Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1928, p. 14

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U VUIC LIIU WUU.l\"UIlU'. Mrs. Jas. Crawford of Midland. who has been visiting her sister, iMrs. C. L'aIFrenie, for the summer months, left this week to spend a ~few months with her son in New Ontario. Tan 'Il'n.'f.nuun.k1!.. \...'L..'l...... L.-..1 clan. UH LlrL'lUo Jas. McLaughlin, butcher, had the. misfortune to injure one leg when ` attempting to jump into his car. He i has been laid up for the past week. Thrnahina rnanhh-Inc urn Hrnuv in ` HUD L'CyUL'LCu. `There will not be any service in the United church for the next three weeks. Sunday School will be held at 2 p.m. J. Ferguson will have i charge of the bible class. On Tuanaroxv A\n:snna- nvbn n Innavv Ulltllfse UL LIIU UJUIU Ulbbn } On Tuesday evening quite a heavy hail and snow storm passed over i this` district. nu ... l'\U\r` an"..- n -nr.~.+1.:....-x... n6 11115 xumpp 3. . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Richardson of ;Barr1e spent Sunday with Mrs. E. : Wllliston. `Ila nun;-I 1ll n~ I`! IV `Dnuvnn1r1n `llama llr UUUII uuu up LU1` LIJC pact. VVUCJX. Threshing machines are busy in this neighborhood as the farmers are through Harvesting. Good crops are reported. `Thorn 1:7) nnf .'h.-. nnv uanvvino in VV lllllplllln Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Reynolds, Mrs W. Craighead and Master Murray Richardson spent last rweek-end With W. F. Richardson. an mun: :xAm}um C an v - --p 1 gran-anal (Too late for last week) Sept. 2=5-Weadlng bells are ring- 710' Buy Advertised: Things How Very Considerate. .".`_"fF!`; .5???-`:5, .lT IS NOT to be won- 5 I dered at that the new Chrya slers-75 and 65 are everywhere being received with cordiality unusual even to Chrysler . . 9 . 9_Chrysler, in one stroke, less than five years ago , captured the styl , erformancep and value leadership of the in ustry ....`lThat superi- ority has been strengthened by each succeed- ing step until the newest Chryslers represent the highest expression to date of Chrysler's W. A. GROSE, Distributor increase g tin. JAHES. sumo.-A LVOVV OVVDDPIIGS I cut Lb6bl\ IIIICO ll! DUHIJC uuu roadster; Counterweighted 7-bearing crankshaft; New Chrysler-designed gasoline tank shield; Power, speed, picloup that outChrysler even Chrysler And all these are added to numberless developments which Chrysler owners have enjoyed for years and years and which have contributed to Chrysler sat- isfaction and long .life . . . . 1lThe public acceptance of these remarkable develop- L `GVV JlUBIvCrI'klI W55` Crlll KIIIUUICIIVEIIET I IbOIvI' ator, harmonizing with cowl moulding; New airvwing fenders; New bowbtype headlamps; New archecLwindow _ silhouette (with `L.....1 .s.,.... -1- L.......-_-_-....."~_ _-.- J--.-_._-\- LVGVV Dbl DIDCIJPVVIIPBGIIVV DFIIIPUIOCFUC \` FIvlF hood panels harmonizing in design); New sweeping rear-deck lines in coupe and and 111-4-Am. New slender-profi;e chromiunvplated radi- ....... L..................... -...'4L ....-..l .....-.1.1.`..... A Heating System built and installed Scientically Wash your hands of the worry and Work, the dis- comfort; and ill-health of a faulty heating system. Get healthful, warm, moist air-in circu1ation-in every room--with a Findlay VVarm Air Heating System. Judge the value of this eystem-it is guaranteed by a maker who knows warm air heating systems from every angle. ' The awless Findlay furnace makes this guarantee possible. Its perfect manufacture and its special .sztures-like the oversize Water pan.-make it the choice of b1.ilders|and owners who seriously study fn1*nace qtizality. Let us tall: this matter over. Phone, write or call on L` CW \/LIKYUICI" I J L'l'lUCU"' ul \)UluHuG7|~, $1.703} 2-passenger Coupe (with rum le seat), $1985 ; Roadster (with rumble seat), $20103 Town Sedan, $2140; Crown Sedan, $2140; Convertible Coupe, $2205; 5-passenger Standard Phaeton, $2335, 7-passenger Standard Phaeton, $24-25;. Con- vertible Sedan, $2920. (6-ply fulbballoon tires). New Ch:-ysler75 Prices-R al Sedan, $1985; ),J-gnu--Anna`: (`nnnlna (auu'f'| manna '5 ant-lO\ ,10Ro nlzqjnunjxcnuj : -nu: :j-`x 1=513fX` 1'35`. 66'. LIMITED - Carleton P1ace,Ont. Am rmArIN`x2?:y A 19- 1\1"\I\l'I l\f\ f\lIl'F`I!I\ '. J. MORAN GUARANTEED 7 t]1es:e new features S1}/[3 iwlfizgiiz eeriizg Leadership! ASSOCIATE gzguzns .- HERB. IURRAY. Baotou.` W. D. LATIMER. Allinton PHONE 350W BARRIE, ONT. ments pioneered and perfected by Chrva sler-nev`er more clearly shown than in the acclaim of the new 75 and 65 - proves that the style and performance dominance of the automobile industrv belongs clearly to Chrysler. remarkable engineering and manufacturing genius . . . . `I Consider, for example, in the new Chrysler 75 and 65 these new elements in performance and in the style that today re-stvles all motor cars: New Silver-Danie higlvcompression enr gine using any gasoline; ' _ New light-action internal-expanding hya draulic 4-wheel brakes with squeakless moidded brake lining; New, longer chassis; Ruliber; shock insulators in place of metal l.\l4Ivl/lJ(l OlIv\l\.l\r vlvovvvspvvla vat llviptuv ll` llmavvrv shackles; Nwgype shock absorbers; Duplec channel frame on 75; Six-pl fulbballoon tires on 75; New thermostatically-controlled integral radiator shutters on 75. LV CW \4l.l.l'y5l.Cl.' U3 KIIUCB '1 JJIJJLYICJS $1325; Roadster (with rumble seat), $1350; 2-door Sedan, $1360; Touring Car, $1370; 4-door Sedan, $1460; Coupe (with rumble seat), $1460. All prices f. o. 1). Windsor, On- tario, including standard factory equipment (freight and taxes extra). Wire wheels extra. New Chrysler 65 Prices--Business Coupe, `lQ7Co pnnricfoe {muffin out-rants]; not-tf\ @111! B; WINNER` 112-113 Bradford St. Phone 21; Res. 1011W Thursdy, October 4, 1928 uuJ.' uuuzs, "neat. anu HEALT with `Narm Air will interest everybody who is in- terested in healthy home conditions. Heal th startswith the heating system. This book is an unbiased statement on the mer- its of Warm Air. For the sake of your family and yourself, Eu should read it. ee on request. Write today. With this bookwe will send also the Findlay Service Chart which makes it a simple matter to draw rm ex- act plan of your ho use. . Our book, Heat and T-TH`, AT "FLT u-"H-L `X7.-........ Send this chart in for free estimate of cost of the Findlay Warm Air Heating System. "3 `U5! Ibvfwouvvu They reniut this In handsome . . . low in cost. W rite r free Vve-I'|t.,, illvpearance smzefoldor l_l My_iIl.tsb913(!4%'ys INC IILLIC uuuy uuuvnul uluou uvuu nu " Krusclzen Salts have done nu a lot a/good. I luffernd from my /ddnrys and about monthl ago I wan onlmlidaya and I came home wom than befora I went away, and my husband said. ` I! I were you I should try Kruschen Salts.` I tried a jar. and now I am a different wom_m. I was in torture from morning till 711' ht with my l;al and kidneys, but, thanks . to ruachgn. I 66! well and can get on with my work wuhout an '7'0l6W." Co Mo 0 Origin! mm on le {or lnlpoctloll. Kruschen Salt: is obta.l`nable at drug and department stores in Canada at 750. bottle. ,4 bottle contains enough to last for 4. or 5 lnonths-good hnaltb (or halt-a-cent 0 day. -'I The best advice in the world! Her letter, ubllahed below. prov.-a once again that it`! be little daily dlmoful that does it." 1, n ____ 4-..- ...- .. la` ulna`) ' W""7.%"' W The most dreaded disease. It means - DEATH, perhaps, to your ock. if YOI1 don't ACT QUICK and use Pratt: Roup Tablets. They give quick relief and sto the progress of colds and Roup. very man who owns poultry should have ready to hand a. supply of- .4- J has PoomaI__ gr it far wrs Poumzv awx?-'95: ` DLTT E(`l\ ff` .1` PAUL!` I.'_.u...l UV rruawu uu z:E:.*:tis,~::s:,:= atd`:_$$ealr? ua:'-'- v gr POULTRVBOOA E3 RAT'3l'zg-`gob CO. of CANAD umued av-law Ava..TaroMo r3;2;La;m3T:aexn;n:e `D--- W`: Try Kruschen S alts; 11`... Int` -uv- vv -u ;.f;:p;u;aa:::r:; 9_=:~--...2.=.52:nd ' = Bwzirhi ihede. warehdua schools. churches. public buildings. Give size of roof for free estimate. Write ROOEgrour house or cottag with R1 -Roll. Handsome look at . . . increases value of e 9 I I 0 0 Facts clean rainwater, anishes eake . ; .ideal for houses. barns sheds. warehouses. nnlvmn a`. churches. nuhlin M a*i:%:';s:a.n.o.. Pnmswovn, pm. w----w-v, w Succeubr `*1 H}-linnln & Hi vugacs ; mud. muzn-: wmums % AT BARRIE 1-`Am Blackburn. 1, z anu o. SVV-EE*PSTAKES-CI-Ierd of any beef breed, `T. H. Dewell. Best Shorthorn bun, Geo. Crawford & Son. Best Polled Angus bull, B. Blackburn. Best Shorthorn, female, Geo. Crawford & Son. Best Polled Angus. female, B. Blackburn. Spe- cials, best fatdsteer, Edward Carr. Best baby beer, Edward Carr, B. Blackburn. Thos. H. Dewell. Best senior salf, Edward Carr, B Black- 'burn, `Thos. H. Dewell. Best junior calf. B. Blackburn, Edward Carr, C. W. Henry. RI-`nan (`Continued from page 6') Horses HEAVY DRAUGHT - Matched pair, A. Dyer. Two-year-old, Nor- man Campbell, A. Dyer. Yearling, Tom `Fletcher, W. B. Holden, R..F. Sutherland. Foal of 1928, W. B. Hol- den. Brood mare with foal by side, W. B. Holden. Mare or gelding, W. B. Holden, '1` Fletcher, N. Campbell Foal of 1928, Apple Blossom", Joe. Fralick, ,J. W. Orchard, El. Robson. AGR`llCULfI`URAL---MVatched pair, Robt. M. Bell. Mare or` gelding, R. M. Bell. 1 and 2. Two-year-old, E. Thompson, Eldon Wice. Yearling, E. Thompson . PERCH-ERON-Matched pair, W. D. Cochrane. Mare or gelding, H. Smith, J. W. Orchard, W. D. Co- chrane Foal in 1928, Stanley Fra- llck, J. W. `Orchard, R. Robson. Two-year-old, Geo. Hubbert, W. D. Cochran, 2 and 3. Brood mare with foal, J. W Orchard, W. D. Coch- rane, 2 and *3. Sweepstakes, best`ut- ility team of horses suitable for farm work, R. M. Bell. Cattle SHOR'1lHtOiRNS-4Bu1l, 3 years old or upwards, Geo. -Crawford & Son, 0. W. Henry. Yearling bull, Thos. Bowman & Sons. Bull call , A. W. McArthur, Thos. Bowman & `Sons. Cow giving milk or in calf; Geo. Crawford & Son, 'Thos.- Bowman .& Sons. Two-year-old heifer, Thos. Bowman & Sons, Geo. Crawford & Son. Yearling heifer, Geo. Crawford ' & Son, C. W. Henry, Thos. Bow- man & Sons. Heifer calf, C. W. Henry 1 and 8, Geo. Crawford & Son 2. Best bull and three of his. get, Geo. Crawford & Son. Best Shorthorn bull, (special by S. Dy- ment), Geo. Crawford & Son. 1-an-r rr rrs AI\V1'Y'$ fuvn vl;nII_I\1I` ICHL], CCU: wtuvvsusu uv uvu-an POIJIJED A'NGU'S--'1`wo-year-old bull, B. Blackburn. Yearling bull, 13. Blackburn 1 and 2. Bull calf, B. Blackburn, 1, 2 and 3. Cow giving milk or in calf, B. Blackburn 1 and 2. Two-year-old heifer. B. B1ack-- burn, 1 and 2. Yearling heifer, B. Blackburn 1 and 2. Heifer calf, B. Blackburn. 1, 2 and 3. QTK7\1:`1.`nDQ'l`AR'T4`.--.'I'-1'Ar'(1 of anv L}I'H.W.|.Ul'U 3 DU, 1. 5.110. 6: OXFORD DOWNS - Aged rarn, J. Brethet & Sons. Aged ram, J. Brethet & Sons. J. H. Lockie. Shearling ram, J. I-I. Lockle, J. Brethet & Sons, 2 and 3. Ram lamb, J. Brethet & Sons, J. H. Lockie 2 and 3. Aged ewe, J. H. Lockie 1 and 2, Brethet & Sons, 8. Gimmer. J. H. Lockie, 1 and 3. Brethet & Sons, 2. Ewe lamb, Brethet & Sons 1 an 8, J`. H. Lockle 2. Best pen, Brethe I & Sons, J. H. Lockle. 1 Poultry" . Anconas, vcock, E Reynolds; hen, E. Reynolds. `Bantams, cock, Thom-as Bowman; hen, `Thos. Bowman. B'an- tams, Cochin, cock, Bobbie Henson; hen, Bobble Henson 1 and 2. Ban- tams. African. cock, Bobbie Henson, W. Malcomson-; hen. W. Malcomson 1 and 2. Campinas. cock, J. Penton: hen. J. Penton.-. Houdans, hen, W. H. Wright 1 and 2. Leghorns, white hen, Mrs. Jas. Mackle; brown, hen, I. J. Carruthers 1 and 2. Minorcas, hen, I. J. Carruthers. Orplngtons, any other color. hen. W. H. Wright. Plymouth Rocks, ..Barred, cock, J. Penton: hen, J. Penton. Wyandottea, white, cock, E. B. Guest. Irwin Mo'- uahon; hen, Irwin McMahon 1 and 2. Wyandottes, golden or silver, hen, F. Rayner, 1 and 2. Wyandottes. A.O.K.. hen, F. Rayner 1 and 2. 'FTTD`YI.1VE _ nmnrm 1-nr1:Avn_ J1. D811. 1. J `U&l`I'Lll'.6I' ' GEES'E--Toulouse geese. male. R My " ' Ducks--Ay1esbury, male. I. J. Carruthers; temale. I. J. Carruth- ers. Rouen, male, R. Robson. I. J. Carruthers; female, R. Robson. Pe- kin, male. R. M. Bell,` 1. J. Car- ruthers; female, R M. Bell, 1. J. Carruthers. t`t1'_T.Y1fV1I.._'Dann.nna dunno nnnb- UH.!`I`uUlBI`S. CI-ImCKS--Bantams. Game, cock- erel, Thos. Bowman; pullet, Thos. 3, Uarsuuuueu OE BUN! 0 SOU'T1I-BDOWNS - J. H. Lockle. D'Arcy Armstrong 2 and 3. Shear- ling rarnb, J . H. Lockie, D'Arcy Armstrong. Ram lamb, D. Armstrong 1 and 2, J. H. Lockie 2. Aged ewe, J. H. Lockie, D. Armstrong 2 and 8. Gimmer, D. Armstrong, J. H. Lockle. 2 and 3. Ewe lamb, J. H. Lockle, D. Armstrong 2 and 3. Best pen,` J. H. Lockie. D. Armstrong. E`|'_`Y'Dt1.`DQ'I.'.'f:`l1`D`I`. nnxxrma _ Amati '.l`n0B. 114`. BIIIILII, rucxpauuu. IJ.EIC'ESfT=ERS-Aged ram. R. F. Carscadden & Sons 1 and 3, John Allan and Sons 2. Shearllng ram. Allan & Sons, Carscadden & Sons, 2 and 3. Ram lamb, Allan & Sons, R. F. Carscadden & Sons 2 and 8. Aged ewe, Allan & Sons, 1 and` 2, Carscadden & Sons. Gitnmer, Allan & Sons, land 2, Carscadden & Sons 3. Best pen, Carscadden & Sons. 2. Ewe lamb, Allan & Sons, 1 and 2, Carscadden & Sons 8 cnrwmmnnwwa .T, T-1'. Lnnkla. LJOCKIG, .1J . A1'II1aL1'uu5 . SHROAPSI-IIIIRE DOWNS -- Aged ram. Geo. Crawford & Son (Mines- lng) 1 and 2. Shearllng ram, Craw- ford & Son 1 and 2, H. McKenzie 3. Ram lamb, Crawford & Son, 1 and 3, H. McKenzie 2.Aged ewe, Craw- ford & Son, 1, 2 and 3. Glmmer. H. McKenzie, Crawford & Son, 2 and 8. Ewe lam-b, Crawford & Son, 1 and 2. H. McKenzie 3. Best pen, Crawford & Son, 1 and 2. nv.mn1:v.n nnrurmue __ Aged rum A.Uol\n. HUN, 1` . nuyuur -I. auu Go TURKEYS - Bronze turkeys. male. I. J_. Carruthers; female, R. M Bell. 1. J Carruthers \ ,.II`T.VQ|1'.` ""I\II`!\IIan manna nnnln Vllvvfl CO"1`SW01IJDS-_-All prizes won by Thos. E. Smith. Phelpston. Trl:`1'r`-1:`Q"l:'lD__Abn(`l mam 1? 11`, TUBBY ---uuj ` ,3. -.;-p." Sheep AI! attenaea barne .n'a1x'. o _ . Miss Muriel Carson has accepted a position in Toronto. . `M :-, and Mrs. W- D. Scvthes and posluon In '.I.'0ronw. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. `Scythe: and family motored to Toronto on Sun- day, Mlssvorma. remaining there to attend business college. \A'.. QVII` '\Kvva Ihvwlnov Havana and Oct. 1-Mrs. . `F. tR1`hardson and son -Billy spent a few days in Tor- onto last week, motoring to the city with Mr. and Mrs. F. Harrison who attended Barrie Fair. 1un., \,I'n.-{A1 If`nIIann ha: nhnnnfa auena Dusmess cuuege. Mr. and Mrs. 'Irv_1ng Carson and familyspent Sunday. with trlends In Barrie. , \Il ..a T_nuCa (`Havana and anrR(`_1nr- ' a, Mrs. Louis Carson and son\C1a.r- ence went to `Toronto on Saturday to attend the wedding or M1ss'E1s1e Carson which took place on that day. Mrs. Carson is remaining in the Queenelcity for a visit. . -mm: nnnfinnn war weather of last Queen-'U1ty Ior a vlsu. The continued wet weather or last week and the scrapers at work on the road made the '5th line almost impassable for motorists and more than one had to betowed out. It is to be hoped that the roads may soon be improved as the long detour is quite inconvenient. -j \J I 9: Ar: , I Oct. 1-Miss Rena 'Berthe1otte of Allahdrale and `Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and family of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Comartln and family of {Brent- vwood were visitors at D. Bertha- 1otte s last Sunday. `It... and lm: 1?'In1vHn'|( QTII1 HOT] 1otte's last Bunuay. | Mr. and Mrs. Elphick and son Frank pent last Sunday with Bax- `ter friends ' mt- .....1 xtna nammmn and fnmilv cer Irlenas Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and family of Toronto were wek-end visitors at T. Dempster's ' up nn Mm: _Trm 1\/rniznn have gone to wlnmpeg 1201' a. Lew uwuuxa. Mr. and Mrs. Lennon: and daugh- ter Margaret and Miss Lelia Goheen of Oshawa were -week-endv1s1tors with `Mrs W.-.]'. Miller. `A ... u"IIl'l`!|I\Q naahsn `H17 MI` nnrn ueorge's `Unurcn, bunuay evuuuxs. Born--In Alliston hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight, a daugh- ter (Hilda May). xnua A1Anm:nn as-mud fhn wank. at '1'. uempsters Mr and Mrs. Joe Madigan have to Winnipeg for a. few months. up nn Mrs, =1 .nnnm: and daugh- Wltn iV1I`S W.-J. gvuuer. Mr. Hughes, assisted by Mr. Sage of Wycliffe College, preached in St. George's `Church, Sunday evening. Dm~n__.Tn A'l`Hu+nn hnanifnl fn Mr, tel` {nuua .vw.y;. Miss Alderson spent the week-I end at her home in Alliston. E6 f`_Az-nan-n'::f"Irn1v-Ah 117! HA n1n:Ar1 end at ner nume 111 ILIHBLULL. St. George's Church will be closed for the next two Sundays. | George Kinzer, aged 68, is the first man ever arrested for stealing golf lballs in Chica-go.~ 1\u-nannlnnnnmnn have hnnm 5011. 'Ul1H5 `H1 \luUd.U. Dresden! policemen have been equipped w.4th .roller skates to en- able them to coyer longer beats. . Bowman. `Bantams, African, cooker- el, W. Malcomson 1 and 2; pullet, W. Malcomson 1 and 2. Campines, ckl., J. IPenton 1 and 2; pullet, J. Penton 1 and .2. I-Ioudans, cockerel and pullet. H. Wright 1 and 2. Leghorns, white cockerel, Mrs. Jas. Mackie, 1, 2 and 3; pullet, Mrs Jas. Mackie 1 and 2. 'M1norcas, ckl., I. J. Carruthers; pullet, I J. Car- ruthers. Orpingtons. A.O.K., pullet. W, H. Wright. Plymouth Rocks, Barred. ck1., T. Worrod; pullet, T. W-orrod, W. S. `Robb. Wyandottes, white. ck1., E. B. Guest 1 and 2: pullet. E. B. Guest 1 and 2. Wyan- dottes, A.0.K., ck1., F. Rayner 1 and 2; pullet, F. Rayner, 1 `and 2. Tur- keys. bronze. male, R. M. Bell, Mrs. Lewis F. Wilson: female, R. M. Bell, Mrs. L. F. Wilson. Geese, `Tou- louse, male, I. J. Carruthers; female, I. J. Carruthers 1 and 2. Ducks, Ayles-bury, male, I. J. Carruthers; female, I. J. `Carruthers. Pekln, male, R. M. Ben, I. J. Carruthers; female, I J. Carruthers, R. M Bell. 'DT!11I`.f\\7Q _ D-aha "|"nv-n'h1nvIa TI La.lH.l'U. VVa 11- L'l'l 1LLc SPECIAL CLAS'S-~.Best Bred-to- lay Barred `Rock. 'pullet, M. L. Chantler. Best collection, Barred Rocks, W. s. Robb 1 and 2. Best! Bred-to-lay White Wyandottes, pul- let, Irwin McMahon. Best bred-to- lay White Leghorn, pullet, Mrs. .Ias.- Mackie. I HS:-u D...ul...b. .in 2-l-b. rolls, N. Campbell. Mrs. Jno. run vvivvvuw 6 lbs. butter, rolls or prints, A. D! . Campbell. 20 lbs. in crock. Norman` ; Campbell. `A. D. Campbell. 10 lbs. - in crock, Mrs John Campbell, A. D. i Campbell, Norman Campbell. 10 lbs. Campbell. A. D. `Campbell. Loaf j homemade bread, Mrs John Camp-I ' bell, Norman Campbell. Maple: A sugar. Norman Campbell, A. D. Campbell. Maple molasses, quart A.t D. Campbell, Mrs. John Wood. ` Honey, extracted clover, 10 l-bs., Mrs. Elson. I-Ioney, extracted, buckwheat. 10 lbs., Mrs. M. Elson. Named collection of honey, Mrs. M. Elson. Assortment of pickles, Miss.` M. E. Campbell, Mrs. D. McWaters. ` Collection of canned pint . Jars, Mrs. D McWater's, Mrs. J'.,j Wood. Dozen eggs, L. Chantler, Mrs. N. Smith. Assortment of cakes, . Mrs Lewis F. Wilson, A. D.Camp- : bell. Nut bread. Mis _ Evelyn Je mey, ' A. D. Campbell. F uit bread, . D..'. Campbell. Mrs. L'ewls F. Wilson. 5: Brown bread. Norman Campbellu Mrs. John Jcampbell. Display of , baking` from batch of dough, A. D. Campbell. `Collection of canned I vegetables, Mrs. D. McWaters. Pair. dressed fowl, Mrs. Lewis F. Wilson, Mis. M_. E. Campbell. LUIIIKIU, 1 d. L4H.l`l'uLllCL 3, 11. AV]. DUM- PIGEONS - Pair Tumblers, W. Malcomson `1 and 2. Pair Fantails. W. Malcomsom, L. Adams. Pair M1ag- pies. W. Malcomson 1 and 2. Pair Pouters. W. Malcomson 1 and 2. Any other var1ety,'W. Malcomson. Rabbits. best pair, any other kind, W. Lelclare. Lloyd Cook. Guinea Pigs, W. Malcomson 1 and 2. Chin- chill rabbits, Sr. buck, W. Leclare, M. L. Chantler, M. Livingston. Sr. doe, W. Livingston. Jr. buck, W. Le'C1are 1 and 2. Jr. do1e,=._W. Le- Clare. W. A. Pratt. QIDEVINYAT IVIT AQ'Q,_,,'.'Dnu6 'D\nnR_fn_ Dairy Products LA-.- ..-1I_ .... ....l` `x-w..,_ Y.-.:.~.` `r. ..9T.9?.`.- MAKING PROGRESS ON NEW HIGHWAY Road From` Barrie to Pen-' T etang Will Be Big ` Improvement. 4 (P'enetang" -Herald) The new provincial highway from -Barrie to. Penetanguishene and Midland is being rush- ed along, these days. The new. highway will run north from Barrie on what is known as the Mill Road-; through Elmvale to the town line of Flos and Tiny Townships, and then. a- long the town line to Waverley, and u the old Penetang Road throug Wyebridge to Penetang- uishene and Midland. Ant nInnAIIu~`- A-9 rnOin1J:V|l I511` puuiua. '" At Midhurst, about seven miles north of Barrie. a new bridge is being constructed at a much higher level, which will enable the sharp; hills there to be reduced to but gentle grades. `W-m-um mlmxrnln l+n +111: Luaucuc auu auauxauu. A great amount of grading. cut- ting off of sharp corners and cul-t vert work was -done at various places along the line during the summer, but larger operations are now under way at three separate points. ' *~ A+ Twir-H11-:+. nhnnf envnn mils: cu wt: 51. auca. From Elmvale, north to the town line, the road will be r a new aspect, as it will be entirely new road, built to the east of the C.N. R. tracks, and this will -do away with two railroad crossings. A new concrete bridge is being construct- ed across the Wye river on the town line. Much of the grading on all this part of the road is finished and ready for surfacing. lnutna `nnnnn run Gut` 4-`kn Vina UUL `Cl-3 IIU L'Ll.lullB \3ULllCLDo "1$h1's company has a large steam- shovel and a fleet of heavy` trucks at work on the hill and is moving the dirt very quicl They have also a heavy steam roller and the s`carier and graders to put the road bed in shape and a big cement mixer to lay the concrete surface. A 1lvu+n10 v\nn<: 1!-una knnn 1:-1::-1 -P-unvv-I nuu Lcauy ;u1. au.I.La\.uL5. Closer home, we nd the King Construction Company hard; at work tearing down the grade of Firth s `Hill, and also preparing for laying of concrete from Howe s cornngrs to Firth s corners. 1.-.. _ 1---..- ..L-_-_- IIIIAUL VU JG) bllc UUIIDLCUC auL.I.a\.c. A water main has been laid from Midland to Firth s corners ,to pro- vidTe water for the machines. :. ........L_.1 LL_A. LL- 1___:.... -1! VLUU VVGIIUL LUL D115 1Ill\.'ll1HCBo It is expected that the laying of concrete will be commenced at Howe s corners very soon. -and the contractor anticipates that he will be able to have the concrete n- ished to `F`irth s corners. and from there tothe town limits of `Midland before winter puts a stop to this year's operations. Gravel for mak- ing the concrete is to be obtained from the -pits on the mountain. This gravel requiring washing be- fore it can be used. a large reser- voir. fed by natural springs, is be- ing made on lower ground, south of the pits, and from there water will be piped and pumped to wash the gravel at the pits. Thu hour 1n1'n-lnuvou rill kn 4-I-`nu LHU g:.'uv\-:1 an LIIC pith} The new highway will be thor- oughly modernized and put in ex- cellent shape from end to end. but it is not the intention to have per- manent roadway built all the way through at once. -Other parts will be constructed or re-built of the best gravel. and the most effective modern means of dust prevention used to allay the dust nuisance.` As repairs become necessary, per- manent pavement will be used. to replace the worn-out gravel road. I uu.-5 U15 L1'lLI La Mr. and Mrs. D. Watkinson of Mac"I`1er spent two weeks with Ster- ling Knapp s. I NH! and Mr: Dan} Dinhnrcnn n1 { Dc` lng. ` I115: Quite a number from here at- `tended Barrie Fair and found it Bigger and Better than ever. * W W` 'D`in1-saw-Rann nn/lnvvnynnt ow JJl55Cl' GJILI .I3Cl LE1` Llldnll UVCIH > W. F. Richardson underwent an operation for a throat condition in Colllngwood hospital recently Kind is gett1ng_a1ong nicely. ` '\/flan T.nnr\a Tlnvna n~P 'E2ovw-ha Naif- :3 5uu.ux5_a.1uu5, uvu:cx_v. Miss Leona I-Iayes of Barrie. visit- ed with her mother, Mrs. E. Hayes, I over the week-end; `fun Tau .f`nnuvPnu.1 1-.0 `|A l.l1nuA

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