SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES MILLINERY T Special Values in Ladies and Misses Rain Coats Because we show a large assortment of the season's newest lines at prices less than city stores. During Shopping Week Every Lady : Dress in the store will be reduced in price. This will be an opportunity for you to get yours. KNITTED SUITS AND TWO- I'\ll'lI\l-I rI\4\u\-- u:::1- _l_ I_E-_C`-E s'i>'61'i"r 1$1':.sis" V- These are fresh from the makers and bear every mark of approval from discriminating shoppers.- What About our Fuji Silk at 59c Yard? It came from Japan. Is, made from spun silk yarn and claimed to be five- times more service- able than ordinary silk. 25 col- ors for you to select from. Shopping Week . . . . _59c yd. The new KAYSER Made Chiffon Silk-to-the-top Hose with the slipper heel will please you.- Price $2.00 pr. DIANA Chiffon Silk is pric- ed at . . . . . . .. $1.50 pr. SUPERSILK -- The best wearing silk hose we have ever sold. Shopping Week . . . . . . . . . . $1.49 pr. CHIFF ON HOSIERY FOR SUMMER `SELLING. \ `day `and Tuesday. to inspect the E residence and `both building and \ furnishings were the subject of en- ithusiustic comment. Last month, when the building was ready for furnishing`. ' the `Board had another delightful sur- --prise what; Mr. Wright forwarded a cheque isufficlen-t to cover the en-tire cost of the furnishing. So today we are enabled to open this -modern residence. fully furnish- ed` and equipped without any cost to the Royal Victoria Hospital. ll, _ _,._ __ TL THE COAT STORE Hats - Furs - Coats ALL REDUCED Page Plvo .(continued from base I) ing--and. which I may say, the young ladies endured in a manner `that was highly commendiable. `But the Board could see no way .out of it. Increasing costs of re- pent years had made monthly de- rcits the rule rather than. the ex- ception. `This was the situation when Mr. McCarthy, without the slightest intimation from anyone connected with the 'Board or hos- pital, came forward with the re- quest that he might be permitted to build a~nurses home in mem- ory of his father. `With grateful -hearts the Board accepted the of- fer. a building committee was ap- .pointed. and in due course the re- sidence was completed. L1- , L __!` .11-- _. NURSES `HOME, *1;.;\/._y_.,_o1>|aN1an `Thursday. May 10, .1928. M of e summer await your ins ion at OL _ owro . ' -and Spo at signed to look smart, mad stay smart are not fac- tory made. MISS _<:.;15{.w_1Lso1~I MILLINERY Hrrs FOR Barrie s Shgpping Week 1-27 D-t1|*ilogT"SireeZf, Brrie T `lly llVlH:g Ill UIIC vuvuavyu . For -thirty years. from 1878 to 5908. the vnters of the countv suf- tered members of this family to ,represent them in the House? of muua nu um ucah 01. I115 abllly. Perhaps the best evidence of his willingness to serve was when the bugle sounded, calling our volun- teers to the defence of our coun-I try in 1885, to subdue the Rebel- lion of `Riel -and his followers. Not- withstanding the fact that he was only the Assistant Surgeon of the Battalion, and had a family of five small children, he responded! to that call. You may realize how im- portant I felt, at the age of fteen, in being left, with my mother, in charge of that small ock. Jun; uunuuu; nus vuuu aux 'ucu ycnra. `The citizens of this town on many occasions honoured the man in whose memory this Home is er_- ected by municipal offices of var- ious kinds, which he lled with distinction and credit, and was re- cognized as a citizen of public: spirit, willing to serve on all -occa- sions to the best of his ability. Pnrhnns: Hun hnuf nuinnnn A4? 1.3.. Commdns of" Canada,VlMr. D Altoi1 McCarthy for twenty years, and your humble servant for ten years. `Tho n:nov.a l\ {-15}. J.......'. .... S. W. % MOORE Shopping Week Buyere may have our heavy Black Duch- ` eu Silk at a lower price. The _i quality will suit you. ` 112.)` 500 y.ar~clvs'oFpi;1iVr{-;d figur- ed wash fabrics for dresses; etc. Values up to 69c 29c yd. These beautiful Crepes both plain and fancy arefin great demand and are much below. regular value. Over 50 pat-l terms to choose fro m. `To add interest to Barrie s Shopping Week this store will der every yard of the regular $1.49 Crepe de Chene, all colors, at . . ; . . . . . $1.29 yd. `DOTS. . Eighty years ago. a small boy. /two or three years old. arrived with his father, mother, three bro- ithers and five sisters in this town. ,then but a village. the terminus of the railroad `being Holland Land- ing. This boy. four or five years later. at the acre of seven. was sent back to England to be educated. He returned to Canada. and at- tended Toronto Unive-rsitv. grad- uating in Medicine in the year 31865. For two or three years he practiced his profession in the county of Bruce. returning` to Bar- rie in 1870 with his wife. my mo- (her. (who.-with her parents. had settled here in 1860), and myself. then a squalling young brat. 1.1.--- 4.311 snno L.` SHOPPING WEEK AT S. FULL VALUE IN EVERY ` PURCHASE DRESS CREPES 98 yd. IIIIIIUJ VV III JBIII J93! I I I` I ,............$1.l5yd. some SPECIALS FROM THE YARD GOODS SECTION 2: svawn s1.{.;.;.;i'...{,w.;;.k 989.: susguwcu. In addition, it expresses. in. a small measure, my appreciation to the citizens of Barrie and the ad- jacent country for the support which they gave me when a young man- seeking Parliamentary hon- ours. It is most affectionately and indelibly impressed on my mem- ory that, in the year 1900. this dear old town so ,far `forgot its politics as to give me a majority :01 160 or thereabouts against my Conservative opponent. This, greatly increased my desire to ac- complish what has been accomp- lished during the last. twelve months, `by the erection of this uHome. My feelings have been such. with reference to the whole -Riding of North ~Simcoe, that. for similar reasons. there is being er- ected this year, at my expense, in memory of Mr. D Alton `McCarthy. a maternity wing to the `Coiling- wood General and -Marine Hospit- al. TL . . _ _ --.l LL-L ..-__ _I-..:___ .L- ,, J `It seemed that my desire to per- petuate the memory of these two Wlluu u tang-or-oogaga av-.. ._,,___ Frnm that time till 1908 he nracticed his profession nf med- icine and phi`1anthrop,v. aiding the sick. in season. and out of season. .dark nights and bright nights. . p'oodJ roads and bad roads, snow drifts and biockades apparentlv causing him iittie concern; which earned him the respect. anprecia- .-Hon and gratitude of many hun- dreds in this town and the adja- cent municipalities. .1.` .._-..1.. Jan UIAIIV ..--_.. ....--w---av vv way vuwwwnowocvvou I spoke `a few moments ago of this" philanthropy. Well do I` re-' . member, while he was away at the Re'bellion, going over his books and nding may thousands of dol- lars owing to him. Mother wrote and told him that `I had made out a list of the eople who_owed him money, and .t at we were going to endeavour to get them to pay up. We got,.cont'rary to our expecta- tions, a letter, telling me to mind my own business and not to think \ of interfering in this way, How- ' ever, I think I should say this: that very many kind patients, re- alizing` the situation, of their own volition responded, the result be- ing that. when my father return- ed, we had a good deal more man. ey in the bank than when he left; but I was not allowed to interfere. When he left us for good his books were in a similar condition. vv V50 ill DI Qllllllab UUIIVIUIUIII For many years my hopes have been that some day I could afford to do what has `been done by the erectionof this Home. It will for some timeakeep green the memory of a man who was most active and interested from the first sugges- tion that we should have a hospit- al here. and will, it is hopeli, not, allow the services performed and rendered by him to be 'too soon forgotten.` Tn ...l.I.L:.... :4. .... ...'-...._ 2.. _ LII W65 IIICIIILJ UIIUUI IIIE KI-I151` ance mud force that, Vdurin the year 1885, 1886 or 188 the present system of waterworks and sewage and the `Agricultural Park and buildings were established. 1 ___-!__ - 13-1.- ___,_, A REAL THRIFT AND ECONOMY IS PRACTISED WHEN ONE TAKES ADVANTAGE OF EVERY UNUSU- AL BUYING OPPORTUNITY-THI'S STORE ALWAYS ENDEAVORS TO MAKE IT PROFITABLE TO PEOPLE WHO FAVOR US WITH THEIR PATRONAGE, BUT DURING SHOPPING WEEK YOU WILL BE DOUBLY REPAID. EVERY DEPARTMENT OF THIS STORE JOINS IN THIS EVENT. WE WANT EVERY SHOPPER TO PARTICIPATE. KENWOOD BLANKETS min a class by themselves. You can buy them at Moore's. L THIS sroma STANDS FIRST IN BARRIE IN rrs SHOWING or CURTAINS, CURTAININGS, TAPES 'l`Dl:l:`c nu:-n QDDDADC I IIm:'-Me nun Irnunv TAD! I.` nnvl-.-nmmno 1 IIrr\|n\u-u-urn .. ....- - _-__- __ _ _ slang uI.\lI\I.`a uu-uvuu ;'u\.aI. nu l3t`ll\l\ll.'a IL` :10 ouu vvuwu Ur VUIXIAIIVD, LUKIAININU5, TAPES- 'r ms, BED SPREADS, LINENS AND FANCY TABLE COVERINGS. A WONDERFUL COLLECTION AT A : REASONABLE PRICES. TABLE or CHILDREN'S APPAREL AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE We will not attempt to describe these other than to say they are useful and mothersshould see them. T ~ `This store can serve you well` in` `CHILDREN'S APPAREL. It was mainly undeihis guid- non and '!\Fl|A I-`Inf thin-Ina 4-F-an UEIIL llluluvlpuuunua The number of peonle who now remember him is probably small. yet it is only dswenty years. almost M the day. since he passed away. It is exnressive of the ebb and ow that this family. so atmarently rmly voo+ed and with such a large sfake in the town and countv 'as the McCarthvs'. thirty or .forty vears ago. Shollld not now have left a represenfative of their fapm-I `ily living in the county. Ll.l-.l...- ..,...... mm 1973 +13 '" '"'7{sc';'ch""' These were [Specially purchased land are much superior to the or- ' dinary quality usually sold atia low price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98c each SPECIAL SALE LINES represent- 1 ing `great savings will be found here during Snopping Week. ' The Lingerie of Yesterday Has J Vanished Before the Ever- Changing Mode of Today It must be silk and our Lingerie Dept. presents a charming ar- ray, all reduced for Shopping Week `Silk Bloomere _ and _ Silk Vests Ii, Buy Underwear at Moore s IWAY 14th TO MAY 19th- SUII JJCLEHLUII, .|JI'.'UElllUEl', 1376!- The -ta.b1et -commemorating the gifts of Mr. vWright and Mr. Ball was not completed In time for the opening. ,9 `High ;T.I:|v\-1}-\nv\ Ann and fII1n6AA-1 | L113: llU3y1Ld.l UU1.lCl.`.. `The bedrooms are furnished uni- formly. the beds, Windsor chairs and dresser all being in walnut finish: reversible wool floor rugs, bed spreads, throw-over Iblankiets and hangings are all in rose shades giving a. Very `bright and cheery ef- fect, particularly under atrtificlal light. Beds. mattresses and springs are all of the well-known Simmons make. Each of the bedrooms has at least one clothes cupboard while most of them have two. Wkn vuunulp A0 an.-.6v...nL:..... Au: 0.... ycvuaucu 111 U]. UIILC U1` Illaruleu It is with deep respect and sin- cerest veneration that I declare the Home formally opened, to the end that the nurses, those angels of mercy and comforters of the sick and afflicted, may themselves b? more comfortably taken .~ care 0 . - . . `L71- .Y_`r-..A.. *r...:..__ 'Ix......1: J5--- [men and the services which they each had rendered, in their respec- tive spheres, cou1d_not better be accomplished than. by the erection of something that would enable the people who are suffering the better to have their ills and their troubles alleviated, rather than that such memory should be per- petuated in bronze or marble. T?` `Q *l7;I'1\ Joan 1-nnnnn IIOQAI 5:3 Q1? U11 IILSLIL uuty. ' On the ground floor are large liv- ing room, assistant superintendent's room, bathroom, besides rooms for nurses. Thesecondfloor has asitting room for nurses. `bathroom (which includes a. shower). night supervi- sor's room as well as rooms for nurses. In the basement are kitch- enette, laundry and class room. The building is heated by steam from lthe hospital boiler- `Thn hnv-nnvvuc own Fur-nisknrl nu`- The land upon which the home is erected was a greatly appreciat- ed and benecent gift to the hos- ltal by one of iBarrle's most sterl- ng and respected citizens. the late `Mr. George Ball. This to me seems a most tting coincidence. because he and my father were lifelong intimate friends. and. for twenty years or more, next door neigh-l -bors. ..LL--1 CI:-\a\\n1~ nnnn n nnnn1` kn mun vv vvvcnov uouau . I \I&I His Honor Judge Donald Ross, vice-president and senior trustee. on behalf of the Board, accepted the gift of the Home, from the donor, Mr. McCarthy, making appropriate reference to his generous gift and also to the generous gifts of Mr. Wright and the late Mr. Ball. A non} fa)-n in 51-nn rnoln MQYT VV 1 15119 GJILI LI-IC l LVIJ-V. Ed-ll: A neat tablet in the main hall, facing the entrance, bears the fol- lowing words: Royal Victoria Nurses Home. erected in memory of Dr. John L. G. i\IdCarthy by his son Leighton, December, 1927. The .1-Q`-ab nnvn.rncnv\.nv-oi-inn:-y -611:: |tl. LHIC l't:UUl'u as Lllb` I\.Uy'c!.1 V1ULUl.'1d.u L Rev. E. J. Whan; President of the Barrie Ministerial Association, clos- ed the proceedings with a dedicat- I cry prayer. n-I1- _ 1-\.-:v_12_. __ _ -._. _-...-...-..5 The building is of colonial style, three stories. `It has accommodation for 22 nurses and on the top floor are two large rooms, fitted ou-t sim- ilarly to the others, where the nurs- es sleep duringwperiods when they are on night duty. I I-`I1 fhn &I`r\IIV\A" P`nn1n av-A Tarn-in 1'19- UlJ\'.`llLllg`5o Vvarden Lambert congratulated the Board on securing such a splen- did home for the nurses, a. worthy addition to a hospital that had such a. fine record as the Royal Victoria. I Av '14`. ._T KXFhnn.`Dvnair1anf A? #11:: HUSL UL LHCHI. IIGVU L\'VU. 'The.wo1`k of construction and fur- THE BARRIE EXAMINER "The Building I_'I.1..__ 1 _n _-I_ 24 Only Embroidered TABLE COV- ERS, 36x36 pure Irish linen, and new goods. These are worth $2.50 each." . . . . . . . . Our Special $l.49'each QUALITY GOODS AT Lowwr % POSSIBLE PRICE ALWAYS. 42-inch Circular PILLOW COTTON, nice even weave and worth 45c- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special 29 yd. `16-inch Pure Linen TOWELLING with colored border . . Sale 15 yd. BREAKFAST TABLE CLOTHS with colored border, something different in all linen and a very useful line. . .v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 each "UV voav - `yvvo u .y----- ---...`.--_.- This home lls a great need. I-t will add immensely to the comfort and happiness of our nursing staff. which. I feel sure will be reflected in greater efficiency, with conse- quent benets to all who are cared for in 91: hospital." W-.A v\vnnu::llnn- want` n I'\t\+t\ 'P`III\V\ EXTRA SPECIAL The Gage label in each hat marks their distinction and puts them in the exclusive list of mod- els. City Department Stores are selling same models at $6.50. These are new goods, and our price is $4.98] An Apron, Cap, Collar and cuffs of nice quality white lawn are priced at $1.98 set The Exclusive `Gage Hats, regular $6.50 models, $4.98 A UNIFORM FOR THE MAID A glancehat the picture at the left will help you visualize how it looks. V nishing was in charge of a com- mittee consisting of Wm. Gallie, Judge Ross, `J. A. Mac~Laren and T. 'Dnonnn?f In 1-ha furnishing thev `had .1 uuau nu Beecroft. SIMMONS 8: CO. If you take delight in seeing nice linen just come into our Linen Dept. We take pride in placing before Barrie shoppers the largest and most elaborateshowing of these goods ever shown in this town. `Seleqt what you need during Shopping Week at Reduced Prices. OLD BLEACH LINENS FROM IRELAND- REDUCED PRICES J31 W'Mr. IMc'Carthy s Adciress In`opening'. `Mr. McICarthy ex- pressed his regrets at the una\(oid- able absence of his wife and'his mother. -Continuing he said: ~u.v\ _,_,_ `.,- L- ___.__-__._ .._-- ....--L JSS, `J. A. Macuuren uuu J.. In th furnishing they `had W. MO0RE S BARRlE S SHOPPING WEEK 14th to 19th of MAY Why pay over 25c `for Dress Patterns when we sell the ldeal, any size or style, 25 each? 75 pair We doubt if you have ever purchased curtains such as these at such a low` price. They come in a check pattern and have tie-backs-special . 75c pair `The Mode of the Sea- son makes fancy Pull- overs very popular. See theni here. SILK AND WOOL PULLOVERS S. W. MOORE plow u--v-- v-.. v...-.... "`Pe1-mitjme to express my great gratication at and appreciation `of Mr. Wright?s~muni~cence. The furnishing of this Home hat} given me considerable anxious thought. `His gift. however. has made my ,cup of joy in connection with it dull to overowing. T -_,I__'_I_ L`I-- 1.-..-- THE COAT STORE COMPLETE CLEARANCE OF ALL LADIES A AND `M15555 SPRING COATS MEN S HAT SPECIAL FOR T}_I_l_S_ WEEK ONLY Ixzxusa . 100 Coats on Sale at Big RecluctVions. Many of them below the original wholesale price. rBORSALlII_C)-HATS, regular $8.00 _j:-- ----3 ---On Sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 BROCK and BILTMORE HATS, reg. $5.50 and $6.0o- Sale $4.75 Other good makers, regular priced ` from $4.50 to $5.00-On sale $3.75 \ MEN S CAPS this week on1y-Regu1ar lines from $1.95 to $2.75-A11 at one price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.65 BOYS CAPS. Wonderful values . . . . . . 75c and $1.00 SIMMONS & C0. $2.50 to $3.50 You will nd all through our Store all lines at a considerable reduction for this week. I r.LuA1uaL_y. i Hundreds of people availed them- selves of the opportunity, on Mon- 1 the assistance of the Woman's 9 Auxiliary. . ` I tllinvna rs? nnnnln nvvn:'1Al `t\lN`I\A ,.arty. java av! 11 n - " v - - v - -- Th presidlent read a note from -Mr. iVle(~:arthy s mother, express- ing -her regrets at being unable to attend but stating she would be present in spirit and further that she was still interested in everything appertaining to `Bar-. -rle. Presidlent Williams of the Col- ylingwood `Hospital sent congrat- ulations on the acquisition. of such a fine addition to the `hospital pro- Mv ll\/fn|(".nvv+h\r a Arhlvnua