N0:'I`I|QE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of John Alexander Patton, late of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of, Simcoe, farmer, deceased. who died on or about the 16th day of August, 1928, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, 1928, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been re- ceived. X rr arv A `.\Yrn.'mD nn1xr.A N 39-41b NlO"1`IlCE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that EH1 persons having claims against the Estate of John Alexander Patton, late of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of August, 1928, a.re'requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of October, 1928, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that theyawlll not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been re- ceived. A T313? A -\nn1:\D (`n~W AN , SALE or LANDS " For. ABRE.AR.5.9F Jill Junta`--Q-u-7 7- .---- In the County of Simcoe, to wit: Notice is hereby given that the list of lands no._w liable to the sold for arrears of taxes in the County of 'Simcoe, has been prepared and is being published in an advertise- ment In the Ontario Gazette, upon the `11th. 18th and 25th days of Au- gust, 1928, and the 1st day of Sep- tember, 1928. r<.....a.,.. AP mm Huf nf Lands or 39-41b temper, 1:116. . Copies of said list of lands or advertisement can be seen in my office or will be mailed upon mak- ing application for same. In default of payment of taxes as shown on said list, on or before Tuesday, -the 13th day of November, 1928, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, I shall at that time in the `Council Chamber, Court House, Barrie, On- tario, proceed to sell by public auc- tion the said lands t-o pay such ar- rears, together -with the charges thereon. 33-451) 1'\ 1 .'.I' >fV.l'\-.T A NT tnereon. 00-20:: D. H. 00`-LEMAN. Treasurer, County of Simcoe Treasurer's Oflce, Court House, Barrie, Out, the 7th day of August, 1928. TREASURER S SALE of LANDS '1>osiA'1`1o.\' wANTED--Exper1enced in general store work. \\'ould accept ` work of any kind. Apply to Box W", Examiner. ` 391) -- NOTVIICE I-S HEREBY GIIVEN by virtue of a warrant from the May- or of the `Town of Barrie, in the Province of Ontario, under his hand. with the seal of the Corporation of the said Town attached thereto. bearing date the tenth day of Sep- tember A.D. 19'28, and to me direct- ed, for the collection of arrears of taxes on the under-mentioned lands. That unless sooner paid, I shall, on the nineteenth day of December A.D.v 1928, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, in the Council Chamber, Municipal (Building, in the said Town of Barrie, in the `County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario. proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or so`much thereof as may be sufficient to dis- charge such arrears and charges thereon. a / "Roslyn out-\6nn C1111?`-an 4110:! Q 1{f hf thereon. I Take notice further that a list of the said lands is being published in the Ontario Gazette in its issues _of September 15th, 22nd and 29th, and October 6_t'h, 1928, and that said list is posted up in my office, cop- ies of which may be had on appli- cation.` `hang; at `Darrin Oh`: 101-H (`Av nf canon. Dated at.Ba.rr1e this 10th day of `September, 1928. - V A. W. SMSITI-I. 37-491) Treasurer Town of Barrie N0"1'I*CE is hereby given that Elea- nor Vnir. of the Town or Barrie, in thn (`nunty of Simcoe, and Province of Ontario, wife qt. John Vair. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from her husband.` John Vair, now residingin Buffalo. New York. on the ground of adult- . Alli? '6!` Augut,.A.D. 1928. . T CHARLES A. THOBURN. 171 Yonge Street. Toronto. 86`-40b_ Solicitor tor the Applicant yt , . Dated at Toronto this 80j.h- day of .\ V goons AND BOARD in Arreargr Tixes in ' Town of Barrie ea. ALEXANIDER COWAIN, Executors Solicitor. 1b Barrie, Ontario ALEXANDER COWAN. Txvnnn Gnu-av QATIIIH fnl . XI1AV`JJQ|.l'\y \.zLl VV 211V, Executors' Soldcitor, Barrie, Ontario. .______:...._:_:_._...._ HOUSE \\'A.\"T~ED in Barrie in ex- chan_;e for farm near Bradford, also have good 200-acre farm to ex- change for farm or other property. For particulars write Box 33, Wes- ton post office. 39-40p :w&w&i&&i&&&&& g INMEMQRIAM >x< V m >X0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0i>I0I CIJEALRY-Tn loving memory of my dear father, Jas. Cleary, who died ` Oct. 5. 1921. - ` - Just 9. memory fond and true, To"show, dear Dad. I think of you.- 39b -Sadly missed by - Daughter -Maggie, VC|'.JEA;RY--In lovtlng memory of my dear husband, James Cleary, who diedeoctober 5, 1921. My memory often wanders, As the evening shadows tall,- Back to the days of happiness Days beyond recall. A vision comes" before me so fond, so pure, so sweet, 0! one I loved so dearly, Whose heart has ceased to beat. on... __Qa:Hu vnlnun kw `K7179 u: DEM!PSTER-4In loving memory of my dezr sister, Verna Dempster. Whd\ dl d Sept. 30. 1927. You left behind some acying hearts, That loved you most sincere, That never did and never will Forget you. Verna, dear. 39p -sister and Brother-in-law Evie and Fred. `VVKIU 39p DEMEP`S'I`-`ER--=In loving memory of my dear granddaughter, Verna, who died Sept. 30, 1927. No _one heard the footstep Of the angel drawing near, Who took from us to heaven, The one we loved so dear. The golden gates were open, A gentle Voice said \Come," And with farewells unspoken She calmly entered home. 39:) --`Sadly missed by Grandma Cleary. DEMPSTER-`In sad but loving memory of our dear daughter, Vgzr-7na, who passed away Sept. 30. 1. . Thinlglsl we prize are first to van- Is , Hearts we love to pass away. And a dear one gone in girlhood, Grieves our hearts from day to day. When the shades of night are fall- Ina VV ueu Luv: :uauca Va. Aug... ...-- -..,- . mg, And We three are all alone, There comes that dreadful longing If Verna only cou1d,come home. 39:b -sadly missed b.V Father, Mother and Brother. - - DAV'IS--~In loving memory of my dear tether, Jos. Davis, who de- parted this life `Sept. 30, 1927. To Daddy, My Lost Pal. Oh, Daddy dear, I miss you It's lonesome since you've gone, You always understood me. It is one year since you left us. But it seems a long, long time. 3913 -Ever remembered by his Daughter, -Mrs. F. "Thompson. .__._______._..._......___._ DAVIS--`In loving memory of my dear husband, Jos. Davis, who passed away `Sept. 30, 1927. He was such a dear good husband, So patient, kind and -true. There never was a. dark cloud, But he saw the sunshine through. on. ._R9'lv missed bv Wife. U'.|Jh.La VVA.V'1'1:JU LU!` 5!-:uI:u:u uUuaI:- work. by the day. Apply 138 Mary St. 39b ?. Dub 39p . I-IO-U-N`S'O.ME-In memory of a, lov- ing husband and daddy, Thomas Smith Hounsbme, who passed a- way through war services, Sept. 6, 192-1. uAvnA1-n1\nrn. 9714" deenlv 26, 192-1. Ever remembered and deeply mourned. 39b -Wlfe and Daughters. H:EA.'RD--`In loving -memory of my dear father, Adolphus Heard, who passed away Oct. 1, 1926. God saw `the roads were getting rough, The hills were hard to climb, So He closed dear father's eyelids And whispered Peace Be Thine." 39p a -Sadly missed by his daughter. -Mrs. J. R. Reid. j McCONKEY-4In loving memory or |R. M. IMcConkey, who departed this life Sept. 27, 1925. Qon --Deenlv mourned by Lil. 39p _j McM~A'S"1`ER-AIn loving memory of ' our dear son and brother, Edwin Russell McMaster, who passed away `Sept. I29, 19:27. God saw `that he was suffering, He saw he was in pain, He knew he never would get better In this world again. - God saw the road was getting rough The hills were hard to climb, And so He closed his weary eyes, And whispered Peace Be '1`11ino." 390 -Sad1y missed by Father, |`Ml`ni-haw 12:-nfhm-.< and Sister SA*MPSO'N-'In loving memory of A Jos. Sampson, who passed away Sept. 28, 19%. Not dead to us. who loved him, But gone before. He lives with us in memory And nrH`l Pnr Avarmnre. - ne uvcs wuu ua u. ... And will for evermore. '39b -Wife t- SM-'11`.-I-I-iIn loving memory or our dear son and brother, Clarence Smith, who died Sept. 27, 1926. Our loved one is sleeping, free from all pain, Oh, wake not his spirit to suffer again. He slumlbers so softly, on let him sleep on. His sickness is ended, his troubles `are gone. Jus: think how he suffe.--.-.1 4nd ~ moaned with pain. In the long night hours, we soothed him in vain, Till God, 'in His mercy, s-mt thzvn Janna o.hn1rn 1.111 LTUU, `Lu 11.1: lll\.L\.;, ..-.... ...r..-. from above, An angel, who whispered a. message \ of love. 3913' -sadly missed by Family. between the`ages of 24 and 40. Ap- ply to Box 98, Barrie. 39p S1Ll41`4`S.V1A'.V W.`t.\ .L`.I`Ju, ularne 1.4 .__:._.._.:_:__.._:.T. `.l.'lll _IAll|l IXAIIIIIR SPECIAL SAL E "26 `Essex Coach $395.00 .'23 Ferd Coupe. . . . . $95.00 '27 Whippet Sedan . $595.00 '28 Essex Coach ;. $700.00 '25 Buick 7-Passenger AAGA An Sedan . . . . . . . . . $650.00 '28 Hudson Brougham $1,100.00 GUARANTEED USED CARS `sea THESE AT 19 Brgdford Street -sau1y mxsaeu Dy r2:.;u.-:, `Mother, Brothers and Sister : neart 118.3 CBa.$C1 LU DUEL. -Sadly missed by Wife. -h--ju-- | to Sept. Z1, wzo. -Deep1y by Wife, Daughter and Sons. -sacuy mlsseu Dy run daughter, -Mrs. -1-:--: MAID WANTED--Plain cooking, to go to Toronto middle of October. Reply giving full particulars to Box "P", Examiner Office. 38-39p - N the sunsnme Luruugu. -sadly missed by Wife.` :-_-----q-:.-_-:-:- VGPIIIOPB. and Family. OF ';;;;&%&iiiiiig % LOCAL NEWS 3 The Criminal Audit Board -will sit at `the Court Qouse next week. ` ---Dancing will be discontinued at Minet s Point until" further no- ' tice. 39b -- --Let me solveyour corset pro- blems for you. Mrs. Amy Simmons. 76 Small -St., Telephone 707. 39tfb -Neil Yellowlees, piano tuner. will be in Barrie next week. Or- ders may be left at J. G. Keenan's music store. 39b ---Fowl ssupper United Church, Midhurst, Township Hall. Good concert on Friday, Oct. 5. Admis- sion 60c and 30c. 39b -Nig'ht `School re-opens, Barrie . Business College. Monday, Oct. T 1st; Monday and Thursday nights. i 7.30 to 9.30. . 39-41b . Camp `Borden rugby team has been refused permission by Otta- wa to `fly to that city to full a unurnlnuv an (In (InIVIn`l'I+' wa LU u_y bu uunu v rugby engagement. %li`n~.- nlliinhi rugby engagement. _ -For plumbing and heating ring 214-J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake street. Prompt attention to re- pairs. 15tfb `The W. |C. T. U. will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. M. Turner, 14 Small St., Monday, Oct. 1,-_at 3 p.m. V--- 2. 1-1-1; knaf xuuuuay, uuu. ;, _-nu u run- --Many say it is the best show in town. How can you afford to miss it?--Reginald Denny in. The Cheerful Fraud. Capitol `now. _ 39x - HOUSE OR `F-LAT of four or five rooms wanted to rent; west ward preferred. Phone 506. 39b u Il OW. ` 0 CIA At a meeting of the Mothers Allowance Board for the County of Simcoe held last week eight new apphcaons for rehef were con- sidered . A school eld day for both pub- lie and separate schools will be held! in the Agricultural Park on Wed., Oct. 3, beginning at |1 p.m. Public invited. No admission charge. Maaavc ,T 'l" Qlmnunn. .7- Mc- cnarge. Messrs. J. T. Simpson, J. Mc- Knight; Freeman Campbell and Harry Coleman attended the pave- ment opening, at Creemore last Fri- Ann '1"lnn nnmnmnnv um: fnllnwnd 03 a oanqueu. A score of Barrie people motor- ed to 'Ori1_lia, `Monday night, to hear an English company play George IBernard |Shaw s ;Can- dida. The caste was excellent and the production was immensely en- joyed. - r`.\v\nn1o;vx?'- "R111r-A911 rn` 11.h+ P0711- menr, openmg an Lareeulure Rlbb r u- dry. The ceremony was followed by a banquet. A efnnnn A-F "no-wwin nnnrn. 1`I1l'\+.(\1`- or not. com- plaints regardring reckless drivers continue to reach the police sta- tion. One citizen has informed on another for cutting in on Bradford St. the other night and the case is scheduled to be heard on Oct. '5. La 0 lI\v\l\Rl\vI.A' v way `so was vvwu '- Mrs. W. Penny, Innisl St., Bar- rie, and J. A. Graham, Shanty Bay, guessed the exact weight of `the tank of coke in The Sarjeant Co. exhibit at the Fair, 630 pounds. The prize of a ton of coke will be divided between the two correct guessers. _;Q{v niahn uni-Ava in {Win g'l.lBS5B1.'$. ` -`Six nished actors in the greatest comedy cast in pictures -Regina1d -Denny, Gertrude Olm- stead, Otis Harlan, Emily Fitzroy, Charles Gerrard, Gertrude Astor, they ll make you merry `in Denny s funniest comedy-The Cheerful Fraud. Capitol this week-end. 39x 11'- -___ -_-____L__ `I - __-____ - -.-...-_- \avIrnv\Io vanoqr vv v..-. v-..-- `V--- -No more anxiety. No more danger. No more doubt. Use FLY- TOX, then you may be sure your garments will retain their original beauty and perfection--free from ravages of moths. FLY-TOX kills moths, eggs, larvae. Spray thor- oughly blankets, carpets, rugs, clothing, furs and woollens. IN- Q'TQ"I" nan .'mr_v_mnv .'m'.v_mnv ha B31331. UH. `J.".l.J.l.'.J.\J1Xo J-"lJI.`.I-KIJL 13 the scientic insecticide developed at :Me1lon ilnstitute of Industrial` Research by Rex `Fellowship. Sim- le instructions on each bottle for illing. AIJL household insects. FT :5 an`:-\ an:vu14-has -9-anti- UIUDILLII5, LUIS GNU WUUllUllo LAN |s-IST on .FLY-.TOX. FLY-TOX is] LL- .....'-..L;- :.....-...L.'-.1- .I-.._1-_.-J FARM FOR SJADE OR RE-NT--100 acres on N.H. of lot 9, con. 5. In- nisvfil, good clay loam, good bulld- ings, 17 acres fall wheat. For fur- ther` particulars apply to John May- es, 253 Bayfield St., Barrie. .7-39p 51111115 ~ .I'l.'1J.lJ LIU UDUHUIU JIIBVV |Iu FLY-VTOX is safe, stainless, frag- rant, sure. Every bottle guaran- teed. Advt. 39'b Sept. 25---Miss Thelma Crawford and Harold Morris have returned to Toronto after spending their vacation with hierwparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford. `IA ... fnnnnu nvu lnvnlicu `AI "Vanna- 8131.61`. Miss Len'a. Fraser of West Oro spent a. week with Miss Elaon. "l`hm~n 1xri`|1 hn nn am-V117-,A in Qt. AVLFS. J. I1. LJl"d.Wl.UI'u. Mr. Cooper and family `of Toron- to spent Sunday with J . C. Arnold's Mia: 13`.fha1 Q91-nnunn la in `DA- LU SDUHL auuuay WLLH J. U: tuinuxu 5 `Miss Ethel Sampson is in De- t11'oit attendaing the wedding of her s ster. 1ur:..... 1'.-....r.. 1:`...-....-... AC 1'rr.-u.+ (`nun spent 8. WEEK W11'.K1 H1185 L`J;1lUI1. There will be no service in St. Andrew's -Church next Sunday as Guthrie Presvbyterians are having their anniversary. Sept. 2I5-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hick- llng are spending a week visiting relatives in Belleville. \A'... .-....II `MI ...n Ilnann I'*nL4cnn nn ramuy Spent bunuay Ln uuL1u'1e. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wingrove visit- ed on Sunday with Thos. Nelson's, Guthrie. \,r.. nmr` mum: nr 1' `lvwauan and yrexauves m beuevuu.-.-. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Caldwell and family spent Sunday in Guthrie. Mn nn Mm: (1 Vvingrnvn visit- Iamuy spent buncxay 1n M.eu..Lu1`u. `The next U. F.O. meeting is to be held at W. J. Fraser's on October 3. A good attendance is asked as this is the `first meeting after the summer holidays. SALESMA'N_ WANTED, marrlei. knrvivonn rhn nan: n? 94 and 40. AD- uumrxe. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fraser and M family spent Sunday in Meaford. "Pkg nnvf TTWO mppng is to be Mr. and. Mrs. Ney and family I 1 Toronto made a short visit with I G111 of Midhurst and`lMrs. S. Gill ~ Barrie. - Friday, Oct. ~J'ohn Diesjlardi-ne, 1 lot 26, con. . Sunnidale (Brent- ;p'ood)-far~ stock and imple- fnents. .Sa` at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- `Conkey, Auct. Monday, `Oct. 8--Jos. `Smith, lot 31, con. 5, Essa. (near Utpoia)`- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. Tuesday, Oct. 9-Mrs. Sadie Cun- ningham, lot 12, con; 10, Essa..- farm stock, implements and house- 2 hold effects. Sale at 1 p.m. H. A. G1-ose, Auct. 38-40x Wednesday, Oct. 10-112. J. Hawkins, north half lot 10, con. 12, -In-nisfil- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W . X. Mc'Conkey, Auct. Thursday, Oct. '11--fLes1ie Dobson. west -half lot 27, con. 7, Essa- farm stock and implements. -Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auc- tioneer. ,' I 39x Saturday, Oct. 13-~'W. J._ Fraser, lot 20, con. 6, Vespra (opposite Union iCenmetery)-farm.,stock and im- . plements. Sale at 1,p.m. W. A. Mdconkey, Auct. /, SIXTH LINE, VI-SPRA oao s'rAT:noNT CREDIT SALES MIDHURST YOUNG `P-IGS for sale. Apply John Bemrose, phone 605123. 391) THE ALLEYS HAVE BEEN RE-FINISHED AND EVERYTHING IS IN TIP-TOP SHAPE FOR YOU Quanta` CASEY-On Saturday, Sept. 22,| 1928, to Mr. and -Mrs. Patrick Ca.- sey, John -St. W., Barrie, a. daugh- ter. CAILDWIE'LL-~In the `RV. Hospital, on Saturday, Sept. 22, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon `Caldwell, Bar- rie, 8. daughter. SFROUIJE--'On Friday, Sept. 21, 1928, at Private Patients Pavilion, - Toronto General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Sproule (nee Marie Beecroft), 14 Pinewood Ave., a. daughter. UNDER-HJII.JL-In RV. Hospital. Barrie, Thursday, Sept. 27, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Underhil1,| n .n.. lI|rpa\A\a-an. MA:R'1`IN-TUR.\'*.E`-R - At Guthrie ~ United `Church, "Sept. 22, 1928, by Rev. Rabt. McR0berts. Anna Bain Turner to Hereward Martin, both of Shanty Bay. If [I617 J'ERMEY---In Barrie, on Monday. Sept. 24, 1928, Louisa Crawford, widow of the late William Jermey, in her 79th year. Funeral today from her late residence, 36 Clap- perton St., to Crown Hill Ceme- tery. ROB'BINS--On Monday, Sept. 24, 1928, at Scarboro, Harold Victor, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. Robbins, aged 11 years. \rl`II\lIhI \Il nnna-na\nIna Mrs. John Guest and family wish to thank their friends and relatives for kindness and sympathy shown in their recent bereavement. also for floral tributes. 39p 9113111 I I IJTII St. Thomas -Church will hold their annual Harvest Thanksgiving ser- vice on Sunday next, Sept. 30, at 11 a.m. and Holy Communion at 8 nun ` 'R'ev. and Mrs. C. IR. Spencer re- `turned on Friday from a.. v_1s1t. to 1 the Coast and Saskatoon. |'l"'l-nu .`\/fiance 'Fhn1n-an 271!` AHYA 1 the coast and b&1SK'dLUUIl. I ` `The Misses T.he1ma. and Alixe ` Spencer were home over the week- end. l I rlllihl Iv n\rl`l \ Harvest Services at St. Paul s,| \ Innisfll, Sunday, Sept. 30, at 11 a..m.| Tand 7 p.m. Rev. F. F. W . Abbo_tt,l ; Ivy, will preach at 7 p.m. n _____ . . . ` The underslgned has recelved m-` structions from T505; _"F"_""" - PERSIAN K'I"I'I`E\NS for sale. Tele- phone 679. 39`) LIII\\IlI Harvest` Services at St. Paul's, Innisfil, Sunday, Sept. 30. at 11 a.m. iand 7 p.m. Rev. F. F. W. Abbott, The following: Wicker Upholstered Parlor Suite including Settee. Arm Chair, Rocking Chair. Table and Fernery. Oak Parlor Table, Fire place Irons and screen, Rpg. Curtains, Pic- tures. `Hall Rack. Organ, `Buffet, Quarter-cut Oak Extension Table, 6 quarter-cut Oak Dining Chairs with leather seats. Secretary, 3 Rocking. Chairs, Couch,- Fancy `China, etc. 9 nab nndwnnvu .G.-dd...-. 9 Eu- Kllllll, CDC- 3 Oak Bedroom `Suites. 3 En- ameled Bedsteads with Mattress and Springs.` 4 Bedroom Chairs, 3 Toilet Sets; Bath room Mirror, 3 Rugs, lMoore Electric Range. good as new. Kitchen Chairs. Kitchen Table. large quantity of Dishes and Kitchen Utensils. Lawn Mower, Qlarden Tools and many other art- 1c e . A 11 _.211 `L- .....`l.I ..-:LL-..L ..---..--- :11 will be sold without reserve. Terms: CASH. Sale at'l p.ma 39-40b _'W. A. McCONKEY, Auct. "School will open on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, at 7.30, for the registration of Students. Registration fee $2.00. ' REGULAR CLASSES will assemble on Tuesday Evening, Oct. 9th, at 7.30, and meet regular- ly every Tuesday and Friday Evening from 7.30 to 9.30. .` SUBJECTS: Dress-Making, Domestic Science (cooking), English, Writing, Spelling, Arith- metic, Book-Keeping, Motor Mechanics, Tele- graphy. ' These classes were very popular last year, with a large registration and attendance. We hope to have a large attendance for the opening of our School Term. F. FOSTER, Chairman. J. E. MORRISON, Prin. uv on`; . 8. S011. Barrie Bowling A(;;1dIp_y PHONE 426 - e OPEN 1o A.M. . 12 PM. to sell by Public Auction at 170 Dunlap St., Barrie Re-Opening of Industrial % % Evenins_Cl%as?M. JERS/EY HEIFFIR CALF, 4 months. E. V. Bubcock, Cook and Coming- ton. 39;) oii 's;EC{r1ia}," 6Z.s of Household Furniture AUCTION SALE SHANTY BAY -__, - -1 r\I.......I_ .... A PA_Il`{SWICK ru_.__`-.._ _ MARRIED VI'!TYIT\ \v`-7.1:`: _sj[RoU17 93 `.% PP -P Iago `Twolvo us-.__..?_..-.._._. NOTE REDUCED PRICES " muons M61-` WALES SCHOOL 2 Games 25c - 1 Game 15 STARTING OCT. lst _T_he 93.-rae Real Estate Office __ :\___._.:_|.. 3.4.. ,..--- FOR SALE HOUSE on Cumberland St., beauti- fully tidy and neat, orchard, garden, outlook over the bay, $2,000. NICE BRICK HOUSE, Tifn St. $3,000, Reduction for cash. COTTAGE and three lots, east Blake `St. TWO PIRETTY STUCCO HOUSES, $6,000 each. GOOD BRICK HOUSE, Clapperton St., $3800. EAST END RESIDENCE. CEMENT BRJDCK, near fair grounds $3500. / RED BTUICEK, 1 acre, west E11221- beth district, $2,200, rent $16.00. HOUSE, Maple Avenue, B-R1-c'K HOUSE. Bayfield St. 34300. -nnmnv `I. J'r\TTQ1:`. 1::no-1n Q1 gnann } IIIG IJBIIIG l\lII annulus? vlnupv Mrs. May Creswicke, Sec y.-Trns. } 190 Bayfiold St--Telephone 310. 1`51'1`LJ1& r1'UU5I:J. Dayuexu t. qmou BRICK HOUSE, High St. $6500. `To m3N'r-'stucco house, 540. Col- Iler St. 3%. Sophia St. $16, Dalton St., newly papered and painted $30. McDonald St., flat on Worsley $16. $VL LILVI`4J R. 8. Cameron -I-IORS~E FOR SALE, strong and re- liable. Apply S. V. Jones, Oro Sta- tion. 391` In reporting Oro Fair, The Ex- aminer overlooked the oldvtime ddlers contest. This was won by W. J. Lennox of Ivy. Thuredey. September 27. `IDZQ I FLQKJJJLV \J'lJL\n LJJJIJFLLV, lJGL' loon tires. good: appearance and in good runnmg condx- \ u t1on throughout. '24 STUDEBAKER LIGH SIX TOU`R2ING, 5 disc .u`l....-.1- 1...]... .....J ......- -._1__` USED CARS '1`oronto-twelve of them- train young people for office .positions through day and evening sessions and home study courses. Through a. spe- cial Employment Department. deinl-te assistance is afford- ed both Employer and Grad- uate. Write for calendar. Head Offices: Bay and Charles Sts. PONTIAC COACH, in ex- ceptionally ne condition; done small mileage, looks like new. _..A- ;---nu` --A-yo.` ;-.;\.--- ucrvo 113;? ISTAR FOUR COACH, 1I\.l'\`! BEA 1'I1Y\ VIA?! 1.3.76! 'DJ.l'LI\a ELIULV UUIILIII, looks and runs hke new, fully guaranteed. 1926 ESSEX COACH, looks an-vi A an... -nu-.11 LUEU JJIJQJJJX ' and runs well. 1924 V.VU'ILLYS KNIGHT 5- PASSENGER SEDAN, Bal- appearance -_.j 3.. _.--.I _ , _.__.I! GOOD HODSTEIN COW heavy milker; no bad habits or "faults: good reasons for selling. F. Madi- gan, Essa Road, Allandale. 34-39p QLJL L \J U LVLLV LI , U Q13`: wheels, looks and runs splenl didly. 1922 McLAUG*HLIN-BUICK four touring, re-nished, 4 _new tires. o 1922 DURANT 4 PASSEN- GER `COUPE, balloon tires, re-nished, runs well. Your present car as part payment. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. -------.vw--u--w -j 43 `Elizabeth St.`--PlIonn 878 UHIVI EHUII It vnIvI.:.nvI1 Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Offices: Barrie and Or111la.. Barrio: 6 Owen Street. Telephone 406 `_ MONEY TO LOAN I( A ung: SHAW S BUSINESS SCHOOLS CAMERON &. CAMERON nnwlafnva Q.-\Hnlfr\ra Aft` 115391-P.H!1-L .t!1AR91-D an-L_- -OErI the followihgt .\vlII-I A A an A A-up JJUINLV K. A. Cameron EBRINDLE COW . fresh. heavy milk- er; also Ayrshire cow. 8 yrs. old. Apply J. T. Quinlan, Barrie. 39.1) ._.:___..__._.____..__._. C'HO`IlCE ISI-I1R'0PS`I-1`IxR:ES FOR SALE; ram lambs. ewe lambs and ewes all ages, all registered. Addi- son McKenzie, `Thornton, telephone Ivy-`Thornton. 38-43p - 4.2.--. : FOU.\'D-\V'hite gold wrist watch. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advertise- ment. Phone 52.1`F. 39b : - MANS POCKJET B-OOK containing around $8.00 lost -between Brown's Bakery and Fair grounds on Tues- - day. Finder please leave at Examin- er Office. 39p - % LO`S"I`--0n Tuesday between Barrie and Midland, a khaki canvas dun- nage bag. Finder please return to Queen's Hotel, Mdd1and..Rew'ard. 39p .- - WILL THE P-APJTY seen removing kodak from `Chevrolet coupe Mon- day morning (24th), kindly return same to Examiner Office and avoid embarrassment. 391) LOST-On Tuesday, Sept. 25, on Dunlap St., near Queen's Hotel. small black change purse contain- ing nbwut $40.00. Finder will be re- warded on leaving same at Queen's __Hote1 or office of Examiner. 391) nu.` :-- MRS. VVVDC-E has opened a dress- making establishment at 60 Worsley St. 39p ? _ FURS ALTERBD and repaired Over Hu1'1burt s Shoe Store. Miss M. McArthu1'. ` 37tfb . I VVILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted in my name after this date. J. E. .\Ia1-lin, Allandale, Ont. 30-411) vow -.. I - / I3RvVVI.\"S ALL BLUE TAXI SER- VICE. local and long distance, night and day. 25 cent service. George Ir- win. Phone 198. 39tfb MRS. BU"I'1`ON wishes to thank the gentleman who found and returned to Lob1aw's store, the money her daughter had lost. ' 39p -~~ - MRS. C. R. Gi'AIJBRAI`TH will re- ceive a limited number of Elemen- tary and Primary Pupils in piano lessons at her home, 62 Sanford St. Terms moderate. Telephone 1006F`. arrie. . 38-42b N'Oe'I`1`C-E--IP`.ot owners of St. Paul's Cemetery. Innisfil, are requested to take notice that accounts fall due October 1st. All owners are asked to make payment at once. Geo. Quantz, caretaker. 39-41p 'S I`EEL A-`ND CONCRETE BRIDG- ES erected to Government standard Plans prepared by competent en- gineers without extra. expense to you. Pi-le driving, soundllng. etc Vast experience: 114 bridges com ` pletedin Simcoe. No Job too large and none too small. Let me figure on your requirements in concrete or structural steel for any purpose. J J. Dumond. general contractor Q-nnturnn On? 10-4915. Ipuvv av -- in spare time. in city or town, tak- ing orders. We show [you how to make a success. Delivery later. Per- sonal Greeting Cards. Something new and snappy. Magnificent sample book free. Imperial Art, 51 Wel- Alington West, Toronto. . 38-41b :iiiw*&aaaymym3 3 ADLET COLUMN 3 gm%$g&$%mwi& -_ -1.` ---I_ 1---- J. LJUIIIUHU. 51 ]-'-travwwnn/3 Ono .__.._____-._..:..... FOR SALE OR TO LET LIVE STOCK FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND MlSCEl..L_ANEOUS WANTED $250 mus Mme. in cltv t LFHA3 Ill!` 1C.7n. One cent avword, cash. each Inner- tion. (minimum charge. 254:). nix insertions for the price of tour we extra when charged; also 10 extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. ` FURNI'PU1R'E for Worsley St. - FOR SAIJE-.-Gi'ey beaver- and mink 732M. - FOR. SALE-1 grocery couxiter, 1 glass top case for dried fruits.- Brown` & Co. 4 T 3'9b 1 I PIANO FOR 'SA`UE-B911 Upright; walnut case, good condition.-Apply Phone 644VV. 39b CAMPING OUTFIT--tLarge tent; will sleep five; mounted on trailer. Bargaln. Phone 7 2-5VV. ` 39p ..--o FOR SA~LE---32 vo1't, 600-watt Del- co-light plant, with about 50 bulbs and electric iron. Suit large house` or store. Reason for selling.. Hydro a- vailable now. Terms to responsible party. G. Badger, Gllford. Phone Le- troy 11-23 or Bradford 45-11. 38-39b -- NNEX, fitted with hot water front, also electric heater for`sa1e. 90B Mary St. Phone 1002. 39p c----:--j Z LARGE H\EA T'ER, neiir style, also cook stove, good as new.TE. V. Babcocfk, Cook and Codrington. 39p SALE OF HIOUSEI-IOILD FU'R.\"I- TURE; also 9 young prize Chin- chilla rabbits. Apply 12 Eccles St.. north. 39 -41p FOR SA.IJE--one 1~5-30 Internation- al Harvester threshing tractor, in good running order. Apply Carman Downey. Minesing. 38tfb YOU CAN EAJRN $10 to $25 a. week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or a - iciting. We instruct you and supp y you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Building, Toronto. 1Mtb KII'TC-I-BEN HEATIER ANNEX for el- ectric range, for sale, almost new. burns coal or wood. Apply 32 Clap- perton St. Phone 572. 38-39b FOIR SA1LE--One auto knitter, nearly new, 6-lid Gurney Oxford stove. steel top, In good condition. Apply to Box 251, Cookstown, On- /tario. . 38-39`Cb FOR SATJE - One acetielyne gas lighting plant in good condition complete with fixtures No reason- able offer refused. J. E. I-Iodgson, Churchill. 39b F`UR'JN`ITU`l'~UE FOR 'sALLE-Wr1t1ng desk, 2 `beds and springs, Axminster rug 9x12. Apply Mrs. Irwin .M0.Ma- .hnn Ha xvlznutnna 391) rug :uu.a. Appxy ~hon, Hawkestone. . TO LET--*5-roomedpottage. electric light and. town water. Possession 0_tober 1st. Apply to 259 Elizabeth St. 38 39?) uj-T- TO L'E"[`--Jsix-roomted `house to let, corner Vespra and Ellen |Sts., im- mediate possession. `Mrs. 'Fred Has- kett, phone 4v59IF 39p 2 FOR REN'T--Desira.ble front room. suitable for business or professional enterprise, st am heated and over- looking P.'O. Square. Apply H. E. Jory. 38-43b - AIPIARTMENT TO RENT, furnished or unfurnished; heated and up-to- date, conveniences. Moderate price. Also Mason & Rlsch piano for sale. Apply at Examiner Office. 39p _____..___._:__..___..__ T-O LET - Seven-roomed brick "house on Bradford Street with all conveniences, (except furnace) in first-class condition. Rent only $18 per month. Phone 1403 or 104 Eli- vnhnfh Q1 , 39]) _.___________.____.:. WA1\"TED--Two or three rooms fur- nished for light housekeeping. State rent, etc. Reply to J. .\I. Phillon, Apartment 3, 133 Elmwood Ave., London, Om. 39b per IHUHLIA zabeth St. -_.1.--_- FORD SEDAN, 5 tires, new battery, running good. For quick sale, $150. Apply 137 Bradford St. Telephone 1321. -: 38tfb ' HOUSE FOR SAIIJE-At 63` High St. New furnace, electric stove. garage, central location. Immediate possession. Amply '-E. -H. Braden, 63 High St. Phone 2`2|5W. 36-43b : : I-DEAIL HOME for retired farmer_ 21/; acres in Barrie, solid brick, 7- roomed house, stable. garage, hen- house. Seventy apple trees, one plums one pear, one grape vine: strawberry and raspberry plants set out this year. Excellent soil. Sacri- fice for quickfsale. Phone 14L56F or Box 162, Barrde. I 8913 --:-:_: __...._._.___._________ 100 A*CvRvE FARM for sale. For further particugars apply to Gareld Wingrove, Barrie, R.R. No 2. 34--39p .._.___.._..___._.._.____ F`A:RM'S FOIR `SALE - 25 to 200 acres. Prices right. Let us know what"you want. We can supply `gt. Bell & Bell, Stayner, Ont. 35-4 b ..o-..- FARM FCIRISALE, 62 acres, 2 miles from town; suitable for fruit: good buildings. stock and `implements. For further particulars apply to Examiner Office, 34-'39p 2--2-h FARM FOR SA'IJE---50 acres, good clay loam. Apply Jas. S. Leonard. Cralgvale. 38-40b BVABM t"U'11. A'um-au acres suuu pasture land. For further particu- lars phone 199r5, Midhurst. 38-40b }F\A}RM 1410.3 SA'IJE-50 acres 8005 ..n..+..n Inn.-I Wnw Purfhar nQ.!H(`1l- GIRL WANTED for general house- work. Apply 18 Mulcaster St. 38tfb u--- -j - - SA`C|RJLFFC E for quick sale, 50 acre firstclass land near Istroud, conven- ient `to lake shore and Township Park, 1'2 acres wheat, 8 acres alsike. Apply 1. A. Spring, lot 22, conces- sion 9, Innisfil. 36-41p j_:.-:1 F`A|R'M FO R sAJJE-Too acres, lot 6. con. 4, Innisfil, good clay loam. close to school` and church good buildings, running creek, 4 acres of maple and beech bush. For further particulars apply J. C. Hindle. Cookstown, Ont. , _ 36-41p - F`A'RM FOR S'AnIJE--One hundred acres, lot 12, con. 5. Essa, rich loam, good `for wheat. alsikg and pota- toes: 7 acres bush, 18 acres wheat. Sgalsike, 20 red clover; fall plough- ing done: two frame barns 36x60 and 30x70 on foundatio_rf--steei roofs; hog pen 2-4x30, good hen house 1*5x!30,` garage and shed: `two wells, water in stable, large brick house, 8 rooms, two miles frome`sta- tion, near church and school. Would sell stock and implements it re- quired. Phone and R.M.D. Eli` Wil- son. Egbert RSR. No. 1 39;41p . . FA!RM F0-R SAIJE:_--150 acres, lot 13. con. 4, Innllsfl, clay loam. One of `best grain and stock farms in" Innlsfil. On this property is a. 10- .1-oomed roughcast house. hard and soft water with taps in house; up- to-date=ba.rn, 40x90, on stone foun- daatlon: cement floors equipped wlvh steel stanchions, waters bowls and litter carrier; hog pen and hen house 24x70 on cedarxblock; imp'le- ' menthouse 20x50: garage and work --5-.. 1=vqn 'l`|n-in farm in wall fann- men: house Zuxau; gurus: uuu Wuxn `shop 15x30.` This farm is well tenc-` ed and In high state of cultivation and has never been tenanted. Nice Iawn, orchard and creek on_ pasture lot. On flafth poncesslon, close to paved highway, schobls.` churdhes. railway, market. etc. Apply to own- er. H. F. Graham. Churchill, `0nt.. or phone 19r4, Lefroy. 32-43p l_ . PROIEJRTY FOR` SALE PROPERTY/T0 LET Yams FOR SALE AUTOEKETE lamb furs, also furs; Telephone . . 39p G-IJRL VVAN`TED for general house- titan`! In. . rho qv Annlv 12R Marv sale. Apply 360 IE1!` 39p! WANTED TO BOARD, an elderly persoh. Apply 158 Essa. St. 3-5-409 ::- ACCOMMODATION. for students, girls preferred, at 183 Elizabeth St.; all conrvenlences, phone 1271. 36439;) BOARDERS WANTED, `convenient to Collegiate. Apply 8 Erancs St. Phone 499W.` -V _ _e - _ - 38'-390 R\*C;OM AND BOAIRD. students pre- ferred, a few minutes` walk from collegiate. Apply 22 `Vespra. St. 34-39b T0 ENT--Cosy 4-room suite, newly `decorated. gas, electricity and steam heat. S. W. Moore. 37tc - ~ ` FURN-IASI-ICED ROOMS, all conven- iences, board optional, also garage tso rent. Phone 490 or 76 `Mulcasstgg t. ' NOTICE TO cREDrr6rTs NOTIIOE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Jas. Brumby, late of the Town- ship of `Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, deceased, who died- on or about the 28th day of August, 1928,'ar requested to send particu- lars of their claims-to the under- signed on or before the 13th day of October, 1928, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that they will not be responsible to any -person for the assets of said estate ._whose claims shall not then have been received. ALEXANDER COWAN. Executors Solicitor, 38-40b Barrie, Ont. POSITION IVVAVNTED as stenc- gmpher or typist, experienced. Ap- ply `Box "`M", `Examiner Of- fice. 39-411)