Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1928, p. 15

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Tan emu":-t afternoon {rock of black _.:.. ..u...+..1..a nhnvo has a sot-in cl! 0! great cute. 192. by Buuarick) Ilcly JV`: cw --'~ --- milk or cream-- fruits or honey added. Order at hotels, restaurants. On dining-cars. Sold by grocers; Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Always A Avon-fresh! I2 Real Dry Cleaning Th Orange Pekpe _Cleap e_1_', Presser andmfzggzl; `gun - DIED]? ' o wmlmo with our Iow_ouy nu mum 9 Dexter eney Registered 0000 NI!!! eh`!!! line! Ililo HIIIIIIII is extra good In clean. bright Aluminum W. FIRTH * Kellogg : are the original corn akes! No imitations have ever equaled their wonderful goodness. Serve for lunch, dinner or break- fast. Never tough-thick -- but extra crisp. So easy to digest, they really help you to feel cool. Delicious with fruits honey I,I__I a-tapas-a.x:uca -a.-~r:---- O L15 good fe 3 W . l\ y All - - ._ -'.';:,:".':.:z*'.....'`:- .. . ' THEITREI -The <'I'vae a early leaf buds were , bursting `their brown: Shall I take them away?" said. the Frost sweeping clown. . V. `A "No. leave them alone mm nu. mlnnnoml have grown." V % tnwomws REALM ?lWllFFFIYIIF:i!|!I|llIl|IIIIli|FIliIIiI|IIIYIii0I1i ._-u -an an I] ALIE AH "N0. i8lV.6 uwm mum-.v _- 'ru1s the blossoms havom-own." I Prayed the Tree. while he trembled i tram rootlet to crown. ` The '1`:-ee bore his blossoms. and all V the. birds suns: .- A. - Shem :1 take them away?" said the Wind; as he` swunz. N'o..1e_a_ve them.aiono Till the her:-les have Srown." Said the Tree. while his leaets quivering hung. ~ \ `!`he.'l`ree !bore his fruit in the mid- - T summer glow: ` . Said the-child. "May I rather` thy berries now?" A ' Yes. all thou canstsen: Take them. all are for thee." ~ Said the `Tree. while he\bent down `i his laden Iboughs low. ___.;-.._- .1-:1 .... A... l1000_101\ UNI Iuuuu Iuuusua guns -(BjornstJern9 tB,1ornson. (1882-1910) c. o.1.*r. anus HAVE A PLEASANT OUTING .'1`n of the girls of the Joybearers : C. G. `I. ."I`. group 01' Collier Street Church under the leadership of. Miss Doris `Robertson returnedlast Sunday after spending` a very en-_ joyaiale week camping` at Mr. Tuck`: J cottage at ='1`hunder Bay. -The oot- . tage ls- situated on a sandy beach. i with excellent swimming` !aoili- ties. `The girls oarried through a regular routine which` they. had planned. rising each `morning at 7 and beginning` the day with exer- cise and a morning -dip, Breakfast at 8 o'clock was preceded by a twenty-minute mo-rnins` watch which each girl observed by her- elt. Until 9.30 was allowed tor cleaning -the cottage rooms. then chapel followed-=tlll 10. and then morning activities. I ~ 'lVhnvcA zwam serveral Rood hikes. morning `a0llV-RIBS. ' There were several good i one to the. Fontaine. which. were 4 much enjoyed my the girls. After . dinner` there was a rest hour tol- iowed Iby swimming and games. A!- ter supper each night the girls had it camp fire. sang songs and read. 7 The meals wereoooked and serv- ed `by the" girls -themselves. in turn. They made about $30 through bringing a picture to the Capitol Theatre and selling tickets-`and this they usedas- a camp fund. They are to be commended or `the excel- lent manner in which they assum- ed the responsibility and carried through their `-plans. wftnrnnon water sports through their -plans. Thursday afternoon water sports were held. `finial Watterworth. -Doris Robertson and `Edna `Tuck ebeln winners. on {Friday a. Treasure Hunt was held and on tsacturdav land sports. `Nellie: Pgokerlng. Eve- lun 'l`nnl( and Edna THOR 'b9~h\8` th Imckerxng. awe- lyn `Tuck and `Edna Tuck the wlnnera. Those in the.pa1'ty were: Fvanoea Hurlzhurt. Nellie Pickering. Dorothy Bryaon. Zelma Puvvts. Ed- na 1`uo-k. Harriett `Hart. Erial Wat- texgworth. (Evelyn "1`~uck. Doria Rob- er non. OHU HILL JR. INSTITUTE '1`he_annual reunion plonlo of thxa branch will lbe held on Thursday. August `and. at *2 pan. at Klllarney Beach. when all mam ms and ex- membeva. are invited to lbs -present. `Misses Darla vcannlnai Bevth-a. Allan and Rosanna Luoaa will be in charge of the sports`. Roll call ls to be answered -with My One Eup- ermltlon." No. 4 No. A J No. 4 so. ` I III` DVD!` ".3 No. i No. I No, ` - 4 Non J No. 3 C.N.R., Summer ramedabla N00 ` N0. ' N0. ` No. No. No. 1 PEN ETANU GU 6' HI V Ivuvn NONI`!-I B~OUND 5'3-Loavea .'1`oron`to 10.81! mm. P . . Arrives Midland '2.'.10I pan. and Penetana. 2.20 pm. `99--Leaves Barrie 7.10 p'.!_n. No. ' and Allandale 7.88 pm. Arrives: Mlidland N10" `pm. ind Penetana 9.15 pan. ; - B`OU'1\m-suunu No. 98--4Leavea -Midland 7.16 I.,m'. and Panama: -7.15 am. : Arrives Mlandale 8.47 am. and Barrie 9.05 am. No. 54--Leaves Midland dolly ox- oept aaundiay at -12 noon. arrtvlnl Mlondale at 1.80 p.m.. Ioavlna Alloname at 1.49 p.m.. arrlvlriz Toronto at 8.45 pm. _ ` HHWIIBIYII W86`?! v -v-v NORTHBOUND No. 01-~Loavon 1-Iaumlltonomo mm. M-rlves Allandalo 11 mm. 1 Arrive: Meatord 1.25 pm. No. 88-Leavea 1-Iamllton 8.85 pan. Arrive; Allandale 7.15 pan. ' Arrives Moatord 10 p.m. ' sOU"m-BBOUND No. 60-Leavea Meatord 0.80 mm. Arrlveu` -Allo.ndalev8.8`5 mm. 1 - Leaves Allandale _8.55 am. Ar:-lves Hamilton 12.88 pm. No. 86--Leaves Meatord 8.80 pan. ` Arrlvoua Allandale 4.40 pm. Leaves" Allandglo 4.55 pm. Arrlvoa Hamilton 8.28 p.m. I .I|3"'1l-at-RtVDa I3Gl'l'lV to vruv --nu-. Arrives Toronto .. . . 11.80 a..rn. Daily except unday. Arrives Toronto 5.10 pm. Daily except Sunday. . (4-_-Leaves Barrie .. (.40 pan. Arrives Toronto ... . `(:20 pan. Daii except Sunday. . 48 avea Barrie .. 9.1`! pm. Arrives Toronto ..... 11.25 pm. Daily except Sunday. . `e e e DJ. Arrives Toronto .... 10:50 =p.m. Sunday only. . 106, Sunday only. leaving `Mid- land at `(L05 p.m.. arrivins `Bar- rie "i'.'53 p.m..' `arriving \Toronto 10 pm. - NOIRTHBOUND 3. 40--Leaves Toronto . 11.40 pan. Daily except Saturday. _ e e e 1 I I &.m. ` Daily except `Sunday. . 3. 41-Leaves Toronto . 8.88 am. Arrives Barrie ...... 11.15 pan. Daiiy except Isunday. o. 57-Lea.vea Toronto . 10.38 am. Arrives Barrie . . . 12.48 pan. Ddiiieexoept isunday. o. 43- avea Toronto . 12.30 nan. Arrives diarrie .. . . . . 8:55 pan. -Saturday only. - . _ o. 45-Lea.ves Toronto . 4.50 p.m. ` I I e 1 1_e puma , Dai except `Sunday. 0. 47-- eaves Toronto . 0.05 pan. Arrives Barrie . . . ... 11.80 pan. V ` 'o. 40-Nor~th Bay to Toronto. '0. 42-I-Iuntaviiie to Toronto. 'o. 58-Muakoi Whart to Toronto. 'o. ---North Bay to Toronto. ro. 48--south {River -to Toronto. io.148-Jsootia. to Toronto. otjmiaouwo . M--aneaxvea Barrie .. Ar. Ives Toronto . . . . `Wu `V T I-IA`M|l.'|'ON_ SUI-DIVISION \v.o\nn\I_YB.I\l"H\Y1\ .`IV'|'tuI-adny. July 20. % -I twea Barrie -. Vnnnnfn 8.40 am. M0 pm. 4.40 mm. .16 aim` VDEI; RIO FILM ONE OF ` YEAR'S MOST IMPORTANT {When "Ramona" is ashed on `the Dreamland screen those whq have followed the rise or this Mexican `star. will admit too. that her pot-A trayal or the little Indian maiden whose lite T is constantly clouded with bitter grier and who rises to T tho.heis"hts in emotionai.aoting in the [character or-' "Ramona." has 3`i`ven_ her best efforts in her oateer. u13.......-..H 1.. n -{male at-nrv, lm. `UVUH ll?!` UVGI. count: us: one ..u. . Ramona is _a simple story. sum 1 ply told, and Edwin Carewe carried ` out the thoughts and mannerisms" of _-Helen II-Iunt Jackson. its author. when he produced the story for the screen. No deviations have `been made. IC'arewe has abided by the original story and has remained within the bounds prescribed by the author whose heart and very soul were wrapped up in he7\mis- sion of bringing the trials and tri- bulations ot the Mission Indians $u:x'AnA nnnn uni-inn. 301 uuxauuna UL mu: 4.: betore open notice. m&&&wmw%%iwww; wannmcsl g? OA|RNS-ORAWl-`ORB A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday. July I1` Dalston United Church_parson'age by the Rev. Mr. I-Ialibert. when Miss Hazel Crawford. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J`..Crawtord. Mitchell Square. was united in marriage to .VIr. How- ? ard Douglas Cairns. 15alston. The ` bride was unattendedand wore a , dress or pink silk at crepe trim- med with lace. The young couple will reside near Dalston. . I'IlI\vI-"-r-us -- A..pretty summer wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ansdell. Guthrie. on `Sat- urday afternoon. Lluly '21. at 2 oiclock. when their only daughter. Jessie Anne. was united in mar- riage to Dr. Dalton `C. I-Iarvie. :Elm- vale. eldest =son 01` .Mr. and `Mrs. Alex. 51-Iarvey. iorillla. `The bride. who was given in marriage by her father. looked lovely in bridal cos- tume oi. white georgette and silver and embroidered net veil. She car- rid a shower or `sweetheart roses. lilies-of-`the-valley and baby's breath. `The wedding music was played. by Miss Georgina Moore. who wore a sleeveless gown of Beach taiteta and gold lace. The - ridewas attended `by Miss Grace Leask and -Miss Edith lcrawford. who wore. respectively. frocks or shall `pink izeorsette with Iblack hat and resede ngreen. -georgette with beige Milan hat. carrying bouquets of Killarney roses and isunset roses and tern. The groom was support- ed `by 2Dr.1E. -.1. Henderson oi. Aurora "and -Mr. Iqorbett I-Iarvie of London. - -Rev. 1N. `Campbell performed the marriage ceremony. During the signing of the register Mr. Gareld Cotton sang All Mine Alone." A dainty luncheon was then served to forty a`ues`ts.- Mrs. 'Ansdeil, mother of the bride, looked charming in rosewood georgette. and `Mrs. Har- vle.`mother ot the groom. W-as Ibe- comlngly gowned in mauve and sil- ver georgette. The bride`s going- away costume was an Italian blue georzette areas with hat to match. navy tailored coat and fox scarf. which was a gift from the groom. When the happy couple return trom their `honeymoon `down the St. Lawrence they will reside in Elm- vale. Awinna fhn or-nnnfa nrnscmt WBP8 vale. Among the guests present were relatives from Toronto. Hamilton. London and Waterdown. `The high esteem in which the bride is held was evidenced by a tea given in her honor -by Miss Edith |Craw1'ord., ta shower held at the home or `Mrs. John Wiggins, and a shower at Waverley vmere she had taught school `for three years. - I T MATDIGAN-BERTHELOTTE on July !17th. ist. Mary's `Church. Barrie. was the scone of an inter- esting` and very pretty wedding. when Clara Angelina. second daugh- ten of Mr. and Mrs. "rhos. Barthe- lotte. Utopia. became th6.\bI`1d6 of Joseph George. son ot.lMr. and` Mrs. Wm. Madgan. `Curling. Ont. . The neremonv. which was fully Wm. Mawigan. uarung. um. The `ceremony. choral. was performed by the Very Rev. Dean -Sweeney. who also offl- ciated at .the wedding of the bride`: parents. An old family friend. Mrs. Wm. Crossland. presided a-t the or- Ban. and to the strains or Lohen- grin : Wedding March. the wlnsome bride entered the church -upon the arm of her father. locking charm- ing` in a trock of white crepe de chene and French lace. Her silk net ve`l was tashioned in cap shape and held in place `by a. wreath of torget-me-nots. - Her shower Ibou- quet of sweet peas and baby`: ' breath completed a lovely costume. `nu-.. 1!--- EE..w&I.nln6A nf\n{`1IQ urvcuu uuuuauvw--u u luv/9.7 y-........-. Miss Rena `Bevthelotte. '0rmie.. was her sister's maid of honour. and wore a smart gown of pale pink '8'60!`8`9tte and picture hat or pink -mohair and lace. shoes and stockings to match her gown were worn. and she carried [a huge bou- quet of mauve sweet peas. -` mha .hMdn`n vouneer sister`. Miss quot of sweet peas. '1`h_e `bride's younger sister. Mils; Frances. and two cousins; Misses Ed- ith `Wilson. Toronto and Marie Des- ourdle. Barrie. were bridesmaids. All wore pretty taffeta frocks and carried ol-d-mashioned bouquets of sweet peas, "Finn m~nnm`s| brother. `William. sweet The groom's -brother. `William. acted as best man. ` The g-room's gift to the bride was a. handsome wrist watch, to the maid of honoursa leather vanity bag and to the srvoomsman. .a `club Ibag. an-.nnu-Ina 1-ha nnvnmnnv 9 raeentlon and to the g`I`oomsma.n. .a 'L`iLlD mug. Following the ceremony a reception was held not the home of the bride : parents. where she received her euests. assisted by `her mother. who wore a smart gown or black geom- ette and satin and corsage bouqtaet oi` sweet peas. |.VIrs-. Maaigan. Sr-.. worn black crepe do chine and car- ' ried 8. trilled bouquet of pansies. After the usual toasts the happy couple left` amid showers or con- fetti and good wishee for Detroit. New York and other Eestern points. the `bride travelling in a smartly tailored navy blue coat. and sand crepe dress. with hat. shoes and stockings to match. On their re- turn they will reside in Barrie. Inmn 1.9 H19 nut-of-town guests UNI N16) Will resme U1 s3cu'x`w. lsome of the out-ot-town guests were: Very `Rev. Dean lsweeney and Rev. Father Brennan. Barrie: L.- Bsrthelotte. Detroit: Mrs. Chas. Martin. Penetang: Mr, and Mrs. E. ~ C. `Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. '1`. A. Lybn. Miss Margaret Lyon. Toronto;. 3. Foisle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred |Comar~ tin. Brentwood`: Miss Thelma Hut- ehlnsou. Orlllta. and Messrs. Ma- honey and Graham of I-Iawkestone. ~ Fine job printing. Barrie Ex- aminer. V ` `Cw Punnumlut Flavorl HARVIE-`-AN8DELL _ __....I.II-; Ill Wlln muuunuvw -n-.-- Barrte ladies of the Barrie Golf end Country Club went to Mid- land, July 1`9th. the game resulting in a. tie. with live wins `each, as (A11:-nun 2 IOHUWI E Ian-is Midland Mrs. "Patterson 1 Mrs. 'McLough1an Mrs. Walker 0 Mrs. Duncan Miss Mccarthyg. Mrs. Benspn Mrs. Rees Mrs. Grant Miss matdlaw 1 Mrs. Tanner . Mrs. Me-Pheer 0 `Miss Potvin Mrs. J . EB. Boys 0 Mrs. Beck - Miss M. `Stewart 0 Miss Watson~ Mrs. Chlttlck 1 `In: \wl 0 Miss O !-Iare Ming Jeftrv us a. uv. tollowsz 1'3. KERN-LIL`. M. ` Mrs. `Walls TC`T T-:7 T Oro councu met my 16 with all` the members present. `Reeve Luck in the chair. . - .n.-mamnninnnnn were read and chair. -Communications were disposed of from A; E. Wilson & Co.. Provincial Treasurer, '1`. D. Robinson. Wrights Limited. A. S.` Millard and Hydro Electric P,ower Commission. Donald McCualg' was present regarding sale or a road al- lowance between Breezy avenue on plans 589 and 806. The award of A. G. Cavana. O.L.-S., for drain applied tor by H. J. Packard was presented, also ot`l::r'papera in connection there- UUIUI` yuyusu Ill vvc ............. -._- with. `On request of `Stewart L. Page for 9. grant of `$20150 -tor oro School Fair. the grant -was given. V KYAHAA was `small -from J. T. 'SimD" gran}: given. Notice was}:-ead -from J. '1`. 'simp-, son. lcounty lclerk. that Oro Coun- +.. n1-n- far ansuink year *would J-[ere is a treat that can't be beat! Benet and plea- sure in generous measure! A O! I son. Icounty lclerx. mat. uro boun- ty rates` for ensuing year be General rate $17,865.00, County Road rate `$4466. making a total of $22,321.00. ` 1'-tum-n nnnm-acts cf `.1 . `W. -Bitch, Tl! wwu Muouwn LADIES -3 AL- 754-..]- fin` $22.3-21.00. Hydro contracts of `J. W. 8. Houston and S. R. Mac-Kengr were accepted as satisfactory. A uomm-. mm: mm! -from Josenh accepted as satlsxactory. A petftlon was read -from Joseph Coulson and a number or others asking Council to have all Ibarberry bushes removed from road allow- ances and other property or the Town hip as it was to a. great ex- tent esponstble `tor the rust in grain crops. mm nlaim of Prhomas Nelson for grain The claim or `Thomas sheep killed and Injured by dogs was ordered paid. bylaw wasxbrought In and pass- ed to exproprlate certain lands for road purposes between torvale drive. plans 627 and 055 and Breezy `ave. plan 608. `The various accounts before the Council were ordered paid and ad- Jo\_x_rnn_1e_r_xt x_r_1ade to meet at the plan sou. Journment made at can of the Reeve. -11- I5 rn`I'Y1\'!.`l .f\B(`!.`. (V14 `Two out -of every thrge Canadian tammes own their own homes. 4-I-~ ----.I. 51.. plan D`I\`\QV|A V ramluas Own Luau uuu .........-. A cake made, the day Richard V.` Clayton of Chicago was born was nnimn (us his 218?. birthday. CIRYIOH OI Unlcago was uu `eaten on his 21st birthday. `PHI name zxmmn T7 \ Ohio` or ham` wme Witch gum ou- :.:~ ":.:'..::'.:'.:;:.`:..:.':::a~.':!' ' ":.:*..".:: Efghig 't.::`1`ohoopot.complo0 wit` ribbon The" lo a` or Mon`: Wat?!` In of lame unl- Ity no I V0. with tuner nun: min I up. I ti 1 II tno ou'.'.'. ..u'..`33':.'::'.".`:.!!'.`.'.'.`. .': ui;'.`. a... pomuno with novuuy out In. 3 - I I ~- - I - I , ._- J _ otT9cot_mcn. K16 vvv V. `M. B. n'1`UD'HIO1'-"E, Clerk. `Jun! `U :a.u.L`v Miss J_ e1'ry The smart afternoon rrocx ox usucn natin sketched above has :irdle which women are sure to like. It has a more finished line than the zuperimposed girdle " and is also ex- remely slenderizing. It means only me thickness of material over the lips; also. that the dress won't pull up out of the girdle. but can be tied very snugly about thewaist. The down-in-back hemline of the !rock is also new and smart for for- mal afternoons. the` uneven hemline saving been exclusively an evening Eashion until this seaeon.,' In fact. this very same design, without sleeves l and with another neckline makes an I_'he Slirhmest - Frock Has, a Set-In A Girdle A Massachusetts man recently built a. iivauble house entirely from pid newspapers. `The city council of Hull, England, 1x:aysb1lnd' `beggars `$2 9. `week to eep them `oft the street. Fifty years ago Engiand,had 13 penal servitude prisons and 113 local -prisons, now there; are only 4 penal and 13 local `prisons. . i aveuuna _ uvw ; (_.0opvnoM. IT taken but a few :no- , meat: at day to keep yoighr ehoee well polished W . `HUGE It Shoe lish.

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