*xotox in an only nlmary napkin that oodoruen with uolontmo accuracy. rm: and: an Impor- tun: !our-tha.t of pftomo to others. More Comfortable I \ v, I - - _ The New Sanitary Napkin which deodorizgs ;gx<>nn>x<`-Ex?--{a<-ii-nnxsvnixcunvxavx->x<`nx<-x g % IN W-OMAN s`R.EALM $&&&&&$i&I&&&iii&%%&%i$ `l'HiEvL|'I"'l'L_E. BROWN WREN 1 Wings`. and petals '-,- petals and i .. w1n'gs- A Everywhere 9. wild bird sings. , Thrushes in bushes, sparrows in trees, . . Music's agloat on every breeze. Gray--4B1ue---JBlack--Red- -- I List to singers newly wed! . Each one pipes a_s uhe -builds his nest ; Till the sun is gone troxnthe glow- ing west, ` ' V ` And then to" sleep while the dew is born. , ` > To pipe anew atpeep of morn: T But the; -sweetest singer by. hill or 8 en . -V ` i Is that quaint. wee bird, the little brown Wx'en. _ Leaves and b1osson1s-4b1osoms and ; _1ea-ves-- - V On a. fragrant loom Dame Nature 7 weaves A welb-of song without 8. word- -For the shhxgtge she pl1esis the bill DUI.` Lilli` uuutuu auc puc La Luv uau . .-ota bird. Lave-possest. and tlpt with dew. Symphomv rarer `no world ever knew.` The brooklet gay,.wLth silver toes, Ripples in time as be dancing goes: But o`.a,l1 `aha lays from meadow or EDUI. UL -u,u Luz: Anya Lruus HLUGHAVVV w. bough ' ~_ . Is bhere ever one, pray. tell me now If one there be `tls beyond my ken- As sweet as the song ,of_ the little brown Vvren. ` --4Sam`ue1`M1nturn Peck. ' \ . BlGELOW-GHEESMAN . _ The home of Mrs. R. King, Owen St.. prettily` decorated with a. pro- fusion of summer iflowers, wasethe scene of `a, quiet wedding on'Tues- day. July` 31. when her daughter. Mabel Cheesman._* was united in marriage to Dr. Lewis" Herbert Bis- elow of Edgar. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev. J. J..B1ack in the presence`of a few intimate friends. . The.bride. in a bouffant frock of white georgette and lace, with`mo- hair hat and bouquet -of Butterfly roses -and lily-of-the-valley, entered on the arm `of her brother-in-lam. Mr. J. Bald. of Toronto. The wed- ding music was played '-by Miss Sadie Bremner. and during` the sign- ing of the register Miss Bessie De- Hart sang For You Alone." A`P+nn n r1L'|h`|f'V 1llY1(`.h6OI'l D1`. For you Alone." A`f_te1' a dainty luncheon Dr. and .\Ivs.'B1ge1ow left by motor, the__ bride travelling in a -beige ensemble. On their 'retu1In.they will reside in 'C`Rr1-an MIDLAND `LADY wms COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP 1 \J|| Edgar. The annual tournament of the "County of Simcoe Ladies Golf Association was held in Barrie on Aug. 1, 2 and 8,when there were ten layersfrom Orillia, four from Mid and, and eighteen local play- ers. . Miss Mary `Benson of Midland won the championship, receiving a -beautiful Sheffield -tray donated by the President, Miss Margery` Tudhope of Orillia. Miss Tanner. also of Midland, was runner up in a closely contested game. "FHA nlrknnv 1`\`1`7.A winners 01036137 Contescpu gcuuc. `The other prxze ,winners were as follows:- Championship consola- tion---Mrs. A. E. Patters6'n; run- ner-up, Miss 11. Laidlaw. both of Barrie. In the first ight, Mrs. `MADE IN CANADA. 4; --For ne job printing of all kinds call on The Examiner. 26t IMPROVED A KoTEx H. R. Tudhope of Orillia won the first prize, which was donated by W. A.` Boys and Mrs. Wainwright, also pf ' 0ril1ia,_ was runner-up. -Y.. LL- ..---`l---...... unuun.-I an KTU V` \I&lIlI,, V1 $051 Qvioloowo v-rs `In the qualifying. round? `on Wednesday ,Miss Margaret Ard- a h of Orillia with an 87 carried 0 -pmzes for both gross and net 3 01' . Y_fuLL.....l "n:v|ttv n-ova n scgsres. , - . D. Hubbard "kindly gave a prize for lowest score on two con- cealed holes _ on first round, for which Mrs. Tud-hope, Miss Laidlaw and Miss Margaret Stewart tied, -resulting in 9. lucky draw, for Miss |Laid1aw. T\l.~.n "`I1A`Anv\A Sn Lon nnn` UEIQIEW. b . , Miss Tudhope in her usual sontaneousl manner, presented t e prizes, and extended an in- vitat1on'to the Association tovhold the` tournament in Orillia next . Dar `Irene. IE saw this slender gown of tn!- quoise blue satin at a. dinner party the `other evening in Greenwich, an ` thought that it was so inexpressibly L lovely that I have sketched it for you. VA bnnin AC nnlu-an that if an lovely taut J. uuvu auuwucu u. Luz. gum You know, of course, that if an evening dress is not either bouffant o`r fluttery now-a.-days, it must be extremely svelte in line. And that is just what this frock is. The fact that it is `made in one piece, in the first instance. "makes it slender, and the. wide. snug girdle and large front how that falls below - the hemline add to this effect. ` The V-neckline -is also 8. becoming feature and the sash drapery from the shoulder at the back gives that lovely flouting tmov_emeut". Simple s1iv_\pe!'s of tur- quoise blue satin. ex:u~r1,v mntclxing the gown. are warm with it and cut C!',\'StItl je.wol~= Mn-r (-" ` (Copyright, 1-928, by 1J'uc'tuI`wl`) _ Ully IG\u\uuo-nwuu .u Buy the Improvd Kotex today .atoany drug, dry goods or depart-. 2 mental stone. Package of twelve-- 0 cents. -o 77:9 NEW HLLV WC SCI Uuc LU uupnvvs; Kotex we sought to achieve greater comfort, better t. And our laboratories spent years per- iecting these new features. Now, women everywhere ac- claim the' New and Improved- Kotex as the greatest advance in women's intimate hygiene since the invention of_ Kotex itself. Doctors and nurses enthusiasti- cally recommend it. . \ 1 1! .L___ `-1-.- V Thusdar, Augot 9, 128 1 HEN we set out to improve r- ~A-- --...-..L Lnttnn GO` And Q True grqtction by scz'ent:'c deodorizing >! marks the greatest step in intimate feminine hygiene Evening Type Jam! ALLANDALE BOY scours ` RETURN FROM CAMP ` There were six tents in .the shape of a horseshoe, and a kitchen. There wer_e sports for the sboys--swimming, football, `baseball _and boating. At night there was a`counci'l fire and sing-song. Due to the kindness on J. Little. two prizes were "offered'for com- petition: one for the neatest tent throughout the camp; the other for the best tboy. The latter prize was won by Billie Pratt. the form- er prize by No. 1 tent with W. Blogg, IS; Lawrence, E. Kettle and E. Legear. Th_e tents fought keen- ly for the prizes and there was lit- tle to choose between them at the end. . - Thursday night on the eve of break-ing up, the Girl Guides were invited down for a weiner roast. The weather was inclement but thanks to the kindness of a_neigh- boring cottager a barn was'p,laced. at the disposal of the Guides and Scouts and `everyone had a good home about 10 pm. .\Ir. Kendrick, Scoutmaster 0! the Troop. was in charge of the camp. Rev. A. R. Holden, Chaplain, spent most of the two weeks with the Troop and conducted an open air service on Sunday, July 22. Ross Thompson. local Cubmaster, was in damp and aubly looked after the cooking end of the program. The Troop was fortunate in gaining the services of IElliot Brebner, a first- class (Scout of the Toronto Com- missloner s Troop, who was in charge of the swimming classes. George \Yebb of Allandale also vis- ited the camp frequently and prov- ed himself a good sport. ~n.. A.mnr+ viaitn the aamn three ` On Friday, July 27, the 1st Al- th lan.da1e.'Troop of Boy 'Scouts 're- Tl turned after an enjoyable two pe weeks under canvas. Thi-s is the an first camp for the lately organized w troop and the scouts were fortun- w ate in gaining a fine campingsite 01 at Big `Bay Point due to the kind- -.- ness of Mrs. Icreswicke. $1 time. The Girl Guides. were driven ` himself good sport. Dr. Arnott visited the camp times and on one occasion gave a lecture and demonstration on First "`.1nn I1-uuvu uvnvn F>HQ`h1',9d and `no Aid. The Iboys were delighted and accidents marred the pleasure of the camp. All are looking forward to next year s_ outing with keen an- 1-h-dnofirn Wfit `(:0 Ta: Bonner: Co. i Lmmzn. Mouwnmn, for book- let with 85 tested reeipes. Non :--One tin of St. Charles Milk. diluted with equal irantity of water equals F0 R cups rich creamy milk. 0 ` I 698 ILCAL _y v.-n LU tlcipatlon. SCOUT COLUH5 unuuunuau On Sunlay, July 29, the ($01- ors 0`?! the 1st Allandale Troop of Boy Scouts were dedicated in St. George's Church. 1`.he Scouts and Cubs headed by the Allandale Band under Mr. Sylvester, marched a- round the gore to the church and formed a Guard of Honor for the Girl Guides and Brownies. Inrsnf-nnnafni` A F. `rue name EXAMINER` Girl Guides and .b1`0\\'1ue=. 'Scoutmaster A. C. Kendrick was in charge. The service was fully choral and conducted by the chap- lain, Rev, A. :R. Holden. In the ab- sence of Mrs. Hellmuth, the donor. Mrs. Holden presented the colors asking the rector to dedicate same. The sermon was based on the texts from Psalms 20 and 60. We will rejoice in thy salvation and in the name of our God we will set up banners. Thou hast given a banner to them that fear Thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." ""~-------. nu. AA`I\IVa have hnnn ild be dlSDla3'E`C1`DeL'uuse UL um u u.... Banners or colors have been used from time immemorial by armies. nations or societies. Colors mean anything raised or lifted up as an object of special regard or a. centre of attraction. They are used as sis`- nals of observation, raised as r_a.i1y- um. nnln-C: Fnv nwakenine` men's C021- nals of observation, rbuseu as l_a..,- ing points for awakening men's cern, for concentrating their ener- gles. strivings and hopes. They are symbiols of falthvfulnless and strength. They are emlblems of success, and have brought success. The one ded-" icated "today -is to make us pure in thought, word and deed. Dedi- _ cation means making sacred or holy. Each of our lives should be conse- crated to God. who has made all things and governs all things in heaven and earth. The en-sign or standard which now covers the altar should inspire us to be loyal to the Scout promise and the Scout law. The Fleur-de-iis" is symbolicai of the French T flower or llly . which means purity. The pure in heart shall see God. The preacher refer- . red to the symbol and dream of n~.....m.m. nnsfnntine in the year scou1' COLORS DEDICATEI5 n Qnrav Jlv 29_ the the symbol and uI.'cu.un u. Emperor Constantine 312 A.D.`and tlhe words.By this Conquer" which he had made into the standard or labarum. I-Io re- minded them of their patron Saint. St. George, who was dauntless' in courage and went forth conquering and to conquer.`He implored the members otilthe troop andGuides to think of this when tempted to break the -Scout or Guide law or promise and to remember the words on their colors Be Prepared". Mr.` Holden concluded with the following verse: Make some other life more happy By the life you live, Make some other heart more stead- ast Through the help you give, Strengtnhen other feet to travel Oh life's pilgrim way. Comfort other hearts in sorrow By the words you say, Through the gladness shed around Ivnn . YOU. Yours shall be the gain, . For the life for others given ' Is not lived in vain. e Tgk No Chanes With Camp Borden Payroll `Deodorizes . . . An armed guard of pretentious appearance has accompanied the payroll from the Bank of Com- merce, iBarrie. to Camp Borden, in recent weeks, presumably due to the unusual number of bold- ups which have recently been per- petrated. When the Camp `Borden pay of- gcers entered the bank two sol- .i _s with ries stood on either -si e of the entrance, ready for any emergency. A .Northwest M.-.....+.a policeman. with revolver any A 1VOl.`Lnwcau Mounted Policeman. in hand. escorted them in and re- turned to the door. He scrutiniz- ed everyone who entered, follow- " ing inside a few yards each time. Two autos were us,ed,'and two mqney bags, one no doubt with worthless contents. Everything was executed !by signals and at a sign the cars. with` their precious cargo, started away at a good clip. ' I ------ .. u:.:+nv- fvnm Nuw n-go, sjsarted away at a guuu cup. A -summer visitor from Islerwl _I_3E_--V vs.R1'c>m:-Lxpnass on NARROWS; BRIDGE DELAY jg-- ` Referring to the matter of `ay- ments held -up in connection with the new bridge at Atherley, the Beaverton Express. says:- _ ,_ A! -:.;..-....: ha :In1Aa'nfn'l1' .Be8.VB!'I;0u nzsptcau. .-:c.,... "As we anticipated the delegation of represen_tatives sent to -Ottawa last week ibythe counties of Ontario and `Simcoe to try and-clean-"up the Narrows bridge matter met with little or;no success. They found themselves `still up against the same departmental stubbornness and disinclination to `discuss a situa- tion. which has become disgrace-V ful, save from one angle and that the Departmental pointofw--view. Three times the counties at big ex- pense have endeavoured to bring about a settlement of thispaffair . which .any two business men would arrive at in a few minutes. r only to be met -by the same old -song. - -.-Our -Engineer's Report which ghe parties most largely interested eclare to be unfair and unreason- > azble. Forty thousand dollars of . money on which the co\.1nties of -On- t tario and lsimcoe arenpaying inter- l est is beingheld up by Department- al caprice and that apparently in- definitely. Either the contention of the counties is right or tvrong. The waving aside of the matter by Ot- tawa Departmental employees does not make their case the better.`Tvhe trouble a-ppears to be in the extra cost of the structure over the esti- mates caused.-by altering the origin- al plans to suit the Government which involved greatly increased expenditures. Another item is the pay of a special government en- gineer, doubtless a political attachee who had to have a job, which the counties maintain was absolutely uncalled for, the pay of whom the Department insists on charging to the counties with other featured differences equally as annoying. What the outcdme of the affair will be it is difficult to foresee, but it's a. fair example of `Departmental practices throughout `the country. The -picayunne methods of this case can be duplicated many times over and all through the fact that seldom do these matters come to the atten- ticm of the responsible `Minister but are handled by understrappers of the Department with the high he and supercilious ,contempt for he everything but their own import- RXICB. York, a lady, watched the proceed- ings, It was the first Mountie "she had ever seen. except in the movies. She said she was thrilled. ' .- The annual reunion p`icnic of the C-hurchil-1 Junior `Institute. -which was postponed, will -be held at K11- larney Beach, August 16, at.2 p.m. WITH Frigidaire automatic refriger- ation in your home, constant cold storage temperatures replace uctuating temperatures. Frigidaire keeps foods fresh and cold and freezes ice cubes quickly, at all times, and under all con- I ` - -- -__A.4Anngrla\lb luickly, at all times, and under all con- 'tions. This is indeed an outstanding _ ,advantage, especially when outsidetemp- eratur`es are excessively high and you need refrigeration most. Health -is -protected with Frigidaire ` .` ; . constantly . . . every day in the year. You are relieved of the care and .-responsibility of depending upon an in a wide range of household models and for Frigidaire is made Frigidaire users. Ask for a demonstratior play rooms today. The trem~ duction and the buying powe Motors have made Frigic surprisingly low. And a s1 puts any Frigidaire in your with easy terms of paymer every commercialuse. Com lete cabinet models at very low prices. - delivered in your home rea y to plug into any electric outlet. Buy Advertised Things Comes with 12/aeztse of FRIGIDAIRE " T. R.4COULTER our experts search through` thousands of tea samples to find just the right teas to go In SALADA blends. Ordinary teas will not do--- exceptlonally fine teas only, are used. In this way SALADA maintains its unrivalled position. - ,1-Softer gauze ends , chang; pliabie ller absorbs amazingly; 2- Corner: are rounded ' and tapered; no evi- dence of sanitary protection; -FRIGIDAIRE- The Choice of the Maiority BARRIE, ONT. C033; /2*`/2 to 5 minutes I56 KILLS FLIES ~.~:~`-:`-.1. MOSQUITOES ' BED BUGS ANTS ROACHES MOTHS ,... and}; other , Important features: outside ice supply. You have all the ad vantages of the refrigeration that has proved its dependability, efciency and economy in the homes and commercial ' " ` ~- 413 ---ua-A O`-nnalu inn establishments 0: SJ Ksk demonstration at our dis-` today. tremendous pro- duction power of General A-.j_:..A `:n4.n V Uubtluu uuu nu. ya] ...a 1.- .. -_ _ have Frigidaire prices small deposit any your Home .` 3 3 payment. `rakes less `time than Cofee \ Paco Elovoli T 5-Deodm'zes*-safely, '\ thoroughly, by 9. new patented process; 4-uddjust it to your mods; thinner, thick- er, narrower as re- \ quired; . - and 6-Easiiy disposed of} no unpleasant laundry.