Gee. barber. Harvey Webb is home again after five weeks in Oollingwood Hospital with a. broken leg. Isaac Kinselia. of Toronto, wen known here, is the gue t 1- _ ther, Alex. Kinselle... 5 0 his hm James Davidson or New Lo 1 purchased the two-storey brim: 1,33%? . dance, at 36 'I`ii'iin St. or Jae. Wilson ; with his family has already mov. . __..w_; vi!-all" elves very much, ntend to havef social evening I1 tho nnnsu Pu- aw; cuocrbulll` Friday even-' ran cu... ...---'- ....u;vu:5 B U}! E Christmas & meeting in \d v ununsg near fu-v coon the :111t -_- . svvnva \./wvsnl . . . . . . . . . . . to $3.02) each Cashmere Scarfs, Rayon Silk`, Silk Knitted . and Wool Scarfs . . . . . $1.00 to $3.50 EVERY SCARF NEATLY BOXED The Japanese Square, the most popular Scarf this season, in every wanted col- or, . . . . . . . . . . $2.25 and $2.50 each White and Polka Silk Reefer Searfs L4 -- . . . . . . . . . . 75c, $1.00 and $2.00 pr. Silk and W001 . . . . . . 75c and $1.00 pair English Golf Hose . . $1.00 to $3.50 pair Sizes 10 to 11% EVERY PAIR BOXED A Man Cannot Have Too Many Sox Interwoven Sox, made with the shaped ankle and double wear heel and toe, silk, lisle and wool . . 75 to $1.50 pair English Brogue Sox, used with Oxfords for winter wear, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 English all wool, fancy and plain shades FIE- $1 l\l'\ I AA AA A COMFORTABLE GIFT Hatchway Combinations, No Buttons, Fall and Winter weights ` ' . . . . . . . . $3.00; $4.00 and $5.00 Suit The Celebrated Buff Line Combinations, that easy tting, buttoned underwear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 to $5.00 Suit Turnbull Cetee Combinations, the pur- est all wool garment . . . . . . $9.00 Suit I`urnbull s Shirts and Drawers, a good winter weight . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 gar. UNDERWEAR A Real Opportunity to Buy the Boy M.!`B. Um`: Lvtulnunu an vamuus um parents in London. Ont. Sidney Thomas has disposed of his cottage on Tlrfln St. to Nelson M_c- ber. G%.$L..R3;y Webb is main after HOSIERY SCARF S cw - ww- .--g u Local butchers have complained to the authorities or the sale of pork by the pound from house to house in re- cent days by the holder or 9. hucksters license. The offender has been warned- that his license does not permit this. ..--- -nwoonv an o vvoovvnu Snow is from ten to twelve inches deep around Washa o a.nd..0riil1e., 0. NR. reports. The eaviest tail was Wednesday afternoon and evening. It was much lighter to the north and none at all fell in the Ba.rrie-Al1e.n- dale section. A `fle.nger was run from. Ailandaie to North Bay. I -__I I..-L-I._.._ I.`-._ --...._I-.I._'..I L- mung. David Cooper, well known among railwaymen .on Allandaie Division, last Thursday had an index finger pinched off while taking a cable pin out of a ballast plow at Oollingwood. His home is in Concord. ,, 1, n-.-___ g . . ed in". Mr. Davidson has retired from active farming. 1' A 11..-! ...._.. I- 1.- _.n___ --- nu- - own Ollllla I J-. A. MacLaren is to give an illus- trated talk on Jasper Park to the Presbyterian Y.P.s. next Monday. ev- enlng nnnnu Inn`! Ilnnuwn nnnnnmn For Every Woman Wants to Know What to Give Her Men Folks andA the Junior Young Men F or Christmas . . . . - - - u u - I u I O I O O I IIJV Garter and Cigarette Case Set . . . . . . .......$l.25 Garter and Bill fold Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.50 Brace and Garter Set, $1.50 All Silk Brace . . . .. $1.50 Garters in Gift Box u'QlJJIVVD CID Qrv U w I 1! F. Holden spent the week-end at his home in Coliingwood. Mrs. Carl Marshall is visiting her nnvnnft in London. Ont. BRACE, ARM BAND _ANn GARTER SETS Garter and Arm M1a_nH-S~et . . . . . . . . . . . . .l_. ._75c f\, 1 I r\n A Good Tie is a Most Useful Gift i Here you have unlimited variety at prices to suit everyone. 50c, 75c, $1, $1.35, $1.50 rwv I-nu`- EVERY TIE {N'AY M CHRISTMAS GIFT BOX vu vvuuucuuag, uuv. 190, H UUSICC team from L.O.L. 432 journeyed to Cookstown to take part in the compe- tition for county shield and succeeded In bringing it home. The team was composed of Past Master, A. Paddlson; P I I I . win; Pres., F`. Gosney; Vice-Pres., W. . Curtis; Chaplain, J. Wood; Sec'y., V. s.0.E. Officers Kempenfeldt Lodge No. 153 S.O.E. Allandale held their annual election on Tuesday night when the following were elected for 1928: P.P., F .Good- E. Knight; Treas., W. B. Webb; Com., Bros. G. Webb, A. Jay, `sr., T. Chown, '1`. Edge; Inner Guard, 0. Walton; Outer Guard, S. Garslde: Trustees, W. Rusk, J. Miles and J. Bebb; Dele- gate to Supreme Lodge, 8. Garslde; Alternate delegate, W. Wardle. ALLANDALE L.0.L. 432 BRING _HOME THE COUNTY SHIELD on Wednesday, Nov. 21st, a degree Cnnlrnfnmn f tnlzn ncnvf, {I1 f`-In nrnvuu-an The popular a11}?561', heavy. pineapple weave, Sweater Coat, with the check front. Maroon and black, fawn and brown, black and white . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 Men s Vest Sweater Coats, to be worn under the coat or around the house- plain shades and fancy co1ors-Sizes 36 to 44. . . . . . . . . $3.75 to` $9.00 Fancy Pullover V-Neck Sweaters, the young man or girl s sweater, service- able and dressy don IIIA. An -A A special butchers license, costing $15 a. year, alone permits the sale of meat in this manner, from inspected prem-D ses. ' Nacxwm - Mrs. A. Marshall is visiting her daughters in Detroit. IL1'-1Ann annnlb fka IunnlI_anaI al- swmans 75-0;-`and 75 vuuu 'J.u..l'. 'UII1pDe1l at HOIIY. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of `Miss |Rix on -..--uu yavuuu. uu. `.1.-1.1ua_y UVlllHgo Mrs. Robson and little grand- son, Laverne Robson, are visiting with Mrs. Campbell at Holly. The Wnmnn'u Tna+:+..+,. ...:n Mr. and Mrs. John McLean have returned home after visiting with their daughter, Mrs. G. Glanville, in Ham- ilton. They also visited with relatives in Toronto and attended the Winter Fair. The mission held in the United Church closed on Friday evening. Mvn Dnlnmu. ......: 1.-4.1.1- _., w.M. Jas. w. Munro; D.M., Owen E. Peters; Chap., Wm. E. Pemberton; Rec. Bec y., F. G. Lowe; Fin. sec y.,_ W W. Ferguson; Marshall, Wm. T. Nixon; 1st Lect., Fred J. Ellis; 2nd Lect., Fred Pemberton; Degree Team, Captain and Flag Bearer, W. D. Pad- dison; 1st. Com., L. Peters; Tyler, T. C. Cloughley. Plain Linen- . . 25c, 35c, and 50 each, White Linen, with colored initial, 3 in a box . . $1.50 Lawn Handkerchiefs in a box at 10 each, 2 for 25 3 for 50c and 1 for 25 Silk Handkerchiefs, white and fancy colors, hand roll- ed edges, 50c, 75c, and $1 Silk Broadcloth - mauve, blue and tan with colored frogs . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 Fancy Silk Broadcloth- some with collar attached . . . . . . . . . $3.00 to $5.00 Wool Pyjamas in pleasing stripes and checks . . . . . . .. $2.00 to $3.50. HNEATLY BOXED FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING I1]-lInIl'IlVII'I:IdI-"I '4` gFI<>I<>I<>I<>I<>I<>I<>I4K4>I Excellent quality Blanket- cloth Robe, neat combina- tions of colors . . . . $6.00 Silk Brocades in red, blue, grey and brown, $13.50 Sizes 36 to 42. HANDKERCHIEF S cRow1_v_ HILL BATH ROBES PYJAMAS Suit and Overcoat for Cln;istm2:s` ;uuut1.LC1. uuxuulg 3. Snort in the home after which the tiny form was laid to rest in the cem- etery here. Mr. and Mrs. Rix and grandparents have the sincere sympathy of everyone in their sor- row. --------- V ;`:VVe like The Examiner, be- cause we get all the local news, writes a subscriber. C ..v. 4.urvvL Us On "Sunday evening, Donald James, the two months old son of James Rix, passed away. The babe had always been delicate and des- pite everything love and care coup- led with medical skill could do the little life slipped away. The fun- eral was held on Tuesday after- noon, the Rev. *C. R. Spencer of Shanty Bay -and the Rev. Mr. Faulkner holding a short service in thll. hnmn s: uy`L.:..`l.. 1.1.- LL. her report. '0... -, _-. .w. _w. .v. .v. .v. .v. .v. .v. .v. .v. .v. .v. _ I -.1 .n._' q ._ Tuesday, Dec, Th dD]OO'n+o The Hickok Beltmin real lea- ther with silver plated. buckle . . . . . . . . .. $1.50 Boxed for Christmas Giving ..u \2A\. y VV UUI 1111" ed with wrist strap, $2.25 Grey unlined suede, $2.25 English and Scotch Knit Wool Gloves, 60 to $2.00 Silk and Chamoisette Glov- es . . $1.25 to $1.75 pair EVERY PAIR BOXED A Most I/Jsef:1lGift Pecary Hog . . . . $3.50 pair Grey Suede, silk lined . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.75 pair Fur lined . . . . . $5.00 pair Deer Skin . . . . $3.00 pair Doe Skin . . . . . . $3.00 pair Brown and Grey Wool lin- ed . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 pair Brown and Grey Wool lin- anl `HILL. .----3--1 ~` ` EVERY SHIRT IN A FANCY BOX White Silk Broadcloth, with separate collar- . . $1.95, $2.50 and $3.00 Silk Broadcloth in stripes and neat checks, some with 2 collars, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 $3.00, $3.50 White Silk Broadcloth, col- lar attached, $1.95, $2.50 Fancy Broadcloth, collar at- tached . . . $2.00 to'$3.00 Sizes 14 to 16% GLOVES BELTS SHIRTS 3a&w%&w&mmi&ww] an nvuuua Mr. Nellison of Alliston was the guest of D. Jennett for the week-end. Earl Reid spent Sunday with friends in_ Muskoka. A number here are suffering with heavy colds. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Coxworth has returned from Toronto nu. auu mus. 1-. uantmg, Mrs. J. T. Jennett and daughter Eleanor spent a. few days last week with Toronto friends. It. 17-11:, - Dec. 4--Mrs. F. 0. Banting vale 1s,v1sit1ng her sister, I Banting. `Aka and :1..- in - Dalston Women's Institute will hold their next meeting on Dec. 12, at the home of Mrs. Jas. Handy. Mrs. Bon- my will give a paper. A good attend- ance is requested. vmsda - 1 T. and Mrs. Banting, Mrs, ennett and dnnahf-or 'I:.'I1m-......... _____; Mackinaw Coats, etc., etc. . . . . . - . - o o o o - I O.I\u CGLII Boys Leatherette Windbreakers, 10 to 16 years . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.25 each Boys Heavy Wool Windbreakers, $2.95 Boys Knitted W.indbre,akers r, Boys ----vJu 14 years . . . . . . Boys Golf Hose . Children s Toques Boys Gloves, woo DALSTON , , Y _ --w Sizes 12% to, 14% Boys Neck Ties in fancy boxes, 50 each Boys Flannel Pyjamas, 8 to 16 years, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.75 and $2.00 each Boys Flannel Night Gowns . . $1.50 each Boys V-Neck Sweaters, 8 to 16 years, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 to $3.00 each Children s Jerseys with Polo collar, 6 to years . . $1.50 to $2.25 each v-\ Boys Serviceable Gills tor the Boy . ORDERS WILL RECEIVE CARE- FUL PERSONAL ATTENTION Hose . . . . 65c to $1.50 pair ren . . . . 75c and 95c pair wool and wool-lined leath- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c to $1.50 pair Wool and Rayon Knitted Sczirfs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c each Broadcloth Shirts, $1.25 to $1.75 vto $3.50 each s, Braces, Hzmdkerchiefs. ALEX. MILNE & SONS ' Growing c evudence of M iner service. -- .l.1'UIIl nere attendee` dance at Hunter's in Alliston one 1 last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. McQuay enter` ed a. number for tea on e ing. All enjoyed themselves rr The Presbyterians intend to w a Christmas tree and eve for the S.S. children in the near ture. \/- panes captured a Iarg: T other day. A meeting of the Women will be held at Mrs. W. E. B: Tuesday. An exchange of presents and report of the 1 Toronto will be given. A number from here att I--L , - after having throat and is be expected. f\ `Dab--- --~` nrrwu ucu. Bates captured Iaige r day. circulation is the best E the quality of Exam? V an operation on his doing as well as can ` entertain-v :e2. Oh T4"1-h-Inn Au... . 1 VII. attended the n Anicfnn I\v\n ...x..1..A > Women's Institute W "F! 'Qor\4`u`v-- :- A-`