Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1928, p. 2

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IIIIUIU Haunt)`- -uuuuuoo Dalton`: VCFOSSO & Blackwell ! oooooonoooouaooconoon 1:o_rz'1.-'.;1c;I3!Vz:'s Lu. .0 PM WED. 8 A.M.-12.30 NOON SATQ 8 A.M.---11 PIM0 *1``:$1;e'?.`.`.:.`.'h:. >.`.'.`!?.`f. 301- 38 V III?5 KI Bot: 25 Q O O O I O I I I I O O O I O O 0 I I I O It 10-oz. Box 20 nmi. "r'AsrY `B'at. 33 .$ n D]! EDITORIAL COMMENT mmwmmmmwxmwwwxmemw .4 '3 I! '1`! NEW BRITISH ZOO ` By a rather novel plan adopted by the Em- pire` Marketing Board, merchandise of British manufacture will be designated by a sort of trademark, whereby articles manufactured in various countries of the `Commonwealth will be designated by appropriate animal designs. . Annnr.-Hum +n Han cnlaarnn nrnnncnnl mnhrl nr_ BRYSON & MORLEY _ V J. F. PEDLAR, Cre Hudson and Essex Diotributord Phone 845 BRADFORD ST., NO MAJOR CHANGES IN HUDSON AND ESSEX V Hudson and Essex cars are being shown in new summer and autumn colors, but thelludson Motor "Car Company has announced to its dealers that otherwise the cars will continue unchanged. It is declared that the popularity of these models has given the company the greatest volume of business it has ever had. _ V Seueral two-tone color effects are announced, as well as Hudson fenders lacquered in colors. Optional wire wheel equipment in con. trasting colors is also offered. IRRESISTIBLE Alpine Club ""'.`:,`."" goaoooooooooooo V PURE CAKE 12-31. I 0 Buy It by Bottle the canon _2c Deposit on BotHu-Rdurnablc [MILK m. 17.,` SALVAGING OLD AUTOS . ln many communities the disposition of iunked automobiles is quite a problem. While an abandoned sautonmbile has some value as it has to be shipped any distance to be me down. Ft`! I 1 1 n 110 , scrap, it is difficult to utilize it economicallfr it te . : Imported Scotch Silver ; and Golden Shred Pale SPEC'IlIL--- BLACK and MIXED 1/; -lb. Pkg. 1-lb. Pkg. I V `? gr `f; I c. 10 IS. LOBLAW S NESTLE s CONDENSED '33- 11. mu Wliere a sufficient amount of this scrap is available, however, it is possible to turn it to account by the installation of a plant to handle it. Such a plant is being erected in Kansas City` to melt this material and manufacture it into other products at the rate of 10,000 tons a month. This salvage will tend to overcome the; lack of natural ore beds in that vicinity. Dan-nnv.4 lncfnv 311.-M104`:-:0` 9-nnvncnv-\+n'+3nn AF TEA THE BRITISH MILK 'GINGER ALE No. 2 menu C. & W. MOTORS, Barrie _A_UGUST mu. TO AUGUST mu. g s1=sc:.-12r.--- BED AND warn: PRESER VFNG Fruit Jan 53:33:" nsr a'a . Fruit Jars 3'3`:'3'}..s:`a'a Parowax `?n.;5.?" ". ..... Zinc Jar Rings 3`; .:,"?f,', _,. lG$\rl\ LII |l|v|-\v||I `J5? L'EfC>7 III ICWV VIBIIIUVJI Bernard Lester, industrial representative of the manufacturing company who will furnish the electric equipment for the plant, believes that ultimately every state and province will have an electrically operated steel mill to keep its local supply of steel in circulation. 'l`l1n nlrn nl-` n1n.{:n-n :I`Il"`IIC+I`lI :0 in can 4410* n Certo Limo Juice =~g::::.-.:,m. ,.,.... Bot. 39 Lemonade and Orangeade _ llkmnh n no Baking Powder (Quinn I`-II-nIuI.. Cocoa Crisco I Ejgg A 5 CO '1' tin F t Mal: I. lvye.:terr'r:s.t1ng`Pa:try 1'lb- T1" 249 Pure Orange Marmalade IhlnIl! n_. I an uv v-u `sou - c u u o Q I a o - n o u - u - u cu Wheatsworth Biscuit: 1|-4 II;-ILL Tomatoes Aylmer Brana-Ch. Qua], -Ind. Size Tin . . . . . . . . . . . .. ?t7cEsrtoNs non S 0 VEREIG-N SALMON 5.\.\.:nu pansy: utzvu thaw onvoclol-/yo Us Ultllowlihlo m"Fhat a farmer can not display a great var- iety of superior products should not prevent SPECIAL -an BABBl'l"l"S cumnsnn DIME DELIVERY If you wish to have your purchases delivered General Delivery calla here daily at 11 a.m, and 4 pm. Saturday, 10 a.'m., - 2 p.m. and 6. p.m. Ulfl Ul'I!lll' None Better BIOQUDIIVI [II IJOSB The Health Bucult QIIOUISI 8h1nl!l'l- An-nu jar The Pick of the Catch " rs a nu naaartlalinl BRYSON & MORLEY, Alliuton DENNIS NOLAN, Bradford LOUIS FAGAN, Hillulalo Croomon uuuuoucavu ul tuv LJUJI For the benefit of those who may not know, it may be said that the` kiwi is a flightless bird, about the size of a hen, having hair-like plum- age and a long, slender beak, and found only in New Zealand. The South Africanspringbok is a` kind of gazelle, or antelope, very graceful and swift in its movements. - . ASSOCIATE DEALERS: DQIQIQII A nnnnunu -n-- . Rowntreeh Blunt Halves , "W24 Thursday, August 9, 1928 ________ Bot. 29 ::a:n:::`::1ns:-`:23? D0Z- 99 I-lb. Tin 21c `/2-lb. Tin 24 _ Pkg. 21 _2 Tim 25 14 $5695 I555 \.J`5|IG55l U , `U `JUUSVWII it is believed that this innovation will have considerable advertising value and tend to stim- ulate a demand for products of the various conntries of ther_Commonwealth. ` i - p n,_- lL_ ,_,-_, ,__;1_..'__-- _ 2 Tins 9c . Doz. 89 ` Pkg- , Doz. Jar 36 12 18 LlUJl5||U$FU\| Ll] Ctr !- l\-I!- l.I|&IrU QNIIIIWI V9066! According to the scheme proposed, goods or- iginating-in the United Kingdom will be indi- cated by the picture of a lion, `Australia by a" kangaroo, New Zeaiand -by a kiwi, lndiaiby an elephant, South Africa by a springbok, West Africa by an "alligator, Southern Rhodesia bya rhinoceros, West Indies by a turtle, Malayas by a tiger and Canada- by `a beaver. V ' H> 3.0 `-\n"aua.4 hn 441:0 :nnnun+:nn urn` Moira NE " UTILITY ~1mg1( CH IEX/IRQLEI ianJ:i.e{iis'a:iona1 cnieslmnr Vanna 4Speeds Forward*4Wheel Brakes OW Chevrolet presents the New Utility Truck- a low-priced haulage unit embodying every feature of advanced engineering developed through years of experience in commercial car-building and proved by exhaustive testing on the General Motors proving ground! Typical of the progressive design embodied in thi sensational new truck are a four-speed forward transmission, powerful non- locking four-wheel brakes, full ball-bearing steering mechanism, front shock absorber springs, air-bound seat cushions and channel front bumper. In addition, it oers all those basic features which ' have been so largely instrumental in Chevrolet's tremendous suc- cess as the world's largest builder of trucks-rugged rear axle with one-piece banjo-type housing . . semi-elliptic springs set parallel to the load . . completely enclosed valve-in-head motor with air cleaner, oil lter and positive action vane type oil pump . . thermostatic control of water circulation . . low loading height . . generous road clearance and countless other features of comparable "importance. a Visit your Chevrolet dealer and get a trial-load` demonstration of this remarkable new truck! It has been developed to meet the modern conditions of business transportation and body types are available for every type of business. e.a.a.aeIe $553073 'fI2GsT'EuYLD`R B?`i:RUCKS T.R. C0ULTER32ZZi::'>'i5'1.':':*"l'IIIZZ?. I `Mm Two qnnouncing the DDCCTCHV- tn? AT w.u.m:xw1x.r.1:. o1~rr'Axuo Government Tam, Spam Tim. Bumper and Body Extra. Nu G.M.A.C. . . General Motors own `dc/errhd payment plan `oord: tho mu convemeru and economical way. oi buying your Chevrolet on um. or csanmuu. T Morons. or cmam. umran BARRIE and `ALLISTON cmvsxsv on}?! An: nvnv vnnuvvv I` II r\\Wl\AB EEGLS. Price only I--i toonomlnffvvnaponatnn IE him. from entering at lent a few; Even though a prize is not won, the effort to Win iS~.Stimu- lating and beneficial to every exhibitpr. 1.. +1.. Am : A? hnmn dpmnnstrahon agents SlnckinJPupila Woulcl Hear Aliout It. Farmer's Advocate--Education is an expensive necessity in `Cobalt. The rate struck by the Council is 79 mills for public school supporters and 118 mills for separate school.s One can imagine how a taxpayer would feel if his child did not pass. Toronto Globe---There are few weekly papers in Ontario which present a `slovenly appearance. `They are clean, keen and interesting. and their good qual- ities seem to increase with age. They have found that service to the community pays. The "Stop Habit A It isa good plan to get the stop habit; it wil standaone in good stead at the railroad crossing` and at all danger points, It will not consume much time even in a day's travel. Attany rate, it is better to be ten minutes late arriving at one s `destination than to arrive at the hospital instead. Canada : -Best Salesman? Owen Sound Sun-T`imes-Si r Henry Thornton. returning to Winnipeg after a_ tour of thewheat country, described a visit to Western Canada as a tonic at any time, But this time it islike taking a draught from the elixir of youth. Farmers and business men," he added are un-ited ina feeling of genuine optimism. TL- Dn\Ir|lar\`li(`:":l\li Q4-nu unounurla `LA \`\VIAu;I`nY|+ he svu uuxc uy uuumu. The Border-`Cities Star regards the president of the Canadian National as one of the best salesmen l. Canada ever had. Perhaps the chief reason for his ` success lies in the fact that he thoroughly believes in the product. Sir Henry knows, as all big busi- ness men know, that Canada is sound. that Can- ada's prospects were never brighter, that Canada is due for an expansion far in excess of our fond- est d1'amS- . - i8.IlIlg.aI1u Ucllcliuiui lU cvcng um_wuu.. _ In these days of home demonstration agents more attention is being `given to _exh-ibits by farm women and girls, and these should be en- couraged in every possible way. There are few farms which couldonot make a creditable ex- hibit of some kind and no farm should be un- represented in its local fair. VGoing over Niagara Falls has `the advantage of not keeping everybody in suspense a week or two wondering if the adventurer will make it. % Harry `Lauder has 400 canes. Fortunately _for the eminent Scotdhman s `peace of mind there is no expense for their upkeep. US3 IUGMIINIS Iltlv vvv-----J are said to be almost` as bad as `our_ow;1J. Many aA `back seat driver has been at least? partially cured by getting a turn behind the wheel. ' ` EDITORIAL` NOTE Eskimo sohgs reaching this country by rad) .- ....:.2 4.... kg nlmncf ac had 9% our OWI1. Clean, "Keen and Interesting ~ 3---- --.- .J.1. C:-. '1'nursday"afternoon, August `2. the Thornton and Churchill Jr. Institutes held adoint meeting in the basement ot'vSt. Jude's Church and entertained the mernibers or the Thornton Senior Institute. Miss Billie Toeuse sang a. pleasing solo and .Miss- Gene Arnold gave two readings in her usual good man- ner. Miss Iva. Langton or _Water- down gave an interesting and in- struetive talk on Junior Institute work throughout the `province and M1`. and Mrs. Lansdown of 00111, England. are visiting at 4 West's. T\nnInn~ kn min`: in 'l`Lnnr\6nn \V val. 5. During her stay in Thornton. Miss Lmugton was we guest of Miss An- nie Patton. `Tue 3 `T'Aai- nntnnnxszl kn.rnn loaf [ Ill $UL`UllLUo Mrs. '.1`e1`r,v was called to Vancou- ver last week owing to the `Illness of her daughter. \Yva Rnxrnnu nf \r`Hr11nru-1 and Illa: utuLuc'1'. J1l'l',\' .L`4U&ULh - Misses Bessie and Norma Hal- hert t\1`eAhoiida,ving at Orangevilie and Miss Clara. at Camilla. v..-. ...u.... nu ..y.........v. M1`. and Mrs. Chas. Kearns and Mr. and Mvs. McDonald spent the week-end at -the home of S. M1111- gran. pa ('1 D T. In-Minn` '\/Thu `L'ln.'\-|_ EH1 Rlav. G. R. Kltching. 'Mrs.. Kitch- ,1ng and Miss Ruth. of".l`hist1etown. renewed old acquaintance here this week, \`TH.a:: I/fnnuv `fauna nunnn In nal \V`t`Ul\u M`!-ss Mary Mason, nux'se-in-traIn- ing at Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, is spending holidays at her home here.. \I'n and \/fun YYVL-u-1.` vIl\`I\I\v\l\n: 9|`:-`Ina IIUIUU IIVIVL Mr. and Mrs. Wlgle returned from holidaying in Kingsvllle last week. They were accompanied by Mr. W1gle's mother, and Mrs. J. Wigle of Kingsvllle. new ET!` \/I'n`l.nurninl.- an}! Kin UL -l\lllS5Vl1Uu Rev. Mr. McLC-ormick and Mrs. .\IeCovm1ek are hoidaying in Mitch- ell. The service last Sundaywvas taken by Mr. Fspenoe and he will -supply the `pulpit again next nSun- day. ,~ `.\ T3`. {'1 v14"vnuI- uvlhn ha: 1-man tmf-rs. C. Frost, who has been visitinghev slstex`. Mrs. Jas. A. Jamles-on. was called to hexthome in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, last Friday. on account of the illness `of her daughter. Mrs. A.- R. Frilberg. \v)_____ A 111-..... NU.` rcuuuu. . Mrs. R. West returned home last week after spending several weeks in Toronto. - I \'nm 'I`A\u\1v Iivon nn1`n:-1 in `rnnnnn, UL HUI` uuusuwr. .\Irs. Bevens of Midland and Miss Elliott of Toronto are visiting their brother. Harry Elliott. Xfiaanu `Ranch: and T\Tnvrnn 'I'-`l'h:1- Quva uvvwausx-.; mg..." our on!` -. uqwvggu John Nixon and his son. -Chas" and dau,e:i1ter, Willa. and Thompson Nixon" of Cleveland returned home on Saturday after visiting their sis- ter`. Mrs. S. R. Brown. '1`hompson Nix-on hadn't visited the old home for thirty years. - i'm::lz..nnd \-isifnvuv hr (Y-hnn, O. Luz` uuuy yuara. Week-end visitors: DI`. C-has. O. Lennox and Mrs. Lennox of New Toronto, Frank Lennox of Weston. -at J. A. Lennox`s; Herbert and Celarice McKenzie of Toronto. at their home; `Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .\Ic.VIennemy of Hamilton, at H. M. Thompson's. - Arnnngr I-Annnf vialtnva nma `Dr An 1 llU~lll|)SUll in Among recent visitors are Dr. and Mrs. Sproule and sons of Thessalon with Mrs. Jas. Sproule; Miss Agnes .MacDougall and Ross Robertson of Meatord. at John Patton's: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I-I`al'bert and Russell of Granger. iVIr. and .VIrs. Ernest, Ar- thur and Marion of Camilla and E. J. Arthur and Mwbel of Orange- villenat Arthur I-I-albert's: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keith of Newmarket. at J. L. Marrow s: Miss Rachel Wood of Bradford, with Miss M`a?x'nle Hen-_ uo< P) . Illlllllllllllllllllillliillv {` ruoahrron I|FW*W`|K"F|i|["i|'W|!"'l"`!. J::3jr.2 '|nat_itut `Mutiny . .........In-. 'nlL-_--A_ Au ` VJ: URL -LUll\A" "asms;.mm Lin- John .'l'HI anal: axmmnn followed this with an excellent ad- dress on Hospitality in the Home. Miss Langton had given this ad- dress at tihe Girls" Conference in Guelph last May and repeated it at this meeting by request. Commun- ity singing from the Institute song sheets and God 'Save the King brought the meeting to a close. af- ter which lunch was served by the Thornton Juniors. WHEN: Miss Martin of Oriilia visited her- grandmother, Mrs. Shaw, last week. Campbell Beattyi of Cleveland called on old friends here last weak. Harold Shannon 0! Toronto is spending a few days at home. Mrs. Carver oi. Rochester, N.Y.. is visiting her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Roe spent Isaturdsr In lfnvnnr Mrs. Edward Carr will entertain the Painswick Branch of the W.I. on August -14. .VI1`. Hurst will ad- dress the meeting and it being flow- er day. prizes will be given for best table bouquets, sweet pea: and gladioli. A good attendance is- re- quested and visitors are cordially invited. Jlugl l'-4.Vl.l`8. 'VV- U`: `ELUFOJ uuu daughter. Marlon, are spending this we_ek with friends in Midland. u up _,,, ,A A- n vvcu u awn; an -vquuu can avg.----u-u Mr. and Mrs. G. Dunibar of 0:- tawa were recent visitors with R. Roe and Mr. and Mrs. L. Richardson and tanmilywere week-end vlsltoxs `there. Mr! fit` nu A n' A. l!.IIA1I\"I `mere. . Mr. -and Mrs. A. Gain 0! Guelph spent Monday at W. G. -Storey`; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonney of Orokvislted Mr. and Mrs. Shaw last wee . Ilium `Kamila A0 ulllio Owl-`OAK gs. Ia vxaxuus mu` 1 1 In lstayner. { Aug. 7-Mrs. `W. G. Storey and Inna-hvcuv Mnvlnn RFA ananlnn fhia PAINSWICK WOMEN'S INST. ,,,-,,n 1-4-, Specials Are on Sale at These Low Priees -u-2---~.._.v - ...-~ Inst '1 '{`,`3...', '""' 1-lb. Box 19 Jelly 3ean.""};':':,3:}5'f_ 1.15. Box 19.: Gum Drops 'X'.f,`,`.`.`.. 1-lb. Box 15 Butterscotc 3.'.`.`;,..,.l2-oz. Box 15 l!!_ilk `ho:-ggate Buds, 1`-lb. Box 33 Fruit Drops 'l`r-no I`:-nit I spgczgp... REAL TASTY vv 5 SFEC'!AL--- RED AND WHITE 3 % Kipper Snacks @351 E%`a*ui*JamE{a:atrers . . % A ' 2: re: " er-.v 3 rms `Eggs Euascf D-.-xx c ! ooooooooooocoooooo Pooo Limit 20 Bar: to a Cl-I-I-`E0117!!! CCCCCCCCCCCCCCD Macaroni 0 H11 Road cutI- 131: l':od to Grow on ".2 Pkg 23 Lem:f3___C.';1$' (Mange Cup Allsorta Elm And (In nII6u__ . I 008 Pickles 1``m`.`.?:'1u`a.3.`. Peanut Butter old Tyme & Muenster: -I.a1lktltQ Pall: .....n.anuuu reunus Uutucl M8058 `I 9 ` -L0lKyt!l`t`: P8118 . . o o nioluuuoou Lemon Cheese '33,"g... ;., Jar 24 J unhet Powder {'.,"f,",.`".-;.,.,. Pkg. 1 I c Healthv Salts ,, },, 2 Tina 29 K10 Qtvl Ill EICVWIWGIKIIIO J The aim of modern industry is to see that no material of value is wasted, and this plan for salvaging old automobiles is in keeping with that aim. ILQ llJV$5| I- LOt'r'l Grape Juice x.':'..L:}`[:I-:E;*."**:;'::..'."'::. 32c Raspberry Vinggar ' 13-1" on- - waxes of snezvi%r__ _, Q fiiz` st ___.-_. --n`:n-an ROBIN HOOD OAT 26 PAN DRIED S.PECIlIL--- SURPRISE EAUNPR1 6AP 19 49 rm: T~w.=:nr nissr CA NDIES ' 14-16 DUNLOP FARMERS AND FAIRS Fair time is approaching and prospective ex- hibitors should be planning to make the most of their opportunities to show their best products. The real success of a fair, whether it be one embracing` a state, a county or only a local community, depends more on the number of exhibitors than upon the number of exhibits. 'l`l1n6- n I-`nu-rnav nnn run} rvnonlnu n nvnn4- unu-

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