Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Oct 1928, p. 12

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. Iago Twelve 41-46b LLUII (X ` I JJNJ. 1 AD, 42-47p I uuax .:.u. 42-471) IBM! 4313 !ULl.b 43b . FOR `SALE OR '.D0_ LET-No. 12 Wellington `St. -W., six-roomed brick house, furnace, electric light and gas, three-piece bathroom, large garden. .cen|trally located. Possession Nov. 1st. Rent $25. Ap y to H. A. Calllghen, 583 Gerrard t. E., Tor- _ onto. _ -1 4054-59 FOX `H-OtU"NZD for sale or to reny.` Apply to Geo. Croghan, west end of Larzfie. . j 431) 100-A:CfRE FAIRM for sale. For fur- 6`nt\In nnn11`ov|a 011711`! fn RIPS, Wal- 100-AIL:'Ll'{h4' .l"A`11mV.I. I01` SE16. EU]; Lux- ther particulars apply to Mrs. Wal- ter Teelsdal-e, Barrie R.R. No. 2, or i phone 60*6rl2. 42-47p ___'_.__________..__._..._____ VVA.\'TED-.-X maid for general housework and plain cooking; re- ferences necessary. Mrs. Hargreav- es, 55 Peel St. 42tfb ' FARM FOR `SALE OR RENT, 100 acres, `West `half `of lot 2, con. 9, In- nisfil. Apply to Jas. -R. Jamieson, box 90, Thornton, Ont - `43-44p . FARM FOR SADE-100 acres, lot 29, _con. 1, Oro, Pene) Road; good buildings; close to churches, school and rai'1rvoad. Apply Jas. Johnston, Barrie RR. 1. _ 4~2-43p :?. BUSH LOT FOR SAIIJE, west half of east half lot 10, con. 6, Oro, 50 acres, partly cleared. balance second growth pine and hardwood. T. Mc- Cuaig, 46 VVors1ey St.,\Barrie. 42-4-3p .._.._._._.___:__._____.. FAR-M FOR SALE - VVesterly 70 acres of south half of lot '15, con. 1, Oro. lC1ay -roam, good house and barn. This property is to be sold to close an estate and immediate pos- session can be given. For further particulars apply to D. F. Mccuaig, Solicitor, Barrie. 43-451) FARM FOR SA`LIE--T'wo hungred acres, lot 44, con. 1, Medonte, rich loam, good for any kind of grain; good dairy and stock farm in high state of, cultivation; some standing "timber. There is one barn 36x60,on stone foundation, cement floors, hay barn 32x-'5`2, one hay and implement barn 3`2x5`2, frame house and garage, two creeks, good well and water in house; 14 mile from C.~P.R. station and elevator, $4 mile from village of Craighurst, school and church, on the -County Road. Possession 1st of April, 1929. Apply Robt. A. `Craig, Box 291, Barrie, Ontario. Telephone 55. - - 43--48p m. ?--j FAJRM FOR SAUE-*1l50 acres, lot 13, con. 4, Inmisfi, clay loam. One of `best grain and stock farms in Innisfil. On t-his property is a 10- roomed toughcast house, hard and soft water with taps in house; up- to-date `barn, 40x90, on stone foun- daxtion; cement floors equipped witlh steel stanchions, water bowls and'1itnter carrier; hog penvand hen ho'use 2-4x70 on cedar block; imple- ment house 20x50; garage and work shop 155030. This farm is Well fenc- ed and in high state of cultivaltiorn and has never been tenanted. Nice lawn, orchard and creek on pasture lot. On fifth concession, close to paved highway, schools, churches, railway, market, eltc. Apply to own- er, H. F. Graham, Churchill, Ont., nn nlnnnn 1QI`4 T.nfv-nv 32-431] .T.`? EFF`EB_`?2LF'E`* ".`` `C1 , 11.. L`. Ll'1`, ux` ` or p one 19r4, Lefroy. I I16 I43! I I6 IIIPGI Iudlvillv Iurlnuvw Mrs. May Creswicke, Sec y.-Tron. 190 Bayfiold St.--Telophono 310. ~ WAGENICY Melville Travel Service, Toronto. 1 Travellers Accident Insurance.Co. International Air'ways. National Air Transport, Leasidte. VVhen planning a winter tour, see us. Fly "to your destination; it is quicker -:- YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or 501- iciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Building, Toronto. 1Mtfb _ `I399 IV-lino 1 in spare time, in city or town, tak- ing orders. We show you h-ow to make a. success. Delivery later. Per- sonal Greeting Cards. Something new and snappy. Magnificent sample book free. "Imperial Art, 51 Wel- lington West, Toronto. 40-43Pb Notice is hereby given that the list of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County of Isimcoe, has been -prepared and is being published in an advertise- ment in the lontario Gazette, upon the `nth, 18-th and 25th days of Au- gust, 1928, and the 1st day of Sep- tember, 19-28. '(`t\v\h:u nf unl H61 A. lonrln hi` SALE OF LANDS !"'. A'3RF+AR.5_9F TAKE.-.5 -urn u-:-uj-1 `run ---- In the County of Simcoe, to wit: |.Ul'lJU1', '.l.U'l:O. `Copies -of said list of lands or advertisement can be seen in my office or will be mailed upon mak- ing application for same. `In default of payment of taxes as hown on said list, on or beore Tuesday, the 13th day of November,i192*8, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, I shall at that time in the `Council. Chamber, ICour House, Barrie, On- tario, proceed to sell lby -public auc- tion `the said lands to pay such ar- rears, together with the charges thereon. 38-45b . D. H. COLEMAN, Treasurer, County of Simcoe Treasurer's Ofice, Court House, Barrie, On/L, the 7th day of August. 1928. TREASURER S SALE of` L_ANDS V--`Sale -of ne-grey and: blue worsted suits, best quality, regular $35.00 for $29.50 at `Stephens Clothing Store, Five Points. 4'3fb 1-`OR s'ALE on TO LET NOTICE IS -1-IEREBY GJIVEN by virtue of a warrant from the May- or or the Town of Barrie, in the Province of Ontario, under his hand, with the seal of the Corporation or the said Town attached thereto. bearing date the tenth day of Sep- tember A.D. 192-8, and to me direct- ed. for the collection of arrears of taxes on the undero-mentioned lands. That unless sooner paid, I shall, on the nineteenth day of December AD. 1928, at the hour` 04. ten o'clock in the torenoon, in the Council Chamber, Mumciplal Buildiing. in the `said Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or so much thereof as may be sufficient to dis- charge such arrears and "charges thereon. - e Tuba nnl-`AA 'IIG+1'|nIl hnf n'Hu hf EIIGPOOII. Take notice further that a/list of the said lands is being published in the Ontario Gazette in its issues of September 16th, 22nd and 29th, and October 6t`h, 1.928, and that said list is posted up in my office, cop- -ies of which may be had on appli- OEUOII. `ISAGAA A6 Eaunln hln 1H' `or II, wanted;` Toronto 1n wuucr, .D`a1|.n: in summer; good wages. Apply Box P", Examiner. 43b __.___._______..___...._.___ nlvyvvooawvc, av-v \ Lw. smarrn. 37-4'9.b Treasurer Town or Barrie canon. _ Dated at Barrie this 10th day ot September, 1928. . ` A fl`! QIIITVIIE 'i-n_Arrears_for Taxes in Town of Barrie HFXRMS 1-'oR,sAu-: $250 MAD 5'cnno\ Io. `Q6-up an 4- '1, \IlILu, 32-43p! |iuIlnIilnuainu3 -'-Deer hunters; supplies at Stephens IC1othin-g Sjcore. 43b ---The Sales of the year is on--. Vickers Thanksgiving Sale.- `_ 43b -If it is lamps you want, see -Urry `Bros., 'BayIeld St. 43-4-6b --A good assortment of odd pants and.vests at `Stephens . 4'3b --Shop at Vickers --It pays- The big `Thanksgiving `Sale is on. b --'Hallowe e-ni, mums, carna- tions, ferns. T. E. Harley, {Phone 23. 43p --IBoard of Trade meeting Fri- day, Oct;'2i6, at 7.30 p.m., in the Police `Court `Chambers. x --oP1an a visit to Vickers Thanksgivinjrsale. Early shoppers prot most. . 43b There was no meeting of the Public Library `Board on Monday * night. a quorum being lacking. __T..:.+ vnn anlvn vnrn an-rcnf nvn- SALESMAN VVA1\"'1`ED for a good housvhold proposition, can make em`... tan +n $75 2 week in Simcoe lllsllb. 6 `Linux uu: UCL115 1o\v\A.\Au5. -Let me solve you: corset pro- blems for you. `Mrs. Amy Simmons, 76 `Small |St., Telephone 07. 41tfb A11 vvururl uvnnnnn on n1\*nA*IInn T0 D1ll'd].1`Dlu, J.UlCpl.1U1I: U I 0 `2..Lh.LU -All men, women an children will enjoy a visit to Vickers while the-big Thanksgiving `Sale is on. b RITA Lawn nu gain 9 nn.*rnn1nrh3 U1lU`Ul5 '.I-ll:GlllLD51V1l.l5 LJGIC ID Ulla U --`We have on sale a complete stock of `Stane1d s und'-erwear from 36 to` 50. At Stephens Cloth- ing Store. 431) A real` rugby game is promised at Camp `Borden on 'Saturday when `Hamilton and` the F1_iers- meet in an O.R.F.U. match. 'l'___...--J.--- IHJ `T\ ...1\'111.'... -1.` LL.` all \JnI\ul.'oLJ. lllfll./Ull- Inspector Ed. lMc.Mi1lin, of the local brewer's warehouse, who has been ill for the past two weeks, has resumed his duties. l`|__,_J. OE .f`| . _ _ . _ . _ -- TLJ I155 l`UulllUU I113 U.Lll.rlUDn -Great 25 Company, Ltd., men's suits and overcoats; to mea- sure, $25.00. Satisvfactio-n guar- anteed or money refunded. B. D. O Neill. 43p Rev. J. `S. fShortt will be in Elm- vale next `Sunday preaching at an- niversary services. Rev. E. Thom- as of Elmvale will occupy St. An- ` drew s pulpit. C D iT.ov1n IQI1nA1o:v1+n1\(1an4- Al: UICVV D Pullllhu G. R. |Lane. `Superintendent of the `Provincial Forest Station, at Midhurst,- was the speaker at the Kiwanis Club luncheon at Orillia, Monday, !Oct. 22. __ .Av\ .r\11-`J4-1'vnn 'T-Tn11nrnn on LVLUIIUGJ, '\J\rDo LIL! --An Old-time 7Hallowe en Dance will be held in the I.*O.=O.F. Temple, `Wednesday, O-ct._.31. Gentlemen '7v5c, ladies 25c. Good music, refreshments. 43p --Ladlies, attention! Free! Free! Your choice of hat or scarf with every coat or dress sa1e--one week only. Oct. 27 to Nov- 3.-~Miss Collins, 27 Essa St., Allandale. b = --'Edison 'Mazd*a are the lamps we advise you to purchase. The new inside frosted prices are now 25 and- 40 watt `27c. 60 watt 30c. Every lamp guaranteed. Urry Bros. 4'3-45-47b "The Signal rugby team from Camp `Borden played B.C.I. yester- duay, winning 6-0. It was a good clean game. `Cameron starred in backeld andI_Usher on the line for the Fliers. 'l"I .'1J.__A_`L `I __,__ --Hi1dreth Lennox, pianist, vo- calist and reader, now booking au- tumn_ engagements. Full pro- gramme provid`ed for fowl suppers, etc. Apply 2 North St., Barrie. Telephone 387*W. 38-43b , , :r`n~r\:4-A1 "F1u1un.-Inc. 'C`uu'.Jnuy LCLCLJIJULLC UUI VVo OOi L)U --`Capitol `Thursday. Friday. Saturday.--4Burnint,: with the spir- it of adventure, are with every- thing but love, until a beautiful d-ance hall girl whirled her way into his heart! J_ack Lon~d'on s famous story brought to the screen as one of the most power- ful roles Milton Sills ever portray- ed! 43x Mrs. Thos. Armstrong. one of the three surviving victims of the automobile accident at Fennells last Frid-ay afternoon. which re- sulted in the death of her husband and three others, was removed` by ambulance from the Royal Victor- ia Hospital -to Toronto today. __J2Hl1'n nnxrn -in Flan Vn'1lnuv 1a. u.uap1ua1 "LU 1.Ul.`UuLU wuay. --oBi11ie Dove in The Ye'1low Lily. Beautiful star! Beautiful romance! lBe~autifu1 background! The screen s Bird of Paradise as a peasant girl who shoots her way into the heart of a heart-breaker. The star and director of The Stolen Bride unite to `bring you another great picture. Don t miss it. Capitol Mon.. Tues., Wed. 43x housvlmlu 1'JI`UpU:s1L1uu, ucbu luwnu from $.30 to $75 a week County and Barrie. Apply J. 'H. Mc- Cuw, 34 Bayfield `St., Barrie. 43p Friday, 0ct~o.ber 216--Jas. Griffin, at east .ha-If lot 29, C012]. 7, Essa (near 'Co1wel1)--farm stock and imple- ments. Siale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- - Conkeay, Auctioneer. , 42b Saturday, Oct. 27-S. Musson, at Inglenook Far-m`(knoW-n asLou.nt s Castle), Sunnidale Road, Barrie- household furniture, farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mclconkey, Auct. 2-43x Monday, Oct. 29-Jas. Coutts, at lot 13, Con. -3, Vespra;--catt-le and sheep. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Wic- Conkey. Auct. Friday, Nov. 2-,-S. Mcsherry, at lot 9, con. 6, Ihnisfi-l-farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcvcosn ey, Auct. 42-44x Thursday, Nov. 8--D Maw, lot 32, con 10, Essa-high class dairy cows. Sale at 1 p.m. `W. A. Mg-. Conkey. Auct. 43'b Friday, Nov. 9-`Thos. Neely, lot 2'5. con. 10, Innisfil--farm stock and implements. Under instructions from the public trustee. Sale at 1 p.m. WV. A. Mcrconkey, Auct. 43b &V4l.l'u U2!-UUU ,'-lTl.'U1|p UO1LG I-U DA.` press her sincere thanks to 'her friends and neighbors for their `many kind expressions of sympathy at the time of her recent bereave- The Wild1--<)fNi]Ed ercy Goodban of Chiswlck, Eng.. contained the fol- lowing provision: As I have al- ways had the reputation of being late for my appointments, my joke will be to be late at my funeral- and hope my friends will enjoy the joke. Make me ten minutes late." The body was carried in -ten minut- es after the funeral rites started. GJIHU sent. `IA ... Mrs. William Johnson -and son Wish `to express their sincere ap- preciation of the" ssympatthy and great kindness shown to them in connection with the death of :Mn. 10 nson. -` . r. John ILennox and family of Painswick` wish to thank their neighbors and other friends for the many -acts of kindness and sym- pathy extended to them during the illness -and death of Mrs. Lennox, also for fbeautifulv oral tributes ........4. ` Ania 413p, :1 !-IE 3An_m2 sxAM_:'nea UH L. Mrs. Jacob VI-Iolt desires `to .....a.... Ian- nu!-gnnun +1.-guru`!-n J-A CARDS on-"V THANKS CREDIT SALE , an 1-, , _ THE PARKS CO.\I.\IISSDON re- quire about `100 loads of good soil delivered at >B:1yview Park for top d1`es.si11g. Quote best price per cubic yard to A. H. Good-aJl, Sec1'eta.ry. 43b - :,~:- BA1IJL--On Thursday. Oct. ll. 1928. to `Mr. and `Mrs. F. Harry V. 33.11. Timmlns, 0nt., 9. son, (Francis Murray). . L ' PR`A'1`T-At the -Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pratt, Barrie, a. son. VRI0`BSr0N-IIn the LR.V. Hospital. Barrie, Friday. Oct. 19, 19218, to Mr. and Mrs. lRnsse1l..Robson, Ivy. a daughter. \ SPEAB`EN-0n 'Wednesday,"Oct, 10, 1928, at 60 Clapperton St., Bar- rie, to Mr. `and Mrs. George B. `spearin, a daughter (stillborn). ROBERTSON - In Londd` ont.. Oct. `22, 1928,, Chanies Edward Robertson, formerly of Barrie. Funeral will be held from the home of J. -C. Miles, 157 Bradford St., on Friday, Oct. -'26, at 2 p.m. Interment at -{Barrie Union Ceme- tery. McLEAN-4In loving memory or W. J. McLean who passed away Oct 124, -1927. God is kind, He gives me strength To hear my lonely cross. He is the only one who knows My .loneliness and loss. 43x . -'Wife SMFI`H-JIn loving remembrance of our dear husband and father, John Dolby Smi`th,~-who passed to rest Oct. 24, 19245. ' Only the sweetest of memories remain of a life spent in thoughtful deeds of love and kindness. rrfvln, ___J (N... 1'\-11.u- WI]CE-In loving memory of -Mrs. (`hoe Tina urhn flint? (inf 93 1927, VVlJL}v.IH**lIl IUVIHE IIl`II1U1'y UL J.V.l.l. `Chas. Wice, who died -Oct. 23, 192?: We cannot say, we will not say `That she is dead, She "is just away. With a. cheery smile And 3. Wave of the hand,_ She ha? wandered into an unknown , Ian . 43p -S!ad1y missed by T-I -nv:hnnrl and Pamilv. Z513" Salesman in Slmcoe County during Fall and Winter months to sell Fruit Trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc. Good pay. Exclusive territory. Whole or part time arrangement. A 600-ACRE NURSERY 117,. .-....... n.-.3 .-..-..~..n+.. l\ nnnlinvvn an-.11- PI UUV'l'\\Ol'\Eu I`\Jl'\CEI"lI We own and operate amoderp, well- equipped Nursery and supply our customers with the best in quality and variety. Sell hardy, Canadian- grown Nursery Stock and you will be successful. Our agency is valu- able. Established 35 years. .......__...________-..____ BOARDERS XVANTED, very cent- ral, all conveniences. Box 532, phone 1193M, 41 Worsley St. 40-45p DINING ROOM IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT F irst-Class Meals, 50 c_enta. COME AND TRY THEM W PELHAM. NURSERY do. '40-47p TORONTO 2, ONTARIO THE SIMCOE HOTEL`! MULCASTER s'r. IS OUR `ADDRESS where we are equipped better than ever to at- tend to all your wants in the line` of Hargy B;1_1_'ron USED CARS Offers the following: 1928 DURJANT 4 `Sport Coupe, cannot be told from new, same guarantee as new C 31`. 1927 STAR i-TON TRUCK. in splendid condition and guaranteed. `Ann! r(rnA`l\ n'l1\A\1 _....- 5% R A R A L v u u \`l 1927 STAR SEDAN, new tires and in exceptionally good condition throughout, and guaranteed. 1927 ESSEX SUPER SIX COAJGH. in splendid condi- tion, motor just overhauled. 1925 S"I`AfR `COACH. This one `has b_een v_ve11 cared for -__.1 2. ......n AA-\ll:J-*:l\UI 1:14`: 1"U1\-U LULV J..l.\:\J\J1\, closed .. body, suitable for bakery, etc. 4 l\!\ 1 1-1v-I-7 1' 171-4 1r.~u-74-471-rn E U11 C `LIED UC C I and is m throughout. AU`UUi\L.VlU1J}U1'lU.\ `LU1' aLuucuLa, girls preferred, at 183 Elizabeth St.: all conveniences, phone 1271. 43-44p 1925 VS'I`%AlR; SPECIAL vSE- DAjN, disc wheels, looks and runs\ splend-idly. 1924 FOR? TON `TRUCK, _1__-.1 1. -..:A...1..1.. 1-- J. U4`! VV 1.1111 .l|D"IXLV.I.\'IL.l. J. U passenger sedan, balloon tires, looks and runs splen- didly. 1923 'S.'TA1R TOURING. REO 1%.-TON TRUCK, closed body. good tires; the price is right. Ann 11u\wn1-s`rr\I\YT1\'r\YI1 _.__. LUCIE J.` \IU.\lJ J.\J\J1\uJ-LV\J9 ILVVV tires and in'good' condition. 1920 `CHEVROLET Baby Grand Touring re-painted, runs well. `FORD :BU!S---Side seats on Ford Touring ch-assis with Ruckestell axle; good tires, and re-painted. - Your present car as part payment. Terms arran-ged to suit purchaser. IEZ"%sfI1]L3os-KMGHT 5- -.-~-_..__.. ..-.1.._ `I....`l1...-o. 43 Elizabeth St.-l;.hone` 278 - -.... -... -----. 1922 FOIRDTOURING. new 4. .... ..-..l 3..-n.nnJ' nAuJ~N-{nan ;iVE fJ's-AI _c"A'L'L PLUMBING AND .H.EAT!N_G HAROLD HE.L HAROLD HILL $ THIREE NIIOE `R0-O.\I|S to rent, just the thing for light housekeeping. Apply to Mrs. F. Barker, 59 Park St., or phone 963J, Barrie. 43p WANTED NOW IN MEMORIAM Pone 180 and Son Dolby :32 missed Husband and Family. 1 WU11 UGIICIJ LUL nice condition THE COAT STORE - THE COAT STORE` SIMMONS & CO. WE HAVE spent months in preparing for the Autumn and Winter trade, scrutinizing the markets for the best values and the nest peltries. Now we are ready to offer you splendid values at substantial savings. e - AC\CO'.\L`MODAJ'1"IO.\' for students. ...-..u,. r...,mo..mr1 of 1323 T`.Iizahnt!1 St.Z i ADLET COLUMN 3 NEW COATS LUXURIOUS F UR COATS Fur coats will cost more in the Winter. Everything here from the rich Hudson Seal with Sable and Russian Kolinsky trimming, also Persian Lamb, to the sporty, fancy-bordered Muskrat and Raccoon. IF IT S A FUR com. YOU HAVE IN MIND. YOU CAN T DO BETTER ANYWHERE THAN AT DEALERS IN FUR COATS FOR 55 YEARS IN BARRIE RELIABLEFURRIERS - THE COAT STORE AI THE SIGN OF THE BEAR SIMMONS \& Co. spacw. mews FOR SATURDAY SIMMONS ________._.___..._.___..__.__ FOR RENT-Suito of two furnished rooms and kitchenette; or will rent rooms separzutely with or without kitchenette. Apply at 48 Louisa St. - 42-#43 BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY Richly F urred RELIABLE FURRIERS Many Featuring the Latest _ an O 3 `Q Collars. and Cuffs, Shawls, Semi-Shawls. AT REDUCED PRICES Many of these coats are just out of the Express and will be~~shown for the first time Saturday. Not only are they abundant- ly trimmed with `the finest furs, but they are fashioned on lines that accentuate the slenderness of the modern silhouette. Straight and ar- ed types, all sizes. `Fur trimmings of Natural Oppossum in Cocoa Brown, sable dyed, and Black, also Russian T hibetine, in differ- ent shades. Caracul trim-- ming in fawn and grey. ..___.______..._..._._...__.__.. FRESH cow for sale, I-Io1stein| VVm. Brennan, .VIid_11urst, Ont. 43`b V`l'huI-tsday, October 28, 1921 ...._a ,_._......_._.._.._.._..__.................._ FRIES-H `COW or springer wanted. F. `R. Day, Ishanty Bay, 'Oro tele- I3!-`Ann 1'11-9 43]) .1`. 11. lJ(l._\', Phone 131'2. :-: `N.OT'I'C'E--~U`top1a Flour =M-lnlls -`will he closed all day `Tuesday. Nov. 6. `We will take care of -chopping trade "11 `day Wednesday, `Nov. 7. R. {Bell _l&, Son. 43-44p (`OW Ii`()R S.-\IJE-~Bi,`.," young cow, fresh; wilul sell with or without `hei- fer calf. Apply \V. `C. How, Barrie. Dhnuno '/(`IQ LE1` L'.1xL 41 Phone ism. ? FOR `SALE-1 pure lyed ISh0I'th01`n bull, six months old. `Fit for ser- vice. Apply to Geo. Snider, `Craig- hurst 01' phone 90'51'5. 43-481) FOR SALE--Pedigreed An,::ora and Chinchilla rabbits from imported stock. Prices reasonable. C. R. \V'adswo1't11, phone 1:28 431) .1--x-- --u.._..----.... A .\'U.\lBIv] P. of good Rook pullets fur sale; also XVhite Perkin ducks and drake. Appby to Mrs. [Roy Part- ridr.7;e, O1'o'ph0ne 161`26. 4'3p _ Ono cent a word, cash, each inner- Ion. (minimum charge, 25c). slxg hurtions for the price of -four. 10c extra when charged; also 10c gxtra ,when replies are directed to am. `lfsnminer Office. . l]RWIN'S AJJL4 buuna 1'1-uu: nun.- VICE, local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent service. George Ir- -win. Phone 198. 39vttb C I-TI .\'-C H I LLA R .~\.`BB`I`T S F OR S.\I..I~]. Miss Smith, Cr:1igva1e,~Ont., on Provincial Hi.9;11wz1_v, 11/2 miles north of Stroud. `Phone Stroud 191' 41. 431) MARE FOR SAL'E--Good stronf-'. driving mare, seven years old, about fifteen hands, in good condition. Apply Douglas Drug Store, Barrie, Ont. . ' 4-3p PIGS FOR SALE - 20 well bred Yorkshire pigs, welp;h about 745 lbs. each. Would divide to suit purchas- er. Apply to J. -Campbell, Lefrny. Phone 13112. 431) HUN"1`.ERS--1Ca11 at Midhuvst Ser- vice Station for hunting and trap- ping -licenses. J. A. Wat-tie, Issu- er, 42-44b HORSE FOR SA.LE--One-year-olrl bl:1ok rxolcling, beautifully marked: will mzxke good show, driving horse. Apply Douglxls Drug` St.0r`e. Barrie, On . 43p FOR S.~&LE-10 Shropshire ewes, ] jersey omv. 8 _ve:11`s 0-Id. due in April. one set double harness. `one set hez1v,\' sloighs. Mrs. V`V. H. Mason. Sta, Minosing 43-44b >_._--... C'HO'I1CE `.SHTR'OPSH`[RES FOR SALE: ram lambs, ewe lambs and ewes all uses, all registered. Addi- son McKenzie, Thornton, telephone Ivy-"Thornton. 38-43p _; EXCfIrIAN`C`mE--4Shetland ponies '21/ years odd for ca'tt1e, hogs or chick- ens. M. R. `Nash, Ioro `Station. 43-44p _ \I'S ALL BLUE TAXI! SER- ]"`L1r\nn1 and mm: distance. ultra ,wnen reyuus an The Examiner Office. FOR SALE--Pu1~e bred Pekin and A,\'1e:~:hury ducks, also a pair of Em- den goose, A number of these are show birds. I. J. C:u'rut11e1's. Duck- wm'th Street, B-;u'1'ie. Telephone 895J. ` - 42-43p FOR SALE--A number of pu1`e~brecl Shropshire yearling rams and ram lambs, all -Government grad-ed and stamped; also some ewe lambs, N. D. lClzu~ke, Thornton P:O., `Ivy phone. rim`: 2. 41-4l6p , LEGJHORNS AND WYANDO"1T[ES. British Columbia SC. r\Vhite Leg~ horn cock bird which is a grand- son nf Varsity Queen" Canada's first 306-egg hen, is the sire of these dcockerels and pul!ets. Cockerels $3 each; pullets $2.25. Confederation `bred-to-lay `VVhite Vvyandottes, cockerels $3.50: pullets. $2.50. Birds all pen pedigreed. L. V . Armstrong, Minesing, Ont. 4`3b ' FURS ALTIERJED and repaired Over Hur1.burt's Shoe Store. Miss M. McArthur. 87t!b --1-- LIVE STOCK FOR SALE ROOMS AND BOARD HELP WANTED OUS WANTED MAID W`A1\`TED at R. V. Hospital. Apply Superintendent. 43b REID" 4313` L11?` 433 | BARN ma s-A;LE--3ox`so.< .ApplY 1111 '-Penetang St., VBarr1e.i Telephone 104"-3'W. . '~.43p e LA S}'I` CHANICIE \--,- Clean-up white onions at 30 cents pzt basket at - Market. Babcock. 4313 ? V HA:PPY~ '1`IH~0U*G5I-FT steel range for sale in A1 condition. Apply to I25 Comer St. or phone 618. 43-45bV . _ morn sSAIJE-A few good used el- nnonln nromhnva m3a1 h2'v-xzainsx. ADDIV EUR`: sSA.un3-A Iew gpuu um-:u UL` ectrlc washers, real bargains. Apply J. H. MECaW, 34 Bayfield St. 43b ' : EOtR lSA1IJE-Books on e1-ocution; also hundreds of choice readings. $15. Mrs. Burton, 63 McDonald ISL, Dnmnin O10: AVLL Barrie. Q - FOR SALE - ILady s heavy ~b1ue ` winter coat, never been worn; size ` 40; a. bargain. Apply Box H, [Ex-' F aminer Office. , 43b GfR'L VVANTFBD for general house- work. Apply a`t Examiner Office. 43b - --j- WOOD FOR S*A`LE-4 ft. hardwood at $9 per cord; 4 ft. vhemlock s1a%)s at $5 per cord. W. H. Hatton & Qnnu Dhnna Q57`VV, ELL DD '1J!:l` curu. vv Sons. Phone 257VV, y FOR SALE--40ne 1'5-30 Internation- al Harvester threshlng tractor, in good running order. Apply Carman Downey, Mlnesing. 38tfb ? SlPuA`RE 'TII]RIE AND IRIM found at Crown `Hill, `Thursday evening, Oct. 18. Phone 90`2r*4, Barrie. 43p v RAIDIDO in perfect condition, includ- ing new tubes, A and B batteries.` good cone speaker, with `or without Valley battery charger, - for sale cheap. Apply 63 High St. Phone 225W. ,43-441)` .._..__...._.____..__.___.... FOR SALE - Eight fat hogs, six months old; 150 bags potatoes, extra good: 30 chickens; 200 house planets: contents of 4 rooms, 2 stoves, `beds, dressers and dining room su1te;quantity of wood. AD- ply James Innis, Midhurst RR. 1, 4:3-44b FOU~ND- s bracelet in I.~0.0.F. Temple after Scottish Rite Masons Hanna Dhnnn 110, '.LvllllJ_lt9 Z1.LLUl` DDUULI }dance. Phone 1110. S'~EC`T'LO1N OF TRUCK RA'C*K lost between Allandale -and 9th line of Innisfil, by Holly h`ic1I. Reward. I-I. Levit, Barrie. Phone 384. 431) _ RIING Lo's"r, diamond and sapphire ` ring, between Worsley `St. and Dun- i lop St. Reward. Phone 10526. 43b l ..____._..__._...__..._.__._. KHAN \VA.\"J'1SJJ to sew auu aczvmc radius. Apply Box 312, or telephone 89. 43b LOS 1`-.'Between Barrie and Mines- ing, Monday the '15th, brown plaid car rug. Finder please leave at Min- esing store -or -Examiner IOffi-ce. 4`3p S`T~R'AYIED to lot -18, con. 1,IOro, a. yearling roan heifer. Owner may have same `by proving property and paying expenses. Apply to P.C. Huddsleston, lR.R. `No 1, `Thornton, Ont. ` 43+44p ` 7 \'r-o LE'1`--5 and 7-roomed apart- ment, all convenience, central. Tele- phone 1343. 43p 44 tfb TO LET-A six-roomed apartment, heated, electric stove. Possession 1st Nov. Apply R. A. Stephens. 43h PART OF HOUSE TO RENT; also furnished rooms, reasonable terms. ` Apply 73'Tiff1n St.,A1landa.1e. 40-45p STORE TO RENT in Bothwe11 s Block, Adlandale. Rent reasonable. Apply R. R. Bothwell, grocer. 4'1tfb 5 NICIE -HOUSE -`K`EE!PtING ROOMS to rent; unfurnisahed`; all conven- iences; very cosy. Apply Examiner Office. " 43p A'PA?R`T-NIE-NT TIO cREN'T-'Modern .-.n..-.unnnnnnc- 'Dnfh1IYo11 q Dlnnb A1- A'r'1-`LIIVL-;v11u-J.V .L .l.'U II\..l.`4LV J.---.u.uux-:1. u conveniences: Bothwe11 s Block, A1- landale. Apply R. R. Bothwell, gro- cer. ` 41tfb H\OUS'E TO RENT -- 7-roorned. brick, on Ellen St`; all conveniences: oak floors. Apply G. W. Atkinson, 54 Blake St. Phone 308J. 43p .A-.\"I`ED-I\Iaid for rreneral house- :`.,...L- nn r~nnkin2'_ BDV the (13.37 HIOUSE TO IR`E.N"I`---46 fC1a'pperton St. All conveniences, hardwood floors. Enquire of Mrs. P. Kearns. 1 phone 12. T ` 41tfb : FOR RENT--Desira4b1e front room. suitable for business or prqfessional enterprise, steam heated and over- looking P10. Square. Apply H; E. Jory. - 38-43'b TO RrEN'T--New duplex apartment, 100 yds. from post office, hardwood floors. hot water heating, wired for electric stove, laundry inv-basement, good cellar. Ap-ply to Philip Love, 123 Mulcaster St. Phone 446. 40tfc $800 /BUYS A .BR'DCK I-TIICSUSE and lot on Gowan St., Allandale. Apply 31 Centre St., Allandale. 43-45b `HOUSE AND LOT for sale at 36 `IN c..,.n+ Ann!" +n T `l`l KJUDI3J IXMVJJ LJLIJ. 1.`U.l' BCLLU ab GU clapperton Street. Apply to J. D. Birn-ie, Kempenfe-ldt Hill, Barrie. {Xv-1f-nvin I 49,..A'7n JJLL Auc. Ontario. HOUSE AND LOT for sale in the village of Le-froy. For further par- ticulars apply VVm. Mc'Cu1-lough, Churchill Post Office, 42-44p c_7Hon0E BU ILDaING moms and 1 house andilot with garage, "for sale. 7 Wesley Bishop, 4'3 Da-lt-on St. Phone 285 or P.=O. box 633. _42-4`3p 50 ACRES OF LAND. bus-h lot for sale. S. W. quarter lot 11, con. 9, Yespra. For fuller information. Write Lot Munro, Barrie, Ont. RR. 2. 42-43b ...:_---__--------._.-_--. MAN WANTED to sell and service ...,,n..a Ann1\' Rm: 312. or telenhone BRI*C*K HOUSE FOR SALE on Blake St.; all conveniences, garage; also lots for sale in `east end of ` town. John Magill, `Blake St. 43-4'8p `HOUSE AND LOT in Wyevale. quarter acre qf land, including gar- den and lawn; good cistern; good cellar. $1500. W. E. McLean, Box 15. T7,1vv\r-oh: AQ_.A']n H3AM:IL*'1`O`N A"PIAfR"1`MEN'1` HOUS- ES for sa1e-S1x and elghtisuite. splendid revenue, will accept Barrie properties or local farms, Western Canada farms _or town lots on same: mortgages arranged. Write G. M. Falrfleld, Box 301, Hamilton. On- tarlo. M , 41-46-p UCl'1G.l . qu: Elrrwale. ;I-IJOUISFE EOIR SAIUE--At 63 High St. New fgurnape, electric storve. garage, central location. Jmme`d1a.te possession. Aspply E. I-I. Braden, 63 High St. Phone 2`25IW. 86-48b FOIR SAJLE in Barrie, new brick house. four bedrooms, oak floors throughout. This is a high-classed home, up-to-date in every way. Central. `R. E. Tuck, `builder. 41-46p FOR SA-IJE-Slx-roomed solid brick house. `one-piece bathroom; good location, facing Queen's Park; dou- ble Iot with garage for `two cars. Apply Albert Alexander, 44 `Small St.. Barrie. _ . .433-4*8p PR0PERTTYWF_0R SALET LOST AND roun PROPERTY TO LET j_ C O .\I PlET:EI\"'1` G*EI\"ER.ML MAID Toronto in winter, Barrie . crnn wages. Annlv

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