In 12:16 Ulubeu uuuruu, Auuuuay xugus. During the severe electric storm, Tuesday morning. Harvey Broley s barn. 2nd line, Medonte, was struck by lightning and destroyed. '1'0X'0l'lC0 Il`lIluS. A number of '0 people from the village attend.-d the lantern slides In the United church, Monday night. 'l'\nulnn lvha -gnvnrn A`AI'|fl"`l\ afnmn -HANTY_BAY I). Hacking s in Aurora. . 9--4Easter ` `IT.-.A nnnan BETHESDA LEFROY iluu. .uu . (1 Herb. R Mrs. Ce( .- spending an`: HILISDALE - within reach OI aux Why wear ready-mades? Tip Top Tailors will make a suit to your own individual measure, from any cloth you like and in any style you like--at the amazing price of $24. Why not let the world s largest one- price tailors make your Spring suit to measure? a tater visitors here were rose and son, Elmer, < h VV. J. Mc.VIaster s ' and `Florence Parker < lth their parents; Mis >1? Milton. with her pa N...` T...-..~.n n-`A Xzfn an r spent the ` Jack Gilpln, spent L-u,\. at their res ed Eleanor ary Noble. Riddle-r. .`.\r\ I`:-nan IS l'!'.',`g'.lE`l.l.C\.l ; not larger. a_ very bad ` It time. The 1 so many ca`: badly. do in visiting ter Sunday was regretted that ...\A. Inuun.-Au lllulfl a :11 Grose the wee]:- Easter 1t'h h ` i - 9,Ig;fe; YEAST and [RUN-0" NJ 1V"""8 `h he par` `f Pleasant Because Tasteless ith Watson No Woman their aunt. , , 1 family of Beautvful Wino la` r andAileen as any 3 in Hamil-` A Lovely Skin for an Ugly One Since starting your Ironized Yeast I have found wonderful improvement. The pimples on my face were very bad and now they are gone. I thank you and I will never for et the benets I have received from Iro ed Yeast, recommending it to allmyirlends.-Miss AnnieB.,Mo.1treal. Canada. Izirry. spent tn ieir respec- lleanor and Noble, Reg. iler. and; 1e week--end` holiday lpin, in Tor- It seems incredible how fast IRONIZED YEAST adds pounds of good rm esh--on women and ` men, children and old people. Doctors know the value of vegetable iron and yeast in building up and improving the body. IRONIZED YEAST. in a highly concentrated form, contains all the blood- bnilding properties ot vegetable iron with yeast. New Complexion For You People ask-what is the magic in IRONIZED YEAST that translorms sallow, liteless. tsded com- plexions into the fresh. smooth, lovely skin oi early girlhood? Wrinkles disappear. Eyes renew the sparkle of youth. Hollows till out. 'Ironized Yeast is two tonic: in one-weight-bulld- ing Yeast and strengthening Iron. The yeast is the gaster at ms. . _ same used in making malt and which makes melt - . ks so benecial. It is speciall cultured yeast concen- __ " I 7 *4` trated to give the utmost n esh-producing value. E. was gretted ` ary con- me. The frost many cars on ly. vi~sitln.=; his . Mrs. Alex. milton spent mother last` A \ Only when Yeast is Ironized in this way is it Underw-`M more eective--tor Iron is needed to brin out the rs were: weight-building strengthening value 0 Yeast. on. of P803010 That's why momzsn YEAST works so quickly. Mcglastews; Lack Pep, So get a generous test treatment-easy-to-take nee arker of V1 1- 4 tablets in a andy bottle. No nasty, pasty taste. De arents; Miss ` a mum not cause gas or bloating. Safe for everybody- C""" containing no harmful drugs. vith par- %If`".I.0`}`3 Try It on Money-Back" Otter g, Em-1e pvge Go to any drug store and get a full size treatment. If after this generous ` trial -you are not delighted with eects. ask for your money back. Re- id M H ; _ w1thl.n._ glntd funded immediately. It inconvenient to buy from druggist. send $1.29 \1;-_ and Mm :. 4, _ to Canadian Ironized Yeast Co.,Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Desk 255_E M. ....a as a unmet the amazing health-building value of lROUlZl3_ tablets` are VILII llt`l' and Mr. `ling of s. '. (1 Mrs. E "Isl. `In 1 L -""*',"'__,..J" Hum ` < I I V The Extra Stamina You N004 ` for spring m`i"i"3 _ -.. :..m.m-npnt in l !(inny and Scrawny ! - n u 1 _A_ ur.:..L .. IunI- n Paw Weeks New I I'Il\&u- - __ -_ _ Serv1ces next Sunday. April 15th (Lord's Day Sunday) Morning, 11 a.m.: St. Peter's Church, Churchill. , Afternoon, 2 p.m.! Sunday School; ` 3 pm. service. A. D. COUSINS. Rector :i3RisbN& MORLEY, DEALERS FIRESTONE BUILDS Mrs. James Jewell of Hull, Eng.. now 100 years old. says she has gworn her hair shingled since 1840. Tir.,,L A McLaughlin - Buick engine develops more power than other types because the valve-in-head construction concentrates the full fotce of the explosion directly on the piston and because it necessitates a arnallet cool- ing area. This latter feature also provides more efficient combustion and a valuable Saving of fuel. i CAUTION! 1 u-_ -..-nolnoblnn V5 I IVI` I been cneany uuu wjuvv; ........... _, tion connti don, skin eruptions, poor compfexion and 1 gene eoncimon, omznn YEAST should not be used by anyone V creased to normal.-C.I.Y. Co., Ltd. I A safe, powerful alterotive is needed regularly by every person who has any manifestation of blood disorder. For only by purifying and toning the blood on good health be restored. nucuey`: Lnu-nuuuu In .. ,.......... corrective for weak, decient or` impure blood. First successfully used as a doc- tor's prescription,TRU-BLOOD is high- ly recommended for the prompt elimin- ation of all skin affections such as pimples, blackheads, blotclfes, ulcers, rash, abscesses, eczema, boils, salt rheurn and all troubles arising from impover- ished or below-par blood. PARISH OF INNISFIL Vtuwonotuxo The original Balloon Tire. plnnumlbv Firestone. Built cl cub dlopcd in rubbu uolulomtluu utumln; md lluululn; ovuv ber ol Cwtveordwiuh mbbu.mm4 -hln: Internal hen gnd cmvcordwiuh tubber.uuIu~ lining and Iddlnsumunh md nmnlm. S vduiuud n-u_d. md mums. Sclommcallv duiuud trad. Satin; new tnllauo ncordn. Enablhlilng now may and caution uunduds. I-`ul6l| Inn aha mar-mold Fluaom Iunduds. rm-m Bt;ckly s TRU-BLOOD is a. proven .......4:... cm. nmnll, rlpcient on-`imnure uonnnnrniuun urchlll. . 'noon, School;I ..m. A. D. COUSI_N.S, `III `Ir vvv-a--V ___ - YEAST and IRON-c h This Tonic Does More Than Bring Back Health ng'-t-l;eWneareat Fir-est_< ued Tires all around. IAALI-gm Vitality and til. __ Ilfkh otyoutn. iuouows ms was. - ee tive--tor weight-building enetous _ $1.86 Co., Ltd., I While the amazing value IRONIZED YEAST tablets been clearly and positivel demonstrated in cases of lack of energy. indiges- on, comp exion generally weakened sical and mental urmn vi-*.As'r should not by who OBJECTS to vlng weight in- BRADFORB-S'T~., 3ARiuE HE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES T ne CTVlUU Iliusnnwn He will save you If yon use Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea in 1928 you will enjoy Canada : finest tea and ...._ 1...! `lies rnrllnli Vllf t i enjoy uullauu . -.... ..- materially reduce your tea bills. Red Rose Orange Pekoe lasts longer because its additional strength and flavor make it go further. Every package guaranteega: D lllnvc a Few Weeks with Flew 3N-or Pay Nothing A characteristic tribute to the benet of TRU-BLOOD is the following: "I used two bottles of TRU-BLOOD last Spring. It built me up, and gave me new life, and as long as I live I shall never be without it. TRU-BLOOD is more than a. purier of the blood. Use TRU-BLOOD and skin troubles will disappear. The com- plexion will become clear, smooth, color- ful. Buckley s OINTMENT is a magic aid to TRU- BLOOD in permanently banishing disguring blemishes. Good druggists everywhere carry both. Thu:-adn`y, Am-n -12. 192: $5! `rs-w Ironized I race and 1 OF CANADA. Limited Svns uuv, v_.., .. -__ &u_`_' to nerally learned that Robert Thompson had passed away very suddenly. Deep lsympathy is extended to h1s.wle and family. A um, tn .4` nnhlmann smr-mt a. counle M and family. F. C. Robinson spenta couple of days this week with her sister, Mrs. F. K. Robertson. Cookstown. I-\II5|_ -I-u:_1-.....:l-.~... in In 'I"n;\n `V-tlrv Iv`! J3-Q 4|`-'5-1`-" \!>`V"'l ""*"'v' Miss Rllda. Richardson is ln"'I;V(';2`- onto at present. . F. J. GRACEY Associate Dealer, W. HUNTER, Alliston Adve1:;1:e:r; `he Examiner Pas}: Tvvni ESTS prove that the valve -in-V head er}gin_e as used by McLaugh- ' 1 `JJJLJLLI yCV$ Elli` that head engine lin-Buick develops more power than any other engine of its size. The G. M. A. C. Deferred Payment Plan offers many advantages to buyers of M cLaughIin-Buick cars. IP Top 'TAILORS, the largest one-price tailors in the world, have brought made-to-measure clothes within reach of all! There's no greater clothes value in all Canada! It s a value that is only possible because of Tip Top Tailors pre-eminent position of leadership.. _ _.L _..A Will1am`Ca1`da1l of Erdlngton. Eng.. has spent four years con- structing a clock that shows the day of the week and month, the year and the time of sunrise and sunset. Eleven children of J. C. Toper of Denver, all have names beginning, with `\M"--NIa-rle, Malcolm, Martha, Mattie, Maryp Marvin. Maurine, Mellie. Maud. Marion and Morgan. Apr. 9-Miss `Mabel Robinson of Toronto spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Robinson. 7\/[nu `Ml Tllnhnvunn RAFf,. GPOSS.` at far less than you`d expect to my for stgch me quality! I-7-I-20 Apr. 8-.VIiss A. -s. Watson is` spending the holidays in Toronto and at her home in Severn Bridge. M... rwm-mam in mm unable to be and at her NOD18 an t`Vt.'l`u zarxusv. Mrs. Fennel!` is still unable to out of bed. Pilavvbna Yr\l'h I hf 'F0l`Ol'ltO Sngnt out or bed. - Claytus Irwin of Toronto spent the ho11d~ao,\-s with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irwin. xnm. \Ynu-rna nnhimann of Toronto and Mrs. Wm. Lrwm. Miss Norma Robinson of Toronto holidayed at her home here. Mina -xrmm Jnhhltt or `Thornton holidayed at net nome nere. Miss `Muriel Jobbiti of and Miss Jean Jobbitt of Toronto were -home for the hou-days. Tnufnv Qnminv was very blustery U. uocomson. Mrs. M. Richardson. Bert. Cross, and Mr. and 311'`. Pwrcy Spring of Toronto were with Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin during the holiday. A nnn orlnrnm urn: nnf nvm` this -nome `I0! U19 IIUQ-uaya. Easter Sunday was very blustery and cold after the nice days 0! the week -p!'ev1ous.- ~ - mm: mm: -I-mvn hnan running` on the Week -prevxous; The cars -have been running 1`3th since April '1st. Mr. `Rogers was the first to conquer the snow banks ` with his truck and `band of shovel- `Ann `erg! Miss Dora Guestof Coldwater is spending` the `holidays at her home. Mm mt. Guest and -Miss Mildred / / / / I spending tne mouuays at new uuxuc. ` Mrs. Guest and `have been staying with Mrs. Wm. Young of Icralgvale for a time. vv -:v.- Apr. 9---Miss Toy, who has been visiting at Mrs. -R. L1nton's. has gone to `Toronto. Mrs. A. Bushell and Jean visited relatives in Toronto last week. mama Gun"-k and Prod Adsett relatives In '1`01`Ont0 ms: wean. Alfred Smith and Fred Adsett are spending the holidays at their homes in Selkirk and Rockwood. , Fred Johnston is holidaying at his home in Creemore. 13.... T3111-An rnfnrne to New- SD8nd1n8' tne nouaays at Her uuuu.-. The Ladies Aid met at Mrs. J. Macdona1d's last Thursday after- Rh Martin aurmg tile nuuuuy. A deep gloom was cast over this community on Sunday when it was uuwuvcowqn ~. .--- _---V._,._ , noon. Mrs. N. I-Iodgns visited in Tor- onto .th1II week. Mrs. Arthur Fallowfield was in` I Toronto for a. few days last week. `KI-can Inunnla fl, '1`nFnHtn uent home -In UPGBITIOPG. Ross Linton returned to New- market on Monday. llms A I-Tnnn hf Midland `I visit- market Mommy. Mrs. A. Hope of Midland is visit-I lng at Frank `Hall's. vnu Vang mum of Masaev is ing at Frank 1-1au's.. Miss Vera. Clute or Massey spending the holidays at her home. -mm Ladies Aid met ' '.l`0!`OntO to!` a. IBW Gay mat. wumx. Misses Reynolds of Toronto spent Easter at J . '1`. Reynolds . `venom. urn.-Imnn nf Tnrnntu visited Easter at J. '1`. ueynoxua`. Victor Wllclman of Toronto visited }his father. J. F. Wndman, recently Examiner adlets are great sale: men. and they work for little pay. +H! HARRIS EXAMINER ueei Phone 441, BARRIE ` BIQBAY Pon" wvgvaug Apr. 9--Not much ~go'ng-on in Shanty Bay these days. No fishing. no g-ardening." an odd-one making some syrup. -but not as many as` usual. John Grant and his chum of Tor- onto are staying here for a week. -- u `U..- 11--..-. t'u1-$\nIa6 urn uuuu cuc a-.u,.... ..~.- -.,- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gi1c`1`1rl"st7'.Zs*a.7x'e .entertz11ning their daughter. Mrs. John Lee. of Bracebridge and her young daughter. .\Im~jor1e. 1\:\n pI)Q`h and voune` da.ughtC`l` daughter. .\1m'Jur1e. Douglas Pugh and young daughter spent a couple of days with his par- ents here. \I'... 1.` .1? 1\rn- ha: hnnn nn the mere. Mrs. F. IR. Day has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks but is out again. -_ Mrs. Vanvxorman of Stvoud spent a day with her father, Alfred Palk.` I..J...!.. lately. .\Irs. (2. W. Caldwell, who -has been staying with `her daughter, Mrs. }"a1te1`son, lately, is now at Crown Y.2I'i'-1 EEMH LINE. INNISFIL I WILL` H111 Ifk H211 The W omen's `Institute met last week at the home of Mrs. C. \V. Palk. There was quite a large at- tendance conslderin-g the state of the roads and a. very sociable even- ing was spent. Mrs. Palk served ` dainty refreshments. \.|-am. rsnnnn .s~A.nmu qncmf a few. ` da1m..V 1`eI1`esnmwms. I Miss Gertie Ad-ams spent a few days lately at home but has return- ed to Orlllia. x1......... 1).-ndaa-A nf 'hnnnvH1A Li ed to Uruua. Nurse Partridge of Dunnville gs spending her `holidays with her bro- t*her. Roy Partridge. ` . -Mrs. Abner Ball is visiting her daughter,.\Irs.. N. Spence of Ivy. Misses -Ellen Hands and Audrey Morrison of Toronto are visiting with Jas. Rands. I wan... 'I`ka1|rnu an Mism Qnnnner here. Mr. and Mrs. I-Iildred Martin of Toronto spent the holiday with the farmer's mother, Mrs. Henry Martin. Yak DV|!\1II`!'\ A7 * I`nI~nnfn IRE Rf hi formers mot-ner, .\Ll!`S. nenry ;u::.n.un. John `Brown of Toronto was at his _ home here tor -the holiday. Ila `\lfn(1I1l upon with MP. and tel` noua-ays In '1U!'UIll.U. -. Miss "Isabel and Thos. Wilson are enjoying their holidays at their home here. Dnnfnuunn T ('1 W-TIHYIA Viifd in `_ WUII J85. rttlnus. Misses The-1-ma and Alixe Spencer spent the week-end at their home have I home nere I-OI` -tne nouuay. ` Mr. VMcGill was with Mr. and Mrs. I-Iu-gh `G1-ah-am for the holiday. J. `D. Kenny `is spending the Eas- ter holidays in Toronto. . an... "TI:-nhnl and "lVhns:, Wilson are [the village over me ween:-euu. The services at both churches were well attended on Easter Sun-' day. Miss Grace Beattie of Orlllla spent Easter with her sister, Mrs. J. Reevie. . mt. gna vrna .-`.ViH vm-1 Turner of jnome nere. 1 Professor J. G. Hume visited In ythe village the week-end. mt... an:-vinna nf hnfh nhnrehes ` Reevie. Mr. and Mrs. -Wilfred Turner of Merrlton were with the formers father, R. J. Turner, over the week- -..A ` 131 t 11! end. April 10--4Mrs. Jos. Reid and Man- rice motored to Severn on Easter. Mrs. Reid will remain with her sis- ter, Mrs. Forsyth. for some time. Miss Lucy Jacks of Toronto is spending the holidays with her ents on the 6th line. . Misses Nellie and Edith of Vvaterloo are visiting `Mrs. Mary Coulter, and euua uu Luv u N9] Mrs. ( l Elmrange. \lI m and \TI`,\ humran e. ` Mr. and .\Irs. Geo. Miller and ` are spending a few days ton and Caledonia. um. xvmxlza nnr?`~nnn, I-1 -1m-\ ton anu Lnuvuuum. Mrs. `Weeks rmd`~son. Hzwry, : Easter in the Queen City. I-Iu1id':1y visitors re tlve homes included Ewart Ralston. .VIa1\\' Canning and st- ....,1 mrm` an!) (`iv-nan ll.\uluu,v :4-.-.n in Ralston 1-1 Mr. and M1 children are an at E. Grosse's. 7 `Aug; Ca vIv\v1 WHBN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT - McLAUGl-{LIN-BUICK *A`--~-- til. 21. \Jl.'usax: a. Llnyd Smv_ver with his cousin, J onto. The singing on I a real treat. It V the attendance w Ihn nun-.8: urn onto. Easter 5 was reg was 1 The roads are in ver dxtion at the present tima just gumg out and ms them cut. them up badly F. Crow of Barrie is ` grandparents, `Mr. and Adams. David Mllroy of Ham a. few days with his 1 nvngb WV7Ul\- Geo. home 1 ADI`. U`-`L`Jtl.aLt.`l Vlanulta IICIG vvw-vs Mrs. Wm. Grose Barrie. with s: Misses Mary Toronto. with May Allen of -ents; Mrs. Geo. Isaac and Mrs. Vvilfred Chamberling Tor- onto. and Mr. and Mrs. Fyfe of Orillia. with Mr. s_1nd Holt; Bruce VV'ice of Vine, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert :Rainey: Mr. M. Rainey of Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raine)`; Mr. and Mrs. lPorter. with 1191. i\Iarling s. I/run If` \1' '(`nnnnv Mac nnnn in 't'0!`Ie).`. Wluu A161. ;vuu'1u1g, 5. Mrs. `C. M. Cooper was called to |Barr1e on .\Iond~ay last to see her |unc1e, Who is 111. - I mrn am-I Mr: J Q-hwgc:-nn nrn 1719-: |unc1e, Wm) 13 ul. 3 Mr. and Mrs. J. Sturgeon are vis- `1t'in.S,' in Stroud. \,n.1un1.. T-Tn1f whn hm: uhnnn em - lltin.`-'5 In strnuu. i Melville Holt, who has been suf- fering from rheumatism, is improv- n8`- ,- Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Nelson vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. an-d .VIrs. I. \I1son of Lefroy. Mr. and Mrs. Bateman and Willie spent Sunday with friends at Bond _ Head. lifh-Ann E`:-Iii-In TT7'nn nn I\.HA1 |neau. Misses Edith Wice and Ethel Thompson are spending holidays in Aurora. `