Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1928, p. 12

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DF)Sa1`-RAIBILE SECOND MlOR'T- GAGE for sale. Toronto residential property. six -roomed. solid brick dwelling. not water heated. finest residential district within short dis- tanue of Dnnforth Avenue. Fully modern throughout with all con- veniences and transportation facil- ities. Amount of mortgage about $1800.00. usual discounts 25%. Fur- ther pnrtlculars apply to advertiser 803, P.-ape AVe.. or 316 Confederation Life Building. Toronto. i 87-38b 'T he'( following: Cook` `Stove, `Heating Stove, Coal Oil Stove. 2 Bedroom `Suites, 6 -Chairs. `Tables. Sideboard. `Dish-. nu n nunnvud-:5-11 A-9 QC-nvvn 1`K1'.u.A mi! U \JH1l.'. J-DICE. DlUCUU.l{u. Luau-. es, a quantlty of Stove Wood, Fur coat, Garden Tools, etc. All will `be sold without reserve. fl"I3D.1\MC4 J` AIOIJ 16-1.. -1.` `I .. u. 4'11! 'VVlll NU DULLH VVIDHUHD 'L'UBUl.VI'.7o ]'rERMs, ~cA-sH. `Sale at 1 p.m.| ATIHV lf 1(\1`IYA\Y .C1..1.`-!4L-._ .0-.. LL- _.--1` ----v-_. pun-` vvv - r.--.. HEX. `C-OWAN, `Solicitor for the Executors. ' 37b W. A. McC0N`KEY. Auct. !-`or. AI3Rms.9F TAX'$_5l Notice is hereby given that the list of lands now iialbie tovlbe sold for arrears of taxes in theicounty of `Simcoe. has been prepared and is `being published in an advertise- ment in -the `Ontario Gazette, upon the 11th. 18th and 25th days of Au- gust. 1928. and the 1st day of Sep- tember, `1928. 'f`nr\Inu nP uni Ha? AP Tnnu nr LUHPUUL`, .l.UOu Copies of said list of lands or advertisement can be seen in my office or will `be mailed upon mak- ing application for same, In default or payment of taxes as shown on said -list, on or before Tuesday, -the 13th day of November, 1928, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. I shall at that time in the Council Chamber. 1C0_,urt House, Barrie, On- tario. proceed to sei1- by public auc- tion the said iands to pay such ar- rearso together withvthe charges thereon. 38-45b 15 TJ` l(Vf\`l'.1I`.\.I'A\T cw: ---:-wu---n-wuv tn -'-u-jut In the County_`of Simcoe, to wit: LHVL'UUllo 008iJU . D. H. COLEMAN. Treasurer, County of Simcpe Treasurer's Office, Court House, Barrie, Ont.. the 7th day of August. 1928. TREASURER S SALE of LANDS _ PRA`C*T~IJCA*L WOMAN wanted for general housework for couple of weeks. Phone 268. 88p Tux?- NOWMCE IS HEREBY GIVEN by virtue of a warrant from the May`- or of the Town of Barrie, in the Province of Ontario, under his hand. with the seal of the Corporation of the said Town attached thereto, bearing date the tenth day of Sep`- tember AD. 1928, and to m_e_ direct- ed. for the collection of arrears of taxes on the under.-mentioned lands. That unless sooner paid. I shall. on the nineteenth day of December `A.D.' 1928. at the hour of ten o'clock in the" forenoon, in -the Council Chamber, Mulnicipal Buiidiing`, in the said Town of Barrie, in the -County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands much thereof as may be~sufticient`to dis- charge such arrears and charges thereon. ' VI`:-11:1: nnhna Cnvufhnn hn o ICGG A ? UEEIUXL Dated at Barrie this 10th day of September, 1928. ! . V A`. W. SM'I"1`I-I. `37`-49.b Treasurer Town of Barrie IDBPGOII. Take notice further that a. list of the said iands is being published in -the Ontario Gazette in its issues of September 15th. 22nd and 29th, and October 6th, 19_28, and that said list is posted up in my office, cop- ies of which may be had on appli- Cation. 'I'\ni-or! of `Darwin thin 10+?! Haw hf jvuvv wvuw-. an w------J 12th Conceision, Vespra to sell by Public Auction on IGQI g` _ -vg - ---.-V Friaay, Septerr`n_l:;1: in Arreark Taxes in Town of Barrie \ Tf\W\`hf11.1 1'6 'I'_'l'.1`D'!DY7 I"|.T1T`I:`\Y Ia SALE 01-` LANDS AU4CT_1N1 W.A. Jenkins&"Son 1'.1.' bi.` QBEW, 13.; V-}4M -IZ-tr- COWPETEIWI` CARETAKER want; ad for Centralwzhurch (Elizabeth St.). Apply W. J. C1'aven,_ 131 Braclford St.. Bavrie. , ' 38p ._j---:- AUCTION SALE COAL . coxr. woon st vvuwqiv v - u--nu La; 3&3, `Brumby Igl F _ _ . . _ . _ -_ SUCOESSJORS T O _w.A GR.-AJOEY & soNy iCr:".`{."1\i"c c?)'~1'~:'K%1~:Y, Auct. I1 I III\\I fluvial`:-tutu; u..-.----.. - Mr. Murdock, Hydro Electric Field Engineer, will give an ad- dress at the Township Hall, Mid- hurst, on Thursday,- Sept. 27, at 7.30 p.'m., discussing particularly the Hydro problem as it affects the rural districts. HYDRO ADDRESS. MIDHURST vv ,1- 'II--A._.:- The Barrie Real Estate Office Mrs. May Creswicke, Sac y.-Trans. 190 Bayfield St.-Telephone S10.` Tuesday, Oct. 9-Mrs. Sadie Cun- ningham, lot 12. con. 10, Essa,- farm stock, implements and house- hold effects. Sale at 1 pm. H. A. Grose. Auct. 38-40x Y; . FOR SALE Well-built modern brick house, large homes surrounding, $6,500. Double brick house. hot-water heat- ing, separate baths and furnace. oak floors. newly papered and decorated. suitable for relatives. entirely ae- parate or easy access If necessary. $9.000. 'l`n-A Ynunhr uhunnn `I-mnnnu nlmm-rt 'LO`ST--She11-rlrnmed glasses on Saturclny. Reward. Phone 9S2J_. 38)) '.wo iovely stucco houses. almost new, $6,000 each. Gentleman's small estate, close to town, garden, grapes, hot-alt furn- ace. See this one, beautiful, $6,000. Cosy brick house, oak floors, con- veniences, double garage, $4.800. Stucco house. good neighborhood, $3,600. . Good building lots. Lake Slmcoe shore lot-s, Cedar- mount, Big Bay, Tollendal, Hawke- stone. near Orillla. IAIEI o\.\-unug gnu-an \ro -Qauvvi TO LET Two new apartments. $30 and $40. Two apartments for stoves, $15 each. Worsley St`... ' Semi-detached house, $16. Apartment--`Nice large airy rooms, oak floors, fireplaces, wagdrobes, and cupboards everywhere, fine sunny outlook. hot water heating. extra. large radiation, new separate furnace. A bargain, $25. __,_ --___n s-A.-_I.-.I 1.-....` a.un.uu.vvu am. uw.5u-..... v-IvI Nice, warm semi-detached house. A large rooms, good-looking. hot-we ter heating. Another bargain, $25. Brick house, hot-water heating, gar- age. $30. WANTED - Two compact three- bedroomed houses. List yowr holdings with us. ~ 38b `The undersigned has received instructions to sell by Public Auc- tion at the |Clarkson Hotel Garage, Barrie, on Saturday, Sept. 2211:! The following; 2 `Cars, `1 Walker Roller Jack, 1 Top for `Car, 1 Can Vesta Cu Grease, 1 Vise. 1 Differentia Chain and |B1ock. '1 ton Pump, 2 barrels of `Oil with Dispensers, 1 Spot-Light, 1 `Motor Oil Dispenser with 8 Imperial quart Measures, 1150 Tools. etc. " A II -11 1, `VJ _.._!L1.-._L ..---..-.- AIQU .vvA wave All wilinbe sold without reserve. Sale at 11 a.m. TERJMS, (CASH. -I. T. EMMS, Bailiff. - 11v A `If _.n1\\v1r-I517 A -- -1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NQ`TIICE is hereby given pursuant "to the Trustee Act that all persons- havlng claims against the Estate of Jas. Brumby, late of the Town- ship of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, deceased, who disc` on or_.abou-t the 28th day of August, 1928, are requested to send particu~ lars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 13th day of October. 1928, after which date the executors will distribute the assets of the estate, among those_entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been received. ALEXANDER COWAN. Executors Solicitor, A38-40b Barrie, Ont. A Municipality of Veeprn COUNTY OF SIIMICOE Noticeis hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Vot- ers'- List Act and that I have post- ed up at my office at Barrie on the * 20th day of September, 1928, the list of all pe-rspns entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. l ` And I hereby call upon all voters to take `immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- re_cted1acco\'_rd'ing to law. the lat day for appealing being the 11th day or. October. 1928. `I'M-.'L nA 'n`6 `Quintin Oh`: ofh `B1! II, ELECTRIC SHOP SU1I'1"CA'SE LOST between Everett and Angus on Sept. 8. `Finder please notify or leave at Examiner Of- fice. 8813 aatv oI:_ ucwoer. wza. _ Dated at Barrie, this 20th day of September, 1928. A. B. c.dUrr'1~s. Clerk of Vespra. Se 031' Demonstrationi `A Complete Line of C. G. E. Rediolas Meytsg Washers .: ABC Washers Electric Grates Electrical Apjalisnces By Mrs. MacLen of the Moffat Stove Co. COOKING ' DEMONSTRATION ON MOFFAT ~ ELECTRIC RANGE BAILII-`F S SALE VOTERS LISTS, 1928 `'f+iE"A1ii"" CREDIT 1.\IPOUl\ D`ED~--One sow and ten pI."h' .-about 4 months old. Owner may `have same by p oving property and paying expe es. R. '1`. Webb, Poundkooper, Stroud. 38:) av- gr- u.: , W. A. 7i\E`:75NK%EY, Auct. Industrial evening classes re-op? en Oct. 2. n......:.:......m.. ....4. .1. .;-;..m.+.A hm UuU, IIIUUH uaulagcu _ --Smart Jumbo Sweater coats. `all colors. regular $8.50, for $6.50". at R. A. `-Stephens . 38b A number of neople from Bar- rie attended the Fair at Rama yes- . terday. There was a good_ crowd. man n1n1nnkna urn` `|A!+1`1\lI I1 UCE. '4. - . Considerable rot is reported in potatoes on low, heavy lands. T-I'm-an mu-an nv-nmian in he mttra DOEEBOQS on low, ueavy uiuua.` Horse races prormse to be extp good Aa1:gBarrie Fair. - 'lT\KtnvAn1"vIo 500 hi W, R- pu .UOCNS_'Qa.rUt;1` alloy. 0 Uwuu, cu. u ---See'_`J. G. jKeenan s exhibit of n1usica1j`f~i1'1s15r; 1m`_ents at Barrie Fair. " _- -' .. 38b ` --Full. line"of Hudson Bay blankets. in `all co1ors,~at R. A. Stephens" ~ ` 38b - ._..'{ Hm `li`.1aM-.1-in S1-inn : onnk-. goon at narne run`. "Mai'ce11ing 50c in `W. S. Pea- cock s.'btber shop. 8 Owen." St. b ' Gan"! (1 `Tfniznon av}-H}-Hf` n*F atepneus 00 u --See ,1';he.E.I1ectric Shop s' cook-V ing demonstration on the `Moffat range at the Fall Fair. 38b ---Sol! agency for Barriecloth overcoats at R. A. Stephens , 18 Elizabeth St. 38b V There was a slight frost on Monday night but not enough to cause much damage. lnnami Tuna-kn Queue?-Au Anni-e .Le1.'uu_y. .I.uc1.'c Wu: u 5Uuu_ Uzuwu. -For plumbing and heating. ring 214-J. J . Neelands. 48 Blake street. Prompt attention to re- pairs. 15tfb ---Fish and `Chips 25 a plate. Phone or leave.your order. We will `have it readywhen you call. Jarvis. Phone 65. 38b S. Battersby showed The Exam- iner this week a garden "beet of the short type which measured eigh- teen inches in circumference. `I ! -..... .....~...... .. 13-11 ...-.`J. .... DUUII IIIUILCD Ill Ull;Ul-|lllLUl.CllL'CI. | --If ,vou\requ1re a Fall suit or overcoat,` well tailored and trim- med. at a reasonable price. buy at Stephens Clothing Store, Five Points. . 38-b Barrie Citizens Band furnished _the music for Coldwater Fair Yesterday. There was a very good =`~ow, the oral display being a feature. {____._)_ _..__.__.___ _L LI, , _ _ __,_ _-_ `FOR SA'LE--`Five acres. good house and outbuildings, nicely situated. with town water and electric light. Box 574. Barrie. 33-3811 LC` auutc. Swan s grocery, at the cofner of Owen and McDonald streets, he been purchased by John Daley` 0? Sprucedale who gets possession Oc`t3be11" 1st. T7-__-.. _--_.!___ J _ _1_3., \ll.'l.:UUCl' LED: W. R. Keenan received a ship- ment of the Toronto Telegram on Tuesday by airplane and this pap- er was available here almost as soon as in Toronto. `IITL-.. -1. LL- `l-:.. L.___ _____ 1.-- `-IUD GD UlJ.\ ` a U9 JILA:.'adU!'.'Ll1 DD: OOU' -Mrs. MacLean of the Mo"at Stove Co., an expert cook. will give a demonstration of cooking on Moffat ranges at the Fair in the booth of -The` Electric. Shop. 3'8b A ..-..1 K1,: aw... .a........ ...:-n 1.... DUUII GD 11]. J.UlUlll;Uc - `Wen 2* Hm Wzv try our r*=s- I ty meals, sewed at an Boura. FM` and chips, bvead and butter. tea or coffee with Ma and ice mteam. 40c at Jarv=~.', 37' Elizabeth St. 38b- TM ...-. 1\A .-...l'...... ...E 1.1.. 'nl'-m..J. vv--- `.- -- ._-vvv--v_ uuuvru wvw -A real old-time d_ance will be held next Wednesday, Sept. 26, in the I.0.0.F. Temple. Good music, refreshments. Come and enjoy a good old time. Gentlemen 75.c. ladies 25c. 38b --Hildreth Lennox, pianist. vo- calist and reader. now booking au- tumn engagements. Full pro- gramme provided for fowl suppers. etc. Apply 2 North St., Barrie. Telephone 387W. 38-43b I\v\nv|:vnnn cu.-..-.+ J-UIULJHUHC DO! VV. OO1OU `The Ministerial opening meet- ing was held Monday at the Bap- tist Parsonage with seventeen pre- sent, ministers and their wives. A social time was spent, and light re- freshnnents serlredi. ..L....... C1-_L (IA LICEILIIICIIUB avsrvcu. -Autumn fashions, Sept. 24; 25 and 26; smart. up-to-date and moderately priced apparel for ladies and children. Buy where you get value for your dollars. Miss I. Coll-ins. 27 Essa St. 38b ...._.~... . V -.- . ._..u\~ was up`... -Ye C1-dewF"irme Heintzman & Co. pianos. Orthophonic Victrolas and Victor records, Westinghouse, De `Forest-|Cros1ey and Victor ra- dios at J. G. Keenan's, opposite Post Office. Ask for demonstra- tion in your home. 38b At a meeting of the Executive of the Board of Trade on Tuesday afternoon; it was decided to spend $100 in a tourist publication for this district, put out under the aus- pices of the Border. Cities Cham- ber of Commerce. l\.. C1.....1_-- G-_J. no LL- A- UUL UL \JUllIllICL UC- -On Sunday. Sept. 23, the An- glican Church. Midhurst. will hold their annual Harvest Thanksgiv- ing services. Services at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Special music. Rev. Thos. J. Dew of Bradford will be the special speaker. 38b `I -.___ (lL`I-- _,L-L._ _,__,,_ 1. -vv ---v -.`.'--...- ...,r....--\.- av-.1 Iowa, the state where the tall corn grows. as radio listeners know, will have to look to its laur- els this year judging from the elds hereabouts. Andrew Bow- man, Stroud, has some stalks that measure 14 feet and the whole eld would run _fu1l_v ten feet high. 1`lT1.:1- ..IJ--2__.. -. _.L__ _;_ L1. , `n n FOR `SAI4E-ISeven-roomed brick house with all conveniences, lot 86 ft. frontage, opposite Queen's_Park. Apply Mrs. J. B. Barr, 111 Toronto St. 83-38p -u.. _-u.._. .-.. -... While plziying rugbv at the B.C. I. one day this week Frank Mc- Innis and Austin McKnight collid- ed head-on when jumping for the ball. Each received a gash above the eves that required a few stitch- es. They were not knocked out or kept from school b,v_ their injuries. __..- 1 1 .1 1-v I 1 nepb .ll`UHl scglool DY men` 1nJur1es. -Learn hg,w! to do the Harold Teen Drag! How to make a Ge- dunke -Sundae! How to get 100 per cent. in 'Love- exams without copying! How to become a movie hero! See what.ever,v Collegiate will wear-next year! It s a seven- reel comedy-drama that takes highestfhonors in laughs. Capitol Theatre now. -38): The 'district meeting` of the Rez- istered Nurses Association of On- tario will be held in Trinity Parish Hall next Saturday. Sept. 22; Five counties are included in the dis- trict and about fty nurses are ex- pected. Miss Ruby Hamilton. re- cently returned from taking a course in London. England, is to be the chief speaker. ` urn Anmninuniin VH1. A Q v n can U.U bill`: .ULllUJ. D}JUl\Cl.'o --F`l1es are dangerous. They are also the lthlest msect known. `They dreposit germs in.three ways. By qont-act. vomit spots and ex- creta . They taint everything they touch. FLY-TOX kills ies. -It is safe. stainless. fragrant. sure. Simple instructions on each bottle (blue label) for killing ALL household` insects. IN SIST"'on FLY- 'l_`0X. _F`-LY-`TOX is'the scientic insecticide developed at Mellon In- stitute of Indmstrial Research by Rex Fellowship. FLY-TOX brings health, comfort and cleanliness. Advt. - * 38b lvlrllhll Vt`-`--n :1 w-uw-w The Barrie Radio Electric Co. Ltd. last week in its efforts td se- cure the best available radios to suit conditions in Barrie and sur- rounding district for its many cus- tomers had a test made of several different makes. First there were seven machines considered, two were rejected at the outset and the remaining ve were given a very careful test as to tone quality, se- lectivity, and durability. The three models chosen were the New Spar- ton Equasonne, the New Williams Super`-`Electric, and the Federal Ortho-sonic. It was just another evidence of the care the Barrie Radio Electric Co. Ltd. `have been exercising to secure the best re- sults for those coming to them for their radio needs. `Two travellers who were discussing service "given by radio dealers said of the Barrie Radio Electric Co. that they gave better and longer service than any radio store they knew of. The result of practically seven years in the and of ser- vice _rendered has been a steady growing reputation `and increasing sales for the Barrie Radio Electric Co. Limited. (Advt.) 38b ' Through an. oversight Minesing Station news last week appeared; 1_mder the Midhurst Station head- ' mg. LU'CAS'-On ;1`hursday, Sept. 13, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. `Lucas, Lefroy, a. son. MACDONALD--0n Sept. 12, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood MacDon- ald, Toronto (nee Mabella Ellis).- the gift of a. son (Murray Elwood James). o M._\IDER'1`ON--At his late residence, '59 Dearbourne Ave., Toronto, on Sunday. Sept. 16, 1928, Wm. Ar- thur, beloved husband of Eliza- beth Anderton,~ in his 62nd year. KIE.\T'NvEDY--`In Barrie, on _Friday. Sept. 14, 1928, Catherine" Emma| Kennedy. beloved wife of the 1'ate' VVi11iam Kennedy, in her 74th year The family of the late Mrs. Robt.i Jennett wish to thank their many friends and -neighbors for kindness shown to them during their recent bereavement. 38b I -Mr. and Mrs. R. Hermon and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement. 38p -TEESDA`LE-In loving memory of my,dear husband, Thos. Teesdale, who passed away Sept. 22, 1926. Time fades away, but sweet mem- ories linger on. 38p . av -W1fe TEESDATJE--In loving memory of _ my dear fgther, Thos. Teesdaie, who passed away Sept. 22, 1926. Just a kindly thought, dear Dad, Just a memory fond and true, Just a. token of affection, That my heart still longs for you. 99h .._n9e MONEY LOS'I`--oIn Barie on Sat- urdny, around $30 in ills, finder pieuse leave at Exam`ner Office. Re\vzu'd. 381) nay nu-9 vwuwu ---1.-- v._.._. .. v.__ .. sorrow, Leaving sweet memories of love, But\h1s soul shall live on forever In that beautiful` world above. -iS9.d1y missed by Mother, Father, Sisters and Brother. 38p -A. H. Ferguson, Allandale. J. lltl 38p FERJGU-SON-In loving memory of our dea_r son. James Cecil Fer.- guson, who passed away on the of Sept. 1914. `He was called from this world of nnnunnv MAKES CAREFUL CHOICE Eveniig Classes \ IN PRINCE or WALES SCHOOL `School will open on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, at 7.30, for the registration of Students. Registration fee $2.00. ` REGULAR CLASSES will assemble on Tuesday ; Evening, Oct. 9th, at 7.30, and meet regular- ly every Tuesday and Friday Evening from 7.30 to_~9.30. .. ` SUBJECTS: Dress-Making, Domestic Science S .-(cooking), English, Writing, Spelling, Arith- metic, Book-Keeping, Motor Mechanics, Tele- graphy. These classes were very popular last year, with a largeregistration and attendance. We hope to have a large attendance for the opening of our School Term. F.`FOSTER, Chairman. J. E. MORRISON, `Prin. The Second instalment of Taxes for 1928 is due and` payable at The Bank of Toronto on or before Do not leave the payment till the last day. A pen- alty of 2%7per cent. of the amount unpaid will be added after the above date. 37-38b - A. W. SMITH, Treasurer. Re-Opening olndustrial CARDS or THANKS 1 I-I-- LOS'1`--4Lndy's brown hat, with or- nmnent pm of pearl and `brllliants, about three miles north of Brad- ford. Finder please notify or leave .-at Examiner Office. 38): TOWN OF BARRIE SEPTEMBER 25th IN wgamonmm BORN TAXES Wg,have a small collection of very ne Delphiniums for immediate sale. Roots are one and two years old and represent the latest im- provements in this ower. Wrexham Strain Hollyhock Del- ghiniums. Two-year-old plants. 1 nn f\vu:_1rnn1v_n'|rI Qn T\TansaA "l{iz'{i1i'{s'I "f?c$lylE>"12i"E1a}1E. 1.00, One-year-old, 80c. Named I51!` `7C\`:A+;AE 0+ nOl\B1`\1A 0P.I.oUU` \lllU`yUL"U1U, DUB: &VlliEU and mixed varieties at reasonable pr1c_es. IAN F. WELSMAN -_--_-------.-.n g: g . --can NOTICE is hereby given that Elea- nor Vair. or the Town or'Ba.rrie. in the County of ?Simcoe, and Province of Ontario, wife of John Vair, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband. John Vair. now residing in Buffalo, New York, on the ground or adult- -ery. I nfn 9+ 'I"n1-nnfn HM: Rnth (`RV nf BIIAACISIJET LOST on Bradford St... Sept. 13. an Italian Mosaic bracelet, valued as 11 keepsake. Finder please phone 958. 38b ?"C"D"Q"Q"D"- '21- -'- - - -- - one cent a word. cash. ouch Incor- tlon. (minimum charge. Mo). :1: uuortlona for the price 0! tour. we extra when charged: 11:0 106 extra `Whom replleaare dtrootod to he Examiner Otnoo. ' .- A ' up 1.41: 5 nope Barns Fazr. y. Dated at Toronto this 30th day of August, AD. 1928. 4 III? A Mi? HRH A on.-I-1-vt\l\'r9-III `O w-----.:-.-u --. __.v.- ..v- 171 Yonge Street, Toror`1'to. ` 36-40b Solicitor for tha Applicant Let's hope fo? fair weather for :n`l'1`;n pn;r Thursday. 8o;tombcr an. 192: xa-i{113n'i1S7r_EXKNs Ship your churning cream to us for better results. We furnish Cans Pay Expreu Remit Promptly USED CARS 780 Queen St. E., Toronto. PONTIA-C COACH. in ex- ceptionally ne condition; done small mileage, looks like new. BROOCH LOST--~On Monday even- ing. snn1H circular brooch contain- ing four smpphires and seven pearls. Iiewurd on returning to 56 Coler St. . 38b LUQI `DLILLV DUUIK UUAUH, looks and runs lxke new, fully guaranteed. 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN has good appearance and in good condition. 1926 ESSEX COACH, looks and runs well. '24 STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX TOURING. 5 disc wheels, looks and runs splen- didly. 1922 McLAUGHL"IN-BUICK four touring, re-nished, 4 new tires. - avua ysvuvuu cal. Ill pith payment: Terms arranged to suit purchaser. 43 zu..s.i1. St.-Phono :13 xnuu 'uUu.r4. URHUUII ures, re-mshed, runs well. Your present car as part nnvmnnl-' Taping nwnnnnunl Ln I7"i*}xR FOUR COACH, `f\.l\1PQ I\I` ulivun 131:1. unuv I2"i6'RANT 4 PASSEN- GER 'O0U`PE. balloon tires, $`A..gI`:C`\AA" %I1I5 urn`! CITY CREAMERY DELPHINIUMS -HAROLD HILL HAROLD HILI. HOUSE FOR SATJE---At 63 High St. New furnace, electric stove. garage, central location. -Immediate possession. Amply E. H. Braden, 83 High St. Phone 2'2I5W. 36-48b ::-:: CREAM SHIPPERS 059:0 the following! B-0-xw `Barrie. PART OF HOUSE TO RJENT. also furnished rooms. Apply 78 Tlftln St.,A11anda1e. . 8'5-3*8p .- . .---u-.-..-.--~~... `V1 u|UKL:Io\. ; , Dawn vn-o\-no ~ av! -V`. GOOD ;~Idns*'rEIN cow heavy milkar: `no bad habits or faults: good reasons for selling. F. Madi- ga.n.TEssa. Road. Allandale`. ' 84`-Mp CE!-I~0'IIGE ISI-IIROIPSHIIRIES, FOR `SALE; 2-amlambs, ewe lambs and ewes `all ages. all registered. Add!- son McKenzie, Thornton, telephone Ivy-'1`hornton;' A M38-43-p HOUSE `TO R=ENT--1-6 Clapperton St. Enquire of .VI1`s. P. Kearns. Tele- phone 12. ` 38tfb A15A:R'rMLEN"r TO RENT at as Mary -St. over Ha,z;rls' Flower Store, ` 4 rooms and bath, possession at once. Apply at E. A. Williams Jewelry Store. Phone 688. 35tfb , - --nu-as---. .. @3- 'A'PA-R'Tv.\I-E..\ !T FO;R `RE*.\*"l`. fur- nished or unfurnished. Apply to Examiner Office. 381) J U 14Jl41"""d'1'u1ulu.'L| L';;r:. 9U:UL1`u: 1I.2`ht and town water. Possession October 1st. Apply to 259 Elizabeth St. ' 88 39?) ' TO LET - Seven-ro-omed brick house on Brad~fo1'dAS-treet with all conveniences, (except furnace) in first-class condition. Rnt only $18 per month. Phone 1408 or`104 E11- zabeth St. V 88:: j YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or .801- lclting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenltt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Building, Toronto. 1Mtfb -- "E0 LE'I`--45-ronmed cottage, electric Hn-hv nn fnuvn uvnfnlv Dnaanuulnn FOR REN"I.`---Desi1'a.ble front room. suitable for business or professional enterprise, steam heated __and over- looking P.-O. Square. Apply H. E. Jory. 38-,43'b , ? BROOD SOW for sale. one year old. real good.` Apply Geo. Barnes. 5 Mu1caster_St,, Barrie. 88-p ron SALE 91} To LET 'Ex=v'E"?3cx I-`OR saw "PROPERTY FOR SALE T6sI_AND `FOUND ""5TX E1 HELP wumzn wwzng \\'O.\I.AI\' deslves position a.s`house keeper. App}y.. Examiner Office. Barrie. 37-38p ` WAASHLING MACI~H.\'E (190.0 Grav- ity) and wvinger tor sale. Apply at Examiner Office. 881) ---~- v - FOR SALE---32 volt, 600-watt Del- co-llght plant. with about 50 bulbs and electric lron. Suit large house or store. Reason for selling. Hydro 1.- vnllahle now. Terms to responsible Dll`t,\'. G. Badger. Gllford. Phone Le- fvoy 11-`:33 or Bradford 45--11. 88'-39b .-..op--- U U V HUI uu Phone 828. ......-~ FOR SA'LE--Several tons Vfodder (cut and .stooked) `bout 6 acres alfalfa. 3rd Dknnn Q09 FOR SA'IJE-40ne 1*5-80'Iuternat1on- al Harvester uwesmng tractor. __in Downey, Mlnes!ng.- " ` 38tfb A o Foa SA'I4`E--(Rebuilt standard` Un- derwood typewriter almost new. :05 on terms. :60 asn. 9.0. -Box 938. Phone 413, Barrle.- 38_p : '1`H.`RESH'15.\'G OUTFIT for sale. In excellent working order. Bargailn for quick buyer. `For. particulars apply to E. R Scott. I-Iillsdale. `Phone 8-4; IE`.h-nun ncn1fv~n1\ . "FOR SA:IJE--J'1`we1ve cords of dry hardwood. twenty-inch: New Em- press range in good condition: also glass cupboard. Apply Clarence Cumming, Phelpston; Box 55 37-8811 smwmoi .\IAlC'I-I3I'NE for sale: sand" dark oak cab1net_st,v1e. excellent condition. must be seen to be ap- pveclated. Will sellvreasonable. Elsie A. Burns. 60 Elizabeth St.. Barri. phone 40*5J. 83p - Icnwoix HENDER ANNEX for el- ectric range. for sale. almost new. burns coal or wood. App1y.32 Clap- pertonust. Phone 572. 38-33% u FRAME BUILDING W AN'l`ED. a.- bout 8x16 feet. must be In good can- dltlorl. Phone 8~66J. W. Leclare. 381) % FORD S-E*DA`N. 5 tires. new` ba.tter,v. running good. For quick sale, $150. Apply 137 Bradford `St. '1`e1ephone 1321. > - Sstfb jj: CARS FOR _SA\LE--2 Studebaker touvlngs: 1 Ford Tudor, like new; 1 Chevrolet sedan. 1926; 1 Che\'1`o- let sedan, 1928, same; as new; 1 Pontiac sedan. 1927. with small mileage: several others at your own price. Don't forget to ask about the GJM.A.|C. payment plan. It Just [tak- es a small cash payment and twelve long` months to pay balance. F. J. Gvaoey, Pontiac and McLaughlin- Bulek dealer. 38b m FOR SAALE-none auto knitter. nearly new, 6-lid Gurney Oxford stove; steel top. in good `condition. Apply to Box 251. Cookstown, On- nmn. - 38-39Cb nu-w.v tario. LU 414. `IV. .Duuu.. {nu (Elmvale central) . FAIRM FOR SAJJE-50 acres-good pasture land. For further particu- lars phone 1991*5, Midhurst. 38-40b - 100 Axcaw FARM for sale. ' For` further particulars apply to Gareld Wingrove, Barrie, R.R. No 2. 34-39:) - F`AR`.\I S FOIR `SALE -- 25 to 200 acres. Prices right. Let us know what you want. We can supply it. Bell & Bell, Stayner, Ont. 935-40b - ~ FA\R1.\'I FOR SALE-50 acres. good nlnu `nnrn 'Anh1\7 Ina Tmnnnr. 1` :u.\.\.u .1.` ' clay loam Craigvale LOAN OF $1200.00 wanted at 12% per nnuum security, 2nd lnortgage on slx-ruomed solid brick. hot wa- ter heated house with all '1mpz'ove- menus and conveniences, in the Danforth and Bvoadvlc-:~\v district Tm'0nt0. Leased to reliable tenant at $45.00 pet` month. Wrhte adve:'- tisor S93 Papa Ave.. or 316 Con- fc~d01'uti0n Life Builddng. Town- to. 37-8813 FARM FOR SALE. 62 acres, 2 miles from town; suitable for fruit: good buildings. stock and implements. For further pcwtioulavs apply to Examiner Office. ' 34-'39p F0-R !SA'LE - A choice fifty-`acre clay farm. good buildings and every- thing in good shape; owing well. A good one hundtted-acre farm. good land, good `buildings. a. piece bush. A big farm with big barn. good land; about five miles to Bar- rie; a. bargain. Apply to E. H. Johnston, Real Estate, phone 942J.. DR MOB`! f F`rA*R'.\/I FUR SA-DE--100 acres. lot 6. con. 4, `lnnlsfll, good clay loam. close to school and church, good buildings. running creek, 4 acres of maple and beech bush. For further particulars apply -J. C. I-Iindlep Cookstown, Ont. _ 86-41p jl STEEL AND CONCRETE BRIDG- ES erected to Government etendud. \ Piaans prepared by competent en- gineers without extra. expene to you-. Pile driving. sounding. etc- Vut experience: 114 bridges com~ plated In Stmcoe. No Job too large k and noneatoo smell`. Let me figure , on- your requirements in concrete or utruoturul steel for any purpose. .1 . J. 'D_urnond. zeneral -.cont1-actor Brentwood, Ont. A . 16-up SA'C1RJLFIvC'E for quick sale, 50 -acres fivstclass land near Istroud, conven- lent to lake sh'ore and `Township Park. 1'2 acres wheat. 8 acres alsike-. |App1y I. A. Spring`. lot 22,-conces- uinn Q Tnn{a1 H_ 36.411) Jonnsuon, neau msw.Le, puuuu :1-2.5.1.. 26 Mary St. 33-38pc -unto-v~-r~ FARM FO|R SA'LE--"1`he W1/2 lot 21. con. 8. Essa, 100 acres; seven- room. cement veneer dwelling, bank barn 36x7'8, implement. house. sheep pen. hog pen, garage. lame orchard. in an excellent neighborhood, very close to 'I:v,v: about 80 acres under crop. remainder in tinrbx`. `Terms: nvvnn<'ra' imnwdintn nossession. '\.[J[Jl,Y la #1: By! sion 9, Innisfll. F`AiR`.\I FOR ,SAIJE-150 ms, lot 18, con. 4. Inntisfl, clay loam. One of 'best grain and awe farms in Innisfil. On this proper y is a 10- roomed roughchst house. hard and soft water with taps`-in house; up- Lo-date barn. 40x90. on stone foun- dwtion: cement floors equipped with steel stanchions. water bowls and litter carrier: hog pen and hen house 24x70 on cedar block; imple- ment house 20x50: garage and work shop 15x30. '1`hisi'arm,is well fenc- ed and in high state of cultivation: and has never been tenanted. Nice lawn. orchard and creek on pasture lot. On fifth concession, close to paved highway, schools, churches. railway. market, etc. Apply to own- er. H. F. Graham. Churchill. Ont.. Ah nknnn 1QI`A T.nfrnv :: `!RWIN"S BLUE TAXI SERVICE Inca.) and lomz d1sano`e.'n!.zh-t am` Anny OK nnnfhnvilnn 13"In!IA19R CF01). remumuex` Ill LUulJ\:l'. .Lv:1 |u.` ax" nged; immediate possession. App ' to.owne1'. Mrs. W. J. McLean. Ivy. or J. A. *Cor'bett,A"1`hornton. Ou- tgzrio. . , . 36`-38b GIRL WA|N"I.`.ED for general house- work. Apply 18 Muleaster St. 38ttb Graham. Ch, or phone 1914. Lefroy. |M`.'|l.l nun mm: u1wr.nvH.'e. nun:-c ww- day. 25 cent service. Phone 198. 27t!'b - FLORISTS ' Dawbon and Penn. wholesale anaetall florists. I-Ienry and Anne Sts.. Barrie. Chrysanthe- mums now ready. ~ 83-38p ~ FURS AL'I"ER'ED and repaired ' Over Hurhburt-'s Shoe Store. Miss 31. McAr!hur. 4 ~ 37t-fb |MRS_. C. R. GIAIJBRATTH will re- ceive a limited number qfEIemen~ tary and Primary Pupils in piano lessons at her home. 62 Sanford St. Terms moderate. Telephone 1006F. Barrie. .38-42b "ri-r amuarsm VWSCELLANEOUS 'XYJToMoB1u-:s Ji'1JI1a-`DU ttUl.'!=:|, suuu `Apply Jas. S. Leonard. . 38-40b at corn also a- cutting. Rn {I-@ WAN"1`E'D---Young girl to assist "In light housework. Applrto,Box M. Examiner Office. V 88b ` :2--j-- WVU, UN` 38-39Cb| UN! 0"` 36-3873 UUllUUE' 36-411) \Jll Ln .3.2r9b | H115` asp | BOA*R;DER'S WANTED. convenlent Ito Collegiate. Apply 8 Frances St. hone 499VV'. J 88-89:! CBMFORTABLE rroozu 'r.o `REVT. u-uh an nnnx-nninm-ma $1450 A week. V ROOM '_I`0vIJET-Large bright room. central iocatlon, also garage. Apply I 196 Dunlop St. - . ` 38b C0.\`H?`O`R"1`AIBLE r ROOM with board. all conveniences. at 201 Eliza- beth St. Phong 1148J.. . 38}: V AC-COMMODATION for students. girls pi'eterred. at 183.E11zabeth St-I all conveniences, `phone 1271. 36-39:: - > MMD W`AN"I`ED--Plain cooking. tn go to Toronto middle of October. Reply giving full particulars m Box P". Examiner Office. 38-391) - Q ROOM AND BIOAJRD. students pre- tevred. a few minutes` walk tfom oo1legia.te.App1y 22-`Vespra `St. 34-89-b uz- .l.'.LUUU- DIIUWNI utuvcag vvv-nun, complete with Drawers, Q . 1 20-lb. Dayton Scale. 1 McCaskeyA Bookkeeping System. 1 Bluebird Meat Slicer. 1 E1ectric'_*Coi fee Mill. 1 2-lb. Candy Scale. 1 Large Refrigerator. Show Cases, Biscui-t Racks- Electric Lights. Awning, Barrels, Cans, Measures, etc. 1'` I If , I\.\Yf}!H`T I ._ -1. ` UUa\.1r`U.LV'J.`Al:Fun xvuuaz; J. -U mun ;. with all conveniences, $v1.A5O a week. 98 Collier St.` - _ 88p Tusday; Sept. 25, 10 3.111. ELlZ__'BETH STREET, BARRIEI Idlnlnlrirx I u u:u- - . _ _ _ _ -__ The `Balance of the Roy `L. Jay Grocery `Stock and Fixtures: 1 12-footvshev-in Grocery Counter, nan-\1-\`n-A 111:`-`\ nvcilvn C811 Lreu luua LLUI}; l T0 IRJENT---Cosy 4-room su1te._ newly decorated. gas. electricity and steam heat. S. gr. Moore. 87ttc of Household Furniture, etc. . FUIR'1\IiSI-I'ED ROOMS to rent. all conveniences." central. board op~ tionavl. Also garage to rent. Phone 490. 76 Mulcavs-tel` St. . 8813 The qndersigned has received in- structxons from the Executors of the Estqge of the I 1 I- _ I3___.____I___ I*`A`R.\I FOR SADE OR\REN'l`---100 acres on N.H. of lot 9. con. 5. In- nisfll, good clay loam, good bulld- lngs, 17 acres fall wheat. For fur- the" `pz1I.`tlOu11I's :1 ply to John May- D es, 253 Bnyfleld St.. Barrie. J7-391)

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