5T.N_5'3 . no _ `D .__ .5?`-9? % -..-_ G on BRACEBRIDGE FOUNDER IS HALE AND HEARTY ITO 1'. valley Liallitl. - - anley Playter, a farmer living near Pine Orchard, had a close call when gored by a bull. The animal was tied in a stall and Mr. Play- ter was attending it when he was attacked. He climbed the partition but not before receiving painful in- Juries. Meaford users of hydro light and power have received a month's re- fund on their bills. An amount equal to one twelfth of the total amount paid for the last year in power and light bills is to_'be paid back to the- users. It simply means that users get their August supply of light and power for nothing. `There has been no reduction in the rate. A; refund of $2,000 has also !been made to the town on account of street lighting. Jos. Cooper, founder of the town of Bracebridge, though in his 90t-h year, is hale and hearty. stand as straight as he did 20 years ago, and still has to realize what sickness means. Born near Nottawasaga. 89 years ago last March, Mr. Cooper .went with his father, Jas. Cooper, as a boy of 19 to the bush where Bracelbridge now stands. He tells] `how the town got its name through` a passer-by pointing out the braces. on the bridges which he `and his father were building. `Thou: nnnv-AR OI-an 1ov-:11 An fkn `nan-VI In I116 IOI`Ilel'l(1. Office `Specialty Co. was award-I ed the contract for the furniture` and gas fixtures for the chemistry; room of the new Newmarket high school at a. cost of $8,990. E Meaord s new fire truck has been, delivered and is now in service. It carries 1250 feet of hose and other equipment weighing fou-r tons in all. It has a six-cylinder engine and can do sixty miles an hour. A 14:1-an efnarn Innnr-h the first (10 Sixty Inues an nuur. A large steam launch, the first in tit-teen years, came up the H01- Iand `River last week to `bridge at Bradford. The launch had been touring Lake `Simcoe and returned to its homeport in Trenton via the Tre` t Valley Canal. . nrnv `Dlnvtmv a fnrmpr 'livin` Lutnul.` vvert: uuuuulg. 1 `They cveared the land on the very site of t e town, gave the land for the first school. and also for the`- first cemetery. Joseph Cooper was a member of the first council and served on many subsequent coun- cils, always being deeply interested, in the progress of the town. When he had cleared sufficient land he started a sawmill but in later years lost his hand in the planing mill. Incapacitated for mi-11 work he pur-: chased a launch and had a large tourist clientele. l kl; 5917-5; voun onoczn saus rr! .1111!!! Hus lull. . * Magistrate Howard Gover or Coldwater addressed Orillia Kiwan- tans on the Office of a Magistrate, at the cI\1b s luncheon last week. ` A new Peerless roadster was burn- ed at Collingwooddwhen the driv- er struck a match to adjust the cars -buretor and the gasoline became ignited. a `Riding in an mnn Avifh the door zgmteu. `Riding in an auto .with the door open a young boy, at Collingwoodi was thyown out when the car hit a bump. He sustained a severe gash in -"the forehead. fflnn `Qnn-.:nin1fv .l"n `Ina award. Aug. 21-Misses `Hazel Chappe11,! R.N., and Vera have returned from 8. holiday. at Orchard Beach. 'MT'I=a 'MH'Ir1v-n T.nnL' nnw:n-ih- at.-pt. -2. - Messrs. .Homgr Reid` and F. A. Gower, have purchased the Thorn- `bury elevator. T . Mrs. `Ellen McDouga1l, who has lived in Meaford for-65 yeazjs, is * dead at-the age of 74. Ilnatnn Rand. is nrnnfinh-:9` fnifh. CDIHDBLIUUII at cud. \n).V.l.`4. Eight thousand people, it is est~ imated. were on the grounds during the Derry Day celebration at New- market. . . - Annnuuiina On +151; 1'11-:1-\.a\v{11A WAY- u nUuuu.y- 31L u'1'uu'cu`u Dlfillillo Miss Mildred Luck, nurse-in-l training in/New York. is a ho1'1day= guest at her home here. 1 Mica 1\/Fnhal `Psn~'+rig-A rm-nv-nod SUUSC HI. HUI` UUHIC 1`l!'.'l'- ' Miss Mabel Partridge returned last week from `Toronto where she had an` operation for removal of tonsils. \A'ma T` (V 'I\mnu1v -35' nn 4:: fvvln nu? We-BL. Miss Pearl Jory and Elmer J-ory left this week for Sintaluta, Sask. `Mfvc on!` `.\/Iva 'Y\Tcn|m~nnn n? Qhrinn JBII Hus ween LU!` auuauuLa., cman. Mr. and Mrs. Newman of Spring- brook. Wis., have been visiting Mrs.` Newman's Ibrothers, Harry and Lor- enz-o Robinson and other relatives; uilearord high School has a"dded;~a commercial department, opening Sept. 4. Mngarn Wnmar Rniafrnnd T1`. A. X-RY PROVIDES I081 ` Q31! cunt ofnatnnldeuth "...'..l':.".`. u'."; .1..;".;`:'."......* 4 U08. EUIIU9 {I56 01 HI. Beeton Band. isvpracticing faith- tuldy in preparation for the annual competition at tha C.N.E. ` 1m.-M H-nnnoann vmnrn it in ash. marxet. I According .to the Huntsville For- ester, Col. Chas.`A. Lindbergh is! coming to the Muskoka district to hunt this ran. T `Kn -ialvuafn Tlntnnw llnvnr hf ED118115. . T Mrs. E. C. Drury is" on a. trip out West. `King `Dnonl Tnnn an.-1 'F`.11nnAv\ ,T-nv-v The record attendance for a sin- gle day at the Clanadian National Exhibition was made .on Labor Day. 1927, when 260,000 people passed through the turnstiles. - ' `Turn mnmnn nnHnn"nffinArQ non- ulrougn [HE LUYIISLUCE. `Two women _po1ice"officers con- trol the traffic at the busiest spots in Constantinople, as the author!- ties of that--city consider women better fitted to handle traffic Jams. -.--.-. ,,___.__ `Y ' K . V ~ ~ The cou1iE:11'debated five _hours over the petitfon of a. hospital nurse, M-1ss'Margar t Mc'M'anus of Ennis- killen, Irelan , that she be allowed ak nn 17v-inv $1 ed. |lVl.I.U& slut-vu Lv Aauasuux. n.:.~.n..o-u `pa.---. Mrs. William Cain of Bayonne, N. .I., complained to the police that her husband never took her anywhere. and he was sentenced to take her to Coney Island for a holiday. A hnncrrv nnr nwnn "hv Robert `CO Uoney Lauunu Luz` a. uuuuay. A hungry dog owned `by Robert Gloven of Glenview 111., invaded a pounry farm: and ate four dozen eggs, 27 chickens and 16 young` ducks. ' 1 -"I`Ir-no nru1~`;'nl'I Qnmnfn fivn hhllf auuvu, u.'c.|a.uu, lsh on Friday. Wqrts- K THE Maine, Examnnah Mea.;or'd town ban is being paint- I E il E ms'ui1c1' News I .'|Il|IIIII|I0IIIII|l0I0I|II0IIII0I0I! -939 -!*:'- .1? Looks Bad For Hank. As ISeptem'ber draws near the duck-shooter `begins to :look to his duckboat. his hip-boots and his guns and his preparations stir the blood in the veins of the deer-hunt- er. But this year -the advice of Game `Warden MacGregor is that both these men should first consult the law as set down by the Depart- ment ot Game and Fisheries, for several important changes have been made in the open seasons. ; -'I||-~ 4----. - -___ , __2\,u J.-,\_ I-u-u-u ----- ... ...v V ... ....._...---- The open season for wild duck on waters south and east of Geor- gian Bay is from Spt. 15-th to Dec. !15th. and on Georgian Bay and `rangers north from Sept. 1st to Dec. ` t I Rags: knnfinn nnlxfh In? {Win t`\sor\nVI and Mattawa, Rivers has been :-changed back to the former season [01 Nov. 5th to 20th. VH1-A wvnvlv-5`; anaann `cu .~nn1'n Fvnrn {Dino l Deer hunting south of the French U8 JNUV. 0|. LU ULu. .' The mink season is `now from Nov._1st to Feb. 28th, whi1e.the sea- 'son for muskrat south ofthe French |r1ver is closed for one year. A Japanese scientist has develop- ed elect-rical apparatus to warn of {earthquakes `by translating their preliminary tremors into sounds. ` i RS! AUG. at--Fron '1`orouto, Ca1edon_ East. Bee1_:on. _Menlotd. Collingwood, Penetang, Midland, Capreol. and V South and Ram in Onta.r:o,- also Statxons rn Quebec West of St. Andrews and Lachute. AUG. I8l'C-F1-on Station in Onta.no._Toronto, Inglewood Jet. and West and South thereof. MIG 81Ct-From all stations in Ontano. Ca reol. North Bo and South ond East thereof. $15.90 To wIn_[III3n_ `can run. la Whdpq vh Cundisn National Railways: In-an 1'oIou1'o(UnInn sution)-Aug. 21st-12.o1 un. omnigm Aug. am); 12.30 ;1o.4o . Aug. 23rq-2.Q0 p.m.;l0.40 p.m. Aug`. 81ct-2.() 6n11>:m. andpl(t)l.L40 pan Fri OTTAWA-Aug. 21lt-12.0l n.ms- (Mndmght Aux. mth); 1.00 pa. V ' Aug. 8II't-l.35 3.111.; 1.00 p.ng.; l_0.40 p.1n. _ _ Hill PI1 IlIBOIlO-Au. 21st-l2.0l a.m. (Mxdmght Aux. mu: vu Lindsay. Blackwater and Atherley. `, -...__ IlII|ll'|QfID._.Aua_ 9rI'I...`l 9 Min m liniahf Ann 22nd'\vin thnm, Tnndnn. Flnmiltnn and Tan CIU`I"Io0U 3.111.; l..UU p LIL; IV-`IV [I ` nu`. . an. IlIBOIlO-A . . . Lindsa . d Atherley from NIH D8OR--Aug."2`3 rd-:12.3()a.m?(idnig`htAug.22l1d)via "tfhnm. Lozdon. Hamilton gd Inglewood: 3...... nAI |ll'nn'l'n|I_Au-2 Q3:-d--0 m n,m_ via Gm-_lnh. (".a1r:etown nnd Inglewood, PIT WIII IJUIIll"-'ll`o Z0 rll".'g.a.ouu.1n. un1u.|.u5u|.nu5.aauu; van uanmunuz, uuuuuu. nuuusuun uuu unglswililn . from PALMlR8'l'ON--Au`. 23l'd--9.00 a.m. via Guelzh. Geotgown and Inglewood. 1 Ihtcughanfmnothupcindpulpobueonnecngwithnbonspeddunhs Pcrdct:ikeonsultlocalCanadianNatiomlAj) Through 1 rVc.lno--Oomfortnblo colonlof cm-0-Opoclal can for Women and children j ;.1j1LTjLj- :1 mjjjj CHANGES IN GAME LAWS 15 on W mmuru -~""s--=~=-`"`"`tiu~ #Eam"o=%%`s?"&%=*a='~ I caI:Iry.M.cLeodand East. PLUS TAX RETURNING--Ha.lf a cent per unit in Winnipeg, plus $20.00 and tax to destinatiom VMa keYour0wn` 1536' he Ball Planing Niivlvl _(E;.-I:.td. - Barrie, Out. The Sarjeant Co., Ltd. - Barrie, Ont. CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, l.llVll'l`I:;lJ , Paris Canada 44 1=1r`pg~opr Wauboard Millions oi Insulating Air Cells! CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED PA:-in Qnndn l lnIhlIaceutpermilebeyondtoa1lpointsinMani-r n Aiknro 1';-`rnnnfnn I`ao-nu-|=d; For Sale B --II 15 D _ u .!-A `ii LYE * No other drn flakes equal Kellogg's for flavor and crisp- ness. Kellogg's are never tough- thick-l:ut extra crisp. Serve for lunch, dinner or Break- fast. Delicious with milk or cream --fruits or honey nddedui` Order at hotels, cafet'el-ins. On dining-cars. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Always oven-fresh. By WINNEE 44,000 WA N T E D Thursday, August 23, 1929 A IIGL L\CIlCIoIu \lUU\l Judgment," con- taining interesting inform ation on home planning with Gyproc, Rocboard and Insulex. Write for Free Booklet, Walls 'l`I-...4. `D..a-..s 11...! FUUKICL, VVGIIH '`hat Reect Good .-.I..._._L 3| -_.. . H` Excelsior Life lmuunco Co. Barrio. Ont. ova -- ,- _ quickly disappear after a few applications of VJ. 3. MACKAY Gone:-ul Agent. Ocean Tame C.P.R. (Building, Toronto IXZONOMICAL TOUR! All 82d: eouu vial!- gland an Continent u Extended Toumll to `M an. 0410.80 up. ':d7A_P - Suyaurlooalaacnttn-dmor '7 vt U IV--cu 59$ s%:ufgl.\eda uooipon TO-DAV ' ' T otma t: as low a We 'rnoMA? 712. WORLD'S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM he 0 d P ' E Co - :any5 ;'r7".'.aC {ze.""c':'7.e'7.'.':.. 1$J7iwz'e1wm7e. Farm." Egnbert anniversary on` Sept. 9. Rev. McCormick will conduct ser- vices at 2.30 and 7 pm. Death of Mrs. Wallace Mrs. Wallace Brown or Timmins. a former resident of this place, died at, `South Porcupine. on August 14, 1928. (ram heart trouble`. The body was brought to Essa and the tuner- Brown ' al took place on August 18 trom the residence of Chas. Hyde, Baxter, to `Alllston Union Cemetery. Rev. E. 8. Clifton. of the Presbyterian church, of which deceased was a member. officiated. Pallibearers were her three brothers and three schoolmates, D. Wilson. Fred Elliott and Joe. Gor- don. Among those who came to at`- tend the funeral were Mr. Brown and Miss Elsie. Tlmmins; Duggan and James Edgar, Mr. and `Mrs. Phil Hyde, Toronto; Mrs. Harris and Isaiah McMast_er, Grentel; Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Everett: Mr. and Mrs. T. McKnight, Cookstown. Deceased, whose maiden name was Catharine Harriet Edgar, was the fourth child oi: the late John and Elizabeth Edgar and was born on the homestead, lot 11, con. 7, Es- i sa. She_is survived by her husband; three daughters. Mrs. John Hill of . South Porcupine, Lorrain of Detroit and Elsie at home; two sons, Clar- : ence and Edgar, at home; two sls- . ters, Mrs. Chas. Hyde at Baxter and Mrs. Margaret Warren of Detroit: ` three brothers. Duggan and James . of Toronto and Angus ot Egbert. work on account OI !`8.lX1`. R. and W. `Schen of Detroit have been visiting at their home here. Their mother, `Mrs. J.` =Sche-11, has returned to Detroit with them tor a. week. . ` an... R1? {hash ha: mnharnml from WGSK. _ y Mrs. `W. Dash has returned from England after three months with relatives and -has resumed `her hoasehold duties at D. 2Da.v1deon',a. ' 1.... Dnvnon nunm11n mu-chm mu-tv nogsenom auuea 84! U. ua.v1uuuu,u. ' he Roman Catholic garden party, or a. week ago was quite a. success; the proceeds amounting to $207.00. vming m attractions at the shrine the proceeds SJHOUIIUIIS w oavuvv. | vowing to attractions at the shrine and Waaga Beach congregations at both churches on Sunday were de- cidedly small. A non mnvnnn infnrm 1): when those. TIIIV I VV %3 Aug. t20-1-Iarvest~1ng is in tun swing Ibu-t .aIbou- three -days of the week are all farmers are allowed to work on account of rain. An ....A nr a.-m11 nf ncm-mt have ciaealy smau. ,. can anyone inform us when those 1 unsightly piles of gravel which were drawn on the sides or the road last 5 winter by the County are going to |' be distributed on the road? They are a great inconvenience to motor traffic as `two cars have hardly room to pass in the village. Recent visitors to the village in- cluded IR. Foisie of Detroit at B. , Forsie s;~Mr. and Mrs. J. isewell or Wllkie. Isask.-. at Wm. Allan's; E. -1 Stringer of `Toronto at H. A-llan s; ,1 Mr. and Mrs. Foley of Collingwood at J. Barker's; Mr. and Mrs. W. ` and T. Clarke of Markdale at `W. '1`. ll Clarke's: F. 'McQuaig of `Toronto at` W. `T. IClarke's: Mr. and Mrs. ll] Middleibrooks of Toronto at (M. Da- .1 ~ley's. . I Sunday Wltn ueo. Munro. V ` Miss Lillian Adams svisited Miss zeta `Sharpe for "a few days last week. ~ 7 rm... 1...... no `Hm fhv-nnhlnr ma... I`DlIlIiIXI-l`l&.u , Aug. 20-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fra- ser of Toronto visited at W. J. A1- 1an's on `Sunday. lDuuang11 "Dunne nf A1'Hn.fnn snant Ian's on '5_unuuy. | |Russe11 Byers of Alliston spent Sunday with Geo. Munro. -m... .-r.nmm Adam: visited Miss, week. The -hum of `the threshing ma- chine is again on- the air from 7aa.m. until 6 pm. Any pexjson wishing to do so may .tune in. Fred -Ball -and Clarence Munro` visited the Loblaw farm: near A1- liston recently and report every- thing in first-class shape. Man mm: mm Kathleen tsharne tmng 1n Ilrst-class snape. Misses Zeta and Kathleen Sharpe took the boat at Toronto on satur- day for a trip down the St. Law- rence. Befo-re returning they will visit friends in Quebec, Montreal end Janet. CRo`bert Rodgers and family spent a. day at Wasaga Beach recently. r(`,nn.a-v-nfn1n'Hnnn tn Mr. and Mrs. VV. nnucupw Juauc a, uuwauvng holy to Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Cornea are holidaying at the home of Mrs. Cornes" pa-rents. W. Walker and '1`. J. Mayes made a. trip to the lake on -Sunday. . 'l`hnrA aw: various tvnes of road $33 3 II'II IIV Mr. and Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. * Ford of R_oache s Point, Mr. Beasley, Mr. Emery and Mr. Jupter of Mea- ford spentwsunday` with Mr. and Mrs. D. Beasley. ' ` Mrs. Angus Edgar. A V Mrs. J. W. Todd. Audrey and Gwendolyn of Woodstock -have been spending a couple or weeks holidays with her sister, Mrs. G. W. Van Duran. . - u... u vr Av-nrd at Toronto is Doran. Mrs. H. '1`. Arnold of Toronto spending a. few days at Elmcrott |Faz-m." I30)-unnf a VI nivf TV On. Sent. a day at wasaga. beuun ruuuuuy. *Congratu1a'tions to Mr. and Mrs. Henson on the'ar4r1va1 or a young daughter on August -16. . 117 zahnnnn made. 1: `hnninmn trln a. trip to Ine mice on Iaunuuy. There are yarious types of road` hogs to_be encountered on the roads but the roote-r without 9. ring in his nose should at least be miprlsoned. Aug. 20-Mrs. Frank Drake. of W Toronto is spending a. raw days with - .A u Ed at. M55... "5 Sm g'l"nr1d_ Audrev and 7buri 6/'0 IGHT8 and scenes of engouinf, Interest await you in Europe an . via Canadian Pacic Tourist Third thin. you can cross the Atlantic summer at amazingly low coat. TourlItThlrd Cabin appeals on i- all toteaohers.prot'essora.atu eat: any vaoationists. Stateroom: are aloellent. There is plenty 0! dock Anna. Innnon nnnna and onmrtunlt! bright and cheerful. Meals are _ SM ;;v 4__ai:c_2g2 augnter on August 40. 1 W. asharpe made a. `business trip 0 .-1'.I.1....x...... no Hp... IAAVHA nf lm: TuBBY i SILATION KIQLYLEAGHE A II` _...1 `ll -... BERT. BB9 VVIQI Aug. `~20-lclowes `Sunday Ischooi held their picnic in McLean's grove `last Thursday. i Miss Out:-its of Orillia. is holi- Idaying with Mrs. Geo. I-Iealey. `I .nla-hi-nn nnrl `.Tnnlz imanner are spent last week: In Iurontu. Mrs. J. W. Stone is attending a County Women's `Institute Conven- tion at Vineland on Wednesday. 22. tun lhmna nf fnnuymnnvln in via- ltlon at vmexanu on `weuneauuy. ea. Miss Evans of Bowmanville is via- iting at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Bradley. adymg wwn xura. Uvu. nundwy. Leighton and Jack isleaser are ,ho1!day1ng with their aunt, Mr |Gough, Crown Hill. ~- Mra (:1.1hnn1Av and non of Fern- uougn, crown run. ~' I Mrs. G!-1h_oo1ey and son of Fern- dale are visiting her mother, Mrs. IT. -Bidwell. `Kn ana m/hm blame: nf Tish-nit MP8. '1'`. 1311111155, txvsurgu uuu spent last week in Toronto. M Mrs. J . W. lstone is attem T. Bldwell. Mr. and `Mrs. Plewea of Detroit visited with their aunt, -Miss Ellen" `Thompson, last week. Inhn Addignn nf m-11.11; was a- `onto. ` Mrs. `T. Prince and family; Brad- tbrd. visited last week at the home of Geo. isheppard. Miss Olive Carter, Toronto. is hol- idaying at -A. W. Carter's. I M. and Mrs, Edgar -Rose. Irene idayxng at 'A. W. -L;arte1"s. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar -Rose, Irene and Garnet of Mount A-lbert visited at L. C. `McLean's on `Sunday. 1-;....nnm .,e+mm i=- nnandln this at L. C. `McLean's on aunuuy. Dorothy `Stone is` spending this week at the C.G.'I.T. camp at Beau- soliel. I Mrs. F. Billings, Geo'ge and Irene avnnn `D39 IIYAAIF in 'rnI`T1tn. ?I`H IIXITIO [J . Aug. 20-Mrs.`EL.. C. McLean and Beta spent part of last week 1nA'J.`or- ~ onto. I Ming 1'1` Dvinnn and fnmi`lv.- `Brad- sunaay V1`.-HIUI` all ma numu Hutu. ' `Service will be held in Clowes church on `Sunday. August 26, at 11 am. and 7 p.m.' conducted by Rev. G. H. Knlghton. A quurtette Itrom Barrie will furnish the music. OVER. THE SEA `mower, lV.l1`5. A-ueu, .31`. Mr. and Mrs. J. '1`. Bowman are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Mc- Laggen, at Mitchell. 1 MN mm? Mir: -.1 W, Wi92i~nn of '1-1. u._ Maxcoxm. Miss Laura Graham_ of uarrlq spent over Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Wm. Graham. IE:-nun. 1-snug Ivhvunshn fhair 91:11 Mrs. wm. uranam. Vlsome have threshed their fall wheat and it is turning out fairly wel-1; good quality but a few tall.-3 on some of the grains though nofqlng to. sneak of. . 501119 U}. Luv 4' to. speak of. '|`.l.`nomps0n, mat ween. John Addison of Orilvlia. was a Sunday visitor at his home here. Iv lnnvinn 1171 110' hhi `VI CIOWQS EITIIIIXII V Aug. 21-V-Mrs. Murray and daugh- 'ter Rut-h of Toronto are visiting her `mother, Mrs. Allen, Sr. Mr- nun! .\II v-a `I '1` Rnmmnn A1-A inaggen, at Mltcnell. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiggins or Beeton spent Sunday with the for- imer s mother, Mrs. T. Wiggins. ` .'r1,...,1 `Imam!-mum no` (`n11~lno-nynntl Toronto. , Dr. Gordon Ma1co1m of Ottawa. is enjoying a few days at home with `H. H. Malcolm. \'Ia T.v:nn~u flvnhnm hf RAPPIG 'mer's motner, Mrs. 1'. wxgguus. Lloyd Matthews of Collingwood is spending a.coup1e of weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. .7110. Matthews. T I `Mia- lilo!-sn1 vnn1-Hf nf 'l`mmnfn Aug. 204:-:S"}1-e_x1`ty Bay stillvvery -much alive as most 0! the boarders and cottagers are still here. Shanty Bay never had so many tourists be- fore and they are all of a. fine class. 1:` 13" Du: nf 'rm~mn1>n nnant 11 ancT5;Il:13ney! saga: QAAJ El clay Wltn ma Iauler '5a.ur.- ween. Jan. Hart has ximproved nicely lately and has gone for a. trip to the 11.. an!` an. 1'.n:fAv-"rnurn and Mr. and Mrs. Lester `Brown and Miss F-rances_ or Owen Sound had a. visit with Mrs. A. Paik lately. Mlilsns Frances is remaining tor a w e. T T ' A ill Ifnrnnn In An! 1:`:-Iain nffr 111R Mattnews. . Miss Mabel Synnott of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Synnott. ' . I Mia: Acnnne `F`1vnn nf nnnkstown. Lieo. aynnou. ' - ` Miss Agnes Flynn of Cookstown, Miss Hattie and Miss Mabel and Robert Ross of Brampton and Mr. Miller and Miss Alice Ross ofSurr- nidale. spent Sunday at the home of David Ross. lllnnnn flnnl-nnn `D1nn'ln'h11vn OHVD ITO? Aug._ 20--Mr. and Mrs. M. Murray and family of Glassport, Pa., have `been visiting at F.` W. Richardson's-. Mn. mm: Mac 1.1 A Qnvfhnn and wane. , A. '1`. Moore is out again after his long confinement .to his bed and is [looking real well. Man 13 fl *'|"1n-new ha: arrived '100Kln8 real W911. Mrs. `R. J. Turner has arrived home again after a. few days. in Toronto. -n.. t1.....:me \II'n`lnn`lvn nf nffnwn in !UaV1(l RUSS. - - Misses Gertrude Blackburn, Olive Ross -and Annie Lamont, are spend-. vlng a few days at Bracebridge with H Miss Edith Patterson. .. `A/I'm 4,.-.A Tlwa '- nnenn man? fn ' IVLISSV EJUIIH I'H.LL8l'SUl1o Mr. and Mrs. S. Henson `Went to Allandale on Saturday to attend the funeral of the 1itt1e`son oi Mr. and` Illhnn T 7'` 'D1or|+' ' .Lune1'eu UL Lu: uuu Mrs. J. T. Plant". G ilili-TI'l been Vlsltlng at 1". W. .n.u.'uu.ruauu 5-. Mr. and Mrs. 1-1. A. Scythes and family and Mrs. Boake of Weston and Mr. and Mrs. Barton, -Miss Bar- ton and Mr. Mc`M1nn of Toron-to |v1s1ted at W. D. 'Scyt`hes' last week. \'nu T Dnntxnn ant` `IVE M`fhA tore Eng uley are uu w. u. unv umaa. E. R. Palk of Toronto spent a day with his father -llast-week. nu `I -`tart hhs ximnroved nicehr Visited at W. U. :icyL'nes' 18.51; ween. Mrs. J. Brown and, Mrs. Mitchell of Bridgeport, Conn., spent 9. day [with Mrs. L. `Cars-on last week. `AA ... ruin!` 11-5 -A T. 1\Il'nv-an annnf WILD &VJ.l'5o Ll. \aHI'5'UlI {GEL WUVJM Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Moran spent Sunday with friends in Penetang and_Mid1and.. A ' T Mr. and Mrs. Iscythes and family `visited in Midland on Sunday. 1 f!_nI1a.a-haw A? `Many `V-nrlz VXBIIGCI In Midland OX1 1l'Il(1B.y. J-. Gallagher of New York visited at A. L. Moran s recently. `|UlHan 1In,Hn1ann 1\ll'nv-an in 'U`IH'if'|2 J. L. I-Iindle of Accringtdn, Ens who left $'18~5.000, wrote his will on 9. bridge whis-t score pad and it was | admitted to probate; at A. La. Moran's receuuy. Miss Kathleen Moran is visiting her cousin in Elmvale this week- `SI-lAN1'Y_ an BVOTND HEAD A an... r r: IRA! onoeuent. Inere IB plenty us now; apaoe. lounge apnea and opportunity (or recreation.