Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1928, p. 4

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Salad Dressing Cooked-Rlch nnd rnnmv Mayonnaise Dlight 8-oz. jar 31c $nc'3`.`. Jf: 933?? ...... .. 4-z- iar 17 Pimento Mayonnaise 8-oz. jar 31: ' ' " 4-oz. jar 17 alads ................... . . Mayonnaise Dressing Has a Flavor nil in man: , _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ . . _. 3:? cmenn ALE 12-02. 0 Buy It by . Bot. 9. `the Canton 2c charge fof bottles--rturnable. ~ SARDINES; ` 2 Tins 29 INCOMPARABLE ALPINE own? SHIELD BRAND MAYONNAISE s.P:ct.4z.--- Black and Mixed 14-lb. Pkg. `1-lb. Pkg. 36 L 11 i1U`lllblilll'1llU|lD UGVC llLvlU`.) uwvu Illl\\IVn The response of the public to this newest amusement device has been very gratifying, in spite of the summer heat.| One New, York theater took in $76,000 in a week and anoth- er s receipts were $106,000 in a similar period. A nntiaa.~ .l.auAInnn1::an+ n1aL'in0` mnid strides iS L OAF . CHEESE Big Tea Sale LOBLAW S Delicious for Sandwiches IJ00KEII1l.IIIIlI and Cream: ............. 7: High Quality rea From the choices: Ingredients CROSSED FISH No. I Blend INGERSOLL CI"S l't;'CCl[)lb \\='Cl'C ,3 lUU,UUU U! a auuucu yuuuu. Another development making rapid strides is , that of motion pictures in natural colors. With action, color and sound, the picture film of the future _ will Closely approximate the original performance which it reproduces. All this, com- bined with the radio, will bring` to people.every- where a class of entertainment heretofore a- vailahle to only a favored few in the metropoli- I-nn nnnlravo Buy advertised goods. 8-oz. jar 24 DECIDE TODAY to have a Demonstration of vvnJon`.cu.1.o Uucl; 1-:vt:1.'_y uume u uwuern 81! price well within the purse of any income. GA.`| .'l -`UD7l`1('VII' F015 M4-N3; USES - Pblisi Floors, Poliohing Si1verwar-e,_ etc., Pohshmg Boots and Shoes, Sharpening Knives, etc. A demonstration W111 convince. NEW MODEL 5 OHIO VACUUM CLEANER __.___ -_...._:.. __..-_. -&.- ...._.___ ..-.____ A THE ONE MINUTE _ 91419 I.I5_cfuz1c A1=1.ooR POLISHER av-t:--:u nu %un\r n-cvn 5.31.-`.`3.` '1`.HE~ WITH THE SFEIVJF-STAFRTER. Before you `g;1};hgn)-hxirgcuum cleaner ask us about these essential pomts BARRIE RADIQ El.ECl'RlC co. LTD. tsoosvu.-av vv v tan centers. 3-OZ. ` Real Tasty MODEL 60 ELECF RIC WASHER , jar 28: `Very Best Parowax :`:;.`.`.`..}.'.`.`." ........ Zinc Jar. Rings `.I}`g.`"_'fY Rubber Rings 3t. "??Y. .... Certo sure Jell_ ............... .. Medium Suze- Fruit Jars Corona ama . mm Frau Jars scoronnsulfrand Cakes VY|"lhlIn- II` nu-av u------:---7 This is an age of advertising. Business could not get along without it. Yet many merchants waste a large share of the money they think they are spentiingtor advertising and wonder why they do not get better results. \\/nrnnn rln nxncf nF H19 hnvimr fi` HIP. hni. Crisco A sweeter tasting Fat 1 make: a sweater tasting pastry. . . C }ert9=. Health Salts Grape Juice Welsh : National DrInk- 1 Med. 8` Bot. ounoosaooooonuou Raspberry Vinegar Dalton : B02. 260 Lim'e Juice `}3.`,`.`;',:,',,"`,,';,`. Bow. Bot. 39 1"c`iuTr. .................... .. 303- 33 Lemonade and Orangcacfe "".`?". ......... ............-l Tim 25 Baking Powder 1 (IL;--. $n-n.l 3-- 4 In :3 44 Lemon Cup and Orange Cup Red Pitted-G!en- ' da.lo-Cho!ce quautyl Wlly Lucy LIU nut sci uuuu suauua. Women do most of the buying for the home. Now, did you ever see a woman go looking over the billboards, or reading the movie screen advertisements in order to make up her mind what or where to buy? Does she get her shop- ping information from a theater program or a telephone directory? Not on your life. f\nt:I.~l.a nF fhn cfnrn HQI-IH` H19 hif QHI1 91- SP."tAL-- New Pack Snvwberry Sez::;I s Pui @ HONE Y2 9: SPECIAL an launvunu - --_- If vou wish to have your purchases delivered General Delivery calls here daily at 11 a.m, and 4 p.m. aturday, 10 a.m.. - 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. SUGGESTIONS FOR PRESER VING 4o-oz. Glass Jar Phone 120 ltlcpuuuc UllCLtU1\.' nut uu yum luv. Outside of the'store itself, the best .and a1- t most the only way to attract a prospective cus- ton1er s attention to what you have to sell is through the newspaper that goes into the home. The store that advertises adequately and per- sistently in its local newspapers has no need to waste money on the other inferior medium; -11 -\o\`:/\I\A *` DIME DELIVERY 1-lb. Pkg. lm norinl , WICCHHXI 3819-` Small Size Dnrnnn `nu-and Thursday, August 16, 192! lfln 000000051 211., No. 2 Size Tin 22c Buy Advertised Things ULCULKLU Wd5Cl' Cl: C `' $125.00 t\' Uuusv ano- mentioned. ,1-lb. Tin 24 V EESS ,1-lb. Tin 21 D02. 99 Doz. 89c ....Pkg. 12 'fY_,Doz. 18 , 2 Tim 29 _Bot. 32:: A 8}. 33 EDITORIAL NOTES - Another paradox is that a legless Western man has been arrested for bootlegging. ~ @3112. -u--u---.:-_..-o A knocking` motor should lnive lmmecliatee attention, but a knocking` man should be left severely alone. Pugh Four .....__. Silk hats are not seen as often nowadays as formerly. Last Saturday's parade `of the Black Knights explained `where a lot of them have A fine spell of harvest weather has improved ` the outlook for farmers in this district. It is said that the extent of the damage from the heav and continuous rains was over estimated, whic is very good news to everyone. - Young` men and women who have in mind the teaching profession as acareer willponder over the news that the Gravenhurst. Board of Education received no fewer than 465 _applica- tions to fill one vacancy on its_ staff. This is by no means an isolated case, either. . Now that the Board_ of Works has decided? to repair_the sidewalk in front of the post of-' f , eliminating the fair-sized pond_ which el,fie5.t5 after eacir ram. -perhaps the Electric Light Commission will take the hint and `replace the CJUDLD cu wn - Boat: sidewalk fice, exis-ts T211115` ~ -~--=~~:m. mm mm WASTE {N _`Al_)VERTlSING ornament al standard b'ro_kenv and removed some years ago from its position `on the west side of the federal _building.- ` - A The-law abidingeitizens of Barrie and sur- rounding ciistrictsare making records these days. Three big days in Barrie-_Ontario Ama- teur Swimming Meet, Derry Day Celebration- and the Circus--an_d not a single arrest. What I town of B.arrie s size in Ontario can equal this? Quite a few of the Canadian weekly news- 1 opapersare getting up in years. One of these is the Perth Courier which has just opened `its ninety-fifth volume. Since 1923 ithas been under its present editor and -publisher, W. W. Walker, who is giving an excellent local news service to the county town ofeLanark. New _Lowell has demonstrated to the l s taste that not all the good softball players learned the sport on corner lots. New Lowell s 1 smart team of champions play their games on a cow pasture. It is a good thing for the game that the honors should go to the small villages occasionally. New Lowell has played.good ball all season and quite deserved the championship. 1;-x<>x<>xW<*>x:>x x<-x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>x .1: EDITORIAL COMMENT, THE NANCY` CELEBRATION The Recovery Celebration in connection with the ,Schooner Nancy, held at Wasaga Beach on Tuesday of this week, marks an im- portant event in Canadian history, :one which ` in the sequence of events should be written in 1 the school text books of every province of Can- t ada for, as has often been pointed out in the C columns of The Examiner, but for the Nancy there might not have been a Canada. The pub- T licity given the celebration will do much to bring about the desired end, but the event itself, standing on its own legs, is of sufficient merit to warrant official recognition which, all signs point, will doubtless be extended.` Cr. For Han nnn1mm1.`lahliI \vnl`L' nf fhvi-E I`ECOV- . In their efforts to find an explanation for the increasing prevalence of crime. many thought- ful persons have concluded that the tendency to burden thepublic with a growing multiplicity of ! laws may account for much of the lawlessness which now prevails. Speaking before an inter: national convention of police chiefs at Color- ; ado Springs, Dr. Carlton Simon said: We can limit and harass human freedom to such an extent that even `the normally balanced indiv- idual feels that he is op-pressed andwill seek unlawful means of expressing his personality. _ . Mr. James of the Bowmanville States- man_ has been receiving the felicitations of his` fellow-newspapermen and many other friends on completing fifty years as editor of his news-` paper. As a student attending high school in Bowmanville, the writer first knew Mr. James.- He was then recognized as one of the town s most forceful citizens,a1ways strongly on the ` `side of, right. Down through the years Mr. 1 James has published an excellent newspaper and given good leadership to the community. Though the active management of the" States- man is now in the very capable hands of his sons, George and Norman James, the veteran editor still contributes weekly under The Edi- tor Talks which has been an outstanding fea- ture of his paper for years. a Citizens who wonder at the installation of two more gasoline pumps on the north side of Elizabeth street, only a few yards removed from two others, a work which is now in pro: gress, and at a time when it was thought the last pump had long since been installed, must needs [dig up a little municipal history for a reason. It will be -remembered that after much discus- sion, extending over several council meeti gs, one Sam Giorgianni was granted the ` nse to install these pumps, but it would appear that he allowed the best part of the motoring season to` lapse before he acted on .council s favorable decision to him. Atthat the installation of two more contraptions on gasoline alley, might take some explaining. It will be interesting to knowwhether or not Mr.~Giorgianni intends to operate the `pumps, for it was for his personal benefit that the license was granted. A Job For Champion Osculator l Tinnn'ins Advance-News despatches tell of the ` new kissing record made by a bride in a little ham- }let in Poland. `This young lady is said to have `kissed no less than '700'persons in less than four hours. If this remarkable record is true, that bride should be induced to come to Canada to live. That is the sort of citizen necessary in this -country to deal with those placardly Confederation issue, of a monster postage stamps. . Fergus NewsRecord-~Most people know the old joke about the undertaker who said he followed ` the medical profession. Now, it seems. memlbers l of the undertakers association want to follow the medical profession in another way--b_v prohibiting advertising except up to a certain specied size. as unethical. The trouble appears to be that some of the more progressive undertakers in the `cities have lowered the price of funerals. which was bad enough. Then they advertised the fact, and drew a big business away from some of the others. That was the unethical part. If the advertising is stop- ped, perhaps the next step will `be to raise the price back to the old standards. The Holiday Question Orillia Packet and 'Times--0rillia needs a round table conference on the question of summer holi- days, to which all parties should come determined to try to reach a settlement which will end the fric- ` . tion that has disturbed the goodwill of the town for g the last two summers. The question is largely one of point of view. Some merchants are willing to forego business for the sake of a half day in the open for themselves and their clerks`; others feel they cannot afford to turn away trade in their har- vest time. Similarly the merchants do not like to close on Toronto's civic holiday, which marks the very peak of the tourist traffic. Those not in. busi- ness would prefer to have their civic holiday on the same day as their city friends. This is a new de- velopment. due to the automobile, the old idea be- ing that each town `should have its civic" holiday on a day to suit itself. But of late years the growing tendency throughout the Province has been to ob-. serve the civic holiday on the first Monday in Aug- ust. Where opinions and interests differ all cannot have their way. Either a compromise must be found, orthe. views of the majority must prevail. The thing to do is to come to a conclusion which will be generally accepted as nal. It is not in the interests of the town, and least of all of the merchants, that the_ contention should go on from year to year, causing ill feeling and creating a festering sore in < the body politic. If allf parties will meet, and con- sider the question in a spirit of goodwill and toler- , ation, it should not be impossible to find a solu- ` ti'on. What is needed is a little civic diplomacy and i statesmanship to._bringg the various interests . to- . gether and effect a reconciliation-. OPINIONS or omens I New Ethics Again PUIHL, \VlU LIUUUUCDD UU UAHvuH\uuc So far the commenclablework of the. recov- i cry of the famous brig has been confined to as- sistance rendered the committee by the Coun- ty of Simcoe and the Provincial Government; but steps have already been taken to interest Ottawa and a delegation will probably visit the capital in this connection. lt :3 .m+ ..nm-.=1u that Hm r.~nmn1iHen will an- II !-IE Mam: axmunan Aug. 13--Rev. H. E. VV intemute and Mrs. Wintemute, missionaries from Bolivia. South America, and former pastorin Belle Ewart, were calling on old friends here on Mon- day. They intend returning to the mission field this fall. `Ill... nun! R/fut: Tannin and 141911` arm Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis and their son Murray of Hamilton spent the} week-end with Mrs. Quantz .and Mrs. J . Whan. . 1|/flag Havana AP 'l"nrnn1"n ii Viit- ITPISSIOII U910 IRIS tau. ` menus nere. Mr. and Mrs.oSu11lvan..and son of Toronto visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trombley. on Sunday. on v-u_1__1_ -.n 1-\..na_I_ 1.... .'..\-_A Mrs. .1. wnan. Miss Carson of Toronto is visit- ing her sister, `Mrs. E. Ferrier. Mina (1iHAun'ln nf Minrmsnta is mg 118!` SISCBI`, iVJ.l'5. 1:4. .l`Ul.'l.`l.Ul. Miss _Gi11esp 1e of Minnesota is spending part of her holidays with friends here. M-.. um: um: -unmm:n nnrl smn nf cltpllitl lll HUD Luuucuuuu. It is not unlikely that the committee will en- deavor to supplement government and county grants by private subscription as suggested, by the Hon. W. H. Price and towards which a fine start has been made by Mr. Suider s gen- erous gift Of S500. . A6 '1`--nnln- r~ naln1n H15! cfnrv hf H15` ems. M1`. anu J.Vu`s. J. W nan. Mrs. Owens of Toronto visited her slster, Mrs. Jas. Whan. on Sunday. nnua main TKM-mn was nrnnn fn Rnf. ram 110!` 8. couple U1; wuussu. Mr. and Mrs. I-Iulflsh were week-. end guests or her parents. Mr: Rnwnn nf Nnnhvilln snnnt uuu AIL` Go -LI.U||5I.I|\.gg v-n -qua-um, . Mrs. F. -Ralph of Buffalo` is 'spend- I mg a. couple of weeks with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whan. ` Mina nun-nu nf Tnnnnfn viarifn HA?` Slstel`, MP8. dds. W nun. uu Duuuuy. Miss Erie Whan h`as gone to Buf- falo tor a. couple of weeks. `Mn and `MI :-Ia `I -`I'IIH'inh WRFA Wk-I enu guests 0'1. uer purcuua. Mrs. Bowen of Nashville spent the weekeend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reddick. `Inn 13 ID.n`nh ant` M T 117:-mn anu AVLPS. PIBUQXCK. Mrs, F. (Ralph and Mrs. J. Whan spent Tuesday with friends at Queensville. Xnnlr .n n1nrI\nvA visited his nar- Specials Are on Sale at These Prices From` zueensvuze. I Jack -Snelgrove visited hi_s par- 3321: : OLIVES Lunch Queen .`,`,`;`.,.,m. Bottle 10 Lunch Queen `&'.., m ,,,,,, "Jar 33 Jumbo 1`\"a`:.o` m ............... .. Jar 34 :`.?.'.o` ............ Pimento No. a m ......... .. Jar 22 Pimento `a`. .'...`.im .......... .. Jar 32 Cluuh gut U1 ,:L)uu. At 'l`uesday s celebration the story of the Nancy was well told. How, attacked by three United States ships, she was gallantly defended all day by Lieut. Miller Worsley, R.N., after whom a Barrie street is named, until she finally was set afire and went down. H-ow Lieut. Wor- 1 sley and his men escaped, later made their way to Mackinac, and with great resourcefulness and intrepid courage captured the American ships Tigress and Scorpion, that had participated in the destruction of the Nancy, thus playing a big`. part in saving` Canada for the British Crown. l`l1n l\lnnr~v c rmnninc \UPl`P nm`snv=-sri=_rl in ........ Combination No. a am an ....Jar 28 Queenland Pickles Sweet Mustard 'and Sweet Qlixicl Sweet Mustard and Sweet Mixed Quaenlund Br. 85-03. In ..;.... Jar 43 Sour Mixed and Sour Chow Queenland BI-.. 35-oz. In .... .. Jar 36 Gherleins . ,?_{..,'..f;'..`f'ff',`fff`,",, Jar 31 woo --- wuwuwv vac .................. ..2,,:.,,..2s... ;;,';,;;,;,;,;.,;;; sch-35-weer Black:Fias E`.'n: ..`mu ........... ..1b- 170 W" 9 W ---- ~ oooboooooooocoouooooooboooaooooooc` ` A III]?! P.......... ,"?_{.J_f`'...` AI Soap Powder Um-lvded for ul domestic purpose! ... Ivory Soap 133" ...... .. Shredded Krumbles Kollosrl .............. .. Delmoute Halves SPEC'I4IL--- " CALIFORNIA Lrtlll I DHVIUS \Jlll(l\l. IUI Lily LJIIVIOII \4|\JIvoo9 The Nancy s remains were uncovered in July, 1925, and in 1927 the vessel was raised and now rests on concrete piers, protected from the elements on Nancy Island. I A.-11 Hymn`; Iann `xnnn .`r\r\A `('\\l.I01`." +113 I'Pf`f\\I- Yellow Cling 4 SPECIAL---Fancy Qual. 14-16 DUNLOP STREE1 ('41:. sssnnzss STORE HOURS: 8 A.M. 6 P.M WED. 8 A.M.'--12.30 NOON SAT. 8 A.M.-11 P.M. Queenland at. 10-03. In . `510 yerlect CW l'0WuIl- ` Alioltcd mavo" cnoootooouo` LUC Clculuuta uu uau\.'y xauuuu Much work has been done toward the recov- ery of the Nancy since the committee was form-i ed on July 10, /1926, and Tuesday s celebration must have been a source of great satisfaction to the members of the committee. Much work remains yet to be done, but the foundation has been well laid towards the restoration of the schooner and the making of its surroundings one of the show places of our county. With this most citizens hereabouts will be satisfied. despite the fact that there is aneven more am- bitious scheme afoot, that of refloating the ves- sel, as has been done with the American flag- The perfect Jolly Powdolh Ann!-ted Flavor: ......... .. RAISINS Peaches " 2 cakes 9c SPECI4IIo--- Castii 9av 3 ~ ...... .. Jar 3-9c .3 P7288. 14.- .2 `H . Ship, .3 takes. 15.: ents in Toronto this week. Mr. Asling of Barrie called on old friends here, Monday. Narrowly Escaped Drowning Charlie Ruffett. 13 years, narrow- ly escaped drowning on Sunday. eWith a number of others he was diving off the wharf when he be- came tangled in the weeds. He had ,gone down the third time before the `others noticed the danger. He was rescued `by one of the men and was soon none the worse for the duck-. ing as he could swim. &l`?Zj Aug. 14,--Mrs. Smith and family, who have spent two weeks with Mrs. C. Baker, have returned to_ Toronto. 141.. ant` Mn: flan nP Tnrnnfn Mr, '.l`0l`0l'1tO. Mr. and Mrs. Kay of Toronto, Mr. Hall and Russell Kay of Southport, England, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. Baker. MN... I3.nonA (a11nnnn `n9 1'.nnnn_ rnenas at `Uunuu.-as. C. F. Pratt and family, who have been spending several days with the former s pr~.:e nts and friends, re- turned to Hamilton yesterday. `lnnnnnna awn vnobiho onn GA (1, me nome OI Luz`. .Dt1KI'.`l`. Miss Grace Ca1houn'ot London, 0nt., is vlsttingher aunt, Mrs. Cal- Ihoun. ` Xthnn l\ f`_YAnv-HA n_'I"nv-nnfn HAG -noun. - Miss 0. Glennie of-Toronto has been spending a few days with friends at Cundles. n In D.-a++ and fnm-nv nrhn hnva turned to namuton yesceruuy. Farmers are making good use of these fine days and are `very_ busy.` Hand size canes '7 " ` ICCQCCCCQCCCC CGCCCCCCCCCCCCCCQ FRENCH mnvommn s...,.. TALKING MOVIES SPREAD Atvthe present time the rapid spread of talk- ing motion pictures is almost sensational. Al- ready more than 400 theaters have been equip- ped with reproducing` apparatus and it is believ- ed that nearly 1,000 will be so equipped by the end of the year, as contracts for 400 addition- alinstallations have already been made. 4"`-$f\l<& -1: nu. ....1.1:n +n Hale nnumct

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