Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1928, p. 3

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uaugnuns. Miss Madlynicoughlin is spend-I lng two weeks at Greenhurst. \/l v- and VT1-Q .T D `R'n~ann Of FIELD CROP WINNERS IN 0110 COMPETITION When yolfwisii 1"" " to Send money away- --to pay an out-of-town account, -to a relative or friend, .--to pay for goods from an outside point, -for any purpose, call at any Branch of this Bank and secure a draft for the amount. Sold over the counter, with no delay or formality, Bank of Nova Sco- tia drafts oer a safe and convenient method of sending money away. THE BANK __(_)f___IjQYA SCOTIA th Wear angl Tear! V 'I'HOUSANDS of Mother: will buy I-Iurlbut o for thoi: chiroa. because they last longer and outwea: inferior makes. 9' II ,2 , .1--- 2- S- 2..-; HUUDALVUO OX Lvnotuers win any nurwuc a nut an-as uuauuu, Whoa you pay more for I-Im-lbut s than ordinary shoot, it is just that dierenco of price which makes possible the outstanding quality conuined in every pair of Hut-lbut s. -- nu . .4 o I 1 0 , I I, ,.__ W, E-.. _......2__ COBIIIIIIQ In uvcry pill Ut Lxuruaut 30 Hurlbufe are room , with ppecially-designed features for ca feet-the Hurlbut elt, the Cushion Insole, and the thick, 1 extension so1.-V-all of which let tender feet grow naturally. Sold and Recommended by BOYS ALL \\'OOL TWEED SUITS. Reg. $8.50. Sale Price . . . . . . . .. $4.50 Your Last Change to Buy SeasonableiMrchandise at what has proven to be Barrie : Premier Sale .TABLE OILCLOTH, unbreakable, white and patterns. In Basement. Sale Price . , . . . . . . 49 yd. and 69c yd. LADIES DRESSES, Silks, Crepes, Georgettes and Cnntons. Sale Prices $3.95, $6.95, "$8.95 and $12.95 MEN S HEAVY BRACES, work and ne. Reg. SOC. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . 29c pr. Capital $10,000,000 Reserve $20,000,( Total Assets over $260,000,000 J. McLEOD, General Manager, Toronto V. D. BEARDSALL One Door West Wellington `Hotel. ns'}.uus1-nu`) I332` $20,000,000 lain Ann Ann Our '7tl1__A,nniver_a-ry Sale Page 1'!-00' G60 818 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE _ PHONE 1030 ` TWO DOORS WEST BANK OF TORONTO ooooo_'o4mmoo mM mm MEN S SHIRTS-Q-Broadcloth. Reg. $2.25 Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.29 Your last `opportunity FACTORY COTTON Reg. 29. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 yd. 50 HATS left from summer stock. Reg. $3.95. In Basement ._ . . . . . 25 MEN S COMBINATIONS Reg. u to $2.00. Sale Prices . . . . . 59 an 89 MEN S 1LK HOSE, Reg. soc` pr." Sale Price .... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 pairs $1.00 AND IN ORDER TO GIVE THEPUBLIC ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO RARTAKE OF THE EXTRAORDINARY VALUES wE ARE OFFERING wE M HAVE RERLENIEHEO OUR srocx WITH MORE MERCHANDISE, AND `MARKED O1_RE LIN!-ZS` AWAY BEL(_)_W COST RR1__c_Es. __-_ __-__ _. _.. _ _.-.; __ -._ _- .- 1----- Q: junglnuun I-II:-up Qnfuup-n Iran I`. 321 Qwni 3III\ R I!!! IN` INTI (I I! III!` II '1 I`! Ill! 3`! A In-1-nus - --uggzgg REMEMBER, nus is THE LAST CALL FOR GREATER BARGAINS. nus `SALE cLosEs SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, AND IF YOU FAIL TOCOME A YOU ARE MISSING THE BARGAIN FEAST OF A LIFE-TIME. we WISH TO THANK THE PUBLIC I-"BR 'ru'a'ui515o'RT may ;c:1vaTU 11isTAc11 ~fdb`Ui sAu:s, EVERY SALE we HAVE PUT _oN HAS BEEN A Hucia success FOR THE REASON we HAVE NEVER F0 ouan THE PUBLIC. WHEN WE PUT ON A SALE THE PUBLIC REALIZE may ARE RECEIVING THE BEST MERCHANDISE AT .__ _ _____ _---__.. _ __--__ _.-- Anna nuguu uuuuu -~ :1-sin ---nu1-Ann -u; 4 Inuunui AI! IIIIIIII Inuruuuuu A Awnuninv A -5-. up 4 - noun. -4.-. -- -_......._ __.._....-_ `rii 1'3iis"'riBs{1i3Lt~: PRICES. BARRI E BARGAIN HOUSE Made by the of the fam;u W!l!y;1- i70."3_R$% ~.T!"S IE3`. a \;Vh;>pt' Coach with 7-Bearing Crankshaft for Good news-amazin news for the prospective automobile buyer . . . . ` ' The Whippet Six recently introduced is the lowest-priced six in the world with a 7-bearing crankshaft. With such other outstanding mechanical fea- tures as Bendix 4-wheel brakes, Invar-strut pistons, silent timing chain, full force-feed'lub- rication-and new-type bodies long and low- swung, roomy and comfortable, with narrow corner-posts and cadet-type visor, the new Whippet Six offers you an amazing value in a. low-priced motor car. In sustained high speed, in economy, in" comfort, in safety, the Whippet Six will "give you more driving-satisfactionthan you could ossibly expect even -from a car of much igher price. . _- .1. - __- 4---- A._.1-s_ -34.- un_s_._.-. m_- fa. pectltiil-eivranrious models of the Whippet Six and Whigzlpet Four at your nearest ealer s today. Arrange for a clemonstra-V tion. V Wh pet Six prices from $81 to $985; Whippet `1`3."'X`if z '?2*s$;`=`; .;'f Factory, Taxes extra. When J-os. Brown. 70 years old. became the `fourth husband 0! Mrs. Elizabeth Glendhall, 72, ot~Don- }oaster. Ivelarid. he said. We are lmavryizugjust for oompa.ny." $9159) 'mIaw`iou'w1LL iib" MENTIONED AFEW or THE EXTRAORDINARY VALUES FOR CL61i~i'c"'EER}' s'1.1;c.iEes" gL;;;;:.a?eea:" `1iE."s"3'.s"dI" 'a'1' Price % . . . . . . . . . . . . .% .= . . . . . . . . . $2.49 .MEN S HEAVY WORK SHIRTS; twill. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . 79; MEN S Tween PANTS, dark and light ..L..,.l.... ..........-...J.,...,J I3-.. dh`) En C`- GINGHAMS, several. patterns .. 15 yd. _FA_NCY PRINTS . . . . . , ..... . . 15 yd. BOYS SWEATERS AND Reg. up to $3.00. Sale Price RAYON CREPES and SILK CREPES, at less than half price ._ , 65 yd. and 95 yd. Aug. 20-Verald E1l1ott. Ly1e`Jen- nett. Jae]: Johnson. Bob Ayatt and Norman Parson have all gone to the West for the harvest. _ Ilium Tunfhal `\.Tnl'\IInu AP nV\'A {H ' VV USL LUIS HID uu1`v<:aL. Miss Isafbel MoQuay of Barrie is holidaying with fvlends here. `.\/ha and Nfva ~Rm`r Envnwn ni "Fnr. WEEK. Mr. and Hrs. Russelrof Fort W11- liam -spent a week with the latter's sister. Mrs. J. '1`. Jennett. Yvu inland: ax-Hand avmnafhv to llU11LU:l.)'1ll \V'lHI u`wuus_ 1161`!!- Mr. and Mrs. `Bert lBvown of `Tor- onto called on friends here last week. _ \.-Tn Ana Yfnu D|1aan1l'n? Wnn V37- slswx`. Luvs. -J. '1. uuuuvu. Ivy friends extend sympathy to Mrs. Willis Ismith o-n the 10ss_of her father, `Mr. Patton, of Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood .\'IeQua.y of. Elmira spent Sunday at the home of the former's parents. _ Mrs. R. H. Jennett is spending a. few holidays with her son in Wes- ton. Miss Ruth Hanna. of Toronto is I holidaying "here. Mr: (2 IT. Dntvia and famllv snent nouuayzng `nuru. v Mrs. G. L. Davis and family spent a weekdown at the lake. M... am: Mn/rm name nH-ended the W961! QOWII at U16 Imus. I Mr. and Mrs. Bates; attended the -unera.1 of the formers father atl -Closes Saturday. August 25th- DOMINIONTIRE DEPOT HI"K\I\I uvimmon am. " Barrie Tire -Service A A ANGUS \ . -- THORNTON -.-- Alex. Beg: - T `S,A.McQuuy :Here __ Ne_W-_ JERSEYS, . . . . . . 98 SOIYS. Rev. Mr. Campbell took the service in church on lsunday and sermon; Kflana 12114-hlnnn Qlmr S8I`!IlDIl.' Misses Kathleen Sloan and Dora .\Ietcalt, representing the Bluebird Group of the C.G.*I.`T. 0! Churchill. are at Beausollel Island camp. Geor- gian Bay. xnu .C`.lndv: '1-Iodsrson of Hull. glan Bay. l .VI1ss `Gladys 'Hdsson Hull. England. arrived on Mondayto visit her cousins, Mr. gnd Mrs. J. E- Hodwson. ` W: Altar: and mother and MP8. I-Ioclgson. r W. Alters and mother and H. `Storey and -family spent the week-end in Petevboro. u-n-1,. v-u__--._ .._-.- -- mailman: VV C!.'l\'Ull\I (II I. vvvn have vv Mrs. Robt. Boyes gave an address to the Women's `Institute at the Scotch Settlement at their meeting on Thursday. " n.. nn um: fmifh of Toronto. Aug; 21-Mr. and Miss `Stewart of` Guelph spent tsunday at J. E. H0618-I 13.... \f\\ l(`nmnhA1l nf Toronto` Thursday. * Dr. and Mrs. .Sm1th_ ot Toronto. Mr. and Mrs` `Stewart of Welland [and Mr. and Mrs. Cruthers of New IJo\\:e11 on Tuesday. Friends here extend symnpathy to the be- reaved. ru.\...\... ohnnuhina has :1-nrfnd. ding. she sent word she had Chang-, While Chas. C. Graham of Blrm-I lnham; Eng" was waiting for Miss ora Falls to arrive for their wed- .od -hm` mind. I reavea. Clover threshing `has started. some of it is not turning out a. very good yield. .\lI'v~a -mam mm smn Earl. Mrs. good yxem. Mrs. `Reid and son Earl. Mrs. Beckerton a.nd_Mr. Cleary motored to `Toronto on Suxiday and spent the. day with friends. I V?lI|I IARRII EXAMINER Cl-IURCI`-l_lTLl..~ Sloan Inn: who 'D1nAhh\ MEN S SUITS a large selection to choose from. Price range ., . . . . . .. $10.50 up TWO TABLES REMNANTS _lN BASEMENT AT HALF PRICE MEN S OVERALLS. AND SMOCKS, ex- tra heavy. Reg.- $2. Last call,` Price $1.49 100 Dresses, summer weight. Reg. prices $3.00 to $6.00. Sale Price . . . . . . $1.69 MAYBELLE BLOOMERS all shades, all sizes. Reg. $1.75. Sale Price . . . . $1.00 of Toronto! the United gave a. `fine vw. uearrs. Mr. and Mrs. D. Coulson and fam- ily of Oapreol are visiting the for- me-r s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coulson. . t`:n..-.m-ma t\`nnnnnn nF Tnrnnfn man? 8. {PW clays at ueu. .uu.Luue:.`a. Miller Plaxton left, for Toronto, Tuesday. for a few days.. mug- vnnum Dnea 1.: viuirimar nwan nouuays. Clifford Duckworth and Clarence Smith of Toronto spent Sunday at Thos. Duokworth's. mt... mnm~.1.- 't*.nd2nah nn arm of cnewvan on Luesutty. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong `and 'fam1ly and M1`. and Mrs. D. Arm- strong of Toronto spent. Sunday at `W. Dean's. \.-In and \Tm: h (`nn1ann h ffnu` UOLUSOII. George O`Connor of Toronto spent 8. few days at Geo. Lat1rner s. xnnm. I31~::\-rnn Ian f nr '|`m-mun. 1'uesua.v. I01` a Lew uuys.`. mss Fraser Ross is visxting Owen Sound friends. we T\nnL-u-nrfh YAH fru- `sr. Jas. Stribbexl. Wesley Mason and! George McC`z*:1c1 left for Saskat- ` chewvan 'on Tuesday. \/Tn am: \1'v-a 1' Av-mu+v-nno- "And SOUTICI IFIGDCIS. .\I1ss Eileen Duckworth left for Toronto on Sunday for a few weeks holidays. (`HP?ny~r` nnnL-mm-rh and Clarence Thunday. August 28. 1928 THUS. lJUCKV`v'Ol`tn'S. Mrs. Frank '1`-.u*Bush and son of Sudbury visited at H. L. Ta.rBush s. ' Aug. 21-Mr. and Mrs. S. Irvine and granddaughter and Mr. and Mrs. Arnott. all of Toronto, were re- cent guests of .VIrs. S. Calhoun here. um. and \.I'v\a and Mia: Adam: of IS. 11.. `B10111! S. The trustees of the `Cherry Creek school are having it decorated and fixed up for opening. .| Aug. 21-Mrs. Vvm. Hyde and son returned to their home in Man- tsana after visiting with Wm. Hyde, ` r. `I an Gns1n.1\aH Vaclav! `hfncnn and. Downsvlew were Sunday visitors at E. H. *S1oan s. ml... onnaonoa n? oh; ilnnmnu (`wank S. Calhoun here. Mr. and .VIrs. and Miss Adams of Bond Head spent the week-bud with Mrs. Goodfellow. \r.. .-...A Mfr: Qrnmav our? Pnrnnv Wlth .Vll`S. UO0ClI9`110VV. Mr. and Mrs. Storey and tamily visited friends at Elmvale on Sun- day. \'lga rzmann (`*qHnnnn nPrm- unaud- IGRY. Miss Grace Calhoun. after spend- ing a week here, returned to Lon- don on Saturday. (1 Dlnurrn-an xriuifn hie HAN Hath. at Orlula. on suncmy. Walter Dodds and family and Wilfred Dodds. all of Toronto, were recent visitors at Mr. Ma1kin s. where` Dr. and .\I1`s. Atkinson and family of Toronto and Rev. Mr. Dodds of New-York also were re- cently visitors. Motor traffic was exceedingly heavy on Saturday and Sunday. A nnrnhcm rm? hnniam HPTQ EPA Wirc I don saturaay. G. Plowman visited his son, Herb. at Ovillia. Sunday. `lXToMrav\ `Pbn: nn.-1 Fnmv and TCIVIZIV IV Aug. 21-.\Ir. and .\Irs. Hugh! `sproule and .\Iiss Porter and Miss` Eleanor Hyde of New York visitqd at Ed. Wi1son s for a few days last week. T \I u:. YX.'rn ("nn1_- urn-1 Innr alufar neavy on saturuuy uuu auuuuy. I A number of houses here are Wir- ed ready for the electric light. WeeK. . Mrs. Wm. Cook and her sister` Mrs. H. Thompon of the .West areal visiting their sister in Buffalo 10:. two weeks. Mfu ant` \/fr: flour and !|H`(`1`AT'l- Considerable interest was shown in the field crop competition in oats conducted under the auspices of the Oro Agricultural `Society. There were 21 entries and the Judge. .1 . H. McKee`of Shelburne, placed the first seven as follows:4- 1-Fred Grant, Mitchell Square. 2-0rton Crawfoz-d,.Mltche1i Square. 3-J. A. Ross, Oro -Station. 4-A. C. Currie, Oro `Station. 7 5-Geo. Kirkpatrick, Oro Station. 6-f1`hos. J. Luck. Oro station. 7--Manford Horne, 0r'iilia.. two weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gear and children; of Toronto are spending 3.` Week at` the home of S. J. Cox. 1'\n-:5 (`ans 3: viehino in 1'3`.Irn1rA1An line nome 01: a. .1. pox. I Doris Cole is visiting in Elmvale lwith. Mary Brown. . M`... `D 1:: r:.am1m- and n tau-mv `VIUL .V.l8.I`)' D1`U\V/ll. : Mrs. P. B. G-audet and D. Kenny. spent the week-end at J. L. Me-' L`augh1in s. \IfIea `M'nr11vn)f"nno'hHn in nond- mg two WGEKS at ureennursu. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Knapp of! Cundles spent Sunday` with M. I. Mr nm1'M'v-s, `R, 1'-Tm-rismn and nnapps. . ' M1'...andvMrs. R. Harrison and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. New- man and daughter of Toronto hive returned home after two weeks camping on Mrs. E. Wi1l1ston s annnn H e Uulupuls grounds. NORMAN MARSHALL

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