.1. yuu uavt: a'uu1eLun1g to Sell; don t expect people to know about it without telling. The cheapest and easiest way to tell the town and district about it is through The Examiner Classifieds. ! Elmvale, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hicks, La Fleshe, Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw and? daughter, Assinaboia, Mr. and Mrs.- Robt. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. George` Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. Tomkins, Mr.- and Mrs. Summers of Weyburn, Mr.- and Mrs. John Thompson and Mr and Mrs. R. H. Stinson of Meyronne.~ Robt. Stinson, Lyleton, Man. If you have something to sell; 011,1`. nvnnnf `nonrn O-A bnnuv n1xnn+ unouum auuul. IL 1S "}s'iiia:'pll '6;.3}5"'evE;E" "Ewe lambs; Oxford ram; number or hens. Thursday, December 8, 1923 The following: I-IORSES-Bay horse, 10 yrs. old; bay mare, 11 yrs., supposed in foal; brown mare, 9 yrs. old; bay mare, 9. yrs. old. !'!A'l'"'FT.'_`l2Innl.r nnny 4. Int: na1f oi-I The undersigned has received instruc- tions from 3; 1:. IA. MALc61ii s6"'ii ciommittee gre ggiting together' this week to arrange for the United Sunday School Christmas treat. VI UDDVDc Terms of Sa1e-Fow1, feed, grain. apples, and all sums of $10 and un- der, cash; over that amount 11 months credit will be given to parties furnish- ing approved joint notes. 5% or: for cash. _Sa.1e at 12.30 pm. sharp. IV_--- A Bllllalllllilp $V&LDn Wblan \Jlll JllVlln Miss G. Brown and J. Brown of Tor- onto visited with Mrs. Fred Brown, Sunday. fhulfn n nnvnknw nl-Onnrln Ivvnwll a number attended Ewart Bums sale last Tuesday. ,, L. .,_;I_ _-. . : To Messrs. Doyles many policyholders we will give care- ful attentio_n. Shpuld losses occur, kindly notify us prompt-~ Iy. Our office ml! be at`your service. - Dec. 8-Mrs: `Robson and grandson of Crown Hill are visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Campbelll IN-a (1 Ev-nuns and ,7 `RI-nnyn nf H"nII- __-w___ __-. FARM srocx AND` TMPLEKIENTS i .. - -... - u can AIHIHVVIVIUVII We have sold to A. F. A. Malcomson our entire Insur- ance business, including Fire and Automobile, and would solicit for him the patronage you have favored us with in the past. (Sd.) G. FRANK DOYLE & SQN (Per . F. D.) 15:: ll: ` r -~--- wu- vi?!-:b'i~1EsDAv, DEE. Yb cHARL'E's" i`1i)M3LY At Lot 2, Con. 10, Inniafil in an Inn rulkn nnnilnn An vvnun (ll Vlblli, Q uua. sldlll U555: I-IARNESS--Set double team har- ness. set single harness, set farm har- ness, new. IIBATIT Ax!!! mama noun 1.... --A._ rxiii BEEi\?1EEi2"i4 DOYLE INSURANCE Busmass SOLD` 'rq`.5`._13.5.A1v;,A_1.coMsoN] kflivn n VVI III` IZI` Lot 18, Con. 10, Essa to sell by public auction on IIIl'll`Il'Isl nun cu-IA 4` I` 1!!` 1. &\IIIO IV, IIIIIIUII to sell by public auction on Iuim 1 _I Iuiiin--QII3 4 A _AUCTl_ON SALE - --.4--- _-- ---:- ---- CREDIT SALE Q14 nuts A non` -u-`Q un- N'i`i:R ` 1 `A H9l_..LY , , _ - `. ...... ---ut- A. Grose, Auctioneer] -AMVU VTT TV Anvau, nu w a GRAIN AND FEED--200 bus. oats, 500 bus. turnips, 10 tons mixed hay, clover and alfalfa, 3 barrels apples. unrvamvvnv 1-\ -I-av-nu nvounuo--- .. Llu|Ul"9UlIc `rake notice further that a list or the said lands is being published in the Ontario Gazette in its issue! of September 16th, 22nd and 29th, and October 6th, 1928, and that said list is posted up in my office, oop- iesuot which may be had on appli- oa on. A. W. BMl.'l.`.. . I 87-Mb '1`:-ouurer '._l`own 0! Battle TREASURI-ZR S SALE of LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by virtue of a warrant from the May- or or the Town of Barrie. in the Province of Ontario, under his hand. with the seal of the Corporation of the said Town attached thereto. bearing date the tenth day of Sen-` tember AD. 1928, and to me direct- ed, tor the collection of arrears of taxes on the under-mentioned lands. That unless sooner paid, I shall, on the nineteenth day of December A.D. 1023, at the hour of ten o'clock in the torenoon, in the Council Gham-ber, lluiniclyal Building. in the said Town of Barrie. in the County of simcoe and Province of Ontario, proceed to sell by `public auction thg said lands or so much thereof as may be sufficient to dis- charge such arrears and charges thereon. `Bab- -gel..- O.._ss-.. 4.3-4. - u-.n. -0 "J')';.;o:d at same um mu: an of September, 1923. A Xilfli V vacant) UUII DO The councilman for 1929 are: mayor, E. J. Lambert; reeve, W. Hawkins; councillors, F. Campbell, B. Cheesman, J. Clark, H. Lucas, T. Brlstow, C. Clocklln. I I-gt`-lden spent the week-end at Elmvale with the formers sister, Mrs. Earl Conn. __ --_- - -v-Ivvv-, .1-cw! -swan Iuvanoov -1\-In`. and Mrs. Chas. McEachern 61. Toronto spent the week-end at Jas. Johnston's. fI1I__ -_._.._lC..____ A... 141:; -._., , mrs. J. E. Doner is visiting friends at Bradford. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Bethune left last week in Florida. `nth-n A.....I.. in--11--I.I. -1 -n-..-__;_ _.,-._; um-`Iv WGUA an cl.` JUL lull" Miss Annie McNabb of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents. Int- -._.1 In... ;I___ cs, ,1 n v..- . ----- ------- -- --vow av`-I;-nvvn HOUSEHOLD FURNI'I`URE-Oream separator, De Laval; churn, Daisy; washing machine, cook stove, Treas- ure: heating stove. Quebec: dining room suite, 6 kitchen chairs. sliding bed couch, 2 rocking chairs, upholster- ed in leather; 2 bedroom suites, 2 mat- tresses. lnnnan at (1-1- v!I____I p,,- __..- -- ---v----w-u-g u Mrs. J. T. Bowman spent last week in Toronto visiting the lat- ter! brothers. Dan. and Peter Flem- ng. RIO`: 7 II 1'\:u-nu. lo. --l..lLl.._ l..l-...I_ `A. Dec. 8-1vI1s_s-9; -E3o-1;1`a. and Jean Campbell spent a. few days in Toronto last week. T -I..I_L_._ Fl--- -----4L 1'4 - - - dDU VVUURI Leighton Ross spent the week-and with friends at Thombury. II_ ....I II... C as -u-., 139 0 Mr. "End Mrs. Thos. McKnight and Robert McKnight motored from Tor- onto and spent Sunday with Jas. Mc- Knight, `Sr. V7 IIIUWC i' all I Miss Lila. Clark of Everett has re- turned home after 9. week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gauley. IA : and `lung Ink-.. Ir--nv..n..|.a. -.._n -----;, ---- g--..-urn-voovu oovnvo Oiden I-Iaugh and Howard Gauley have returned home after a. week with Toronto friends and attending the Winter Fair. Inn-.. -ru- :u_._n_ -: -_---.-LL -- Wie school teacher, Miss Oareroot, is busily engaged in training the child- ren ror 9. Christmas concert. i _ H1\_/11;; Aibevrioi 1l\'/.iI;:-I:I.111;;1-tr?)-r"Toronto is visiting her grandparents here. 314... Inc. __ __ .._- -.. .....,- __-- _--v---v All `those who had the privilege oi attending the anniversary service` in the Baptist church on Sunday. will not soon forget the inspiring messag- es delivered by Professor M. L. Or- chard ot McMaster University on that occasion. Among other things his vivid portrayal of life in India, where he spent six years, made it very real, showing the great need of that be- nighted land and also revealing how little we have done to alleviate the sur- fering and privations oi the natives, especially those of the women and ' children. Mr. MacBean of Toronto was the vocalist of the occasion and sang at both services in his usual good style. Student Pastor E. Smith. had charge of the services. Ideal weather pre- vailed making it a pleasant trip for 1 those coming from Toronto. Dec. 3-Mr. and Wesley Rud- dlck motored to Toronto on Wednes- day last. `,1! and Ilsa: miilnnnin n-._-A. LL- ..---I_ uauvunu, caucus, 0 J13. uxu. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.-Binder, 7-ft. cut. Frost & Wood: mower, 51,5-ft., Frost 85 Wood, nearly new; seed drill, International, 13 disc, nearly new; seed drill, 12-hoe; manure spreader, sulky rake, walking plow, Fleury, No. 21: 2-furrow Cockshutt plow, set drag narrows, 18-bull; root scuffler, top buggy, set scales, 2000 lbs., hay rock. out trailer, nearly new, wagon, set sloop slelghs, nearly new: cutter, root pulper, stock rack, 2 sets doubletrees, rakes. hoes, forks, chains and many other articles, 2 doz. grain bags. 1-TA'P.\T`.__.Qn!' Rankin 6-any-an Inna Hut; nun: vs Mr. and Mrs. Turner spent the week- end in Toronto. !\-..l_I _...I III: uvIAI____ 1-, - - VI-Iii Ill CULUIIVUQ David and Eli Wilson have sold their farm to Mr. Kearnen of Mans- field. IIIL- __I.--I L-__I_ _-_ an! n- - in Arrears for Taxes in Town of Barrie mggia Farrier has moved into E. Fer- r1er's house. If... `H R---..L- 1- _..--`AI.-- _ _-.- 5 IV` D IIUVAUUI Mrs. E. Quantz is spending a. cou- ple of days _in Toronto. LII -41, , - -- A U.-llil E UIULII Mr. and Mrs. Walter I-Illden of Tor- onto visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rufrett. II..- A fflunnglginuu In -nlnlluluu-- `gnu VV `III `VUIIIWVUI Mrs. A. Trombley is visiting her daughter in Toronto. nal-F "IQ'Q `Inn vvu-H151` `villa KI: stain IIWKOIIUWI III In VI VLIVVI Scott Milne has moved into his new house. nouns` Eh.-ulna. I.-`an ...-un-A I-`L- HI III-.. Dec. R. ZFoiribes in Barrie Hospital, having undergone a. serious operation. `IE0: and Ilsa Iffalnu 'L'"hIIAn AC Tar- Plj!ONE 447W 41 Dunlop St., Barrio The following: HORSES--Roan mare, 10 yrs. old; brown horse, aged; bay gelding. 4 yrs. old. G.P.: bay gelding, 5 yrs. old, G.P.; brown gelding, 8 yrs. old, G..P.: srey home, 8 yrs. old, heavy; chestnut mare. 7 years old, G.P. `IJIHIIG AKYTW 'II\1IY1' 'l3.u.-.l mg... Eu: EWARTT _T*Y?"FR i am}? Serve the 109.! or hamburg steak in a border of fried onions and green nnnrmsvc \ - Vl-I 90 VI 0 I1: NIH` DUII weeks with her mother. a noun nun] n a Mr. and Mrs. W. D. scythes and family and A. L. Moran spent tho week-end in Toronto. u Edwin Richardson is spending some holidays at his home here before going to Toronto. L. Carson is visiting with friends in `Raj-win - IV l`L\-Iflllrurl. lll WU: u "ie Ladies Aid 3: the United Church held a successful bazaar last Friday. Many articles, both useful and fancy, were on sale for the Christmas shoppers, 9. goat! crowd or which were an hand . Mrs. L. Carson andvson Clarence at- tended the funeral of the farmers cousin, Wm. Martin, or Penetang. last Thm-ndnv, guuug uuu ucv. uusuuauuu 5. Mrs. C. W. Parker and Percy Drake both had their tonsils removed in the R. V. Hospital last week. Thu f.nA`au9 [HA -0 $1.- 9v_n.-.1 I J 9531 53 V59 %U 9` I HOGS AND FOWL -- Brood sow. 9 pigs, 7 weeks old; 7 pigs, 125 lbs. each; 15 pigs. 3 months old; 40 Bar- red Rock hens; 3 turkeys; 3 geese. SI-IEEP--18 ewes, all young. CATTLE--Br1nd1e cow, '7 yrs.. due Dec. 25; Hereford cow, 6 yrs., due Apr. 15; roan cow, 4 yrs., due June 10; black cow. 5 yrs., due by sale; red cow, 6 yrs.. calf at foot; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., in calf: 3 heifers, 2 yrs. old; 3 calves; steer, 2 yrs. old. 7\IDY."f|l'RY'1"G `"T1I"l D`Inn'nn I! ll. vu VII Ann. umuu. ANAL): .l.'IiI1UVVb) I-WSU WEED; Roy Reid and Mr. Cope of Detroit motored over for a couple of days last week and were guests of M;'. and Mrs. Reid, Alf. Rouse returning to Detroit with them to visit his son Roy for a few days.` Dec. 4--Mrs.Geo.`.;oIZ1x:ston, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Downey and Cyril White spent a few days in Toronto last week. I `I !'\uInIAnnu-I In In I111.-...._&-nu 11-..---` nycuv u `cw uaoya Ill Luluuuu ANSI: WUU5. J. W. Orchard is in Toronto General Hospital taking treatment. `luhs and `Ir; '|:sn.......w..a rn.......s..1- -a ssvuyavun ucuuu ucnuucuu. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Teasdale of Aurora were Sunday visitors at J. Young's and Geo. Johnston's. ' `Ilsa (V 1!? `an!-nu Ann; 11...... u\_-I_- vv Ava III vuuylw UL uayo IUIDU WUUl\o Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peel. and fam- ily and Chas. Hartley of Lindsay call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Fellows last week. 13... 15.1.: ....A 11!. 1-1-..- -1 I\-A..._.IL LV&& I}: L MBUICJ I Elmer O'Brien of Colllngwood was home over Sunday. Mrs. E. Farewell of Toronto spent a` few days with Mrs. Art. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Stone motored to Toron- to for a couple of days last week. `IV! and Eva ffknn Dndl and Conn, vaavv vvuu nnunnuu uvuh In-AU wucn-Gnu. ,Mrs. Norman McLeod of Orillia spent a week with Mrs. J. R. Leigh. 'I\'rn '|\/I'nl-A131? Inna nrnna I-n `I7'Iv\:-larua iv} VLIF VVJLLUWI Charlie Golland motored to Tor- onto for a few days last week. `turn and fun In 7 no-n-c-.. L....I. vnovv AVA Ill svvv \-IGJD JOIDII Wlilihn Mr. and Mrs. W. J. O'Brien took in the Winter Fair, Toronto. Ema 'D1nnlr has AI-nunnnd `Qua.-`A rn-.. can walk VI Aaluul. J-' AL , A UL Ul1|IU- Mrs. Black has returned from Tor- onto where she spent 9. few days with Mrs. Pugsley. mlm-u f'\"Dvv'Inv-I AF f"n1'IIv-u-ucwynn:-I Ivvnn The unders1gned ha;s"i'ce1ved instruc- tions from wuuvu, auvsu suuw uuu W. U. UUIU. There will be a special meeting of I the Community Club on Tuesday even- . ing Dec. 11. The officers request that _a full attendance be present to discuss , business and pleasure in connection with the winter's entertainment.- ` Clarence Arnold, Pres.; D. J. Miller, Sec'y. (advt.) p The W.A. of "the Anglican church held a very interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ellis on Tuesday evening, Nov. 27. The Vice-President presided and the Rev. F`. V. Abbott read and explained a portion of scrip- ture. Mrs. D. J. Miller gave a very j instructive missionary reading from . the study book. The next meeting, for, . the election of officers, will be held 3 the latter part of December when Mrs. W. Miller will take the bible reading ` and Mrs. J. H. Mccann the missionary 1 reading. At the close of the meeting 1 the hostess served refreshments. Dec. 3-Miss fxelsea Fellows of Tor- onto was home over the week-end. 1:..- \`I'........... In--7 _...1 -5 1-\...nI.|- -vgavaua ll vyvuxh VVAUAI 1.11:0. II: LV. ucaano Mrs..Metca1f has gone to Windsor for the winter INI._..'l.l- I~-I1__- .1 ..,,_L____.1 L. on... The annual Beer Ring meeting was held on Friday evening. Following a profitable, practical discussion of ways to improve the organization the to!- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Pres., Wm. I-Iigginson; Sec y., D. J. Miller: Inspectors. Thoe. Smith. David Maw and W. J. Cole. 'I"I-earn urn! Inn n again! .....&.I.... -1 V`lUo LVUUWLU Iu Jack Ellis and W. J. Dempster are busy winding up the season's teed cut- ting. TEA l\I'ID`II' Ban. I38.`-_ ..._-L.l.... _.__ avnauo Hanan ;u.\uu.noucI., xuau W665. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Gibson, Bax- ter, spent Sunday at Wilfred McMa.s- ter s. ID-..._.|__ In-11-I-.. ,_,, , I - ---- Una Us Maurice Miller was home from Allis- ton over the week-end. `l'\.-.nl4l a4..........|. -49 A--__..|___ 1- __,-,, ,I vvu UVUL uuc wccu-cuu. David Stewart of Avening is spend- ing a couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs. Robert Ellis. ?--I- EIIIJ- _...I III C -u____-_;.-,_ , gun, van nauuuuqn J. H. ,'Bell was in Barrie last week attending County Council. MFE `Xnnrlnanvn ulnll-AA `nan. ..l-A.-.. uuvwnuuag vu uu uy vuuuuu. Mrs. Wilkinson visited her sister, Mrs. Mark McMa.ster, last week. Rh nn 1UI a 1l1n|..-...a- man--- an--. ,..-_..- __--_....-_-, _._._._--_-, --..--..'...-_ Terms or Bale-A1l sums of $10 and under. cash: over that amount 11 months credit will be given to parties Iurnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum on for cash on credit sums. `II ....III I__ __IA ....ILI`-..L .._..___.-