,,_ _-- \4v1J.AA.|5 uucv ernatmg at regular` pohce committee W111 $D!'.'Ll 5.3 G. . Burwood Girl. Af- s had been gay! 1-... ....-. C yrrants , Finest Qua]. ii Clean, Bright Fruit. -4 naAg-3;; Walnuts A Dill Pickles LlBBY S . :11 run PEI: _.--'-v-uoovus I GOSUIIUU Choice-Halves Real Bright Stock Lbo 190 Brazil Nuts $`, ;ELa g Lb. 31c uvuun Btu V33 Sweet Apple Cider A1lan s . . . . . . . . . .. Evaporated Peaches (`lInina_ u..1...... uoooucou-u Shelled Wainuts 'lc`sInn11"Dn- Cheese 2 PIsgs- 258 ( To Ohorbourg-Southampton Nov. 10...... . . . . ..........Me11ta Nov. 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Montrose To Glasgow-Belfast-Liverpool Nov. 2 . . . . . . Duchess of Bedford Nov. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montclare Nov. 16 . . . . . .. . Duchess of Atholl Nov. 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Montcalm Stores Remain Open Follow- ing Wednesday Until 6 p. m. n`lA_rlJ A bJ 2; Size Tin. Stores Ciosed All Day Monday, Nov. 12 Direct From Ocean `I '1" II f)ai`al1:fzdC:l1f{i?rI(1::)ai1cords. . . . 0 429 Fancy California 'Di2n1 d R1111 (`nut .auu.n4avl4l\l We will assist you in arranging to have your orders delivered. Delivery Service calls here at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.. 2 and 6 p.m. The Delivery Com- pany charges vou 10c for each delivery. LILY BRAND QCHICKEN HADDIE WE SELL FUR LESS Specials Are on Sale at Thse Prices Nov. 9 -Nov. 15 IN GERS OLL CREAM and PIMENTO Woods Underwear Co., Limited 70 Crawford Street, Toronto . cunt! I I 555'!` Fancy-Bor- deaux Halves :1 to . Your Table Tm 0 - V, ,.__ _._-. Examiner always availab1e-ve cents. `DELIVERY Bile. 14: Lb. 59c 23c 9c HORNE fS D.~UNTY Puddings 3Pkgs. 23 Dec. Dec. Dec. MILK ---.vvv---- ------'--w - Cake for rhre'.7'oZ}..'6}'.i} "" " We want every one to try this now, the finest of Christmas cakes, than you will be convinced that for Christmas your Christmas 2 Cake must come from Loblaw's. I s. Sendsome to your friends. NESTLE S E TED Old ' ("MT Colony ................ .. Btleo 333 Pancake F lour ` Pkg. 17c Jemima `. Special Sample Sale of Christmas] Pure Maple D1 .-lg EEIS Syrup The Britis I I011 C offeeg Tunqisll -v.-\/A4 . w.o. 404w, Res. 764M _-v.vJ uruonlvga z3.`.`z z :?n`C'. . . . . . . . .. Tin 16 Raisins,S,Z{ .`, ,;t.".`; f"` 2 Plzgs. 25c Baby Carrot; "9hI?l|, 13..-; u Finest Qua]. Cooking Lima Beans f1',`,`.`, ,. },`i, Natural Figs Finest (Incl "e'!. ..!'_'_l>em Shelled Almonds l:I......... Peel-Lemon and Orang (`I-nccn Ry R12:-L-u1n`II'I I I REAL DELICIOUS" "I.-`a;1c.ywI:ight Meat R" - Delmonte Br.--Q ters .... T!" 22c II I fl DC I 501/9159 .Finest Qual. Sound, Sweet . . . . I Apply Local Agents or J. B. MACKAY, General Agent, C.P.R. Bldg. Toronto. Fancy Valencia . . High Park B1-.-Roasted ' 3and Ground Fresh Daily` I Crosse 8: Blackwell : nvlluvlo UII Z \'l 6.106 Fancy Turn-down Caps Lb 240 Special Price Thursday. November 8. 1923 Lb. 40 ,, 2 Lbs. 19 L 2 Lbs. 27 :f53Lb. 57 I/2-lb. 29c 41tf CHRISTMAS SAILINGS FROM QUEBEC To Glasgow-Belfast-Liverpool Nov. 28 . . . . . . . . . . .. Minnedosa W.A.Jenkins&Son SHAW S BUSINESS SCHOOLS run. LUUUUI Lucu, F01` bcml-1116001` MCI! $3.00 $4.00 For Outdoor Men For Men of Slow Circulatiqn $5.00 $7.00 Page Two -and you ask Why is my old-fashioned underwear uncomfqrtable? _ HOME, oice, club, closed car, streetcar -these are the modern man's tropics. Yet most winter underwear still in use . was designed for the cold old days that existed before central heating came. Now comes this modern, healthier, more comfortable underwear, specially developed for today's conditions-'- plenty of snug warmth outdoors, but healthy ventilation indoors There are four new fabrics, made of cot- ton--wool and cotton-and pure wool -so constructed that the permit com- plete body ventilation an s_till protect against the extremes of cold. Indoors- they give coolness and healthy ventila- tion. Outdoors-theygivesnugwarmth and protection on the coldest day. There are four Buff Line Fabrics: For Indoor Men, For Semi-Indoor Men $=._m U M SUCCESSORS TO W. GRACEY & SON 21 21 19' FROM ST. JOH N Cherbourg-Southamptom Antwerp q 1(_,. COAL COKE WOOD '-'r$' li.'.c';}.'.'.-'.' UNDERWEAR . . . . .. Montclare Duchess of Atholl \:fnn&...n..n1 `.'V.". . . . . Mellta D U1. ILLLIUIJ MontroVyalJ Montrose ,...---.D vv UVGI. lPUUUn `A vegetable cellar has recently been completed. under the east verandah at a cost of about $100 and will provide much-needed storage room for potatoes, etc. L C!-ICLILDO Patients in the hospital on Nov. 1st numbered `33. Receipts for the month were $2,268.90, while ac- counts paid amounted to $2,732. Included in the latter were sever- al items of capital expenditure amounting to over $300. -A .......,.4...L1_ , 11 3 u;yuoUD uuxy. House and property committees were authorlzed to make certam 1-epa1rs. Dn+.'.....4.... :_- n, 1 .. . -- ,-_-....,-.,.. \IJ. U: u. uuugau. A telephone was ordered to be installed in the nurses residence. People desiring to speak to the nurses are expected. to ring` them at the residence when off duty, as No. 36. the hospital telephone, is for business purposes only. T-Tnnan f\IInIJ ----u A-~`~~ Ivory INN!!! ,,-_.. _,-. -.-....uu_y cu.ucLuuUu, ruex. Cowan was appointed a member to ll the vacancy caused by the re- signation of J. B. Dougall. A I-n'l....L....- ---r ` At the regular meeting of the Royal Victoria Hospital Board, held on Monday afternoon, Alex. Cowan was Qhhn';`rI.+nH n w..-.w.1..u. t- ALEX. . COWAN PLACED ON HOSPITAL BOARD I LCLIIUI Action under the Unmarried Parents Act is now pending and accused was remanded for sen- tence and allowed out on bail to enable his appearance or endeavor to do the fair thing by the unfor- tunate girl. Bail was set at $2,000. W. A. lBoys, K. C., appeared for Morris and H. H. Creswicke for agcused. Magistrate Hogg presid- e . Llc That money was spent and no wedding. He came back and got another $10 to buy a ring, and was not seen again un-til picked up by Provincial Constable Robinson, Morris having sworn out a war- rant. A -A_,`,__ - -- -- Morris said the lad told him his father had put him out and that he had purchased a 50-acre farm. He needed $100 for the wedding a_nvd to complete a contract in Bar- 1'10 Before the three-day legal per- iod had elapsed the young man had a quarrel with the girl's broth- er and backed out of the wedding. As a result he appeared in Police Court Monday morning charged with false pretences, to which he pleaded guilty. When Dorsey Lloyd, aged 21, Tossorontio township, obtained $110 from John: Morris to marry his (Morris ) daughter, he pur- chased a license but that is as far as he got. , , V 1, .1 `I - ' - Tossorontid Twp. Young Man in Peck of Trouble. co[L1cENE{ 5.;-2 e;;.`a'&`3 "KfEc"."rJ1"1i.r1~7i- aivsums all a couple of weeks. . Mr. and Mrs; N. Chew of Midland and Mrs. -N. Hodgins spent the week -end in Toronto. ` Mrs; Etherington visited friends here recently. The public andv continuation school pupils gave a very successful *Ha11owe en social in the hall last 5uu.l: LU Duzxgara. ivaus. ' -Mr. Lunnan and brother of Tor- onto are camping at the Beach for "couple of we_eks. 1` and Ira. KT I`lL..... .3 1:25;: - vv anuvrllulia Nov. 5-`Carman Moore is home from Toronto. VF. Adisett of'=Cooks=toWn visited friends here recently. Mrs. :H. :Bem visited friends in. Midland. `Mrs. J. Moore spent last week in Toronto. Erie Rankin and Jim Dickie have` gone to Niagara Falls. -Mr, :T.1`Inn-av: nu-`A 1......4.I.-.. -n "- vuuuuu JUU UU otuen. irquiry has already been_ 8` I. ' Lcuclvtgu L0 maxe nurlal in Canada. Major Currie, who was in the plane with Reynolds at the time of the crash, is making good= progress. He suffered a fractured thigh, wristand jaw, `but owing to the nature of his injuries a statement cannot yet be `taken, although the inquiry has alreariv hncm :...+:4--4 uuu uuuug .LuIleI`a1 servlce. The authorities had some trouble locating the dead o'icer s're1atives in England, only a bank address being found among` `his effects. His mother was located Monday in Leeds, Yorkshire, and instructions received to make burial in Canada. Maior ('?m~ria mt". ....... :.. LL- uuuz, -`uaulp cnaplaln. The escortuand ring party were in charge of Adjutant Flying Of- cer A. F. Ingram, the gun carri- age following with pall bearers on either side. They were Flight Lieut. Heaslop, Flying Officers Shayler, O lBrien-"Saint, Hatton and Arthur and: Pilot Officer Hut- ton. Other troops were led by Squadron Leader Brookes. `Three rounds were fired and the last post sounded to complete an impressive and tting funeral service. TBA Q11+hnF;+:nn- 1...: ..------ L - ' " l E I ' ' ` . ' I ` - ' BUFF LINE UNDERWEAR 1s obtamable at good men's stores over Canada. The following stores in BAIRJRJE cansupply you: an F0 & ` 1' IS`? ill! nv-1 A 4... Full military honors were paid to the late Flying Officer A. E. Reynolds, killed in a crash at Camp Borden last Thursday, when he was buried at Union Cemetery Monday afternoon. About fty officers and. N.C.O. s attended the service at Trinity Anglican Church and-- formed the funeral cortege to the graveside. The services were taken by `Rev. A. R. `Beverley, rec- tor of Trinity and .Rev. Mr. Bar- bour, -Camp chaplain. Wm nanny-+ and A...'...... .....-.L__ --- H Full Military Honours Are Accorded to Flying Oicer Reynolds. DEAD PILOT Is BURIED IN BARRIE as =1: :1: Collingwood` had a re of unus- ual origin one night recently. It was caused by an electric light x- ture becoming loose and dropping on a bed, the heat of the bulb causing the bedclothing to become ignited. Fortunately the bed was unoccupied at the time. U1. vv_cUUWUU(.l, picked pussywillows in full bloom, or whatever they do in the spring. tra la la. Pussywil- lows have no business pussyfooting in the fall, opines :'Mr. St. Michel, and -neither they have. Other queer things are happening in the same latitude. according to the same source of information. Four bears scrambled out of their hole near Rutter and knocked over E. Gauthier, a farmer. At Horne- payne a moose came right into the town, thus inviting death and this the open season. Owls in the neigh- borhood of Spanish have also be- come exceedingly frisky, surpass- ing` even their much touted capa- city for wisdom, as one of the birds who essayed to tackle a - whole hen house consequently was reduced` to a state of captivity. `Twice a teamster was assaulted by owls. and in the rst surprise attack, lost his cap. The second time he suffered bodily harm. Truly, -Mr. Ferguson s L.'C.A. ap- pears to be proving a distinct suc- cess (?) in the wild and woolly north, where men are men and pussywillows grow in the winter. 3|: :2 an ' UV uuo uuuuury mar, only it puts it a little differently. It says: Th-e animal and vegetable king- dom of this great North Country have combined in cutting up cap- ers. The other day M. St. Michel. of Webbwood, picked pussywillows b100n1. O7` \X711':Ii'otrn-n 4~1n--- -1` an an :1: Pussywillows are in full bloom 1n the frozen north, accordlng to the `Sudbury Star, only it differnnv Tf an"~- 7:` 3|` * Bruce may be the next- county to adorn, or inflict, (according to the point of view) its warden with i a gown and cocked` hat. Warden Mo'Kay and Reeve McKerracher of M Paisley are giving the proposal their consideration while Ex~War- den-_McIDonald of the Chesley En- V terprise makes it unanimous with support in his Municipal Mutter- ings. The editor would go fur- ther. He would add knee breeches and silk stockings and have the warden say a prayer opening the session each morning. That would not work out in Simcoe very well. sion here. They seldom hold a morning ses- ' .yvuu.5aucJ.'D- VV uerl Ene- event VVQS over-the children all Went home in ne fashion. All were satised. The plan is unique and has much merit in view of the wanton de- struction of property in some places. Over 5,000 attended Timmins community Hallowe en Party, with a big bonre, reworks, band music, etc.,`on the Cyanide. Four thousand bags of candy were distributed to. the kiddies. Tim- mins apparently observes Hallow- e en in a manner which pleases old and young alike. The latter like the crowds, the merriment and, of course, the candy. On the other hand there was no bothering of merchan-ts and citizens and no damage or annoyance by the youngsters. When the. event over-Hm ohnamn all .......t 1.-.--. .-_ From 75 Above tb 10 Below Reecting High Lights in this News from Ontario Town Newspapers The Weekly Mirror \( via IL Lulu . institut- Wednesday night. The hall was gaily decorated with lblack cats, witches and other Hal-lowe en sym- bols. A splendid program `Was car- ried -out with Jos. -Clute acting as chairman. The -three judges, Messrs. Hill, Stott and Lyons, awarded the prizes to Olive Hill, dressed as a country genitleman, and Murdoch as The Vanity ter a jolly round of games played. a lunch was served by sev- eral of the school girls. Zlsj` `The Misses Ardell and Erland VVatson have returned home after visiting their sisters, Mrs. Nugent of` Craigmyle, A1ta., and Mrs. (Dr). Key of -Belulevue, Alta. They also visited Banff and various places in British Columbia. acx vcu. A-l.'UUuL DU W611`) present. `On Thursday afternoon of last week the Women's Institute, of which Miss Winnifred Rutffett was a member, met at the home of Mrs. I. Moore and presentedmer with a lovely "fruit set together with an address wishing her health and happiness. u LCHUD LU!` Lut'lI' Klll(lnSS. .On VVednesday the :B.Y.P.U. met at the home of Mrs. Reddizck. As this was social evenin-g a fitting program was prepared `which was enjoyed by all. A-fter the program Mtlss Winnifred Ruffett. president for the past year, was asked to take -the chair, An address was read -by Miss Aggie Taylor and -"Miss Bea- trice Houston presented her with 21 beautifulcasserole, while little Bert VVhen presented a pair of silver vases in behalf of the B.Y.yP.U. Miss Rurffett, with a. look of pleasant surprise, thanked -them all for their kindness, saying the B.Y.P.U. would long have a pleasant rememlbrance for her. A delectable lunch was 1 served. Afbout 50 were present. `On Thnrsrlnv nffnvnnnn n+` 1oa+ AlULClc Mrs, `T. Bateman was the hostess of a shower last Tuesday for Miss \Vinnifred Ruffett whose marriage takes .p1a'ce on VVednesd-ay of this week. `The bride-tv0-be received many pretty and useful gifts, show- ing :1 .1itt1e of the es-teem in which she is held in her `home neig`hIbor- hood. Although taken completely by surprise she thanked her many ;friends for their kindness. an 7'nr'1v-nae:-ion 6-1-.A .13T7`l'\T`r .-.-a. aanunalald In 1' fII\ I Nov. 6--E'ux'eka Villa has been sold and will be fitted up for a summer hotel. '\II'...._ WI ! 1-, . nave L\:.'Lu1llt`.U. LFUID CHE` \\'es.t. Recent visitors were Mr. Ga:11:1_2h- er and son cf `Toronto with Mrs.- Bligh; Mr. and Mrs. Doherty and Frank Beardsall, all o.f Penetang. and Hilda Beardsall, all of Barrie. with Mrs. VV. BeaI`dS. 11'1Z Mrs. Smith of Toronto, -with Mrs. Bert Peters. Toronto--cwelve of them- train young people for office positions through day and evening sessions and home study courses. Through a. spe- cial Employment Department. defdnlte assistance is afford- ed both Employer and Gra.d-- uate. Write for calendar. Head Offices: Bay and Charles Sts. a.u5uL!`:l' 111 .I.UI`()I1[0. Norman McLean and Jas. B1-own have returned from the `Vest. Renenf vi:.H-nru urn)-n \1`u f`.~.1!.-I- CIVIC u.....c. .uLa. uzcuer .I.'z-1\'e current events. Mrs. J. Beztrdsall conducted a contest. The fowl supper for the memvbers and their families is to be held on Nov. 15, at the home of Mrs. O. D. Partridge. Next meeting is to he at the home of Mrs. Bert.r:1m. Roll call VV`hy I go to an Institute meet- ing? Mrs. McKay and Mrs. Bennett willl be tea hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. VVm. Bligh left here last Week for their new home in Atherley. On Thursday the neigh- bors -gathered at t-he hnmn nf rnvm -met at the home of Mrs. Be:11'd:~::111 vu\Jvvl;cD Nov. 5--~'The Women's Institute; on Oct. 31, with twelve present, in- cluding four visitors. `The t1`ea. reported $32.70 proceeds from the; booth at the Oro schoo-I fair. 'It was! decided to send a shower of fruiti and Ve:;etz1b]es to the `Barrie Shel-1 ter and $5.00 to the Rest Room.` `Barrie. Mrs. Dicker , .'z-1\'e conducted. LLU (IL I deal .9 cuLu.`C1_V without protection. The officer on the Barrie end stops at `Toronto St.. they point out, while the Allandale officer` only comes north a short distance. leaving considerable distance with- r out a patrol. They suggest that each officer make two trips the full length of the street during the ` night, alternating` regular} hours. The will] Ana-:1 `CV:L`- IL :Bryson & Morley. whose garage on Bradford` St. has been broken into several times this summer, as have others, are asking the town for better police protection in that section. They point to the build- ing up and growing importance of Bradford St. and the fact that it is entirely without protection. nfrior nn 4-Inn D`-`-*3 * 1 GARAGE MEN WANT `~ POLICE PROTECTION ON BRADFORD ST. nuuuuicy mvans. I knew the late Mr. Hewson since his boyhood days, said W. A. Boys. He was an outstanding athlete in these parts if not in the entire county. I am familiar with his career from graduation. He was a man of honor and a`con- scientious gentleman. always working in the best interest of his client. I have both proted and su'ered from his decisions from the bench, but I never felt `he was very far wrong. The bench and bar have sustained. a serious loss. 1./1. abs :1 cub`. He was a capable and gentle- manly official, giving every consid- eration to juvenile offenders when possible and was a credit to the bar of the county, added Crown Attorney Evans. at I,....... n..- 1-: -at -- Nov. Presiding in police court in Bar- rie for the rst time Magistrate Hogg of Col1ingwoo-d- took oppor- tunity Mond.ay morning to pay tri- bute to the memory of the late Magistrate Hewson. who died last Thursday. Deceased was a native of Innisl anc1_ in his younger days` a distinguished athlete. He was a valued member of the Police Magistrates Associa- tion, always maintained the best traditions of British justice, a man of integrity, a good citizen and a _, Christian gentleman, said the Collingwood magistrate. The sen- timents were endorsed by Magis- M trate J effs. (FLT- ___ -r iBoth Bench and Bar Refer to the Passing of All L! 11...... PAY TRIBUTE TO % DEAD l$:I%AKlSTRATl-1; ,_. V.-. .. go-0 wt! 1`... Luau LLIC with it. BELE EwAR'r_ _' `r71....-v_.. 17: 1 DAESIQN .- ---V n vs\J\JAAAb w; 'W. H. Hewson. cT vV:_s' |'I'-. 1'1-r-,, . Nov.