UUII V C11 UIUIII .:Miss Jean Napier of Tottenldam is spending` a couple of weeks at A. C. Bishop's. M4 `DAM! 131: A4 "l`nvnn-A `:1: Tan`- ui%a3*r;Jr;or`;cEwf Ic;).'er is spending a couple_ of weeks with Vance Rin- toul at Penn Lake. 1|A :-..-.. .'D-_...-LL- ....I If ____ _._J. DUUI at. 17611 LldI\Uo Misses Bernetta and Margaret Bate are enjoying a week's holi- day at; Balm `Beach. T\lI .n `YhfnuA- VI`...-.3... and `D....L `D..`l "ifi'$ Nellie Langman enjoyed the week-end at New Wasaga Begch. % ur n-..'1-.1- -2 1'..'..1-..---.1 .._ m='F.m\'?V._ `Carlyle of Inglewood re- newed acquaintance in town `on Vsunday. I've finial! A` Nfhvnanoi via?!-zul LEUUIIULJI Miss `Mary Johnson spent a few days with friends in Barrie and Thornton. `If..- T..- E.-LL--.-_-.1 -5 l\-.!11- yufibert `Dutcher passed his Prim- ary piano examinations with hon- ours.` I `ll ... Tl? --.LA. -3 l'l1-..-..L- .'.. 1.1.- ---4 vg coca -uvunu-wag w v q-no cqnvonvnwv I Archie Smith of i"igo is visiting . his cousin, Owen Smith, this week. Mrs. Havelock Graham of Tor- onto is visiting at J. R. raham s. , _.. .1 III, R,_,,1_I ,5 K1,, aov`-racy v- , g sq:-5 mi&'isEentha Ellis of iigord is" enjoying holidays with friends. A_--L!- |lN.-_SLL -5 17!-.- 3 ____EL!__ .. LUIIUKILU I330 VVUBIM ` Miss -Beryl Smith is visitmg friends at Crossland. - VI.-- I321]- '. .IV-gL-LL-_ - ..2- v"v ="` M-K "c`mN'r1F1cALLY PASTEURIZED LIIUIIUE E II `Ul`UBBlIlluo Thos. Mills of Corbetton is vis- iting his nephew, Thos Mills. If_!__ tE__-L`L_ 1NIIS_ .A II,_L___.I _'_' Chas. Lillie spent a few days in Toronto last week. ` IE3-.. 'D-....1 G....:LL :. ..2-2L2.... :4-I-lurid!--In-11:1-yr--xi-1-:1-an:-5-_|MANYnoN'T OBSERVE l'A`m' '3 I-IT I JUIBO ` Mrs. W. Scott of Toronto is the ` guest of her niece, Mrs. T. R. Mc-I E 1-:LMvAu-: NEWS i `ma mxnnus EXAMINER When Midhurst `beat Elmvale by 13 to 1 on Monday night, Elmvale lost its last chance of getting into the playoffs for the group title. As a result of this defeat New Lowell automatically `become group champions and enter the fin- als with Allandale for the county championship. Elmvale forgot its winning ways and no signs of the ne playing which they have shown all season were evident and as a result Midhurst had the game in hand thoughout. The first three innings `gave promise of a close battle when three batters faced each pitcher in each inning, but after that good hitting 'by thg Mid- hurst players coupled with Elm- vale errors paved the way for the local team's downfall. X1 -.. LL_.L 1.1.- ..--..'._. 2.. -..-_. __- ....... . as annual: v Illa I A Ford touring and a -Chevrolet sedan headed in opposite direc-i tions collided on Saturday even- ing, just north of the Anglican church, a parked car being the , cause of the accident. The Ford car, driven by Rev. Robert. Wise-I man of the United church at Not-'. tawa, was proceeding southward' and when Mr. Wiseman pulled out! to pass the parked car, his auto? was struck by a car driven by Mr. | Nesbitt of `Teeswater, who was on his way to Midland for the week-. end. The Ford was forced into a Hydro pole which did considerable damage to the car. The occupants, besides the driver, were Mr. and Mrs. James Wiseman, Miss `Wise- man and Miss `Murray. The ladies were Ibadly shaken up and were taken to lDr. `Tyrer s where it was found there was no serious injury and they were able to be taken home on Monday. New Lowell Wins Group Softball 1171. __ an .n_____-. JUUGI UUGIIIIS uuvvu'.I.uu. Now that the season is over we can look lback and criticize or praise our local players. Through- out all the games the work of -the `ineld: has `been something to mar- v;1 over and there has been no ser- BARR_lE cmgqg ca vv `annulus IJUITIIGG At nine-forty Tuesday evening the citizens of Elmvale were start- led to hear the re bell, when it was learned that a frame house two doors south of the pumping station owned by the Lockhart family was in ames. The remen made a quick response, being at the re within a few minutes of sounding of alarm, and had a stream of water playing on it. The re was soon under control but owing to the headway the building is a total wreck. The house was oc- cupied by `Mrs. Brown, a widow, and daughter, `Mary. Very little of thecontents were saved. Fire is supposed to have started from the kitchenstove or pipes. This is the rst. real re since the instal- ling of the water system which proved to have lots of pressure] and shows the real benet of the waterworks. _._._- ....... ---.u- U0 4. lJ\F Mr. and: Mrs. Jas. Wilson and son, Jack, and Miss Shirley, of Philadelphia, iPenn.. are spending a few weeks with the latter s par- e_nts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Porter. New Sidewalk Herb. Ritchie and his men are busy rebuilding the sidewalk on south side of Queen Street from Lawson s Mea-t Market, west, which is certainly a great improve- ment. I\ III 1 - __---_, _~_-.. one O-Orville! Mrs. Geo. Stevens and Betty re- turned to Port Dalhousie after en- joying a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dean. , ('1' wv .n .. J.v.u.\ U. 1'. UI':'i:tl1. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Campbell, Miss Isalbel and Edwin enjoyed a trip to Walter sIFa1ls on Wednes- day, Mrs. Campibell remaining for a` couple of weeks. p ,, 1 It 9. q. __ -- `The Noxious Weed`Act, a new piece of legislation on the stat- , ute -books, is to be enforced- in Bar- rie, Chief of Police `Stewart, who i was appointed inspector Iby `the Town Council states. Quite a num- ber of citizens have already com- plied with the Act by cutting the - weeds in front of their homes and on vacant lands, but the majority, perhaps, have paid no attention to the requirements of the law, which is being better observed in the rural sections than in town. The Chief states he intends to pro- secute in agrant cases- --J-- an vvv can c-omavvllll $0 Miss- Margaret and Art Robin- son and Miss Ruth Lovering of Coldtwaterare visiting the former s sister, Mrs. :S. A. Tipping. - 'M.... r--.. .u------_ -4.`- Mrs. -C. `H. !Smith and daughter, Gwendolyn, and Miss Verna Kane, of Akron, Ohio, are spending a couple of weeks with relatives. vv-`..v was Ivy VIIVII Lclvlvca Miss Tena Middleton and Nor- man Blakely of Toronto spent the week-end with the farmer's par- ents, Mr. and -Mrs. R. H. Middle- fnn vulva mu. auu 'uu.o. J.\ao 1.1. .Lu.1uu1e- ton. Mr.` and Mrs. Burke Stephens and Miss` Verna Gassan of Camp- bellford are visiting at the home of Mrs. Stephens parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dean. T|'.. _ .. J 1|l_. , (N 1" A ' " V. `V-. -y v- vvywnxsn Mr. and "Mrs. Harry 'Mac'Mullen and little son of Bowmanville spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. MadMullen s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dean. E'1;:I:;I1'.-nE5X7'3 ALL MAKES or CARS Genuine Ford Parts spending a couple of weeks with the latter s parents. M - ....,a mt-.- n m...:11:....-- -A llu LID. VV Ill. Rance: Mr. and -Mrs. W. J. Hahn and Miss Mary ~Cha1ue of Toronto are holidaying at `Miss Manning's cot- tage, Wasaga `Beach. If_.__ T _,,_ co: oo o .- 11 vuwvueua aavsovln Mrs. Laura Hart and Miss Helen and Vincent, of Toronto, are spending a few holidays with her mother, Mrs. -Copeland. 1|.I .'__ nu-__._._, . up 0 O ...'---v-, .-n vvtavovuuun V Miss `Margaret Mercer and Jack! Ross of `Toronto and W. G. Robin- son of 'Wingham enjoyed a few days at W. A. `Malcolm's. LILU lGl1l.:I'. L' 3 11513311550 LaMr. andM=M}11`s. S. _TwilIinger~ {if using ic ., arevisiting t e Ilatte_r s sisters. Mrs. Jos; Ritchie [and Mrs. Wm. Rance. M .....l `M ..- TI? 1* 17.1.. _.._1 .~\_??~ -: 9., ;. I HColli`sion at Elmvale I,.,1 1 I J 331` H3KI\'K Noxlohs ween ACT Dwelling Burned The lineup: Pitcher, -Ed. Camp- ..bell; catcher, George Bell; 1st base, `Will Campbell; 2nd, Grant Arnold; `S.S., Roy I-Ioughton; 3rd, Fred Hartgoutelds, F. C. Bishop, Paul nnnn-n I`:-nrl 'D{+:-Iain _3.`!"`.`N*_N E` 59?! ious objection to the y chasing of our outfields. Arnold and Hough- ton are the -best and smoothest woking pair around second `base of any team in the northern group. More double plays have come from their snappy elding in this one season than can be remembered in the history of softball in Elmvale. George `Bell behind: the bat gives gromise of becoming one of the est catchers in the League. All the other players` deserve special mention also, having worked hard to bring the team to a contending position in which they have `been gall season. The only weakness in lour whole team was at the bat and `this spelled the downfall of our championship hopes. As we said 'before, it s all over for this year `and the -thanks of the players goes `out to those loyal fans who have ;followed them through victory and `defeat and we hope that as good a gteam represents our town next iyear. 1` {VII JJ-III-If UUUILUIUD, 1.`. K): 1. `Reg. Cooper, Fred Ritchie. A R C ipe_Olives . . . . .. 45 tin erto .'. ._ . 3 bottles for $1.00 3 SALE PR'1cEs~1=R0M $7.00 10315.00 ;:.2:' A; 1:. SMITH 12:.-:.::v.:: H. E. McCullough Specials -= '='i-2:-rm 2 {PHQNE .215 F91! Y_`J'!.9RLC_ERY WANT? 18`-oz. Jar 10 Dunlop Sc. J. W. SCOTT THE BEST FOR FUEL, ICE OR CARTAGE 97 Dunlop St. 1'27 BI.n.}."sT.' p'1.'...Z I4 -:7 & III-b-at so. amowws nun; AA----------_-_ VICTOR. RECORDS VICTROLA5 ' "Fn:EfZi'1T"I'" ' GOODYEAR wnxr AID mrnno rug.-Es svsrun Q! Il\lII lulu!` A Iununinn ` Jtme, Aug` and we feel sure our many customers will appreciate the idea and take an extra supply of Bread ahead. Our Motto: Quality and Service WISH 1'0 ANNOUNCE THEY ARE GIVING 'rowNs.ALLsMN 111: CCOZLQ-3:: 4-- __ ._Z __ A , SHQE FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE BABY _(_3AR_Rl_AGES AND STROLLERS A`: LA. 441.- `rm: SHOE MAN 11313. A ? Otis-I one VICTOR NORTHERN ELECTRIC FADA and WESTINGHOUSE ii1=:uvER'" `r'&r'AiL1.' PAii`r';.'"c3I3""r'c'>'v'\'ri~i' HUBBARD'S% HARDWARE , _ _ . , _ _ _ _ -_A.-_---_-__ V111-Dun|op'S`I:. onlario Bakeries Limited wt:n1'v1.I')'_A1"rfH _lLL"17jl_1'ii)"unAv VAN WATCI-[MAKER AND JEWELER Texas - A. H. FELT Regular to $45.03- -.:-jgn----:- .1 A____. _ J. G. KEENAN I EVERYTHING IN MUSIC ,,_.-_r-- -__. _ V -- `_ ---.__.__- For odd jobs or for big _ones, we are at your command. Phone us your wants and we will send a reliable man right over. For years we have catered to the immediate needs of people all over the town. ' . nus BALL PLANING mu. co. *- SCOTT S Ireserved J. G. SCOTT \I OUVVLU WJIIUIIU \IlLl.UL' CJUV&g ptoouolcnouoo ounces-15 Dainty Lunch Ma.yonnaise 23: Little Chip Orange Marmalade, 16-OZ. ogcoooluooti ZI XXX 3? ZLICZI 0 K+eof .vSt`o'n; `B`e`e`r. v tvw J. _.--.---ow! Koep nm1crom's 3;; Man before your hunt all the IlIO- THEN COLLECT THE EGGS. Sold and Rocommondod 3] T 3l:l:.o;n:;;c::'t-o the III! OIIIOOI GET EGGS THISMASH SKILLED CARPEISTERS AT YOUR COMMAND BARRIE smm vuLcAN1z{_1_1J<; PLANT 31711 I`: u FEED u- zIT.'.b:IL s:., mm. 40: nAAAAAAAAAA`-A4--A-----------; EXPERT VULCANIZING We Guarantee Our Work AUTO ACCESSORIES. FILLING STATION. BROWN & C0. 9- .9 MR3 RADIO HEINTZIIAN & C0. PIANO! C. I. SCOT! cg`, 772" Phone 86 Phone 300' 5; WV! RoBER"TsoN's DRUG sroma iggye your Camping Order '..L -.... cl-nvn and it will he lled HOVIS SPECIALS AT BRYSON S BAKERY _.._._ ___ _ `I\;II-IQQAIJIQQ `rhunday, July 20. 192: MULTIBESTOS BRAKE LINING '.yv\-no. v a Phone Your Order and Sav;-'Y~;;;Eoupons._ BARRIE-A1.l1.. ANl)%ALE DAIRY co. LIVINGSTON BROS. I09` Phone 5 your next roll to i "._Iwxca Fe our store and `it-willvbe lled nd paclged to arrive in good con- ,dition. .22-var?` r -"" ' I DI-nun- vnur nrtlnr nn R:-:PA 1asoNiALL MAKES or CARS :. - % BARRIE - I REO SALES AND `SERVICE THE BARR]!-3 WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW nikii T ---9 u--J - v---w_ uuwv-v land installed: a gasolinevpump for your convenience. IE I!` E You may dance if you Wish. XRIIIZ AQIIQ I'Ff?AKI IVE WE HAVE OPENED OUR Big Bay Point Store A :v\niI4d|11:\rII A-hnnI\1=v|n vuvnmun J 1?-1ii:i}'IuB"{r}-:&if13i.E NOW IS THE TIME to get that Blazer arid those Flannel Trousers _at Reduced Price: ' 3 Dunlap St. Phone 1047 J. D.W|.SDOM% & CO; These are offered at prices far `below the original price. THE SERVICE GROCERS ALLANDALE, PHONE 117 J.T\iii'i17'E;Kl'215'Ii'~'1s 7 CHAS. LOWER ALL CANADIAN FRUIT AND ICE CREAM PARLOR Open 7 to 12 each day -E7-rash cad; Tiny from `_bA1'E emu-:3 cmcr-:3 nnops GINGER CAKE FRUIT CAKE Phone 291 PHONE 772 .7- ---v vvru Next we went to the finishing room, where the hand -ironing is done. Then we were taken to the .assor-ting room where the .clothes 5 are sorted out and put In piles and UULLUHB, NU 521.1. V ' We then went to the flat work ironing department. The damp clothes were sorted and the flat work was placed on a long talble behind three or four -girls. who were working at the flat Work iron- er. This machine consists of several large hollow revolving rollers, heat- ed by steam. The rollers are padded with cotton padding and sheeting. We see three or four girls placing napk:ins.table cloths, and other flat work on the rl,b'bo`n at one side of these rolls-the same number. of girls at the opposite side neatly folding the pieces as they are de- livered to them by the slowly mov- lng cylin'd ers. WD `than Ilif in `HA An-Ll- Anna I115 uyxuxuura. . We then went to the drying room where clothes were being hung up on lines. In this room there were _a. number of steam pipes around t'he walls. The cold air comes in at the bottom and is moved around by 9. fan and out through ea. ventilator at the top. ."--L 1. __,',,n . .u -n I - . .v... V. - ..._y.-..--own u-auuuo Now we see a wash coming out of the washer and being placed in what our guide calledthe `extrac- tor. This operation, as conducted here. is actually less apt to -tear a garment than the use of a home wringer. In the laundry they simply whirl out the water. The wet clothes are placed in a large metal cage or basket. much like a tub in appear- ance. The sides and bottom are pier- ced with holes like a sieve. When full. the top is closed and this cage revolves at a very high rate of speed; whirling out the water, which is caught in an outside shell and conducted to thewaste. No pulling or twisting takes place. Just gentle. firm squeezing, due to the pull of the centrifugal force against the side of the cage. You will see by th-is there is no danger of breaking buttons," he said. fa H-nan um.-.+ 4.. 4.1.- M-` ...,...1- - _-- nu`. v.-.~.. wan -. \4w 5. van: uvwyu We then walked over to a ma- chine in which colored clothes were being washed. Our guide informed us that the washing of colored fa- brics oauses many an uneasy hour. No matter," he said how cheap a bargain fabnic it was. if the laun- dry fades it. they have been care- less, in the opinion of many. There are several different methods of ap- plying dyes to cloth. Most of these are more or less tunrelia-ble in pro- ducing fast colors. However, color- ed goods that stand was-hing can be purchased at any reliable store and will be more generally sold if cus- tomers demand them. There are several ribs inside the cylinder projecting towards the cen- 'tre. These lift the goods with each revolution until the ribs slant down- wards. when the goods drop back into the suds. First in one direction and then in another the wheel re- volves, so that apron strings, sleev- es and other lengthy thdngs will not tangle. Changing waters is merely a. matter of turning a valve or two. The clothes receive many changes of water, which Mr. Plowman stat- es is necessary in order to ?be able to send the clothes home perfectly sweet and clean and free from soap. TIT` I-ls-.. --..~II-...3 A.._.. L. _ _-_ .-V_--v.. ..- ...-...... n u... uwaw u. lawsu- In the wash room of the laundry we do not see the steam, water, and suds, as we expected. but instead a long row of clean, well-kept ma- chines, that resemble huge barrels resting on their sides. Our guide steps up to one and slides up a door as he would open a roll top desk. Inside is a revolving cylinder. The bubbling, creamy suds plays on the surface as the cylinder turns over. When` it stops we see the clothes resting at the `bottom. How simple the washiing operation appears to be! -' VI` I. . _ . n . . . . . . . . ...v ..u_.. :....-:.1. u... allll. pUl`l.UUUlUllo' ' Now come with us on an interest- ing trip through the laundry. Mrs. Blan-k s Ibundle has just been open- ed. It-is housecleaning time, so we see a pretty wide assortment of articles, ranging from several rag rugs to dainty lingerie. Mrs. Blank evidently is satisfied with her laun- dry, for she sends everything. The old-fashioned day of sending to the laundry husband's collars and boiler fronts has passed into ancient his- tory. The sorting gwlrls rapidly mark and classify the work into many different lots. Silk and wool are separated from cotton and linen. Dark and light colors from white. Those familiar identification marks made by -indelible ink and pen `have been replaced by an automatic marking machine. This mark is placed on all articles in a bundle that is `-to be nished, but in the wet wash" and damp flat work ironed services the clothes are washed in mesh work bags or nets. 7.. LL- ----._L __-__-- -4; A_I__ 1_,, u Lu VVCLSHAHS. > - Consider the almost . countless varieties of weaves of cloth on the market! Many are extremely cheap inconstruction. Is it not a `remark- able `tribute to science that the modern" laundry - owner `has been -able` to bring his services to its pre- sent perfection ? MD! nnvnn nfh Il nn an lnl>nv\Asf_ BREAD DATE SCONES BISCUITS JUMBLES Delightful Products of the Up-to-date Bakery Wonderful Health Properties in Hovis. IT-Iejvis Bread, 8c and 13. Eat Hovis for Health. ALDO -----A-AAAAA --.. -.- ..u--.- an vuunqacqao Washing`. as conducted at the Or- illia Steam Laundry, is now a.` scien- tific process. There` are a vast num- !ber of different varieties of dirt. grease. and chemical compounds to. {be removed. from fabrics of many `different finishes and colors. No small amount of skill is required. `and proper adjustment of water. `soap, mechanical action, and special cleansers, to wash safely and com- pletely. As an example-WVool and .j`silk orginate from animal sources. ;cotton and linen originate from ve- getable sources. `This difference complicates laundry, for animal fa- brics act differently than vegetable fabrics under thevin-fluence of ma- terials used in washing. With the increasing use of artificial silk of the type manufactured today. the worst problem of all is presented: for this fabric whenfwet has little strength and little elasticity._C1oth, made up either wholly or in part, of artificial silk is apt to give trouble in washing. " nnnulnn Hag alwinu nnnni-1A-us .--.-. u-uvvoovhnhrl A You think of radio. chemistry. medicine and engineering as scien- tific. but in all likerhood pass by laundering, or more simply. wash- ing. as commonplace drudgery, with little or specflal interest about it. For instance the upnto-date laundry. more often than not, is assumed to be an un a.ttract,ive. steamy place where toll; perform the common- place tasl<,of washing clothes. Now it -you enjoy surprises. do not let another week pass without going to the Orlllia laundry and asking A, nnnnnn unn1ni'hin1a- Hbn Hui: BU LIIU \Jl'lllLCl._ u:.uuux`y auu EHKHIQ a. question somethiwg like this "Show me, please. how science has taken a hand at washing." ' 1'IY....Ll_... -.. _-__.1.__n.__1 _L 41.. A- A VISIT TO PLANT on-f onu.uA s11.-mm LAUNDRY "rho crude fashion or doing the family wash in v_ogue some years ago has been replaced by modern scientific methods. IV CIBGSG aacauu. `Laverne Hughes and Harold Rumble of 'Brantford are spending a..-week with the former s aunt, Mrs. Alvin Hisey. Mhu nD:n`|nIoA .f'nuJ-.-.3... and ALEIJ \BDL1lUUl'll]o Mrs. *H. -R. Warren and sons, James and `Donald, returned home Sunday after holidaying at Jack- son's Point. < mr:.'__ 11...... .__1 1-s__-_,,s, nu, , DUII 5 L Ullllu Mis Murza and Jimmie Shana- han of Niagara `Falls are holiday- ing with their grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Moffatt. `IE3..- `In-.- `I -..-.. -1! n:LL_L__,,__ 9, UV Ill: IVLUILGI/loo Miss -Eva Jones of Pittsburg is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. A. Cooper, and will spend August at Wasaga Beach. Wjaununan T-Tun-1-unu ant` `I'.T.-.u..1.l &V&LBu ILIVIII .u.1acy. Mrs. Richard -Curtain and child- ren. Donald and Betty. of Toron- to. are spending a couple of weeks at John `Curtain s. "`It:__ .1ur-_.:-..:- `n_.-..I___ __- ,1 at- Dunlop St. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA -wz -~- ------- `run ..-.--_-.-`,- - Miss Reta Wvilson of Toronto is visiting` at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. 11- nvvvc. "rs. Roy Hart and Kenzie re- turned to `Toronto on Sunday af- ter spending a week with her par- ents. `MK..- `l'I-L-_.L 1I'Y!I._-__ -_._! _-__ - -Mrs. -Robert Wilson and son Toronto are spending a week the home of her brother, `G. Usher. II . _...`I `II ... T! A `l\_--_ i\71.' and Mrs, R. A. Deaf: of Norwood are spending a few days with -relatives in Elmvale and Pen- etang. lnnsnm TI~|1vv 01 :qn `-LA D `T I: hang. ' tBorn'--`On July 24, in the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, to Mrs. 'Helen Leeper of Norwood, a daughter, (stillborn) . Ma fl-T up Yunnan and tuning Ill!` UUIIII '\JUl.'LGlll o M1s_s Marjorxe Presley and `Miss Martha `Kxrton of Toronto are checked. They are then parceled and placed 1n the shipping room. T.`. L`... J..__ -1A_-l..... A _ _ . _ L _ _ -_L .--..v----.- --_ -__g-_ _`.-v.. 7-v- yaw.-. From our trip through the Orillla. Laundry we arrived at the conclus- ion that, like the baking of bread, the people are giving up the old- fashioned idea of doing their own: washing. The laundry is being commercialized. A - LlLl'lJUllCl., LU]. G LCVV UG`yo Mr. and Mrs._ Jas. 'Be1fry of To- ronto enjoyed the week-end at the home of Mrs. Jas. Exnigh. . .....'l'I`I .... xf` --L-`L_.. -1. IIUIIIU UL `$V.I.l.'3u U53: Dlllllulh Mr. and"Mrs: `C. E. iDutcher at- tended the Harvie-Ansdell wed- ding at Guthrie on Saturday. 1!!!! ' DIRECT DEAI.ERS `IN V . DODGE BROS. PASSENGER CARS--,GR-AHAM BROS. TRUCKS V--- -- v-nu -y --v on -.....v:. - M'i's`s' IB`ernice and Lawrence Hayes of Chicago are visiting friends in 'E1mva1e and: Phelpston. ",__, lY\,, \ `ff- -4 , D `N A ,, , '"1a';;f 'i71>?.'>""1E;'y `SE i:2EE'}'s' spending a month with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrg. Neil Morrison. `IM ..- `D134-L....n.. Al 'I"........J.- 0-..... ----_, _~__. ---- ----_. V--- _._.... -..v... 1 Mrs. Plitheroe of 'i`oronto, 'orm- er1y' Maggie Graham of Elmvale, flenewed acquaintance on Thurs- ay. . TIES..- T&!- `I'\__._____ _A Il1-__-._L- S- uni/\/iiss Effie Pearson of Toronto is spending a little `while with her parents, Mr. and `Mrs. Jas. Pear- son. T|I_-_ Tl--- T`I_-_A_ -_- .1 T7__,_! _._ ,..--.--_ .-- ---_ ...---`.`.---= -V...... In the dry cleaning department they have a. Vorcloner deodorlzing machine and high speed extractors. vn._-__- -._._ ;._2_. A_L..__-._I_ .11.. A use. 'i\&}.":1a"1REr;L'i~.a"`{wvi)';.na I children of Richmond `Hill spent the week-end at A. 'C. Bishop's. auu KYLIE: 11.: Jun \JUUPCL'o Mrs. Geo. Northwood and son, George, of Watford, are visiting her mother. Mrs. S. Kerr. , Miss Ailsa Gray of Barrie was the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. E. Du-bcher, for a few days. MY` fl'\Ia IMFB TCIB Inldh`, I\ ma, $11.13: Us '13- `uupcutuu. Mr. and -Mrs. Craig of Windsor are visiting at the home of :Mr. and Mrs. A. T. `Cooper. MFG a kYf\\`|+1\1IfI\I` V\A BAY! 1.1631] UUCIJ UL P llllu Mrs. Walter cott and daughter are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. `E. Copeland. INT`! av-u-I .T\/fr: f`.-r-chm A9 \x7:nAuw i\EInsI"Gri-gg; of Midland visited her son, Fred, for a couple of days recently. [35: 4Mnu1I Tnknann .av\nnJ- a `run ARE WE RIGHT on WRONG 2 '1\&{s7I`z?:'Z: 7 111 of Toronto is hol- idaying with her parents, `M13. and Mrs. Ed. ?Bel1. A....L!- `||l'....L..-.......-. -3 f\..!`|1.. LV.I.l.'o .l..`JV-Lg '.L`C1lo Archie Montgomery of Orillia was the guest of Thos. Mills one day last week. nI1:+A n nnnnknan -Fvrnnn Maa 0+- U LED 0 W 60180 yQuite a number from here at- tended the `ball game in Barrie on Monday night. Mu `X7n1+o1nn1Jnu1\n1M- (HF MA1onA AVLUHUGJ III a Mrs. Wa 1! 1:`:1`*He1`bert of Midland was the guest of `Mrs. W. S: Man- ning for a week. `pnvvvnnvirm D`n1vnI\ :5 sv\nv|A:v|l (I uay db Dill! DUHUIL Miss `Maude Train and Bert Pal- mer of Toronto spent the week- end: at Wm. Train s. 1fl'\L_ -._..-_..-..-- -1 LL- 1'|_--1_ -3 CllU- GI: VV Illa Llalll 3: `The appearance of the Bank of Toronto is being improved by a fresh coat of paint. Mr: `XToN-an Qnnl-F and Jauundnl-nn v--uv an: --up--gnu: wnv sun -1- `now.--.-. -v T -Mr. and 1Mrs. `Curtain of Toron- to are visiting their son, John Cur- tain. . `IIL-..L lY\.-J.-1_-.. ..-.._-.1 L2- 11-}... WWo Miss Helen Drysdale of Toron- to is visiting her aunt,` Mrs. E. Car- nahan. IE2..- \Y-11!- T _ _ _ _ . _ . ..----.I I. ILUI. ll (Ulla Mrs. Jno. Rutherford of Orillia is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wil- mot Black. 117211 IIYLELA ___-_ 2.. -.'l'T_..-21J.__. 1;_L JIIU I4 LJIGUIM Will White was in `Hamilton last week attending the, Shoemakers convention. II}... T____ \?___.`__. -3 fl1-LL-..1._--- % Low: BROS. PAINTS AND vmmnsuasf Are more than Jugt Paii1t. The customer who buys our Paint receiv_es a roduct that covers more, lasts longer and costs less. Save hat surface and __you save all. Itpays. .