Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1928, p. 2

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`ASK TO BE PLACED .,0N..C!Vn- 5.FRV1.CE,.'-`ST `CD1 T` V `K fI\ V IYI-I 511% I No action was taken by `County Council last week on the request of the Ontario Gaolers Associa- tion that gaolers and gaol em- ployees be placed on the civil ser- vice list of the province. The re-. ovum: vLvJdLLuu, vuyvulan \IL vAa.v vvuuea. I other toasts were: The Winning Team, proposed by Rev. J. S. Shortt, ' with response by Neil McBride; The1 Boys Council, introduced by Allan] Scott, and replied to by Mayor Ward! Cole; "The Boys Parliament, pro-! posed by Ross Turnbull and responded to by Doug. Smith and Art. McLean; The Ladies, spoken to by John Mor- 1-{gnu I `Neil McBride, captain of the team. | IN?`-last I-Anni-5 uvnnu `"'T`ko TXY LADIES SMART LADIES BLACK SAND GOLOSHES GOLOSHES Sale Price $2.49 Sale Price $1.98 Heavy sole. Sizes 11 to 13 Sale Price . . . . . $1.69 Men's Penman s Fleece Lined Combinations heavy. Special . $1.50 MEN S HEAVY CAPS with ear laps, new shades In the Basement 98 CHlLDREN S RUBBERS Sizes 4_t0 10}/2 - Sale Price . . . . .. 65 H. A. Livingstone, Shelburne, asked $2.00 for damage to his car and, $1.00 for washing it. as a result of an ex- perience in a bad road opposite Lang- ford's farm, near Elmvale. Council could not see that he had any claim. Debentures Guaranteed The necessary bylaw guaranteeing debentures of the Township of Tecum- aeth of the extent of $39,375. money to be used for drainage purposes, was passed. Debentures of the village of I I. II Office and: Yards Victoria *St. and Railway. W. C. Boadway, Prop. Chas. Grahm Barrie Fuael. m%S}p:ly%?C'{. BOYS BUCKLE GOLOSHES Sale . . . . $2.35 Men s Heavy Cotton- ade Pants and Overalls Sale Price . . . . . $1.25 LADIES MITTS AND GLOVES . A full table. In the Basement . . 25c Children s and Ladies . UNDERWEAR In the Basement Extra Special . . 35c 35 LADIES- SILK DRESSES TO CLEAR A real dress . .. $6.95 I We think it would be in the inn terests of all parties that gaol of- lficials `be placed.` on the Civil Ser- [vi-ce list and we wish to secure the `support of the different county councils, said a communication, the same as many other govern- ment officials, in the. interests of lefficiency and good management. III`, , 1 9 , _, . _ _ _ . _ . _ _-., -~-__ - - -----v.---__-_-. The object, in asking that nec- essary legislation be passed, as set out in'the resolution, is that perm anent officers of Ontario s gaols when obliged to retire from office either through old age or disabil-v ity will be eligible to receive an annual superannuation allowance. No action was taken by council on ,the request. solution, which was tabled, read: 111 .1 Thursday; Docombor 0, "192! delivered at your door for $7.50 a load and you will nd it the best re wood you have ever used. Kindling, best cedar, $5.00 load. Stock up -now with our wood fuel and: you won't run short during` the winter. Q `A3518 V39 Nviglxs 3::-cl Holiday; 313 .`.?'*.`1-': 1_ _h99e 999 Here's Your Wood . _.--_ -"nan. `Chas. Gr;`l.1Ja.m, Supt. ...-_ Li'rFi??5`1z_r .au7n. A max MACLAREN. F LETCHER 5; Co. Robert Synhcir Fletcher. (...:m'don G. MacLaren; CCWSLPORATIONT BONDS b _ is-~+<`STMEN1' ABANKERS 7o4' Lamaman Pacific? -Building, l'oronto.T GOVERNMENT MUNICIPAL ~ C(,T;m>uHn`PONDEN(?E SOLICITED A N ["3 Colriwater for $32,000, to pay tor pav- -ing, were also guaranteed. ` V - ` Industrial schools accounts amount- L mg $1860.50 were -ordered paid`. _` , L .1 APR L- a\._nu-'I-III. _..... con; -- v--~-._- Paymentor w'3.s ` ordered, this being halt the cost or keeping and nursing a. poor woman in 9. private home, Thnsrwla "I"n nine vntnri 111 u yuvuw uuuw, , . Vespra 'Ifp. was voted, $50, being the school tax on reforested lands at Anten Mills. 1111...-.. 1.. .. 0.... A0 $9 an nan rah:-I AHUCH .lV.|.lLl. . There is a fee of $3.50 per child to be paid by those adopting children from the Shelter. Council authorized Inspector Justice to include such fees in his expenses and the clerk was in- structed to write the Provincial Secre- tary's Dept. asking that the Act be a- mended so that the collection of the fee is not necessary. An account of Dr. P. R. Kaiser of Tottenham for attend- ance upon Geo. B. Clark was laid over until January for enquiry. ,,-L 1:-.- --..J._:..' .....-..l._... vuovoa vwo-an-.9 ..-- ----`--_,. _Ori11ia's request for certain peving extensions was left over until next session for further consideration. Snow Fences, Penetang Road On motion of Couns. Crawford and Drennan, the Road Committee was in- structed to have snow fences placed in certain places on road No. 4 (Pen- etang Road). ` ' Annnnnl-Q uvnrn nnccn RE fnnmn' I Ulvll nuuuh Accounts were passed as follows: Boys & Boys, county sollcltors, $399.- 02; W. D. Mlnnikln, $100 (out; of $107) for double funeral; R. E. Simpson, $20, and G. W. Allison, for funerals of in- dlgents, half of these to be charged | back to municipalities interested. . -__ LI. _ ...III.I - nunvou -1-. ...-....-...`..._~..... ---___, No actionwas taken on the Zbrillia, `Board of Trade resolution asking a E change of date in Toronto Exhibition. ,_,-_ L_v._... ._ 1.1.- _-.._ l v--.~.-U.. -- -.---- _-- ----_._ No action was taken on the com- [ plalnt of Donald F. MacLaren. for his clients, the Wm. Sage Estate, regard- ing obstructions placed between cer- tain lots at Wasaga Beach and the water. 111 m n...-a..1.. m......-...+.. ....1....a mnnn D4061 W. F. Daniels, Toronto. asked $1000 damages for complete destruction of his auto and injuries to himself and others with him when his car was wrecked on a bridge south of Newton Robinson. The indemnity company in- vestigated the matter and reported that the county was not liable. Rig'ht of Way. 66 Feet _Robt. C. Muir, Chief Engineer of the Dept. of Highways, advised Council that on county provincial highways Lright-oi -way there must be 66 feet between fences and instructed them to obtain additional land to widen those that are less than 66 feet. He stated that no rebate might be expect- ed from the government on highways less than 66 feet wide. Council ordered the letter filed. A resolution was adopted congrat- ulating W. L. Hamilton of Collingwood on his remarkable success with his 1 apple exhibits at the Winter Fair. _ r`--- -.-_--....-.. ..- .------ _-.__ Suggested inmrovenients to Cole- man bridge, Nottawasaga, were laid ;over till January. I :1-.. A1`nu man kn mua mm-I am. .....A_ VUL VIII UCNLIWGULJ I G 0. Allen will be paid $27 for care- RESCUE or-' NANCY 1>mAsEn__AnMmAL Lojrd `dellicoe Compliments Committee, Says An- .4 nua1`Report. ' In` his report on the activities of the Nancy Committee, Dr. Ar- thur, chairman, records that `a press.-report of last August's re- covery celebration was sent to Lord a friend of his in Guelph. Part of his comment was: ``I am glad to hear of efforts such as the one referred to, which tend to breed patriotism and (`esprit de Empire ` in young minds. 'I"1nn vnnnvf grille {$11911 the lsmplre" In young ,uuuu:s. The report adds that .it is the intention of the committee to hold! another celebration on Aug- ust 14. 1929, conferring the name Nancy on the island on which she is new housed. 14`-In-an Tnv-n1'nann nv_M D n(1.. sne ls now nuuseu. Edgar Jamieson, ex~M.P.. ad- dressed `Council on Thursday in support of a grant. the money to be used in making a beauty spot of the island. Estimates of land- T scape gardeners, from contractors as to the building of walks, etc.. are being sought. Messrs. Boys of Barrie and Williams of Calling- wood are also to wait on the Fed- eral Govt. asking a grant. The Provincial Govt. is also to be ap- proached in the s-ame connection. . The county grant. Mr. Jamieson said. would necessarily depend on what is secured. from other sourc-G es. At the January sessions plans for the beautifying of the island will be submitted to council and perhaps the report of the com- mittee appointed to interview the * Federal Government. !'|-.-._L-. rn_..1- c<:.........-... ..J..............J rUUU1'ul LTUVCl.'1llllCllLu County Clerk Simpson stressed the point that the recovery and maintenance of the Nancy was of federal significance and that the county had so far donevmore than its share in proportion. ` Q T, qfiI\:'MI\ n-nnu:r]n1n A43 a ~nova`l- 2 .. ----- - * V?, , OUNTY COUNCIL NoT1~:s{\ Hub au`a1.'c 111 p1 upuuuuu. S. L. -Squire, president of a paint company. had o`ere.di all paint re- quired; free of cost. in recondi- tioning the Nancy and buildings on the island. JJ& J\A5Un Refuse to Pay Account Property `Committee refused to pay an account of A. G. Ardagh for $165 for preparing` plans for alterations to the jail. The crim- inal calendar was received and l- ed. as was the Grand Jury report. Plans prepared for a ling sys- tem in the County Clerk s office were also ordered led for future reference. Harness Factory Decides . - _To Locate in Orillia taking and other work at Power`s Bridge. 1) ..1.'...... L- 1).... A .....;....z. Two Grants Made Agricultural representatives of North and South Simcoe were giv- en grants of. $75 each to defray expenses of sending stock judg- ing teams to Toronto and! Guelph. A grant of $50 was made to the Trustees and Ratepayers Asso- ciation at last Thursday's meeting of the County Council. nn11nnI119Aa A4 `kn "nvuvnnL:n I\ UL nasuc. A highly complimentary resolu- tion, thanking Hon. Wm. Finlay- son for. the interest taken and work dlone in connection with the Warden s outing to the north. was unanimously passe-d. It was warm- ly applauded. A copy is to be sent the minister. H11... -_.-..4.__ -__1..:1_:L -1. u_. 111! UIIC unuuabcr. The county exhibit at the C.N. E. this year cost $169.47, of which $100 was paid to the designe-1', H. J. Holland. (1Packet & T_imes) After negotiations extending` over six months. the James M. Walsh 'Co., Limited, of Milwaukee, have decided to establish their Canadian factory in Orillia. They manufacture buckleless harness, which is sold chiefly through mail orders. At present they have a plant in rented premises in Toron- to, butthey have been on the look- out for a permanent location for some `time. After investigating a number of places, they have den- itely decidled on !Ori11ia. Repre- sentatives of the Company were in town last week and arranged for office space in the Tudhope car- riage factory, till next summer. anticipatory to the erection of their own building in the spring.` The Company will move their ma- chinery here on the expiration of their city lease. `They expect to employ 15 to 20 `men and 15 to 20 women. -YITL- .._....L2_L3-.... _.-..- ._....!.J L-- u uvcl. DU one uauuz:.L'y 56551011. The Committee on Education re- bcommen-dled a grant of 10 per cent. on principals salaries of schools where fth class work is `taught and who have the neces- sary equipment.` Printed curricu- la showing course of study, re- quested by Inspector Garvin, were end-orsed. The committee is to en- quire into the payment of a re- fund to Penetang High School for the education of county pupils and if correct will recommend payment of same. A L:..`L`l__ --.____12... ,,., - UL DIIC \JULllllt`y \./UlvlIlU11n Debentures of the `Township of Essa to the amount of $10.000 were guaranteed by council, bylaw being given the necessary read- ings. (kn 1vnI1nns`- A4` nnI1v\n:`1nun Tn 11.155. The request of councillors Le- croix and Asselin of Tiny for a grant of $400 for improving La- fontaine roadl. also the request of Councillors Fenton and Gratrix for road` construction in the vil- lage of Port Mc`Nicol1, also the re- quest for a grant equal to the dif- ference between the actual cost of paving in Goldwater were pass- ed over to the January session. `rnlnn (`nvvn-vn'I-I-An An W`Jun.-`J-lnu. .... QU WUHIULlu The negotiations were carried to a successful conclusion through the co-operation of Alderman Wells. chairman of the Industrial Committee of the Town Council. M. T. `Mulcahy, representing the Board of Trade, and R. H. Starr, the Industrial Co-mmissioner. A great deal of information had to be hunted up and placed before the company in order- to convince them that. Orillia offered the lo- cation they were seeking for. ' c B_u Advertised! Things Members of the relay road team, which defeated Midland and Orillia and won the Finlayson Trophy, were guests at a very pleasant banquet, held in the lecture room of St. An- drew's Church last Thursday night. The feature of the evening was an ad- dress by Hon. Wm. Finlayson, who also presented the Cup. Mr. Finlayson _ touched upon some of the develop- ments _ in Northern Ontario in! recent years. He also intimated that he plans to give an outing to 15 Sim- coe County boys at Temagamik next year. Over fifty sat down to the very ex- cellent srrcacl. prepared and served I by the Senior C.G.I.T. girls of St. An- drew's, assisted by some of the ladies of the congregation. Rev. J. J. Black gave the invocation. Dr. Breretoti, who was-leader of the first Tuxis group in B.m'lc. acted as toasimaster and atxr fbilm; reference to the illness of King George, called for the National An- them to open the program. All joined heartily in several choruses led by C. J. _Seitz with Edmund Hardy at the _.1-___ J. J. Marks, introducing the donor of the Trophy, said Mr. Finlayson was known _in Midland as the friend of the boys. The relay team regarded it as a high compliment that Mr. Fin- layson should come to Barrie to pre- sent the Trophy. ' u? $-14 1\I|'h-nos-ru-I I-`Innu mnrn fnlzinc 9. sens ne `J.1`upu_y. I told Midland they were taking a. big chance when they asked me if Barrie might go into the competition," remarked Mr. Finlayson. I am glad Barrie had a good enough team to win and I hope they will maintain their high/standard. He was pleased to give .. I-w-.n'Irny -I-`rm o -rdlnv rat-A hm-.n.use it council declined to cooperate with Glengarry Council in a. move to have property exemptions _abo1ished ror equalization purposes, . ` u-u-_.;.v- pu--...-n ......4. .. ....n..nnlnI nab- iioN. w. FINLAYSON` PRESENTS TROPHY mgn nu was picaocu uu 5J.vw a trophy for a relay race, because it was not a one-man affair; to win re- quires combined effort and study on the part of all. Team wins he regard- ed as more beneficial than individual victories. The speaker emphasized the value of esprit de corps and showed what a large part it plays in the suc- cess of any organization. He hoped the boys would carry the spirit into their studies and activities in church, Sun- day School and day school, into the life or the community, of the nation and or the Empire. K I-I-I......l..- Jun {Jun auskinn hf Nfnm n- 8.11.0 01 but: nuxpuc. ` Turning to the subject of New On- tario, the scene of the main opera.- tions of his department, that of Lands and Forests, Mr. Finlayson briey sketched some or the things being done. one of the big jobs his depart- ment has is to protect the forests from tire.'Dec1a.ring that since 1827. when the first government timber limit was sold, there has been more timber lost every year by fire than has been used up in the mills, Mr. Finiayson went on to tell the boys about fighting fires Banquet Given to Members) of Relay Team at St. /.nAdrew s. J Tl-ll u_AIiul I-xanunzu Success `crowned. the Grand Opehing of our New % F ootwear] Department last week BARRIE BARGAIN HOUSE Thousands walked down toour Basement and partook of the real values and super- ior quality we offered. Again we thank our friends and patrons for such_a success in the opening of our new Footwear Dept. and we promise to continue to give the Same quality and extraordinary prices that prevailed opening week. Visit 0111' FtW3" Dept. in the Basement and meet thousands of thrifty buyers. The best P1309 t0 buy your supply of Rubbers` and Goloshes. I SPECIAL VALUES THIS WEEK-END IN MEN S, LADIES , .CHILDREN S GOL- OSHES AND RUBBERS, IN FACT FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. (`:OL0'SHES .4-.. 4-buc1;1e.'Reg. $3.93` Sale Price $2.95 WQISIIOCHIUVAUIQ glue gavvv-n _ Perth Council, sent a memorial ask- ing that all bridges over 20 feet, in townships. towns and villages, whether i on designated highways or not, be` made to draw the government grant of 50 per cent. and that the 80 per . cent. grant on construction and main- tenance given to townships be made applicable to streets of towns and vil- lages. Simcoe Council could see no merit `in the proposition and turned it down. . _ u , ,__L___`_ MEN'S 4-BUCKLE` OVERSHOE Jersey} Cloth Goloshes. ' Reg. $44.00 `Q Li Sale Pric; . . . $2.95 MEN'S RUBBERS Extra heavy Speci . . . . . 95 MEN S OVERCOATS 35 new shades and styles. saie Price .... $11.95 7' 'e1lt', -I_;:<-g'.S-3_.V7'S This week . . . . $2.49 LADIES HATS A good choice. From . . . . . . $1.25 up CHRISTMAS ARTICLES _ A grand selection for every member of the family; dis played and priced attractively BARRIE BARGAIN HOUSE Tells of the North Two doors Weot Bank of Toronto. 5S. STRANSMAN Opposite Post Office MEN S HEAVY ` wo1_2_K R_UBBE.RS .A _._n "X", 3 3111111111` uuuxucx LLULAL \1a.; Y. and also from Barrie, the selec- tion to be made through certain com- petitive tests. They will put in ten days at a cabin camp with foresters to teach them Woodcraft and also to take them on canoe trips. If the plan can be worked out he hoped the ori- ginal number would form a. nucleiis of an organization that would assist in the better development of the boys or Simcoe County. AL 51... nnvu-nnlnvn nf `hie ndrnsn, 01; mmcoe uuuuuy. At the conclusion of his address,| the Minister presented the Trophy tol I in the north. In getting speedy action! in case of fire, two of the chief factors are air patrols and radio communica- tion at each base. One fire described lasted two weeks and was fought on a. 15-mile. front by 300 men.. 80 pumps were brought into play and millions of gallons pumped. All the fire-fighting equipment was carried in by planes. As an example of how planes are used in police work, he related how In- dians who had set a fire in spite were pursued by plane, captured and taken to jail; and of how a demented In- dian causing trouble at a far northem post was reached and brought out to Cochrane by aircraft. ll: 'I'.1loq1nuan nntnfn nnf. that BN1`- Uocnrane Dy u.u'U1.u.:.u. Mr. Finlayson pointed out that citi- zens of older Ontario have a respon- sibility in developing its vast hinter- -land. They must so act that the north , may continue an English speaking place. People of other tongues serve a l useful purpose but it is important that , the majority should be or British stock. Interesting features of the towns of Kapuskasing and Iroquois Falls were touched upon by the speaker. Chance for Simcoe Boys Mr. Finlayson was enthusiastically applauded when he told of a project he has in mind to give some boys from this county .9. fine outing at Lake Tem- agami. He plans to take five or six boys, 14 to 16 years, from Midland Y, a similar number from Orillia. ((1719 And o.1m\ foonnn `Darrin H11: nlnnu GIRLS GOLOSHES 4-buckle, sizes 11 to 2 Sale Price $2.49 - A. MOFFATT. Plumber and Healer sou: AGENT 1=_oR ,1-IECLA FURNACES How u III I The County Engineer was instruct- ed to investigate a complaint from Thos. E. Nixon, Victoria Harbor, re- garding alleged damages from flood- ing, with power to take proceedings under the Ditches and Watercourses Act if he deems it advisable. the very latest, in all shades. ' Sale Price . . . ar--up---__._._ Extravspecial . . $2.25 Boys BLOOMERS Governor fasteners, lin- ed, worth up to $2.00 In the Basement . 98c MEN S STORM RUBBERS Roed edge. Reg. $1.65 Special . . . . . .. $1.19 LADIES RUBBER A G_0L(_)$HES__ LADIES SATIN GOLOSHES Phone 531 RUBEERS wrm LEATHER TOPS ALSO RUBBER BOOTS A complete line at attractive prices. Filmace t/lat aves One 75 .\:.. -.::-1:; I ,.,.- L7 . in Seven Paco Twb

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