Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1928, p. 3

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I UfIQ&I` T FARM STOCK Q IMPLEMENT8 THO EXGOUIOPS O! the JEJSIEIG 01' THE LATE R. MONTEITH S. E. Qr. Lot 10, Con. 4, Vespra, Mill Road MA -AM hu nnhlln nnnflnn at 1 n.f'n (Ir HZ{ia"6i."13vi5'ii3 At Lot. 23, Con. 12, Innisfil in `call Inn vnIkIUn annfinn at `I nvn Al 'aF'5v i?&1{.C-'2o';`3ss'42'ienZ.'."' "" " .m1=LE1\J1mN_*1~s - nMaasey--Harris and 31-1110 -.`\ll`nnnAv..T-Inn-ln- nvmlvul. ` 3."1=`. %_2124 BLAKE s'r., BARRIE II 1.-. ...-LIl.. Auunbinn at 1 now A rs'ell-tv>" 1711iJl'!ca.uction it 1 p.m. 4 w: x-:sDAY, APRIL 13 "Vina CnI1nnvIna0__ - `C11 uy yu-Luu. uuuuauu vi. - MONDAY, APRI 1'76"" vlkn Fa-.Hna;:!; _AUCTlO"N EXLE nu Atannt Q IIAIIII 91.11- _AUCTION _Ay_-2; AUCTION SALE 31 Qlll Dunlop St. 'o'.=`za`w';' Clarke & Clarke started a the week oil` right by taking all four points from `the `Livingston team and also jumped into third place in the leggvie stand-ing. The winners were all in good form and turned` in` three good games. Len Laver with 618 was high man for the winners. The `Old Timers` were right on Tuesday night and took three games from Tony Saso`s Lucky -Strikes. _The old boys sure made them -like it in these games. Freddie Plan-t with 570 was high for the losers and Bob. Gamble with 607 was big scorer for the winners. The Colts took four points from the Bankers and kept themselves in the running. Clar- ence Ridxiell with 553 turned in the best game for the winners. Singers and Pirates hooked up on Friday night in the tightest games of the week. Pirates took the rst two games but Singers came back strong and took the last game and got one point out of it. Charlie Brooks with 658 was `high man for the night and ;R. A. DeHart with 613 was right behind him. `I ... J-Ln 1nt":n Inonun nn Tori- ONE UNCOLLECTED FINE IN BARRIE S RECORD 1 While the subject of uncollected nes is holding the limelight in the province it is interesting to note that there is only one such item in Barrie. This is the case of a man ned $200 under the O.T.A. Judgment was reserved and when handed down the accused had dis- appeared and has not been since seen. This was in October 1925 and a warrant has since been out- s`::`.:iding and will never lapse. It is quite in the jurisdiction of a magistrate to give an i0 ender time to pay and it is sometimes done in `Barrie, but in all but this case the convicted parties have either paid or served jail terms. The undersigned has received in- structions from the executor of the estate of the .- LATE MRS. AMELIA JOHNSTON At 54 Maple Ave., Barrie in anal` `kn v-nmklln annnn nu 0.10 was rlguru Uuuuzu uuu. In the ladies league on Wed- nesday night it was a `case of all or nothing with the teams. `Lucky Strikes took both games from Go- Getters for all three points. Miss Hook with -338 was leading lady for the losers and Miss K. Ken- nedy with 405 led the winners. The Micmacs surprised themselves and everybody else by taking all three points from the strong Brats team, Mrs. L. Singer with 352 was high scorer for the winners and Miss A. Bogardis was big scorer for the losers. `I --J. .......`I. .-. ....:n.\ 1Iv:U|v\l\ICLV 1I7n'|In E01` Elle J.USU1.'5o . Last week's prlze wmners were Mrs. Brown with 254', Miss Ken- nedy 250 for the ladies and Tony 89.30 with 305 for the men. peI., cu1`w.u1a auu uuuua. LIVING ROOM-4 rocking chairs, arm chair. 2 tables, book case, couch, carpet, linoleum, curtains, etc. T11Nm\T(1 Rnf'I.\/r._..'P1rtpnsinn tal-hie. carpet, unuleum, uurtuula, uI.u. DINING R0O1M--Exter_ns1on table. 6 dining chains, butter, sewing ma- chine. a. large quantitty of dishes. glassware, cutlery, curtains, blinds. carpet, etc., `Mn 1` RTEDR-n-nM-Wn1n11t unite. Altman -I `v w -- W;-KEN THINGS LOOK Biiicl-CALL ON us BARRIE PHONE 562 urvv 63. n Examiner adlets are great sales- men. and they work for little pay. I\ljlTn, Jun -1.: -C The `following, PA|R'IDOR-P1ano, parlor suite, table, rocking chairs, pictures, car- pet, curtains and blinds. nnrnvr: nnnM_4 rnnklnsr chairs. Z rug-8, curtains. uuutw. NO. 2 BEDROOM--Wa1n`ut suite, rocking chair, curtains, blinds, car- pets, toilet set. etc. No. 8 BEDRa0.0M-Oak suite. commode chair, carpet, pic-turea, N18, etc. _ `|'-`l'.AvT)1'_.Q1'nh- nnrnnnf, ha]! nnrtninn. gas Durnel`. crlaxru, uxuuua, aw. BACK KII"1`IC-HiEN--Wa.sh1ng ma- chine. wrlnger, small cook stove, re- frigerator, boiler. a large quantity of kitchen utensils. garden tools, lawn mower and many other articl- kl-llwill be sold without reserve. TERMS CASH. Sale at 1 p.m. D. `F. MoCUAIG. Solicitor for the Executor. 1. an ..-`goo--nuc -.,_An__--_ carpet, e1;c., NO. I BEDRO*0M-Wa1nut suite, fancy chair. bed couch, wardrobe. 2 rug-s, curtains. blinds. `Mn 9 l1'1`nI2JnIn`M-...`\K7n1nnt units. T118, 0). I-IA'IJI4-Stair cairpevt, hall curtains, hall stand and mirror, hall carpet. 15.0-A 8130. ` KITCHEN - Walnut sideboard, table. clock. good range, linoleum, gas burner. chairs, dishes, etc. RAIN! T(.Vl\.TTIF}N-Washlnz ma. lsomethinglf New _6'e' Ma_g Chance AUCTION SALE 01-` HIGH CLASS I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE In tne Vitamin um.-n llluuua on at of Honey Locust (St; 10 :1 : Bread.) - Ia now mmufactuned by a new and I ,clroceu-to_:nnkc avails le all e nourishment in this wondc: muh. ~ Containing` Buttermilk and rich in the J ----n Ens`-I! T AIBIIIQ tannin laden natural H1 !-ll unm axmmsa I'I\ 3T durum Invvu, is-u--w to sell by public auction on INI\II\ AID AIIIIII 1 CI BOWLING NOTES W. AT's;;eaN`;2E:`:;;.;;:;;; r1`ii151n'?,3.i=i'z"1iL"i'3"` VI`!-an Fnllnnvina BROWN & CO; Sold and rccojnmqndcd by N0 sum: -- NO nocx. ` 0 STELCO COKE-A CANADIAN NPRODUCT C. J. SMITH PHONE 1324 -IT PROMOTEI Rapid Growth. Ruuad Baalth. _vEa|-I7 Maturity. ' UUFB IJFESEIIL. ' Communications and accounts were read from -the following:-'- Cbunty Clerk. A. E. Vvilson C`o.,vIn- surance: R. H. McKinney and Robt. Black, re sheep ki`1ed; Sarnia. Bridge Co.; Assessor's Equalization S.S. No.. . 6, Essa and No. 18. Inn-1sfi1;W. Gaby re Hydro Electric: Boys and Boys, solicitors: Mrs. R. A. Sutherland, Secretary Stroud VV.I.: S. W. Watt and Long and Daly, solicitors. r'l`hn nnnnnil ony:..-1nR.H-no 'T`nr-nu- A schoolboy of Pe-rryville, 110., has a name -that sounds somewhat like a tune on a banjo. His family name is Pinkypank, his Christian name is Hinckey, his nickname Din- key, so he is called Hinckey Dinkey Pinkypank._ . auu. JJUUE auu Lilli) , SUIICILUFS. The council awarded` the Town- ship Road insurance to the Toronto Casualty Co., Walter Ralston, agent, to handle same. ` ' n vIv\A`:p\u-u Ac 1I'7..LL .._.I 1\-___-1__ BU IIGIIUIC 31_.lllCo On motion of W'ebb and Peacncki council granted $60.00 to the \Vo- men's `Rest Room. Barrie. f\v\ vsnninn A9 Y_TAwqu-u nud \fn..L2.. lllll IJCBIL J.\UU.lll. 13?l1`.|'l|'-'. On motion of Henry and .\I"rtin, the Reeve, Deputy Rewe and Cfe--k were authorized to take action re McKinney sheep case. , (W1 rnnfinn nl T-Tan:-xv or-:3 `D-umnqnb .u.L'.|xuxu::y ancrsp Isaac. , On motion of Henry and P.~-aceck. the Reeve and Treasurer were an- thorized to receive the calla-btor s roll. - |"I"`-sn Anna...-at .-.3 Y1 Y7 `I"I'..__.!L..1 IUIM `The account of R. V. Hospitaki $21.75 re -Mary Cronin, and S. \V. Watt, Wood supplied J. Lennox, $10,; were ordered paid. lnna Qnnf Qinn1-uh manna-\+nA mu." UL l. capvcuuuuzx-:.-- H.`m'1hon1as. road 4. lots 11-15. snow road. $6.25: VV. Hunter, road 10, lots 1-5. -dragging, 2: road 19, con. 6. construction, VV. Lamb, $60.75, W. Brewster $84.50, Thos. Emerick $46.00. D. Jones. $20.50. G. Richardson $20.25: road 5. lots 1-5, snow road, XV. Betteridgxe. $41. F. Ayerst, $1, J. Leslie $1; Dalton Fer- rier, road 6, lots.16-`20, dragging, $3: S. W. \Vatt, road 3. lots 11-15, dragging, $16; VV. VVebb. road 16, con. 7-8, snow road, $3.85; road 3, lots 1-5. snow road. F`. C. `Clarkson $3, E Gilroy $4, N. Bateman $4, Jas.. Moir $2, VV. Trotter $3, F. Tudor $9; Clarence Green, road 12, lots 6-10, snow road, $21.75; J. Boyes, cedar for bridges, roads 7 and 19, $112.80; I. Allan, road 9, lots 6-10. snow road, :12; T. Sinclair, road supt., 12 days, .42. DIRECT DEALERS IN. v ' DODGE BROS. PASSENGER CARS-GRAHAM BROS. TRUCKS REO SALES AND SERVICE REPAIRS ON ALL `ARES OF CARS --E BARRIE -- Phone 291 H (`LC UIUEI Cll piuu. V 'Road Supt. Sinclair presented the following accounts certified correct of road` expenditure:- H Thnnane V-nn A Tn!-a 11-1: The fo1 1owing: ROYAL LADY"-red, 3-yr.-old heifer, by Royal Statesman and due June 1 to White Hero. 44:31: A \t`n.r\r11'7!I .....: 9 ..... .-.1.a HULK In U116 uay. The grandmother of some of these entries at 12 years or age gave as high as 81 pounds of milk in one day. . A11 A-F fhnnn nnfn Jimfn hnvn had plan. The, above Pure Bred Milking Show-thorns are all young, of good milking ancestry. good colors and well bred. Anyone who is thinking of buying` real Dual Purpose Short- horns will do well to attend this sale. n..1n_1nn kn: ann nlnnn nnfn Innisfil Township counn met in-' the Clerk's office, Churchili. on! Monday, April 2; with all the mem-' bers present. ` I f"nrnn1nn`naHrn1a cu-i nnnnnnfa $10. _ \ Standing` committee on finance recommended payment of the fol- lowing accounts:- \Ynn.+1-u-.uv. A .:..n...,... ....,::a.-.....s ._.. lU\\ 1113. , dCL`Uulll,2-' Norxthern Advance, auditors re- ports and envelopes, $47; Clerk's 1/, salary. $1-50: postage and tele- phone $10; Treasurer s 1,3, salary,` $81.25: postage and stamps. $10; W. R. Allan, balance salary, $25; extra allowance, $25; postage and stamps, $30. N17 `I5 011' r\ A \v 1-11-..`- lThe undersigned /11:5 received in- I structions from OJUHC 1 LU VV [FILE I1Cl.U- SHA.\IR'OCK - red. 3-yr.-old cow. by Royal Statesman, milking and bred Jan. 27 to White Hero. H\luYG 'l'\t\l .T\Y A 9 no-ul 9 twin 1.1:` l1llU UXVUU Jill]. GI LU \\'lllLC LICIU. "MIISS DEM-INA-red. 3-yr.-old` `cow. by_Rosy Morn, milking and bred Jan. 21. to \Vhite Hero. | -mr A rnrvtrr srame vn .1 .Aart:*_"_nv;. T13?-- -_. .- _ courn'Kc7i'ons . Intimate: Cheorfully Glvin 84 Toronto Sh. l'hono_!lIIw UFUU dllc 1. LU \V NIL!` fl.ClUo . "MAT'CHLESIS V1LLAG'E"-ex- tra good milker, 8 yrs. old and due Nov. 30 to White Hero. u\l A :'I".fVLI T `EGG 'K7x`I"I4`TIT"T9 Irvin AVUV. DU LU \VlllLb' FIEFU. 1 MAT-CHLESS VIEW"-3 yrs. i old, milking and not bred. M U` A `I Y.I1`I TQ'lA T . A QQ"I T3":rn 4-17% .. :`MA"1\C\HI4ESS ~LASS`IE -2ND- red. yearling heifer, by Royal Stat- esman. not bred. "MA'rcH.LEs's LU-SI I"ANtIA" - red. yearling heifer, `by Royal Stat- esman. not bred. -Txrldl-A `| .'l nIAu .("`oIP_A1A mnu nl VV IIILC J.'.l.!'.'l'U uyRoan Bull Calf-10 mos. old, by `White I-Iero. M l'I'\In:\1-A Q 1501111-\n noun ll!!!` aka! 'LI IVJI.LIJJ1J \2-111 L JJlll:'1\Cu UU W , yrs. old, milking, bred Feb. 21 o White Hero; red cow, -6 yrs. old. milking, due about June 1, to White Hero; red heifer (part Jersey), 1 yr. old. by Royal Statesman. '\X7'1'-`l|T'l`.Tv`. `F-TF}RI0. rmr nrpsent 1`. Ulug U) 'I`|yU_Y1l DI.l:I.C5lllC-Ila "W'I-I'IT.E HERI0. our present Roan Lady I-Ierdvsire, is a great Ishow and breeding son of one of the greatest bulls in Shorthorn history, Browndale Hero, by Browndale. Browndale Hero won Grand Cham- pionship at C.N.E. in _19-23, '24 and '25 an honor `not duplicated in history of above Exhibition. White Hero won Grand -Chainpion-sh-ip at Barrie in 1926 and '27: also a silver cup at Alliston in 1926 and '27 for Champion Beef Animal. any breed. ROYAL STATESM`AN, our pre- vious herd sire, was a roan Match- less Bull by another C.N.E. cham- pion in 1918 and _19. Escana Cham- pion. I won and prize at Royal Win- ter Fair in a class of 32 in 1926 with '8. get of this ibull. ` Who mnfhnr nf unmn nf Hanan An- 8. get. 01. uua Iuuu. The mother of some of these en- tries gave as high as 63 pounds of milk in one day. 'I'|hn an-nnnnnfhnr nf nnv-no nf fhnca `Pig, $48. Ulu, IHIIKIII5 uuu XIUL UICU. AUGUSTA LASSIE"-red, 4-yr old cow, milking and bred March 1, to White Hero. ' \;f A 1'!!!`-TJT IRE Q 'l1`E\\l II'\Y. A __r-n VLU VV IIILC JTIUIU. MA."IWCH:LESS DEM'IN-A-red, 2-yr.-old heifer, by Royal States- igian, and bred to White Hero, Jan. Pl-IONI I78 6. MATCI-I`LESS LA.SS'IE"-roan. 2-yr.-old heifer, by Royal States- man, and bred to White Hero Mar. 11 Dy vvnue neru. Red [Roan Heifer Ca1f-6 mos. old, by White Hero. `Pnnn `R1111 mne._.1n mnn. Md, hv nay. All of these cattle listed have had two clean -tests under acct-edition plan. - 'l"hn an-mva `Pu!-A 'RrAd Mllkinxz I101`!!! Wu! nu Wcu Lu u.'I.I.cuu uua anew. Gm! -100 bus. good, clean oats. O.A. C. 2; 100 bus. buckwheat. All will be sold without reeerve. Terms of Sa1e-Gz-ain, cash; cat- tle. -8 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum on for cash. Sale at 1 pm. 14-1151) W. A. McCONKEY, auct. 1:; UUIIl&Il. IIU L urvu. `White Heifer 'Ca.lf-4`; mos. old, by White Hero. `Dad rnmm 1 -Tnifnr (".AH -G mna, n`l, wnxte neru. V `These 3 calves are real show prospects. . GI-`OAEDE C.'AlTT-LE-'Red cow, 5 anus AIR svnnlrlnzr hind FAT: 91 +n IWfi5iiaIiii' At Lot 1. Con. 7. Innisfil .. THORNTON. -no`:-u-1 - 7.1 to sell by public auction on IIIIIIHlII\ II lI\I'\II CZ OF DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORN CATTLE AUCTION SALE %"1'LJ`ias"i'>T}i.15`:iiiL"i`7 INNISEIL councu. W. B. SLOAN, Clerk : P"9'`":3%.15 F93 mua GRQCERY wms 3-LB: PAIL LARD . . . BREAKFAS_T BACON Elizabeth st; 0nIario Bakeries Limited WEDNESDAY S SPECIAL ORDER NOW -- DON'T WAIT Besure you try our- l'l"S-DELICIOUS NEW Cherry SCORE Phone 250 And have our Sajesmen deliver you one each Wednesday. Our`Motto: Quality and Service "His Muster : Voice" VICTROLAS 62 Dunlop St. AGENCY FOR THE 1028 INGLISH MODEL THE BEST FOR FUEL, ICE OR CARTAGE 97 Dunlop St. A. E. SMIT f.?%B`$'s` A beautiful display of furniture for your selection LET US FURNISH YOUR HOME WE ALLOW EXCHANGE ON YOUR USED FURNITURE Is"..52"i3'z 3" 2 STORES '2 '3iII."..`2"."a ii `ifs. Mccuuoucli 16 Dunlop St. Brunswick Sardines, 4 tins 23c Tiger Brand Ketchup, qts. 2'1.-; Vi-Tone, i-lb. tin 28 1-lb. 53: Maxwell House Coffee, lb. 65c J. W. SCOTT 137 Dunlap St. Phone 1017 Installed for demonstration without obligation. B.-`_\R_R.5 ME-AT. IlIlVIu1a1:u 1 was uuwu - 147 Dunlap St. Phono 147 LULIFLLLK flk}L IJ By the piece Sliced HlLL S BAKERY Pastry in A Great Variety %Wedding Cakes,` etc. a-1'1-(Ti 'u-m-n`1er Suits and Topcoats ALL ONE PRICE Cecil R. Livingston DEALER FOR DeForest Crosley Specials for_ this Week TIP TOP TAILOBS The Home of Better WALLPAPERS _ ll Dunlop'St., Telephone 51 I; E. twat!-:.Y BAY!-'l-Ei.l; `s'r., Bmjun; BATTERYLESS` -From $250 to $450 _Ng:w s1>,1\r 1_1>L1-:s Fhone 23, Barri; 29 Elizabeth St. BATTERY- Priced $130 to $170 VICTOR NORTHERN ELECTRIC FADA and \K'ESTlNGHOUSE W1-ll'l'BY S Vm-iuvnav `to V J9NTARl0_:!$!iIS LIMITED u-:'r DR; H!-JSSYPOULTRY ANn*s'i`oI `ionic MAKE mun mo:-jrrs uugczn. I RADIOS ~s- A. H. FELT` - I WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER J. G. KEENAN "" EVERYTHING IN MUSIC SCOTT S (BROWN'S AKER.)_ 1b., 26 lb., 30 J. G. SCOTT PARTS 01-` TOWN BARRIE 43c am. not .... % Mnavlz Michael Corpen of Liverpool, whd could neither road nor write. left a $225,000 estate when he died at A0 Star Ammonia, `small, .' nlzovc V9; anananlnvrlau, on 3 pkgs. . . . . . . . . . . . Washing Soda, 7 lbs. ` Macaroni, 3 pkgs. BARRIE STEAM vUI_.cAN1g_1Nc PLANT .._- __-.-. nu an A nvuauunvn 55 Elizabeth s:., r7h_...._e 405 FOR EASTER Purse Vials only $1.00 SPECIAEIET IN cooovmn WELT AND HYDRO PRESS svsraus or IIf\I I`:-nun I O-`och: ;:')-(-P`i=..I{'-1'"71.J-I.`c'A.1~J_x'zT1~3' ASHES OF ROSES _': v_H. ". .`:" 5` 5 BL--- I A, We Guarar'1t:e;vd1-1_1'-_Y \7 ;>V1-kv AUTO ACCESSORIES. FILLING STATION. 4 .9 .3: `E40935 SH(_)_E: n3i?:i_>A1x_;1Nc ROBERTSON S DRUG STORE NICE WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS $1.95 1-`. c. LOWER . TAILOR THE sug ('I'I'|IRlVY A an. o` OPP. POST OFFICE I+?I S?@%?a PERFUME T coon MONEY MAKERS 2 YOUR P001-_TBY AND STOCK '11-; Dunlop St. RADIOS VAN VICTOR RECORDS PIANOS ea msulbou. :2. sum: Phone 243 C. R. SCOTT Phone 36 Phone ZIO uuuuop -13. Phone ISI Now is the Season fqr HARDWOODFLOORING We are well stocked iri thevaripus grades. L PHONE FOR ESTIMATE. . THE BALL PLANING MILL CO. Limited. Page Three Phone 300 19 25 23 ` BRYSON1 &SuT_'E1_\ ROOM 1`hunday.Apu-`Vii 12. m.-,__ 3'1! IOIQIQ1 :- uuuuu - ..-_. INIRAL REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS. F-M5'_I `." ."F"-' p 4-21 A @131 Q Genuine_l;:;& ORiLLlA co. un. LAUNDRY CALLED FDR AVND DELIVERED PROIPTLY ORILLIA PHONES 770 - 77'! " nf6'1'iiiiS"EAs VF BEEIEIOUS ICE CREAM CREATIONS, "SANDWICHES, TEA, COF F E. ` MOlR S AND NElLSON S CHOCOLATES in bulk or package, 6.0: per lb. up. BARRIE-ALLANDALE DAIRY CO. scmrmncmx msmumzzn : MILK -ndcmm P"; LIVINGSTON BROS. - THIS SPECW-.5..AI .`l .'PM 5 -.____ :j:- III A Hotel with all the comforts of hiomej 'sizv1E cibEizs, ALLANDALE Hunkmibfs Fi 111 for n.u.b'I bait?-y smug. _GO0D MO_N_EY --2 3:3} - L j'. ll0TEl. SlMCOE THE BARRIE WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEVV COAL Ia:-32-1. .-1!()-TJ-R YOU l`~H _' Red Ru b;:'riesirx_}:;vy';3Tf1j }IPTTs1>er?-tan ....... Aylmer eaches, in heavy syrup, per tin . , . . . . , , Standard Corn2 tins for JelliBeana.per1b........;... . . . . . . . . . . ouoooooonooo ....g.'. _atters.on s `Butter Cream Sodas.1ar3'i)kg. II LA II _,___jA_A __A9'_ AA, `L ooccuooooovcocoocoon yvyIyrup pernOoooolhtoooooocouu I ofooooucnooioocoocooouuo o c u o oco` sum ........... . .. .woodenpails,perlb. 1 1-..2'1;2'.'.e'i'=s.'{&I Theory, Sight Singing. Pupils pro and tor an exam nation. 87 Bradford 3%.. Phone I L Our business is new and our seeds fresh. Clover, Com, Flower and Vegetable Seeds. POTTED T PLANTS FROM OUR OWN GLASS HOUSE" Brvwaesaswv SEEDS -- SEEDS SEEDS '9. an-'._ng13Ns, 3p.C. -nun-w --v JACK B-EATTY. I--opmm iichsd Chirop}aEtors Drugless Therapists I0 Illnboth 8!. (ufouln) Phone 40! ' BOWLING -j T _ __f,. , Accommokutlon for Ladies rP"UII B uuvvva Vanvlnvu uncur- p.... we m;..,...a..; '.;;zi.:;; ;.' as; ': ; For Good, Health) Indoor Recreation Acid": Pl-OI V Phone QII JA_~.RY1.5_' JESSIE R. BIYSON .01. -EN TILL ll P.M. Cleaned ` V, SJIAHILY know: 778 ilvj--- -.-.__ ... __ Single and Double, In stock and made to order. '16.: 28 29 24 19: 28: `The loss of $200 in cash, con- tained in a walle't,. has -been report- ed to the `police by. Sam. Malay, Massey-Harris "agent. The disap- pearance of the roll'is almost a complete mystery and is_ liable to remain so. The most logica; ex- planation advanced; and one in which Chief Stewart places most credence, is that it has been burn- ed.,_Mr. Maley, who lives at the Simcoe `Hotel, changed his room Saturday night and burned con- siderable corresaondence and rub- bish ` which ha gathered. It is stated that he changed his clothes, putting his money on the dresser meantime and then (the supposi- tion is) destroying it with other pagers in the fire. A last Mr Mnlnv remembers pagglrs In Due ure. ` a last Mr. Maley rgmembers having had his wallet was in a`1oc- al store when he extracted a $1- bill to pay for a slicker'he had purchased. This was Saturday vening._ He had no occasion to .4 Luann In-11: n4-H un1m-1-av 1x7'HAn evenmg._ Ina nau nu uuuuauuu w use large bills until Sunday when he made the discovery of the loss. 71".. |nAAu\AIO unnunnnu`-AA nnvvun/|nn+u R6 Inaue Lne umuuvcty u; one man. The money represented payments on machinery made Saturday too `late to put in the bank. FBI; nnm. 1:-nun: +1-mvm-|o~1n1v in. 181.8 L0 pub In 0116. Uuun. The police have thoroughly in- vestigated the circumstance, but state they have no one under sus- nicion and nothing to work on. There are a few outstanding angles of the case to be looked into. . - 'uVl.LIr'|u.l`'n '- uuaaaI:y'-n.a.u`uI seed drill: "Massey-I-Iarrist 3 M13- toorth cultivator; Maasey- arrla mower: auky rake: _set iron har- rowa: aingle plow: Adam! wagon. nearly new; 2 scuttlers, Massey- !-Iarris: set Batu slolghs nearly new: hay rack: turnip puiper: set uncle harness: Peter Hamilton cutting box: set Rent-row scales`: Bentrew. cream separator; set double harness. `Ban-nu AC nIA__.A11 Quinn. nC`l1 narom-s LOSS or zoo * -3011. To LOCAL oucz 1 W. H .-"'J;hi1uon & Son 1'I'nl. 93 Ron 8!.` 13th cnua. me nas nau seven wxvuu. A White Wyando-tte hen belong- ing to Frederick Parker of Market Rasen, Eng., set the following egg- laylng record in one week: Sunday, 8: Monday. 2; Tuesday, 1: Wednes- day, 2; Friday, 0: and Saturday, 4. Drown nurse. 1*: yrs. um. * vOA!_'r I`lLE - Holstein cow. due August 17: black cow, 7 yrs. old. milking; red cow, rising 8 yrs. old, milking; heifer our, 3 mos. old; 2 calves. YJYIS. A\Y'l'\ fl-l";T\Y`Q.._.'nuy (Inn tn UUUUIG nuruvaa. Terms of Sale-Al1 sums ot`810 and undo:-rcaah: over that amount 8 months credit will be given to partial furnishing approved `loin: i'IOtGl. 6% per annum or! tor cash on credit gums. All will -19-: sold without reserve.`-W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneor.'Barrie. V - Rafael Bolasb, aged 70. of'Carp,| Ont.. has become the father of his 13th child. He has had seven w1vea.| A. nmcn. 117unnn.ffn hcm hninrm. IVI\IoIa-r1n, nun -no-- -v The followine: . Holstein cow. 6 yrs.. due April 20; Holstein cow. 6 yrs. old. fresh; Jer- sey cow. 5 yrs. old. milking; Hoi- stein cow, 4 yrs., due July 6; H01- stein cow. 8 yrs., milking. due Nov. 1'5; Ayrshire cow. 7 yrs., fresh; Hol- stein cow, 4 yrs.. due April 18; Hol- stein cow, 8 yrs. old. due May 29; Holstein cow. 8 yrs. old, due May 28: Holstein heifer, 2 yrs., due May 25: black cow. 6 yrs. old. due April 27: Holstein cow. 7 yrs. old, due May 20: Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, due May 25; Holstein cow, 8 yrs. old, milking; Durham co-w, 4 yrs. old. fresh: 2 Durham heifers. 2 yrs.. due in April; 2 well bred Holstein heifers. 1 yr. Acboye are all extra good cows, heavy milkers and high testers. An IIv|l1 kn uni.-I uyii-1-inn} Maemrvn usury Duuilleas uwulg, LU U1 ucauu. `Terms of S:a1e-`--8 months credit will be given to parties furnishdng approved joint notes. 6% per an- num off. for cash. W. A. Mc`Conkey, auctioneer, Barrie. -I5I-I' IJluoa-I|In- nu Q I, r. ---_-_.- to sell by public auction at 1 pm. onl I ll4'\lII\ A`) nnnn 1 Q EGSILEPE. All will be,so1d without reserve as theproprietor is giving up the dairy business` owing to 111 health. "Fm-ma nf Q.nIn-`_.R m.nnths:' m-edit The undersigned has recived in- structions from an A 355' In IQDFIRR (`II XIIIO 11', rvuuu --, nunnuuwuuu It 0 sell 13% `gubllc auction at on| \l)E EGINAV ADD" IQ RADIO TUBES TESTED AND REACTIVATED. LIATTERIES CHARGED 75. ` Ova:-night charge. 506. ATWATER KENT Battery and Battcrylon. ` C.G.E. Rndiolut and Mu-c`onI.A Phone for a dmonatration or} call and see them. .i nurau. o yru. utu. IMPLEMEN'Ts. mo. -'- Wagon, nearly new; single plow; stiff-tooth cultivator, nearly new; democrat, good as new: 1-2-rt. harrow; Victrola good as _n_ew. All will be sold with- out reoerve. -V mgunnnn A. `n`a.Q v|nAn6ka' AAQAACO to 3611 b` "ul;l'1-'2 9:1`:-;t"1'o;n`;t'; min. on TH DAY, APRIL 19 Vkn Cniinuvlnoo cluvaa. PIG AND 'HENS--'Sow, due to `furrow Ma 20; 2-5 "hens. ~ n-umrr nnimxrmu __ .1\/r. ...u.-u..-tn The undersigned `has received in-I structions from I "_jQiI.C Inn -1-: -w - The following:-- OAJTT-I.AE--Durham cow, 6 yrs., calf at foot; Durham cow, 7 yrs.. salt at root; Ayrshire cow. 8 yrs., calf at foot; Durham ,cow, 7 yrs.. calf at toot; Hereford cow.- 8, yrs. old, in calf: Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, in calf: roan heifer, due in May; Durham cow, 6' yrs. ozd, in` calf: Holstein cow. 7 yrs. old, in calf; Hereford -steer. rising 3 yrs. old: Durham steer, rising 3 yrs. old; 3 Hereford heifers, 2 yrs. old: 2 Dur- ham steers, 1 yr.o1d; 2 Durham heir- ers. 1 yr. old. DN!.R.'._.VnrI.rnhh-a anw and 7 Mars: out reuerve. >-~ Terms or sale-8 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per an- gnum or! for cash. W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. Barrie. The undersigned has received In- A v atruotlona from I The Executors or the Estate or OIL!!! I ATE II llr\\I l`I'.'l I'l.l Ilplijridg It-I. 11.1 It . The following: _ I-I0IRJSE8-IBay mare, 14 yrs. old; brown horse. 14 yrs. old. .l'VAPlVNT.1I`. _ Y-`fnlafnln nnm Ann GT8. .1. yI`,. Ulu. PIGS-'-Yorkshire sow and 7 pigs; Yorkshire how, in pig; 7 pigs, 175 lbs. each; 12 gigs, 8 mos. old; 7 pigs. 2 mm. 01 . I-I'OR.'SLES - Matched team bay horses. 7 yrs.. 2800`1~ba.; driving horse. 8 yrs. old. . YYM f'D.l'.`E`.lli`|i`.1\Y|'l`_ WW` _. Tvncrnn T3?-T CIT.` iliii FARM STOCK a IMPLEMENTS soc. .. SATURDAY srncm. DINNER 1-5,. soc

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