IVCLUIIU VVGLUI. uuu 4.445 to Mfgrs. . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer's Bond . . . . . Collector's Bond . . . . . Indemnity Bond . . . . . . Mayor's Honorarium .. Mayor's Telephone . . . Contingencies . . . . . . . . THE IARRIE EXAMINER JCIDL L UUUIHH Iv IJLALQVI. LUIL ll. VVUUIH LEGAL] (LII I>l.Itl\pLlI.\4 l\lL ll.I\l\lI help me. But whenllearned how it had beneted "I was advised to take Fleischmann`s Yeast. several people I knew, I came to the conclusion After eating three cakes a day for nearly a month, that there was hope for me. I began drinking it I found my condition had certainly improved. in hot water before each meal and noticed that] Now I would not pass a day without it. I ap- ` felt better. After two months I was rid of con- preciatc what F1eischmann's Yeast has done in Odpltion. My headaches had become less frequent and it is a long helping me regain my health and vigor, and so wish to recom- dlncnow since I have had one." mend it for anyone in run down condition or with indigestion." EVA Blssomurrrn, Montreal, P. Q. Wluuu Maczn, Montreal, P. Q. FLEIS CH MANN S ymjfmnod fo`r1z2azz/2 .-0 the foods youmi 0 [1/5 ,..... -_---._. Our hurrying` habits of living make it dii- cult now-a.-days to get full benet from food. We cit soft, bcrless food where palate-ticklin g avors replace the stimulating nutritive stuff of nature. n`---A-- -.._4.4.-4A.4ng cu-.L z l`3VY\ VER have "that tired feeling? Heavy? List- less? Food uninteresting? Not getting any enjoyment and very little real nourishment from your meals?" I\-_.. 1___._.__:.._ 1._.1.:-.. -1 1:--:..... .....I.- :. Am: .: --wv ---V -----_-._..--__o _- _.. Chronic constipation-with its dismal com- panions, indigestion, skin disorders, and run- down condition is almost inevitably the result. Often it is the cause of "that tired feeling". ' 11 I 1- `yous-n 0' any ya--- w---vv __ One single food added to your normal diet helps to correct this condition. F1eischmann`s Yeast is a healthful vegetable food in concen- trated form, millions of the tiny yeast plants being contained in each dainty cake. ,1__- J4_ J: ________________ _ ___,1 For years I had been troubled with sick head- aches for which constipation was undoubtedly responsible. When I first heard of Fleischxnann's Yeast I couldn't believe that it would really __ when I learned "-`- was that I ' the now 12-. . 12...-.- llnn.--.I `D f\ ywoo-O wva-cow----v- --- -~---- V.___-I Yeast stimulates the digestive processes, and lids your system to get the elements of real value in other foods. It conditions and cleans the in- olving the Street - Dirt Problem 8 $184,457.74 ` $238,512.49 48430.26 20154.53 3164.83 43001.58 29304.02 $1916.35 10135.20 40.00 20.00 I 463.99 . 300.00 40.00 3 917.07 Oro Council met at the Town Hll, E April 3, with all the members pre- sent. Reeve Luck in the chair. vvv- _ ,-|,,__,_ __,____. ovals: onyx vv .-~..-\... ... ...-- ---.___. I Jas. R. and Alex. VVoodrow were present and requested a grant to re- pair a piece of road on div. No. 32. Communications were read and dis-| posed of from Ontario Trustees and R-.1tepa,\'ers Association. C. H. Ful- lerton. J. '1`. Simpson. Canada Ingot! Iron C0,. Salvation Army. Depart- ment of Immigration and Coloniza-` tion. Soldiers Settlement Board and! Irwin .\Ic.\I-ahon. The communica-` tion from Geo. A. .\IcLean re-gardin5.': proposed 100th annivers:1r_\' of 0r-` "Lilia district was left over. C. Xvhittaker came -before the council regarding purchase of steel_ culverts. ; .\ .4... ....w. ,::..:,u:,. ........+ n? 17 v 1 CUIVCFLS. A plan sub-dividing part of E. V. \V'ils0n`s.p1`opert_\' at Shanty Bay was left with the Reeve to investi- gate further. (nu-nn1~1inte `hrxr`l' haon rnnn na fn 3lUII.I Cl-UC1 I'll _(:'nu'ted PRESTON. ONT. Successor to Msetnl Shingle and. idmz Co. Ltd. sub`: Lurulcx. _ 1 Complaints had been made as to: trees being out on townline, con. 12.i This was left in the hands of Coun., `Home to investigate. _\ I-\\v_]-3117 Inna n-manor` ov\1\n{\-oinrr ITLULIIC LU lll\'UBLl5s 1LCo A by-law was passed appointin:.r`_ overseers of high\\'.'1_\`s, pound keep-I ers and fence viewers. I '1'\n 1--1nn.no nnnxnnta "I-\nFnv-41 {ha V175 ' I-C`llL'\.` \1C`\\ EX 5. I The \'-armus .'1(-cunts before the council were ordered paid and coun- cil adjourned to meet agztin on .\in_\' 1st at 1 pm. \X' `R 'I`Y'1WL`ll`\DI` t`1n-I: Service will be held in Si. Ps`t0:".<` Church. .\linosin_:. on Sundty. .-\p2'i1l 15, at 11 a.m.; in St.vJohn`.< Church, Craig'hux`st, at 3. p.m.: in St. James` Church, Crown Hill, at 7.30 p.n1. {You RE. NOT so DUMB To suffer from Sore "I`ln'0at. Brun- chitis, Cough. Bronchial Asthma, Catarrh. Heul `Colds. Adenoids and Tonsil troubles. when GOOD results are gu-a1*ante<=d by using: .\I1`s. Syll- illa Spah1"s Tonsilitis. 'T`~:y it. Cross- land's Drug Stone. ' 15-16b VESPRA ANGLICAN SERVICE fr 9/ca/`i/71,}! [1/[/2g/ ORO` COUNCIL [I l\'\'. B. TUDHOPE. C1.-:`l< _ LOVlUOY SHOCK AIIORIERS A Crown Life Policy will guarantee independence for your dependents when they can no longer depend on you You can meet this _ve:1r s conditions with an easy mind by taking a Complete Protection Policy on Your Automobile LOWEST RATES AND SAFEST COMPANIES CALL OR PHONE i1vl3I;A COMPANY A. F. A. MALCOMSON 4} testinal tract, promotes regular elimination, helping to clear up constipation, and keeps the intestinal muscles functioning in the regular manner that means glowing vigorous health. r` I` - `I 1\ U Give it a fair,tria1--say ninety days. Remem- ber you expect it to condition the intestinal muscles, the muscles of the arm cannot be con- ditioned with only a few days exercise. . (V ` I I' T! I 9 , , J I T Start eating three ca.l.:es of Fle1schmann's Yeast every day, before or between meals, and you will notice how much better you feel, how clear your complexion has become, how much greater your enjoyment of life. P'l"41I 11 1' I` U Tell your grclcer to add your name to his list for regular delivery; three cakes for each member of your family. I` ll`I'\ "I have been doing office work for the past ve years. During this time my system became run down, probably from the need of exercise. I lost ` all appetite for food. ." Invnn rII'11:1-Qt` Of\ ONIIQ 1:`-:1-I-Lufnnf\fI'9 vff -roof this Yearwith RIB~ROLL A very interesting booklet on "Regaining Health" will be sent to you, gladly. Write to The Fleischmann Co., Dept. 168D, 1449 St. Alexander Street, Montreal, Que. RS --% MORE TOURlSTS MORE ACCIDENTS J. H. NIXON, Barrie, Ontario a).-1. Pagle Eleven Phone 447W ll Dunlop St. F. J. GRACEY E all-important details that cdntribute to much to motor-car luxury . . . . . . touches of renement, beauty and dis- tinCtiOn o 0 0 ' -- E I Pontiac Six. H" V From the smooth, powerful Pontiac Six engine to the rich, exquisite nishing of the Pontiac- Fisher bodies, you will discover in the New Series Pontiac Six, more direct evidences of superl;o__ quality than you ever dreamed possible at Pon- tinc s amazingly low prices. ` Prove to yourself the luxury of this low-priced, quality six. ,_,,,_,,_c As}: your deder about the G.M..4.C. De/erred Payment Plan which makes buying easy. 7 "';$;';3a.:"',::n;:;a's9 ' ` of `EHOMAS EC CTRIC OIL I-IA I1 HAO IIEN GOLD ORN YFIITY ll ~== -%:.L%;=s.*;z:*e,:.?r=::z`.s.%.`.?.s:.;=='=%"` . }o will nd them in the New Series nth I'|t\`l `I ard" galvanized 2 ofroof for free ato: :61 Prod \ rtcd `JUVENILE CRIME IS ASCRIBED 'l'0 1 warms NEG-LECT `Thirty Midland Boys In Series of Thefts; Two [ i Men_ Convicted- I Lack of parental control is blamed by `authorities for the criminal activities of a number of boys whichied them into a series of thefts `in Midland and abruptly ended with the round-up of thirty juveniles ranging from nine to seventeen years. r~..:..... nmnm-nn+1v ant out Of Crime apparently got out hand during the weeks the young- sters operated and the `best efforts of the police were baffled by the youth of ` the offenders. YJ..A. LL- I\`m:IIl\`\ Rnnnv `nnafed yout 01 rue Uucuucaau But the officers nally located one lad who had helped himself to a bag of flour from a railway car. hiding it beneath a freight she . The boy admitted his guilt and` helped the police to gather in others. I'm... kmm /HA nn+ nnmmha as an others. The boys did not operate as an organized gang, but carried on in small squads, entering stores, stealing` tobacco, cigars, oranges and candies. An occasional till was tapped for a small sum and summer cottages were looted. One delinquent. braver or more daring than the rest, stripped a police o'f- ficer's car. Bags of grain were knocked oi? "roan farmers sleighs, picked up later and sold to a junk dealer and the proprietor of a small store in. the east side of the town. The two men were convicted ,\'esterda_v, Abrallaiii Alper being: fined $100 and 14 davs in the County Jail and Theo Beanchamp eetting seven drays in the local lockup and :1 fine of $34. The boys are under remaml for sentence un- L!` r.\..:,).... A....:1 1Q Eastern Steel Prod: [muted Hut; 5 \, ron1 fa an: pro] east 7!... HT6 HYlUt'I' I'CUln'l!lu l\I til Friday. April 13. Ernest Corbeau s family. Pene- tang. had a narrow escape recently when their house was set on fire from an overheated furnace pipe. They were awakened by the crack- ing of wood and discovered that the house was on re, and that their exit by the stair way was cut off and their only way of es- cape was thi-ou_a'h one of the win- dows. Sheets were tied` together and the chiidren let down to safe- ty before Mr. and Mrs. Corbeau ,let themselves out. 74 Elizabeth St. Phone 919, BARRJE (Penetang Herald) x1 activities 1-2-1. 1...! L1nnI\`\ {rain I: caries FOUR- 11111} CHANGE IN EXPENDrl`URl:`S -1--j Ih the ordinary expenditures` under the control of the Town Council there is not much change from 1927, though the gene 9.1 rate is down $2,957. Aside fro the money raised by the tax rate of 47 mills the estimated receipts are as follows: '~-4LA-3 "5-A.-J-.Ln How Taxes Will Be Used In Barrie During the Current.Year. x i Dogs` Percentages Po1lTax . . . . . . Fines and Fees . . . Licenses Sewer Rates . . . . . . . . .. Pavement Rates . . . . . . . Waterworks, (Deb.) . . . . Electric Light, (Deb.) .. Debentures held by Town Town Team earnings . . County for County Roads Surplus from 1927 . . . . . O---h_ n I 1 I u I u a I 0 a n Q a u o `..'1 Dirt tracked in off the street doesn't matter so much .. .. . when you have hardwood floors! Expendi~tu1'e:WUw' Board of Health Salary M. O. H. . . . . . ..$ 500.00 Salary Sanitary Inspector 1200.00 Tel. Sanitary Inspector . 30.00 Supplies and quarantine 470.00 Indigent Supplies . V Fuel . . . ` Hospitals . Fire Hall and Council Vcifaifei Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . -$660.00 Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250.00 Caretaker . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . 480.00 Electric Light . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 Water Rates . . . . . . . . . .. 40.00 Telephones . . . . . . . . . . .. 125.00 Repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100.00 Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 Fire Fighting Equipmerwmt: v Supplies . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .$300.00 Fire Truck Maintenance . 200.00 Fire Alarm System . . . . . . 350.00 IPQUUUIVVI I Police Department -Salary Police Magistrate $1200.00 Salary Chief Stewart .. . 1800.00 Salary `Constable Case . . 1200.00 Salary Constable Rayner 1200.00 Extra Constables . . . . . . 300.00 Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00 Telephones . . . . . . . . . . . 125.002 Contingencies . . . . . . . 275.00 Fire B1'5.g*ade Salary Fire Chief . . . . Telephone Fire Chief Insurance on Men . . . Attending Fires . . . . . Contingencies . . . . . . . L U VV ll .1. ccuu Feed Shoeing, harness, etc. R. J. Lee Salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . Help during` holidays DL1`Ut:h ulguuug, 449 ordinary street lights at $8.00 . . . . . . . . . . . .5 23 standard street lights, 300 watts at $22.00 .. 41 standard street lights, 200 watts at $18.00 .. 15 standard street lights, Inn .....4.c.. ..L :31: nn .10 auauucuu auccu uguua, 100 watts at $15.00 .. Post Office Gore lighting: It can be cleaned up in a jiffy, and everything made spic and span with practically no effort. And hardwood oors are so Inexpensive! -7 VUQULIVV Hydrant Rental 87 hydrants at $35.00 ..$3045.00 25 hydrants at $30.00 .. 750.00 Tannery -Fire Protection 23.40 Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Insurance . . . . . . . . . Inspection of scales Water rates . . . . . . . . Electric Light . . . . . . Market Clerk . . . . . . Repairs . ; . . . . . . . . . W Printing, Advertising, 1 Voters List . . . . . . . . . . . Financial Statement . . . Auditors Report . . . . .. Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . Advertising, Receptions Public Works Levy . . . . . . . . . . County Roads . .. Salaries Clerk and Treasurer . . . C1erk s Assistant . . . . . Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . Auditors . .- . . . . . . . . . . Assessor and Collector . Extra -help in office . .. Lulu Uu J-UIIIIJULCILJ nun}: lpauvvovv Special Grants Sick Children's Hospital $ 10.00 Agricultural Society . . . . 500.00 Barrie Band . . . . . . ., 1000.00 V. O. N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 `Royal Victoria Hospital 350.00 Horticultural Society . 100.00 `Poultry Association . . . . 100.00 Women's Rest `Room .. . 100.00 V. U. LV. . . . Elections . . . . . . . . . . Interest Int. on Temporary loans $2000.00 Gaga: a1 avail`: $2660.00 Law Costs . . . . . . . . . . .$300.00 Discount on prepaid taxes $600.00 Uncollectable taxes . 500.00 Town Team .__I Bull Planing Mill Co. Ltd. nAnl:lI! Street Lighting` 4 O nu1':\nn-nvv rs`-man`- M`arket LVIIU vv 9 9 Estimated Reciptf $238,512.49 _$34,0S6.93_ JL3 .-$ 700.00 2000.00 400.00. . 2500.00 2200.00 . 3973.20 2945.99 7392.03 ls 3034.24 1541.47 300.00 4000.00 3100.00 $1300.00 ` .$10000.00 3000.00 $13000.00 b nnnni-:n!1 $1955.00 .$ 300.00 . 930.00 200.00 350.00 120.00 g qu.ouuu.uu . Reception . . $500.00 20.00 70.00 '3: 125.00 .. 125.00 .. 150.00 . 110.00 ". 100.00 $6400.00 $1150.00 .$1000.00 150.00 .$3502.00 ' 506.00 $5261.00 the Permanent Roong for Barns, Houses, Sheds LOW in initial cost. . . comes in big sheets.-easy and quick to lay. .. permanent ... leak-proof. .. handsome in a pearance. Pre- vents res . . . ncreasea value of property. Made of famous Council Standard" galvanized sheets. Give size to: $3818.40 $1100.00 $1200.00. $850.00 .$2700.00 720.00 24.00 200.00 I 1300.00 150.00 $5094.00 . . $300.00 $450.00 $1100.00 .$300.00 . 150.00 PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA. LIMITED . .$15o.00' . 206.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 C 500.00 . 204.00 738.00 225.00 200.00 SUNNIDALE COUNCILLORS Tothe Editor of The Examiner. ...,.. an--_.1n a recent issue of TO the Ealtor 01 `rue 1:.x'cu1uug:r. Dear S1r:--In a recent issue your valuable paper appeared a. let- ter from one sunnldale Ratepayex-", ...n.....=sn 11:: makes incorrect refer- from one "uunmuuxe I$'tlLt'pil,\Ul , wherein he makes incorrect ences to the qualification of Sunni- dale township council. etc. For the benefit of those who have read Ratepayer's" letters a.11ow`me to state that the members of the Municipal Council of Sunnidale Township for the year 1928. sub- scribed to their respective declar- ations otqualirication and of office in nv-nnnr Hunt: and form as nrovid- Levies ~ 3 ` County of Simcoe ....$35045.24 Parks Commission . . . . 2190.33 Public Library . . . . . . . 3166.95 Public `School, (Exclu- _:-.- .3 ?I'\..\.. \ AQAQD 0Rx ations OI_quaunca.uun uuu u; uLLu;:: in proper time and form as provid- ed for in R.S.0-. 1927. T. F. B. FUUIIU DUHUUJ, \A.4A\.Au' sive of I)eb.) . . . . .. Collegiate Inst. (Exclu- sive of Deb.) . . . . . . . Separate School ...... Debentures . . . . . . . . . . Coupons . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous W Refund Water and Light` A. _ ll.......