n.--`-- .....-_,--.- .,v---v_ --- ...v .._._-v_ On Wed~nesday, night 9. large num- ber of the children from this school I were at the station to bid t-heir * teacher goodbye. As Miss Farrell I stepped on to the train, Miss Leone Lwice (representing the schoolchild- ren) presented her with a large {bouquet of daffodils and tulips. -.v..o Presntatjon to Teacher KILLYLEAGH $16.95 Hart Battery Service BATTERIES W.S.R. 6-`ll . . . . . . V.S.R. 6-13 . . . . . . . I.S.R. 6-11 . . . . . .. F.S.R. 6-13 . . . . . . . I.S.R. 12-9 (Dodge 1 MARS}-IALL S PHONE 1030 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Men s silk and wool Hose, fancy patterns. to go at, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Men all-wool Socks, extra special 4 prs`; Brantl_`s>.rd Ladies go at . Ladies House Dresses, l materials, will go at . . at Ladies Canton Crepe Dresses will go lifi IIF Ladies Brocadecl Corsets, will go at. pr. Ladies. Silk Bloomers and" Vests. will go at, per garment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Silk Hose, 20 shades to choose from. will go at pr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Ladies Pointexpure silk Hose, 15 Shades. \\'ill go at pr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Corselets, Brocaded. Will go at "1 _ jjj j [5 BKRG Z1'iii"'DAYS BETTER VALUES FOR LEss MONEY SPECIAL SHIPMENT or LADIES muassns IN THE [LATEST SHADES AND smas, CANTON __ __A --1 g--G-`Quits 'c}i~:1>"1, K136` Tidwakan PATTERNS, REG.iUP TO $13.00. WILL GOAT $9.95 j REDUCED PRICES ON HART BATTERIES Silk and Lisle Vests and. Bloomers will . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 49 12 volt) all different styles and . . . . . ..~.......93c .. . .i"iti. gags Men s Chambray Shirts bluefkhaki, navy, ex- tra large make, to go at . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . 79 Thursday, April 12, 1929 dver Counter 9.33 10.23 .1 1.25 12.50 18.50 Put in Car 8 0.85 10.75 1 1.75 13.00 10.00 98 Men's silk and wool Combinations, Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..;. . . .. Men's Merino Underwear, shirts and drawers. Extra special, a garment . . .i . . . . . . . . . . 95 TWO DOORS WEST BANKOF TORONTO Men s Caps, 500 to hoose from, reg. $2.00. To go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..., We carry a full line of Men's, /Women s` and Children ; Ready-to-wear, also Drygoods. Men s Broadcloth Shirts. 500 shirts to choose from, reg. $2.25, to` go at .......... Men s Overalls, blue and black, Extra special, 21 pair . . . . . . . Ladies Coats, the very latest patterns and styles, tricotine, twills. Reg`. up to $35.00. r`-_;_... -..-,.:,.1 - E10`! ll` nun Et?:1 s;%'c'i}ai'"}' Chi1dren s Coats, sizes 8 to 15 years, materials and styles y the very newest. Extra special . . . -. . A up Iluuord. Ont. FREE TROUSERS YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, SIZES 28% BARRIE BARGAN I`-[puss Bu-I-led. lniormntion Furnished and Sonia on Bnnord Roong rendered by |:I nu-II Q I - I ' 2_A_A .s15.oo ;15.5o) . 17.25 17.75) . 19.50 20.00) Tauble and Triple Thickrgess W VIUU 12.50 14.50 14.50 16.50 $11.9___ U, LVV IIIJI l\\r60 Llk' V\J V`-J_l\lI\I\lU ....'..........._$12_95up CUXVU"V9Ci*3I| UVUI ICU IVVC 33$ Thickness over 48% of the too . Special Lock Butt prevents ' bulging and curling. - . B_eauty, strength, re-resistance -you get all these in Brantford Super-Tito Slates, besides Double Tldchnestall over the too! ` and 1-9;]- 1I_9-I___--- --_-_. A31 .1 ALL `JISIVB Chevrolet Oldsmobile Chrysler 50-58 Overland Durant Four Pontiac Erskine Star Four Essex Ford Whi pet McLaughlin-Buick Standar Six Q0-A aknlrnr ' .n`\f Fgrg \l -T --...L1:_ UIUIJN I-lllllll`l) MICK DVCIIIUGL U Didi Studebaker Light Six Nash Light and Special Six Durant Six Paige _ Hudson Reg Oakland` - Star Six _ Nash Adv. Six Chrysler 60-70 I McLaughlin-Buick Master Six Studebaker Big and Speciai -Six Dodge Maxwell Franklin EJ :.JT-_--`3...J :3. lEJT: -'.IEZE'_I': 7? `$1355 extra` weight. hi` all BARRIE BARGAIN HOUSE reg. $2.25. and IIIA FRI':'.E-ExTRA mousaks wrru EVERY sun`, zoo SUITS TO CHOOSE FROM, EXTRA SPECIALTO G0 AT Men s Trousers to match Suits. Ex- tra special from . . . . . . up 36 inches wide, 20 pieces to choose from, will go at, yd. 20 SPECIAL GINGHAMS %REDU<:`Eb PRICES EXIDE `Automobile BATTERIES _ _. 1.*_.2.I_ __.1 n\:.'b;.-.. Apr. 9-Among the Easter visitors in Angus were Miss Fraser Ross of Belleville and a friend. `Miss B. A. Boss of Toronto. Mlss.MarJory Ross of Giltord. Miss Phoebe Ross ot Toronto. Jack Ross and Earl Lock- wood of Oshawa and Harry Hunt of Hamilton. at the home of Rev. J. Ross: Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Armstrong 0! Toronto. at W. Dean's; Miss Meta Roger of Allandale. at David Plaxton s: Alex. Mcxibbon ot Mich- igan and Raymond Muir of London. at Robt. Muir-`s; Frank Stanley or ,'I`oronto. at Mrs. Ettio Brennan's: Peter I-Ianlan of Toronto. at his home: Thos. Purvis of Montreal. at Lorne Davidson's; Mrs. Curtis of Toronto, -at Wm. Hyde's: Misses Jean and Elvanavidson of Barrie, at their home here: Neil McPher.- son of Oshawa. with his family; Donald \Valkinshaw oi` `Barrie. at Archie Duckworth's;~ George Coul- son of Allandwle. at Frank Coul- on s: Geo. O'Connor of Toronto. at Geo. Latimer's; Mr. and. Mrs. Her- bert_Richardson of Toronto. with friends. `fun '1-noun: ?nhuIIl`| nvul v A1-. nuiumys. _ . The Ladies Aid of`Zion Presby-, terian church met at the home of; Mrs. John Wood, Tuesday afternoon,! April 3. Bible reading was taken byi Mrs. A. '1'. Arnold. and a missionary paper read by Mrs. J. Bishop. The Late Mrs. Daugherty r The funeral of the late Mrs. Daugherty was held on Monday, April 9. on the arrival of the 11.45 ' a.m. train. Mrs. Daugherty was a resident of the Angus Flats for a number of years but for the last few years had made her home with her daughter. Mrs. Herbert Lambs. of Toronto. Besides this dang ter one `son. Dr. John- Dunn, of N. w Lis- keard. survives. `Rev. J. S. Shortt of . Barrie and Rev. A. B. Irwin of Allis- ton' officiated. Interment was made in the Angus Union cemetery. The many beauti l floral tributes show- i ed the estee in which the deceased was held. _' ` I E_xhm1nor`Id1eta at-A hr-wt antes-' men. and they work for little ply. I IPIEIIGS. | Mrs. Jonas TarBush and Mrs. A1-: bert Middlehrooks and Eunice are _V'18`ati!18 Toronto friends. \Yma our n-nthov-n nnhlin anhnr. _V'.I8iIlI`|K ICOPUXIEO II'lEIlQS- | Mass May Struthers. public school, teacher. left on Thursday for her! home in Toronto to spend the Easter; holidays. '1"!-us T.nMn'a' Aid nf`9.inn D1-Adm. $19.95. *`?5_ `Rayon Silk, 36 inches wide, 20 different shades, reg. 85c yd., will go ;t;.. Chintz, every Ehade and pattern, will go at yd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 OUUHUCUCRCI I-I15 Clllu Q1-IUVIHI Mild! (6-XC-9-I-R .....s24.5o $25.00) Franklin W. L. BRENNAN. Bayeld St.; Barrie, Ont. Bluebird Crepe, suitable for ladies` underwear. `gowns, etc. Will go at Millinery will be reduced for this Saturday 1 .i .1 `:35; Apr. 9-Mr. and .\Irs. A. Denney` are visiting friends in I-Ia-milton, for` a week. Mrs. F. Reader and family of; Gravenhurst are spending the East-- erholidays at the home of A. E1-I phlck. ` | Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight of Baxter spent the week-end at thel 1atter s home -here. ' Mrs. \V. Robinson has returned home from Orillia after spending the winter with her daughter, .\Irs. King. n 1\/lr\I'<`ndd=n of Islington Asnent. U1 we uxuuauy. - V In its annual report for .1927, the Bell Telephone Company ofi Canada givesinteresting gures on the ownership of its stock among King. I D. McFadden of Islington spent` the week-end at his home. ; \A s- and \1'F: t(`.`hRR. Martin Of. the week-enu at ms nulne. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin of, Penetang are visiting at the home of the latter s parents, Mr. and Mrs.| Be!-thelotte. ~ Apr. 8-Mrs. Jas. Beck :-ton is; spending the Easter holidays withi friends in Toronto. . -rm..- nnhenn nf Tm-nntn visited trlenqs In roromo. :- Thos. Dobson of Toronto visited 1 his brother. John Dobson. last week} --- n--.a.\.. Ir} -`jj:--.- - ---__._ _.-,_, , _ , _?V_ I Eectiye at once, we. guote ygu new prices_ on Exjde and Clifton Batterxes for automobxle startmg, hghtmg and ignitxon service. Over Put in Batu:-in counter at CARS ' (3-CL-11 . . . . . ..$ 9.95 $10.45) ` 1 (3-CL-18 . . . . . . . 13.00) 2 (3-X0-18-F 15.00) (8-XI-18-P . . . . . 15.00) (3-XI-13-I-R . . . . 17.00) Whigpet . 1\n..r_...mx.1:.._n..:..1. c+.mAm- my last weeK.5 ~ J. A. Bell and son, Gordon. 3f Sudbury .are spending a few days I with the former's parents. 3 Dainh 13:31] annnf fhn wank-and The modern tendency in indus-I try seems to be toward decentral-1 ization of ownership. Public util-_| ities` particularly are encouraging ; the widest possible distribution of their stock among -employees and . subscribers-the people most vital- ly interested in the management of the industry. i fun 50-: nnnnn` 1-nun!-5 `PAID 1097 ' with me Iormer s pan.-ms. , Ralph Bell spent the week-end with his parents. up Rneenn nf Vasev visited Miss Dorothy and Bruce Miller are spending the holidays with their I grandparents in Barrie. `.\/Ir: J1-\\"n Nfillor '39 called t0 trxenas nere Last ween. ~ I ' grandparents In cmrrxc. .Mrs. -Irwin .\I11ler was called Alliston on `Sunday owing to the `serious illness of her mother, Mrs. J. AW'i1loug`h'by. I Thu 1X7nvn-2n'u Anvinrv nf Rf. ;w1tn ms parents. - i Mr. Russell of Vasey visited ` friends here last week. L Vice nnrnthxv and Bruce 1111161` ' J. NV iuougmay. R The VVoman s Auxiliary of St. George's Anglican. Churcheheld their regular monthly` meeting at the 9 home of .\irs. D. J. Miller on Tues- ,day evening. April 3. `Mrs. `Truax 1 gave ' the bible reading and Mrs. Miller a. very interesting mission-V ary reading from The Clash of` `Colour! Next meeting will be heldl !Tuesday. April 24. when Mrs.`Robt. Ellis will give-a bible reading and Mrs. Truax the missionary reading. _,__ _ 1 1.-..-- own. van .. u-no-cu ~~.\.- ...-...,------., - v.._.---g. Mrs. Thos. Truax returned home` last week after a short visit wit`n= Toronto. Hamilton and Burlingtoni `friends . S. STRANSMAN, Proprietor BUYING COMPANY SHARES (8-CL-15 (3-XI-15-B .. (3-XI-15-I-R UTOI-"VIA We he hundreds of articles not advertised in this column, kindly ask for what you do not see. FancVy Panels for your windows. To go -at 98c Fuji silk, 25 shades, color guaranteed fast extra,to $9 at . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Curtain Scrim and Mar- quisette, patterned and Rayo11-Crepeithe newest out. Will go at yd. 69 MEN S TOP COATS, THE NEWEST STYLES AND F ASHIONABLE COLORS, REG. TO $25.00. EXTRA SPECIAL Men s Cotttonade `Pants, extra weight, reg. $2.25, to go at COME IN AND SEE OUR CHILDREN"S DEPARTMENT The a.11"13'1IIi{'"Mi11 0., Lei, " Barrie` '}he_best Qgonment of Chil- .dren s Ready-to-wear in Town. Look over our table of REMNANTS. It will ` save you money. | LUIAV u anua `as-u.-.... ..... -_._... -1 Dear .VIiss Farrell: As we have E learned of your departure from our 5 midst at an early date, we take this |opportunity of expressing our sin- [ cere. regret to you. A few months ago you came to us a stranger but during your short stay here you have endeared yourself to us. You have ruled us with a firm hand yet with a kind heart. You have con- ducted yourself as a lady under most trying circumstances. \Ve would ask you to accept this um- brella, motto and fountain pen as a. memento of the place you take in our affections which time cannot change. V Qia-nod --.`\7nrn-nan. \l'nn1-n Fraigh- I ro. , Misses Marjorie Coutts. Sadie and -Tena \\'onch and .\Iaude Sturgess % are week-end visitors at Killyleagh. .\Irs. Chas. Blackmore and son, Alvin. of Painswick are visiting .\Irs. Wm. Walker. ` I \f..n T\ \I' ["1-nltfc {a cnanino` 2 |.\ll`S. Wm. w auier, .\Irs. D. .\I. Coutts is spending a! few days with friends in Barrie and Dalston. I . I -..__-u_-_ Apr. 9---Miss Olive Mulliss spent the week-end with .\Iiss Olive Mun- I L I\.-J\.II\pIAI-4\.IAu `V --...-...,- On Tuesday evening the members {of the Equal Rights Clubs gath-A _ered at the home of Geo. Munro to ' do honor to their departing teacher, I Miss Beatrice Farrell of Streetsville. Miss Mabel Keast and Arnold Rod- .gers. representing the school child- iren. presented her with a silk um- ibrella, motto and fountain pen. The following address was read:- I O\ an-v, v-1-...__1I. A- ---_ 1...-..` lits employees, 13,041 of whom` |are eligible to subscribe. Of this gnumber, 10,137 emp1oyees-over 77 per cent. are now in process of . -paying` for 35,095 shares. Since `the inauguration of this easy pay- `ment plan in 1922, 26,828 paid-up `shares with a pa:-`value of $2,682.- g 800 have been "issued to Bell iworkers indicating the commend- able extent to which this plan en- courages thrift and savings. 13b I In a, few tting words Miss Farrell thanked her friends for the beautiful lgifts andtheir kindness. After this I a dainty lunch was served after ' which everyone joined in the dance. - .. .,e _ I cuuusc. Signed:-Noz'.man-Munro, Creigh- ton Wice, Alice Sturgess. Margaret 1 Ayerst. ' `Y__ A 5-: @LL!__ ._.___.`I_ \I'2__ Y'.1___-31'