Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1928, p. 12

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COTTIAGE -FOIR` SALE-4 rooms and summer` kitchen; large cellar. garage or 2 -stall` stable, shed at- tacfred, pig pen, cistern, large hen house. quarter acre Iasptberry canes. The` lot is 96 feet front, 285 feet deep-. Price $11200`. 'Ap'ply'A. Robins, : Cumfles. _ . 14-1!5p lnnmvx HOUSE. hardwood oors do-wnstai'r's'. six rooms and but-h. also back kl'tcl`1e_rr, laundry room in base- ment. house wlred for all electrical appl-lances, furnace. large garden. bullt-in lkl'tcl`1'en cabinet. 77 Worsley St._ _ T ~15-17p NINIE-!R`00M|ED` BRDGK 1-IOUSEI for sale with an conveniences: double garage. Yarge barn: also hen house-with capacity for 500 lchickens: would` make good "mace l gr chicken t'a rm ..A1ppIy'42 Peneetalgs - . D HOUSE FOR` ASDE In one of best locations 1*n~ Barrie, eight-roamed brick house, doubre parlor. kitchen. dtnvingroom, tour `bed rooms, 8-place bath. furnace and fruit collar; double garage; large lot. Apply` T . Ettx Henry & (`Iowan FOR SALE--`solid brick house with furnace. bath and gas, also good barn and two cement garages. Ad- joining this here is: 8% acres land {with four good clhieken opens. rug- ` ning spring water. This property I very sultwbre tor chicken farm or dairy. Phone 475. A. G. Walker. Box aw, Allandwlo. V ms-ash _BR`I'CK HOUSE tor sale. with all conveniences. Apply 34 Small St.. |Barr1e. \ M 14-15;) FOUR AJGRES for sale on Bayeld 8t.. Barrie, good brick house and outbuildings, orchard. good shade trees. beside you lln-ks. Apply to H. Gordon. 172' Elizabeth St. "Phone 119`~W.-. L 15-211} FOR 'sALE-Ice cream and confec- tionery buslness. mll equipment. good location. Phone 475 or 770. A. G. Walker. Box 108, Allandale. On- ` tario. - 18-Mb ismonm FOR szu. dn good loca- tion. (Phone 341 or write 80: 889. Barrie. _1I2t!b ; H'oUStE--_A new high-c1ass .pressed brick house with four bedrooms. cloak room for each; linen closet; bathroom. lbuilt-in cabinet. imita- tion tile: white enamel trim, with oak floors; every light on a. switch and a plug in every room. wired for hot water heater and range: large living room with cove ceiling. fire place and sunroom with French doors between: beveled plate glass dining:-oom French doors, vestibule and cloak room off hall. full sized mirror; all trimmed in the very fin- est of figtgred gumwood and oak floors; kitchen with dumbwaiter. ironing board and `bull-t-(in culp- boards: breaiofast nook and oaken cabinet: full `sized rbasemenat with outside entrance: toilet -in cellar and furnace; porch front and. rear: V large lot with side drive;.one block east of the market. -see Res. truck. builder. 050.1. V 14-1,59 Z PASTURE FAR-M T0 RENT. flow- ing we11. about ten acres of second growth timber. Apply 82 Cumber- land 'St.. Allandule. 15:) [SIX-ROOMED CIOTTAGE for me. Apply 26 [Caroline St.. Allandalo. Ont. 13-'18b G*R`IMM'S ' `-ALFALFA. SEED for sale. Apply to G. D. Banting. Ivy.- Thorntoz; telephone. _ 1`8.tfb FOR SALE-1926 Ford touring car. motor and rear and thoroughly over- hauled`, top. side curtains and up- holstery _in A1 condition, pa_ln't.rea.1 good, baatterles O.K., new license. Apply E. J. Powol1,.2`2 Eugenia St. A snap at $275. 12ttb FAIRM FOR SALE OR RENT- South halt lot 2, con. 5, Innlsl: good buildings. convenient to church, .school and market. Apply to owner, Mrs. M. E. Dutcher, 12 Collier ~St., Barrie, or J. A. Icorbett, Thornton, Ont. ` 18-15b RED GEOVER SEED for sale: `also seed Dooley potatoes, Government `inspected. Stanley Dunn, Mldhurst. `Phone soars.-, . - 15-mt: NEW STAR 4 SEDAN nrully equip- ped, purchased end of December; Have changed occupation and motor not required. Will sacrifice. W. W. Badgley. 178 `Elizabeth `St, Phone 1358 ` 10-15p F`A`RM F`O`R SAJDE, 100 acres good clay loam, 10 acres hardwood bush. Will sell on easy terms. Apply Mrs. _Wlce,L29 McDonald St.. Barrie. 15p 100 ACRES. lot 22. con. 6, Oro; `principally clay loam; bank barn: wbrick house; spring creek: 5 acres maple sugar bush. D. Beasley, Oro Station. v 12-17p I . i SEED FOR S~A-`UE-Marquis spring wheat 81.60 per bush.: also red clov- er, government grade No. _1. N. G. King. Ch_u!'ch'lll. 15-16p` | . SEED for whatsoever a man soweth. `For you I have lnstock red clover. alfalfa, Mammoth and timothy. sar- den seeds and field "seeds. Rennle's . rellwble seed. R. J. McMa_ster, Craig- ` hurst. ' _ - 15b ;, cum. 1.). uuu~'1u. J. W. J Allundaie RR. Phone 83 r5. I ,FOR SAIJE-1-Nice bright No. 1 0. `MC. 144 seed oats. Government field inspection certificate show them to be absolutely pure in every way. while inspector's final report on sample say they gzre ot the highest grade of this h avy yielding,stitt strawed variety on the market this year. Phone 601r41. R. D. Coutts, M'id`hu1'st. ` ' 15b ` Mc!LAU~G*I-IIIJI'N T'O`IRJ11NG CAR for sale cheap. Apply 142 Peel 'St., Tele- p_h'one 9~50M. [ 15b !DO.DGE 'l"OUIR|I-NG can for sale `cheap. ingood condition; also Ford coach: garage to rent. Harry Bu-. chanun, phone 11135. 15b FARM FOR _S-A DE-100 -acres good clay loam. brick -house, 2 bank barns. Well watered. Good reasons for selling. Wm. Cummlng,TPhelp- aton, Ont. Box 52. 11-181) PASTU-RE -FAIRJM for sale or rent- 50 acres, lot 11. con. 12, Inniafil: running creek, well fenced, all oieared... A ply to J . H. Nixon, Box !1044, Barr e. Ont. 11-169 ! PA'S 1`URE- FAJRM FOR ISALE or rent. 25 acres, lot 15, con. 8. west halt. running creek, well fenced. with 3 acres or bush. Apply to John |McDonald, Thornton,` Ont. `RJR. No. 8. ~13-15p I ! FOR `SAI4E-Whlte Blossom sweet gclover seed, government "tested;, sprice $3 peg -bushel: also good cow ` due to freshen first of May; pasture farm for rent. Fred Pratt. RR.` 2. `Barrie. Phone 61'2r11. 15-20b PROPERTY` FOR SALE FARMS I-`OR sALI-:` sub 1-`on FOR RIDNT--Nice cosy house in Cundile Terrace, conveniences and garden. Possession May 1st. Apply 152 Bayfield St. Phone 9'28'J. 151) ::-: _E I9M9_":E5i BED-SITMNG ROOM to rent. In an-ulnntathln Inning nnnirnl DIHIIIA COMIEOIBIPA.-BIJE ROOMS with board. A-ppiy 78 Mary at. V T 159 5290-U.l.'.l.'l.`u_Vu nuvul. to rent. ui comtortalble home. central. Phone 564. _ 11-16b FOR SAILE--I'I8.tCh1I18` eggs, from Clarkefs strain-Barred Rocks. per- sistent all year round money mak- ers. Pens headed by males of pedl-' greed stock. $1 a sett1ng.,J. L. Jack,` Allandale RJR. 1. ` 13-18p EGGS from high producing Barred,` Rocks. pens headed by pedigreed ` cockerel Clarke's strain, dam`s re-` cord 8'16 and special cockerels from Burns and Guilds best pens. 15 for '2 $1.00. -G. A. Cruse, Ha.-wke-stone, on-I tarlo. ' 13-18p`. 1 1 NOTIIJCE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that -all persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Mathias -I-Iickli-ng, late of the Township of Vespra. in the County of Simcoe. Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the tenth day or November, A.D.. 1927. are re- quested to send particulars of their claims -to the undersigned on or be- fore the. 12th day oi. May, 1928, after which date the executors will `distribute the assets or the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have no- tice. and will not -be responsible to any others. T\A.11!IR AL E-....l- ALI- ALL J--- AI wrong n: In: V; as DATED at Barrie this 4th day or April A.D.. 1928. DUNCAN F. MGCU-AIG, 15-17b `Solicitor for Exeoutors I-IA'I`IC'I-IiFN1G EGGS for sale.` from`. `bred-to-lay st-rain of Barred Rocks ; at 4 cents ea'c-h; also Mammoth duck 1 eggs. 5 cents each. I. J. Carruthersn Duckworth St., p-hone 895.1. 15-.16~p : F- ' JUIIIIBWUII. L0 CAR IJFCFJNSIE No, 3216-981 lost ort`- P am` between Stroud and Oro Stat1on.lSU`PER'I'0R QU-`U-JTTY Barred R001` Finder kindly 're'turn to Examiner and Leghorn chicks. hatch every Office, 15blWednesday. Ask my customers 3! S I .._...._..._......__........._._...._._. `other year's what wonderml laye `SIR/IAIJL RT..`\|(`1k' 'I`:mD|D.Ym nn. thnv awn, Qnnfnnnn tn an nnr- HA"1`*CH'ING EGGS for Bale, from our excellent laying strain 0: Bar-I ron White Leghorn; Agents for Royal Broodera and Poultry Sulp- plles. -Fraser Bros., Cralghurst. Ont. ` 11-16p NOTICE TO cnznrronsl -BOARIDERS W`A:N"1`ED--Room and 43] board orvboard a1on`e.,A:1|o double garage to rent on property. Central location. Apply Box E. Exa.m1n- 1 er. 1511 E ILROOMS 'DO LET-lBrlght, clean, centrally locatbd, furnished or un- furnished, light housekeeplng privi- leges. Phone 1282 or 75 for lntorma- tlon. 15p` T0 R'EN"1`--Front room sui-tab1eAfor' office or bed-stttingroom. has two large Windows facing Dun-lop St.,' ru_nn1n|g water and private bath, el- ectric fire-place. etc. S. W. Moore, Barrie. 15b I-IA'DCI-IIIING EGGS - Bred-to-lay` Barred Rocks. 15 for $1.00. 109 Essa] s-t., Allandale. 15-20p ------:-v-- y-- -----_ Sutforera tx-om Rheumatism or Solatloa should try 1 _-_ 1 I I KI . , _ _`__ VUZV C I`lIVCIljDlV uivqouvti Known from oooot to ooait no a thoroughly I-olloblo opooio for .. thou dlotroooing dnoonoo. .. Prepared and sold oniy by H. GOOKE G CO; LIMITED OREJIJA. ONTARIO PI-loo: 01 par bottlo. Sent pootpald on receipt or pz-loo` GUARANTEED. '1`O GIVE RE- IJIIIF MONEY REFUNDED BUIG uvu unv unu us; _(_3ool:e _o Rheumatic Remedy __-lA __ _ until end of April. All bought at high prices last fall and in excellent work- ing condition. 12-16b SALES START I! A.M. NO RESERVE 4---- 12-`: ::: GOOD P-A'STUlR1E TO REN'1`--25 acres with good fences and water or will take in cattle or the summer. Apply J. & Wallwln, 609!`41 15-1`6p. -- so Pentang St. Tel. 1045.) Ann 'c:|.iiL/.(/,. . . . .* 18 nob 4 cAnLoAn'1;X'u'c"I'ToN '5."5R." 7.?-5'.?AY. .. I `I2 I\EI' 39D I 95` I 10-28 Nolan: 5!. - Toronto VNote-Most of "our April Chicks are from Government Cuffed and . ' Blood-tested -5- -I. `J UIIUU stock. % { PENSLAR % ONE CENT SALE Sold out of 6 and 8-week-old Pallets until June 1st. Bnodnmw OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY-s u JARRII uxAmNI_n SUMMEIR COTTAGE T0 CRENT at Big Bay Point: furnished, also Wat. er in cottage. Apply to A. 'B. Moysey & Co., McK1nnon Bldg., Toronto, Ont. 13--1'5b ROOMS AND soak? V V -v:-y-.-v COULTER Bos. CII1 ZIAQQIZRZII BUSH H_Ol_{SF.S gng-:- IIQ1IQ~ BARRED ROCKS _..__ A1 __ ROB!-ZRTS ON S DRUG STORE TODAY ..RH|?UM_ATl$M, wt-jg.-out--- yr.--w THE nzrosrroav -Q lI,I,,-, Q; 'l'-__- KELVINSIDE HATCHERY .m .. av. "< ,,i{,.`..~.,'..`.... _.`;- _N :1: TO HIBNT UV `a'ruuV1 .1. 3.-\,;--| Elght-roomed brick house; hard'and soft water. Carder). stable, and gap. uge. Apply Mrs. Geo. W. Cald- well. Shanty Day. 11-16;: -1: -1: E LOCALNEWS V E aww&aixmaw&%% Luuul, Lau IJLIIIIUP 'Du`eL. 100 John Saso & Sons opened their newly enlarged ice cream parlor ,last Saturday and celebrated the `occasion by presenting a cut ow- ,er to each customer. The parlor has been hand-somely `outtted with `all the latest xtures and appli- ances necessary for the comfort and service of the patrons. The cup was bitter, the sting severe, To p`ar't }\'Ith one we loved so dear. The trial is hard, we'll not complain, But trust in Christ to meet again. ' 15p ---`Sadly missed by VVife and; children. Dorothy and W'il1iam.; est settlers in Essa. township. 15p UUIIILUIL uuu UIICUI. LJUKC 1US`iJ'QI- |C'ouIson brothers of Shanty Bay wish to thank their many friends; and neighbors for the kindness shown to them at their mother s funeral and also the old friends and acquaintances who gathered at Thornton station to pay their last tribute of respect to one of the old- BAYUIS-S-IIn l'ovlAn_s.' memory of my dear aunt. Mrs. VVm. Baylis, who died April 14, 1926. Gone but not forgotten. 15-b _ '--Irene C~O. LI.aE'DT-In loving memory of Lieut.-Col. Fred Collett. killed in` action at Vlmy Ridge, April 9, 1917. 'EIJPHII?C'K--In lovfng memory of, our dear son, `William Frederick ` Elphick. who passed away one year ago today, April 17, 1927. He had a. nature you couldn t help Invh-19' FLU LIEU I1 IICILLAIC JUU UUUIUH L Ely loving. _ A heart that was purer than gold, To E`h'o`se who knew him and loved LU Luuac vvuu nucw lulu uuu IUVUU him His memory will never grow cold. --Sadly missed by Father, 15b Mother, Sisters and Brothers. NG'0'RDON--In sad and loving mem- nrv nf (`.nv~h-nn Vvvio~k+ flnrnn HIJVVUV. yUg.I sion now. how rental to good ten. - ant. Three savages. 55 Mary St. 15p \JU.l` [U33 \V'G.E| SIKEEIL, We 11 II L UUKn' plain. . 7 . But trust in Christ to meetagain. 15-p --Saii1y missed by Mother, Sisters and Brothers. l'\`3UU|l'l. BPLU UU1'l'.'1.VC'Illt`HL. IOU Mrs. W. R. Thompson and family Wish to thank their many friends for. their kindness and sympathy shown in their recennt sad bereavement. 15b `Kn nn \ll'ua Dnbisnna l'VunA`In.~ \I'\J'I\ylJ'\.l~AV".lll auu auu IUVIIIE lllUIlI' ory of Gertrude Wright Gordon, who died suddenly at North Bay. April 10. 1925. A sudden shock. a loss severe, To palrt with one we loved: so dear. Our loss was great, we'll ndt com-n nIn`in `trust meet'agaln. by R;OEB>ER"DSO~N--aIn loving memory of Frank Robertson who departed this life April 15, 1925. ' Gone but not forgotten.- 1'5p -Wlfe and Family S`TEW vA~RT--In loving memory of ' Alexander Stewart, T-hornton, who died April 5, 1926. 15b --JW'lfe and Family WVINT-ERS-lIn' lovlnrr memory of our dear husband and daddy who entered into rest April 11, 1925. Often our thoughts do wander I To a grave not far away. Where they laid `our dear` Billy Just three years ago today. -Ever remembered by Wlfearld 1'5.b ` Children. Tressa and Jimmy 1 B_rown Horse, 5 years old 1 Brown Mare, 5 years old 1 Brown Mare, 12 years old 1 Sorrel Horse, 9 yrs. old, weighs 1600 lbs. 1 Black Horse, 12 years old 1 Brown Mare, 12 years old 1 Sorrel Horse, 12 years old 2 Gravel Waggons 1 Top Buggy '2 Rubber Tired Buggies 3 Sets heavy -Sleighs . 1 Side-seated Sleigh (Pleasure) 1 3-tSeated Sleigh 3--Sets Heavy Harness 2 -Sets Light Double Harness 6 `Sets Single Harness 1 Set Single Dray Harness 2 Good Saddles . Sale at 1 pan. i 3_ our dear'Bl1ly un__-._ __-.__-_-|.-..'_.: 1___ wwwup ,, o LIIU llUlll.l1y S- _ Mrs. M. Vvattle and Miss Ruth Forbes of `Toronto were recent guests of their mother, Mrs. Forbes.I n P917 `hfalbin nP Tnnnnon on...` 4.1.... lll LIIUIL l.'CU!:'ll'l. aau UCL CGVCIIICIIL. IUU Mr. and Mrs. Both-am, Cundles._ wish to thank their neighbors for their kindness giving a helping hand during Mr. Botham s illness. Nelgh- ` bows at Cundles don't pass by on the other side but pour in the oil of comfort and cheer. Luke 10:25-27. lfVAuu1.-.1-ma `\A'6`\nnn 1.0 Qkn.-.4-cc `De... l Apr. `11-4Robert and Kenneth Cameron of Toronto were home for ithe holidays. Mr: M `X74-:0-fin ......1 Mn... -n..u.. sucaua UL Lu:-u` uluvuel`, LV1'I`S. r'oroes.g 1 Ray Malkin of Toronto spent the week-end with -his parents. I `MPH Tfn Rh!` rlhnflvuzxn AP 'Fn.unn4-n IHLIIUH` IL. 11: `Va L\_V l.| Caul St.. Toronsto 2. wean-euu \'\ 1Lll -uxs p':lI't:`I1US. `Mrs. Tate and children of 'I`o4ron.t0 were recent visitors with Mr. and i Mrs. -Carruthers here. \/flan L` 1:`1Hnst L......\..... 1.... .__._- AVLXS. 'ucu'ruLu9:.'1's HBYE. Miss E. Elliott. teacher. has gone -home to spend the holidays near Petenborough. '1`. Rolf. two sons and daughter of Toronto were vis`itors here over Sunday. 1 `DALI-unuu oh. 1...... 1...... ...-!L- ,LU CK--`In the Royal Victoria Hos- .p'lt-afl. on Wednesday. Apr. 11, 1928, William George Luck, in his 67th year. Mrs; C. T. Thompson-and family Wish to thank their neighbors and friends for their kindness in their: recent sad bereavement. 15!) `IA ... 117 D VFLA... - n a _ n....J 0.-.....:1n Duuuay. ' J. Botham, who has been quite ill. !s'gradua11y impro_ving'. ` | K/rI`. .T `D Vnnnn -nnnhrn nrnr-R Lu. 1: 51.` ul1pI`u_\_I1ng. I Mrs.\J. D. Knapp -received word that her brother. Wm. Cook, had. passed away at Anten Mills on Sun-i day. The funeral took place _veste*1'-' day. Interment at Craighurst. Much sympathy is extended to the family.` GDLLEN -- At the RV.` I-I'o.=piItn1.' Barrie. on Friday. April 6, 1928., to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gillen, Mirn- lco Beach, a daughter. VLl'D 4\J.$\J'LV'*l.u LUVLH5 IIIQEHIUF) DI. departed .!_ -u-vu: Q , .- CARPENTER \V1ORK VVtAJN"I"ED. n : u y n n m n nuln T nnn Rn If T. Wvanb: `HOUSETO RENT. Phone 486, 14 Burton Av-e.. Allandale. 14-16b CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM CUNDLES ., _ "A !m .. , `,";LX:f% w ./`.~ A ,,. >4. .;u.> .. BORN DIED l'I\l\al.\IaI 9 Friday; April 18-The executors of ` "the estate of the late Mrs. Amelia. _A. Johnston. at 54 Maple Ave" Barrie, will hold an auction sale of `household furniture. Sale at` 1 p.m. W. A. Mccokey. auct. 14--15-b, Saturday, April '14--'1`he contents of ; the Allandale Livery will be soldi by public auction. A. I-Iubbert.| Prop. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mo-' Conkey, auctioneer. 14-15b. Monday. April 16--J. F. Nelies, 224} Blake St.. Barrie--auction sale of high class dairy cows and horses. .n1n of `I nm, ~'7_ A. McCankey_ !AUCTION SALE LlVERY STABLE CONTENTS -sale at 1 p.m. `W. A. m.s:\.'uuzu:y.| auctioneer. 14-15: | Tuesday, April 17-C. W. Henry, at` Thornton, will hold an auction; sale of Dual Purpose Shonthorn' cattle. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mo-| ` Conkdy. auctioneer. 14-15:, Wednesday, April 18--Harold Webb.] lot 23, con. 1'2, -Inn'isfi1-a:-m stock and implements. `Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mocontkey, auct. 15: `Thursday. April 19-The executors ofeestate of the late R. Monteith. 'S.E. qr. lot~10, con. 4. Vespra. (Mill Road)--farm -stock and imple-` ments. Sale at 1 i).-m. W. A. Mc- Conkey, auctioneer. 153: Friday, April 20-Geo. A. Martin, at south west quarter of lot 22, con. 10, Innisf1l-farm stock and im- plements. -Sale at 1 p.m. VV. A. Mdconkey, auctioneer. 151: Wednesday, April 2 5-T=hos. Bates. aat lot 23, con. 4, Sunnidale (Brent- wood)--farm stock and imple- ments. Sale at 1 p.m. VV. A. Mc- Conkey, auctioneer. 15x HOUSE with all conveniences. six rooms. gas. electric. laundry tubs, very central. paved street. pauses- -Inn now. 1-ow good | CEO. A. MARTIN At S.W. Qr. Lot 22, Con. 10, ` Innisfil to sell by public auction at 1 p.m. on I~I\II\ A `I A I\I\II t\ mare. urxver. iCA"1`T'IJE-Durham cow, 5 yrs old. milking, due Aug. 20; Durham cow. 4 yrs. old. fresh: `black cow. 6 yrs. old, due May 28: Durham steer. rising 2 yrs.: ~Durham steer, rlsring 1 yr.: 2 Durham heifers, rising 1 yr.: heifer calf. 8 weeks old. -Draw: A.\VT\ Dnwrrrrnv ._ 7 far )'l`.I I1_E`lI`!` Calf, 6 VVGBKS uxu. PIGTS AIND POULTRY 7 fat |h0g's: Yorkshire sow. registered: 5 pilgs. 5 weeks old; goose and gander: number of hens. . :'r`.\mnurrm\mtn\rma m\....~- 9. Txfnnl nvxr u at: Q `' jsifnnlinl N O'I'11`OE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of David Herbert Rix. late of the ; Township of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, deceased. who d'ied on or about the 20th day of March. 1928. are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of April, 1928. after which date the administratrix will distribute the assets of the estate a 0113` those entitled thereto, having egard only to the claims of which she shall then have no'tice, and that she will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been re- ceived. A IT `IBV A \T~1\(`lF'l3 l`lr\I1`I? A I'\? I I5-17b The Livery Stable, Allandale, on `SATURDAY. APRIL 14 The_ undersigned has received in- structions from I nilncnun Inn nun: tv The following: HORSES-Brown mare, 7 yrs. old. G.P.; bay mai'e, 8 yrs. old, G.P.: black mare, 12 yrs. old, G.P.; brown driver. m1Arnrn.1'rm 1'\.....1-.nw. l\!\Yf' R "an A13 HUD} Del` OI I1S. I `IM|P|IJEM.'ENTS-1F1`0St & Wood binder, neanly new, cut 3 crops: Massey-Harris mower, 5-ft. cut; Deerin-g rake. 10 ft.; spring-tooth cwltivatbr, nearly new: Frost &T Wood disc harrow; disc drl11,12]l.-2 t t.; S: '3. & M. _r t tor, - 22; seft`IamondqSsSrG;:oo"51ai$1g har- rows; steel land roller: grain grin- lder, Bissett; 6 h.p. Brantford gas engine and sawing machin com- bined; pix: box: Ford _truc'k, '76 ton; ,Ford sedan. 1922 model; Chatham ifanning-mm and bagger; Frost & Wood manure spreader; wagon `gear; set sloop sleigh-s; set light qleighsz democrat; top buggy, Mc- Laughllinz cutter; single plow, W11- kinson No.7: single plow. Wilkin- enn \Yn 14- 9-Fnr-v-nxv vfr1.'na' nlnw, 15 LIIC pl'Uy'1eLUl' IIZIS SUIU IIIS LHJCXII. f Terms of :SaIe-Fat hogs, fowl and all sums of $10 and under, cash: over that amount 8 months credit `will be given to parties furndshlng approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash. VV. A. Mdconkey, auc- _ tloneer. - one can; a. word. cash. each `inner-'. jtlon. (ngmhnum charge. 250): ll!` :.luurtlonsV.tor the price of tour.. 400 extra `when charged; also 100 `extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Ottlce. lIt`(ll.C'l'. I.`|.'d.u.`LG.llL ITLUIIIC, UUUIL 3LUV!'g Grand Jewel: balg truck; root pulp- er; set scales. 2000 lbs.: set brass- mounted breeczhing harness: 2 sets single harness; sugar kettle; Dan- iel's incubator`. 240-egg: a quantity of lumber; 20 grain bags; 9. quan- tity of hay; also forks. chains, dou- bletrees and many other articles. All VH1 kn uni.-I nrlfknnf nnnnnqou KLIISUH LVUJC $111518 IJLUW. VVAuuu- son .\ o."4: 2-furrow riding plow. F`m~1-nnr's Friend: single-furrow rid- : ing plow. Farmer's Friend; scufer; De Laval crea-m separator: churn: butter worker; Stewart power horse clipper; grass seed sower; coal heater. Radiant Home; cook stove, (`wank Tnuvnln Hana lnuunlra unno nun- IJICLI CUE dllu IIICIJIQ ULIICL aIVLlUlcn All will be sold without reserve as the propvietor has sold his farm. ` "Farm: n?.nh:._fF ar hnoa frnx and '"CE T9{.CRP`T9B `\74\rI`1`!"1Y 1 , FARIWSTOCK &_ ihIl~PLEl;nENTS 5991719 III`. A-an A "XLEXAN-DER COWVAIN, Ad'mlnvistratrix' Sol'1c1tor. 'b Barrie. Ontario. The undersigned has received instructions from AUCTION sAu:_ A u_\' pununau uuvuavn. nu - 3. FRIDAY, APRIL 20 VIVIAA n11nrI7{H!l SELLING RJEPR ESENTAT'IVE wanted to handle legitimate min- ing shzu~r.s; ful.l particulars on re- quest. If you are not sold on this` yourself, we do not ask you to, handle It. A. VV. Rycler & C0,, 7 .\Ic-' I"r)1I1 Q0 Tnnnnlfn 9 -1A_1Khf1 ctass aazry cows auu. nun sun. at 1 p.m. `W. A. Mcconkey. Innnnr 1`o15x| A.HUBBERT 't3'se1T3yT>J:Hic'AEEan7aT 4-- the fo11c->wing: _-_ V.--- win vnvunv aulllo w. A. McCONKEY, Aucaomg. uuuu LIKCIJ " 5U3 ight Dray Wagon Star Coach, 1925 Ford `Coach, 1925 Good Robes Good 'Cutter,_ Oil .-Barrel Single~P1ow Garden Plow Piano Boat and `Cover 0 orks, `Chains, Doubletees and several other articles. All will be sold without reserve. Terms of sale :--A1l sums of $10.00 and urider,_cash; over that amount 6 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approv- ed joint notes. 6% per annum oil for cash on credit sums. 2 Goo: Dray Wagons 1 Thuktu navy `IT.-.4-an... man tops that could out- wrestle Zbysko? An ESSEX coupe means dry hours in April showers. B IRYSON E: M CIDIRILIEY N979 5~.L.'5?"_..M yb lREMEM_BlvER' the one- `Ann /lr\un1r` IKII` Moron Magus SMALL COOK srovus wanted to` buy. made for burning wood only. Apply E. V. Wilson, Sharuty Buy, Out. 14-151) 1 BRYSON c}'MoRLEY i _ 9199_ Cars. USED CARS 51 but I wanna vv Inn. v 1927 STAR FOUR COUPE, looks and runs like new, fully guaranteed. 1927 STAR-FOUR C`0A'CH, can hardly be told from new, small mileage; guaranteed. 1927 __ MGLAUGHLIN-BUICK SEDAN, has been carefully handled and in new condi- tion throughout. ' 1927 OHEVROLET HALF. TON TRUCK, bought late in October, has only done small mileage and is just like new. 1926 FORD ROA'D'STER, light delivery, in good condi- tion. A 1925 STAR SEDAN, balloon tires, good general condition. 1925 STAR ROADSTER, new tires, top and paint, snappy little car at right pl.`lC8- ` 1925 FORD 1-TON TRUCK, .just overhauled. New bat- tery. 1923 STAR SEDAN, 4 brand new tires. new battery, looks and runs good. 1923 CHEVROLET SUP- ERIOR SEDAN 1923 McLAUGHLIN-BUICK TOURING, this car is in ex-. ceptionally good shape; small mileage. 2 McLAUGI-TLIN LIGHT SIX TOURINGS. 1921`FORD COUPE Your present car as part payment. Te}-ms arranged to suit purchaser. ` 43 Eilizaboth St.--Phone 278 HAROLD HILL HAROLD HILL 05:" the following: __ ..-...- u-A--ox tulsvvol Thursday, Apt-.l 12, 1I I.1\l Ul"1'J.V I |!Jl\v \V'Lll\vl\ new or repair, I can do Hill. 10011.1 carpenter, St. Phone 1073. PART OF HOUSE TO LE'1`--A1so rooms suitable for light housekeep- lug, also gar-den. Apply to 73 '1`!!- fm St., Allandale. _ 15;) : solal) BRICK. seven-roomed house to 13:, good summelri kitchen`. gar- d garage; a conven ences. 9$"x?3`n.qm St. Rent $25. Am)1_v| den and garage; an Uuuvtuuuuuvn. ` 74 William St. :Reqt $25. Applyul phone 500. 15-20: ` - ~-- - ----- ._ .'_ 1. ;-__ IN `SHAENTY BAY--I $|9.h+x.{ux1r:rr'ed brick house: :iiii$%i%&$w&&&; ADLET COLUMN E Lg$&$&x$g&g& GA'RA'G`E. modern. tn `rent. 28 Vic-` -toria St.. or phlone 689W. 15p ;uau1:u\:u.V'1:'uV 1J\J\J LIUDL} `HUI colored. answers to name of Sunny Boy." Finder please phone 585 or 626. 15b. POMERANIIAN DOG LOST. `tan nnlrnvnl nnnurnvvn tn nnvnn nf `nnnv ELDERLY VVOMAN wants work by the day. Apply Exrmnlner Office. 1.313 SUMMER AJC|COMMO DA'M'0`N - Anyone having summer cottages, houses or rooms to rent during the, tourist season" kindly notify H. H. Cresvwlcke, sec1'etzu'y -Barrie Board of Trade, . 13-`Mb: JV1U1IuI:1uL|. nu. 34:4 Building, Toronto. \VAN"IED-.--4Horse for milk route. nroun_d 1500 lbs. Must be quiet. Gray preferred. Apply to Barrie- Allamdale Dairy Co. 159' W'A`N`T-ED--`Cottage for two or three` months at Big Bay Point, beginning about June 1st. State terms. VVrlte" Box B", Examiner Office. 15b YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week In your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or so!- iciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenltt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion `DuiI/Hnnu 'I"nnnnfn 1\HI'fh LIVE POULTRY WANTED, high- est prices paid for fat hens. Leave orders at the Y.M.C.A., Allandaie. or write M. Alexander.` 12-171)` MAWD VVA..\'TED: Apply 168 Dlllp St. or phone 399. nub. u--:: GA`RAG*E T10 R'EN"I.` on Clapperton St. Apply at Kem'ns' Sto\re. 14tfb YOUNG GIRL WANTED to help` In hnmm'mm'~Lv Ahhlv t-n `IR Mulnnntnr CAPABIJE MAID VVANTED at once; Apply Mrs. Jeffrey MoCa:~fby.' 50 Charlotte St. Phone 395. 15b'I WANTED - A xsupe-rior girl 91`! downstairs work and plain nook- lng. good wages. Mrs. Hargreaves, 55 Feel St. 15)) :::: - \VA4\"T'ED--Mldd*le-aged woman for house work. three In family. State age and salary expected. Apply Box C", Examiner Office. 15-16p AGENTS WAN"I`ED~-~`Sn1e.smen for Simcoe County, new device for mo- tor cars, eliminating accidents, no opposition. great oppnrtunlty. Vvrite for particulars. The Lightning C0,, Oshawa. Ont. 15p I I'|J'U'VL'f_ VVl\V Lnu LU uulu isn housework. Apply to 78 Mulcaaltgg ti Pm ~1'woI_ya` FOR SALE OR TO LE1; LOST AND FOUND NEW GARAGE TO RENT. Apply to` 82 Cumberland St., Allandule. 151) WANT2 .V J. ""' 1"lUUlI5\?L|` Vespm and Ellen St.I . Fred. Haskett, phone, - 15p vv Ltvu L nu, 5 it. L. Frank 104 Sophia 1 En ~.; , in I 7~ronmed I mn...'. at I Ur: ' VlL"' ' 14-15bG U11 `UH 1Mttb Jilin: 1 5'1) CHINCI-I'IIJLA 'RAJB`B`F1"S--6 months ` Amm nna 1\....1.- Anal, ...nI...- ...a'.... nTnVV|O COL1JI'E DOGS lost in Barnia on Tuesday: one yellow color. long tail and answers to Co111e;" other. dzwker color, short ears and short] f"H nnvwprs to "Sport". Finder kindly notify John Key 01' Geo. Rug- man, Shanty Buy, phon-e 906r31. 1513` : FOR SAIJE---Registered Shorthorn, roan bull ca1f.Ta1so- ve =tons hay. Ernest Crawford, Orotstation. 18-'15*b \.Il~-lLbV\-v11'DJJJ-JJ\ l\I\JJ3`IJ`'-I-"" 0 IIIUIII-SIB ' does.and bucks. dark color, winning strains. moderately priced. A. F. A. _MuIcomson. -Barrie. 14-16b PJED DURHAM BULL for sane. 18 `months old. from imported dam: `also 'qu&nt`t,v`0f hay. Apply J. A. Boss, Oro.Stat`l0n. . 15-16p ,' 0'RO ICHIICK HtA"1`|C'I-EERY--Lay- 3' lug strain Barred Rocks, April $20 j_' per 100, May $18 per 100. .S. Ct White 1 Leghorns, April $18 per 100. May ,`$16 per 100. R. H. Brandon, Oro :| Station. 1-5b ` JERSEYS. pure bred`, registered stock. treshenlng In -this month and 1 some in April: Imported` stock. Ap- i ply M. R. Nash, Orovstation. 10-15:) ' ; TWO swn-owe DEMOCRATS .:orI gsale. Fred I-Iuse. Codrlngton and` 3 Nelson Sta. 15pi' PIGS FOR SA"LE--~8 young pigs. weight about 140 1bs~..~ also two mung sows -with ten pigs. W. M. Campbell, Shanty Buy. Out. 16 FOR SAIJE--Matched"team of colts rising one year old by Clarion: [black filly rising one year old by Addlno and bay horse rising nine years old. weight I500 1-bs. Bruce r`t\I lPOI'I Qhvnn 15:11- P'1`GS1'<`OIR `SA`LE--Pure bred York-` shire pigs of the best of breeding. different ages: some far- vow in fore part of May: also some A Leicester sheep. Apply R. F.C~ars~; cadden. Bradford. 15-171)` 3-`- JJIUD I. '\4J-'-l.'L`U"l\D LU!` B513, Llnllvkic strain, hatch of! every week. I also do custom hatching. electric incuba- tors used, no oil tumes. which means healthier chicks. Chas. A. Kelly, 18 McDonald St. Phone.11v84. 15p :-z- [- I TO LET-~6-roamed brick house, all c-Ionven i<`nc'eS. `Ff.`l1`S``. moderme rental. Phone 148'.3*W. 15p! ____..__._____..___.__..___1 _ I'll`?! uxu. VVULEHL Co_w~an.St1'oud. \ SBAJBY cracks for sale, O.A.C. nfrnln, hntnh nff nvnrvv mnnlz 1' Alan uniux LzIl.'1J\Jl\D`"`U.J'_L.'Lu. E|Ll'dHl nun`- red Rock chicks from high pvoduc~ _1ng bred-to-lay stock. Thesevchioks will make heavy winter layers. Cus- tom hatching. I will hatch every hnatchabie egg. Phone 256, Donald } Jamlwon. 15p. | !B-ROODER SIT-OVES. both 500- chlck an-d 1000-chick sizes, coal and on burning. The only satisfactory [way to wear ch-lcks. Have one 400- size incubator left; get it now and Wake off two hatches. `Harry Morren, 8 North `St.; phone `387J. 14-15b I~R`W'IN"S BLUE '1`-AX ! "SEHRVIJOE. ulocal and long d1sftance.'n1g`ht and day. 25 centiservlce. lfhone 198. 15t'tb ; W-AN"I"13JD--4G41rl to mind store. Box I "F", Examiner Office. 15b ' FOR\SALE CHEAP. Top` buggy. Apply 113 Maple Ave. or `phone 1499W. ' 15b FURS ALTERED and rebut:-ed. Over `Hurlburt'| Shoe Store. Miss IA` 'I'nAnhnII, . tfh_ ! FOR SmI4E~-I-Ieavy one-horse wag- on In good shape. E. Mclgaughlln, 4 West End. 15 `.151: FOR S&LE---Two glass show cases,` `sideboard. pair of scales; 240., lbs., counter, cook gtove. Apply 18 Eccles St. . 14-15p I SAFE, medium size, good as new; 5 two showcases, Auto Knitter, motor sewing machine, Aladdin lamp. set computing scafles. must be sold this week at Tuck's B'avrrle Fair. 15p ZUiZ-1- FVIVE-ROOMED HOUSE to rent at Cundles. with garage. Apply 94 Clapperton St.. or phone 778. 13-181)` T- I-IONIEY-~Pur'e honey; melted from season's cappings. darkened by heat but of good flavor. 60c for 10 lb. pail. o-r_ bring your own containers and have them filled at 50 per lb. Fred E.\_Sm1th. 11th con..' Inuisfll, 14 mile east of Provincial High- way. 15-16p 4 I ' A CHANCE TO SAVE money. Why pay two prices for. fruit trees? Ap- ples 750 except `McIntosh Reds. $1: pears $-1; cherries $1; plums. 750; curr-ants. 2 for 2'5c; grapes. 250. Or- ders taken now for vegetable plants and flowers. .'E. V. Babcock. `Cook and lcodrlngton Sta. Telephone _865J. . M 13-189 1 BABY CI-I`IJC`KS---IO.A.`C. strain Bam- nn Dnnb nhlnlrn Fnnin I-ulnnk nun.-Inn, I` I'IvUI'|U|ll'| U VB M. MoArthur. N-0"i`rC'E-1Id'eai spot to hold your family re-union. picnic or outing at Tent `City. which youoaln have for the asking. Hot or cold wwter. din- ing pavilion, dishes. cutlery. tables and chairs. etc.: Mao dancing pavi- lion for your old-time dance any nigiht than Saturday up to July first. Apply L.` D.Z.-Tacks. 15-18b BARN FOR SALE, size 35x80, sit- guated on lot 22, con. 4. Vespra. 1%, miles from Barrie. For particulars -apply W. C. How, Barrie. Phone 798, ; . 15-A161) O.\`lE EIJECTRJIC RANGE, one 01-! ectrlc` water heater, one Quebec coal range. Phone 1008J. 58 Maple! Ave. _ 15p 'S"I`0V!E FOIR `!SAIJ'E)` Isvteelv range with warming closet, and reservoir. in first class condition. Apply 50 Penetang St. 151) I dsomum '1!RA.C'l.`0IR and 3-!ui- row plovw for sale. Apply at Exam- lner :Otlce. . 11-16p FOR SA_:LE-At Irwin's l'lvery. one` good stron'g.wagon. 825; good strong wagon gearing $10. V . ltfbl : 'UCIlUr y6H.l"S Wut W0(`l8l'I.'lM 1_SMAIJL BLA'C*I{ TERRIER DOG they are. Satisfactioz; to the pur- st1*a,vc=d onto Sprlngdale Farm, lochaser. Harry Morrven, 8 North St.,' 4,1, mm. 13. Inniafil. J. W. Murp*!1,v.Ba!'rie. Phone 387.1. . 14-15b Allundaie RR. Phmm mung 1-Kn: A oma: PREMIER SfEPA.'R'A'1`OR tor. sale, just used itour years, cheap. Apply 140 Blake st. V 15b om: SET HEAVY `BEAM H.\.R-? NES'S. new. will sell less than cost. Apply 196 Elizabeth St. . 151)` FOR SA`LE-1 top Ibuggy and single! harness: 1 cream separator. Apply to Chas. -Bowdrey, Barrie. 0nt., R.-12.1 3. 14-15;) I LIVE STOCK FOR SALE imscuunnous T3??? CHICK ulna Cfb ` IELIUU` 15'b : HOUSE T0 house, corner App`.,v -to Mrs. 4J59F.

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