Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1928, p. 9

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Barrie at present. scarlet fever and chickenpox, there is an epi- demic of colds, or a mild form of inuenza. Dr. A. T. Little, M.O.H.. said today. Many of the cases are attended by sore throat, but there have as yet been no serious compli- cations. My advice to people so `attacked. is to go to bed and rest up a few days, Dr. Little added. The little waif he had tended and cherished-owe1'ed into beautiful womanhood as love had owered in his heart. __-_- -vv- nnnovvn nuIsn\vJl 9ll\IlI TIICKETvS -fof Eale at A. F. A. Malcomson s Ticket Office. Car- ey-Hurlburt Shoe Store or from any member of Collier St. Choir`. * ALL SEATS RESERVED V COMING, Welsh Imperial .Sing_er MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY First Canadian appearance of this tame: Welsh Male Choir as they appeared before the Duke of York. NOW ON` A V\ ORLD TOUR COLLIER ST. UNITED CHURCH, BARRIE TqEs.I_)A[, QCF_Ol_i_ER is 5 3,15 P.M. THURSDAY. FRIDAY- SATURDAY LAUGH, CLOWN, LAUGH N.,OTE-.Owing to the delicate topic of this screen play! children are requested not to attend this pro- duction. " Comedy Skating Home PATH]; NEWS Twin brothers, caught in_t1_1e' Wheel of Chance-- both in love with an unfaithful woman! One wanted to kill her--the other did; Then Fate put them both in the same court room-Broth'er against Brother! And;_only one could win! What drama! What suspense! Here` is one of "the really great screen moments. But it is only one of the supreme! thrills in. this unforgettable picture! , -_.__._.._ _.________.._-_A `s____ ___.__---REGULAR PRICES COMING-THE ARABIAN NIGHTS -GILDA GRAY IN THE DEVIL DANCER MADEMOISELLE FROM ARMENTIERES You ll be moved as never before by this great love- story, with its fascinating circus baekground. Chaney was never more superb. HEAR MR. HAROLD \`/ARDMAN SING Paul Ashe s famous Baliacl Laugh,`C1own, Laugh _______ . l -a---u AI-`DOD The Swim Princess J No raise in prices. 4 \ nu-no gIl_?LS _ SAT. MAT: SEE THE SENNET ` [TI-IUi2S., FRI., SAT. Auspicfes dollier St. Upited Church Choir 3: 4 \ in mass _WITH Miss Marjorie Creswicke Is prepared to start Junior pupils with piano lessons._ we Bayeld st, Tel. 310 --Watch for bills with full list of Nyal 2 for 1 Sale bargains. next week at Cross1and s Drug Store. b There is a truck on every street every morning _. before breakfast. And: now he saw her go willing- ly to the arms of another-an he could say nothing-he could do nothing but smile. AOOLPH ZUIOI JESS I I. usn IIIIIIT J SECTION 2 more 9 T0 16 If you like fresh wholesome milk from tubercular tested cows andwith a large amount of cream on it V ask `for GLEN iALLAN ACCREDITED AYRSHIRE MILK (NOT'PAS'l'EURlZED) Capilol {'1"3'` Theatre muasmv -f Fanny -#sAn_J1_zD;\_%Y. GLEN-ALLAN-FARM Saturday Matinee 2.30. Children 5c, Adults 15:. MoN.,1yE_s., wan. - ocr. 3 . 9 1o 3dii' P AT 'l`HE-WU%RLlTZER 75ii17f{:i411\iq' LU?" . ALSO PARAMOUNT NEWS-LETTER | 2 Jvanilwb -_w_- I MERMAID COMEDY - KISS PAPA Also Felix -- Liltitcle Tom : Crabbin Phone 772 N Accredited Ayrshire Milk In Alliston water is free during . summer months. At least that was ' the case during June, July and August of this year. The Commis- sion found- itself with a goodly surplus on hand and sooner than reduce the rates decided to re- bate three months water bills. It is not on record that anyone ob- jected. o `Examihor Classieds give great }'9ou1tI.. ' $Vl.l5l.Dhl.'|aU (JULIE: L0 13 uxauuaacu. 'Sproule`was given the keys of his car. Witness fees amounted to gbout $10, which are paid by the own. ' MILK PRODUCERS ASK sxx cams YEAR ROUND The question of milk prices is again zbein discussed by theiBar- rie Milk i roducers ~Ass_ociation and the dairies`. Instead of having a winter price -and a summer price, the producers are asking yearly contracts at a uniform rate of six cents delivered at the dairies. ` rm...` 4...... 1......-..1. ..`l..:..:.... ......... UBIIDS `uzeuvereu ED EH8 G3l1'1Sa ' The t 0 largest dairies, says Sec y .Ne les of the Producers, are willing to concede the price for eight months from October 1st and to confine their purchase to mem- bers of the Association. Negotia- tions are proceedin and a dead- lock is unlikely. rodiucers and iairies_ have-mutually agreed upon Hhe price for sweet cream. LU]-'UH.|oU, IIUUUHDIJ RGIU UHIU UIIIUU a leasant visit. _ are than` 50 students enrolled for courses this term and the hum of the typewriters is again we]- come` music. . - `1m...1.; ....1...-1 M.....:.... -_.1 MYSTERY DRIVER STILL UEKNOWN The identit `of the mystery driver of car 0. 65989 was not disclosed in -Police Court last Fri- day morning when the owner. Wil- liam Sproule, appeared` on a charge of driving away" from the scene of an accident, said accident beo ing the sideswiping ofthree park- cars in front of {Cancilla's store, Elizabeth .'St., on `the evening of Sept. 26. Four Crown witnesses failed. to identify Sproule as the- nian who alighted from the offend-5 mg car followin the triple crash; and casually wal ed away, leaving ' his auto for -the police to impound. I A -\\nI0o11A` noun +I\ 4-kin `kn: nnv- The following students recently accepted office ositions: Kathleen Qloan, Edna cKee. `I-Iulda Mc- Kee with Toronto rms; Sandy Coutts, Malcomson s Insurance of- ce; Leonard` Hand Bank of Tor- onto, Alliston; Aliaert Leonard, nnwgn Mnn`\`naw1! n A"|1'aI-nu VJUIICWIQIU lrVlUllllIC.l{y \JU Estelle fM.aBride and Emily Gol- lop; who have good ositions in Toronto, recently poi this office a vananni nhi ` u, l.1lll3IrUllo ' I UUIIIU Ill Elli: `Night schoo'1,. Monday and Thursday, 7.80 p.m, to 9.30 p.m.` Crown Witrieses Clear Wm. Sproule in Police Court.- H15 GUDU 101' mu: puuuc DU unpuuuuo A parallel case to this has nev- er yet been recorded in the local police court. Sproule claims his, car was stolen from the yard of 5 his father-in-law, 64 Park St.', and , that he did not miss` it until next morning when he `looked out that bathroom window while shaving. He immediately reported the theft to the police. `Thu vvnvuf-non! rhrnv n-P turn 55.! DIIU LIKLVULV IICIII V-{U1-I611-vU\u|o ' `Tony |Canc1lla, `after rela-ting! damage done his truck and two} other care, said: I didn t have 9.; look at his face. I couldrn t make. out who he was. I don't recognize him (Sprou1e)~as_the` same man. `Getting Things Right . Albert? Jones said: To be cor- rect I presume it would be ten minutes of ten o clock." "nnn:n$unJuA Tags (CV-.. manna IHHILILED UL DC U UIUIJIM Magistrate Jeffs--You mean between 9.50 and 10?" Mr. Jones-Exact1y. Mr. Jones car was parked be- hind the ICanci1la truck and was backing out when struck by jche Sproule car. Not that man, he d<;`esn i lookliil: hiim, Jons said w en` proue on up. ` e was a well` dressed man. alone in the car, wore dark rimmed glasses and a dark felt hat. Mrs. Jones evi- dence was to the same effect. Sproule s Story I Despite the fact that he did not have to 0 into the box, `Crown evidence ein sufficient to acquit him, as the ? agistrate later com- mented, Sproule -fook the oath and told his story. It d'eveloped his. wife had torn his liquor permit up the morning the car was found missing. `The dag of the accident he purchased a ottle of gin and] went to iStroud to vis-it "cousins. When he left the bottle side a fence in a eld where ai cousin was plowing. It was two- thirds full. A police search next d'ay failed to nd it. `Sproule said he drove home about 8.30 p.m.. parked the car in the yard and` went straight to bed, not talkingl to anyone. `His wife _was angry! with him because he had not taken her to the Fall Fair. While shav-3 ing next morning he missed the car and reported it to he police. (L117; `L_--_ _._L`l.2_.. L- _-,___!_L UIIDUQ l'IlllB|vUIj 1'-IIUUKIU IJUUIIGIWI, Ontario Machinery Co., Alliston. `Va!-A"; mfnfnsohia vurul Tmvnnu CA1- IA. driver of car 55-? 989 was described` as a tall, well dressed man with 'dark-rimmed- spectacles. Sproule is short, dark, I but does not wear spectacles. He \ / and Mrs. 'Sprou1e have been visit-j ing relatives in Barrie. 1 Il.'_. lQ-...1-... 13...... .u...-. ..SL&3-\n. In Lug 1'U1lylV!'.'B Ill Llilillcc I Miss `Sylvia Barry was sitting in i the front .seat of a parked auto between 9 and 10 o'clock when she heard! a crash down the street and I a moment later a car cras-hed in-, to the rear of the auto in which she was seated. `She got out and took the license number. A man was` seated behind the wheel. He 1ook- , `ed very much like defendant, she A said when ISirou1e was asked to; stand up.` en she came around` in front after securing the number the driver had departed. `Tani! |r`.nnn1a luff-an 'mn1u.mnIl vwvq -av. Qwrvovvvu our av any rvuovwu I \7V have nothing to convict. but it looks suspicious, said -Chief Stewart. IHIVL- _..LJ..... .3 1.1.- .fV..----.. _-L D|EWGl'|vo . ` I The evrdence of the `Crown w1t- nesses dispose `of the case, said ' Magistrate Jeffs.` It is dismissed. lQv\Mnn1A`1-nan nvhvnn 1nA 1945111: A-`I n_tJ_s1x~_us _COL_L.GAE NEW CANADA, munsbmr, OCTOBER 4, 1923. The rs ? athletic eld day or` Barrie Public and Separate schools held yesterday at Agricultural .Park, was favored by ideal weath- er and was a decided success. So numerous were the entries that in some events as many as four pre- liminaries had to be staged before the nal was run off. Even then .elbow room was at a premium at `the starting line. It was near six ro clock before the last event was concluded. e mi. . . . . .. ..L....4. onnn ....1..m.1 After he had paid his taxes this year B. `D. O'Neill discovered that he had been assessed for and paid business taxes on his premises at 125 Dunlop St., which he did not occupy at any time in 1926. He is now asking for a refund. ~ I I I At the request of Albert E. Prince, acting for the Christian Brethren, that body has been granted the use of the Town Hall on October I3, 14 and 1'5, they to pay earetaking expenses. Other- wlse no charge is to be made. as as an The `Board of Education re- _quested that ,$6,-500 be placed to Hts credit to meet salaries on Oct. =1. Of this amount $4,000 was for 5Public Schools and $12,500 for the icollegiate. * It in C. H. Beelby is asking permis- sion to erect an electric sign 8 !feet long and: 3 feet wide across `the sidewalk in front of his ser- vice station on the east side of `Bradford St. _ cuucxuucu. ` `There -are about 2.000 school children in Barrie s primary `schools and they were practically .all at Agricultural Park yesterday. The scene was indeed an animated `one, with everybody eager to toe `the scratch. The program was in charge of Principal W. A. Bell of King Edward School. assisted by Principals Marlin, Morrison and Y.M.C.A. instructor and Ald. Chas. Lowe. `They had theirthands full and next year it is likely school eliminations will be held: prior to any attempt to stage an inter- school meet. Otherwise, it is too big an undertaking for one after- 110011. IA'-_.-`L-..J... _..A _..L1- .._.'...L..,l Pearson, the teachers, 0. J. Seitz- I1UUHo Merchants and public spirited citizens contributed generously and made ossible the distribution of splend-i prizes to the various winners, who ranged` from six to sixteen years. T1-nun Q4-nun afnwinn Haven`? 4:: auuecu. year. Irene Storey stamped herself as I a coming athlete by capturing three rsts, the 75-yardfdash, run- ning hi h jump and` potato race, in handy ashion. Harvey Wilson was trimmed in the senior boys 100- yard dash,_ but he came back to win the 2-20. `Wilson was also re- sponsible for a Victoria *School vic- tory in the senior boys relay and in the junior boys relay -Prince of Wages nosed out Allandale only by me es. A l..`l1 12-1. -1 ....-- .......-.... _-:1'l uauuca. A full list of prize winners will app'ear in next week's issue. -Special values in Nyal Rem- edies, toiletries and stationery at the Nyal 2 for 1 Sale at Cross-- land's Drug Store, . 40b I ~ M nk 1 `\\ :i$\\\\ '%\ `E\ \l`\ \ }} ! \~\%\K\\ \` M \ ! \\\\\\?\1$\1$: \> \ ~\`\\\% 1 `*W13\`{%` 1: 1;`\` {NW \$\\:\` \\ g1::`t` ${\\ Ii i\M;\\ \\\` \\ \ ` *1 ` I x? 61$ %`g\*5$i` \ ` \ `ms 'l"l"|` The town has been officially not- sied of the admission of ve in`- .digent patients into Royal Victoria t Hospital. I II! II! III The Board- of Works report re- commended that the question` of repairs to the outlet of Mary St. sewer be laid over for next year s council. and that the dump on San- ford St. be closed, also that the iron pipe from the Electric Light Dept. be installed to carry water across the road and: that the road 1.. .....-.`l-.I Wm. Harker has been granted permission to erect and main- {tain 3. Gospel Card in the mar- ;ket building, similar to that which `now reposes in the Police Court Chainber. I it all bl. UB3 LHC I be graded-._J 'ENTRlES HEAVY AT SCHOOL MEET Elbow Room Only Starting Scratch Yesterday. councn. JOTTINGS TOWNSH!P HALL - Admission: 60c and 30` ~rowL SUPPEE UNITED CHURCH - coon CONCERT FRIDAY. OCTOBER 5:1: MIDI-IURST When George ISoules. who lives on Elizabeth St.. just outside the town limits, arose this morning at 5.30 and went downstairs, he found the body of his wife at the bottom landing. `Life was extinct but` the body was still warm. The late Mrs. lSou1es was 80 years of age and` was subject to heart at- tacks. It is thought she got out of bed some time before to take some medicine and when suddenly seiz- ed: was on the stairway. That is the only theory which can be advanced as neither her age-d- husband nor son Garnett heard a noise of any k nd:` or had any suspicion of the fatality until `the discovery of the lifeless body was made. VIII, 1 A `I I`! 1 .... -v..- ranvudl Besidles her husband three sons survive. They are Wesley in North Bay, William in the West and Gar- nett at home. Lifeless Body Found By Husband 5.30 This ' Morning. -- .. nrvuna ....... -...-uvc The late Mrs. Soules. as has been her custom for years. was at the market with garden produce for sale only-last !Saturday morn - ing add appeared in her usual good health. She was favorably known by hundreds of citizens who regu- larly attend the market. vvv 1-. o.. -..__., -.--\.-.\. ..\.. .--pa- Coroner Dr. W. C. Little said to- day there would be no inquest. What happened is quite clear, he said, and there was no suspicion of foul play. ' 1 a . u MILD FORM or FLU - PREVALENT IN BARRIEI AGED LADY FALLS . DOWN STAIRWAY While there are only a few cas- es of communicable diseases 1n Permanent Waving will be . the main feature of this most up-to-date equipped Beauty -Parlor. The most modern type La Mur permanent wav-r ing outt has been installed. Mrs. Arnold. who is well- known to the ladies of Bar- rie, has been away for the last few months taking up permanent waving and has now returned fully qualied to take charge of this depart- ment. ' Most Satisfactqry Work Assured. For Appointments ARCADE '1'1'Pa!f|0r (Rear of `Arcade Store) FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 5 LOOKS LIKE A BUY B U Y Wright-Hargreaves Hudson Bay Sheritt Gordon Mining `Corporation A class in Show Card Writing` will be started at the Industrial Evening Classes in the "Prince of Wales -School if at least ten stu- dents register. J`ov\ vacrm: ahnnn +114: Armistice Aognu A Stevenson of-5 'E\71'z.- k7D Phones 1005 and 1010 Ross Block, BARRIE ANNouNcmG IheJ0pning ---:j- tun nanvaa -5: Mining Brokers, Toronto Local Representative 3 C A Phone. -349 3915'-Y 3` SMITH THE MINING MARKET -I_N3J_R3.~.N.s:!-;; oi? the enca rezlster. ' . --Ten years smce the Armxstice --and ten years since you've had as much fun as you will at this laugh riot--Ham and: -Eggs at the Front." Capitol now. 40::

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