Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1928, p. 5

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Ul. V1135: 'l.uua. VV uuuuu Luca u van Misses Velma. and Marguerite Terry are spending the holidays with their grandmother in Barrie. \/fun :'LTnnfnn nn fnnlv HRVA Pe- Wltn U101!` g'1'uuuu1uuu:r Ill ncuuc. Mrs. Hunter and family have re- turned home after spending two weeks camping at Victoria Harbor. \,r..= `X7InnH v~n \/fni`;VI Hlnn and son. weeks campuxg m. vu.-Luna u.ouuu.. Mrs. Wlnnifred MdM1llan and son, Donald. of Penetang spent a day last week at the home of J. P. Dean. 1331! (`Hon .("nrn.rhh1Q`u and 9n2`h- 18.81`. VVEEK at U16 ROIHB `U1. 0. 1'. ucaxt. Rev. -Chas. Cummings and daugh- ter, Margaret, of Ailsa Craig visit- ed friehds in the vicinity last week. \.I.. nna '\A na ncmuin and nhHd- ed rrienas in me Vicinity inst vvecn. Mr. and Mrs. Beavitt and child- ren of Newmarket are visiting Mrs. J. Doan and friends at Allenwood. ___`11`r\n un1n_'mnn as: shingle: and J. Donn and rmenus at Aueuwuuu. --`For Sale--7000 3X shingles and a pure-`bred Yorkshire sow. Ap- `ply to ES. D. `Cotton, Elmvale. 2'9b `1\/| m:fm~ I'Rlllle Jones returned t0 D1) [0 IS. LU. 'U0l'.wu, xmxxlvuiu. aau `Master nB_iliie Jones his home in Midland after enjoy- ing a week with his aunt, Mrs. R. A. `Cooper. Misses Leita and Ella May Thomson returned home on Sunday after spending a couple of months in North Bay. M . anal `\/I'M: 1-? `I -1 `hnrf M Top. In Norm say. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. `Short of Tor- onto. formerly a manager of Stand- ard Bank. Elmvale, are holidaying at Wasaga Beach. nllknwf am-1 rnrn Dntnher. Delbert at wasaga nettcu. `Elbert and Clare Dutcher, Delbert Bannerman, Charles and Francis Burton spent a few days camping at Wasnga 'Beach. `!UI'un 'l2`.nn1!T.nnv\n\\ and r\"11`Ph and Vvasnga. useacn. Mrs. Earl Leeper and children and Mrs. R. A. Dean, all of Nowood, are spending a couple of weeks at the home of U. P. Dean. Mrs. W. Patterson and daughter Ruth and Miss Daisy Patterson of Hamilton were guests of Mrs. C. S. `Burton for 9. few days. , Mrs. T. Martin. Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Martin and children and Mrs. James Smith spent Friday 'with Mrs. R. S. istratton in Oriiiia. -n.. nu-qr` \/rm. h (`m-nm-an mntnred GENERAL am-A1ns"3 ALL MAKES or CARS Genuine Ford Parts MULTIBESTOS BRA_`E.1lSlNG M1's.TR. as. Istratton m uruuu. {D12 and Mrs. D. Corcoran motored to London on Monday where Dr. Cdrcoran will attend Masonic Grand Lodge in sessign there this week. Anrh-our 'l'.n`w_ann rnneived word Lodge In session tnere LUIS Vvcc-n. Andrew Lawson received word this week that his son Erle of the Bank of Toronto stuff at Meaford. has been transferred to Owen Sound. _ Mu. nn `Mv~a Wm. Shaw and Sound. Mr. and `Mrs. Wm. `Shaw and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. Minnie Shaw of '.Schom`berg were the guests of the latter s abrother, "A. E. Spring. onvlsunday. MI. .AMnn Mr, and Mrs. Thos. onvlsunciay. Miss Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knapp and sons; Clarence and Gle`nn. of Thornton, and niece, of St. Catharines, visited Elmvale re- latives on Sunday. \:fn nnrl Mr: .T., -iA. Mnirtin and latlves Bunaay. Mr. and" Mrs. L. -A. Martin and children returned to Toronto on Monday after spending a. couple of weeks with the tormer's mother, Mrs. T. Martin, lSr., mu. on-CR |1\I|'na. rvvo 1'-T, -M'a.nnn and Mrs. '1`. Martin, Ian, `Mr. arid `Mrs; W. H. Mason and Misses May and Margaret `Scott of Elmvale and -Mr. and Mrs. G. `R. Lane or -Midhurst spent last week at 'Wasaga `Beach. `Inn A .'I nhn.qrm and daughter ian Raid veteran and the medal is still in the family. Four brothers went west, one has made enough to retire, one is in the general store business an:d- two are farm- ing. Aeister, Mrs. Ferier, lives in Cookstown. the sole survivor of the Colemans in those parts. t 'wasaga. uaeacn. Mrs. A.A Johnson and daughter F1-Ha aanma EXAMINER V HOVIS HHCU LUIS WUI=l\u Marguerite Int!` `kn "\n1il`QUl nsnc BATTLE ENDS1N_ coum` reserving Juuguuuu. It was a stormy trial, `Magistrate Jeffs several~times threatening to adjourn it because of heated tifts between `Crown Attorney Evans and `H. H. Creswioke, counsel for Keen, who never seem to get along in golice court hearings. he air was so surcharged with pugilistic terms that it was a parently absorbed by counsel. ere wereyleft swings, straight ja'bs, blowsto the solar lexus and much feigning. The < rown At- torney cross-examined Keen twen- ty minutes on his pugilistic attain- ments. D..--1... "Ann. :1. r`nvvu`\nJ- (Continued horn page 1) `This all came out in police court Tuesday when Keen and Sheppard were charged by -Brooks with as- sault. The magistrate will think the contradictory evidence over, reserving judgment. T+ urn: o at-nv-mv trial` `Mitft D5. Brooks Hors de Combat Brooks got the worst of the pumelling. He was hors de combat for four days but the dance went merrily on. `fsaturday night, the big night, he felt constrained to appear before dance atrons in darkened glasses after aving ap- plied much raw beefs-teakduring the week. `The glasses were to serve as camouage to make him- self presentable. Defence counsel said it was to appease his humilia- ion. !'lLL..J. u... 4.1..` `Ivnvv 4-inn nu-Dianna E1011. . `at was the way the evidence went all morning and afternoon. Tl: nun. 6-kn nnnlnnal-no 1-u-nva urhn WBHB uu ulunuug auu LhEL'lIUUllo It was the orchestra boys who stroll the `beach in daytime and fill the night air with jazz who wit- nessed the 'battle and had the most fun out of the incident. Two of them gave evidence for Brooks. Luella of Ux.br1dge and sons How- ard of Chicago and Hugh` of Tor- onto` and Miss Johnson of Toronto called on Mrs. Jas. Smith on Mon- Rn`: UCIIIULA uu u.La. uuc. -.1uAAI.AA vu guvu day. Rev.. D. Ferguson of Cookstown occupied the pulpit at Elmvale Presbyterian Ichurch and Knox. Crossland. on Sunday, Rev. E. Thomas taking the work-at ICooks- rm.L ...m-mm... .-.9 1'. n T. and T. I-'lStnaWe3 'UllUD&'&uug v-v-u ` 34 Toronto Sh. Phono I122/1 -4`; peararnce. Pearson `Dean, Mrs. Harrington and Virginia, Mrs. Margaret Hoop- er and Victor Hooper, .\Ilsses Grace and Marjorie Dean took 9. short trip up among the 30,000 Islands one day last `week. Mr mm VT: nm~h_ nvm-man and v The members of L. O. L. and L. 0. B. A. of Elmvale attended 12th of July celebration in Orillla this year. The L. O. B. A. won second prize for their marching and ap- pearance. `Dnnvsxnn `Damn. M'1`sL I-Iarrlnzton day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Drennan and children, Miss` Cecilia Mc.\Iani`ngWel1 and Mr. and Mrs. Kirsham and fam- ily all of Toronto and Mrs. Prowt of `Bbwmanvllle were the guests of Mrs. Fred Grlgg over the week-end. Mr... ...-.A \/fun D T Qnnff nf`Rm1rn. .V1I'5. I`T'Q Ul1'l5,`g'{ UVUF L116 \VC!':l\'Uu\-In Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Scott of Bourn- mouth. England, and son, Mr. Scott of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. H. Clement on Sunday and are spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Burt at Wasaga. D1-xn nk .V1l'. am | Beach. VI 80 I uvuuv The members of Elmvale Presby- terian Ichurch held their annual pic- nic `at Wasaga Beach on Wednes~ day afternoon, July 11. After sup- per they enjoyed a boat trip up the river. Anglican and United Church Picnic .nu.- oc1.....:..-. Q.-.1.-.1-`ale. AP TX?1;n1{fPn I'\lIsI|UGlI Ell Eliluvu CI-U-Iv The `Sunday Schools of Wycliffe and .St. John's churches held a. un- ited picnic at Wasaga Beach in Eb- erhart's `Grove. on July 1-1. It was very largely attended by both par- ents and children. A bounteous. supper was provided by the ladies and after all had done ample jus- tice to it. all proceeded to the beach where the evening was spent in rac- .. 'Tmr\ 1vf\III\l3' nnnnln nnvnd ?Y'Il'H`!h where the evenlng was spent m ruc- es. The young people afforded much amusement for the older toll: in the following races: sack race, three-legged race, needle race, blindfold race, boot race, potato race. pop race and wheelbarrow noon - ~vvw' 1`8.C8. I-`LOS COUNCIL Flos Council met at Elmvale on July 7 pursuant to adjournment. The following accounts were pass- ed for payment:--tChas. `Fraser. printing account, $87.00; Thomas Smith. bonus wire fence, $19.40: Wm. Hunter. bonus wire fence, $12.40; M. Palmer, bonus wire fence, '$1|6.*60; Jos. Drysdale, refund on lot sold by County in error, $34.33; Jno. Houden. bonus Wire fence, $6.00; W. Borthwick, 'bonus wire fence, $6.40; Walter Draper. for burying `dog found dead` on roadway, $2.00; Ro'bt. Hisey, refund nu 1n? unit` in Prvnr. NO sum: - NO ROCK. STELCO COKE-A CANADIAN P RODUCT c. J.sM1f;f;_1__`___PHoN 1324 ---...4...AAgAAnAAAA'Aon00 R0'bt. Hlsey, rerunu on lot sold in error, $20.45; Thou. Smith. sheep killed `by dogs, $25.00. `Lana-.mqn._.."I`.nnm\ -- .O1`de1-ed that Smith. sheep .1 by uogs, oamvu. Ordered that leave `be granted to introduce By- law 1012 to repeal By-law 1011 and that By-`law be read a first time. Bylaw introduced, read a. first, se- cond and third time and passed. 'T.nnrrn1nn ._ Ordered T\a-nun A1! and third time and passeu. Downey - Langman Ordered that leave be granted to introduce By-law 1013 to authorize the box`- roudng of $3&700 upon debentures to pay the cost of certain local improvements and that bylaw be read a first time. By-law read a rsn second and thud tune and passed. rrnnm---Downev - Ordered that passed. `Toner-Downey leave be granted to introduce By- law 1014 to authorize the borrow- ing of $3800 upon\debentures to pay for extensions to the water- works. system` in the police village of Elmvale. By-law read a first, second and third `time and passed.` `l\nuvnnv_J'l`nnnr -- Ordered second and UIIFQ time and paasuu. Downey--J'I`oner Ordered that whereas no fixed price has been esta:blished for~grave1 in the Tp. of Flos and whereas it is desirable that a certain xed price should `be agreed upon, be it therefore re- solved that the highest price to she paidfor good gravel shall not {be more that 16 cents per load or 1%. yards. and be it further resolved that in cases where owners of gra- vel pits insist on a `higher price that the`-Council consider the ad- visability of taking proceedings for the purchase of the pits of such owners. in.-gunnli mlinnrnnd tn meet on owners. A Council adjourned to meet Saturday, July 21, at Phelpston at 1.30 p.m. _C. -S. BURTON, Clerk. The new constitution of Mexico prohibits night work for women and children. . A D\t\II' O-vnn Inn annnirnr has been children. A new type loud speaker has been developed whereby the human voice may be projected more than .a. m1le.. S. S. Picnic s1 9AR;=E1}1_T1:Rs AT YOUR COMMAND Illulnll 8!. vxcron nzconns } VICTROLAS THE BEST FOR FUEL, ICE OR CARTAGE 97 Dunlop St. WISH TO ANNOUNCE may ARE GIVING nuam 'rowN_ S_ALl-ZSAMEN 11-Na; J. W. SCOTT during June, July and Auu:t_ and we feel sure our many customers will a preciate the idea and take an extra supply of Brea ahead. III 10: v--nv sPmc1ALIs'r'1N GOODYEAR wzu AID mmno rngsps SYSTIII -u -Q: Ininli A IIIIIIIII F AC1 ORY CLEARANCE SALE BABY CARRIAGES AND STROLLERS Regular from $12.00 to $45.00 A SALE PRICES `FROM $7.00 TO $15.00 78 Collin-`St. A. E. .129 ?::l|l:,.s3.'. Phone I8 `AA- 1 3!. i -- ' C nu:-:---v vDe1igh`tfuvl Products of the Up-to-date Bakery Wonderful Health Properties in H-ovis.` 'Hovio greed, 8c and 13. Eat Hovio for Health. ----- 2 H. E. Milchuough Specials w-.:r.:..'.: % pl-[o_NE 515 F9: YOUR cnocmv wmrs D ,-___---.1 I f\J`l )-_l- 51.... II_'_...__ 15--.. A 13-32-.` `Jar 'C""" :Ripe Olives 45etin I C91-to . . . . 3 bottles for $1.00 ugxn IIIQIIII `If II I VICTOR NORTHERN ELECTRIC _l'A.DA ml wzsrmcuousn THE `SHOE MAN an-v-Av A 1' In!!! `I'\`I` {ring your next roll ROBEl?l`SON S " DRUG STQRE LVEA YOU SE1 OUR BORDER PRINT S?. Ontario Bakeries Limited WEDNFSDAY HALF-HBLIDAY Chance ONTARIO BAKERIFS LIMITED I` -T-Zdij 11 Dunlop S -AAAAAg 951' DC Illa \.IlAl QLGIISU HQGL IIICICIIUQ ;'i..'.{| }'.{'s`1.oo I "`17oz. .......... .. 3 TO ALL PARTS OF TOWN .4 VAN- Phone 5 Our Motto: Quaniir And Service vs A. H. FELT -= wA'rcHMAI3_ JEWELER "5 J. G. KEENAN i I-1Vl:`.RY'I"HlNG IN MUSIC 7 Texas *~ SCOTT S E3}'3Ea"{ob 6*r',*fio;"b_i_c'>;1e's,7\_ve 5:; a'oT.r'&;.".{n;uiE. Phone us your wants and we will send a. reliable man right over. For years we have catered to the `immediate needs of people all over the town; me BALLPLANING mu. co. (BROWN'S BAKERY) Plano IIO Preserved J. G. SCOTT * tcgfarg` \5.::' STEADY GROWTH . LO_W map gosr _ V-I &VV&V MIIIUIIU Qllmu` "UU'L' ptIIOOlIIIIIIlCII'.UU1u. Dainty Lunch Mayonnaise 23 Little Chip Orange Marmnlado, 1 (Ln-r {an Qn O Keefe' .'s:n'e- di'n};r' -B~eer, hf. . . _ . , , , , , II: , _ - --_-----AAAA II Elinboth `Sh. Phone 40I WOT buj lldvrla Inn-can v EXPERT VULCANIZING We Guarantee Our Work AUTO ACCESSORIES. FILLING STATION. %!3.99.AN*" & 5 A III.__- IAH But Summer Food for laying Hons yl PlI.Lp'l HI- IAIKIT" I Bl'iii`VTE'i:0. _]< M098-Fe Sold and vuommu;d;d_b; ` .-_ 4----au- RADIO 3'7 EGG .45. HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANO! Growing Mash C. I. SCOTT I-l\I\rI grin In as v 147 `Dunlap St. ITI-on: AAA Phone 86 Page Plvl ' ?nvnzLn 31., `Blunts. -_----AA uwvI\I'IIII` >- CONTRACTORS jlstimates 'Cheerully Given In... 1 199! XTIDIQV-2 - --- ._... - LAUNDRY CALLED 1-`on AND DELIVERED PROMPTL . ORILLJA puomss -no . -m ` . - ~ -------_-- BEILLIA STEAM LAUNDRY co. LTD. wuv KILL YOUR WIFE? LET US DO THE DIRTY WORK. . BARRll_-2 PHONE} 562 ----- -- .----u-up` nnaunlnvrlii LOWE BROS. PAINTS AND VARNISI-IE3 Are more than `.`Just Palnt'. ., The customer who buys longer Paint receivesa roduct that tars more, lasts costs less. Save - hat st_u-face you save all.` It pays. Vvvvwwv Hovi SPECIALS AT BRYSON 5 BAKERY 'l'hurod_ay, July 19, 192: BARRIE-ALLANDALE DAIRY co. SCIENTIFICALLY PASTEURIZED LIVINGSTON BROS. 'anv:cE HREPMRS )7NWAVl.L MAKES or CARS -- BARRIEi -% I `macs SALES AND szgvlcn B COAL THE BARRlE.WEEKLY BUSINESSREVIEW WBi!EAD SCONES BISCUITS JUMBLES MILK ' _o.ndCREAM `Leave your Cl_mPi|18 0'39` . ,____ ..;.n.... hurl N' be Vixinii" FOVIS G. R; & E. BURNS, Sp.C; Licensed Chiropractors Drugless Therapists 5 60 Elizabeth St. (upstairs) ' ' Phone 405.` ----AAAA Site cdn vt Help Noticing . The Shirt You Wear ,FO_R spomr oVcc4A,sIoN:s: The ENSEMBLE Shirt Collar . and Cravat to' Match The New Euclid: Style" 3 Dunlgp St. Phone 1047 Jarvis Cabaret Have you tried Ionic of our new dishes? nu-1' 1' `rm mum 'l`nH'.1'D W UIIIIII 6 I10 TILLIE TH-E TOILER (Fresh Strawberries and .Ice`Cream) MAGGIE AND JIGGS (Watermelon andrice cream) MUTT AND J EFF ISWEET SIXTEEN TOWN HALL BYLAW HVLI n n n n Inn`! A 1\nII+A CHAS. LOWER VVJH Lnnvvu vc. -.v-- --_- Camping Urder _ _ ` Bug Bey Pomt Store gt our store audit will be lled e to arrive in good con- and installeci a gasoline pump for `and packed dition. {your convenience. V Phone Your Order and Save Your Coupons. ___. ___...-- Qliln WE HAVE OPENED OUR -- -- In . a. 4__ 1"U.VV.LV nnuu Jill-M1 vv Thxs cannot be beaten. THE SERVICE GROCERS ALLANDALE.[PHONE 117 BA-'r}:"Xxas cmczn nnops mun:-:n cm: % vrnurr CAKE Cleaned Phone 291` _ MRS. WALTON IS DEAD; AGED 100 . ~ `(Continued trom page 1). early. is an excellent sleeperand. of course, an early riser. or at least was of necessity during her active ears. .She is the eldest of a famiy of nine, three of whom are: still living. She had three children. `Mrs. Marlin. Mrs. Jacob MdDermott of Alliance. Alta.. and Mrs. Kerfoot. deceased. ' ` M'lV..A....s1\.f.... `X n`C-An nvgnms (Mans- lVI.l'u D-Ul'IUUUo uecuuzwu. _ Today `Mrs. Walton wears glass- es only for reading purposes. her hearing is excellent and her intel- lect-quite bright. She. is a consis- tent reader of newspapers and in touclrvwith the` current events of the day, still does a little plain sewing and` knittincr. walks well . and is._in` fact; quite smart on her DIR-E`CT DEALERS IN , A ` - _ DODGE BROS. PASSENGER CARS-GRAHAM BROS. TRUCKS Ieet. . Born in the northern gart of Ireland on March 1. 182.. Mrs. Walton came to `Canada with her parents at the age of seven. They settled at lscarboro. York County. Her maiden name was Duncan, and the Duncans and the Waltons were among the first to settle in -that section. Over sixty years ago she moved with herhusband to Gren- fel. Mr. Walton died 35 years ago. but Mrs. Walton continued to re- side on the homestead with her `daughter and son-in-law until ten years ago. |She has -been a life- long Methodist and an active church, worker up until very re- cent years." . - 'Nnn nnlv livinnw vnlatives are a cum; years. The only living relatives are a brother, James Duncan. who lives with a daughter at 5-5 Indian Rd., Toronto. `He is present at the fun- eral despite his 84-years. A sister lives in `California. Seven other brothers and sisters are dead. The two living daughters are Mrs. Mar- lin and -Mrs. Jacob \McDermott, A1I....-.. AIL.` 1111 MIA `MIL an |A.11_ia:_ace, Alta. (`Continued from page 1)` cept it. `Somebody has to :do {the work and a great drawback in pub- lic life today is that many of the` right kind` of men shirk public duty. Ml (`Alon-nun : uynwntrnra tn duty. _ _ Mr. Coleman's willingness to serve has landed him numerous church-, lodge and many other du- ties. He has lled every office in the Anglican church of his native town of tcookstown, is at present warden of `Trinity Church, 'Barrie, succeeding the late Judge Vance. He is a mem-ber of the `Children's Aid `Society and- by virtue of. his o ice pays all accounts, likewise the Mothers Allowances Board; he is a director of R. V. Hospital board. former treasurer and pre- sent chairman of finance of the Ki- wanis ,Club, and chairman of the. civic committee of the Board of Trade. IBesides Mr. Coleman is President of the `Central District of Ontario, comprising Grey, Sim- coe, Peel and York ~Counties,Vof the` Conservative Association, and is at present engaged in organiz- ing a monster picnic at Coiling- wood for August 23`, at which Hon. R. 8. `Bennett, the leader of the party, will be the chief speaker. o be able to answer any.questi'on pertaining` to his duties of these organizations one must be almost a human encyclopedia. rm..- mnlnmon fnmilv hnmrind `hv human encyclopeuia. The `Coleman family, headed `by Richard |Coleman. ;Sr., came from Tyrone County. Ireland; almost a century ago. |Richard and his bro- ther William took up 200 acres on the south half of lot 2, con. 2, In- nistil and up` until 1923, when D. H. was apointed treasurer of Sim- coe County. the Coleman home- stead. was located at that spot. They came out in a sailing vessel `and the voyage took many weeks. One child was born at sea. Richard Coleman. *.Ir.. however. was born in Innisl and lived there all his life, succeeding to the homestead. He married Letitia Jones, who liv- ed on the farm opposite, and Har- ry is one of a family of six boys and one girl. `The Coleman. farm was situated 1% miles from Cooks- town where Harry received his ed- ucation, entrance and two years` in I fth, form, now Continuation 1 _school. The 'Coleman farm, of course, was originally. solid bush, beech and maple -with some cedar in the low parts. This section, now cleared, is the `most productive part of the farm. . . 1'? Han nnnnitv treasurer had not part 01 me Iarm. If the county treasurer had not had municipal experience he would not have been selected for the of- fice; furthermore, he would not have accepted it had he not "thought he could vll the job. In 1913.he.was elected to-the town- ship council of `Innisl, in 1915 to the zdeputy-reeveship and in 1920 to the reeveship, which he resigned on July 1. 192-3, to accept his pre- sent position on. the death of the late Daniel Quinlan. `Therefore he had ten straight years municipal experience, eight of which he s ent in the =|County` `Council. anys the day he talked to the late Dan. Quinlan on county matters. Today he is friend and advisor to fifty odd councillors and his office is a veritable information bureau. Nil... unlnnnona `noun nlurnva knnn is R verwwuie uuunuuuuu uuswm. The 'Colemans have always been Orangemen, dating from their re- sidence in Ireland. D. H. has more , fraternal degrees than most men. He is a member of Clover Hill Lodge 89; of R.`B.'P. 109, Cooks-A town, of `Manitoba Lod e, 286, A. F. & A.'M.. Cookstownp ast Noble Grand of Cookstown lodge, 1.0.0. 13., and a Rose Croix of the Scot- tish Rite. He was secretary of the Clover |Hiil loudge for many years. In 1909 `he married Miss Maude Graham of `Clover Hill. He always seemed to have`. a soft spot in his i heart for Clover Hill, fraternally a2 _ and 15 years. 1 and otherwise. There are two boys. Jack and Arthur, aged 13 Ma '(`_n1Amnn a Fnsnvu ny`-`ran 1: `Fan. cm" AC_Q_l_[AlNTED M 1.0 yUH1'3u '1- Mr. `Coleman's father was a Fen-1 AAA; See page 6 for" Elmvale Entrance examination results. A Lfarnl nvnv in holidavlnsr with examination resuits. .1-Iarold Gray is holidaying with his uncle at Peterboro. Man `Smith .0! London is the celebration at stayner on cue um. Geo. Argue enjoyed last week with friends in `Toronto and Belle- ville. Mra. Ro`bt. Harris of Toronto is `visiting her sister. Mrs. Geo. Rit- I chie. '1`. 0. Bell of ist. Icatharines spent a. weekat the home 0! Wm. An- drew. - Miss Mary Craig of Craighurst is spending a. few weeks at A. T. Cooper's. _ - Miss Mgrion $_c_oti_: of"1`oron't`o is _L \r__ uncle at Petsrnoro. Miss fsmlth `of London is guest o! Mrs. L. Christie. Mm. Florence Rlfchle of Toronto guest 0'. MP3. 14. Unnsue. Miss Florence Rlfchie is holidaying at her home. Man A rs. Rishnn snent last week- holidaying at her noxne. Mrs. A. C. Bishop spent last Wlth her daughter at Richmond Hill. -Allenwood` IL.0.L. attended the celebration at Stayner on the 12th. pa... Avann Aninved last week %:iiiili%iiw&ai: E ELMVAL-E NEWS illilllllimilli Cooper's, Miss Marlon Scott; of `Toronto is spending her r_1o11d`ays at Mrs. '1`. R. Mc|Caw's. mu... 1\/rmmnv-A1 Andrew is amend- Mc|Caw's. Miss Margaret Andrew is spend- ing a; couple of `weeks with friends in Oriliia. \/1.. an.-I `Mm: 'I`innin2' and Kath- in Oruua. Mr. and Mrs. Tipping and Kath- leen spent Isunday with friends in Coldwater. `.\/Ina nan Rnn nf `Barrie snent a IADIO TUBES TESTED AND REACTIVATED. BATTERIES CHARGED `Ila. Overnight ohu-go. I00. E ATWATER KENT Inow and Bnttorylooo: EC.G.I. Rndlolno and Mu-oonl. {Phone for a demonstration or E cal} and see them. Comwaner. Mrs. Geo. Roe of Barrie spent few days with her sister, Mrs. W. J. McGuire. ' \'ina \/rmsa-m~n+ mmnsrm of Toron- J. Mcuuwe. . Miss Margaret Simpson of Toron- to Is spending a. couple '02 weeks -with friends.- \II'na .13 \/l'nvHn `Ray and Sam, -With n`1enas.- Mrs._~F. Martin. `Sn, and Sam. Martin spent the 12th with friends in `Stayner. . um. (Inn. T-Tudson of Montreal is in stayner. .VIrs. Geo. Hudson of Montreal visiting her parents, 31:`. and Mrs. James `I-Iiil. `Alina 'RnrIv1 '.mifh smnnt 1381'. Wek James 11111. Miss Beryl `Smith spent last week with her cousin. Myrtle Reynolds, -at `wyevale. - nvriua nwnfhv T.an2`man of `Lane'- -at `wyevaze. Miss Dorothy Langhxan of `Lang- man is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. A. E. isprlng. ' nu mm `.Vl'v~:_ \miffm~d vsmvlle of A. 1:}. Isprxng. Dr. and Mrs. `Clifford vsmylle Monteith renewed acquaintance in town this week. \:f. onA' "\/I've Inufnv nn daughter` town uus weex. Mr. and` Mrs. Foster and daughter. of St. Thomas, are visiting at Gar- vow Lan1man's. _ \`rnn nun. hmm Hm xvnst. is vis- Lungrmans. Mrs. I-Illtz, from the West, is vis- iting her mother. Mrs. H. Langman, and other rlend~s. T\n mm I\Tva A1`hnM Snnft visited and other h`1enc1`s.. Dr. and |.\I1`s. Albert Scott visited the forme1"'s mother, -Mrs. W. H. Mz1son.'on Sunday. 1:<.m\'a1; huvnhnv n? `Rnmvin gmant an M.z1S0l1_. on buuuuy. Frank Dutcher of `Barrie spent an evening last week with his` sister, .VIvs. F. C. Bishop. \/Tn and M71`: P R],C|(|_k and {menus on Iuesaay. Miss Marlon .\Im*t1n of Wyevale spent last week with her grand- mother at 'C1`0ssland. \IfIaa `l2`.HnnI~mrh T.vnn nf .('11~oss- B8!`,\'l Smith. I01` a new uuys. Mrs. Dlckenson and 31155 Susie `Dlckenson of Toronto visited Mrs. Geo. Farney for a few days. Mr munat nn cmn Ge-nrsa nf Bar- .\'11`s. 1'`. L`. tslsnop. Mr. and Mrs. R. 31. Black and .\I1sses~ Evelyn and Betty are holi- daying in Musltoka. - up nn M'vn. `Stewart and Miss aaymg In Musltuu. Mr. and Mrs. `Stewart and Miss Jessie rstewnrt of `Toronto visited friends Tuesday. `flan xwnnlnn \fm-Hn nf Wvnvale G60. .b`a1`ney IO!` a Law uuya. Mr. Guest and son George of Bar- rie called to see the former'se bro- ther. Frank Guest. who is 111. Mrs. Richard Walsh of [Niagara Falls -returned home. on Sunday after a few days with friends. mum.-i Vrilni-nn nn cmn Nvarren motner at 'U1`Uss1uuu. _ Miss Elizabeth Lyon 0; Cross- land is the` guest of her cousin, Miss Beryl Smith. for a. few days. \/rua `hint.-nnsnn nnd Miss `Susie ["8118 -Peturueu uuuxc. uu 'Quuuu,v Fred Middleton and son Wvarren and Jack` Hyde of Toronto spent Sunday at R. H. Middleton's. Vfluunu 1.\/fnmznrnt RTCLBEH. Heln Sunday at 11. I1. zvuuuxtwuua. Misses Margaret McLean. Helen Molienlght and Marie Manning en'- joyed a. week at 'Wasaga Beach. Mm. Nfinhpll nnd -Miss Agnes JOYGCI B. \\'Bt`K an 'v\'u.au5u uucauu. Mrs. Michell and -Miss Agnes Michell of Toronto were the guests of Mrs. `Thos. Wallace this week. \/raannu '(7nh-nn and M nvgnm`lte mums amen-: --nI-IuAI BIBBA DB f\KI

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