Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jul 1928, p. 11

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page F:':1nv9. C`uh:1, I-`.:*r~ .`.l2.\ C` ...4L. \u~.~.n--n:) Page Eleven u-nu, nu . 1 America pmn1in- .\'uL:onu1 DI Ian-lo S VVVV V 7 V ' . ' ' iscieniists at Harvard University tun sized frogs -in a. week `through have caused tadpoles to develop into giving them thyroia stand: 0: sheep. - unaay, July 20; 1923 ju- Support the Highway Safety Movement Ask for one at your filling station Highway: Saiety committee uvr\\v REA 5 L`lD\YD\7 f'Ln.'uunn Wear this sticker on your windshield ' Th; I-ION. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairman. F. M. TYRRELL, Superintendent Ross 8.!-ocx.e DUN!-or jam. _' r ' Sutton was auenaeu Iuy o.vw. Twice in aucceodlon Penetint council Wu forced to adjourn (oxf- lack of a. quorum. _ . \fh:l \ n'nI-n ha-Q been GITRIIEC Cl salary or 81.700 a you-._ A lacrosse league has been fox-it I `on with Allleton. Cookstown. Bee- ton and Tottenham entered. -n_J|_L 1._-I. `nan: -an `g '41`-he Cduniy Ora-nge"e1'1ar"o.t`tb`a?"!t. Sutton was attended thy 5.000. . `Buying In nnnnandlon Penatamr lack or quorum. V _ Miss Munro has been engaged art teacher of. Midrand at a` salary of 81.700 year, . A nun-nnnn Ieazue has `OX1 I110 Luucxuuuu Vllbvovuu _ Eight-lnch panes are being ln~ stalled by Aurora. in the new exten- sion to la waterworks system.` A quantity of try otthe email black bauvarlety has been deposit- ed ln Little Lake. near Midland. n-___.;A-_ __I1-has nail`! `.mHmR.. 9&1-ties selling whether they do am now require 111 IJIILIU I-JBIIV; uvun -up mm: 1n'1_;:;1.7a'.nz.` V9? Darm 0 I0`, d-to take ou_t.`g llcense. . The contract for -|Co1lln:wood`s new elevator has been let to E. G, M. dope & Co. of Montreal, lowed! tendlerere. . e , Aurora Motors" is the name 02 a new conipany formed in that town to handle Oakland, Oldsmobile end Chevrolet care. Mr. and Mrs. `Charles Green ~02 ' Co1llngwood.celebra.ted the son: an- nlversary or their wedding on Mon- day of last week. > numn sound Rotarlans. accom- day or last ween. Owen sound Rotariana. panied by their ladies. pa1d,Oo1l1n8- wooa a. visit yesterday. the _'tg'~f1p ho.-` mg made by boat. . - ,M'M1|n.nd will my 87.25 aton tor! made by boat. ~ Midland will pay $7.25 tor three-quarter lump coal for ~ au schools next winter. according. to`: contract just awarded. - - `my-ml VA!-1-are : house 3.! PC319- contract .108! awarueu. Fred Von-lore : house at Pine-V tang was totany destroyed by..m\' cauued by the explosion of a, can`! . on lamp. on~Monday evening of last week. Amman Duhlln`lSchooI.'E. 3. J. week. Watts, principal. passed 109 per cent. of its Entrance Class. Twen- ty-two pupils wrote and all were successful. - `Capt. Gordon Pilfr-ey of Long Branch ant! Lieut. Reg. -Butler of the training gm-rlson,.'1`oronto,` are the new Salvation Army officers` stationed at Aurora. . -vn... nnmf nfflce department are Alliston Publ1c`xSchoo1.'E. `A. A stationed at Aurora. `The post office department about to, pass a. new regulation. which will foxtbld the posting 02 all small envelopes. Any cover under 8 -in. x 4 in. will be refused. "3----- `Anti-nan! T hnvla. (If 3 '1: X `I U1 WM} uw dnvauvvuu Mayor `Andrew J . Davis of New- market entertained the Town Coun- c11.ot that `town to a two-day outing at "Glenlyon," his summer home at Mulskoka. including a 4'5-mile Journ- ey by water. A motorcade of fty carhtrom lay water. I A motorcade fty cars from Orillla. sponsored by the Bo&d or `Trade, will invade the north coun- 0-vus +1-In lf Wk in `sentemrbar, Q i'1`rade, W111 1n'vau_e me norm uuuu- try the mat week in `Septem-bar. 11' return visit to that made by the n-ortherners a yea:-` ago. | no: _sn_._.1 III... 13.:-uuvulo II1{`.1 `nib AH !l`UL'uu:L'ucu: a Jvuo` I~p|\-v Midland. like Barrie. will lose onel of its banks on account of the. Com- merce-istandard merger. At `OH1118. the Standard will change its name to` Commerce. there being nq, branch [of the latter institution there. ...__ ...1......... ..a1'.nna-(aw! no. 0` U16 ICILLCT lubdl-uvavan v. oooo v- Thomaas Ashman. of Longtord. ag- ed 84. has played the Me in Orange ;"w'a1kvs for 7-1 years. At Orilua on `July '112 he took -an active part In his I 1odge's activities, made possible. on- DISTRICT _% N 153 by the ?exc'e11ent health `which he | enjoy-I. ngmn `Rn:-an and `Rv-n.dfm-d are In . Camp Borden and Bradford are - pinyin: a double schedule in their intermediate 0.A.L.A. group. Re- maining games are: July 28. Camp Borden at Bradford: August 4, `Bradford at Camp Borden. Total goals count in the four games. AIIn_J.-.. lL!.._..1.I.. ll... T\-_-_L-`A-6 --I `O0 3: lgvuew vvuaau ado lvonv van 5... .... .... Allilton Herald-: The Department of Highways 13 taking a census or ,trai'lic over the road between Crox- son eA `corner and Primrose. This chore always precedes the designa- tion*o'! a provincial highway and al- so determines such designations. It is up to the car drivers of the dis- trict to make the traffic what some lot them have claimed for it.` Va vnovnoo now-vu -.-----..._ _..- -- Mldlanvd Argus: A rather disas- trous fire broke out at the residence of Norman Shefcleld. {Russell Street, Tuesday evening. resultlngtrom a ' cdal on stove exploding in the back kitchen. The prompt arrival-of the firemen prevented the ames from spreading to the main part or the building but the summer kitchen and its contents were destroyed. -_|_,, nn,.___n_._ _p 11:15....` `re... __-_ `tutu uuu --.v..-.. v... W .._. John Goggins of Milford Bay. was fatally injured near Gravenhurst last Thursday evening when the door of an auto in which he was riding came suddenly opened and he fell out on his head. He had been in` Oriiiia. in; connection with the Orange celebration. and was driv- ing` home in company with Thomas Woods and Ernest Boyd of Brace- bridge. Iniilnournnd `Rnnnv 'l`hn nnnninl orialcfllsingwood Bulletin: The special committee appointed to arrange for the celebration of the recovery of the little ship N-ancy on Tuesday. August 14, are meeting with :1 {av- orable reception in working out their plans. TWo~~members of the `provincial government have signi- ed their pleasure to be present while others are being communicat- ed with. Formal invitations will be issued -later and the program will be announced as early as possible, probably a couple of weeks before the event. Tn. `wiring! n await` a I-nn knh: Innov- LHV VVVHM In trying to avoid a. mud hole near the `bridge at the foot of Cer~s'we1~i s hill. near Bond Head, Bert Broder- ick s coupe was nearly demolished on `Saturday evening. The auto struck the end of the culvert rail- ing, crushing` the bumper and radia- tor and driving the engine back several inches. How he escaped seems a mystery. his only injuries being a. few bruises and scratches ands general shaking up. Strange to say in the mass of twisted metal no glass was broken; even. the head- lights, though bent. remained intact. `FORMER ono BOY % | HAS A rm: RECORD The July number of the Kiwanis Magazine contained the fo11'ow1ng reference to a native son `of Oro Township: `k'hm"nv-Man .T .T .Qh1H h Trv-nrnn.-Hinfn J.U\'\ ll_5lll}Ji Kiwanian J. J. zsmith. Immediate Past Presid-e-nt, and present District Trustee of` the Resins. Saskatche- w`a.n'clu`.b. has completed his twenty- fth year with the Canadian Gov- ernment. For nine years he presided over th`Department of Municipal Affairs as Deput,v-`Minister and very much of the credit for the satis- factory condiition of municipal af- t a'irs in theprovince belongs to Mr. Smith. A native of Edgar. 'Simcoe County. Ontario, Mr. Smith took his B.A. degree at the University of T0- ronto in 189-5 and came to the North-`West Territories `the follow- ing year. He taught for a time near Qu'A.ppelle. took a normal course in Winnipeg` and acted as principal of the public school at Lebret before entering` the government service of the `Territories in 1903. The ::ro\v~th of municipal institutions during the twenty-ve year of Mr. Smith's connection with-municipal work has been phenomenal. BARRIE-OWEN sma ROAD smur NEGLECTED (Meaford Express) In perusing the columns of the Daily on `Saturday we notice the foliowing reference to Highway 26 in the Ontaglo Highways Bullet- in. compiled by Resident Highway Engineers, dated July 9th. Wtncrhnrnv Mn, 96: Owen Smmtl to 11I1 Iinglneeru, uuteu auxy mu. Highway No. 26: Owen Sound to Barrie (74.6 m11es`.)--'1\'o detour. Gravel road from Owen Sound east- erly two miles: pavement for four miles`. then 10 miles of traffic-bound msacadam to Meaford. Meaford to |'1`hombury, pavement - s~0me\vhat r0ug'h. 'I`hornbury to B:11'1`1e. gra- ve1.' ~'I"hA ahnivn la 1: inlzn 9n nnv nprsnn V61." The above is .a Joke to any person familiar with the not a. foot of pavement from Owen Sound to Barrie. other than throug'h Meabford and Collingwood. The road from Owen `Sound to Meaford is in 8. deplorable condition and every ef- fort should .be made to have it cem- ented. `There never has been a road in thiesection that could compare with the roads to` the south of us and the wonder of it all is that the residents here are willing to content themselves with let-ting other sec- tions get the cream of all the good roads the Highways Department has to offer. `The tourist traffic in this section has dropped off con- sideralbly from last year and for no other reason than on account of bad roads. Roads will never be built or improved until they are `asked for _and our dilatory attitude is alone responsible. ` ' road. There is ` Alliston . . . . . . .. Octobe-r 4 and Barrie . . .. September 2-1 to 1 Beaverton . . .. September 26 and 1 Beeton-. ... . . . . . . . . October 1 and Bra.ce-`bridge September 26 to 1 Bradford October 10 and i Burk s Falls .. `September 20 and 2 Coldwater . . .. September 18 and 2 Colllngwood .. September 25 to : Cookstown October 11 and i Elmvale October 1 to Grarvenhurst .. September 20 and 1 I-Iuntsvil-le ..v.tSeptember 25 and S Lindsay September 19 tf) V Meaford . . September 19 to Midland . . September 13 to Orlllia ...... .. September 20 to Oro September -Dnuuuv Q-nun! . Cant-nn1'hnv '7.-'\ fn .\11umnu . . . .4 Dvptcluucl.` 10 |.U J.-1 22 12 `Parry Sound September 25 to 27 -Port Carling .. September 13 and 1-1 Rpsseau September 12 and 13 Severn Bridge September 19 Shelburne .. September 25 and 26 Sprucedale .. September 18 and 19 Sutton August 9 to 11 One of the latest wireless wonders /is a vacuum tube with a power of 15.000 watts. sending out wireless `waves of only six meters in length that can light elgctric lamps wuh. out wires or sockets, warm nearby stpectators and cook sausages 111.3. glass tube without fire. _ TI-ll naml exmman FALL FAIR ISXTES 5 \. 26 27 2` `September 26 28 nfnhnv 10 and 11 ECLJLCIIUIJCI .. 11 2 1 e . 1] l'\ntn1-u- ncland plants _ outhl. IE1` 1 illlL| -4 av 28 '10 11 r20nnd21 r18 19 er 28 12 Jber 3 T 21 r25 26 av 22 er to 21 )er 15 er 22 `I0 .-A..-...-`l.n.. -_-U.- n ..,v.. ._ _ ----_ __- -. Orillia, `however. although she. is on the same highway.and gets as much traffic as her neighbor. shows only `a. moderate rise in June as compared to May; and July promis- es to fall to spring levels. In May. total receipts were $389.50: in June. $583.50: and for the .first half of July. $144. Fines only. collected in connection with traffic violations amrmrved to $54 in May. $69 in June and "$37 during the first half of this 'nonth`:3 a steady. moderate increase. It is short 0! Barrie, however, where 15 convictions were registered dur- ing the first three days of last Week under traffic regulations. in. _u.x_--__A n. .......L n-.. 41.- JIA 'm`AI_-'1-1c PROSECUTIONS IN ORILLIAAND BARR]!-'._ (Packet and Tixnes) Police Court` receipts and nes appear to be on the decline since the rst of the,`according to records kept at the office of Magis- trate -Mcicaughrin. This is the re-' verse of what is happening in Bar- rie. .where. the Examiner reports. Police Court revenue_took a high jump in"May and.June followed by unusual activity during the first week of July. The increase in Bar- rier is imputed to violations or the High-ways Traific Act. l\__1`I)_ .\_ ___,,____A _`._`_ _~___`_ _1__ ;_ To attempt to account fonthe dif- ference between the two towns- is to embark upon a good deal of pra- tless speculation. One might nat- urally assume that Orillia and Bar- rie would fare alike in this connec- tion, but such is no`t the case. Dur- lna` May and June Orillla collected $923, and .LB_su'r1e $1.264. Vvhether it In 0-huh-v nnnfhknIIn.4 fnnvu-1:05 Tn-awn Q3-10, Klllu` .`.l3_.`l1`1 LU I?.L.U'l. VVXICLIICL IL is that northbound tourists learn their lesson in Barrie and behave themselves in Ormia suggests it- self; in which event Orillia can ex- pect her innings in theautumn. Perhaps the fact that the highway runsvthrough Barrie's main street and not through Ori}li`a s has some- thing to do with it. Or maybe. Bar- rie people are harder to please. Who knows? HOUSEBREAKER 1s ARRESTQD AT BEETON (Beeton World) George Vvalker, whom County Constable 'VV'at-son and Police Offic- er Robinson have been endeavoring to locate for several days, was ap- prehended at Connor's store by Sirrs brothers on Monday morning, brought to town and taken charge of by `Constable VVa.tson. `Walker confessed to breaking into two cel- lars in Tottenham. Colga.n and I_-lockley stores and J. D. McKenna's residence (west of Loretto). Since h`is arrest most of the stolen money and goods have been recovered. Lat- er in the day he was removed from the municipal bastile and taken to Barrie by Police Officer Robinson. The Council met on June 29th, as per adjournment, with all its mem- bers present, and the Reeve `in the chair. .nn...........xngHnna mm-n v-and frnm: chair. Communications were read from: T. F. Burrows, re work on Sun- nidale-Vespra !Townline; 'A. E. KVi1-A son & Co., re error in rebate allow- ed`; Hon. John S. Martin, re cutting weeds on highways; Treasurer of Ontario, enclosing cheque for $50.17 balance railway tax. after deducting $109.50 charged for patients in Pro. Institutions: Istewar-t L. Page, re grant to `School Fair; A. \V. Smith. Town Clerk, Barrie, that the Town Council had decided to take no ac- tion re improvement of Sunnidale road to ~cemet:-r_v; WV. A. Boys, Township solicitor. re opening rail- way crossing, sideroad 5 and 6, con. 7. VI... U.\1`r\1Iv`v\(1' nnnnnnte xvnrn hass- 1-, 081! COD. 4. The following accounts were pass- ed:-4\V, D. iscythes, work on town line F105 and Vespra, $38; Jame: Muir. work of `C01. road No. 14, $124.50: \Vm. H. Mason, fencimr township forestry, $27.26; Barrie Examiner, -.1-dv. hall site and` care- taker, $8.80; Dr. V. A. Hart, disin- fectants. $31.50: `L. Poole, work on the 4th line fbridge, $7.50; 0. Davis. \vork onx `Col. road No. '14. $67.55: G. H. Gordon, cedar for `bridge, Col. road `No. 14. $60; `R. Patterson, work $149.47; H. Beeton, work on (`.01. road No. 16, $60; Vvilfred Degeer. work on CO1. road No. 6, $128.08; Francois Travers, work on CO1. road No. 8, $191.10; Thos. Pattenden. work at Mineslng gravel pit, $11: Canada Ingot Iron Co.. culverts for Col. roads. $301450: work on CO1. road No. 6, $209.85; j J. D. Armstrong, work on townline, , Sunnldale and Vespra, $87; Neil Bowser, work on Col. road No. 16. $160; \Valter Fralick, work on Co] I anqe work on Col. road No. 6, $10.25: \Va1'te-r Cook. work on Col. road .\To.,13, $90: Howard Reynolds, work ...... rn.-.1 \\nn \Yn 12 $1059: `F-TV. `Rev- on Col. road No. 14. $51; Rob't. Pat- ` terson, work on CO1. road No. 11. ` Hy Hasrke.`t;- road No. 16, `$80; Hy. Has-kett. b;11- , .fen('inr.': for fo1`est1'y, No.13, $90: 1-1owaru rieyuulua, \\ Lun on Co]. road No. 13, $1`59; Hy. Rey- nolds, work on Col. road No. 5. $299.05; Lorne VVingro've, work on Col. road No. 6. $97; Herb. John- ston, work on 9th con. line, $4.60: R. J. Cook, work on townllne Flos and Vespra, 2-2; Geo. G. Young. work on CO1. road No. 6. $95.25: Alex. Miller, work on Col. road No. 1'1. $100.50; Is-oi-ah Mc.VIaster, work on Col. road No. 10. $309: The Sar- Jesmt Co.. pipe for Col. road No. 5. $7.60; E`.m-er -Caldwell, work `on Co]. road No. 7. $3('8.`55; Jas. A. Comte.` work on Col, road No. 4. $362.63; Geo. MeCualg, work on Col. road No. 2, $121.68: Jasl. Lag, work on Col. road No. `2._<$2T9; A. A. Smith, caretaker of hall and sup- plies for indigents, $8.51: A. G. Ar- dngh. surveying line between west halves lots_1 2 and 13. con. 4, $1]; D. H. Coleman. indigent patient h0 ~Vpit`11 fees. $118.38; Globe Indem- nlt_v Qo., `balance insurance prem- ium; $1: `S:1\v_ver & .\Ias:~:e_v, repairs for grader, `$6.845; '\Vm. -Grant, opera- tiner grader. Flos-'Vespra townllne. $6460; G. Durnford. repairs to grad- er. $2.50; Ro'bin.~'m1`s H"l'd\\'fll`G. $813.51: The Srjermt Co.. fencing; for forestry. $8; Jas-. Doran, on _tc'oount, services as Reeve. $30; Albert :Wn:-d, on are- count. services ,n'<~ Deput_v-Reeve. $30: Roy N. Hick`-i.l:. on account. services as ~Counc~ill..n~. $20; W. Dmvney. Cm :1e(-mmf, .~'e"\'ioes .-1.4 Councillor, $30; D>n`1 .\IC`Le:1n_ on account. services as (,oun:`ll`nr. $1.4; , I D (humus V1-1 vn-H": .2-nlm-\".'nSl services LTOLIX1-.'..'li ur, ma, ., A. B. Cnutts. '1-4 ye-1r'.< szllm-y*a`s Clerk and Tre~.suror. expenses re C01. roads and sm'veyin5.r. $2.39. I I , , x.__L......a....`l Ln vvnfg K/Ulu lUul|.3 llll\| mun u . The Clerk was instructecl to write tn_Geo. R. Lane. Superintendent of the Provincial Forestry Station, at .\I!dhu1`st. exp1'essiu: the apprecia- tion of the Council for the services rendwed b ' him in connection with the laying out and planting of th-9 Township Forestryt ' _ _._..-...1 ......,.4:...-... .-.5 nan (`V/`nu- L UH uauey ;. u. ..u... `v . At a special meeting of the Coun- cil on June 16th, :a bylaw was pass- ed~ authorlzingthe execution of an agreement with the Hydro-Electric Power Commission, and several contracts for power and light were approved. L T 'l"1-an Council adjourned to meet pxjoveu. The Council adjourned on July 30 at 1 o c1oc_k p.m. . ' " A. B. COUTTS, Clerk. vasrm COUNCIL 720111 YOU CAN OWN A SILENT WILLYS IGHT (Huntsville Forester) Misconduct at a dance at Port; Sydney one night last week proved! an expensive experience for Lamphe and Victor Cody. Theirl presence at the weekly dance of the -\Vomen's Institute, under the influ- ence of liquor, precipitated a lively ` row. Managers of the dance deter- mined that they should not be; granted admittance. In the disor- der which followed, several innocent citizens were attacked, and in some cases suffered phys`lc.11 injury. T`here were _no police officers pre- sent. but information a.,r-alnst the- perpetrators was promptly laid next day at Bracebridge, and W;1l`l`i1ll`tS for their arrest plltced in the hands of Provincial Officer I-I:u`d\\'i-xk. \Vith the assistance of Chief "Wat- son, the two men were arrested at Huntsville and taken to Br:1ce'hrid.`-.e for trial. Both men hailed from Emsdale. Cody was ned on two -counts: $25.00 for (lisorderly con- duct and $26.00 for having liquor in an illegal place. Lzimphe was ned $100.00 for ha\'in:.; liquor in an il-I leg-al place; $10.00 for drunkenness,- and three months in jziil for assault ` and dis -rdsrly conduct. | -ngnt DANCEW MISCONDUCT ' ' IS COSTLY BUSINESS The Firestone Gum-Dipping process strengthens the tire to meet the demands of hill climbing, quick stops, sudden turns and high speeds. The Firestone tread is scientically designed to grip the road in emer- ` gencies. You can have this extra safety on your car. Ask your local Firestone Dealer. He will save you money and serve you better. Buy advertised goods. BRYSON 8; MORLEY, Dealers-Bn-adford St., Barrie I/ilways put a ireslone steam-welded. leak-proof tube in your Firestonelirc. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED . HAMILION, - ONTARIO L Gulilii "'i"mEs l'Il\lVIlI4 I UK`, U!` I l\l\I\I Beautiful, low -swung bodies. Patented high.compreasion sleeve- valve engine; 45 horse-power. 7 Bearing Crankshaft -- Alnmin um mninnn /`unwraps Q0415` Q0-asks` New StandardSix Features : JROII no MO \.lA IAIIISDI-I631` `(LO IO`-IIIII XIII ulggtons (Invar Sgeel Struts). Metzhaxlical-type 4-w-heel brakes. Narrdugcorner posts hr clear vision. 8 Timlfen hearings in front axle for contact} cigar: n n- .na.a.nan\an.n uvuannleu llul Aavlulu IQQAV av. easiest steering. Roomy, comfortable interiors. Wide, deeply cushioned seats. Light control for dimming on toe-board. Adjustable steering post. Remote controls on doors. Nickelled saddle-lights. ThermosI:t--aiaIeleaner---oil rectifier. NORMAN .M:.!Y! BUILDS THE ONLY 7.LLX~u)xua ' ELEPHANT WALKS ON STRONG MAN Bomb:1y-Orient-al splendor mark- ed the opening of :1 week's festivi- ties at Kupurthala, in honor of the ; 50th year since the accession of Col- tonel H. H. Maharujah Sir J1lg:ltjit isingh Bahadur. The Vicero_\', Lord Irwin, was met on arrival by the Maharujzth and drove through the decorated streets of the Capital in a silver state couch. escorted by `state troops in blue and silver, two `aeroplanes overhead giving an odd- ly modern note to the scene. 1 ..n~ _.'Tv\vin`c Qnn1hv'9 morninz 1y lI|ULll'.'1'll llULt' LU Luv aL\'u:'. Lord 'Ix`win`s sombre morning dziess contrasted with the brocade robe, jewelled orders, and diamond M crown of the .VIahz1r:1j::h heside him. A nnhlh-. nntnntninnnnnf 11'-no \ri\,-pn Ul'U\Vll UL |.uv: .V1(lll(llIJl|| l'('~`|A\l\ nu... A public entertainment was _~.:iven in the grounds in the ufternuon. in- cluding fitghts between animals. Rams battled with each other. and another feature was the exploit 0f_:L Turkish strong man, whu allow-d an elephant to walk on him witlmut apparent inconvenience from the beust s ponderuus feet. Exhiihits from (`u gmuda. Mexico, Indi.-1. S uuth land United States will he ent at this _ve:1r`s Cun:ndi:m J Exhibition, Toronto. ` Any \Vr nf` l`A\\"1"l"-`I LXIIIULLLUII, .LUlU1llU. Art .\'e-edh:1m of (`m'm\':11`1is, Ore-., recently chewed an sti<'k.< of gum and played 21 Cornet at the same time at a dance. .,w_ (Ii!

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