7g&&w$m&m$&%&w& 1'.l'.I.IIuDli LVLUIS IWUULVLS DU 150, BHIDHIJIU for light housekeeping. Apply to 59 Park St. or phone 9711*`. top ~ lvlay Creswiciev, 'S"e-c"y.-Treas. 190 Baytield St., Barrie. Tel. 310 Tourist Information Bureau, Melville Travel Service, Travellers Accident Insurance. Houses, Flats and Stores to Rent. Try a trip to Bermuda or to the Mediterranean. __ . 46b MORTGAGE SALE` Valuable Property in the Town- ship of Innisfil ' lBa_rri9_ R93` .Estt Picel UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offer- ed for sale by W. A. Mcconkey, Auc- tioneer, at Public Auction, Monday, the third day of December, 1928, at the hour of two o'clock in the after- noon at the farm of WILLIAM THOMAS STEPHENSON, the follow- ing property, namely. A T .T . A N11 .:`l"M f:`I T`l' . A D Hnof na-M-o UP UL 55.16 UUIILELIIHSU ill. G. UCl.'|.a.Au mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be of- fered for sale by public auction at the Wellington I-Iotel, Barrie, by W. A. McConkey, Auctioneer. Saturday, Nov. 17, 192-8, at one o'clock p.m. the following property. Tho unnfh nna+ nnnv-far Inf Inf Llle LUHUW1115 }|l'UpUL'L_Y. The south east quarter of lot number four in the fourteenth con- cession-of the said Township of In- nisfil, containing 50 acres, more or less. I'\- 61-an oxnnvunni-up `:1 n-5311 in `An In All persons having claims against the estate of James Rogerson Cot- ter, late of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe, Barrister, de- ceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of October,~~192i8, are hereby notified to send in to the under- signed` Executrix on or before the 24th day of November, 19'28, full particulars of their claims. Immed- iately after the said 24th day of November, 19-28, the assets of the -testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executrix shall then have hotice. `I'\n-I-AA n 13:-awn.-he okhs 0'14-1.. Ac... AP Under and by v1rt1;e of th pow- er of sale contained in a. certain -....;u..L.-n nus nolninlq H11 kn nnnuunn 1655. On the property is said to be a comfortable log house and: good barn and other outbuldings and a quantity of valuable timber. `Thu nrnnmr-hy -nyH1 ha nffnrn sunk- WANTED--Dressed poultry, all kinds, at the market every Saturday, top prices paid. Thos. Blaln. 46-51b l.]_Ud..llL1Ly UL Vi1l.LllUl1'.` LLIIIIJCL. `The property will be offered sub- ject to a reserve `bid-. 'I`cnvrn`a- Tan nnrx nnnf n1 fhn nnv- JCUL LU bl. l'UU1`Ve 'Ul\.l. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money at t-he time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. 'l7\un&1-.4`... .nnn&!nu'1nu<.~ nv11 kn wnnplo Llltfl can L61 : Further particulars will be made known at the time of sale and in the meantime may be learned upon application to the undersigned. ALEXAN-DER COWAN, Dated at Barrie, Oct. 31, 1928. 44-46% Mortgagee s Soldcitor. 44-4613" IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES ROG- ERSON COTTER, Deceased. CACUULI LA BIICIIL I.-IICII IIGVF. IIUU'lUcu ` Dated at Barrie this 27th day of ` October, 1928. ('Mrs.) M. L. Barwick, 168 Owen St.,A Barrie, Ont. A.A._ARH :p `Dnv 7'3 T3`.vn`n11fr'v 100 Jul, GUM 6, \ll1.r"l.lL'l.Il. BlIUl`oB- Ill implements. Sale at 1 pm. W A. Mccpnkey, Auctioneer. 45-(Bx I01 UUU II J. U1 Ull DU November, 1928. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tnpousxnnnomn WANTED TO winter months, Apply to Rev. Louisa St. MORTGAGE SALE '3,'i3P`.'!' `.:"3. VVVCLI DLo,`.Dl.ll1U, LIQIL. 'P.*O.`B0x 7350, Executrix. uu._y U]. 46-48b I Wlll. DU I:lI[Jl'CB UIIVLII BMIUVIV 01151555 IN the friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness rendered dur- ing Mrs. Banting's illness: also to the Women's Institute and all others who sent owers and letters which were much appreciated. 46b __.I ll... I 3 Q --q-I.Il- uauvan cuppa vvuuvvuo -`nu ' 1&1`. was Jo Ga late or Nantyr, wish to thank their many friends for the useful gift pre- sented to them. The kindly thought and social evening were much appre- ciated by them both. 46p UNI: Ill uuuuury. The proprietor sold off his cows last Spring and_ had the above heifers carefully selected from some of the very best dairy herds. They are from high testing, heavy producing cows and will make wnderful good cows. The Jerseys are wen bred and from heavy producing cows. The proprietor has sold his farm and they will all be sold without reserve. .-`.. uvou Iiolrcnvvnv ovwv IMPLEMENTS- Massey-Harris bin- der, mower, sulky rake, seed-drill, steel roller, 2 scufflers, cultivator, disc har- row, 2-furrow plow, single plow, Fleury No. 21, set iron harrows. hay rack, set; slelghs, wagon, delivery wa- gon, fannlng-mill, set scales, new hay ropes and hay fork, set double har- ness, set plow harness, `set single har- haul: in nmani-.Ii>.v nf alfalfa haw. A Mr. and Mrs. Harry Banting of Ivy wish to express their sincere thanks to I-Sh: ft-lnnrha and nnlchhm-n fnr thp : DODGE DE LUXE TAXI SERVICE. Phone 1-B6 day or night. 44-46b glad &-Ihlrll AI`! 70 IT The fouowing: HORSES-Cream horse, 10 yrs. old, 1300 lbs.; chestnut mare, 5 yrs. old, 1300 lbs. CATTLE-Holstein cow, milking; Holstein heifer, due by sale; Holstein heifer, due Nov. 26; Holstein heifer, with calf at foot: Holstein heifer due Nov. 28; Holstein heifer, due Nov. 30; Holstein heifer, due Dec. 4 ;Holstein heifer, due Dec. 8; Holstein heifer, due by date of sale; Ayrshire heifer, due March 1st; pure bred Jersey cow, 4 yrs. old, due Nov. 26: pure bred Jer- sey cow, 4 yrs. old, due in February: pure bred Jersey heifer, 2 yrs. old, due in January. "I"1-an nrnnrlnfnr anh-I nff hi: nnmn loaf. H653, SUI: PLUW ILHKHCSB, DUI: ausgnc nau- ness, a. quantity of alfalfa hay, a quantity of turnips, also forks, chains, doubletrees, milk pails, cans and many other articles. -I n;u,-__L ..____._-_ __ "XI; ' sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. nu--.w-`nun an (IAf'.'I A ..u..... -8 nqn van yavysnuvvn noun -no-u noon: ---.... TERMS OF SALE-A11 sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 11 months` credit will be given to par- ties furnishing approved Joint notes. 6% per annum on for cash on credit sums. Sale at 1 pm. 46-47x W. A. McCONKEY. Auctioneer FIIIII UTTICI I00 f\llI GE IV-y IUIVIIIU Eastern Branches: London, Montreal. Hamilton. Ottawa WEE}:-oom No. 2-09]: dresser, white enamelled bed, mattress and springs, 4 cane chairs, rocking chairs, Congoleum rug, pictures, etc. llnih-nnvn Mn Q__(\n1r an-A v-nnl-h-can I $33 'f3"s'6'13'i:xi The undersigned has received structions from Xl`ID&JIZI`uJ nvvu C1 The tollowlngz Quarter-cu-t oak leather rocking chair, Quarter-out oak leather arm chair, oak book case, wicker rock- ing chair, oak.:]ardln1ere stand, par- lor talbles. rug, beveled plate .hall mirror in oak trams, 2 pairs Chenille `curtains, pictures, blinds. etc. 1-(.__._;._._ -.-;. ._I. `_u-`.;\` ._......L.... "'?}31iov${:" " Parlor--Qua.rter-cut oak arm chair, quarter-cut oak rocking chair, Mor- ris chair, wicker rocker, 2 oak parlor tables, Wilton rug, cushions, curtains, pictures. I'\InIna-_'Dnnvn_f\aIr nvfnn ulna in kin ______________.______._.._. FURS ALTERED and repaired Over` Hurl.burt's Shoe Store. Miss M. McArthur. 37ttb - pl!) ca. but Dining-Room-Oak extension table, oak buffet, 6 oak dining chairs (leath- er seats), steel couch and cover, oak jardlnlere stand, mantel clock, pictur- es, Congoleum rug, dishes, fancy china, curtains. blinds, cutlery, etc. `Roth-nnns Mn 1-(\nlr rh-Aecnr nwmll TITCCIV W 2?? C-` vvjj-- Positions open in City and country towns. Be an gxpert. Earn part time while learning. We guarantee teach- ing following trades:- Houee Wirlw, Industrial Electric- ity, Garage ork, Battery Welding, Vuloanizing, Brick-La in , Plaster- ing, Barbering and He r reeaing. Employment service from coast to coast. Big demand. Write today for free catalogue to Dominion Trade Schools Limited, now managing and operating Hemphill Trade Schools of Canada and U.'S.A., both Dominion Government Chartered Companies. DOMINION Trade Sohoole, Limited Head Office 163 King St. W., Toronto 1319 Inn-n `Reva nnhnn ! "2;'oa;"';;a,o;',;;";u;t;;:'s;a;;,;;m chair-s, rugs, pictures, etc. Range, extension talble, sideboerd, ' kitchen tables, kitichen chairs, Miss Simplicity Wasihing machine, new. 4-burner coal oil stove, laundsry stove, sealers, a. large quantity` of kitchen utensils, garden tools and many other articles. A111 will be sold without reserve. TERMS C`A'SLI-I. Sale at 1 p.m. `II A Illll IlF\l A uux uumm, uuuua, Uuuu.-:L'y, cw. Bedroom No. 1-09.}: dresser, small table, white enamelled bed, mattress End springs, 3 cane chairs, rug, pic- ures. `ndnuuuug `Y. I) ARI: Ainnnnnnn -nlglbn xug, pwuuu-:5, cw. Bedroom No. 3-Oak suite, mattress and springs, 3 cane chairs, linoleums, pictures, curtains, small table, etc. Rnrnnnl Mn A - (Walt nhiffnninr pauuuxca, uuxuusua, auumu. name, cw. Bedroom No. 4 - Oak chiffonier, white enamelled bed, mattress and springs, rug, bed linen, oak table, pic- tures, curtains, etc. wv;A,I. -- 1n_...._ 1...: __ -_-___\ _.__ --.--, --.- ----.-, --V. Kitchen-Range (good as new). 8a.s range, 2 kitchen tables, rocking chairs, cupboard, kitchen chairs, wringer, lin- oleum, a large quantity of kitchen utensils, lawn mower, arden tools, and many other articles oo numerous to mention. All win be sold without reserve.` TERMS CASH. Sale at 1 p.m. A til. '9! A C I-33\?? I" A .. -L 461;- van. wwww u... ., ----- v-, .v.-..--, 'v_- Quarter-cut oak buffet, quarter-V cut large round, extension table, 6 oak dining chairs, deather seat-s, Singer dmp-head sewing machine, fancy china, dishes, cutlery, etc. __I_ I_-.I._--___ _._J4.-_ 1.-.1....A_.. The undersigned has received instruc- tions from OLIVER B. PATTERSON `A -A`` La. n--.I_I4I_ -..-L.l-.. -L EX=P.ER'IEN`C'ED NURSE, PRAC- 'DI1CAL. Apply Mrs. M. Vollick, Cralghurst, Ont. 44-49p _____.._.____._._._._.____._ -----w -tu-:-- OF HIGH CLASS DAIRY CATTLE, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instruc- tions from J. F. NELLES Codrington Street, Barrie- {Mnov `Dani `I731-A Qn1nnn'l\ Mal: and Female Help Wanted x: 11' Ag- 1 41 RUIZ IIIYIIFI. v -n.... n`, Pun. uuuovvnv . un- 50 Clappertox: St., are THURSDAY, NOV. 22 -u Thn Cn'lInnvInn-- Till IARIII IXAI!5.'IR ---77--:-` 1 Valuable Household l.u1-nlture ,~ AUCTION SALE V Of Household Funihre vvavsa out s2a;;.:;"s;.,"a.m~e SATURDAY, NOV. 17 Th; fn1'ln1IrInr0 bo sealnby; .1311-13.1.18 .9:-1;t'1on at nun I (I. In _ _ 9 , urcn unnauvanl ulna `owl J-Cull I Iv (Near East Ward School) to sell by public a.uctTon on I$'mIC' RIC. LA WAN"I"iC~D -- Ambitious, industrious person to introduce and supply lthe demand fol` Itmvleigh household products in Barrie and nearby 10- catiuns. Make 311105 of $150 to $600 a. month or more. Ruwleigh Methods get `business everywhere. No selling experience required. We supply products, Sales and Advertising Lit- emtu-re and Service Methods, every- thing you nor-cl. Profits increase every month. Lowest prices; best values; must complete service. W. T. Rztwieigh ~co., Dept. `QN-222, Montreal, Que. 44-49p .'s"A`1`"i11"2"n'}if" 135% /"."2"i' A Cnlinnvinu - 'S`s'eIi"y'3uE ZuIc'3I{'EE' ll\ i -_--_... g.---v. . - ~ w . V --.7 - ...---. W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer CARDS OF 11-IAN-KS _A91C1"N..5'-F AUCTION SALE rupuuo an--:-nu -n--u-u Jun-n lav UIIIIIB J. RIV ___|_11_ av... W. A: MccBNKE3r,_A'1iE: in- WANTE.'>--Lady with good references would Inc position as companion to refined lady in comfortable home. Ap- ply Box K". Examiner Office. 46p Three men, one of whom was Lou Owens of Barrie, had a mir- acu'1ous escape from serious in- jury if not death last evening when the big 2-ton Godfredson dump truck in which they were riding took to the `ditch at Adams corner, this side of Minesing vil- lage, last night. The truck, it is stated, turned over twice and came to rest four wheels up. The cab was completely demolished, but despite the ying glass the three men escaped with a few bruises and scratches. Extensive damage was done to the truck. It is owned by a Midland contractor engaged on the provincial highway near Minesing and two of the occupants came from Midland. They were on their way to Barrie. It is thought the driver attempted to turn the corner too fast. gwmxtimxxaamig g %LOCALS &&$&&%%&&%%%&%m Growing out of the Barrie boys recent road race victories has come the desire for some denite organization to look after the wel- fare of sports in our town. In` -- _ __.---- - -av. avnonnld \III WCJoll_ier""St. Yonng -People's So~ ciety met this week on Tuesday. evening with a goodly number in attendance. Alexander Coutts gave a splendid. talk on missions and thanksgiving. Earl Carson read the Scripture lesson and An- gus McNabb sang a solo. Mrs. C. Brown gave a reading from one of the missionary books. A social half-hour with games was enjoy- ed at the close of the meeting. The young people decided to give a contribution to the Missionary and Maintenance Fund. BOYS WILL ORGANIZE `ATHLETIC CLUB HERE The boys have had two prelim- inary meetings to discuss their needs which have culminated in a decision to call a general mass meeting of the boys of the town to see what can be done about it. ' A --'-`If it is lamps you want, see Urry Bros., ayeld `St. -43-46b ,,_,_A___- _..J. -3 L3... 4-...` U11; I-JLVSO, Aauguvnu Iuvu -v _-.. -~A nice ssortment of ties and. neckscarfs at Stephens . Clothing Store. ' 46b The `Story Hour in the Public Library Hall will begin next Sat- urday morning at 11 o'clock. on ., an 2;- cu.-- vv vwcu Quvvroawonw v-v------3 ---_v. Deer must be abundant >thi~s year, judging from the large num- gers being brought south these ays. (`lnn:s4-vno: -:11n+ H111: nrnnlru nwnv uuwa. Singer's grocery store has been moved across the street into part of the store occupied by the tea `room. `Y_._9I1 LL_..I- `I _-...- `I .. `I"I1....LA FARMS WANTED-We have several good farms in South Simcoe and York County where other farm pro- perty will be taken in exchange. Wes- ton Farm Agency, Box 33, Weston, Ont. 46-47p .l'UUlll- -You l1 thank Laura La Plante for an hour of hilarity when you see her in `Thanks for the Buggy Ride. Capitol now. . 46x --Specia1, Friday and Saturday, only, 10 per cent. off all novelty stamp goods. The Art Shoppe, corner Bayeld and Collier Sts. b Dr. Margaret O'Hara of Toron- to, a returned missionary from In- dia, will address the Young Wo~ men s Auxiliary thank-offering meeting in St. Andrew s lecture room next Wed., Nov. 21, at 8 p.m. uh- _ .1 111:... _ nL-_,-Is, n 71-, ,,_,., _--< -.v--- - V... -`v -- -o, `av v ring -Good Time Charlie, Haunt- ing heart story of an old-time ac- tor-his dancing d4aughter--his enemy-his pa1--and a world of other folks! Thrilling! Tender! Hilarious! Capitol, Mon., Tues., Wed. 46x -I have successfully corseted over one hundred ladies, a writ- ten guarantee of one year with each garment. If you are having difficulty in getting a perfect-t-, ting garment, phone or write Mrs. A. Simmons, 76 Small St., phone 707. 44tfb ' Two youths who stole sweaters from the cottage of J. M. Pullen, Belle Ewart, were given suspend- ed sentence and a severe talking to by Magistrate Jeffs. As these boys are but 9 and 1'1 years, they ap- peared in juvenile court. This is not open to the public. :1` (1 Q4--nnhtun Inna `\AI\v.| an On "Thursday, November 22, at 7.30 p.m. an open meeting will be held in the auditorium of the RC. I. when all boys over 1'2 years of age are asked to be on hand to go into this important matter. All the men of the community who are in. terested are invited to come and help get this matter denitely set- tled. 1'I______,_,,A,L!_, R A` A I THREE ESCAPE INJURY WHEN TRUCK WRECKED u-nu-J .-.v------= -v -- - V--- --A'll sizes, 36 to so, i'nmstan- eld's red and blue label under- wear. Stephens `Clothing Store. b -1.,-,_ J___L 4.1.3.. uaya. Christmas just ve weeks away. Christmas -goods are already ap- .pearing in some'of the store win- dows. n2___--_9_ .._.__-_.-- _A..... `I... 1.--... John Chapell of Iroquois Falls. an experienced movie man, has been appointed by Mrs. Beatty to be manager of New Dreamland. S. Collis, also of Iroquois Fills, is his assistant and operator. I\ If . r\wr .. nu VIC. Representatives from the fol- -lowing organizations are being in- vited: Kiwanis Club, Board of Ed- ucation, Board of Trade, Town Council, "Faculty of :B.|C.I., John- son Club and the Y.M.C.A. It is hoped that out of this meeting will grow a !Barrie Athletic Associ- ation. - '_;`S_inVg'";"s'<)-!;g Si}; }{z1c;{ her sleeves are full of gags--that s Laura La Plante in Thanks for the Buggy Ride. Capitol now. x .__.__.______.._.._._.._. BLACK AND TAN HOUND lost, one year old. Harry Travers, Barrie. Tele- phone 89. 461) An order in council has been passed that in territory south of Mattawa River there will be an open season for the taking of muskrats from `Mar. 15 to April 21, 1929, inclusive. no aqua: uuu upcu uu uuc puuuu. --C. G. Strange has been en- gaged as manager of a store to be known as The Toronto Clothing and Jobbing House. The store formerly occupied by H. A. Jarvis has been rented and will be opened Friday, :Nov. 23. Look out for sensational bargains. 46b I`I_11!,_, -(VJ 17 `I\ GmmN--A`t the noysu Victoria Hos- pital, Barrie, on Saturday, Nov. 10, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gifren. I`:-Innua In G ann aauwnavuaavp on U SWITZER--At the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Sunday, Nov. 11. 1928, to Mr. and M13. Earl Swit- zer, Churchill. 9. daughter. 'vmGo-1n Honolulu, on Oct. 23. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Virgo (nee Muriel Wilson)__ a daughter (Mary Alexie). l.\'VU uuy luxucu uuuua an 1:50, The music of the little feet Hushed in 9. slumber calm and sweet. There at the golden gate of light A fair white ower blooms tonight. -Sadly missed by Parents 46b and Family. WEBBER--In loving memory of a kind -husband and father, Samuel Webber, who passed `away Nov. 14, 1927. _ Today recalls 9. memory Of 9. loved one gone to rest, And those who think of him today Are those who loved him best. -Sadly missed by 46p Wife, Son and Daughter. FORD-on Wecinday, Nov. 14, 1928, Than `Inn:-A Inf. an (Inn 0 vARhf_ UIVUIJ, .I.VUV- L IUIJL KCBIUULLUC U1 his son, R. A."F<;rd, lot 20, con. 9, Vespra, at 1 p.m. Interment in Bar- rie Union Cemetery. MUIR-In Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1928, Eliza McMa.ster, beloved wife of Robert Muir, in her 51st year. The funeral will take place from her late resi- dence at Angus, Ont., Friday, Nov. 16, at 2 p.m., for interment in Angus cemetery. SARJ_EANT--In Barrie, on Monday, Nov. 12, 1928, Lizzie L. King, beloved wife of Albert J. Sarjeant. HUBBERT-In memory or our darling baby Lawson who died in R.V. Hos- pital of pneumonia, Nov. 22, 1927. A few white owers up n the breast Two tiny folded hands is rest, Tho rnnuln nf `Ithn 1H'.1'Jn fnnf. RIC!-IARDSON-In ever loving mem- ory of Agnes McG1nn1s, beloved wife of the late John Richardson, who died at Fergusonvale, ten years ago today, Nov. 14, 1918. To live in the hearts of those left behind is not to die. 46b -Son and Daughters. _______.__..__._________ NOTJJCE --I do not Ltolerate nor will I be responsible for any debts con- tracted ln my name. J. Gibbons. A1- landale. 495-47p If you have something to sell, don't expect people to know about it without telling. The cheapest and easiest way to tell the town and district about it is through " The Examiner Classieds. ~ BRUNTON-In loving memory of Lorne Edwin Brunton, killed at the Battle of the Somme, Nov. 18, 1916. A1. vu_L1_ -.. -_-.! np_J.I__.. 46; Extra copies to send to friends may be secured at this office or at contest and collection. In. 5 McCULLOUGHl Phone 215 Corner Elizabeth and Mary Stu. COLE-In loving remembrance of mother, Susannah Cole, who trium- phantly passed from death unto life Nov. 12, 1927. -up-_A,,u --11- ___J --I-___.II_- -uv-u --, nv-In 46p -Son Ward, Wife and Family Califdrixia Lima Beans, 2 11... 23.: Libby Asparagus Tips, '_`|- gonna-us` G:- llclllll \JLCGllI UL Large Tin . . . . Brazil Nuts . . . . . 4-lb. tin Curling lade . . . . . . . . . IJLUUJ `LDyaa.a5 BB 1 Ayn), I-lb. square tin . . . . . . . . . 10-lb. Tin Bee Hive Syrup . 5-lb. Tin Bee Hive Syrup .. He'inz C1_`_g_am of Tomato . WILL MOTORISTS kindly assist in keeping tourists in Barrie by handing in descriptions to the Barrie Real Estate Office, Tourist Information Bureau, of nice one-day trips out from Barrie, to be tabulated for ready use. i 46b I ' a IF `rouae FNRAND saua? [THE worm: wan. SHARE- "\l.I:V1J-'uu vvcuucauuy, nuv. 1.1, 1.3700, Thos. Ford, lot 20, con. 9, Vespra, in his 86th year. Funeral on sat- urday, Nov. 17, from residence of hi: am-I 13. A n!-rl Inf. an Ann 0 \\\\\\~`o%/< j eecFAI R AND SQUARE `WTTH Ybidjr/--: UT5 @_E5SING$ '*r` *`~ RARE .' 4;`, Efrid "1`3 Sii' "efpa${e`I1 , runs well. FORD .BU*S--Side seats on For ton chassis with Ruckes. tell axle; good tires, and re- painted. Your present car as part payment. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. 43 Elizabeth St.--Phono 278 USED CARS -LUHQ l`\J|J-\4LI L\J\J&V4I.L`\1' WW tires and in good` conditio . 1920 CHEVROLET Baby rlsvnntl 'I`n111-{nth -na_nn 31:4-nu` 1.090 01:11 1-_.L ULV 1IVU'UA, 1n splendid condrtron and guaranteed. 1927- STAR SEDAN, new tires and in exceptionally good condition throughout, :and guaranteed. 1918 (DODGE TOURING. REO 1%-TON TRUCK, n1-..-.J An`: lDl\AA\ `:An.n 4-1-A 813001! OI yam W cnuusc urum. Ur tuuu yarn you furnish. Footing specialty. J. Platt Rose. 43-51p . l.MIH\J L7Q'L\I8V LLVIJKID, closed cab, good tires; the price is right. 1922 FORD TOURING, new I'uua- an) -:1: lIl\I\A' nn-|uI:I-Acu v`. i... V - v------ '{r7 o"'1'923 STAR Totfl mos. 192.3 1McLAUGHLIN-BUICK MASTER srx SPORT TOURING. 1925 STAR: SPECIAL 1SE- 1\A\T J2..- _`I.--1_ 1--`l-_ -_.I L080 DLJWLV DIl\Jl.1lJ `Q DAN, disc wheels, looks ar runs splendidly. Oers the following: 1928 DURANT 4 Sport Coupe, cannot be told from new, same guarantee as new car. _i7 STAR i-TON TRUCK. 1-n uvnn-1';-I A.-ouI.'L-'4. -_.I 71927 ESSEX SUPER srx COA'OH, in splendid condi- tion, motor just overhauled. dl\(\l\ anon A 9` anoxvvvn j*_1__AR0l-D !_U:_ HAROLD HILL IN COOK GENERAL desires position, experienced. Apply 73 Tiffin St., A1- landale. 46p -';`;.-thr an-d nkothe > Lly, I . . 30 Iive . . 65 ve . . . 33 f Soup. . . . . . . 2 for 29 . . . . . . . 28 lb. 7 Orange Marma- . . . . . . . 53 tin REDUCED PRICES Splendid assortment- no two alike - fur trimmings of Natural Oppossum in cocoa brown, Sable dyed and black, also Russian T hibetine, in different shades. Caracul trim- mings in fawn and grey. If it s a new coat you plan to buy-fur or cloth-you can t do -better anywhere than at Simmons & Co. Dealers in Fur Coats for 55 years in Gorgeous new models, every one an advance winter creation. Fash- ioned into the smartest of exquisite styles. Ev- ery one beautifully lin- ed. A choice of pelts never before offered at such a startling low price. THE F URS - STYLISH - SERVICEABLE HUDSON SEAL AND PERSIAN LAMB ' COATS RACCOON COATS MUSKRAT COATS CARACUL COATS and a selection of many others at big savings. At the gist: of the Boat" . LOST in Barrie, four keys attached to key-ring. Reward. Apply Examiner Office. 46p COATS c. HAWTINE, Ea}. Reliable Furriers THE COAT STORE SIMMONS & C0. Op-er`) Day and Night AT SAVINGS OF 1/3 AND MORE Thunday. Novombor 15. 192! RICHLY F URRED FUR ?_ N0'I`I'CIE-11. James Lean, w1'1l not. be responsible for any debts con- tracted in my name by my wife, Hazel Lean. 45-47p - PHQNE 156. CLOTH COATS 3 pr '1 pm lln Pun! ADLET COLUMN g T ix`: |I0X<>I<>X<>X<>X0X<+X0X<>X0X<>X0X<>X<'>1'< DAILY MAID WANTED. Apply even- lnnm nunr fhn `Plural `Raul! 4Rh 1.118114 1 1V.I.l1LLl VVl'1LV LIMJ. 1'. ings over the Royal Bank. MAID WANTED at Royal Victoria Hospital. Apply to superintendent. 46b __ TEACHER. WANTED, experienced, Protestant, for S.S. No. 12, Innisfil. Second-class" professional certificate or better. State salary. Duties to com- mence January, 2, 1929. Apply R. W. Redfern, Aliandale, R.R. 2. 46-471) -::._ STRAYED onto lot 22. con. 8, Innis- fil about Aug. 20, 1 red heifer. Owner may have same by paying expenses and proving ownership. Harry Webb, Stroud. 46-48p I ._________..___.____. YOU out EAIRN $10 to $25 a week In your spare time at home wrltimg show cards. N0 canvassing or 801- ici-tlng. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Co. Ltd.. 45 Dominion Building, Toronto. 1Mtfb AGl~l.\"T WA'N"I."ED--- I`o sell a line of French Beuutifiers, Toilet Art- icles. Exclusive right for district given. White immediately as our representative will be in your dis- trict so0n.--L;L Mamie Beautifiers. Ottawa, Ont. 45-4t6b .:._._._____._.__._.___ lIR'WIN'S ALL BLUE TAXI SER- VICE, local and long distance, night and day. 26 eent service. George Ir- win. Phone 198. 3L9Lttb - One cent a word, cash, each inser- tion. (minimum charge, 25c), six Insertions for the price of tour. 10c extra when charged: also 10c extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. ` 1' \ I VV JJ VV lit` 1. 'L`llJ H 151! UUCL anaua. Highest prices paid. H. Levit. Phone 384. 45-501) NEW LAID EGGS wanted weekly. E. W. Avery, Churchill, Ont. Phone 414, Lefroy 45-4'61) FOVVL VV"AN"I.E'D also deer skins. Ix:...L..-.,..L ....:nnn.-..1A LI Tnnlo 131..-nan Page Twolvo LOST AN D FOUND AGENTS WANTED STRAYED TO LOT 14, con. 7, Ves- pra, on or about October 1st, one heif- er. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Fred Pratt, Barrie, R.R. 2, telephone 612r11. 46-48p MISCELLANEOUS HELP wAN'rp_ WANTED RENT, a piano for nlcn n nh c nutnr ru:u.V.L, u. pumuu LUL also a child's cutter. L. C. Whitelaw, 46 46p V011` 46b $500 WILL BUY house on corner of Sampson and Collier Streets, Barrie. Terms. Apply Henry & Cowan. 46p H`~OUS`E AND LOT in Wyevale, quarter acre of land, Including gar- den and lawn; good cistern: good cel-lar. $1500. W. E. McLean, Box 15. Elmvale. 42-47p FOR SALE in Barrie, new brick house, four bedrooms, oak floors throughout. This is a high-classed home, up-to-date in every way. Central. R. E. Tuck, `builder. 41-46p PAS'TUlRE FARM `FOR SALE, 45 acres. southwest part of lot 2-2. con. 1, 0ro; never-failing creek and sev- em] acres of 'busIh. Apply to Mary A. Keat, .R.`R. 1, Barrie. Phone 903:`- 3. 44-49p :-:: PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. Prices reasonable. Elmer Robertson, phone 1427J. 46p FOR 'A:UE--Three `black Percheron horses weiglrlng from fifteen to six- teen -hundred pounds; `an eight- yeaz-old dark brown driving mare: one good ruvber-tired top buggy. Apply W. D. Cochrane. Allandale. RIRONOI 20 CnR'O|C`ERY B*U|S'I`NIE S'S f or good locality. Apply Box 347, vie. 4 HOUSE AND LOT for sale at 36 C-lappert-on Street. Apply to J. D. Birniie. Kempenfeldt Hill, Barrie. Ontario. 42-47p BIRICK HOUSE FOR SALE on Blake St.; all conveniences, garage; also lots for sale in east end of town. John Magill, Blake St. 43-48p I-LAMIILT-ON APARTMENT HOUS- ES for sale-Six and eight suite, splendid revenue, will accept Barrie properties or local farms, Western Canada farms or town lots on same; mortgages arranged. Write G. M. Fairfield, Box 301, Hamilton, On- tario. 41-46p FOR SALE--Cho1ce pen of Barred Rock hens, one year old, choice laying strain. Phone 605r21. 46p FOR SALE-Black driving mare, 12 years, sound and quiet, make good delivery horse. Apply P.0. Box 661, Barrie. 46-47b FOR 's;auLE--A number of pure -bred I Shropshire yearling rams and -ram lambs, all Government graded and stamped; also some ewe lambs. N; D. Clarke, Thornton tPJO., Ivy phone. ring 2, 41-46p SI-IR0lP!S`HJI'R:ES FOR SALE - A number of'ra:m lambs and one year- ling. a'l1 government graded" and stamped (XXX). The best grade. Addison McKenzie. Thornton P.O. Ivy-Thornton Telephone. 4'5-50p FLAT To LET. 5 rooms. Corner Maple Ave. and Elizabeth St. Phone 885. 46b .._..__.____.__.:_:_.._.__ LOST--2 suits of boy's underwear. Were placed by mistake in wrong car in Barrie, Saturday last. Finder please return to 67 Owen St. Reward. 46b l"l'V\ILlLVL DIV!-\J-IX ILUUQEI, nu uuuvcu' iences, garden and fruit t_rees. For rent immediately. Phone 305.). 46-51b HOUSE TO REN'I`-7-roomed brick, on Ellen St`... all conveniences, oak floors. Apply G. W. Atkinson, 54 Blake St. Phone 308J. 46p TO LET-Very central house T of 6 rooms and all conveniences, on paved street, very warm, moderate rental, also garden and garage. Vacant soon. Apply 55 Mary St. 46p ; FOR SAI1E--Six-roomed solid brick 1 house, one-piece bathroom; good ` lnnnfinn 1 nr-inc! Gunman : Dnrlzv Ann- I IIULA.-TDU, UlIC'yAC`UC UCLLIIL UUllly BUUIJ location, facing Queen's Park; dou- ble lot with gagrage for two cars. Apply Albert Alexander, 44 Small St., Barrie. ' ` 43-48p 1o PULLETS and 10 hens s.c. White Leghorns, 3 Barred Rocks, for sale or exchange for incubator. Chas. Kelly, 18 McDonald St. 46p GARAGE TO RENT. 133 Owen St. Phone .732W. 46p FARM FOR S'ALlE--Lot 11,_ con. 2. Oro, clay loam, good house and burn, 6 miles from Barrie, on high- way. This property is to be sold to close an estate and immediate possession can be given. For further particulars apply to Frank Ham- mond, solicitor, Barrie; 45-47p FARM FOR SAME-Twolmnmed acres, lot 44, con. 1, Medonte, rich loam, good for any kind of grain; good dairy and stock farm in high state of cultivation; some standing timber. `There is one barn 36x60 on stone foundation, cement floors, hay barn 32x5'2, one hay and implement barn 32x52, frame house and garage, two creeks, good well and water in house: 174 mile from C.IP.R. station and elevator, 534 mile from village of Craighurst, school and church, on the County Road. P-ossession 1st. of April, 1929. Apply Robt. A. `Craig, Box 291, Barrie, Ontario. Telephone 55. 43-48;) A BARGAIN-_-Mahogany table cabin- et model, 5-tube radio, complete with speaker. aerial, tubes and B. batteries. Owner leaving town. 173 Elizabeth St. Phone 839M. A 461) MANURE FORK LO$T on Thursday, Nov. 8, between Mr. Sims , Owen, Sophia or Toronto Streets. Finder please notify W. E. Clarke. Telephone 972W. 46p TWO HOUSES FOR RENT. 59 and 59%, Mary St., all conveniences, 09.]: floors. Apply 52 Clapperton St. 46-47p 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, all c'onven- {nnnnc n-av-Ann and frnif 1'1-Ana Wnr HOUSE TIO RJEINT on Innlsll St. Apply 56 Brock St. 45tfb TO LET-5 and 7-roomed apart- ment. all convenience, central. Tele- phone 1343. 43p 44 tfb '\lL"t\..n.1`lVJ.1.`4L\' J. nu 'J.\.Lun L-a.uuuc:. u conveniences; Bothwell"s Block, Al- landale. Apply R. R. Bothwell, gro- cer. 41tfb I EOER !SALE-1 pure `bred Ishorthorn bull, six months old. vFitvfor ser- vice. Apply to Geo. `Snider, Craig- hurst or -phone 905r5. 43-48p DRY BEECH and maple wood for sale. Apply to V.S. Slessor, Shanty Bay RJR. 1. 4-5-46p STORE TO `RENT in Bothwe11 s Block, Alandale. Rent reasonable. Apply `R. R. Bothwell, grocer. 41tfb HOUSE T=O IR'EN`T-46 CIa'pperton \ St. All conveniences, hardwood ?floors. Enquire of Mrs. P. Kearns, phone 12. 41tfb 100'A1C|RE FA|RM for sale. For fur- ther particulars apply to Mrs. Wal- ter Teetsdzale, Barrie R.R. No. 2, or phone 60'6r12. 4:2-47p --:::2 RE'I'R.ACTION--This is to certify that I was in error in blaming Thomas Ma- guire for the loss of a chain last win- ter and I hereby apologize to him and retract any suggestions made by me that he was in any way responsible for the disappearance of the chain. (Signed) Geo. `Walls, Phelpston. 46x ________________.__ WOOD FOR S-ALE-- -4 ft. hardwood at $9 per cord;`4 ft. hemlock slabs at $5 per cord. W. H. Hatton & Sons. Phone `257W. 41-46b TIRE `C HA'IlN`S FOR .S`A'L'E-33x4. or could be made tcvflt smaller tire; in excellent condition. Will sell at half price, $4.50. Apply Bryson & Marley's garage. ' 44tfx AlPAR`T~MEN`T TO 'R`EN'I`-Modern A A _ u p I\ -. I Ava n I'\ ma `DAG-In1rn'|1 -cq 12`nnLv A1- uva STOCK T Au: PROPERTY FOR SALE pnopagjljr TO LET FARMS FOR SALE- L can), 7, Bar- 45-4'-.'p sale, STRAYED on Nov. 8. from the prem- ises of Jas. Latimer. Craigvale, a tan collie pup, five months old, short hair. Stroud phone 17r15. 46-47p -::- WARM, FURNISHED ROOMS to rent, all conveniences, central. Board op- tional; also garage to rent. 76 Mul- caster st. Phone 490. 46-51p ru 32-: Q 3 Saturday, Nov. 17--N. J. Rivard, at 52 James `St., Barrie (near Res- ervoir)-h-ousehold furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Moconkey, Auc- tioneer. 45-_4 6x Monday, Nov. 19-Geo. Mason, at lot 20, con. 12, Vespra--farm stock -and implements. _Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Moconkey, Auct. 45-4~6x Tuesday, Nov. 220 - Wellington Webb, at lot 6, con. 7. Innisfil- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey. Auc- tioneer. 45-4~6x Wednesday, Nov. 2I1-J. C. Hlndle. at lot 6, con. 3, Innisl - farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. MdC`on-key, Auction- eer. 4'5-46x Thursday, Nov. 22-Oliver B. Patter- son, at 50 Clapperton St., Barrie- household furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. 46b Friday, Nov. 23--A. D. McKinley, at lot 1, con. 9, Innisfil (Town line),-- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey. Auct. 46-47x Saturday, Nov. 24-J. F. _Nelles, at Codrington St., Barrie (near East Ward School)-High class _da.iry cattle, farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctineer. 46-47x Monday. Nov. 26-Howard Reynolds, at west half `lot 2, con. 7, Vespra. (near Anten Miils)-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctionere. 46-47x Tuesday, Nov. 27-Ewart Burns, at lot 7, con. 12, Innistil--farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctionere. 46-47x Wednesday. Nov. 28-Arthur Brown. Cundles--!arm stock and imple- ments. ' Sale at 1.p.m. W. A. Mc- Conkey, Auctioneer. 46-47x Thursday, Nov. 29-Ed. I-Iubbert, at lot 8, con, 13, Innisl-Stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. ,A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer. 48-47x Friday, Nov. 30 -Geo. Graham. at lot 11, con 2, Oro-ta.rm stoct. un`d lrnnlnnnnnim R9]: at 1 nm 10 Au 1:; uycx vy , uaxucsy. 6 ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of landand premises, situate. lying and being in the town- ship of Sunnidale, in the County of Simcoe, containing by admeasure- ment 112 acres more or less, and be- ing composed of the south half of Lot Number twenty-two, in the first concession of the said township, con- taining 91 acres, and all of that part of the south half of Lot Number twenty- three in the said first concessin of the Township of Sunnidale lying west of the Nottawasaga River, containing 21 acres more or less, including Lots 11 and 12 in Town Plot of Rippon on the north side of Essa Street, Govern- ment Plan, No. 3. nh thn coir! fauna "\nvIn `la aniol I-A uxcuu rmu, mu. 0 On the said fafm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suit- able farm buildings. 'T'hn `Anti will has cnh-I cu}-dnnf in o IUDUL VC I-IIKII TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. wnn. '"I'TD.'1`tI`I:!D `D A Dmrnrvr , A 1: a GU10 1611111 UUIIULIIE5. The land will be sold subject to a. reserve bid. f`I'UV`I3'lKQ I'\B! GATIEI. In-.. ..-_. -_._L -1 wauuu. IIIIUJUJ uuys. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS and conditions of sale, apply to HARRY W. PAGE, East Block, Parliament Bldgs. Solicitor to the Mortgagee. Dated at Toronto this 10th day of November. 1928. 4R-4Rh OOMFORTAIEIJE ROOM with board, all conveniences, 201 Elizabeth St. Phone 1'148J. 45-50p BOARD AND HEATED `ROOMS at 168 Bradford St. Phone l056W. Terms reasonable. Mrs. Chas. Neely. 46p THREE NICE ROOMS to let, suitable Opus Hal-cf Isnncnlrnnnina Annlu fn R0 BRING THE YOUNGSTERS to 38 Small St .to fit them with mitts and stockings. We keep them in stock or knit to order. Anything in hosiery. nice 1 to house from or knit Evgovvcnk 3nIIyaf!:1rniRh(.: Footlmz snecialtv.