Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1928, p. 12

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SHANTY Eur c-o'rm ran} for season. six rooms. `Hydro and soft water installed, furnished or unfurnished. shade, convenient. Ap-_ ply to H. Martin. Shanty Bay. on-` tano. 21-2_2p 'OO"I"1`AGE FOR '.SAIJE-4 rooms and summer kitchen. large cellar. garage or `2-stall stable. shed attach- ed. pig pen, cistern. large hen house, quarter acre raspfberry canes. The, lot is 95 feet front. 285 feet de_e_p. 1 Price $1300. pa-rt cash. Apply A.| Robb1na,Cund1es2 22-281) 1 FURS MEERED and repaired. ,9'ver Hurlbuz-t : Shoe Btoro. Inn "I! A cubic II Ilhf i PAPER HANGING, PAINTING done. Will (in country work. I-I. Arn- o1d.`2J. Collier St.. Barrie. Telephone 249, 17-99:: UNI; 1 | 849. IALL KI-N~DS~ OF `1`~RU=C~K WORK done and Jive stock special. ("Rates reasone.ble).`All stock insured. J. Hunter. Icralgvale. ` 2'2-~2-3b '50 AICRES. BARGAJ1`N.- $450, with` three-roamed house. location east half of west half of lot 1i5. conces-g .s1on 7. Vespra. township. Two miles; from Mldhurst station. Easy terms may be hadvby reliable party. For further particulars write -Sterling {Development Co. Dtd., 77 Victoria. Qt Vnrnnfn 9`9-`9Qn. IJU VVIUIJIIIUH L I ' St.. Toronto. IUYUF .Ill'lD|ll'I gm. MoArthur. HOUSE FOR SALE in one of best locations in Barrie. eight-roamed brick house. double parlor. kitchen, dining:-oom. tour bed rooms. 8-pleco bath. -turnace and truit oenarzi double garage: large lot. Mag Henry & Cowan FOR SALE OR IRENT. lots 27 and 28, on the east side 0! Toronto :St.. Barrie. Two garages. hen pen and stable. and `large hed. Could be us- ed for storage. Apply A. B. Coutts, Box 158. Barrie. Telephone office` |2s-1. residence 1-sesw. 20-'2|2b USED 'C.NR-S FOR tSA'.JE--0ne Mc- Laughlin touring car, :2-3-5'5, won- devful condition: `lPo`n:t!ac sedan. 192?. like new: Pontiac caupe. 1927. in good condition: Chevrolet coupe. 1924. cheap; Dodge 0Opp9. 1923.'F. J. Graoey, Pontiac and McLaughlin- Buick dealer. ` 22b C'0'1"'1`-AGE FOR SALE at Alcona < Beach. Lake 3S1mcoe. furnished.` close to water. screened verandah, 4 I rooms. Must be sold to settle estate. 5 For particullars, apply `Box '6~82.t |Barrie. *2~2-24'b 5 FOR S~A.LE-~Six-roomed solid brick ` house, one-piece good ` location. facing Queen's Park; dou- i ble lot with garage for two cars. I Apply Albert Alexander. 44 Small ] SVt., Barrie. Phone 960.1. 18-23p; 105 M~ULCAS"1\ER ,S'1`.. all modern conveniences, wired for electric`. range. large garden, full size cellar. entire house heated from ' turn- ann 1"_9Ql\ 68 HIGH ST.--Brick house with all conveniences, new furnace. also wired for electric stove. good lot and garage. central location. Apply E. H. Braden. 63 High St. 19ttb HOUSE FOR SA'IJE-ISo11d brick duplex, all conveniences, 8 minutes from post office. Sacrifice for quick sale. Enquire P.O. Box 921, Bar- rie. 21--26 l LOT `FOR `SAME 50 ft.\!by 160 ft. on Lake Simooe, s-hort distancefrom Barrie. $`1|50. For particulars apply Del. Hastings, 74 Sanford ~St., Bar- rie. 21-22p v\'VQs 8.06. BUILDING LOT FOR SALE with stable on property. opposite shoe factory on Dunlap St. Apply 0. G. Strange, 39 Toronto St., telephone 258.1. `18-23b VALUAB-LE PROPERTY In Bax- rle. 2% acres or land in one parcel; one acre. house and garage on other. Phone 285 or 43 Dalton St. 17-22b HOUSE T0 RENT. or rooms suit- able for light housekeeping. with garden and henhouse. Apply 73 Tit- n St.. Allandale. 17-22p ' LOVELY BUILDING udw tor sale on north s1de~?ark `St. Apply 20 Small St.. Barrie. 21-221) u FOR ESALE-`~F1ve acres, nIce1y.sit- uated house. town water, electric light and oufbuudings. B01574, Ba.rr1e.. Ont. , 18-2`8p S'DOR.'E FOR SALE in good local.- tlon. Phone 841 or wr1te_Box.889. DOSE \ 1 lulllllu `rt. Barrie. SEVIEN-.RooM\1=;:D BRICK HOUSE for sale: -all conveniences; also ga.r_- age. Apply 111 `Toronto St. 221) FOR S-ALE-JComforta`b1e 6-roamed. frame house `in Allandale: will sac- vilflce for quick sale. Phone 1189. Barrie. 1'8hb I-I.A.1wc1-ImNG woes tor sale, tram} heavy laying White Leghopns and` W-lute Plymouth Rocks; large birds laying large eggs and many ot them. ; I.-eghorna. 75 tor setting; Plymouth Rocks. 81.15 for setting of 15 eggs. Shea:-d's, Utopia. Ivy nhone. 19-.24p__ .|Ju'1.Vn:J.uJ 1:`. 'M.ucuA11u:JLV, I Soliitor -for the Executors, Barrie. Ont. DA.-'rfED the '29th' day at `Ma.y.. 928. ' . 9.9-.m1-. mas I`-`OR HATCHING PROPERTY FOR SALE O RENT June 1st. 6-roamed liv- ing apartment. S. 'W. Moore. 22b MISCELLANEOUS IVLE L 2-2--2 V lU`CUl'lG ' _""_3'.2.':1. ; LU!-'11` 17-22p DLHIUIIU 17-22p| mm izttb ' IIIGHSU Ell Will BUUII `DU Luuaucu. '9 An unanimous call has been ex- [ tended by the United `congre-ga-tion - to Rev. Robt. McR'oberts of `Toronto, ':wh-ich he has accepted. The induc- 'it!on will take place about the mid- I 4-`HA nf Inna - U8!` 91. 11911153. The next meeting will beheld at "1'-ruman and G. Thompson's on `Wednesday, `June 6. GARAGE T`? RENT, $2.50 8. month. Anvv A \' X/Tviwahnll R1 `X7HHnrv\ I-Ill"1llo ` ' The solo rendered `by Mr. McNabb and quartette by `Mrs. J. D. G11- chzjist. Mrs. Muir, John McKay and Jhn Armstrong, were enjoyed by B. u A ` I - The Vespra. `U..F.-O. Club held their May meeting at the `home of Elmer Ca.ldwe1l with a. good attend- ance. After the business was over progressive euohre was Qnjoyed. Geo. Inawrence and Miss Vdolet Brown won the prizes toi` the highest num- ber `of points. "FHA -abut mnnflna my! in: "I-14:15 of \1UUl'U "K4U.XIlp'UU1-J. ' Act 1. The sitting-x-oo`m at Home Acres. 9. 1.'arm in northeastern New York state. `on an afternoon in July. John Whitman, who is received with joy `by his aunt Jane and sister Rose, returns home from college, bringing his chum, v'W1l-fred Clay. with him, who has persuaded him to sell the farm. Act 2 passes in New York. various events lead up to cat-astrophe._"1"he last act -brings the characters back to Home Acres nzhere a. joyful surprise awaits em. J!-an -Alan Ingdgnnna J... 1!`... IR.-`T-`ml. `rut inane exmmsn ll-3 LUIIUWBE: Ann Rickevt. a 'v1` `gossip, Elma: Guest: Jane Whitm~an, root- ed in the soil, Ada Walker; David Holden. a young farmer, Jack Mc- Kay: Rose Whitman, a country flower, '`bell: Lib, out of her element. `Laura Hall; Enoch, chore "boy. Wilbert Stoddart: John Wh1tma.n. a college graduate, Clar- ence I-Iall: Wilfred lclay, a [New Yorker, Murray Duncan; Helen Dalton. 9. New York lady. Myrtle Stoddart: Jim Ferguson. 8. aohemer, George icampbeu. 1 Ant 1 VF!-an ulfna-_nnn`nn oi mfnmn YUP] `GUUUUHBLUM UIIU WUWLIIUI` DUN]! all that could -be desired `and the meeting` of old friends added 8. great deal or pleasure -t-o the even- ing. A play entitled "Home Acres" was given by the young people of the congregation. -The audience showed their appreciation Iby `hearty applause. Those who took part are as ol1ows:- A -cg mA\`lA`)` in u--(.11.-n nu- Ln.-.-u-Ian |LlUIl Wlu LG! | dle or June. . V61, vi 7.. . `------- I The annual tea tend` concert held in the `United church, `May 24, was very -successful, the weather being AH AW-mt nnnhi .1-an nnimnrl nn than V-lUlJ'll.'I4lllUlllo U1. lg1'lUll1l.-UPC: I Nine bovs started in St. An- drew's senior road race this week and all nished the two-mile course. The rst ve were Neil Mc`Bride. W. Marks, John Morri- son, `Harrzv Partridge. Arthur Mc- Lean. McBride gets a `cup and the other? medals. ...!-.._ ..--A.-I ___2n 1.. _._~____, 1 _ _, __,__- ' Nearly all the farmers in the com- munity are -through seeding -and preparing for the root crop. The fall wheat is looking fine with good prospects for a. `bumper crop, The hay crop is not up to the standard owing to the late spring. Mr innha garage and fi`lHn:r am. L1`!\1'l $LI`CJ -l"\J IVPJLV 1', 39Z.DU H. YTIUHCH. Apply A. M. Marslmll, 61 William S. Allundule. 21-2'2b UWUIK EU EH6 Illa!-U Hymns. M-r. 'Scott's garage and filling sta- ; man will soon be completed. Tlfnv-Ir In In nfnnt-Iv my-nar-nae 91* Man UIUII Will UUUII `U9 uuulyauuau. I Work is in steady progress at the manse and will soon -be finished. I An unanlvnnnu no Man .1-moan AC- urug chore. a Last '.Sunda_v evening was Church Officials Night at Col- lier Street United Church. when the elders had charge of the ser- vice and a splendid address was given by Hon. E. -C. Drury. `There was a large attendance. mhnun IIIQEI n mnn `-I1I1v|1\I1`I an` WG5 G IGIESU uouexluuxzce. ; There was a good turnout of poultrymen in the `Council Cham- bers last evening to hear E. D. Bonzyman talk on Fattening and T. A. Benson speak on Egg Cir- cles. Both are from the federal denartment of agriculture. kluiim 1-La-`:3-AA :1; CL A - Ill6U III Cull llUWU1's The summer program of out- door band concerts of `Barrie Cit- izens Band will start; next Thurs- day with a concert at Queen s Park and the following week in A1- landale. - I I A.I..---_..-.. _...-.._.-..-._-__ 1!--. Lt- Admission programmes for the students recital of `Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wilson on Thursday. June 7, may be obtained at `Carey-Hurl- hurt; Ishoe Store and (Robertson's Drtig Store. T.nn4- laulntiauv nivnv-|:nru van vvvusvu G uuaun, `J. Lluay auu glerurday. `Simmons & Co. The Coat Store. 22b -'1`~he annual "meeting of the `Ora Football League will be held in the Town Hall, Oro, Monday evening. June 4. 22b A.,E. Owen. florist. has sold `his business to Chas. `Dawbor and Alan Penn of Toronto. They get possession July '2, and will spec- ialize in cut owers. ll... ............_.. ....-....-... -.n ---L UIIIUL Will UU SAVE IIUJKII WCC&n I I The W.'C.'T.U. will hold its reg-, ular monthly meeting in the `Lib-' '.rary H-all, June 4, 3 o'clock. gain-v --w-.-, v ---V -, v v --Please remember. gro- `cers of Barrie start their weekly. `half-holiday next Wednesday. 22b : IR-.. _.aI_-..-I__'..._ __._I L__L2_.. FUPu .\ |TSxHED HOUSE to rent. Ap- Y 9 Peel ISL cause- --vu-v--' o-v--u. Iv uuaauus-nag: ---I ' -For plumbing and heating, ring 214. J. J. Neelands, .48 Blake :Street. Prompt attention to re- pairs. . 15tfb `Caryl Curtis of the Pantages Theatre. Toronto, is playing the Wurlitzer organ at the Capitol at present. _'7nv1.I`n1I wahsaa in uuimsna 1' UU\lUl'|.Ul. VCIIUCS 111 ml and women's coats, -Friday Saturday. Coatmsttore. 1 .....L2.... -1 I-Ieintzman & Co. and Gerhard Hein-tzman Recommendations-. Orders will T receive prompt attention. The report of Mr."Hardy s re- cital` will be given next week. 3 ='l` TY nv1 kr n 'llAlI_ IVUEUKI In -Wonderful values in misses n;l noununnughu -..-4..- .I...l..-. ___1 mnos TUNED AND REPAIRED '6P17. POST OFFICE Well Presented - _ _ . up.` A... __A -A..--.. SEV1E.V\'-R`OO .\II~`.D HOUSE. 76 Mary St.. for rent by July 1st; all convenienccs. Enquire at 78 Nlary St. 22tfb i}sPnA Lu=.6. and NHL. Doath of-iVlrs. L. Sapoot-ier Death came very suddenly on Saturday morning. May 26. to Mrs. L. `Spooner. Despite her 76 years she was around her garden on the previous` Wednesday. Her sudden death came as a distinct surprise to her manytriends. Mrs. rspooner was the daughter of Wm.- and Marie Gardener of Oro. Deceased was of a very kindly and retiring disposi- tion. She ieaves to mourn her loss her husband and daughter, Mrs.` Salisbury of Scarboro, Jct.; two sis- ters and three brothers, Mrs. Jos. Graham `of `Elmvale, `Mrs. `T. Addi- son ot Toronto, George of Vancou- ver, Charles of`Sinta1uta, iS.ask., and Stephen Gardner or Barrie: also a halt-sister, Mrs. Stewart, of Dai- 'ston. A ' flu...-. Cuunnnnl Lnnlo o-`In..- Inn... I.-- V uuuuu. -4u.u1uu1.'w.1 `rzuspuul, zuonaon. ` or -him A the tWhitby Gazette-; Chronicle said: The news of his. passing caused profound regret, not only among his former parishioners.` `but among citizens of all walks of life and religious faith by whom he was hnlrl in HM: I-Hnrhnuf maumm H I 1:-nne. , Surviving member's or his family` are IRev. "1`hos. Wright of Detroit. Miss Jennie Wright, B.A., of Whit-o by and Miss Mary Wright of the Victoria Memorial Hospital, London. | Of him -vfha mvmn-m f1qrna #rn_. IILU uuu .l'UlLLUl.lS LEJCH 30y VVTIOTH was held in the highest esteem." 4 There passed away at Whitby on May 17, Rev. `T. G. A. Wright, M. J A., B.D., brother of Mrs. J. E. Hugh- ` es of `Barrie. Born at Alliston, `he, was graduated in arts and law in - 1886 from Trinity College, Toronto, ' winning three scholarships and the , governor-~general g -gold medal. He - practised law in Barrie and Tor-'4 onto. For a time he was a master -in J.`rinity College School, Port Hope, while for a number of yelams he was district manager for a law , publishing company in St. Paul.` Minn. In 1895 he was graduated in 2 theology from Huron College, Lon- don, -Ont. He ministered to tour churches in Ontario and also was a professor in Huron College. For 20 years he was secretary of the Bruce and Oxford deaneries, 13.} years -secretary of the London` meetings in Synod week and 10 q years secretary of the London Arch- 1 deaconry. Since 1919 he had been 1 rector of All Saints Qhurch, Whit- 5 1 by. -He was secretary of the Bible 1 Society there eight years and was 1 president of the mlndsterial associa- ' 2 tion at the time of his death. He was regarded as an authority on thle prayer book and church doc- lnmuvltvlnm vuAvnknul':u A0 -1.1... O.....l1.. I A member of one of the pioneer families of Dalston died in `Toronto on May 25, 1928. in the person of Horace Albert White. On Ma}? 9, he was stricken with pruralysis in bed and never spoke again. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White and was the third of their family t-o die within three years. Born at Dalston, he farmed there until about 20 years ago when he went to `Coulson where he had a store for three yeans.'For the last 17 years he was in the hardware de- partment of the Robt. Simpson ICo., Toronto. Mr. White was a member of the Methodist, later the United churc . `l'_I'.-.-9.. .... ..l.-AA 1... LL. 0... u 1927 IOA_KLA1\'D ICOAIC-I-I for sale. ln rvnn nnnrllnn Annlu Alvin UIIUFUI I-Ie is survived by his wife, for- merly Gertrude E. Oades of Dal- ston: two daughters, Mrs. W. F. Winfield (Goldie) and Mrs. T. 0. St-out (Laurine); one son. Lloyd, at home; two sistens, Mrs. E. M. Rich- ardson and Mrs. W. C. McLean or Barrie: four brothers, William and Charles P. of Barrie, Allen of Parry Sound and Thomas of Toronto, Tnfnrmanif was rnnn in Klfnnnf auuuu UJIU J.`lIUlIluS UL 1.U.l`UIl[U, Interment was made in Mount Pleasant cemetery. Toronto, on May 28. Six associates in the -Robt. Simp- son `Co. were pallbearers. Among the beautiful floral tributes were those from the --I.O.F.. Robt. `Simpson Co., and fellow employees. Uy UL J3U.*l'l`M'.', LAu.LU1'u U1 DL. 1.110111` as. and Clarence or 0rkney,'Sask. Mr..Lloyd enjoyed good health up to within a month of his death. He was a Methodist and a true follow- er of the Cross of Christ which was exemplified in his last testi- mony. .._-v ---v - Another old-timer of the Barrie district in the person of Charles Lloyd, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. S. Bingham. Weyburn. 'Sask., May 25. Deceased was in his 88th yea-12% having been born on December 16, 1840, near Belleville. Hastings County. At the age of 18. he moved with his par- ents to oro. where he engaged in farming. On January 20, 1873, he married Catherine vBa'ragar of Stirling, Ont. In 1889 he moved with his family to Barrie where they liv- ed for about thirteen years. Then he moved West. taking a homestead near Yellow Grass. Sask. In and near that vicinity he spent -the re- mainder of his years with the ex- ception of four years spent in Bar- rie. The surviving members of the family include the widow and six children. Mrs. iWa11wln of Toronto. Mrs. Bingham of VVe,vburn, |Sask., Mrs. Collett of Verwood, Sask., Per- cy of Barrie. Clifford of St. Thom- as an:-1 Flnvannn nf net.-um; --nab 51`u.uua.c.:-u LFUHI 21 UUSIHUSS CUIIGEU. "Besides his parents, he is survived by two sisters. Hrs. T. 0. Sparrow. Barrie, and Frances of Toronto. and two brothers, .\ orman and Joseph. Toronto. The funeral took place on Tuesday, May 29. to Bellsyde cem- etery, Fergus. `:im&&&&&m&w&*&: g- OBHIMRY g &&m*m&&&&m&m*&& _!WR. EMMA 'A.BR_Al_-lAl.\fI_ L On `Sunday. May 27, Cecil Coiling- rldge, 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Collingridge of 1353 Dundas St.. `Toronto. and brother of Mrs. T. O. 'SDax`row. Barrie, died suddenly from heart failure in the Western Hospital. He had been 111 only a. week and appeared to be progressing favor-arbly when com- pllcatlons. resulting from a pre- vious attack of pneumonia, set in and he passed away. Cecil was born in Toronto and educated at Alexan- der Muir School and had recently graduated from a business college. -nnalna his nnwnnf`: .`nn In annuhon 1 Follorving extendedmihness,` , Emma Abraham, wife of Jas. Abra- 'ha_m. passed away at the family residence, 28 Bradford -St., on Sat- urday last. May 26. She came to Barrieytrom Acton in 1911 with her husband and family and had resid- 5ed -here since. The late Mrs. Abra-\ ham was born in England 74 years ago, the daughter of John and Mary Jones. she was the granddaughter of the Earl ofT`alb`ert of Shrewsbury and came to Canada 36 years ago. Five children a`so survive, Mrs. J._. B. Lake and Edgar of Powassaml John of Toronto. George of Det-roit and Hilda at home. A sister resides in Eng1and.*'1`he funeral took place on Monday. Rev. A. R. Beverley conducting the services, interment being made in Union cemetery. wl-Ulh ' The funeral took place from her REV. T. G. A. WRIGHT LWGI |\Jl\_.l.\`{J(14`JJ '\.2LlI\-'\..4 f I-`Ul' 3311`?! in good condition. Apply Alvin I-Ianmer. Box 175, Barrie. 2`2tfb cEcIL COLLINGRIDGE HORACE A. WHITE CHARLES LLOYD 959579 ' K[EA'I`-At Dalston, on Monday, `I May 28, 1928, Samuel Keat in his :| 74th year. ` _j 'WHI I"E-~In- loving memory of a. dear wife and .mother who de- parted this life June 2, 1926. In memory a daily-thought, In heart a. silent sorrow. . 00!. V ; gab" Moir who passed away May 25, 1923. , He suffered much with patient `love Physicians were in vain, The God above in His great love Released him from his pain. `He did not fail to do his best, ;His -heart was true and tender. He`worked hard for those he left, That's something to remember. '22b -i-Wife -and Family Uiu-uxn--1.11 iuvulg memory of Jesse MOBR--In loving memory of Jesse Mair who nsasnnd nuvcnr `tum. 0: HUW UL .l.Ul'I1(UIl. , ` CA.R.`SON--BEA'I T'I~E - non` Satur- day, May 26. 1928, at 5 pm. by the Rev. J. is. -Shortt, at Barrie, Eunice Grace, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Beattie of Barrie, to E. J . `Carson of Toronto. FORDOIR SEDAN 1925; tires per- fect. A1 running order, $-"175. Box G", Examiner Office. 42'2`b SUMMER C`O"1"1`AG`E for rent at Big fBayJPoint, on `bay shore. near Peninsular Park Hotel, for the sea-` son or -by the monnth. Apply Miss E. A. Henry, Box 4`2-`1, Barrie. {Phone 572. 221:! ' I Q V ` ALLAN-In sad and `loving memory of Edith B. Allan, who passed away -at Lefroy, on the morn- mg of June 4. 1926. A daily (thought. An everlasting l memory. 22b -Motheg, _`a-tiger, I nu-., , nuqnuov u but The annual thankoffering service of Townline W.M.'S. was held on Sunday afternoon, May 27, when the minister, Rev. E. 'S. Clifton, preach- ed a very appropriate sermon from Hebrews 11:8. and also gave a. brief sketch of the work as it is being carried on in the home and foreign fields. The music. too. was well suit- ed to the occasion. ' 'l .'l'nnvn u-A (Vanni-xiv nvlnn Inna Zulu`-w I COVVARD--0n_ May 2-6, 1923, at 16! uLarchmount Ave., Toronto, to .\Ir. and Mrs. John `Coward (nee Miss; Irene Debenham of Dalston) 9.; daughter. MINNIKI-L\'-On Thursday, May 31, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Minnlkin, .20 Henry St., Barrie, a son. - MARRIED BIJAIC-K-TWHRUN - In Luse1and.; Sask., by Rev. H. W. Hyatt, on' May 11. 1928. at the home or the! bride's parents, Alma Adeline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F.` Thrun to Mr. Jos. Roberts Black,| son of the late R. J. Black or! Stroud, and Mrs. J. W. Thompson, now of Thornton. I t`A`D`t\-`.'\Y__D11:\ArIvwr.1:~ .n_~ 1-..A-_._ late residence on Monday, May 28, the service being conducted by Rev. R. G. I-Ialbert, pastor of the Dalston United church. The many beautiful floral offerings bore tribute to the esteem and respect in which Mrs. Spooner was held by her many friends. The pallbearers were her six nephews, Frank, Wm., Cecil, and Earl Livingston of Barrie, Wm. Ad- dison, of Toronto and Clarence Brown of Dalston. ' cu LU I-IIU UUUCI-UIUIL Howard rcorbett. who has been 111, is improving. Cleaner, Presser and Dyer 109 Dunlap so. 3 mm A : Phone 22: I HAVE THE ONLY DRYaCLl-ZANING PLANT wrmm YOUR REACH, oursum 1111-: cm TORONTO GARAGE MIIISSING from his home in: Hamil- ton. since May 22. Bruce Wool1ey.' age 28, tall and fair. -with one arm. Any information will be gratefully received by his parents, 76 Main lSt.. West, -Hamilton. 2323) `BEST VALUES IN BARRIE ` VAUGHAN MOTORS LTD. MR. GIORGINNI HAS OPENED HIS NEW PREMISES FOR GARAGE AND GAS STATION ' At Hpg_hes _ Corner 26 CHEVROI ET COACH 27 STAR COACH , 24 HUPMOBILE TOURING '24 ESSEX COACH ' _ '25 ESSEX COACH ' '22 FORD COUPE 24 OVERLAND SEDAN Your old aepart payment. Terms if desired. PHONE 1161 Will be pleased to give service to old and new customers. IN MEMORIAM - -r--v--u now. A viva --Husband and Family W T'.*9`.`?`I.9?{ OV`ERLAND FOUR. R-OAD1S`TER. for sale. Buchanan .& Son's `Garage, Barrie. ' 2'2-23b J3??? OPPOSITE CAPITOL .-c H. .u...wqnnuv:La --Wife ---:---.--:----2 --Mother, Father, Sisters and Brother 114 Sites from Barrie, ON ORILLIA HIGHWAY w.J FIRTH Lucub. acp Mr. John Sinclair and family of Edenvale wish to thank their many friends for kindness and sympathy expressed during their recent sad bereavement. 22b Mr. Jas. Abraham and family wish to thank their neighbors and other friends for the many mani- festations of kindness and sym- pathy and the beautiful floral tok- ens in connection with their recent bereavement. 229 Miss `Thornley wishes to thank her many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy also floral tributes in her recent bereave- ment. 22;: Mr, .Tnhn Llnr-1nlr and Pnrnu nf nan: new urea, Jub re-pa1m:- e . 1923 W-ILLYS KNIGHT, sev- en` passenger sedan. a power- ful, roomy car at a right price. 1923 `STAR SEDAN. new tires and battery. runs good. 1923 STAR TOURING. in good condition throughout, with new tires. 1923 FORD SEDAN, runs good, re-painted. 1921 FORD 1-TON 'I1RUCK. Brand: new tires. Price $100. BAJBY GRAND CHEVRO- LET touring. Snap for cash. Your present car as part payment. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. 43 Elizabeth S7t.--Egono 278 LOST - Man's nickel watch, be- tween Buchanan's garage and {Sar- Jeant'sx coal yard. Finder please re- port to lReeve's Jewelry Store. 221) 1.75 I unn V nuun 1 `t-UUUII. SEDAN, has good ap ear- ance and runs splendid y. 1927 FORD LIGHT DELIV- ERY or roadster. balloon tires and in good general condition. 1926 STAR TOURING. in exceptionally ne shape throughout. b 1926 STAR SIX COUPE; this is a snappy little car and good condition throughout. 19'25 DODGE SPECIAL COUPE,`bal1oon tires, looks and runs good. 1925 FORD 1-TON TRUCK, just overhauled. New bat- tery. 1924 HUDSON SUPER SIX COACH, balloon tires. 1924 FORD ROADSTER. his new tires, jupt re-palnt- G . USED CARS _C-);f;: :11:-:oll:>:rin: 1927 STAR FOUR COA-CH, works and rtfhs like new. 1927 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR G.I`l"\A\Y L..- _-...I . _ _ _ _- HAROLD HI!-L CAEKDSAOI-` H_AR0'-D..H!U- Buy Advertised Things Thu:-ndly. May 31, 1923 $135166 $265.00 $495.00 $665.00 Lg Ag 44 ROLL OF IJEA'I"HER BELTMNG LOST off truck on May 25. Finder kindly leave at Examiner Office. Barrie. - 2`2p 7: -_vvw \ SEALED `T:E.\`DIDRS addressed to the undersigned for contract of building :1 two-roorned Continuation School, "I`l1ornton, Ont.. up -to June 10, 1928. `The successful tenderer`. will be required to provide a bond for the S;1[iSfzlCtul`y carrying out of contract. The right to reject any. or all tenders is reserved. JAFS. A. LENNOX. Sec',v.-'l`re:1s., of Union School Section No. 6, Essa. and No. 19," Innlsfll. 22b SUMMER ACCOMMODATION -- Anyone having summer cottages. houses or rooms to rent during the] tourist season kindly notify H. H. Creswlcke. secremry `Barrie Board of Trade. 13-`24b MAN AND WIIFE, expvmienced. want work on f:u'm by month or by the year. Have one girl. 5 years old. Apply to Box F, Examiner Of- fice, , - 2'21) HOP.-SE \\'AN'T`E'D - A heavy or medium heavy young` horse. State particulars of age and weight. VVr1te Box "A". Examiner Office. - 2-213 ._...........__.......__._._..._.....__...___ I FOWL WANTED. , highest prices paid. Phone 384 or Box 542, Barrie. H. Levit. 1'?-22 T- USED UPPJI-G`H\T `PIANO wanted. in good condition. Apply to Box .\I", Exunwiner Office. 22~23pi FIRST.-CLASS OFFICE for rent at once. central. with front out`.ook, suitable for business or profess-lam 9.1 man. Apply H. E. Jory. King Block, Barrie. ` ` 1-7-22b T7?-3" VVA-NTiED-A few nice, .st1'a1ght. young .\Ianiw=ba maple trees for immediate transplanting. Phone 1006F. 22b ADLET COLUMN ' %w$awww&&w YOUTH nR,EQU' {ES WVORK; can drive car. Phone 1140. , 22b MAID VVA'.\"DED--General house- work. summer home on Lake `Sim- coe. three months beginndng June 15. Apply Mrs. `W. Sarjeant. Box 88. Barrie, 'Ont., or phone 191. 221) .One cents. word, cash. each inser- non. (minimum charge, 250); I1: "Insertions tor the price `or (out. 100 extra when charged: also 100 extra when replies are directed t The Examiner Office. - . . EXPERFIENCED FASRM HAND wanted, to begin duties at once: yearly engagement if satisfactory; highest wages, Apply at Examiner Office. 221) 1.... T Page Twol\`n g%$&mwwm&&&&&&g PROPERTY To LET LOST AND FOUND . DESIRABLE APARTMENT FOR RENT CHEAP, central -location. enchanting outlook, Immediate pos- session. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block. Barrie. 17-22!; AUTOMOBILES HELP WANTED W""TE"_ FARM` FOR SALE, 200 acres, tram-3 mg on highway. Innis-11: stone` housewlth furnace; 40 by 80 barn, up-to-date, stabllng: 10 acres" hard- wood 'bush; 40 acres of tall whea:, 20. acres :ready for spring wheat: running stream and good water-. Apply D. Barclay, Strand. 17-2.'..'b ' FARM FOR 'S'A'I4E-A-1O0 acres in 3rd and 100 acres `in 4th concessions of Flos. 100 acves under cultivation. 100 acres bush._good arable land. crop already in, brick house. bank barn `50x65, frame barn 40x60. -pig pen. imp.`emenAt shed. Apply Mrs. J. T. Marley. Phelpeton. 22-'29p v &V\JJ.`J.\.fCl `ya wanna; u1'V'`JlV| FAJRM FOR ISAJDE. 150 acres in pas. pursuant to the Trustee Act mhatl ture. Wm sell 100 or so toauit pur- )1! persons having claims against %fe;- ":;"A"; "`"`* " 312 ?:?f.of i3`ai$f?%32'%i?m X.m3 dmppy to Wh%_E%r:$'ot =Slmcoe, widow, vtvho died on or` ` Ebout t'hB Snd f MHV nrnl BABY cmcvxs. custom hatching` In electric incubators, price for. [June $4 per hundred. Book space now. `Chas. A. Kelly, 1`8 McDonald St. Phone 1184. 212p` 'DO LE'1`---Nice six-roomed house. in good nelgwborhood; conveniences and garden. Immediate possession. Low rent. Apply 152 Bayfleld `St. Phone 928J. 22p O'R'O ICHIICIK I-I'A"1'lC5H.`E}RY. June pvicew. Barred .R-ock, $16 per 100. s.-C. 'Wh1'te Leghorns. `$15 per 100. White Leghorn eggs for setting 50:3 for 13. or $4.00 per` 100. `R. `H. Bran- don. Oro `Sta-tion R.-R. - 18-2`3p SUPERI03 QU-AJIJITY Barred Rock and Leghorn chicks that will grow to be ' profit producers. Reduced prices on chicks and hatching eggs from my best `pens. -Harry Morren,l lphone 8875. 8 North `St... 20-'2'2|b I-IOMIE FURNIISHED, light. fuel, water free in exchange for board for i an elderly man. Phone.-5'63J. `2I1-221)` DOODEY .-P0"1`A"D0-ES for. sale.` grown from certified seed. `I have for sale 1200 `bags of this stock. "will sell by carload lot or will truok in truck load lots. excellent ample. These potatoes will make excellent seed or ta'ble use either. Enquiries may be made `by writing to Milton` Murphy. RJR. 4. Icookstown or phone Beeton 49r'2. 22-`23p BARRED `RJO-C'I{|S. 18 cents each." J. Hammond. Allandale, lot 2, 14th line. Innlsfil. [ 22p TWO UNFURNISHED [ROOMS to rent. Phone 1420.! 212!) TWO ROOMS for rent over the Standard Bank. Modern conven- iences. 19t!b ! RJOOM W~A:N'T'mD in private mmlly for gentlemlan. centva1,.sta.~te -termsp Box 'C", Examiner. 229" SEED `l3UC'I{VV`HEA'T for sale. Ap- nhr IT-Tnur-and ll`nnhv~nv\.n` TTO-nnln nf DJ-`JLVLJ LDU`L41\VV'1'1 L`J1.L` LU! SHIV. 1.13` ply II-Iow-ard Icochrane, Utopia, Ont.. R.".R. 1 ' 22b; BUICK 1928 standard six coach: in excellent condition; only run small m11:~-age; privately owned. Box `_`.I, E.\'.Imlne1' Office, 221) , I SEED POTATOES for sale. Ir1shIR'W`IN"S BLUE TAXI SERVIJC-E. Cobblers; also Dooleys. from certl- local and long distance, night and tied seed. Phone _891. V lsttb day. 85 cent service. Phone 198. llitfb PAis"rfJRE for-horses and cattle, Ely of lot 14. 1Com. '5. Vespra, good water. Apply to A. EB. ucoutts. box 158. 01133109 phone '281, residence l`368W. 20-3221)` GOOD PAS"I`U'RE, running water. plenty shade. two miles 2-om A!- landale. A-pply J. Hammond. Allan- dale P.0., Lot `2, 14th line, Innis- fll. ' ` i 5221)` FOR SALE OR R.-EN`T--A comfort- able slx-roomed house with cellar. water and Light. good garden with fruit trees.- Phone 7'32`; . 2-2p FUlRN'ISHlE'DlC10'1"1`AK}E for sale or to let at Mlnet's Point. large ver- andah, ice supplied. E. B. `Reynolds. 79 Mary :St., `Bax-rie. `Telephone 1072. 2'1- -2'61) FOR SA;IJE-F`irst-class horse-pow- or hay and straw press. As I.have_ no further use for same it will be sold at 3; fourth of its value; also good wooden pump and quantity of wire. Box 59, Barbie. 21-I231) 1 GOO-D HEAVY -oxrs, for sale, mo` I some small potatoes, the New York- ers, would make good seed. Apply Jas. uBy1'nes, 6th eon.,.Vespra, near Union cemetery. 22p SAFE. medium size, good as now: two showcases, Auto Knitter. motor sewing maclune. Alad-din lamp, set computing scalles, must be sold -this week at Tuck's Barrie `Fair. 2211 tV'.lU\uU'uUUll UUUUUNICI/LIUII JUUIS GGLU in good condition and convenient size for private nesldence or oflce. Inspection solicited. D. F. lMc'Cua;ig. Solicitor. Barrie. 20-`22b BOAT FOR SALE. 16 ft.. varnished, cedar; 2 paixgs oars and paddle; good as new. Apply to John Cald- well, 2nd con., `Om, Shanty Bay.` RR. 2. ' 2213 SIX-:R0OM'ED =HOU-SIE for rent at 9 Main St., Al-lmrdale, with water. light and gwwden. Apply `Box 3'3, Barrie or phone 1071J. ` 22p SAFE FOR s-AI.'E--A Gonna and Mocu-lloch combination lock safe In nunn nnn;-Ill-Inn nn nr\nusn3nnf BARN FOR SALE. size 35x60, sit- uated on lot 22. con. 4, Vespra. 1% miles from Barrie. For particulars apply W.\ 0. How, Barrie. Rhone 798. ` 2'1-24p .\IIXED SLAP-`S for sale. $5 cord. delivered in '-Barrie. 1%, load. George F1111 -1y_ .-,\/Iidllurst, Ontario. Phone 6021431. , 22-'27:) CEDAIR `FENCE POSTS for sale. anchor and braces. -Apply Hy. Har- rison. Elizabeth St., or phone Geo; Soules. *61i1x\22. * 21-`2\2b FOR SALE. `Ontario shingles, cedar fence posts: also one tent, 14x20, four-toot wall. -D. McLean, Barrie. `EAR-. 1. phohe 903r21. 19-24b FOR 'SNDE---Deering cream separa- tor '52. Just used one year. Cheap tor quick sale. phone 60 6r1~2. V '22!) `FOR SALE - 1 ten-twenty Case` t1.`8.cto1` engine. also parts for trac- 01`. W. J. Goodfellow, Stroud, phone Szroud 11r31. 22p COMPIJETE `TlENN'l`S 'OU'1`\F`I"1` for T salm net.rnarker,posts.etc.In very good condition. Apply Examiner Of- fice. . 22x WAGON 1.=~oRTs..2LE-Good` strong` S"1`ALLIO'.}T {FOR `SALE--Register-'-I team wagon. Ed. McLaughlin. West! ed standard b :-ed ,.tz-ottinz stallion.` HAY FO.R~SA.'LE--Six tons or c1ov-' er hay. Howard McKernan, LR.R. 2. B.u'r1e or cozm. 2'2b SU MM-ER ~C'O'T"I`AG~E `TO RENT at Big B xy Point: furnished. also wa.t-- er in cottage. Apply to A.B. Moysey & C`o., Mcliinnon EBldg., `Toronto, Ont. 22-27p MA'NJRE `SBREADER for Massey-Harris: also .some_ timber-. Phone 16r101. Stroud." ROOMS AND BOARD PASTURE TO LET seen 1'-`on SALE BABY CHICKS VAL `sE1>).R-wron to 1']? T in Mr: \*Tn-T.An' 1-`on SALE CHEVIPv0\I4ET 'TO'UR'ING IC-AJR for sale; in good runmlng order. En- quire 43 Alfred St., Allandale. 2-`2!b I sale. barn 229 .fu yurauus uuvuig 018.1111-8 agalnat ;_ the Estate or Mary Forsyth, late of w, the Town of Barrie; in the county , of) =Sltm:)e, widogv, fvvgdo dlelgzgn .a;ou 'esecon o ay, f~,are I requested to `send particulars of 3 their clhims to The !Chartered ST:-ust ,' and Executor Company, 46 King , St.- W._. "1`oron*to, -Ont., oi` to David : I-IV. Ma.cLaren. Barrie, 0nIt., the Ex- ; ecutors, onob before the 29th day or . June 1928, after which date the Ex- ; ecutors will dlstribu-t`e the assets -` tag thte egtatie among V`-It-hos`? ehtltggd - eteo avng 1-agar o y o `e 9! claims of which they shall then , have `notice. V 5 YOU CAN EARN $10 to :25 a. week ;*:.:;::.:s:'..`:";:::.h:: "'**'.:*.~`' ' . as 3 or a - 3" felting. We instruct you and supply I`. you with work. Write today. The 5 Menhenitt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion :.Build1nz. Toronto. 1Mtfb 195?.` S=T'EEL AND CONCRETE BRIDG- ES erected to Government standard. Plane prepared by competent en- gineers without extra expense to you. Pile driving. soundiing. eto. Vast experience; 114` bridges com- pleted in Simooe. No Job too large and none too small. Let me figure on your requirements in concrete or struotural steel for `any purpose. .1 . J. -Dumond, general contractor. :Brentwood. Ont. 18-42p guoucz T0 cmanrrons OARPENTER WORK, alterations, anything in -building, first-class work. Beat of reference. Chas. Alex- . ander. Phone 1-20W. 18-28p I N0"D1`GE V ms I-IIEREBY Gmnl the all nnrnnna hhvina nlnlnnn an-..I...oI FORI5 SIEDAN for sale. engine tre- cently out and overhauled. `valves reset. new spark plugs. new parts for stopping, rear axle assembly out and reconditioned, new battery. repainted. seat recovered. Flve tires, license, Phone 310. 2`2vb

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