Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1928, p. 13

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bl.rl.'I'.'I'o'ln Miss Margaret Marshall, Supt. of General Hospital, Strathroy, has beenrspending a month's va- cation with her mother, Mrs. R. Marshall, Park St. Mun nu.) '!M ...~ `D D 'lE-....3..1. nun VGUGUIUII HI: HUI` HUIHU 111 bUWIlo Mrs. H. Herrell and daughters, `Thelma and Irene, have returned home fromvtheir vacation in Dunn- ville and Niagara Falls. `II - .._.I `ll... TIT l'l1A.-L-.. -.. I'LL: auu &V.I.l{c `'0 LI: Jll4UIlUllUl' Smith of Toronto are spendingua week with the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone. `IR ... A ..4.1......1m--1-:.... `L-.' ..-A....... UllG1;1U Ola, I-U1: ll WUUIM M1ss Marjorle West has return- ed to Toronto after spending her vacation at her home in town. '.._ `LT "-....-11 _...I .I-....L.|.-.._ 875130 VV lllo -L HUB HI!` Fair on--Wednesday. MK: A Mnuunf P: J.` 511' UH `WV uuuuauuy. 'Mrs. A. Mount, Rowntree Ave., Toronto, is spending a few days at . the Baptist Parsonage. Mk: Rebate A9 Tnwnnn 3: trig-- DUE Dpblb l.'l1'UIlgUo Miss Baker of Toronto is visit- ing her aunt. Mrs. Thos. Plant, 8 Charles St., for a week. % man Mnn:An:n TIT...-L `Inn an`-nun, % -PERSONAL viiiiilliiii GHQ UDIICT PUIIIL c I .'-Mr. and -Mrs.:F. ` W. Ottoh have returned `home after a visit with friends in Nnanee. ll - .u.A II... A `I ll|....1. .....l J.V&l.'o Ila VV uW1ll UL ~ LUIUIIBU, spent the {week-end with Mrs. Nat. Dyment. `M63; bod-n` Dunc:-canon 3- annu4lu;n ALLANDALE Presbyterian Church ` Rev. J. 3. Thomson. Minister. was Ellen Dobuon. Oholrloadu Hts: Anah Bailey. organist. uymeqlc. . _ Miss Reta` Brennan is spending the week-end in Toronto, Niagara and other points. . V-Mr and-Mr: F` T (H-n1n 1\a\rn LKICIIUE Ill &V GlJ5llUo Mr. and Mrs. A. J. T ck and Mrs. Wm. Tuck attenda Rama 13-3.. -.. .J!Y...I.._...1`... Mrs. H; B. Myersof dshawa was in town this week. _ ` 4 Harry -Shannon `of Toronto was with his rrxnother over Sunday. ll`... `I`lY..H-.u -0 _.V ...-..J.- xiiliiiaiag nlsnartnv n r .1. i'1i"a'zi& 'ii:i'aiZaii~a' '1'1'sT" ` "" Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Titchener- ...:u. -0 !l'I-.......L- -..- -_-...1:.... .. CHANNEN--ANDERSON -iiififi xE3t"1Ti-"vi {c1'37. "7' Mrs. H. Wallwin of .-`!'orontoV unit` LL` Chung`: .._.l ...LL If..- \Y-J. WEDDINGS W111 IBBIUC Ill Ddl'_l.`1!:. The groom's g1fts were: to the bride, a tted dressing case; bridesmaid, suede bound prayer book; groomsman, green gold cuff links, and to the organist an aqua- marine barpin. nu}-_n unnah: nn111r1nn-1 Mr . s1`. ANDREW S ` Prelbyhriln Church Rev. J. B. Shortt, M.A.. Minister Edmund Hardy, Mun. BM. F.T.CM. * Organist and Choirmuter Sunday. Sept. 23, 1928 The minister will Qpeach at 11 am. and 7 pm. Sunday School 3 p.m. Wednesday, Midweek Service 8 pm. umuue L]ul.'pu1.. | Out-of-town guests included Mr. aqd Mrs. H.R. Channen of Tim- nuns. became the bride of Mr. Edward Charles (Ted.) Channen, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Channen, Bar- me. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Her- bert Anderson of '1V9ronto, was prettily gowned in Alice blue georgette with blue hat, fox fur, eige shoes and hose tomatch and carried a bouquet of Bridal roses and lily-of-the-valley. Her sister, Miss Janet Anderson, of Brandon. Manitoba, was the bridesmaid, wearing a gown of peach georgette and carrying yellow roses. The groom was assisted by his brother. Mr. A. G. Channen, and Miss Edith Creswicke, organist of the church, played appropriately during the ceremony. I T.n+.a1-"Mm and Mr: (`Shannan remony. Later "Mr. and Mrs. Channen left by motor on. a honeymoon trip to the north. On their return they will reside in Barrie. mu. .........9.. ...:u.. .......... 4... L1..- Alex. Milne & Sons Presenting for your ap- proval, `Chic Models in Hand-made Felts. -Velvets, Combinations, Etc.. for `kg was curl Maunn Special Fall Showing of Fine Bedding, Kenwood and Moss- eld Pure Wool `Blankets, Plain, Colored, -Checked, Etc. Down Comforters, Pillows, Sheets, Flannelette Blank- 'et's, Etc. -% VVjj Special Purchase of Samples of English Bath Towels and Bath Mats, in white and stripes, all sizes. ...-..:-I_1I:o/. -3 Tues.-Wed., Sept; 25-26 FREE PANTS` BILL [ Bonus Aumomzzo A L LL- fl'I______ The Berger Tailgring Pree1gting_ t_l_1_e Autumn \Fasl1ions MILLINERY Tailored-To-Your-Measure and F lly Guaranteed J53 G1]. 3.l6C3o Special-1 5 % off .'ro.wE.Ls $24.: CANADA S LARGI-3'1` AND MOST POPULARPRICED TAILORS with eaeh Suit ordered on above dates only T BEDDING V I Sunday, Sept. 23rd 9.45 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL a T H iA.M.-MORNlNG SERVICE 7 P.M.--Is the New Testament Part of the Inspir- ed Word of God or Simply a GoodjPiece of Literatu`re,`? X ,- . According to an article published recently the New Testament was. referred to as an ancient Jewish classic frpm the/pulpit of Collier St. United. nkuullkl ` FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS During tiis Week-End a1}fi_ air Dgys REPRESENTATlVE-MR. KING WILL BE AT OUR STORE with all the Newest Designs of New for Fa;l;-Swiss Curtains, Panels, Nets of all kinds, Chintz, Cyretonnes and Drapery Silks. MADEBY V DRAPERIES S. W. MOORE The greatest assortment of Silk and Fine Wool Hose. Tru-Silk, pure silk at $1 pr. Supersilk, service weight at $1.50 pr. Kayser, nest hose at $1.75 and $1.95 pr. ` {none 39 - lV3ARRll'-2 Presenting the "Season s best in Fall and `Winter Coats. Lavishly Fur Trimmed in the latest approved Furs and Fabrics. New Fall shades, etc. Priced $14.50, $19.50, $24.50 and $29.50 up. See the Special Group at $24.50.-.\'o two alike. :9 Presenting to you this .Specia1 Display of the Latest in Ladies and Misses -Fall Dresses in the New Shades and Fabrics of the Season. GROUP `I--A Special Group of all new models. no two alike, in Fine Quality Satin Crepes, `Fine `Flat Crepes, etc., as shown in New York.-Priced at only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.50 It will pay you to see these dresses. GROUP II--Dainty Dresses of Georgette, Georgette and Vel- vet -Combinations, etc.--A1l new, no two alike. Priced $19.50 Other `Dresses prlced from . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . $12.50 to $29.50 ..iJ- . We invite you to make "this store Sroiir headquartefs ` A Meet Your Friends at Moore s ` I A Special Display of the Season s Modes I Q and HP- Peop!_' C_o_-Operative Store some 1! l\AdL1\JL4 \Jl\C\LVLJL.F\I LIJ \JLJKJa"\f\, pabll dlld Carry or del-iveredwith an order . . . . . . 10 lbs. 61c GENUINE KRAFT CHEESE . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lb. 33c FRUITO JELLY POWDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 for 23 HONEY, very best grade . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-lb. pail 69 PEARL SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 bars for 38 PINE TREE MATCHES T . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 pkgs. 23c PALM OLIVE SHAVING CREAM (with Gillette Safety Razor free) all for price of Shaving Cream . . 35 HIGH GRADE CEYLON B-P TEA, regular 75c line, one 1b. to customer on Friday or Saturday . . . . . . 59 LITTLE CHIP MARMALADE . . . ~ . . . . . .. 12 oz. 19c SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tins 35 PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES, large pkg. . . . . . . . . . . 20 LIVE POULTRY handled (crates loan ) market price. FARMERS! Leave your orders for FEEDING MOLASSES Price will be much more later. Phone ' 185 WEEK-EFJD sPEt}XLs,sEPTEw713_15_R 213: :na 22 nd sr. LAWRENCE GR _NULATED SUGAR, Cash 313.1 (`nviuvv IKIO A.d.:...........: -_-:n. -.. -,._I-,, -A II HOSIERY spnacuu; FEATURES DRESSES QUAHTI Complete Special Show- ing of Finest Silk Knit and Winter Underwear for Ladies, Misses and Chil ren in all wanted styl Priced RIGHT M _9`."?":RWFR COATS BARRIE Finest Showing of New Fall Silks and Dress Goods. new shades in Satin Crepes, Canton Crepes. Flat Crepes. Crepe de Chines. Georg - ettes, Shot Taffetas. Satins, Etc., Fine Woollen Goods, French Foule, Santoys, Plaids. Tweeds. Etc., ` Velvets, Velveteens, Etc. SILKS - DRESS GOODS SERVICE We invite you to ex- amine the New Fall Ready-to-wear. You will be convinced that styles. quality and Price is RIGHT United Church of Canada CENIE.*.1U.. 3C" . LLLUUU -1913.30 $12.50 139 Dunlap St. NQTICE Page Thlrtud COLLIER ST; REGULAR "BAPTIST CHURCH ` (FUNDAMENTALIST) MR. A. C. WHITCOMBE, B.A. 11 AM. aha 7 1=.M REV. D. A. .F'E.RGUSON. B.A. of Cookstowu, will preach. Tldnvnnvc-2 (m11zabeth`'s't;e:t')' " ' Rev. A. E_. Baker. Minister Sunday. Sept. 23, 12928 Rally Day Services sun In nn annh fhine` `HQ Sunday, Sept. 23, 1928 Sunday School Rally September 30. Don't -t'h'e' ;;1;r{hal HarveAstT Thanksgiving s ez'vices at St. Paul's Anglican Church this -Sunday. ll Llltllli 'Sbl0......: .a.`-an wwv u. .v `..--I Toccata . . . . . . . D'Evry. Love and Death (from 'l`1`lstan and Iso1de- Wagner Moment Musical Schubert Anthem: -Hark, Hark. My Sou!" Raina!-Ad, w u . . v--4, vvpuu --I, .w-- Services at 11 AM. and 7 RM. -by the Minister, Morning Anthem: Rejoice 1n`the" 'F`.r1\vnm-1u\ QVLUIFIIIIIS (`XII LIIFIII a II L01-`_d Edwards) uotvlvlitiuoiv uuc wuuuuy DCDOOI." V `Following the general meeting, the clergy`met~ to electa new rur- al deana Rev. W. C. Stubbs. being their choice. vruu a `VI 5` Blah! I l1IlV\I \The Salvation Army- would ap- preciate gifts of ckithing, etc. Phone 449. - V A number of friends `surprised Mr; and Mrs. Ted. Channen on Monday evening by visiting them at Mr. McKinnon s cottage, Shanty Bay, where they are spend- ing their _vacation.,..A very pleas- ant time was enjoyed. .38x- Some friend would appreciate receiving` a copy of The Examiner. !Rev. J. Jo111{rstc;r1 Eixaic, _13`.;,'1ii."D. Minister Horace VV1lson. AR.C.O. Organ!-st and `Choh'1eade1'.. \ - 1. nuau nun, uanqueu IOOITI. . ' In: the afternoon Rev. B. B. Rogers, editor` of the S.'S. publica- tions, spoke on the new sheme of lessons about to be introduced, and an -address was given by Mrs. ` Creswicke on The Home/Dept. of the `Sunday School. 13`nnnyhnnm 6-1. .............1 .....Li---- Harvest es/tival Services _ Sunday, Sept. 23, 1928 ` 11 a.I,n.`---Ho1!nes`s Meeting`. 2.30--'-Sunday School. V7 p.m.--ISpec1a1 I-Iavest `Service --Special vocal and instrumen- tal mus1c.. -H can puucue was new In Harrie. ' Preceding the meetings, a com- munion service` was held in Trinity Church at which Rev. W. C. Stubbs of Elmvale assisted. the Rector, Rev. A. R. Beverley. The remaind-V . eriof the morning wasspent in a round table conference, which was opened by Rev. H. A. Benoliel, who presided. At 12.30 luncheon was served :by Trinity ladies in the A Parish I-Iallrbanquet room. in fkn nffnvnnnn Davy D D -nu-nu-u;y uvpan 5 Sale of Produce and short pro? gramme, 8 pm.` '1`%he'A1*my-invites all citizens ,to unite In these special servicsj On Wednesday of last weekn `conference of the Sunday School `workers for the Rural Deanery of West Simcoe was held in Barrie. servie` in .n`F F-111171311: na'u'sIuuI LL- bonin- Prayer meet!ng"Wednesda.y_8 rp.m.J was: -SIMCOE on-:A15I7:nY HOLDS s.s. cgnranguca The Regular Baptist ChIrc|I 1 CLAPPERTON ST. % Rev. E. J . Whan. Pastor. { Mu. Edith Rowe. Organist. ` Sunday. Sept. 23, 1928 11 A.M. and 7 P.M.--BJEV. GEO. -CRUS*E` of I-Iawkestone United` `Church. - 3 P.M.--Wi1l pa-rents please co- operate with our superinten- dent and teachers in the work of the Sunday Sohool. '3unon Ave. United church . ~ ALLAN DALE COLLIER STREET _Uni_te_d_ Churclni of - THE SALVATION ARMY .nn nu.` .. _.__ _._ 11 C:-01.-IAIER s'1*._ Ensign and Mrs. R. Langford Qficers "in charge Pastor: Rev. Geo. E. Coultotr Oholrni-aster: F. `J . D. No;-man Sunday, Sept. 23, 1928 A.M.---.\ IR. H. A. B'RIDGlE. 3 p.m,--IBible~Schoo1. ' 7` P.M.---`M`R. H. A. BRIDGE. 1 H18 uuuruuuu envoy. `. MIN`IS`T(RY 012` PoRAiSE * Miss Jessie Bvyson, Cholrleade`: Mrs. E. Richardson. Organist. 11 a.m.--- Antl1em: At the Name ` of Jesus" (Dm`nton).`So1o and Quartette: "The Golden Age." 7'-p.m.-~Anther`n: Sun of My Soul" ('1`urne1') Solo; `'0. Rest in the Lord" (Aria-El1jah-- . Mendelssohn), Mrs. A. E.`Bak- er. cont-ralto. ' Newcomers` to Barrio, strangers and visitors are cordiall invutocl to attend Central Churc . . 'Vs;$a;1% o;g;..; kgii.i at 6.40 p.m. --.v-q `peoial September 30 RE.V. PETER BRYCE, B._D. Secretary of Missions and ` Maintenance Funds at 7 pm. B.Y.'P.U. Mbggxy 8. p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23, 1928 .I....... Ad. 11 A `I ....J H 1 CAS'I`-OFF CLO':liNG I... CI..1-_-L:,,, A uyuoHuRs1'. n. my Bum - . . Selected. -- `jv-Gift tn`: QQCVIIIGJIHII At the Town Council, Monday ight, on motion of Deputies Jar- vis and Knight, Gou1d;Les1ie Co. was given permission to erect two farge signs on Bayeld St; and gradford St., under supervision of , card of Works. . Selected IS!)-1e'e coming to Thornton as a bride. she" has been one of its most prominent women. whose integrity `and_worth `are acknowledged on all HLU LFICIILIE uuu 1.\;I.1unuu.a.uu\-:5. While her home duties occupied,` a great deal other time. they did not by any means claim" her ex- clusive attention. Th Asame ener- gies.which.she appii there were devoted with simple h mility tothe church. with keen interest to the affairs of the `community and with genial generosity to charitable works. ' Im-nA nnnnlvunn On MAun.An an Ii ,,s_ _ . Mourned By Large Circle Mfrs. Jamlesoms passing will be mourned by a wide circle of intim- ate friends and acquaintances. 11?!-ulln Bar hnrnd Rnflaa nnnunln ` .LuUl'lH.Ull. Dorothea Charlotta Dreyer Jam- Ieson was born in Orillia on Nov. 2. 1872. and lived there until she came to Thornton thirty years -ago. Her death was due to a tumor on the brain. the end coming after an ill- ness of eight weeks. She suffered Iittfe and was conscious until with- in a few days of her transmon. Surviving relatives are: James A. Jamieson, husband: Neville G. and Genevieve D., children; Mrs. E. 0. Frost. `Chippewa, Falls. Wis" sis- ter: Mrs. E. K. Macleod, Orillia. half-sistery Rev. W. G. G. Dreyer. Bobcaygeon.`. H. F.` G. Dreyer, Elora and K. C. G. Dreyer, Toronto, bro- thers. `- Rlfnvvnnnsal `Du,T.nvu::-A (`lurn J-14lUUu|.lUH \.ald.S5. `Relatives and friends from a dis- tance attending the funeral were Mrs. E. Frost. Chippewa Falls, Wi.s.: Rev. W. G. G. and Mrs. Drey- er, Bobcaygeon; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. G. Dreyer; Elora; Mrs. E. K. Mac- . leod. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller. Mrs. \Vm. Todd (former high school tea- cher of deceased. ,Orillia); Mrs. Henry Arens. Miss Augusta Arens and Ernest Arens. Miss C1-ara Hat- ley and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Vick of Orillia: K. "C. G. Dreyer, Mrs. R. A. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Orla Thompson. Mrs. John Thompson Miss Laura Thompson, Edgar Lennox, Rev. W.'.- ,. E. and Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Powley and -Stanley Fittus of Toronto: Mrs. S. Wright. Markham: M-rs. Tuhos. Lennox, Chas. Lennox and Mr. Miller. Elmvale: Earl Rowe. Jas. and Herman Len- nox oi INewtonRobinson: Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Scythes, Hendrie; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marr and Miss Haz- ~ el. -Mr. and Mrs. A. W . Fletcher. Thompson Fisher. Alex.-Cowan, Ed. Little. Geo. Vickers. J. A. .\IacLar- en. Mrs. C. R. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Houlihan, Misses Gamble, Mrs. -Coleman. R. J. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. Jack I-Iatton. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lennox. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Dermott, Mr. and Mrs. .W. J . Mc- Kinley and Miss Anah, Mrs. Chas. Beelby, .Mrs. Richard -Be-elb.v. Mr. and Mrs. E. Longman. Orton Scy- thes. Barrie: also many friends from Ivy. Strand, Painswick. Churchill. Eszbert. Cookstown and vicinity of "Thornton. `Nan:-M-knn .f`11mnn1A6.G.-. hnuuau `nan, Ll. J.'1!'.`ul',\' nuu JGIUGS IV. JEIJIUESOII. A profusion of flowers carried their messages of respect. affe`utlm1 `and sympathy. Among them were those from L.O.L. No. 16. St. Jude's Church. St. Jude's A.Y.P.A.. St. Jude's W.A.. Egbert United Church, Thornton Senior `W.-1., Thqrnton Junior VV.I.. The B`an_`1e Examiner, South =S1mcoe District W.I., Sim- eoe County VJI. and Cookstown Elocutlon Class. -1)n1n4-Inn... .....a a..a....:- 0..-... _ an... ..-- wu-cu ru we-Iuuubvvli Friends from village, countryside and outside places gathered at `Thornton last Friday afternoon to the funeral of Nirs. Jas. A. Jamie- son. whose death on Sept. 14, 1928. had brought a feeling of sadness to many hearts. So large was the . "attendance that St. Jude's Church. where the service was held, was not nearly adequate though every available foot of space was occu- pied. Pulpit. reading desk and chan- cel rail were draped in black, re- lieved with small vases of` purple and white asters. Rev. F. V.- Abbott. rector of the parish, was in charge of the service and preached a com- forting sermon. Rev.!'T. J. Dew of Bradford, a former rector of Essa Parish, read the lesson and also presided at the organ. From the -church the body was conveyed to the Anglican Cemetery whe-re. on a beautiful afternoon, it was laid to rest but a short distance. from the farm where most of her life was spent. The pallbelarers were Fred Marr ' (|Barrie), Arthur Halbert, Rus- sel Coulter, Addison McKenzie. R. D. Henry and James R. Jamieson. A nvnfnainn ni flnnvnvuu novualn ucl UL use tux,`-sucun LJIlUI`C`. `Members of the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen were pallbearers Among the flowers were those from the Railway Carmen and from the Gen. Supt s office, Toronto. Out-of- town friends present were: Sam- e uei McDonald, 1VI'r,s. Hanna McDon- old. Mrs. Ada McDonald and Mrs. Chas. Bai-tsworth, all of Toronto. Elf) hIIbI_ of Westminster-Central United- Church. Toronto. Parents are specially expected at the afternoon service. \;I'1'\Y|1'uI'WI)\' nw 13,1: ATQ11} uauv; LU U16 11USp.lU.11 nere. Surviving him are his daughter. "Delia and. threg sons, Edward, Ar- thur and Terry. `The f nhnv~nl nvn-h Mal.-I I\v\ Gnu` Luul` auu J.U1`1`,) . -' `The funeral wag held on Sept. 19. to B`a'rx`ie Union Cemetery. Ser- vices were conducted by Rev. A. R. `Beverley, Mr. Doran being a`mem- ber of the Anglican Church. l\/Tnrnvhnvu nf f-Inn 12nn4-kn!-unn.l AG I u vwuuruw tvllrlv `Thomas Doran, who died in the R. V. Hospital, on Monday, Sept. 17, 1928, was a native of Wales, hav- ing been born at `Cardigan on Oct. 8, 1866. For 38 years he had been a resident of Barrie and Allandale. He was 9. mac-hinst by trade and was employed in tha C.\*.'R. shops at Allandale. His last illness was very unexpected. Starting -on, a, trip to the West, he got as far as Ozflllla when he took ill and was brought .kn.-.1, on H... 1.......u...1 1.-.... cu--we vv IVII u\:III1&&I One or the older residents or Bar?- riepassed away, Sept. 14, 1928, in the person or Catharine Emma. Kennedy`. widow of William Ken- nedy. owner and manager ot the Weiiington Hotel for many years. Mrs. Kennedy was born in Esques- ing '1`wp.. Haltog County, in '18-52 and had been a resident of Barrie since 1880. She is survived by one son. W. Hunter Kennedy of the Wellington Hotel. Mrs. Kennedy was an Anglican and Rev. A. R. Beverley had charge of the tuner- al services on Sept. 17 when her body was laid to rest` in Barrie Union `Cemetery. Those acting as pallbearers were: ' H. E. Jory, VA. Brownlee. John Sinclair, T. Mc- Knight. R. H. Jennett am; J. A. Miller. uucayvubcuu Ltl.l'LUl `U11, E. as back to the hospital here. Surviving him nva his A uvuu c uruiviv _UI" SQ;-h _ the at the oldest and most out- standing exiiemb s or the medical` profession in S skatchewan, Dr. Francii J. Bali, M.~D.'.`M.D.!C.M., M. A CrP.'s.O-. Mc`RuC-I80, L~'RnC-`Po, died at Regina on Sept 18.- Dr. Bail was 68 years of age, was born at Rugby, Ont., and when a [boy `at- tended public schooi at Rughy, Or- iilia High `School and Barrie Jol- iegiatg. Institute. He graduated from Toronto Normal in 188?,` and enter-' `ed School of Medicine at Toronto University in 1889. Dr. Ball` is sur- hv hi an;-I ',I'I'!\ nnnn U~lHV9l'3ICy 1n_.l.U33._ U1`. ball` 15 `vlved by his widow and two sons. g; KOBl1'UAR'YJ tI0I0I0I0X0I0I0I0E>X0I0X<>I0_X< . on. FRANCIS _J.--BQJ: On: A! nu`. nhhun 4.-.! ....... ....4. II I Ila. *_i :I liIllll MRS. JAS. A.V.'lAMlE SON .I-.-z__ 5..-. lily way 96: vuuwu ."'.1`here is no such thing as pri- *vate action. all actions are public in themselves or consequences." Come to church. V THREE WORTH-WHILE \ MEETINGS 11 AM. -- \3 P..\I. - '7 RM. 11 a.m.---The minister. -Subject: The Tenant in Your House." . 3 RM. and 7 P.I\I.-`HEAR REV. J. LAVELL SMITH, B.A-. B.D. MR3. WM. KENNEDY _ -1 41., THOMAS DORAN __ -cu- uwau uy uiuuu auu was 1 C.\ .'R. [is a, he DR hnsnifnl hnvn U811 Lilo A Reader's Appreciation One whom Mrs. Jamieson scarcely t knew, but who very often read her writings in The Examiner asked the editor to publish the following: It was not poetry she gave us, not eveh measured prose, but faith in everyone and a love oi all the hum- ble things in life that reached out to her readers till we, too, with her ilaith saw and felt so intimately her touch with God through nature and remember that July night of which she said: In the sky the moon slowly rose, birdswere tluting in the chestnut trees. the sweetsoent of yellow roses stole around-a Aper- fect gift from God. We will miss. have v LCUL her. hands, and the `Church of England loses an outstanding loyal member whose place it will be hard to fill. Before her marriage she was a Sun- day School teacher and choir mem- ber of St. James Church, Orillia. For many years she sang in St. Jude s choir, taught in Sunday School and was secretary of the Women's Auxiliary, as well as being tore- most in all the social activities of the church and community. She was deeply interested in the work of the Women's Institute both Senior and Junior branches, where her eager presence and convincing _utterances were so much appreciated. During the war she was president of Thorn- ton branch for three years, was presid`ena,kot South Simcoe District for two years and up till her death was convenor or the legislation committee of the County W.I. She will indeed be sorely missed from the gatherings of the varied activ- ities with which she was so long and intimately associated and hard. A indeed, it will be to find any one as many-sided as she was to fill the vacancies created by her lamented. death. ` A !3.~....I....9. Ann-Anlnilnn ` Trinity Church, Barrie, was the scene of a smart wedding on Mon- da.v morning. September 17, -at 9.30. when Anne Elizabeth An- derson. daughter of the late Mr. a`1d Mrs. Anderson of Crown Hill, U1. &VLl.'u uuu LVLl'u JJUIICIU. nluueu. became the bride of Mr. Wm. H. Thompson, son of Mrs. and the late Robt. Thompson, of Elmvale. The Rev. \J. D. Campbell officiat- ed. The bride was gowned in Queen blue georgette and wore a corsage bouquet of roses, her only ornament was a string of pearls. the gift of the groom. The bride was attended by,her sister,~-Miss Flo. Riddell, in navy georgette and the groom was supported by Mr. Frank Aird. After the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served at the home of the bride. `I ..J..... `I-.......... 1... ....r.... A--. xv: IIUIIIU UL DIIU unue. Later. leaving b.v motor for Ni- agara, Buffalo and Montreal, the bride travelled in a beige crepe romaine dress, navy coat with fox fur, hat, s`hoes and purse to match. THOMPSON-RlDDELL St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, `Sutton West. was the scene of a quiet wedding on Sept. 15 when Bessie Agnes. daughter `of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Riddell. Ronny-mg 4-1-an 1-uuwh-Ia A5 Mu Tun `LI - Thursday. soumbu 20.91923 W111 DHUH l'UhUl'll HUlHUn Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tanner- and Mrs. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. and children. Miss Geraldine and Mr. Myls Parrington of Toronto, were guests over Sunday at F. R. J ohnson s. `Brock street. `M :.... 1:11---.` _...1 112-- 'r_...___..- UUIIIISUII S. DFUUK SEFBBE. Miss Elgood and Miss Ingram of Ovenden College returned home last week after being in England for vacation. Miss Frances Herd- man accompanied them and is vis- iting her aunt. Miss Ingram. 1915111. B, JLIIIHGUULII Dlu, H151; ween. Mis"Hildreth Lennox left. last week for Manitoulin Island where she is giving a series of concerts. ~Sh e will nish a tour of the Island at Gore Bay on September 25 and will then return home. \_ Tun. ......l 1ur.... 117 m........ 1ur.. upczauuu Ill YV Ullly I.'1U3[.J1Lah Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Blain of Philadelphia and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A..,,_Blain and Miss Kathleen Blain of `Toronto were guests at Thos. Blain s, Elizabeth St., last week. M:P`u;`AvA+k >T.nvn\n\r 145-# `nai- E01113. vxaxuug l.`Ulh1VS . Mrs. Wm. C. Gates and son, A]- lan. Bradford St., are in Toronto this week. owing` to the former s sister. Alice, undergoing a serious operation in Wellesley Hospital. Mr and M11: 7 ('1 121cn'n nu? J.u.L'=- VVu U: \Jl'Wo Mrs. Louis Allems, Kenneth Cavanagh and friend returned home on Wednesday from a motor trio to `St. Catharines and Niagara Falls. visiting relatives. Mvu (` r1n4-nz< ant` anon A1 `H-It iAnim .l1):tAllAIIl` auu LVLl.`o VVu Fa DIJUllCc Mrs. Arthur 'Meekin2' has return- . ed from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, `South Bend, Ind.. and Mr. and Mrs. Meadows, Wood- stock. ` '= ml. .._.1 mt..- 7:11-- -3 n..:~'n:_ .Lu.a1`ll_Gl JTGKIX DI-to 1) Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Merrick are onva motor trip to Buffalo. Cleve- land and Akron, Ohio. where they will visit Mrs. ?Merrick s sister, Mrs. W. D. Craw. Tlua T ..u:'.. A'l1....... 'v-....-L1. loUUl\u ` . Mr. and Mrs. Lilly of Orillia and Mr. and Mrs. Smith and sons ofkParry Sound spent Sunday with I\gr'. nd Mrs. Wm. Hill, Sanford s ree . `IKE..- If .... ..-L II_..._L-`I1 I--._L GOSPEL HALL I7 MARY STREET. IARRII ORDER OF MEETINGS: Lot-d e Day Breaking of Bread 11 an. Acts 20-? Sunday `School and Bible Reed-ll In: 8 pm. 2 Tim. 8-15. Act: 17-11 `Gospel Meeting 7 pan. `Romans 1-16. All seats free. No collection: ALL WELCOME Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 pan. ' gtcte 16-18.

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