Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1928, p. 8

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""3 Barrie Radio Electric Co. Ltd. ELIZABETH ST. ' BARRIE - Phone 120 USED CAR SPECIALS HAROLD HILL . $165.00 " 1923. Overland Touring $110.00 1925 Star Touring $310.00 ? l925'Ford Sedan _ - `$335.00 1925 Essex Coach .4 A-| Ag 1922 Paige Touring ' $265.00 l_923 Chev} Touring $110.00 1922 Sfude. Touring nun A AA HAROLD HILL G7: I jwwvuu tvvvvwn . $570.00 ALL IN PERFECT RUNNING ORDER Limited ` V " Opp. Cgtol . Theatn_ VAUGHAN MOTORS FOIR RENT--4New1y nished` llving apartments, second oor. S. W. Moore._ 30tt b 1926E;s;;'CIoac}| 4-.` -1 Ag A:1 Q: :$__195.oo: Tl-IE sAi`aau-: axmmsa CALDVV"=E'LL--On Monday, "August 6. 1928. ,to `Mr. and `Mrs. Elmer Cald,-\ve`l1, con.V6, Vespra. a. daugh- for \r\~nUIv u.-, uy-~. v, v 5-1`-v-UV -- --..g-- ter. _. . ' DO'vWLING--`In R.V- Hospital, Bar- - rie. on Friday, August 3, 1928. to ' .\Ir. and Mrs. Matthew Dowling. j Stayner, .a daughter ~ (Mary `T_he1`esa). v EDGER"DON-0n August 2. 1928, at Shan_ty B1)`. to 111'. and Mrs. Vvzn} V Edgerton of Toron~to,. a son. PA'R`TtRI-DGiE)-On August 3. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Partridge, 3rd line. Oro, a son. SIMPSION--In the RV. Hospital, Barrie. on August 3, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simpsm of "shanty Bay. a. daughter, (Nellie Moss). HvOWLA'N'D-BUIRGESS - At St. Paul's United Qhupch, Hamilton. on Saturday, August 4, 1928, by the Rev. Fred M. Ellis, Frances Irene, second daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. A. C. Burgess (formers ly of Barrie) to James Milton ' Howland, second son of L. B. and the late `Mrs. Howland olf Vancou- ver, B.vC. Zljlt VER-.\*`0N-At the Royal View-ta _ Hospital. Barrie, on Tuesday, Aug. 7. 1927, `Ingram Vernon, aged 54 years. Funeral from the residence of John Barrand. 15`5 Cumberland St., onFr1day. August 10, at 2 p.m. Interment |St. IPau|l's |C'emete~ry, Innisfil. S'IMP|S'ON-;In the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Friday, Aug- ust 3, 19'28, Mrs. `Sarah Nellie Moss. beloved wife of Geo. Simp- son. Shanty Bay, in her 29th year. GRA1HAM-In loving memory of W_l11iam Graham who passed a.- way at Shanty Bay, August 9, 1926. L 9-1.1,` Yxtraan an.-1 `E`av-nnn 3233' FOWL WANTED. highest prices paid. Phone 384 or write Box 542. Rnrrin, H. Levit. 31-361) GRJA2I-I A*M-In loving memory of Rom. M. Graham who passed a- way at `Saskmtoon, Sask., August 11, 1919. _3`2b-1VIother. Brothers and Sisters. GOODVVTNV--In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Frank, who passed away suddenly Aug- ust 1. 1927. -The blow was grejtt. the shock anxrnv-A -.u. .... .. u...) 5...... ..... ...--...- SBVGFB, We llnttle thougtht his death so near, And only those who have lost can M311 ` I He bade no One a last farewell, He said good-bye to none. - His spirit fled before we knew Th-art he_had from us gone. .---Sadly missed by Father, Mother, 32p Brothers James and Harry. lillu. Ullly `DILUBU HLLU LL.uVU AUJI. BC/ill tell The sorrow of parting without fare.- we'I1. l JA~CIKIS~O'N-`In `loving [memory or our dear \boy, Hadley Gerard. who passed away August 10, 1927. From our happy home_ and circle, God has taken one we love, Borne away from sin and sorrow, To a better home albove. .. vhn c 1 L Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Tucker de- sire to express their sincere thanks and gratitude to all those `who, in any \VCl_\ , assisted their daughter, Jean. mt the time of the accident last Friday at noon, on Dunlop St. 32b ` Mr. John ~Barron and family wish to thank their many friends and nei5._*;hbo1`s Ifor kindness and sym- pathy in their sad Ibereavement. 321) \r__ (*1... c1:...-.-...-.- .....: `an...-ug aua u.... ........ ...-.......---.....--. ._..I -Mr. Geo. Simpson and relatives wish to express their grzuteful ap- preciation to the f_1;';_ei1ds and neigh- bors for kindness and sympathy shown them during: their great loss in the death of `Mrs. Sinupson. 321) The members of the family of the late Annie Hindle desire to ex- tevlld their thanks to (Bethesda church for the beautiful floral offering and to the many friends who contribut- ed in a similar way and for the deep expressions of sympathy in the loss of their beloved .mother. 32b SUI] 5. Mrs. Draper and children of Col- lingwood spent some time with her sister. Mrs. Coulter. ['1 -1.1 T\nFP 4111!` A Tfnnuvlna anon! paxu. tlluue oo~2 Barrie. H. Levin. Aug. 6,-.\Iiss Hazel Brown of Ho- bart is visiting Mrs. H. `Corbett. -min nu-`A KIT: D Dnnxr and Pvinnu DIZIFC IS Vlsltlllg .Vl.l'S. 1'1. 'bUl'U!:LL. Mr. and -Mrs. R. Bailey and friends of Toronto `have `returned home af- ter spending a. Week at F. Mummer- son's. `IUIKL- `lunn.-u. nu.-I A1-.11:1no.n AP If`.-\1_ DLBLCl'g V115. uuuucz. G. H. Duff and A. a day last week in and at points west. `.'\/Hen A (Em-nn auu til. puuus \\'!:aL. Miss A. Gordon, who has been 1'11 "Hamilton for the last month, returned home on Friday. . \1 u and \/Tn: Dn-Ix? TX71-\H'n nn I'U[Ul'!l.'(.l HUHIB U11 L`l'lutl,\. Mr. and .\It's. Robt. VVhite and Mrs. Geo. !C;11n spent the week-end with friends In town. \ll'h_-n 12` \.l'nn1nnv-n runs in T.Tnn\1'nv\i'h Wlllll Ll`16llLlS 11! EUWII. Miss E. .\Iacham was in Hepworth last week. 1! and \N'nn T`\ Q Tfnn urn-1 Farm- IESL \Vt't'K. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Kee and fam- ily and Mrs. S. Kee of Toronto were with friends here for the week-end. E.-.n-us AP 6111-. 1vl:!`r\nn nnfinn nxvav` \V1Lll Ll'l!`.`HLl:I ut`l.'!'.' LUl.' LIN: wccxx-v::uu. Some of the visitors noticed over _the week-end were `Frank Rowe, Geo. Lawrence. Mrs. Gertrude Orr and Bruce Knowles. ~ f\uvh-.n- on 6-Inn nnhn tkn Pinn1 a-an-an tlllu Dl'LlL` I\ull\Vl!'.'3. ` Owing` to the rain the fmal gam between Ailandale and New Low- I\ turns: nnntnixnn Pnnnq `lnlnvv l-H1 UULWCUH \Alttl}uu11U uuu \I'.'\V .I.AUVV' ell was postponed from Friday till Saturday. V August 11. j EXPlDPIIE.\'|CED .\I.NRR`IED COU-I PLE want Job on farm by month or by the year: have 1 child 5 years old. Apply Box F. Examiner. 321) n VVi1I1a-m Harrington .of Tlptree. Eng.. who died at 81. left 5 child- -ren. 72 grandchildren and 2 great- .great-grandchildren. ANNOUNCEMENT The Insurance Business until recently carried on by T MYFIELD s'r. . (successor to late Wm. Bell) has Inca purchued by Ina. IVPOLFCY-HOLDERS will kindly note the change of address to Ross Block, Barrie - Drawer 750 ; \Phones 1005 - 1010; Gordon Stevenson CARDS OFI- THANKS CARD or THANKS IN MEMoR1Ag'vg_ LOUIS 9-{ vein WAN'I`I'JD---A quantity of numbeu one railroad Ities, untreated; also cedar fence posts. Quote lowest price-sx delivered and F.O.B., to PO. Box 88, ~Ba1'1*ie. 32p NEW LOWELL -Sac{13' missed `by Mother, Daddy and Sister. MARRIED BORN DIED -\Vife and Family . Knowles spent Toronto, Dixie Iljiiliililiug` ll\lVAI IIIEIIIE ~ Barrie stoies will be closed next Monday. it being civic holiday. __A 0: ant` no as fth H19 non- LVLOIIUEY. It Demg CIVIC uuuua_y. --$4.95 and_`$9.95 are the pop- ular dress prices at Sarjeant & _King s great dress sale. 32b _--For plumbing and heating. ring 214. J. J. Neelands, 48 Blake Street. Prompt attention to re- pairs. 15tfb `-Another shipment of those novelty Buttery skirts just to hand at Sarjeant & King's 32b `xrvn Dc; is sung Dnfnrhnvn B "Qf.n RJOO.\IrS TO LET. furnished or un- furnished, centrally located. Apply to Examiner Office. 32p uuuu lib Duucutu. 01. A1115 a U6-V Wm. Pearce, Peterboro._arrest- ed `by Chief Stewart for_d1sorder- ly conduct on Friday mght, was ned0$5 and costs. kusuvunu tun`--V\`n+AaV I'YYI I180 $0 anu COSLS. V --2 burner hot-plates from $5.25 up to $7.50. Don't delay. get yours now. IBarrie Radio & `Electric '00., phone 120. . 32b In very heavy traic such as seen on Saturday and Monday an o"icer'at the Five Points to dir- ttgctlz motorists would be very help- u . V ~ LU1. -See the new `Canadian Beauty Rangette, `3 burners. 3 2-heat switches with self contained oven. Barrie Radio & Electric. Phone 120 32b The big Liberal-Conservative picnic planned for Wasaga Beach, Aug. 23, has been called off ow- ing to -Hon. R. B. Bennett be- ing unable to attend. TR`: I\11Y\"O:Y! 154- 4451; D n Qnnorn Ill ULIGUIU DU awnsuu. 5 The fountain at the P. 0. Square is well patronized "these days. By installing a new sanitary bubbler the !Parks Commission made a much-needed improvement. . . Donovan onnnnni-a urea 1-`Inn V-nu1n lHUUll'll.UUUUu llll'p1'UVCllle1lLo Passing accounts was the main business before the executive of the C. A. Shelter on Tuesday night. There are now 17 child- ren in the Shelter and 16 in board- ing?` homes. D1117 U A Dn~n1:a v\v-notdnnri I-run LII uuuxca. 5 Rev. H. A. Berlis preached two strong and eminently practical sermons in St. Andrew's Church last Sunday. His subjects were Genuine Christianity and Ben- evolent; Christianity. __!2`:v 1n-nun van? kn`-'rnu\ 4-inn Do" LLIC QGLJCCIIIID 'L.`Uu LJXIIIILUU 0-3U The County treasurer is send- ing to municipal clerks the list of properties on which taxes have not been paid for three years in order that they may be placed on the 19248 roll. These are mostly lakeshore property and other su'b- divisions. 'I'....._ ...!`I1 L- - _..--:_1 -____-_L CVULCHD uu1.'1auuuu.._y. -Fix your roof before the Fall rains. We have the best of cedar shingles. asphalt roofing and all lengths of corrugated` steel roof- ing in. stock. `The best roong materials are cheapest in the end. The Sarjeant 'Co. Limited 32b `Thu (`r\n1n#1r 4--nnnauunu 33 snarl 1.11 V l.|UllDo There will be a special concert at Minet s Point Pavilion. on Sun- day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Every- body invited. Also Monday being Barrie s `Civic Holiday a special dance commencing `Sunday at mid- night has been arranged for. 32p Cnnnnifw lnnneae avvanl-an-I H-m uA5uL uaa uccu urraugeu 1.01`. Op Capacity houses greeted the showing of Ramona at New Dreamland Theatre Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday. An added and pleasing feature each evening In: fhn eina-{nu n-P .pl31\`\l\V'|.(3,, Ru T RvOO.\'IS \\'A.\"TIED----'Two or three furnished roulns with kitchenette \vunted by September 1st. A'ppl,V Box "H" IEx:1mlnez' Office. T 32b auu. ptcamug Lcauult cucu eveuulg was the singing of Ramona by Master George King at the com- mencement of the picture and again during the Indian love scene. .__T+ nrnv\ 4- kn `ninth Innvvv `D..J-6... agcuu uuxulug Lue uiuiau IUVB SUEDE. --It won't be long now. Better have your bins lled with good * fuel before the` rush commences. We sell the highest grade of an- thracie coal. Solvay coke and Alberta coal, dry. hard and soft wood. cut and split to order. The Sarjeant Co. Limited. 32b --iRoaches live in colonies. If you see one you know there are many. Roaches are loathsome vermin. Prolic breeders. There are medical authorities who de- clare seventeen different diseases are transmitted by roaches. Roach- es must be killed. `Spray-. FLY- TOX into cracks, crevices. around water pipes. faucets and other plumbing. 'Simple instructions on each bottle (blue label) for kill- ing roaches and ALL household insects. I'N`SFS'T on [FLY-TOX. It is the scientific insecticide devel- oped at IMellon Institute of In- dustrial Research by Rex Fellow- ship. ELY-TOX is safe, stainless. fragrant, sure. Easy to use. 32b E i|I4_|Il|Il|IllllI0I||Il|II|lIIIl|!!|I||l DR. RUSSELL PARR Death came suddenly to Dr. Rus- sell L. Parr on Thursday, August 2. at his late residence, 646 Bathurst St.. Toronto. The deceased was in his 40th year an'd.~was well known at Edgar and Craig`hurst as he took Dr. Jamleson's practice during 1920. Dr. Parr served overseas with the medical corps. He was an Angli- can, a member of Tuscan Lddge AF. & A..\I.. L.O.L. No. 2214 and Joseph Oliver I.0.0F. The funeral took place on Saturday, with Ma- sonic honors. in Prospect Ceme- tery, and was largely attended. On""Friday, August at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie. Mrs. `Geo. `Simpson of Shanty Bay died from the re'1 -fects of a post natal `hemorrhage. Mrs. Isimpson was a particularly lovable character and it was with great grief that the community in which she lived heard of her death an hour after her en- trance to the hospital. `She came from `England in 1921 where she had served as a farmerette during the war and 'overtaxed her strength. She was married in 1924 and be- came a mother three time-s.~'One child died two years ago. Last year she Ihad the honor of {being presi- dent of the Women s Institute of Shan-ty Bay, a. position she fihed. great credit to `herself and community. she was a. member of the Parish Guild of (St. `Thomas Church, also a member of the W0- man's Auxiliary and-was for a time the treasurer of the"'A.Y.:P.A. and the clerk of the Vestry ofvst. Thomas Ichurch. `At..- niwnnunn 1:901: `kn:-n 436- 'Dnvt_ % Heintzman & co. and Gerhard? * Heintzman % Recommendations. ` Orders will receive prompt attention. IIUIHES '\.uu1`uu. Mrs. Simpson was born at Bur- MRS. GEORGE SIMPSON -. ........ PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED J: ~c."i o1>P.Pos'r omen was; light. OBITUARY |5Reuni on and Picnic s7REE1's DAMAGED BY THE HEAVY STORMS Much damage was done to the! streets by recent heavy rains. Fore- man `Shuter estimates that it would take at least $500 to put things in as good shape again. Hills were washed out and hundreds of loads of sand were washed into catch bas- ins, culverts and ditches. Main sew- ers in many parts of the town were blocked and not a few cellars flood-1 ed. ~' ` I Last Sunday night Daniel Keast} left his car standing on Bradford! St. withou a tail light. His vision` ascured Iy rain on the wind- shield, Mervin Lackie of Innlsfil, ran into the standing car and took off a wheel, .\Iora1:-don't neglect your tail light. STANDING CAR HAD NO TAIL LIGHT; LOST WHEEL Heaviest on record. is Chief: Stewart's estimate of the automo- bile traffic over the week-end. Ow- ton-on-Trent. `Staffordshire, 29 years ago} and at the age of three lost` her -mother. Last winter she and her daughter, `Rose Mary, made. a \tr_ip to her old home Ito see her father. 1 _`l .\... Mani. an. 1.13.! La Ant 8.. 54 RECORD MOTOR [TRAFFIC I oven LAST WEEK-END. ].tl.l.ll!'.'l'- Her body was laid to rest in St. Thomas Cemetery under a won- derful bed of flowers, on Isunday last. `Those left to mourn .her loss are a host of friends and many in- laws beside her two daughters and her husband. `The pallbearers were Hereward `Martin, Fred "Sanderson, Frank `Petersen, -Norman 'Wortley, John Noble and Vvilliam `Taylor. LO|S`T-~'V\'hlI .e English bulldog be- tween B-urrle and -Collingwood. Re- w:u`d. Notify R. E. Fail`, Coiling- Innn of Returned Men and Families or THE comm 01-`? 1McoIa from the Ci-tynHall to Park at -1.30 p.m. ORILLIA KILTIE BAND `IN ATTENDANCE TRAIN SERVICE 4 % vv}u. BE HELD AT COUCHICHING BEACH PARK, ORILLIA ON CIVIC HOLIDAY, MONDAY, AUG. 13 All returned men are urged to accept thisinvitation. Veterans of the vicinity of Barrie. are cordially in- vited to join with the Barrie Veterans. Leave Allandale . . . . ..'11.10 12.45 p.m. Leave Barrie . . . . . . .. 11.15 a.m. 12.48 p.m. Arrive Orillia . . . . . . .. 12.01 p.m. 1.25 p.m. Returning leave Orillia . . 8.35 p.m. F are-Single 75. Return $1.40 Children under 12 Half Fare Club rates, ten or more-Retum F are` $1.20 ----'---' BUS . SERVICE ' Leave Barrie 10.30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Returning leave Orillia 8.30 p.m. Fa\re%ingle 75c. Return $1.35 Accommodation for a limited number will be pro- vided if possible by car. Those who can provide transportation for others will notify the secretary. Cars to leave Market Square, Barrie, at 12 noon. WANTED-Veterans for ihe Softball and Tug-of- War Teams. Report at Armouries 6.30 p.m. Fri- day for practice. Further information may be had from the Secretary. Dr. W. C. Little, Pres. I to freshen up and renew a` garmet, lingerie, silk stockings ' that you've grown tired of. Just clip this advt. Take it tovyour dealer. Get a FREE pack- age of RAINBOW DYE, any colour you like, 18 Cold Water, 32 Hot Water Shack: to choou from. DIPPIING in `GOLD WATER dycs lingerie, silk stockings, silk, `or articial silk, and the colour will not wash out. For Wool or Cotton use Hot `Water Dye. Only ten minutes boiling 13- ` quired. Note:` To dlye goods is lighter. dude, at remove origingl colour with DYMOOVA. 31-:7I1-its: lga Eh. ..;....;..g to u;. Vito:-; Tu11_.:;1_p.-`a; for any package given for them. \\ Ll` Ll. wood. NAME . . . . . . ADDRESS SOFTBALL and T_UG-61;-_\VV_AR Tournaments AND OTI'l.`R SPOR_TS: under the Auspices of the Canadian Legion R5`Ni9Y`i : .(*!!Fi.5_**.') ;PY*.'-. EVERY VETERAN ON PARADE Manufactured` in Glasgow, cotlnnd Toronto Office, Room. 608, 64 Wellington St. W. FREE` to }fo_u _FREE! `Z Thjnw It: Acrossr-the-Bay, Open tc: _ti1-e_World. PARADE or varalmlgs IwNB.W . _ ms LO'ST-~Brown`vBoston bag contain- ing baby's clounhes, on "Wednesday evening `between Penetang ISL and 'I`01'nntn St. Return 34 'l`or0n'to ISL Phone ]12:3\\'. Reward. 32%) a package 5f the Famous - A Q - - LUNQI-1 ing to .\Ionday being civic holiday in Toronto and Hamilton, there was an almost dontinuous stream or cars up Yonge St. on Saturday af- ternoon, continuing through the night. On Monday the southbound traffic was just as heavy. The num- ber of autos coming down Bayfield St. far exceeded any previous day. l The attention of the business men is called to the clause in by- glaw 270 which prohibits sweeping `matter out of stores into the {street. Persons so doing are liable vto a ne. I A c !No More Piles Pile sufferers can only get quick. safe and lasting relief by remov- ing the cause-bad blood circula~ tion in the lower bowel. Cutting and salves can't do this--an in- 'ternal remedy must be used. Dr. ,Leonhardt s Hem-Roid, a harmless tablet, succeeds because it relieves this blood congestion and strength- ens the affected parts. Hem-Roid has a wonderful record for quick, safe and lasting relief to pile suf- ferers. It will do the same for you or money back. Douglas Drug Store and druggists anywhere sell Hem-Roid with this guarantee. 3 Gordon Longman, Sei.` Thu;-auay, August 9, 1928 NOTICE TO MERCHANTS S'1"RAYED from 101 40, Vespra. (C1`:|i;.},'lu1I'st). red heifer, 2 years old.` white tairl, star on forehead. 1'1n::;s in left ear. Reward. Phone or write Jas. Cast-on. 31-321`) A. STEWART, ~Chie'fc->`f_ i olice. S'I`I-IAYED from lot 28. con. 11, Csszx. red heifer, 2 years old. In- formation 1e'.1ding't0 recovery will be gvzutofully received. Geo. Hub- hurt, Allaxmlule, RAH. No. 2. Phone SMS. 821) F E ADLET COLUMN 5 - LLMST on the way from Toronto to \\'.~1s:1gv;1 Bencll. m'obab1_v between Barrie and the Beach, clu'b `bag con~ tnining ladies toilet articles, bath- in: suits, (.'i1111el";1 and diary with name An1.:'e1z1 Ga`11ng`her, 210 Bath- urst SI.. 'I`.wonto, Will `be at Ingle- wnml L0d_L."v next two weeks, or phone El;-;in 3622, Toronto, room 412. 21 King.-; St. East Toronto. Re- 5.. \\';u'd. 32-331)` gtuctioxleon FORD `TOURING CAR will be sold" by public nuotlbn at the Travellers Inn yards, lcookstown, on ?S&tUl`d`l},', Aug`, 1], at? 7 pm. L. M. Rutledge, '_ v 31~3Zb FURNISHIED COTTAGE for sale or to let at Minet =s Point. large ver- ,and-ah, water and sink in kitchen. ice supplied, E. B. Reynolds, 79 Mary St., `Barrie. Telephone 1072. A 27-32p HOUSE 'I)O RE.\".l`- No. 3 Dalton St. Phone 810. Sltb HOUSE TO RENT at 14 --Burton Ave. Phone 486. 35b HOUSE TO RE`1\'T---16 Clapperton St. Enquire of Mrs. P. `Kearns. telephone 1'2. 30tfb ::n \w&$www&&&w&wmE __- -1. -- -1. 1;--. TO LE'I.`-7-1`Dmned obvick house on Bradford ISI. All conveniences in- cluding` gas. Possession August 18. Phone '29. 32.tfb FOR RE1\'1`--Bm-ber shop or small} store, on mai11_street, next to Ford gm'ag`e. Apply to R. E. Tuck BOX $078. phone 650J. 31-82)) _ HOUSE TO -RENT at 189 Bradford St. all conveniences, small garden and g'a1.1'z1g`e. Possession August 19th. Apply Henry Desouvdle, S1mcoe:St.. Collingwood. Phone 658. 31-32:) To RE1\"'I`--B1'ick house, modern conveniences, garage, garden and lawn. Rent $25 permonth. PossHss- sion at once. Apply Philip Love. 1:93 Mulcastev St. Phone 446 27tfb - C0'I"I`A`GE TO `RENT, `by the week or ~bz\1zmce of season: beautiful sandy `beach and zplenty of shade trees. A quiet resovt, Apply to R, E, Tuck. Bz11'1'1e, Box -1078, `Telephone 650.1. 321) dmlnxroom. four `had room. I furnace and double nraga: la. bath. Henry 05 Cowan SIX-.~UU'.Vl4`U J5IVL'LJ-IX uuupm guy, sale or to rant-on Cumberland 'St.. all conveniences: rent per month. 312; or sale at $14300. J. '1`em1zn!. 1'29 Cumberland cstreetu Allandale. Ont. a1-sop fa- FIVE HOUSES FOR SALE. Apply 'I"L\.\a Inloin 10R `mliqnhnfh `Rf Raw. 1"1Vl!4 nuuaxua run anuw. npya; Thos. 'Bla1n, 196 Elizabeth ISL. Bar- Ne.A ` 28-33p - . ETG H'T - R00 IWED BRTCK HOUSE for sale at 46 Wovaley St.. with all conveniences, Wired for electric stove. Apply at 46 Worsley %t.. 'I21m~la 30-QED 'Q`'Q`'$"Q"Q"$ - - - - _ _ ._ _ ._ One cent a word, cash, each {user-- tlon. (minimum charge.` 25), I1: lnurtions tor the price 09' four. 10c extra when charged; also we extra when replies are directed to 'I"hn Examiner Office. BLLI VD. Bswrie. p COTTAGE -FOR :S.ALE--4-roamed frame cottage with `summer kitchen. centrally loowted and on lake above: could be made -into summer cot- bnan A'l'\I'\"\7 '99!` nllnlon St. COUIQ be mnue uuu sum: tage. A'pp'1y `22`9 Dunlap LS-t. SIX-ROOWIED Bfi HOUSE tor.| an1A AV` ff` Want-on `Stu FOR SALE OR TO LET Roo_Ms AND BOARD T=i{6PnTv son am LOST AND FOUND PROPERTY To LET` extra. W119!) rupuca an The Examiner ()ttice. "ii-:LP wmran AUTOMOBILESW WANTED U25 0'28, 31-36p DH; say 80-8`5p , so 321) Vt)`,- 329' xmw CLEVELAND BBCYCLE for nn`:\ I)noany\nh1n Dhnnn 439. MAID VVANTED for gengal house- work. Apply_ Mrs. ]\'. Little, 4? 7.\Tr1nh3 Ave. 32b NEVV UUISVISUANU Dlblbuu tut` sale. Reasonable. Phone 469. 32tfb ' TAME RASPBERRIES for sale: will deliver them. Telephone 602r3. - ` T30-35b . WOOD FOR SALE. also` cedar posts. Apply P. J. O'Hara, Cherry. Creek. - .. /' 25-3'5b _ PIANO FOR tSALE--Bell. upright. walnut case, goodcondltlon. App`._v PO. box 12, Ba.rzl'e. 31~-82b POTATO DIGGER FOR `SALE: also rubtberitlred `bug8Y- Apply 34 Baldwin ISt., Alland-a_1e. 31_-32p c w INTERNATIONAL 10-`20 TRAC- TOR. sultablevfor threshing, and Cockshutt 8-furrow plow for sale. Apply Examiner Office. 31-83p - FOR SA'LE--0ne 850 watt Deleo- ligh:' plan-t. Only use; short time. Installation of I-Iydr reason for sellln"g. Apply to E. H. Isloan. Churchill. P.O. _ 321) Qo FOR SADE-I-I-imdsome Canadian red fox scarf,'.best quality one-an1- mal choker_ style. `Never worn. Good. reason for selling. Price $45. Apply Examiifr Office. 81-36b DEIJOO PLANT FOR "SAL-E-16 new I-Iartt batteries. 850-watt ser- vice, engine good as new: also Thor washing machine, electric iron, new toaster. 'S-acrlflce for cash. E. W . Avery, `Churchill. 32-83p FRESH `COVV `FOIR ISAELE. Apply to H-.11`:-y Ontaway. phone 739J. 32b wurn. (1115:: Maple Ave. jnuuj j FNRM FUR SA`=IJE~--150 acres, 101: 13, con. 4, Innlisfl. clay loam. one of `best grain and stock farmsyln Innisfll. On this property is a 10- roomed roughcast -house. hard and soft water whth taps in house; up- to-date `barn. 40x90, on stone foun- dwtlon; cement floors equipped wwh steel smnchions, water bowls and linter carrier: hog pen and hen house 24x70 on cedar block: imple- ment house 201050; garage and work shop 1`5x~30. `This farm is well fenc- ed and in high state of cultivation and has never been tenanted. Nice lawn, orchard and creek on pasture lot. On fifth concession, close to paved highway, schools, churches, railway. market, eltc. Apply `to own- er, H. F. Graham, 'Churchil`l, 0nt.. or phone 19r4, Lefroy. 82t`b 60-A'C'R'E FAIRM for sale, 11/; miles from town, clay loam: ~6-roomcd house; barn with underground stab- llng. water piped into stable. For further particulars apply to Exam- iner Office. 31-33b MIISJS MA`RJ`OR=I'E 'CREYS*VVTC1KE'1s prepared to teach Junior pupils in music Sept. 1st. Phone 310. 31'tfb IR'W`IN S BLUE TAXI SERVICE. 1~oca.l and long distance. night and day. 25 cent service. Phone 198. 27tfb ANY PERSON or persons having claim against the estate of the late A.~C?. 2. A. W. Grimmer, of the Roy- al Canadian Air Force, should rend- er any such claim to the President. Committee of Adjustment. Royal Canadian Air Force, Camp Borden, by August 9th, 1928. 30-32b : W. A. Jenkins & Son have tak- en over the coal and wood business of Gracey & Son, Aliandale. and will `be pleased-ito supply you with all kinds of coal, coke and wood. Phone 764*J V 30tfb STEEL AND CSECRETE BRIDG- ES erected to Government standard. Plans prepared by competent en- gineers without extra. expene to you. Pile driving. sounding. etc. Vast experience; 114 bridges com- pleted in Simcoe. No job too large and none too small. Let me figure on your requirements in concrete or - structural steel for any purpose. J. J. Dumond, general contractor. Brentwood, Ont. 16-42p rIIvIVwrv- rIww----uu-uv - v The attention or lot owners is drawn to the annual assessment! for care of lots which are payable to J. W. Nee.'y.-Treat. Bee- crott's Bank. Dunlap St.. Barrie. nwnm-a M` `Mr: are rnmindnd that Cl'U!,L'B DHJUC. IJLUUULJ h. .Dl1l'l`lU. Owners of `lots are reminded that unpaid assessments from 1913 on- ward become a charge against the lot and should not be allowed to ac- oumulate as under the Act THEY MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE LOTS CANVBE USED. Y'Yn-salt` naunannnnfu fvvnnn 1Q`I in IJULD \.i$l.V'&DJ1l UDJ`4lJo, Unpaid assessments from 1918 to 1927 Inclusive are overdue and those for 1928 are payable on or before Ju y 1, 1928. - I Annmanmanf Rn1'An..-.S2 mar an- - GIRLS WANTED between 16 and 30 _vezu's of age to attend to rab- bits on our East Ora farm Perma- nen-t position it suitable. Salary. $25 a month and board. Amy-:' Bala Fur Farms `Dtd. 1946.3; Gerrard St. E. Vnuwnntn July 1, Luau. Assessment Rates--$2 per 9.1:- num for one lotand $1 tor each ad- ditional lot owned by the same per son; $1 for half lot. Lnffnwnmvn are alsm reminded that BUIIS QL LU!` 111151 IUD: Lot owners are also reminded that with the new Endowment System now avail'ab1e they may eliminate. it they wish. turther assessments by permanently endowing the lot to provide for perpetual care at a VERY REASONABLE PRICE. Barrio Union Cemetery Board. 16-82b Thoma Nash. Pres ` know a man who six years ago was _ a nervous wreck. For six ye rs- . he had, taken two ounces of `al- , lagher s` Blood -Purier per day. * and each year has steadily im- l To take or notto take. that is the question, Almost everyone ; has to take some kind of medicine in this age of high `pressure living and refined" foods and it is most _ important the kind of medicine we take. You believe with meythat Herb Medicine is the only safe kind for continual use. All our internal remedies are guaranteed to be purely vegetable in composi- tion. Gallagher s Blood Purier is a laxative thatdoes not lose its effectiveness `by continued use. I proved, is well and strong today.. works every day and has a com- plexion like a child. We have many customers taking it for their complexion alone as` it gives the skin a clear healthy color. Quit salts and pills. go to Harry A. Smith for a bottle of Gallagher's Blood Purier and see if it will not do that which I claim. Yours truly. ` 1'11!!!) .mI\vnrvb Still Taking Galligher s ENE STOCK FOR SALE Barrie Union Cemetery ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS _A -_.._ __._ '.iX:Ex`ri5'n.L. (Watch This Space Next Week) _A.``_`. "?EME"T a Z MISCELLANEOUS I` 111111.`) Toronto. I-`OR sAL: U`-`Butts: vv I nab I 5159:: vi $2350 s'l`L~.l\ 0 n I0 USED CARS on... the following: 1927 -sun COUPE, in splendid.-_` condition through- out and guaranteed. 1927 `STAR FOUR COACH. looks and runs`-li`ke new. 1927 sun FOUR coma, in good condition through-, out. - 1927 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN, has good appear- ance and runs splendidly. A 1924 STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX TOURING, in good con- dition throughout. I-VHO VI GZEQQ Qicwcu-o-,wwv en passenger sedan, a power- ful, roomy car at a right. price- _ 1922 FORD TOURING, good tires, runs good. 1920 G|RAY DORT, `Special 1 Touring. Terms. Runs good. 1920 FORD ROA:D STE~R, or delivery; snap for quick sale. 1920 CI'DEVRsO~LE`T `BABY GRJAND 'T'OU.RIN G. 2 McLAUGHLIN FOUR- CYLINDER TOURINGS. .FAIRaBA'N`KS MORISE Elec- tric Light Plant, almost new. Your present car as part payment. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. In each of 8he_w e Twelve Scheole followe the preeent Seeeion In regular order from Jul 3rd with x no forced veeetiene. nter any ` day. Booklet free. Write 1130 Bay ~ St.. Toronto. W. R. 8haw.'Seo y.J\ ;o__ PSUMMER TERMA 1923 WILLs KNIGHT, nov- a vu;|n4`.||I_ 43 Eliuboth St.-Phone an with self-contained oven. Will Bake, Roast, Fry, Boil justlike a big. , range. a Just the thing for light house-keeping and summer cottages.` This Rangette is design- ed for use on ordinary house wiring with NO special wiring required. : You CAN EARN $10 to $25 a week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or soi- lclting. We instruct you and supply you with work. VVrite today. The Menhenitt Co. L'.d., 45 Dominion Building. Toronto. 1Mtfb

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