Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1928, p. 8

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Pia. luahg @----u--------` | Last WBEGK. : Miss Margaret Stribbell is via- | mug. in Toronto. \/In I-Ina-has nf nrv-in man` an? u.u1g.u1 `J. UFUHLU . Mr, Hughes or Barrie was not able to get to Angus on Sundey to take charge of the service in the United church on account of the bad roads. There was a. song service instead of the `regular service. IN CALIZFORNIA SUNSHINE Mrs. T. M. Stewart of San Diego. Calif., writes under date of March 17 as follows:-- u1 ....c. .....,mIuz.A nnvv nonnn and am as I0llUWS:-- Just received my. paper and am always pleased to see it as It is a. letter from home. I notice you are havingreal winter back there. Here we can't keep cool; it is too hot to wear a coat. Lots of flowers and fruit and plenty of sunshine. As I notice C. Lawrence says, we could go in bathing every day if we want- ed to. We are a little more than a hundred miles south of Santa Mon- ica butt I lived in Los Angeles quite awhile and often visited the city, it being only about twenty miles from there. I am glad to be away from your cold wlnter.. ETCTTHTJHE Tvrsrlu 7.... nn. 1n..l-....:.. A.-.A -unlalal Am-2., nv9,.,I-_ __ The Easter Bonnet needs no further desription. It t al- ways stirs the spirit of_ the new season with its bright col- ors and gay trim- mings. OUR HATS are designed to look smart, made to stay smart and are not factory"-made. Laster HATS ----------------:j The state of Minnesota. has paid about a million and a quarter dol- Java in wolf Ibounttes in the last 50 years. Radio and airmanes are employed by the government of Australia rtor furnishing medical treatment to per- ` sons in remote sections. Ilnnvn an nhvnlnlann racommend `\ursd.ay, March 23, F. --~ Phone today for a demonstra- tion appointment. In remote secuoua. German physicians recommend the inhalation of oxygen for three of tour minutes as a preventive or nnn alnhnoaa Ul LULH` luau` seasickness. M0'l`0l2 B .'P`. BRYSON 6;"/MORLEY? IVVQ f 11 : bn co: 58! 4 l""} & Fapg: of ;'.;;'A.;.a'u`;a. COURSES----Clerical, `Secretarial, Conmircial, Shorthand, Typwri_t- ing, Banking. . ' ' T ' % SPECIAL `COURSES for Normal and Highjschbo1graauates.a PO-SITION-S await those properl qualied. 60 graduates and under`- ; _,_.I--..L..- nnllllillt` IIAAI` 'v\A{'h\V'I'I l`IIV|`!\(l vw vtvvv _..___ ____V____ r`U'l1'1\I$V`D OVVVIQIII vnnvuv rcvrvung 1:--v-vu- graduates secured good'position`s d;x;ing' .1927.-A-'i'_3V_.w` THE ONLY SCHOOL nuorth of Toronto`that is a member of theTBusi- nets Educators Association of `Canada.: ` E:"W.. Write for _rates 61' ph'o'ne. 445 [$5 `U11 ((50% Uoailvuuc vv--T-I :"f `[9 W114 77w'r azagtc-`r.s' 042) J 4 `Zn uihnabl H112`)! Peop!9_ (_:_9_-0per_ati`veStore U U`\f\lVQL4l1lItIJ \J\J\aoos, u-v--- ..--.. ,,,,d > . . . . . . . 65 livered with an order . . . . . . . . . . . . . HONEY (Im erial pint jars) Amber grade . . . .' 30 jar PURITY OA 8 (wrth china), per pkg. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 CRISCO, 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 per tin FLOUR (White Flake) . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 lb. sack 28 CA I'SUP--lt s extra quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 GILLEX, cash and car? . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . 14 PORK and BEANS (Li by s with tomato sauce) 2 for 21 ORANGES (Blue Goose Brand) 2 . . . . . . at special prices SOAP, Comfort . . . . . . . . . ..` . . . . . . . . . 4 but 17 SOLOENE (shredded soag) . . . . . . . . . . 10 per. pkg. GE%RGIAN BAY TOMA OES . . . . . ; . . . . . 2 for 27 HA ES LEMON OIL, large bottle. . . . . . . . . . . . O . . . 23 usa vouli PHONE Phone 185 x 10 LBS. LIGHT BROWN SUGAR . . . . . 63 10 LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR, cash and carry or de-` 1113*`! an nfdf , , , . _ . . . . . . . . - I 75566 9! Iivwow '2: 51 aw azaafaftm nawion onvfew ---" QUALITY smvlca -- WEEK--END SPEClA_LS I-`OR mom AND sxmniir, MARCH 30-31 -HiLt.s_.pALt-: B IROYSON 65 M (U)lR '_"`.9_T_* 7;. IVIIKIIXIT C Mar. 27- -Miss Grace Gill 1: spend-' mg a month with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carson _v1a- lted friends in `Barrie last week. I\Twu '1` Sznnnnn, Mrs. IF. Orger. lted rrrenas In uuuI'_1'1e man. Wucus. |.\Irs. T. Spence. Mrs. Orser, Jas. Spence and John Spence at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Reuse the farmer's sister, in Orillia on Monday. V | \/Tn: 1i`.1uin `F-Tandv returned to A1- Mgggqylsie Handy returned to A1-' landale after spending` 8. Week at` |Jas. lV[cCracken's. ` nun: nnvn `\/fn(`_wnr-fln=.n and Mrs.~ Jas. .V1CUI`&CK8Il'S. ` Miss Olive Mccraciken and Mrs.; Jessie Wea ymark returned to their, hnmes in Peterboro and Hm /elock.: Miss Lillian Handy accompanied. them. nmana 1-n nm.hm1 rnadg and storms Owing to thebad roads and storms the mail couriers have not been able to get over the whole route for a _few' Anna There was no Sunday School nor` service in the United church last `Sunday owing: to the storm and the roads being so bad. 4 | `In `l'\nu-:1 mi T.nnrrFrn~r1 `.\/Hi FIT`- D I I I LU ECU days. tne roaus 061115` so uuu. Mr. Duvai of Longford Mills ar- rived here this week and intends to do some trapping. etc. He is staying with Fred. -Chew at present. Alhnvf \V:1Hwln of Barrie snent w v, ' on Wednesday evening. Mar, 21, at -the home of the bride's pau~enta. Midhurst. :1 quiet but pretty Wed-' ding was esolemnized when Anna. `May Edith. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Storey, became the bride of Mr. Francis Harold Orser, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. .`Orser', Barrie. Rev. A. M Pope of- ficiated. ' - 7l11-.n `In-1.-`In euxhznunrl fkn nnnn-\ On #11:: staymg wuu nruu. -pucvv cu. paces-. Albert W':111w1n of Barrie spent the week-end at his home. I who `D Qnhnnmnn hnq mnhwnn me WeeK-euu en mar uuuw. Mrs. R. Schandlen has returned after spending a week in `Toronto. `-Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Orser who were married last week and have taken up their resi- dence in Minesfng. Dnnn1v Awuwnnbnnm ha 9 'l`Af'IH`hl~id I aence In tmulezsuu-'.. 1 Percy `Frankoom has returned home after spending \some holidays in Aurora. A I ' .\:I'ann1nu unnrn I-n ho fhn nvnv `nf in Aurora. - _ I Measles seem to be the order of the day.` ` { -My nn Mm, XV, L. Russel] smant \-'J0\\-H Interesting Debate `The C.G'.I."1`. and the ITrail Rfillf-1" "ers held a social evening in the hall. last Friday night. `The main feature of the program was a debate "Re-3 solved that the uC.G.~I."1`. is of more benefit to a community than the C.I S.E.'l`." `The affirmative was 1111-! held by Gladys Walt and Isabel Russell: the negative by Alex. Bell and Lynn Russell. `There was an un-I animous verdict top the affirmative. The main speakers hr the evening were Rev. Mr. Pope. Mr. VVa'1ker of -Br=.rrie and Mr. `Lane. After a very lengthy program lunch was served . by f`The Cobweb rchasers" and The Livewires." . ,. | Umueu. ' The bride entered the room to the strains. of the Bridal Chorus from `Lohengrin. played by Mrs. J. (3.1 Webster. sister of the groom. `She was given inmarriage by her father` and was eliarmingly wgawned in white silk flat crepe. Her bridal veil. was arranzmd in cap effect with a` wreath of orange,blossoms. A rape. of pearls was her only ornament. She carried Butterfly roses. Miss` `Isabel. Storey was her sister's bridesmaid and was prettily attired: in poudre blue duehess satin. Her` Ibouquet was tulips and sweet peas. `The groom was attended by his `bro-I ther. William Orser. The sroom s gift to his bride was a cheque; to` the bridesmaid. a string" of pearls; to groomsmau. gold cuff links.` Ai O.n\1 fhn nnmnn-unnv M1` nn MFR. 1 U16 uuy. i `Mr. and Mrs. `W. L. Russell spent the week-end with the latter`s bro- ther. R. Lynn of Icollingwood. .TUl'l=u .(1r~'am: (`HM in uiaingr in 'l`m~- U161`. 11. {.,\'m1 UL IL;U1Uus\vuuu. Miss -Grace Gil`! is visiting in Tor- onto. I ., nv__,, 3_I__L_ [U ;.;`l`UUlIl`llU1Ul. HUM! uuu M11383. ' After the ceremony. Mr. and.Mrs. Storey entertained the guests to a delightful wedding supper. During the e\'enin-g telephone messages-'_of. congratulation were received from uncles and aunts of the groom in. Owen Sound. M1`. and Mrs. Orson will reside at Mineslm-r. 9 Most `of the wm'1d`s gold" comes from Snuth Africa. about. five-3 eighths of it oomim-`.` from the Jo-7 h:\.n11esh1l1'g` clistvlct alone. 5 we DELIVER : 139 Dunlap St. w. _A. TURNER. Prorietor. 7s3.!!?!z9R->T Orser-Storey I.....~,I.~.. A\IDAIA`Irll\< `auu ban 1_y us una- de 30) ..3BO 69cpertin .7lb.uck28c ..21c C.I_. I 110118 8813301181180 0) iilllf. 11163011. . Mr. Ineson, in voicing his appre- ciation ror this kindly expression of . esteem on the part of the dairymen . with whom he had been so closely - associatedngave his unqualified ap- proval of the Barrie Milk Producers , Association. as a business-like and - effective means or both adjusting difficulties between distributor and 1 producer and improving the quality [and continuity of the milk supply. - He Wished for the association, on `I fxnums sHow_c_o_on wn.1. ing at his home nere. G. Hiltz. who is on the sick list, is not improving in health. Ed. Calhoun, Jr.. is spending this week with Toronto friends. - Miss M. Kent has returned to her home in Eady after spending some time with Mrs. R. A. Kent. John Rowat is slowly recovering after having a slight stroke last Appreciation of Norman E. ` lneson Indicated by V Presentation. The Milk.'P>x-oducers supplying the it `Barrie-Allandaie Dairy. held a sur- V prise gm-ty for Mr. and Mrs. `Nor- man . Ineson of the Barrie--Allvam dale Dairy on Tuesday evening. March 27. Mr. Ineson is severing his connectioniwith this dairy and the producers who have in the past five yearshad such agreeable rela- tions with him did not wish the opportunity to pass without some mark of appreciation. 1.. nnlfn nf the bad weather and mark or appreciation. e In spite or the bad weather and almost impassable roads a goodly number were gathered to extend this honor. Mr. and Mrs. Ineson were presented with a mantle clock and Mrs. Ineson with a. biscuit jar." along with an address from the producers. Mr..Ne1ies. in reading the address. stressed the hearty sup- port given by the Barrie-Allandale Dairy to the Milk Producers Asso- ciation and that it was largely due to his co-`operation that so much progress had mean made during the l past two years. 1111.11- .;-._..-..-I.... ..-.--as In 1;-ushna puny an \-I .7 Vvvn av Mr. Ineson from the business he `hoped that the dairyrnen and the `new manager. .uMr. Hodges, would continue the very pleas-gnt associa- tions established by Mr. Ineson. `Ufr Tnnunn in vninihg his nnnv-A. Whiie expressing regret in losing H eintzman~C 0. Ti-ll `IARRIE Exauvuuan behalf 0`! Mrs. Ineson as `well as hlmaelt, the continuance and ex- aanalon of the eucessful organiza- !I_ . ' ' HZ!-Illl` tlon. Mar. 27--Russe1l Arksey is visit-I home here. r: I-THrz_ who is 1ist,| non. > Mr. Hodges, the new manager; who has been associated with both the milk producing and distributing business for a number of years also. had great faith in the value of or- ganization as applied to dairying and gave assurance that he would co-operate in every `way possible. nu_- -._.|-...-.I.1- A.-Alma nan nan- V`Vl0vuInuw u.. `.-.a .. U r . _ _ V _ _ V. The enjoyable evening was con- tinued with music and song. Mr. Nelles gave a. rather uncanny ex- hllbition witha, pack of cards. The serving -of refreshments concluded the evening. nu.- A .1:__-.}.. van`: 1: v vs.--cu. The Address Dear Sir:--The members of the Barrie Milk Producers Association who have in the past enjoyed your co-operation, learn with deep-regret of your Intended withdrawal from business which means the severing of these happy business relations.- fn Malta this nnnnrtnnifv tn urn- ` 01 UIUBV nappy uuaulcaa x'uux.'uuua. ___VVe take this opportunity to pre- sent-to you this token as some small evidence that. your co-operation and good fellowship. which has helped us over so many difficulties in. the pat. was "greatly appreciated. ' - WA win'h van and Mrs. Tnpsnn put. WEB EFUGLLJ u.ppx`uuuu.uu. We wish you and Mrs. Ineson every happiness -and success in whatever venture you may under- take and we trust you will both avail yourselves of every opportunity to renew acqualntanceshlps. 111......` ._ I.-I__In -4! .A.I._ _..-.1._-____ LUI7 HEP LWU lllUHl-1lSu `Taking a. deep yawn, J. W. Mc- Farland. 82 years old. of Horse Cave, Ky., dislocated both Jawbones which caused his death. I 1\n 1'.IIn"1\v\ 'TJ nnvn AP 'Du|C@n1n !Iv`u\t\ a `now u --an`----.- v-.._v..---:.-. Signed on behalf of the producers of milk and cream for the Barrie- Allandale Da.iry. D. H. Maw, J. F. Nelles W. .1 . Crawford Thos._ Wilson Mme. Henriette d Appel1ier, weal- thy widow of Amlens, France, mar- ried a. chauffeur who had worked ran her two `months. t"l`a`;'1nnI 45 Anna vvnuvn T PITT III :- ' URIUHUU H13 uuauz. Dr. Lucien Howe of Buffalo, who has successfully transferred eyes from one animal to another, believes that this may eventually Ibe done with humans. 1 week. , The congregation of the United church held meeting and supper in the basement of the church, Friday night. -~ ...I_. ..u,...AAA Ohm avnnhanr H eintzman 'v- C 0.` . G. K EENAN announce the appointment HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS have been made and sold for over seventy years. During this time the excellence of their workmanship and the oustanding quality of their tone and touch have caused the Heintzman Piano to be known and admired throughout the musical world. MR. KEENAN, in acquiring the Heintznian franchise for Barrie, is able to oerimusic lovers the very finest piano it is possible to make. When desiring a piano, be sure to visit Mr. Keenan-or write him for` illus- J._.-'J.-.l -..J...1,....--.... .....I ....!-A12nJ- -- --. ---O vv r ..--- trated cata1ogL1E:wa'11c'l"}3}ic' li$ V;V Ye Olde F irme as their representative for TORONTO, ONTARIO BARRIE and the Vicinity Liuurcu, J.'uuu_y Ileana: Those who attended the amateur play entitled, "Family Disturbanc- es", put on by the young people from Moonstone in Elliott's Hall last Wednesday night, enjoyed a rare treat. Those who took the different parts did splendidly considering (with the exception of two) it was their first appearance on the stage. Ye Olde F irme EIIIIII jiij vju Ct. Mar. 26-Friends and neighbors! wish to ex was their deepeat'sym- pathy -to is. W. Teesdale in her recent {treat bereavement." D-.. naming ennn n Pam nvn In I119 Queen DUN. Allan Mc-Douga1-1 and_`Joe Murphyl left for -Hamilton. M 5 ll` ovvann in annviino n Pam nun! ycu.u_y I-)1 gasp. u. .-.\.s..:-..u..u u. nova` reat bereavement. ~ Roy icrcling spent 9. few days `in the Quen City. left 1 or't1amuton._ . c F. Carson is spending a. few days with friends at Anten `Mills. 1111;. L1 Vannau la hn-avian Wln Irlenus at .~uu.en Juus. Miss M. Kenney is holidaying with `Mrs. M.` Murphy. . - 7 Mr 'nn .\.1rl. G. Shieln nf Win- Wltn '.'.\L1rs. M. guurpny. Mr. `and Mrs. G. shield; or Win; nipeg attended the funeral of the la.tter's brother-in-law, W. Teasdale. Mar. 27A--II-Ierbert Eilchardson of Toronto is in the village this week. -Quite a number from here attend- ed the motor show in Barrie last week. mfua Dnnatnn A9 ut`n1`|9no1nnn nnnnf . .u.-:1`. HIPS. VVIII. Auaxxaa. o|Robert Nelson went to Toronto last weeek. Kilian Rlnunrnnno Q-hnI$;hA1'I In 1rh:_ WEEK- Mrs. Preston of Collingwood spent a. few days last week with her sis- .ter. Mrs. Wm. Adams. 'I'I3n\-surf Nrnlann mu! m "l`nvnn+n

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