Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1928, p. 9

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treat IO!` it V1511; DU nugnauu. Mrs. (-Dr.) `Rogers and `son Thomas. have returned after spending. two weeks with friends at their cottage _on Lake Huron. n .n._1.1.-...n ......I L-.. U`. `HRDDICK. Mrs. `H. Wallwin of Toronto spent the week-end in `Barrie on her way home fronx Timmins wherekshe had been holidaying for over a week. ' . RE..- K17 :Q T'|:m\-non-I O71!` "|\/I've U VIIVAL vv In \- Mrs. S.G? .:;;;1m}'1erl daughter, IMiss Margaret, of Ed- monton, A1ta., are guests of the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. 'Habbick. ` ` |\II'.... `TI `X7911 n A? 'l"n1vnn+n over a Ween.` ~ _ Mrs. `W. 6S. Dlgnam and Mrs. Randall Richardson were`in Tor- onto this week, the guests of Mrs. Dig'n`am and Lady van Hoogen- houck Pulleken. `l-.....`I- C`...}J.L nn1An \\'Il\VInl'I|n\\ `Pn1\ noucx ruuexen. Frank Smith. sales managey for the Willys-Overland Co., in Van- couver, left last week for the West after a visit to his family in Elizabeth `St. rm..- ur.'n:......1x7u1:n `km- Aanadn- In nuzaoem `at. , Mrs. William \Wy1ie, her daugh- ter. Miss Margaret and two sons, Herlbert and William, of Newmar- ket, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. `D. 'Milne. III -.- 1:1-.....1 1xr:1....... .....1 Mn: ('1!-ms lVI.I'So J. `U. `lV.lU.IlI`.'u4 Mrs. Fred Wilson and- Mrs. Chas. Lucas have returned to their homes in Cleveland" after a plea- sant holiday spent with `Mr. and Mrs. W. ~C.~'@T1rtis. ` `||,I'..... at ! NIT` Dn`rd`\:mn A9 n`n-uni-\_ lVl.1'S. VVa `U-`(`J.|H.'Ll$. ` Mr\s. |C. W. Robbins of Toron- to and Miss Edith Robbins of Woodstock have returned home after visiting :Miss Irene Dawson, Cosy Nook Farm. Min Ravi-kn nnhhnv nf Pnrt "'UOSy LVOUIC rurm. 5 Miss Bertha Cooper of Port .Hope. and Mrs. A. Adams of Le- froy are spending a few days with Mrs. H. L. Jones. `Barrie and Mrs. D._'W. .White, Allandale. .`l\/Hm fl R` 'Nl'nAvHnn- hag re. U._`VV . .VV lube, rLuuuua.u::. IMiss J. K. McArthur has re- turned to her duties as superin-. tendent of the Royal Victoria Hos- pital "after a month's-holiday at her home in Owen Sound. `ML. .....l `MI'um Ton (Ivan: ant` ION ner 1101118 In Uweu sauuuq. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Overs and daughter Kathleen and Mr. and Mrs; Mucak and daughter Florence have" returned to Buffalo after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. Overs. 'lM'.-.- `Edna TKTogI- in namnavneetna Vlslb wuu u.I.L`o auu u:.Lao \Jo wvctu Miss Edna West is progressing favourably after a ser1ouseopera- tion last Saturday in Toronto General `Hospital. Miss Anna West has returned to town after being in the city for a few days with her sister. T - - 1|! ..-...l Klan. T T 1\''Pn1M*\r witn ne_r Slsbel`. Mr. and Mrs; J. J, Mc-Clafferty and children of London have re- turned home after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gagnon at their summer cottage at Cawaja lB'each. _ -Miss Muriel `Brock, Dominion Vpresid-ent of the `Young Women s Christian `Association. is now at the family summerhome in Bar- rie after returning from Hungary where she attended the biennial wogldneongress of the Association. ..o1-hnnv nnnnnavnr nf-' Hun WOPIQ C0 grass UJ. UH`: nsauuxauuu. 'C.oR. -atimer, manager of the Bank of Toronto at London, for- merly of -Barrie. and Mrs. Latimer were in town on `Monday 'on their way_ to Camp Ahmek. Algonquin Park, where their son Kenneth has been for the last month. . ` `In. A... loan ' A1lLnu& '1-`:1 :-sun A`? D8811 101` But: lush luuuuu. Mr. and Mrs.`Albert Dixon of Edenvale, announce the engage- ment T of their eldest daughter, Mary, to Mr. J, `Clifford Ne , son of. `Mr. and Mrs. `William Net!` of Singhampton,- the wedding to ake place the latter part` of Aug- ua I puuuuzg HUI. uuuuuya ray IIUI uvsuc n Dunlo .St. V ` `Mr. an Mrs. `H. J. Heath and _...n-- _..- .........l:-... 51...}- ........4-:.\.. UUIIIC ust. `Ill . .5 and Mre. Geoge C. Elsom, of Midland, announce the engage- ment of theixxdaughter Grace E. .l.l'lUllU3 HI WWII: Mary` Payne is visiting `in Toronto for a `few 'rhin~8 to Mr. Wilfred ac. VRo'hinson',v of Toronto, youngest son- of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robinson, Barrie, the marriage to take place the middle of August. ' ' I The `Misses Laura Mulli -n and Muriel Howell who are he idaying in. Barrie `are the ests of the latter s_ sister, Mrs.` . W. McLeod. I-I. W; Howell, who has been the guest of `Mr. and Mrs. McLeod during the past week, has returned to his home in Ottawa. Yu.I.-A DA:-an nnnnnnn un;ul `.10 `:3 DU [115 IIUIIIU U1 `Ul4LlIWIn Judge Ross.. accom anied by his daughters, Misses iI-Ie en and Mar- ion, left last week on a motor trip to Boston, Miss Mar ret Ross, of the nursing sta o the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. went With them to the Quebec metropolis after holidaying at her home here. II... 13 :I1......2_ ...3..L..- L- um. IIUIIIC llCl.'Uo . Mrs. -H. 'Crispin wishes to an- nounce the engagement of her youngest daughter, Mrs. 'AF1ossie Loree to Mr. W. D. Morgan. The marriage is to take place. Aug. 22. After a honeymoon spent at Van- couver and Seattle,_ Mr. and` Mrs. Morgan will reside at 1230 Vic- toria Ave., Victoria, R0. was Alan-\A MAAAVI and was which . LUIIH `LVUc, VIUDUICIG, D-`U0 I Miss Anne Noden and_ Miss Elva- Davidson have returned from a pleasant trip to Western Canada, going as far as :Ban' and visiting nI- -Du-nunef lliaa 1KTAI'nv| a hnmn guulg HS 1&1` H3 IDMHII GHQ vasxuus at "Provost. Miss Noden's home, and other Boints. Thetrip going was made y Detroit and Chxcago and the return by C.P.R. to Fort William and boat to Port Mc- Nicoll. ' T .`Il'._ .... A `III ... `I A I'll - -1` Au-.. J.VlL'Ulh `Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mac`Laren and son` Maurice. have returned after a month's visit to the West. After attending the.convention of the `Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association in Edmonton, they visited Jasper Park and took a trip to `Alaska, returning by Van- couver. . The homeward journey was made by the C.lP.R. with a couple of days at Ban . Dr. Neelands. with one of his patients, Mr. Keist of Kirkland Lake, passed through Barrie the end of last` week for Toronto. where Mr. Keist has had a=success- ful operation performed `by Dr. Gallie. .Dr. Neelands motored to Forest to see his parents and on the-return trip were joined at Toronto by Mr. and Mrs. Keist. They called at the home of Rev. and 'Mrs. Campbell at 73 High St.. Barrie, on Wednesday morning`, when Miss Ruth lcampbell and Anne Neel-ands accompanied them to Kirkland Lake. vuw VI u`\rwwIu-Tr1uu--- The marriage took place on Wed-_ nesday. August 1, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'C. W. Ambler, 237 Elizabeth |St., of their only daugh- ter, Mary Elsie to R. Minto Browns- combe. Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Brownscombe, Peterboro. Rev. J. J. `Black conducted the cere- mony In the presence of a. few Im- mediate relatdves. "Dian Iknln u-kn urns nu-{swan nwvan lllt'URlLU l.'!'.`li;l|Il\ t:. The bride, who was given away in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white georgette with silk net veil and orange blossoms anfi carried a. bouquet of Sunset roses-. nay, 1 1,1.` ,1, 1-3; ___ _ __-_.L-_. \.......u \v -v...`-.`... V- -...-..~-.. --.....~. The -bridal couple left on a motor trip 'to Ottawa and `Quebec, `the brlde travelling in a beige ensemble of marocain crepe with hat and shoes to match. On their return they will reside at Balmy Beach, Toronto. [PS wvv-`-v--m --.. u - s A very lovely wedding took place at W ymilwood, 84 Queen's Park. Toronto; on S-.1'tur_day, July 28. at 7 o clock when Ed.ith Kathleen. -daughter of Mr.` and Mrs. S. W. Perry, was united in marriage to Mr. Alexander Beattie -Cockburn of Barrie. The music room, in which the wedding took place, was beau- tifully deconated with delphiniums and yellow ch-rysanthemums. Miss Jessie Perry played softly through- out the ce1`e'}nony. 'I`kn I-nwhio uvkn 1I'nm crhvcna nurnv UUL LIIU UCL \'.`lLlUll)- The bride, who was giyen away by her father, looked charming in a period dress of white taffeta and lace veil with 'bouquet of Ophelia roses and had as bridesmaid, her sister. Miss Enid Perry, who wore a period dress of yellow taffeta and carried a bouquet of yellow roses and mauve centaurea. Mr. Gordon VVl1ltesldes..B:S.A., acted as grooms- man and Dr. Carson and Mr. Jas. Ford of Barrie were ushers. Mr. A. Munro sang `during the signing of the register and also during the buffet luncheon. IE.` nu-HI IT.-cu f"nnb1~.u-nun n-unfnnn UULLCL Luucuc-uu. M1`. and Mrs. Cockburn motored away on a trip through the Adiron- dacks, the bride travelling in grey ensemble with blue hat. They will reside in Barrie. "nun-.. ad-.1.-.nAhs~ `v\l\ nu-\AiHv.m Punrn IEEHLIU Ill DtlLL'lt . `Those attending the wedding from Barrie were: `Misses Margaret and Esther Henry, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Me-Cuaig, Mn`. and Mrs. `Stewart Page, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Heath . Mrs. 'McFadgen. the Misses Mahel Cheesman, Edith Smith, Bessie De- Hart, Gwen. Hurlburt. Sadie Brem- ner, Mary Adams, Evelyn Burke. Z\Iert1srDonne11_v and others. The groom is a valued" member of B.C.I. 1s)taff and the bride, 23. former meme er. The results of the piano and theory examinations of the T01`- onto -Coniservatory of Music tried by pupils of Miss Bryson are as fol- lows: pupu: lows: '\/II" MISS .BRYSON S PUPILS I no WELL AT EXAMS.l IOVVSZ Miss Dorothy Scott has been suc- cessful in the A.T.'C.M. piano ex- amination (teachers course) and will be entitled to the degree after completing the theoretical require- ments. Miss Scott has received all her training from Miss Bryson. soc \t____, 1--1;-.__A..l'.. 1A ...A... AIR JICI. LLGAIIAAI5 LILIIAI u4uq .|.as"ruvAnu .\I1ss Mary Johnston, 14-year-old pupil of Miss Bryson, has obtained the Intermediate Piano examina- tion with honors. Miss Audrey Clif- ton has also been successful in In- termediate Plano. ltlag hnnnfkuv `Rvvunn ha: nlhi-nin- termeuxate r'1a.n0. Miss Dorothy Bryson has obtain- -ed "the Junior Piano examinatibn with honors. . nu... *.\n1.-Inna `I :-aahnma ha: nh- J_RE vvjltn nonors. Miss Mildred Kashner has ob- tained honors in Introductory Piano Miss May Davidson of New Lowell has passed with first-class honors the Junior Hammony ~exam1nation. --. _, ru1sA4.___ 1.-.. _I-- -1. Luv uuutus a..,u.. uuau, ..... ... ..... .. L M1sS`Audrey Clifton has alo ob- tained high standing` with` first-class honors in Elementary Theory. 1\flms-`I'\nv\nthv `Rrvann ha: hnnn nonors in m1erneuLa.ry 1.zu=ur,y. Miss-Dorothy Bryson has been successful in Elementary Theory. OIVIIIII Irnuuuuuu un- A very happy reunion of the Smith family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Smith. Con. 7. Collingwood township, on Saturday, July 28, when about sixty descend- ants of the late Thomas and Han- nah Smith,` lot 18, con. 11, Innis; BROWNSCOMBE-AMBLER SMI`TH FAMILY REUNION __ -13 L`..- cu__-: _TI-IE Anni: axamutn COCK_BURN-PERRY WEDDNGS CON- u.uuu;1.1. Icuunuuo , Although the weather in the morning was rainy, it did not seem to keep anyone away. Nearly every- one arrived quite early and enjoyed a bountiful hot dinner. `Members were present from Walkerville, Clarksburg, Thornlbury, Woodstock. Barrie. Thornton, Craigvale. Mark- dale, Kimberley, Anten Mills, De- troit and Toronto. Letters and tele- grams of regret were received from Killam, Alta... Port Arthur, New York and Kincardine. ~ I . _ _ ___L L]..._ on... no-An? 11, met and celebrated their secohd annual reunion. I.- _--..4.1.-.. I- I-Ian .l. Ul. A auu Lxauuus unnu- A vex-y.p1easant time was spent in ball playing, picture taking and social talk, after which a. bountiful tea.\vas served and one by one the motors started on their homeward journey. in _-__ .1-..a.:...a 4.- .-Q-ad-ham nnvf It was decided to gather next year the last `Saturday of July at St. Vincent's Park, Barrie. The of- ficers elected for 1929 are: Pres.. Geo. Munro; Vice-EPres., Fred E. `Smith; Sec y., Miss Fanny Smith; C'om., Miss Mabel Webb, George Smith and Mrs. Howard Priest. Monez-W-Savying Event Worth Your While `MOOREYS SHOE STORE ArriazingPrice` Reductions on all Lines of MEN'S, WOMEN'S, BOYS, anus AND ` %CHILDREN S. FOOTWEAR lVlOORE S SHOE STORE Pure Sill, extra quality, 21 best shades-"` . u AQCA nj CLEARANCE SALE 1 table of Printed Crepes and Rayons, real quality goods, dandy patterns, light and dark. Regular to` to $1.50 yd. Special 891: . rrllllcu \.pIl=|IV uu..uu.... 7-.-- Special g'roup'of printed Crepe Dresses, sizes 16 to 42, many styles, patterns and colors. |Reg. to $12.50 .. Special $5.98 fro :_s.oo Hat; $1.00 -5 1 _.:l:..-` III lyvlvv ----- Y ` Special group of Ladi:es` Hats, many good styles, best `shades. Reguiar to `--- -,| on an Cushio1_*{49c ea. Special Chintz Cov- ered Cushionsfgood golors and patterns, Just right for boat, camp, etc.;-- 5 , ,-_:-I An- ___|_ Ctjepes and Rayons I 89 yd. The season s popular styles shown in all leathers for every occasion-` dress, service, sport wear.--offer you unlimited variety to choose from. Only a visit to the store will `convince you this `sale offers you bargains ` r . unequaled in all your shoe buying. PARENTS :-You will do well to investigate the Special Bargains in Boys and Girls Tennis Shoes, Canvas T op,- Rubber Soles, Patent and ' Tan Leather Barefoot Sandals and Oxfords. That will save you Real Money on New, Seasonable Goods,` Get the Habit-Shop at MO_ORE S The store with the Guarantee YOUR FAILURE TO VISIT THIS SALE WILL BE YOUR LOSS-- Brown Grain Leather,-"bellows tongue, Panco `soles, sizes 6 to 11. ...................................... . . Pair $195 L ucau auuuwa . . . . . Special $2.19 yd. Illy. `a UV: Spe:ial.49c each . F lat Crepes $2.19 Yard COME AND BENEFIT BY THE BIG SAVINGS of Summer Shoes FRIDAY, AUGUST 3rd` LCD `nub '- . `Special :1 SPECIALS ge 25c Dress Goo`ds--Silk&--Ling'erie--Etc. j 'S. W. MOORE-BARRIE, ONT. S.W. Moore DRY GOODS BARRIE, ONT. MEN'S WORK BOOTS T-'~""J"` """1'*" . Printed Pure Silks, nest quality, many patterns and Co1orings- Regular to $2.50 yrd. . . . . . . . . u A1451: I 2 Tables of this 101: Printed Swiss Voiles, Printed and Plain Crepes, Printed and Plain Rayons, etc.- best colorings, light and dark, dandy patterns---Regular to $1.25 yd. . . . . . . . . . . . Specia} 69 yd. Pure Wool Blankets A SPECIAL DIS=PLAY KENWOOD A real showing of these wonderful Blankets in plain and plaids in -11 ..LnJn:< Dnuuu: L 1:4 all shades. grauu shades. ull DHGUUDa I-!UDSON'S BAY T A `special display of these high grade Pure Wool Blankets--all Exclusive Dress Lengths $1.49 yd. gnd $1.98 yd. 1__ .......L n.nn16-I NEW GARAGE IN BARRIE Voiles, Crepes, Rayon: Sale 69c yd. Clifford West, formerly head mechanic with C. & W. Mo- - tors, announces the opening of a New and Modern Equipped Garage ' IN THE REAR OF CLARKSON HOTEL, MULCASTER ST. We havejustminsta1led a brand new MYERS WASHER Cars washed more thoroughly than possible under ordin- .ary conditions and cleaned in half the usual time for $1.50 STARTS _Special $1.49 and $1.98 yd. - Your car will receive our personal attention. Specializing in Ford Repairs on of the II, IPUOIJU L-lI l$I\v0 ulllv--v-v uy--vv A real quality guaranteed Slicker that is waterproof--in `best colors, sizes 16 to 40. Regular $7.50 . . . . . . . . . .. Special $5.00 7.50 Ladies Slickers $5.00 - ...._136-o- :uu Qnlrnr `C Kl T73 J it About 375 yards ne Printed Voiles. light and dark, best patterns and co1ors-Regu1ar to 75c Yd. . . . . Special 49 yd. You know our special quality--white and colors. _ _2_I an. _._I Child's `Sax 25 pair `Special group of Child- ren's Socks, with fancy `cuffs, all wanted shades, sizes to 7%----Regular to Fugi Silk 59 yd. To 75c Voile: aLg9c yd. ` Speci::l-;1`i's.;.)Yay of Table Linens. Lun- 'cheon Sets. Towels, etc. See the Hand Painted Linens. o1_a_ Bleach uuus nun Sunday, August 5, 1928 10 a.m.:-Sabbath School. 11 a.m.--Dorry Day Service. Sub- ject `V"1`he icihalienge of the zoth Century to -Knlghthood." The Sir Knights of Royal Black Preceptory No. `G01, Allandale, will parade to this service also ,.-members of the Lady Orange Benevolent Association and the '_ Loyal True Blues. \ - ~ H ~ A m an arm! fholn Fnion spea1"%"&L Special 25 pair --- -y-wv.` Linens Page Nlni I\V.--u- --..._._ V-.. _, ~ (FUNDAM.ENTNLI8'I'). PASTOR: A C. WHITCOMBE `Sunday, August 5, 1928 ' Regular Iservlces at 11 o..m. and 7 pm. MR. WHITOOMBE '11.. Rezular Baptist Church% any A-nnnnvsnIn\V ll! unday, Auquut 5. 1928 ` 10.15 A.M.-IB1b1e School. -\ 11 a.m.--A Delightful `Service? i l - _...- HA thmno Y\nHUAIVnn(\A_"` \ v -~.---. 7 p.111.--I Greaz De11ve_rance.", Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 M1ssA Jessie Bryson, Choirleade`: ` Mrs. E. Richardson, Organist. Vhumfay. August! 2. `I9 . During the monthvof August the congregations of Collier St. and Central churches will unite for worship. Services each Sun- day at 1'1 am. in Central church and at 7 p.-m. in Collier St. church. The Refreshment of Worship This church has planned to satisfy soul-thirst. Use the hours` i of worship. If you have guests Jbrlng them with you. Come to I nhnroh. `Duns L. church. U,V Hr} -1.5549 tannin:-4: Orangemen and their friends are cozjdially invited. ' 7 P.M.---Jsubject. Life's Greatest Quests! THE M'I'N IS TRY_OF PRAISE will be lead by 'ClEN 1"RAL l`1lT..'!.f\!T'!3 ng for our tor trucks. Every Wednesda5:'z;.t;8"'p.x1'1. in the` `Central Church Hall. C`HILDR'EN'S ATTENDANCE ' will be recorded each Sunday morning. T ,,_L..._` :_-._l;..._ --A.. :C1&...-up..nnc Luv O;Aua Central invites you. sstrangers, Visitors, tourists. specially `wel- comed, J Wlu Ln: OI-I'O IR. cLAPPm1;'173N sf.//. Rev. E. J. Whan. Putor. Mu. Edith Rowe. Organist. mu 3!. Sinclair. Chou-lo9.dor.; United Church of Canada CENIRALF CHURCH __._____,,, --For fine job printing of all kinds call on The Examiner. 26t (Elizabeth Street) Rev. A. E. Baker, Minister Collier sum: { Rggulll` Bllllt 1-: uuI\A|lEMTAaI IT\ UKANULAIEU DUUAK, 14511 'auu'uau_y u. c........... with an order . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . 10'lbs. for__ 61 STRAWBERRY AND APPLE JAM . . . . . . 4-lb. tin 39- TOY PAILS PEANUT BUTTER, per pail . . . . .. 21 GRIMSBY PICKLES, 8-oz. sweet mixed,`per bottle 15 Libby s medium PORK & BEANS . . . . 2 tins for 21 GOLD METAL COFFEE, per lb. . . . . . . . . . 61 VAN HOUGHTON DUTCHACOCOA, V.-lb. tin 3'. 23 HARVEST.CORN or TOMATOES, reg. size 2 tin} 25 PINETREE MATCHES (large package, 3 boxes) for 23 PURE LARD. 3-lb. pail for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 CORN FLAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 pkgs; for 27 CLUB-HOUSE OLIVES, 4% oz. for . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 HEINTZ SPAGHETTI, 17-oz. tins . . . . . . 2 tin: for 31 . FARMERS! Attention! Twine in stock,. . . . 600 ft. 13 ARSENATE OF LIME--Best Grade at Reduced Prices. ONTARIO FE-RTlLIZER-'I`11e Best, attractiveprice F.O.B._Leave your order.- Car` `to arrive Aug. 20th. -___-- aau 3 I__A Q; hQN --`QUALITY -'-- SERVICE WE-_"?'$'END ,SPECw*5. .9.:,e Arv\r 'IIf`AY\ 1"`.-I " I.'lI'JI\'IJl`Il DI IJ\Il'lIJLI FIIIVIO U A -- GRANQEATED SUGAR, Cash Ialld-Car1;ynl>l1'|.`d:l.i;/e`;<:Cg _._ -_..1-_. A wuaycowgro ALL A. fI."MALcoMsoN Wdiubn sl-:1w'1cAEIs ll."'- 41. Jawuguyuuy -4. Vivi: :.-A Great De11verance."' Mid-Week Service -Barrie Barrie -' !_JGIIl0l!'l.;uu -- .; .. THE MID LAND-B1{iziii'6UND TRIP Streef E71?n'<;-z:tSg{ 3-! "l`\ll_&l I \l 9.` V - Prince Rupert - Vancouver 301. If; E. ?ssi{o}I:,zu' .I.'uTmm sunday; Auduut.5. 1928 HI AI ` North Tonawanda, N.Y. will have charge. 0! the services at 1-1 am. and 7 mm. (10 A.y.-4sUNmur scnoor. _ V cosn-:,L1-IALLT V 87 MARY STREET. IARRII ORDER OF M-EEPING8: Jl.ord'o Day . Breaking or Bread 11 us. Acts -8067 ' Sunday School and 31510 lind- Inc 8 p.m. I Tim. 8-1=5. Act: 17'-11 Gospel Meeting 7 9.2:. Romans 1-16. - .un ` go- _-1u_-A.l-__ P1-aye: Meat1ng"V:V7:;n`;v-1:: I pan. Acts 18-18. nov. .1. 3." Thom7|ox;;7ilnhta. ` Illu Ellen Dobaou, Cholrludu \ Inn Anah Bailey. Oz-n.nbt._ 4 !!.ov..T.Johnstone Black. B.A.. 3.2 Minister Horace Wilson; LA.JR.C.0. Organist A-and Cholrludor. 41.1. I -lpncve V Preacher: Rev. A.`E. Baker 4 or Central United Church. Barrie \ Auauot 10!! ~ I ---------_-.-----~------- r Burton` Ave. United Church ` ALLANDALE I Pastor: Rev. Geo. Efcoultor J Oholrmaster: F. J. D. Norman 1` Sunday} August 5. 1928 11 a.m. and _"l p.m. REV. R.~ B. BEYNON. of Thornton 8.15 p.m.--Icornmuulty Open Air `Service. Band irrattendance. lsllver collection to defray ex- penses. ` \ A`I',`l' Arum 'W"1'`.TJCO1\IE auvonnuu Q '- vv All Heats tree. No collootloul Service Each Sunday Evening during the month of August `murmur . COLLIER STREET United Church of Cunh -'l:31 I;1I-1'1;d--I-!'a;.2:('lr:-l'E1"I.-Il-"T" r.' 1 _ _ ,,A__ Ornnlat am; Chou-tnutor ' ALl..ANDAl..E rceubym-a.n chuca - -u ' -nI.-___..__ -`ll_l_L Sunday, August 5, 1928 REV. N. CAMPBELL uN19N_ ERVlCES $2.10 will preaEn morning and evening 0|-v-I _s1_`. AN_nnys _ 41 Dlinlop Sh, Bprrio. . Phone 447W`. ` A!R E VVEIJCOME . BSD. Miss Isabel but be Detrdit is visiting friends in town. -M'3uu Mnvxrv Dznrnn 1': via-inc vuxuug A Miss friends ' weeks. . ll}..- . 7.95 8.75% 9.95 W88K.. . y . Miss: Gwendolyn Jackson is visiting in Toronto and `Brampton this week. M..- nsm..':n -1. 'a....1.. 1\YV' U113 ween. . Mrs. sO"Neill =Bu&a1o. N.Y., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J.` J. Coadgg . . Miss I ta McVeigh `is spending `gee:-__`_'g;\__c_a._1:ior1 with Mrs. Withers {V1133 IIVBBH nxcvulgu 13 3 cuuuxg her vacation $5! in `Beaten. . V i `Rev. J. J. `Black and family left . this week -to spend their holidays in Nap'anee.- . MiaaF1nna:in Wnntt nf Lnndnn is ithers In LVapanee.- Miss Freeda West of London is spending her holidays {at her home an'Dunlo ' `In an. Rfun `I Y `Ina!-K on!` at `uawaua Deuuu. rs. L. Allemsreturned home last week from visiting relatives in St. Catharines. . II. as.) I'll ...-n `W `A-`V1: T Amman {V113 auu &VI.U5a 11: do I-IUGDH GIIILI family are _s ending their vacation `at `Cawaja each. `Inn 1' A n\a- uni-nmv-ant` `I-unw-In MG} All 4Ua|&|va.vvd\ tutu vvvvvvvv Irvin: Miss M. E. Morrison of Maple has returned after a week with Mrs. F. C. `Coleman. 82 Mary St. _ ll`--- 1' --_-...-.. -...l umemau 3, 'J.Vl.ll`y Db- Mg. and 'Mrs.'H. A. Sims and two sons left yesterday for a holi- day in Millbrook and Montreal. ml-:__ ml 1: 1m.....:...... -1 nur.....1.. In DC. 'UUD&l.'Hln ` . '-Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lennon of Toronto pent Sunday at F. C, Coleman`s,* ary St; Mn as-ul I'|\II'ua T-T A Qima nn Vluln In : `Us wvawolluna. uu antenna `nu ' Major Lawson, Mrs. Lawson and daug'h`te,r Audrey of Kingston are guests of Judge and Mrs. Wismer. ` ill` .... ..- 1u':..__.. L ur!-...l.. ..uA EUIUSUB Vch Uuugw uanu menu: I vv gun"...- Misses T#Mar aret 'Coady and Agnes ~McVeig were the guests of Mrs. W. Marshall in Orillia for A a week. .'IK...- u`nnIn1l`:U| Tannin Bill` Rah are Vlslulg LVu.'=b. W. U. ul.u..| Harry -Carson of Toronto is spending his_vacation with his parents, `Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Car- son, Small `St. .1\/l'.a Vat-n (".nn1zhnv-n and "|\./I'w:_ 'v1; 4e1`e:.`. Franklin Legge and baby daughter Anna Marie of Toronto are [visiting Mrs. W. D. Griffiths. I'J......... .n.mnn n "l`nvi\-uni-n `Ia S011, Dlall. `DU. -Miss Kate Cockburn and Mrs. T. Partridge of `Edgar were guests ,of`Mrs. J. `T. Cavanagh, 40 Louisa Stl. T last week. Mun T niusnn '|\II'-Ian TJIIIYGAYI .Lvu's. a. 1. 'lJuVauugu. Harold `Smith, Secy. of West End Y."M.'C.A., Toronto, and Mrs`. Smith were week-end guests at the Baptist parsonage. Mao: 'l` II -T `Rnrirh'H- In!-'1-. vnr:f'm~. an Iananuy `Day. Mrs. A. T. `Mable and daughter Shirley of St, Catharines returned ` home accompanied byeher mother, Mrs. J. `T. Cavanagh. ununid 'Q|1nH-H Qnnv hf Wf. $503,153` Wego - Mrs. Lawson, MISS Lawson, Mrs. A Chisholm and children of Oakville are spending the summer `at Ishantiy `Bay. "I" M/[akin and rln11a'hI'.nr one Dupusu purauuug . Mrs. T. IH. Reddit: left yester- day for Cherbourg, `France, where she will spend some time. Later she will proceed .to Spain. Mn and MFR C. N 1'-Tnlmr Qd sne W111 pruceeu .50 iapauu. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hadly and son of `Toronto and `Mr. and Mrs. A. C. 'Horn'by of Brampton'spent Sunday at G. W. Jackson s. In}-an Avma{*,1~nnra' n1 nnnlnh and bunuay at U. W. uaunauu 3. John Armstrong` of Guelph and his sister, Miss- Florence Arm- strong`. sail on .-Friday from Mon- treal for a visit to England. Tlfun I1'\u \ ID.nmnn uni` ' unn IEID AGE

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