8. S. `No. 13, Vospra D13 '1T__uo `Joann I1-Tr S. 8: NO. 17, ORO I1 I. . ' Div -I\_..__ is." -s. No. 11." Oro __- lI`|I_..-. `If ~ n - n quad v. we g-ow,-g. -u-cu. C. '1`ILD'EI;I. Teacher. u IKRRII Ixmmgn Ddilhoi Bay: tln an :3 ;ur. unu Mrs. J. news 8.] son; Mrs. George Leigh. Visitors at `Mr. and Mrs. James Rev1e's last week were: Mrs. Minor Blackmore. from Toronto; Mrs. Blackmore,` :Sr., Oro -Station: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lyall, '.Bu1!a1o; Mr. and Mrs. H. Packard, `Shanty Bay; Mrs. John Brown, Mossbank. .'Sask.: Mr. and Mrs. Marden, {I-Illllard. Sask.: Mrs. Bella. Revle, hanty Dons It-. .._.1 1:..- 1- -n---I- -._.1 Lu ca: uw.`uuutu.e). Number writing, 20; honors 2; pass 11. ` jHonors: -- Irene Brown, Velma Thompson. . . ' s Pass:--Donald Elliott, Lloyd El-. liott,.Eva Ellsmere, Katie Hodg- son, William MacLeod, Annie Mc- Master, Hollis Readman. Elsie Rowat, Vera Rumble, Horace Vasey. Mary Carlett (on presenting medi- cal certicate). . NIlWI'hnF n1IIi+'vla- Ov I-urnnnua On .I.Jl`. &I.Hv 3IVUUu'.l\UlL1l 'Duuuug. SR. '1 T0 J.`I--#1-Ionours-I-Iarold Ab- bott, Austin Cunningham, Jack -W11-. son, Frank tsheard, Laurlne Mc- Donald, Willie Graham. Pass--1Ra.y- mond Cunningham, Lewellyn Bus- combe. Eva. `Berry, Jack Coxworth. Cecil Keown. . TD T 'T(\ ED lT__nT.1r\vn Tnvunnb Day FUIIIL Ll``.'u\l3 UVCI` -Duuuay. Visitorsr during the week includ? ed: Mrs. '1`. A. Lawrence and child- ren, and John A. Jamieson of Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Toole of Midland, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Soy-` thes and -family of Apto "at Thos. `Scythes; Samuel Hunter of Chic- ago and his sister, Miss Hunter, of Stonewall, Man., with friends here;- Mrs. H. Coons anddaughter, Shirley, of Iroquois Falls with Mrs, Patter~ son; Mrs. Burton of -Barrie with he`: ` `sister, Mrs. Wright. \`VUCl\u Miss Lavina -Orchard visited Big Bay Point friends over` Sunday. Vinifnlvez 1n~i.ncr fhn urnnb innlnrI".`- Mrs. Ben.VV$-'et;b is holidaying in Nilwmarket. ' `Il n-.4-I... .\tL-....1..A `E..--._1.. {V U W HHIIISC L: George Martin attended Masonic Grand Lodge held in London this week. ` `Allan .1 and.-`n .l\..p.1..n..A col.-85...! `I5!-cl I-NU UUHIIHUIIILJ 311151115: The 'No. '1 -Alland-ale Troop of Boy `Scouts is in camp on`Mrs.' Creswicke- s beautiful Lake site at Big Bay Point. `The `scouts are hav-l ing good training in Scout work and sports -under B. Kendrick. scdutmaster. A service will be held at 1'1 a.m. Isunday. Visitors will be welcomed Sunday. I u-:w uaya. . .- An open air community religious service has been announced for 8.15 next"Sunday evening in front of the Y.MJC.A.. and! in which the general public is invited to_ partici- pate. The Allanidale Band will lead the community singing. Thu NO '1 -Allanri-01:: 'l`v~nnn A9 QUVUFGI UJSI-1'5. l.L'd.lHBo I Supt. W. E. Weegar, owing to a slight indisposition, was not able to `be present at the Employees Picnic at Midland, the rst he has missed since coming to =A11andale. He expects `to be back on duty in a. few days. I An nnnn aha nnrnrnnnhv 1-AH;-rlnnu LUIIIUIIU \V . , Rail traffic this year to the Mus-I koka Lakes is heavier thana. year ago for the same period, railway: officials state. -Of recent days it.` has been found necessary to run several extra trains. .nv\6- `Y7 .I" T`7nnnvovo ntv9{nn- 6A 1! JJIVIBIUIL I General Isupt. W. '1`. Moodle of the Northern Region, *CJN.R., was in Allandale for a. few hours this morning and went on to Mearord on business. `He will be in '0ri'll1a tomorrow. `Dan `v\n"`n Okla span in `IIA Mun- noxuen, Wnu ls uuuuuyuls. 1 The Steamer Arthur Orr docked at Col-lingwood on Tuesday with 87.000 `bushels of grain for the New] Eng1and`.States. and whlclris now. being`. moved over the Allandalei Division. 0 I (Samoan! lnnf `X7 7" \lnnR1n A. fhn I 'u If` Davis, ans 18 very us. I `Mr. and Mrs. O. 'Hooper and son, Bert left Monday for Saskatoon` and other points. . `Mun M` Mr |MifnhA11 and dang}-1.. anu UCHEI` pU1llL3o ' Mrs. c. -w. `Mitchell and daugh-: tor ot Toronto are visiting with? her parents and sister here. | `V, 'R, nnninn fwi-11 nresmh in St. 118!` parents EIlQ.Sl3Ll.` In-.-re. . V. B. Collins Iwi-11 preach in St. George's Church on `Sunday, Julya 22, in the absence of Rev. J. B.` Holden. who is `holidaying. "l"'|-an Qfnnrnnn Arthur hum nnluad The many friends or `Mrs. John| Barron will be sorry to learn that she is very ill. nun am-`I nMrA n IT-tnnnnr and non Btiy adveftisgd goods.` Hillsdalg sat}-ance Results r_-__,,_ uuu a.u.ra. M. urueu, u:1uu8.r(l. ;.: Shanty Mr. and Mrs. J`. Rowe and lit- nn- Mfr: flan:-an 'I`.Aia-In HAWFST91 : J-\1LLHUUH JJWVJS u o n u n c 1 u n o u v 0079 honoux-s-R. recommended. JOHN J. HENDERSON, Principal. Tu-.l.s.. `DA-.. {Tsmobb ME'.N S GOLF SOCKS `A11 pure wool, light weight, 4x1 rib, sightly fancy tops, elastic" knit, sizes 9, 9 % and 10%, regular 75c--For the Sale` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 MEN'S WORK SOCKS In wobl and union, fawn and dark grey, mid weight. ` sizes 10% and 11, regular 35c and 40c-For the Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 `BOYS COTTON JERSEYS With and -without sleeves in blue, white, brown and fawn, regular 50c-For the Sale . . . . . . . . . . 25 MEN'S WOOL cws srmm-: BLAZERS Black and white, blue and white, dark and light blue and plain blue, sizes 38 to 42, regular $6.50- For the Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 BOYS BATHING SUITS Zimmerknit-made, Jersey-knit cotton in plain blue, white and colour trim, -sizes 22 to 30, regular 75c- For the Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 MEN'S AND BOYS FINE BELTS In an assortment of shades and patterns, all harness ` buckles, durable and up to date, regular 75c-For the Sale . . . . . . . . . . . * 45 '1`nu-mpsuu. $L11'lU!I REM: SR. -II--Ber n1ce VanNorman, W11- "np Wright. ouve esnermg. Jean Johnson, -Irwin Icalder, Margaret Thompson, Willie Johnson, Jack Sharpe. JR. T.l'T_.-Vvinnnn ;Snvt'has. Annie w{\7(1ss.Jealn Donnelly is at Dalton Bapt1ng s for a. few days. -.uu:- straw: recorueu mention OI boats is said to have occurred in Egypt, about 3,000 B.C. Mrs. John CBeatty and Miss Dora Metcalfe are visiting" the 1o.tter s lslster, Mrs. Dee Metcalf, near Pais- BV- - lay, I `M! LIL]. 3 is re: here. vvccna `cu. uer name nere. _ Mr. and !Mrs., David Hirons and three .daughters.of *W`eyburn, `Sask., and Mrs. John Osler, of Regina, Sask., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Iosborne. . Mrs. John lspence of Port Arthur renewing acquaintances arouhd here. Wl\i:.U";3"Mrs. F`:-ank McEachern and Francis of Be-lleville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Rex. Watson. > \lh-..-. 13-.-4.l._ 1--.. v - ` vv awuu. Miss Bertha Jory has returned to Toronto after spending a few weeks at her home here. _ Mr nna Arm. 1\a..I.: 131...`.-- -...1 Ulllq JVLI3. 1. ll. JJ.UUl.'Cc George and Walter Moore motor- - ed from Toronto on Saturday to '?spend Sunday under the parental aroof. Quite a number from here, attend- ! ed the big celebraition in Orillia. on ` the 12th. 7) 1/than Alvvinn 1!.-..-...- ........-....n..n-- July '18.-Mrs. A. Watson, the Misses {E. and A. Watson and Font left ?Sunday to visit` Mrs. William Wesb'ber- in `Toronto. ' `pDu.,. ,Y,7,,\`. .-.0 1)\...t:n AIL- _-L_ HlUK \J-T)- .S'R. 'I`LI-Cra.wtord Dougald Brown (H), lands. Mary Johnson vvcauucz ul `.l.U1'UuLU. ' Peter `Key, of Banff, A1ta., who| left -here twenty years ago is visit- ing with his parents, `Mr. and" Mrs. John `Key. . _Tnrnna `Lion.-In .c.. .....1' 7-....- uvuu hey. I James Handy, !Sr., -and Lorne Handy. motored to New Liskeard on Monday. - Rf!` nniI- \;1 ru:s ."II`...~.1- \l ..`l..-I_-.__ I H can. I` Rev. J. Connlexpects to take his holidays soon -and therg will be no service on July 26. ' A I LU J.uruuLu UVUI` me week-end. I ' Mr. and -Mrs. LI-Iarry lcole of Tor- onto spent `Sunday -with the for- mer's parents. ` ' ' |M1c I-T117111] If`:-n nu..!.....I .... -CI-L HICKS parents. ' Miss Hazel Cole arrived on `Sat- urday to spend the summer with her grandparents. ' - -I/Iva 'T`|n\n';-u `M:.~. . rn..........a..1-.._ _..: um 5l`il.uLlpil.1`!;'1lLS.> -Mrs. Davies. Miss Gwendolyn and Master Ronnie visited friends here last week. `ILf:.~... \r rr......1_--..-. _--r If - - AG- L IV CCIX. Miss M. Horsbung was home last week. 1' I 13.... 1- .n-.._ -__,,_,. . . . .. I July 17.--)Irs. -Ames and Her son [Billy are vzsiting Mrs. D. Duff . Airlin Tfnnmum nu:-I nvw. 31...... nun; are vtsuulg J.l.l`S. 1). 1.11111. Airlie Knowles and IW'm. Mum- berson have returned from their motor trip to Florida. Th; Innnl f\v-nun-onnnn and &1_.\h. nuuuu Lrlp LU 1:101-uua. The local Orangemen and their followers attended the celebration iat Stayner on the 12th. Mr and NT.-g..-`(Inn 1\..ac ......4.....`...\ nnarpe. JR. III-W1nona scythes, Annie Third, -Jack _ (Hughes (B). Mary - Black (R). , Smyth. (E-I). hnuyanl `RI-n'urn (T-T\ Amalia `Man- cu. ca.a.yuc1.' U11 Elle J.Z'U1. Mr. and Mrs;"~Geo. Duff motored to Toronto over the `week-end. ' Mr. and -N/I've .1-T-.'av-Invr An.-.1- l'\ mm. uuuuayuls uL Lurs. xrwm .`V100l`'S. Pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. ;Tierney_ back with us for the sum- |mer. . uu: LIL can 1.J:ll\t7b'. I Robt. Taylor, who has :been un- der the care of Dr. Vvrlght for Hveeks, is -now able to be at work again. I `D:.nrnn`lRa 'l\unk-an no 41.. 13:11 A 1:! Miss Mona Graft of Toronto is holidaying at Mrs. Irwin Moore's. lauuu uvcr Lut: \V\:'t.'K-I1(1. I Plnnea fn hang Mu. l'IV\la `Lt..- a.5a.u1. Reynolds Dunbar of the RJC.A.F., Camp Borden, was the guest of his iaunt over the week-end. Ilium Rlnnn nun PK` rn..___.;_ 3- '__.,`..- -....v.. u. u... `as . nnvnnnw Vtailllo Master Von Jack left recently to Join his father on the boats where he expects to spend the summer on the Great Lakes. `Dnl-` 'I'1nuu-In... .1... L..- .1_-_.. .-._ UL ;u1'. auu AVLID} 1\`U`UL. .l..ylU1'. Miss Olive Dunlbar of Cornwall is fspending her vacation with her Iaunt, Mrs. I. A. Moore. I (lnnran nn \K7n'HAv- \lI'nnvo v-nn4-nun- IIIC Lit!!- Miss Agnes Moore successfully .passed her ex-;1ms., receiving honors. } Rift`: Anlnh 'I`vnnnh'lv Tn nrhn .ya.aacu ucl. t:A;uuB., u:u<:.vu15 IIUIIUFS. i Mrs. Adolph Trombly, Jr., who lhas been at her mother's very ill for weeks, is slowly improving. Hope soon to see her home -again. 1| ...-.L..;.. 1r-.. 1-..`- 1-24 _ _ . _ ..u L- LIIU VQHUCII \.4IL,Y.@l-`\-ll LI: LCVV uaya. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Amos and fam- ily, Mrs. Jim Taylor and Mrs. D. [Taylor of Toronto motored to Belle ;Ewa.rt on -Sunday and were guests .01 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor. Mica (Hive hllnlhnr n? (`nv-nurnll in Luce VV1'15'ul., rJ.a.1`vcy vvtuc. ' JR. I-lMargaret Neelands, Kath- arine VanNorman. JR. `II - Ernie Goheen. Jack Thompson. Marion Redd. RR .T.T.._Rnrninn Vn.nN'm `WH- -R. Canning arrived Moday having spent a few days with his brother at Sebright. ' Ntru '1" Rafnrnlzn in uluiflnop In U1. ULIICK (ll. DCUILSHLI I Mrs. T. Batemun is visiting in the Queen Cit) .p0I' a. few days. | Mr nn Mr`: Ian}: Arnnc: nn farm- The first recorded mention of nut: In nah! .+n hang A...-.......-.a I... T pnaw Lowm. BELLE EWART IN THE MEN'S STORE DALSTON Lama? ,r-_-`., v...-.v-u. - ma... Mr. and .\-Irs. John Emms and the? latter s .mother, .\Irs. Morrow, mo- tored to Hanover on Sunday. I \Veek-end visitors at R. Hall's were: Mr. and -Mrs. -Conn, -`Mr. and Mrs. Atkins` of 'C1:u*ks`burg, Mrs.| MacLeod of Patterson, New Jersey, and Mrs. Arthur \Va1l,ace, Ravana. 1,--- . ,. -_-.- I Igromotlon of Stroud Junior Room JIR. PR.--{Harold Robertson. Wal- lace Wright. Harvey Wice. In f_n\/fang-at-at Nnn1nndn. .1{nth- _.___ __- ---...- 1 .-..._...\.s, an. vuuctr Wnlgeep -Aug. `2 open for Guthrie United Church garden party. uua vu;uuLy. . I Misses Laura Hall, Ada Walker! and Mrs. Muir are spending a week! at the `Training Camp, Geneva Park.` -up-,, , u u- - l July -1A6.-'Miss Phemie Lyail visiting at -her home `here. \p_ __ ,1 np,,, . .--_---. .. av. \. ll\/L G. Mr. :a.n-(`I (Mrs. Alex.` Lyall of Buf-W fflo are renewing aqquaintances in" this vicinity. I \1 icaaa T.oI1u\n troll AA- 1-n-n_-... nu. auu J.v.u.'S. Al`UUuF. |Mr. Golden of Toronto paid .1 brief visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Buie. auu ;v.u. a. auun-:5 Duxe. I Mrs. W. P. !Stewart of Buffalo is spending some time with her bro- lthers, John and Geo. Moir. Mr and Mme Tn)-H... ..:.. \r.. .._.x uucra, uuuu illlu ueo. A1011`. Mr. and Mrs; John EBu,ie, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burkholder motoxjed mi Midland 'and spent the day with: Mr. and Mrs. Arbour. l \A'v- (1:-HA.-... Ac rn.\..-._;- _.-sn GL L111: 'l)ll1'l'1 I`ilJl'. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. He-ndry and family of Crow's Corners Sunday- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buie. 1: _ ,, .1.- V-_-- -._-. mm. .-..--.a. .navuuuAu. ;.)uA\:. Mr. and `Mrs. Fred. Richardsom and daughter Jean, Misses Alice and Jean and Walter Richardson of Fergusonvale visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Buie. `Mfv-a TIT `D ul-.u..`..L -0 11.-na.,I, L41 U31Cl - Mr. and Mrs. `Ben. Petch of Stay- ner Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown.` Misses Marjorie and Audrey Bowman of Knock are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schell. If`1nv-nu-an+..1e.+.`....... 4.. \r.`._........-a. \r.- inc Ilxioon aaaula 11611` l2JllLl" Mrs. Will. Galbraith was in Bar- rie last week. as a delegate for the Women's Insti-tute to make ar- rangements for the demonstration at the Barrie Fair. RA ... an ! R1... r1-- 1-1-_._,1_.__ _ 3 July 16-.\Ir. ' and Mrs. Cecil Crosier of Toronto are visiting the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jna. Crosiez`. ! \l ... A...) \.l'...-. H)... 11-a...1_ -5 01;-.- Auxa. AVULIIIGJI BURCH. Congratulations to .\Iargaret Mc- Murray, Clara Hood and Debbie Wiggins. who were successful zn passing their Entrance. Vre TKTH1 l'_`.n]$-unnib. nun... L. Dnun {Dunlap St. C. & W. MOWRS ON DISPLAY AT OUR SHOWROOMS See the New Fordor Sedan SUNNIDALE cominns With bib, in b1uc;.'_zv1-I,;fl:vl;it'e-t;ipe, black and khaki, all `sizes, reg. $2 and $2.25-For the Sale Pr. $1.45 BpYsf[ BLOOMERSA All stripe.pattrns percah cloths, sizes 14 X; to 16%, $2.00-These to go at . . . % Pupils of Neighboring Township Schools Who Have Successfully Passed Their Exams. ` ago. ow:--vv-vv -.-.--- --.-..., ----v twin 5 n. _ OISR. PR. To JR. `I-Wallace Bell. `Wallace. Douglass, `Tommy Doug- 1385.- JR. PR.-Jean Douglass. PR. A--Marian Hawkins. - vrmnnn 1:, mmmaz `Teacher. BOYS PRINT AND DRILL BLOUSES To t boys from 4 to 14, all stripe patterns, former price $1.00-For Clearance Sale . . . . . . . . . . 25 Of good qu;11i't3;~drii1_,s_i;cis.- 2f4-t_oev3;-T2 ,/Elwdarldy wear- ing line, our regular $1.25 bloomers-For Clear- ance Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 75 E Vr;b,-av1l"d-a;1- h-e_z;h-e_r- e's', E1 vg; 0:1 `xx/ice-fin g line imported goods, sizes 10, 10% and 11, regular Soc and 60_c +-For the" Sale . . 35, 3 Prs. for $1.00 MEN?S FANCY KNIT, EASY FIT SILK, AND s1u< AND usus socxs L In a good `range of co-1;ur-s, attractive-patterns, elastic rib top, sizes 9%., 10, 10% and 11, regular 75c-For the Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45 MEN'S SCOTCH HEAT!-!ERi WOOL SOCKS MEN'S FINE SHIRTS percalgcambnrics and broad- former price $1.50 to Mn AL \I\l\1\ Q1 n Ivy Public [School I lsenlor Room is | .111 3. L` UFUES. Mrs. Mitchell and (laughter of TCI-` "ronto are visiting at the home 0".` i\V. G. Storey. u.uI_`-; unsuus nt'!`(` ltlst \\``K. Mrs. M. \V':1ttie and Mr. and Mrs. ,Noonan of Toronto are spending thou holidays with the former s n1othe1 .v Mrs. Forbes. I Rfnn \,l':..L.\11 -.. ,1 - - - - * v at. I\uL'utesI.t'l`. u\. I Miss Morris of `Toronto was V15- iting friends here lust week. \Ire \/I 1\.'-mntn ..n.J \t.. .....a at...- M1`. and Mrs. Don-ald Fer_::u.~*un 0:`: London, Mrs. Armstrong of Sn-omf and .\Irs. Arnett of Michigan, were-` Ian week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Goodfell-ow and Rev. D1 ; `and Mrs. Dodds. `TWO `DAM no A------ --~--A 44 -~-'*` cunu .u. 1'3. JJUUUS. Mrs. Bell of Angus was recently` `visiting her sister, Mrs. Goodfe11oW' .\|'1`!= Dnrlc Tn?! nu Qnn...A.... a.~_ nauun,-. ucr sxscer, Mrs. u0odI'eHOW.' Mrs. Dodds left on Saturday to` ,spend a few days` with her daugI`a'- gters. Mrs. Garvin and Mrs. Carver} `at Rochester, ;N.Y. \.fao \.l n....:.. Ar rn-.._..A- J-- 1 null 1:: HUI. uuns1(1eI`e(x serious. Very few Barrie people are spend-'_ ing their holidays here. Most of the people are from 'l`.oron`to. . I Thu vnin nn.1'-m:.~..=a n... 1:..:.1.-.. .....: [Luc yculne are LFUIH "1',0I`OHIO. _ The rain and` wind on Friday and_ Saturday seemed to pre-sage a quiet. week-end but `Saturday night founc` the dance hall crowded thougx.-` 5 huge waves "were Ibreaking and rm.-`-` ining up on the sand. uuA_v I. '- \. \\'hiI? walking along the beach on Thursday morning. Mrs. Charl ton of Flint. .\-Iich.. was run into by a car from hNiagar:1 Falls. .\ .Y. The lady was carried for twenty feet." held u'p by the front bumper".- Though badly shaken up, her con-4 d`ti0n is not considered serious. l `ft-`TV fnw lnnrrin v'\nnn1A nun nnnn - sane. _' LEILA M. DAV-`ES, A-ssistant. -.c:.,-_,c (u. \1a.A\'u'\\ LU1` l.\'\'~J \VBK3. A group of |C.G.I.'I`. girls, chapel`- oned by Misses Dora .\IcQu:u'r1e and Ailsa Grey, spent a week at C . M. `G. ISmith s cottage, Oakview. 1nnn nnnnfn nffnncu-1 n... .a....,... -5. .u. u. Iouluua` cuuuge, UELKVIEXV . 1.000 peopI'e attended the dance at the -Dardz-mella on Saturday night,- July 7. c nm:nr ....-.n.:...... ..u.._._ u_. -..---:.e Miss Reva Richardson, of the On: tario Ladies College, \V'hit-by, Sr`. holidaying at the summer home of W . C. Hunter. ' A `I A _ _ . -- YT.` ` ..e \r1;,,_.n-, ~ V-v-H vv. 1... nunler. A. E. Lennox of Stratford a`1 2<'."' M:-s. Lennox of Regina visited W`a-' saga Beach on Tuesday. V \Tv` Slh .'\"l`Q A I`. \'nnT n1lnn an/3 saga J.)C(lL'-ll uu xutsuuy. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. .\IacLe1}an and` children have returned to Barrie after occupying IS. WV. Moore's cot- tage at Oakview for two weeks. A 0-vnnn nf` I(`fl1"'l" .-..t..1.. ..I.-....../.1- Buy Advertised Things WASAGA BEACH saw; run ynoqu L\l ...'Each $1.00 Thursday", July 19, 1929 CUNDLES A--.Max'1un ru_!.Wnu1ac I VERNA ? -G. WDCE. Teacher. IV JV-I IUSHIMI "II\/`I I \-ll [DIE QINIU O I I I IFII EX 2 pairs for $1.50 Women's Pure Silk, Full Fashioned Hose (Kayser make), with sli per hec1,a very fine stockin in various light co ored shades, all new, sizes 8;; to to, regular price $1.95-For the Sale . 1.49 75 Pairs Women s Silk and Lisle Hose, substandards of our 85c line, sizes 8% and. 9 only, a. good stock- ing for wear, fawn, sand andgrey and black-For the Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pair 40 150 Children s 1x1 Rib Cotton Hose in sand and white, all seamless foot, sizes 5, 5%, 6, .6 M and 7V2,lva1ues 25c up to 55c--All to sell at 2 Pa. 25 Midsummer Promotions U0 C.--Eileen Smith. , B.--Jean rcarruthers. Norma. . Beth Lyons. Joan Sheard. A.-Mur1e1 Buseom-be, Lloyd ate. .. ........ .. .. ....,........ ...... ..... .........._, ........ -be extra and here they are: . 150 Pairs of Women's Hose, black silk, grey and sand lisle, black lisle, grey silk, tan and brown li-sle and white lisle; they are last season's lines that were priced at '57c, 85c and $1.00, sizes are 8%, 9 and 9%-Out they go at 2Pairafor25c 60 Pairs Women's Black Lisle Hose in sizes 8%, 9, 9% and 10, ribbed and wide hem tops, goodgoods and priced at 75c, 85c and $1.00-For vthis Clear- ance Sale . . . . . . . . . . Pair 35c, 3 pairs for $1.00 400 Pairs Women's Silk Over Rayon` Hose, all Penman s make, mock seam, seamless boot in black, nude, shell pink, sand, zinc, atmosphere, sizes 8% to 10, regular $1.o0-l-`or the Sale Pair.85c Hobart School Report has la. p.....lA.. .0 .......H- T Of course it is expected that the Hesiery values will J-an AV+I'Il and Earn Hqnu owns A Hosiery Clearance 5. 11.; ALGA: uuusxaaa, uh EIHSR. I TO 171-41-Iazel Fowlr. Hlen `Barr, Isabelle Robertson, Ema sis-> IIIH PRICES EXTRAORDINARY JULY CLEARANCE sALF Jllllvl (R). `Bu1,y'uu, '\'.rL) , Amelia Nee- !D\ Report Eirsjtyaarziday,-My 20th. 1928. at 9 AM- Vl1l'lUll. ruul. ` II To JIR. lIII.--Second Class Hon- ours; Erna` '1`:-acy. Pass; Harry Davis, Alex. Johnson._ Rec.: Aylmer Kavanagh. Bandy McKee, lIlI._-L-_\ 1x111: A an A - 1-. aw. runs; ';:su_wu1 uavanausn. ' JuR. HI TO ISR. 1'II.--F1rst~C1a`ss Honours: Florence Jones. Norma. Tracey. Isecond Class Honours: Muriel Davis. Pass: A-lice Ayres. Mar1on.Paln. * - ` 1'1 'l'\n `I'll: mn n-A.....I A1--- -Irv-.. M,u;';e u\u|_.:t:l` Lauu, 1' II To JR. 111--.\'aun~ay Bell, 1; .Autumn Dunlap. I-I; Lavina. Doug- lass. R: Alex. Douglass, IR. _ "IE-D T mn '1Tl'_.JT-Tana} Wnwlr `I -Talnn . Fine Job` printing." Barrie Ex- zmmer. . ' _ ._ uavuuuusu. =SR. I'I*I `T10 JR. IV-lF`ir'st Class Honours: Jean Ltohnston, Ross Mo- Kee; Pass: `Edwin Cavanaush. JIR. HI TO ISR. 'I'TI.--`|1`lrnf.l`!`l-nit: wu wp uvvu Iv vvupi G` JR. IV `T0 SR. IV, -`-Second Class Honours: Enid Knapp. Veronica- Cavanaugh. . LE1? 1"T:1 mn TD Ttrimwa--.5 .nI...... Elli, r`u,y1-us :at.uuue1's. > SR. VII'-aBess1e Morrow. Clifrord Harris, Jack -Johnson, Clarence` Morrow. 5 V 1113 `l11`_*\,l'n....nu 1:\.....a Il'..J.A.l.\ u.Lu:.`I.'Uw. JR. 7 1`I--.VIur1-ay Ford. < Mattie Maw; Gordon Ferguson, Elgin Mor- row. . V ' Final r'V1n=a_1r..n.\... txr..1s.-.... 7:...` $U\Vo mie Vsvaunders. PRI.VItE'R--01!ve Johnson, Isabel Maw, -Dorothy -Ford, Helen Morrow-. 1rn......1._.-\ Au--- 1 First C1ass--VernonAWaV1ton, J 1m-. u. s. s. No. 3, veapu-nal om " Dalston T Jr. IV To .'SR. IV-Pasa: Meatord Thompson, Jean `Thompson. fSR. IDI To IR. IV-41-Ionours: Emma. H-albert. Pass: Lewis Oat-. way. Margaret Jory. David Beath. JR. II-I T0 `SR. 1J_II-Rec.::Douglas White. - I '11 T0 JR. IFI--Pass: Walter Beath. Beatrice Forbes. Rec.: Jes- sie? Wilson. Pnn 1'1 1:3.-....-..ru...u..- rn|._.'........... azv VV IIEUIM I TO II-ePass:Gladys Thompson, Hilda. Oatway. ' _T&F`. A N W (`|r\R A KY "Van AM A &\l.dW, uuuan J."0l'G. ' `SR. TII--`Wilbur Walton (I-1.011.). Helene lDonne1ly `(II-Ion.), A Edward Morrow. ' TD 1"l'1'_, fun-.. `r.1.....a 111.4... `-1-... dVI.Ul'l.'U \V c JR. III---`Percy Ford. Victor How- ard, P`hy1-11s Saunders. L `QR TT :J3nauh:: \/fnnnnvrr l'41Nnu[uI UIULIIILE DI: IV )0 JR. IV `TO SR. IV--IEr1c Dunlop I," Gertrude Bell, |I`I; Charlie Rebert. son. II; Olive Ha-wkins, P; Lorne Fowler. R. . T .'SR. II-I TO JR. IV--Jack Barr,.II. JR. III `T0 SR. I~I.I--Iclara. Haw- kins. II; Norma Lumree, II; Arnot Miller, I-I: Merle Robertson, II;_ Marie Robertson. P. ` If 'F(\ J? TTT._\/Tnrrnu FDA `I'- > s. s.` No. 7, vespm ISR. \IV-&B111ie Johnson, -Billie` Maw, Lillian Ford. ' QR m1'1'_rnrn`m... nr..,.n..-.... n-.1-.....\ uwuq, uaauya uls ueuuu Jr. m to nsr. I~I'I-JFrank Thomp- son. Grenville Elshawe, Vincent Hg}-t, Gladys Banks. fn .Tv`, T|1iT:'T{vv1.vnIA" llvllnn IIUL-L, uauuyu ntuuw. II to Jr. 11111--'J1mm1e'" Griften (-honors), Alice Banks. Dorothy Grlften. - I to .I'I--Angus Purchase. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.---Mary Pur- chase, Edna. Thompson A fn .TI' 'Pr\11\/In nrh: `I-Tnf UIIGSU, Jauuel. Luuuxpaulh A to Jr. Pr.-MarJor1e .1-Iolt; |F`1oyd Feltis. `LT A IT .TT'l`-I`. nnnknlu (Arra;1.g;<'i '1`x1" Jr. IV to Sr. IV--Edna. Purchase (hon.). Gladys Irwin, Florence Ina`- ham. 81-. H`! to Jr. IV--Bob. Dutton (`hon.), Gladys Ingham. .Tr TNT n `.Rv\ T~1W_Jli`nnv-uh 'l`hnv-nu- &\l'|-IIICVII uaxuus C1-V1 SR. I TO I'I--Douglass Gall- inger..I-Iomer Van'Dora.n. Lilia. Cous- -ins, Alvin Miles. `SR: PR. T0 1st-Edna. Wilson. Wilson Wright. A To JR. PiR.-I-Ielen Wright. A-Ewart Wiison,_ Dorothy Jebb. `In \/I' 11-Ar-1'19:-r:'\v-.'r-In .rn___1.-.. 110 JR. DI .'ro sn. 1iI-Bert shgve. Kathleen Galllnger. HP T '|``{`| L111? "l'uT.._.'I'1n-nu-`Ina: (11:11- s. 8. No. 4, am JLR. IV To SR. IV--Jean Miles. 1st class H., Helen Shave, 1st class H., Earl VanDoran, 2nd class I-1.. Colwell Arnold, 2nd class H2. Clar- ence Coutts. IED Til` run 11!) 1 .t1'__J`L`l'nuun..uI fish; cuu `DU U LL50 Isi `I-I T0 J-R. LI\I-C-Inward Cole, gt class H., `Celia Miles, 1st class aw ---sag nu unava- "i.'f';1:r) EMMA CEJOUGI-ILEY. UVUII Lxcuwu. I JR. I `TO '.SR. FI--Lloyd Jennett, Everard` Wlngate, Jessie Berry. - PR. '1`0 JR. I-- Eleanor Jennett, Margaret iAb.bott, *Ka'thlee|n Bus- com`be. Harold Jenneltt. Dorothy Arnold. T `DD J` ._a'!i`..HAnn .rnH-in __- --..`, .. if. u, 4..-.vua.gA Ava-ovu- (Teachexj) Olive M. Peazcock. vcuway. J~EA'N E. C|0WAN, Teacher '8. `S. -No. 15, Veep:-1 Y`? ~'l".'I\ Gt) 1'17` ---_A s. s.` NO. 14, ESSA Il\uAAna\;: 1.. A..A.... -3 ._._ H. A. OLUTE, teacher. -1--g - v--1 1`, Teacher. All pure linen, Canadian -manufacture, `an extria good quality whit_e with hair line stripe in pink, blue, gold, and mauve and green, all to be 25 _-1.1 -; II-..) '6 pieces Pure Linen Towelling, 21 inches wide, a lovely guality and a very popular line, ood drying and mi heavy,weight, comes in wide order in 6 dierent colormgs as gold, red, green, mauve, blue .and rose pink--no towelling like it for the price, our reg. 35c line--For the Sale. Yard A`ll'0tlA_1e'l` Gqod Towelling J-'I\u U1: vingate. ` LEI Between .30 and 40 pieces of Fine Summer Voilles, Palm Beach Muslins, Broadcloths, etc., in any number of s1_1ades,; some fancy, others iain, the goods in this offering were priced at from 0c 29 up to $1 a yard--We offer it'a1l gt . .. Yard .'UD ia at':".;' A cool) BUY IN COTTON muass GOODS` _Tow_elljng_ by the Ya_rt| The Helping Hand Society met at the home of Mrs. Plant of A11- andale on -July 6 and=a. ggrge num- ber yigre present. .. '. ;4_ .... `tug vtu volv n.-uoov van vvnouancgov ya, LU um: uruuge ueiennrauon. Eb. Harris met with an accident one day 1as~t week while hauling in hay,` having the {or}: run through his hand. Glad to report he- is doing nicely at the time or writing.` Wk; u`l'.I`1-`I...-.. i'l_I':.-A u....n-4.-- ._.- a.vw uaya wuu Lrzenus m IOWII. . Quite a.num.ber from around here were in `orillia last `Thursday, `July 112, to the Orange Celebration. Eh EFF vnnf !I7'f"| an n'nn`oIAr\ ----._ _ V V- , _vr`1Ir -v vs: uuuvvunaaula Miss Vera Knupp of Minesing is spending a few weeks with Miss Jessie Bishop. ` Mrs. W. W."Scott is spending a [few days with friends in town. Qnli-A n nnmhnr Pu-nu-n,nnnnnA 1.... f`71I(`yJc`3`r15g'ratui~artions to the p'upiisVor S. is. No. 7 and PIne_Grove who. wrote on.their Entrance examina- . tion and were successful. They are: S. S. No. .7--6Clifford, Ford. Jack Murphy. Reta Murphy. Flora. Young. ~ Violet Donnelly. Miriam Coupiand. Elsie Howard and `Jean I-Iowa-rd. From Pine Grove: `Ross Harris. C-ongratulatiqns also .to Miss Olive Peacock. teacher of S. is. No. 7, who -had eight in the Entrance Class and everyone was successful. 11!... 17-..- v9__,, I-- -..-- - -vuwu- --VF Namtg in order of mer1t'.' i--F1rst Class Honours. II-{Second-~C1ass_ Honours. P--Pass. R.--'Recom- mended. Number on r911-27 (in- cluding Sr. IV). .T-IQ TV "T`('\ Q}? TT7.-I'RvIn 'I'\nn1nn T- L3l'UUJ\u ' The Ladies Aid met last `Wednes- rday at the home-of Mrs. `Thomas Ford. Quite a. numbexywere present. `A/rnums Alvin ~o.nm.4'.,..... .1. ..........a M1?` to II-I-Pass--1-Iarold. Craw- ford. Alex. Graham. ` . JOHN -W. AIR'MS'TRONG, teacher. July A17- .\f1s_E1s:e-clougmey has gone to Montreal to spend a couple -of months with `her sister, Mrs. Brooks. "Virus ,1` nal.-...I A IA ......A 1..-; -rrv-`.-|._-.. _ v- WV` `,--3`. w -cvnqnauvvl In vnv ya vwvaavn Master.AIvln R-o.b1r$3son is spend- ing a. few days with Clifford Harris. IVE mllnnn \/TI -12v{.n and Hannah. jter Mary have _for a. few days. ' ans a. u:w uuya Wuu K411110111 I-'1&1'I`1S. . Mrs. Eugene McBride and daugh- gone to Peter'boro . THA fa!-vnn:n~u `Inuun nnw-u-nnnnnil a.ur u. wvv uuys. ' - ; The farmers have commenced haying. \ - If"nna-v-cal-n!nH.-n-us 4.` M..- .{....i1- \ A0 - vu , v--v Jr. IV `R: TI--Pa.ss- iean McArthur. - Recommended on year's work owing to illness--Margaret .Sampson. . IQ!` TITW id In TTT:ILTnn _\A c:-avnun I ~ sncuupauu. |Sr. III! to Jr. IV-V-lHon.-Maz-ga.ret Cameron, Duncan Cameron. Pass ---Bernice Crawford. Tn `INT 6;; n T`II `I_'l'rn-u `l'nI.- ""'DUl`lllUU \;l'l1\VLUl'u. I Jr. III to Sr. III--I-Ion.- John M'cArthur-, Florence McArthur. Pass--Jean Walker, Lloyd Camp- -bell, Lloyd -Sampson,` Florie, Gra- ham. `IT in TIT `Dana. tr.` ....1.3 l`I..__- .l-`dllll-PIA; -IJUUITG '&VllU- 11 T0 JR. 'I'II--Honors: Clifford Brown, Harold `Dunn, Dorcas Es- pey, James Frawley, Lloyd -Mino, Morris lMino, Harry Nelles. Edna Thompson, Merrick Watson, Ruth Watson. _ JR. II '1`O IS-R. TI-(Honors: Eu- nice Faragher, Patrick Frawiey, Jean Howe, Violet Mac`Leod, John Morris. T JR. IV To `SR. IV- Kathleen Abbott Jack Banting Edythe. Keown Irene Coxworth Wlllmer Wilson Wlllbert tLlnn JIR. TII FPO `BER. II-I- IIIIIIIII Myrtle Cunningham Davis Arnold Edwin Albbott Clarissa -Lyons Isle. `Banting Harry Ismlth JR. `HI TIO SR. III- 'iDennls lsheard John lsheard Margaret Arnold George Davis Ijhleen Davis 131-unnlinaj unnnrvnr % 1;.s;'..'. :1,(*il-e-c!o_n~t; ' ' " SR. L171-I `TO JR. I`V-Honours. Al- vin Drennan, Tom Morrison, George Scott. `Pass: `Orville H111, {Clifford Howe, Reta Morrison, Eva. Welles, Eileen Shortx-eed. (Rec.:Er1e Wat- 8011. L TE N." 'I".(\ QB N""T_..'IJ'.I\1-`Anna M Ulh ' JR. III TO SR. TH--oI-Ionors: {Bulb Holmes, Ruth Ritchie. Pass: Allan Elliott. `Leona 'Mino. Y-I` Inn 11: mn__':1.mn'..=.. waanmua m'?)`)`JR. 1'II-IW1Ifred Greenhalghsl (I-Ionors), Velma Cole, Dorothy Bowman. Lloyd `Harris (Rec). I Entranlg E1a;s`:3'-'-s.`\'['a'1rz,:a:1"et Moore 1(-Honors). Grace Elson, Aletha. M1!- at. SR. II! `To JR. IV--Hazel Elson. JR. '.[`II `To !SR. `III-Kenneth Crawford, `.R111~a Gilchrist. ED 1.`! -mn I13 YlYT_1Dnnn1 M111Ar. To :63 };;a'i&a;J;'"&:'&onors). Kenneth Mason (Honors). Fred Greenhalghs. . "HO QR I'lIT_4T.AuHu (`Aha Tunn r!- K}I'a.WI`0I'U, IVNP84 \1'HUl.lI'l|u SR. 11 `TO JR. I'II-1Rona1d Miner. `Clara. Barnes, Verna. Shelwell. Kathleen LBell, iRuby |She13Well. `I mn '11T_.1".Hu Graham .Av-min -IXNEIIIUUII LDUH, 'l.`lpUUy Iaucmwcu. `CDO TI-~L11y Graham. Annie Uncles, Lorna Graham, Murray Emma, Orval Mc.Arthur. it n n1w'r1x"r:v\1 rn......L.... \.ll`CUll.lll 1l'H- TO sn. In-Lw1s Cole, Ivan Orr, (Rec.) "H!'\ `TD 'Yl"T:NX7'HPhn:I flnnnnhualaka HILLSDALE PUBLIC SCHOOL GO. VICKERS LIMITED v----- V. _...__.-._.--~v_., _------r-u Jundor Room '1"! 3'1.`-0 'JIR. I`II=-1-Ionours--`Betty Arnold. `Margaret Robertson, Mer- vyn Mccormack. Lorne Carruthers. . Pass--Elva Banwng, Errol Bant- ing, Claude Banting. Mildred Mc- Lean. Rec.--Keith `Banting. RR (T mn M'..._aT-Tnnnln-:_'|'-Tnwn1r1 Ah-