Irv --- I: -r-- v.-v- -- vvv n-_r..._.-__,-----._ -_. for this good growing weather we Pineapples are at their best now. have an kinds of garden seeds, Special prices in dozen and half- 3W P`*~` t`- P`- P` i`~$2: 1133i fhubrb sch. s ..hamging pots and cabbage plants. with butter .. . . . beh. 19:: Extra summer service to eottdcere, when you need it, let us know.- ___----- A. H. FELT -j------:-uv ---uj $35331 lvlegular from $12.00 to $45.00 :3-Li: jjn- A: -- ____ "5 J. G. KEENAN I EVERYTHING IN MUSIC ** SCOTT S BARRIE RADIOS as |aub$1's'c'." BARRIE HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS Phone 243 Phone 86 j_--ju::-- . -- K_E_Ew-I-:'7Y0UR YOUTH 1 WHEN THINGS LOOK BLACK-CALL ON US BARRIE PHONE. 562 Phone 360 Page Flvd LAUNDRY CALLED FOR. AND DELIVERED PROMPTLY ORILLIA PHONES 770 - 771 _-_---_AAAA ORILLIA STEAM LAUNDRHYCO. LTD; --jc--s an A UVU'I C t\"'I"' Mumsasros BRAKE umnc GISIIIIIBE `LY?/i"11'Es"'f"(")"1 Babs. SERVICE I_\IuI ' PIIVII UH! IVE mzrmas EN ALL MAKES or-' cuts; 1. -- BARRIE - I THE BARRIEWEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW HABERDASHERY 8 Dunlap S Plague I047 THE SERVICE GROCERS ALLANDALE, PHONE 117 `_. I. _._L .. _'_.- FRI-'51`-I FISH DAILY J ARVIS' ' A1` `Phone 291 [Editor's Neote-`Neither the Mayor nor the C`hairm'an of the Fire and Police -Committee has any power to `give any citizen authority -to dis- regard a `bylaw. Mr. `Rorbinson should be aware of this fact. Fur- ,bher Mr. Robinson knew, orshouid have known. that the by-law, under which he was fined, was in exactly the same position as at the time of his conviction. If persisting` in the offence after being fined is not con- tempt of au.t~horit.v. what is it? -'I`n pmnht Mn "Rnhinunn I-Inn nnn_ [gw&&w%&&&waw&mg; '1'!-IELETFERBOX w&&w&x*&&$%&w&& WHY JARVIS IS AGAINST THE TOWN HALL BYLAW 1. The seating capacity (550) is absolutely inadequate for any large meeting and: the public are `forced to climb a considerable number of stairs. 0 "HI... .......4. L-.. _..4. L-_.. .-11_- fgunday. Juno 7, 1920. ll`ulllUUl.' UL 5|./llfo 2.'1`he cost has not been fully stated. The sum of $20.000 asked by the Council and supported by the architect does not provide for the seating accommodation, re- proof curtain. doors for the vaults. cellssfor prisoners. which would `amount to several thousand duo]-_ lars. O YIYLLL LL- L.-21.1!.... _._.__,.`l,1l,.I IIc 3. With the building remodelled as suggested. no permit would be granted by the Government for road shows-. Tiherefore no revenue would be received from that sotirce. -VH1... -._L........- L- LL, ---_.-1__:_ UK-F300 , . . ` 4 "7. "Our present Police Court and Municipal Offices are quite good enough for present requirements and ,will compare favorably with others in the County. 0 (X:-.. .l.. L....l.....- .1-LJ. `I.-- L--- V 53" `IV `Editor. Baurrie Examiner. Dear Sir: Will you kindly per- mit me to explain my position in reply to the editorial in -last week's` lssueot your paper? Before order-` ing the wire-fencing referred to I interviewed the Mayor` and Chair- man 01- the Police Committee, re placing wire on the boulevard next to my store. They botlrstated to me personAa.l ly tih-at they had no objec- tion and that I'w,ould be granted ,the same privilege accorded to other citizens. My "application is before council. ' - -. Tn ORA" I'|'\L`I'\"I'V|A T I-ooirg kn-an Pin- `WI. euhmit that your reference _to absolute contempt for constituted authority is in these circumstances unjustified. untrue and uncasiled for. Any bylaw can stand the (so-called) test of time Which is not enforced. `Afnvv nnuyincr fmn fhn nrmnn nn- [SSE OI LHH6 \`V'll1Cl1 IS DUE. QIILUFUEU. `After allowing for the space oc- cupiedrby my wire fencing the side- walk has (at my expense) a. paved rlitthqnf way.three,t1mes its former w . T1 is nnnqnann I:nnvIv`n:`nvn- kof I wuuu. _ It is common knowledge that I was fined with three others by the letter of the law. A fourth offender was let off. Why? Many others who have used and are using town boule- vards have never been summoned. 1\.f.n`fnrv (Inna alumna ufnnc annnu UUl'UUu 4. `The entrance to the market from the west side will be closed according` to the plans, this en- trance at present is used by 98 per cent. of the buying pu'blic. _ F: The vnvnnnn Fvnm 1-an!-n1: 14' [JG-I.` 'UUU'lu U]. 0113 UU_) lllg' pLl'UUo 5. The revenue from rentals. if. based upon past experiences, would be indeed small. The Poul- Jun. 1....` TJ'....&3....IL.......1 A......-..3..L-.... U]. IJHU IIUHDGL UllCL'gUo 6. We would not be any better oil with the remodelled hall than at- resent. We have now a number of halls available at no cost to the rategayers. the rental being paid by t ose desiring to use them. viz., the R.'C. Parish Hall. Oddfellows Temple. the Library Hall with a seating capacity between 250 and 350, the Capitol Theatre, 570, Dreamland.- 500, and the present Town Hall. For very large meet- ings `there is the Armouries which has `been used for years ,even be- fore the Opera House was burnt. _which had a seating capacity of about 900 and was not found large enough. The present Town Hall can be put in respectable appear- ancte and better seated at a small cos . e ' .H .r\.... _..-..-._l. 1-n_'1.--. n-._,.L A," 1 mo runes rasrzn. AND nucnvxrm. BATTERIES CHARGED `Ila. Ovol-night churn. I03. ATWATER KENT Bunny and Button-ylou_. C.G.I. Indlolu ond Ioroonl. Phone tor a demonstration or call and use them. UUUHUU. ' , . In the" meantime I have been fin- ed under the `letter of a bylaw which is .v1ol~ated `In some resgect on 9.1- gztmst every street in the municipal- y. A ' V I uu'hn-11+ that vnnn mafnrnnnn fn varus HGVU HGVVI.` UVUII SUIIIIUUIIUU. Motor cars, signs, steps. fences. pumps, produce. merchandise even a. railway `siding with frequently standing freight cars thereon arel among the more common evidences of the--violations of this bylaw. I am not pleading for prosecutions but for amendments recognizing the change in life since the bylaw was passed. . Mv wirn Fnnninor ;hnu'nn dnvnvnl. LIUII LUIHUVVUIM . ' , 1`:he president of the Board of Trade and -prominent vmerch-ants have sunported my simple request to use this smaill portion of a side- street. How can we -expect to en- courage industry. trade and town. growth it we broadcast that we are asleep to thechanges of the past fifty years? Merchants should be encouraged by our Council `so that our splendid arming constituency will be able to `buy as cheapy in their county town as elsewhere. `Rand -living` that fhn mnnnunl nnkn HIGH` uuuuuy LUWII GS U'lSUWlI6l'U. Believing that the general public will appreciate this appeal for fair play" and a. right to do business honestly. urn vnuv\.~. Pu H-Infnllu wui-pt UL uu.L`llUl'l(.`,V. Wuut is it`! To grant Mr. Robinson the. con- cession asked for is illegal} and the Council-has been so advised by its solicitors. 1`/Ir. `R-obinson is 9. nice teliiowland it is easy to understand that some citizens should say they have no objection to him using the street for his private `business. but that reai-ly hasno bearing on the point at issue. i T? nnnnnm: in Ha \/fn Dnkinanntu -`JUIIII. Nth 14378 MU. It appears to be Mr. Robinson's opinion that the Council should encourage the merchants by gran-t- ing them the free use of the streets for Ibusiness, purposes according as they desire-or. as far as the legal aspect*is concerned, if it is right to give Mr. Robinson the free use of part of -Maple Ave. for his business, any merchant on any street in Bar- rie has a right to demand an equal amoun-t of space. It did not require any great toresight on the part of the Town Council to see where the granting of such concession would lead them.] VVUIAHA IJC IIILIUUU Slllllllo -I-IIU -ITUUl' try and Horticultural Associations, Soldiers? Club and Kiwanis and others have always got a refund of the rental charges. R WA 1l!t\I1`r`: A5 `an an`! `xni-`nu paaauu. _ | My wire fencing has on several. occasions been thrown Into the road. This was reported to the police `and although a. criminal act, no prosecu- tion followed. m.1..=. A (1.... nm....a .-.0. DIIUIB Ill `DIIU `DUNK! u 8. Our debenture `gebt has been. yam yours faithfully, R0lBINS'O N I-I-AIRDV DIRECT DEALERS IN _ ` E . DODGE EROS. PASSENGER CARS--GRAHAM BROS. TRUCKS REO SALES AND SERVICE BYLAW 270 .nIIlI`A 'I`wnnn'v-u EVE!`- Mr; VNelles added he did not think the distributors could get an adequate supply of milk the year round - outside the association, which has -over thirty members selling milk._ All these places are under inspection of the Health Of- cers, but the same cannot now `be said of some vendors selling milk to . the distributors since the trouble arose. WIIL- o-.......L...... ....I1....I ..a.L.....J.:.... u.`uuuu: Gl'UUo ' `The `Secretary called attention to Bylaw 1000 regulating the lie- ensing of milk vendors and the production for sale and the sale of milk Within the Town of `Barrie. This bylaw, among other things, states that application must first be made for inspection before milk can be sold for human con- sumption in Barrie. This. `Mr. Nel- les said. is not being done. No Health Board `Meeting There was some talk of the Box... of Health holding a meet- ing to discuss the milk situation in Barrie`. but action has been delay- ed. The Board holds the view that it should be in no hurry to inter- fere when a matter of price is the subject of contention. The |Board is concerned. of course. `with the purity of the milk supply MILK SITUATION 1 snows N0 CHANGE . i (coutinuod from page 1) tributors, which the latter now re- fuse to give. The dairies will do business -with any member of the association as an individual, how- GVGI`. rm... 1.1-1:-.. ...lA..A 1.... AH uno- 9. It is a fact that a number of I llllll QIIUUIU UU uaucu. the Council have expressed them-I selves as being o-pposed to the pro- posed expenditure also the press has not been enthusiastic and do not consider the accommodation for public meetings adequate and "stated the School Board and Town Council should get together and deaA1+witih the question. 1: vunnnnf rvunnf-inn AF `FHA URI WIUH LIIU HUUSLIUIL At a recent meeting of the Council I asked the question if a pu`blic meeting would be called to lay this question before the rate- payers. I was informed there would. This has not been done and considerable money has been spent at the ratepayers expense to give only one side of the mat- ter. I have therefore been forced to take this means of giving a few reasons why the Bylaw should be defeated. many ratepayers are complaining ~nowVas to high taxes and believe a halt should be called. n TL 3.. - .o_-L LL_A. _ ..--...L-.. -1 piling up the last few years and Buy the same _make of carAg`dln ? J. D. WISDOM gz co; i jj When Bette: Automobiles Are Built--.McLnughn-Buick/Will Band McLAUGHLIN CK)? .\X]ouldYou of all McLaughlin- Buick owners ar)s- wer yes - %-a greater degree of owner loyalty than any other leading make of car can claim . . Drive a McLaughlin-Buick and learn the fullest measure, of motor- car satisfaction. - II-M-uc F. J. GRACEY Associate Dealer: W. HUNTER, Alliaton. THE BARBIE EXAMINER_ Yours truly, HERBERT A. J AJRVIS, First Deputy-Reeve. Owners know `car values ! Over 87% ; A smoup jawimiiumuiwamia `Mr. and Mn. Goo. Young Inont Sunday with Thornton 1-lends. I Mk. an-in Mntnnlfa visited her week. `The Ma meeting c! the United W.M.S. hed in the Sunday School room on Wednesday atternoon was well attended. A paper by Mrs. H. Hughes on s. chapter trom the Study Book and Vs special stewardshi ser. vice under the oonvenorship 0 Mrs. Brown, made a very interesting` ro- gram. Delegates were appoint to attend the Divisional W.-M.'8. meet- ing in Cooketown on June 5. Death of Vera Hoover Word was received here at the sad death in 9.` Toronto hospital, of Miss Vera. I-I-oofver. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoover of Hamilton. Death was caused by a. tumor on thecbrain. Deceased was in her 19th year. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoover ot Craigvale and Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Lockhart of Holly attended the run- eral on June 1st. Interment was made at Kieinburz. \ Women's Institute Meeting `The annua public meeting at the Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday. June 13, in the United church basement at 2.80 pm. Miss Mcbairmid oi Sandrinzham will be the speaker. taking` for her subject, `Things that Money Cannot Buy". All the ladies oi! the community are nnsu-Itmu Inuln and this is to -be watched. As for the differences between the distributors and producers the situation is one of status quo. They have severed diplomatic re- lations and the atmosphere is not llikely to change for some time at I least. %IIl`l\\lE Iiuuicvllu-1:: Holding that there was no proof of h ossession. that the 11 uor whic was drunk was consume on private property and that none was found or reduced in court, Magistrate Je 3 last Saturday morning dismissed the L.C.A. charge of having. consuming, etc., a ainst Josep Seagram. is Worsh p commented that defend- ant had already paid a fine of $200 and costs in connection with the one and same affair and that the evidence was too imsy to convict in view of` all the circumstances. He quoted precedents. :m_- 4.--..- ...-- 1-:.: 1... n... 13.... `OW VUWK rl VUVK IIII U1 The charge. was laid by the Pro- vincial -Police following a visit of constables to a shack near Raikes Crossing on May 18th last. Evi- dence was taken the Wednesday previous and judgment reserved. lsunaay wxm Tnorncon Inenaa. Mm can-10 Metcalto visited her home_ in onawnua. over Sunday. IA`: Ann` Van KY1-nuvunn Winn IIVAPA 1101110, In KSINVDDI UVBF auuuuy. Mr. and Mn. Norxnaga Wice were the guest: of Toronto mend: last week. sum... mt... nnngtlna A! nu: 1'TnH-ml All 9115 `II cordially GP$_pQII9II1v w- --. 147 Dunlap 8!. Phone 147 . CHARGE DISMISSED IQIOI 0]. I invited. Y ---vw SALE micrs rR0M`s'7])o TO $15.00 :.::::";-2; A. _.u__s__11_Ii'Lli'Ii 2::::v53: - ms my TIP TOP --' TAILORS BREAD - `CAKES Ngw sAMpu:s Putty in a Great A sl1n8.;3dTpu-::: Variety A ONE PRICE wedding Cakes, etc. W1."-I-Byvs 137 Dunlap St. Plaono 1017 29 Elizabeth St. , I-HJUUIUIAI 0616] up vvvuwno, Im...... . . . . . . ..;..19Z 1 Cagavan Pitted Datgs, pkg. 19 3 Washing Soda, pkg. . . . . 8c I`SAlick Hand Cleaner 2 tin: 25:: :1: nun-Inc: suit; a u u "l'|'7"|U1=. !I%!4.l[9"|3%< ii I CC&C`j : - :-` C 3` Lusfious Jelly Powders, 3 - --- `IO- 97 st: 1s n.i.1.p St. THE BEST FOR FUEL, ICE on CARTAGE. sK1LI_4.-:p'cAR=E14_1'aRs/AT You_R{coMMAN1_3 Alto 1 full line of Bread, Cakes nnd Pastry (Fresh Daily) at Dawson : Confectionery Store. One d~oor east of Williams Jewellery Store L Our Motto: Quality and Service VICTOR RECORDS VICTROI-AI V 62 Dunlop St. 3'?.Ii1VE =15..l:`R YOUR G8>?=IE!3 `f_`II-. ....I...... 9 I `l'_.L_-. SoldbyalltheLeadingGroeer;inBarrieandAll|nddo. FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE BABY CARRlA_GES AND STROLLERS I3_..__'I__. l_'__ _-, min AA . Ahgm `A WCTOI NORTHERN ELECTRIC FADA and WESTINGHOUSE -guy: -- - e-- - vvww juukkli VTIIIIX ml Interlake Toi1e;P;per, 3 roll: ".90 u o o .- -..19c fol`._....'. - . o o I 0 .u...25 -an pkg. PINEAIPFPLES--Specia1 price `mg . . on dozen and: half-dozen lots for preserving. DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF TOWN Onlario? Bakeries Limiled 9* 0-"Y " wA'rcHMAx;n AND JEWELER ,_..--------- ------- --- v -----u can -1? &\rvovoo'no `cw For odd jobs or for big one", we are at your command. _P`ho_ng us your wa-ntsand we will send a reliable man right ._over_. For years we have `catered to the immediate nee_ds u at `people all over the town.. ml-: BALL puma MILL co. Limited.