Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1928, p. 13

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-11 Icuuan Mr. and Mrs. Thos. `Sinclair left ,on Tuesday morning for a trip to Vancouver. T21._...l 1' -___3, 1| vv nu ,;;uu., LVIUIILU DLl`tt`.'L. Andrew McQuay has returned home after spending six weeks in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Whilte. V Ill- . n - --- 'UUDlLlUllDo I ' Frank Foyston and wife called. on, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jacobs on their way to Minesing` on Wednes- d"; YI__,I VIII 1 g*w&&$$$&&w&&&w w g PERSONAL E1 a$w%&g%$ ' U V CL uuu vvcCl\'l:uu. Mrs. J. C. Beattie and Miss Mac- Donald and Mrs. D. Cairns attend- ed the funeral of the late Mrs. `Rouse, in Orillia, on Monday. M;uu AYI!1;n 1`/[nAu4-Ln... "1-` I\----- V Lcuuua Lxuapual over ounuay. 1 M2`. and Mrs. Grant Shields of` Winnipeg` attended the funeral of the late w. Teasdale, Mrs. shields] I remaining` for a couple of weeks. Mr: Run Mn? nick nmd nan - I\;Iis_s I'VI.w Iclaconchy is visiting ' friends in Toronto. hm LT.-.11.." `l`\-..__- __-__ ! In Thursday. March 29, 1928. LU\.l\ tJuLCCln Mrs. J. T. Gordon, of Winnipeg, visiting` with Hm Micana n.,n.... :zuauIu1;; 1Ul.' a Cuuple 01. WEEKS. Mrs. Dan. McLeish and son, `uuyu uvcl. out: WEEK-Bllu. -Miss Mabel Hounsome wgs with friends in Elmvale over the week- ,end. Ed. Huxtable, of Toronto, is spending a few days in town with --friends. MY. nu ! ll... 7!... `as ,1 I I n- USED CARS Offers the following: 1925 STAR SEDAN, balloon tires, good general condition. 1923 STAR SEDAN, 4 brand new tires, new battery, looks and runs good. 82%" tiFe`sIop"Z{1I1"p`aE3{I snappy little car at right price. .Lilu -AU J." LILIIJ IIUKIFXJJLILIJJLU, balloon tires, Duco nish. 1919 MCLAUGHLIN Six Touring, good tires and a new battery. Price $100. 117: -41) L'\ll>UlJ L'L\JLV LLU\J\JlL, just overhauled. New bat- tery. 1918 FORD TRUCK, canopy top, good tires, 1928 license. Just the thing for light de- livery. Your present car as `part payment. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. 43 Elizabeth St.--Phone 273 1926 FORD .ROADSTER, Lnl1.\nn 4-inn.` T\nnn Av\:m`\ ;92.3 FORD 1-TON TRUCK, -....L ....,...L....l...J \Y..... Lal- 1925 S'fAR ROADSTER, nu: tiunn 4-nu nun} v\n:v\`- Sacrice Sale of Bankrupt Stock V `5II\-ULCVClg Fred Lewis of Haliburton is vis- -iting his brother, Chas. Lewis, Brook Street. RI..- Y 711 I'V-,,I nu... of the Powell & Co. Stock T-his stock was bought at a low rate on the dollar and is being offered for sale in detail at sacrice prices. A There are savings everywhere you turn, for the stock must be all cleared out in as short a time as possible. The sooner you come, the greater the savings, as no new stock is added. The Store % _-__ a : 4\IIIllII in fact, BARGAINS IN WOMEN S DRESSES BARGAINS IN SPRING AND WINTER COATS BARGAINS IN HATS BARGAINS IN HOSIERY BARGAINS IN SILK SCARFS BARGAINS IN RAINCOATS BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S DRESSES BARGAINS IN CORSETS AND BRASSIERES BARGAINS IN RAYON UNDERWEAR BARGAINS IN SWEATER COATS BARGAINS IN KNITTED SUITS BARGAINS: HOSIERY, GowNS, BLOOMERS, HANDKERCIIIEI-`S, BI.ouSES --A-` ---l- -1 _ -..-..3C-.. S'l;('ii{_`iE`2.`FlXTURES ARE FOR SALE . ,, I\1I`! . . C L A1 I :n~l+ I::v+nv'nC l'I.IJIJ |JI\II\lJ| I scan V---- --"'-.- "-"."*' 4 Mirrors, Chairs, Oice Stool, Lnght Flxtures, Taylor Safe, Coat Racks, Dress Forms, Hat Stands, and Shelving, etc. TERMS CASH- - ______ _-.__upu\nurI1nIl nnvvnn HAROLD HILL HAROLD HILL I01` DZUC, K;UitL l\clbl\D, Lzlvou A uuu vvsouvuv, Taidvil EAsH. A VISIT EVERY DAY WILL PAY YOU uu.a. u. 1.. \1Ul`uUIl, OI vvlnmpeg, is visitmg wxth the Misses Bailey, -Dunlop Street. ` '1` Q W`n1nu L .... .... .r- V I -` | SALE l1.l'\lVlll\l.`.al\\aI 111.1: In! ----`I V-I , everything is to be cleared out 3:; sacrice. ____.- .;-- j2 LA Esten and Mrs. of Toronto were George H. Esten Avila com: TO THE Enid QUEEN'S HOTEL CONSIDERING ESTIMATES TO STRIKE 1928 RATE vv ...wuu -4... --.v..u-...-4 gguvuuwuuwuwu `The increase of $5,800 on the Board of Education estimates, 8.!`- rived at last evening. comes as a. distinct -surprise in Town Council circles. It was unlooked for. I The town rate will be down thll` year and it is the Board of Works, which is to suffer. it is stated. | The tendency In civic circles is to keep the rate down to the lowest figure possible and no stone will be left unturned `in this direction. The committee will have to make some important decisions in paring and, council will have its say onthese matters before all estimates are passed. \ The expected increase in the coun- ty rate of two mills. or equivalent to over three in Barrie's rate. would seem to make an increase inevitable. |Ra1ph, of Orillia, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Eli Srigley, Allan- dale, and Mrs. F. S. Smith, Tor- onto St. I 1|)? ._ ..J II ... T _..l. 13.......- --j' I The Finance Committee of the Town Council meets tomorrow night xto consider the estimates for the Iyear p1`epa1`ato1',v to striking the rate which. it is predicted. will be I anywhere from 46 to 50 mills. VI IIILCI Miss Moneta Brown and Miss Zeta Weaymouth left for Toronto on Monday night to take up their ,nOSitiOY1S. " Frank Fnvsfnn and um-`n nnllml. The grants this year are about the same. only that $1.200 given to the Diamond Jubilee Committee last year will not be required. The ap- pointment of 21 collector of taxes at $000 a year is a new expenditure and the fironmn are asking for a. lump axmroprlntlon of $2200 for 1928 in lieu of the $1500 paid last year at so much per fireman per fire. This, however, has not yet been passed. I 1 1 O 'U||lU QL Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown, Owen Sfreet, we-1`e in Toronto on; Tuesday attending the funeral of Mr. Brown s niece. Mrs. Thomas Flackhart. 1m:~~ A .1_1:., 1ur-n..11._.....1. ".1..- J li1L'l\llC1l`|n Miss Addie Mc.-Cullough, who` has been in Fe1t s jewelry store for several years, leaves on Say urday for Oshawa to take a pos1- tion in the jewelry store of an `uncle of Mr. Felt. _,, I ml", `I -1_ D RK-Tf.......-- ' UIIUIU U1 1'11 . l`ClLu Mr. and `Mrs. John S. McKeown wish to announce the engagement `of their eldest daughter, Leila May, to Mr. Wm. J. Lavery of De- triot, Mich., son of Mr. and Mrs. |Geo. Lavery, Barrie. The mar- riage to take place April 24. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLean, Palermo, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean, to Mr. J. Wesley Hughes, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. Hughes, Churchill, Ontario, the marriage to take place April 4. 1 It A II! 1"l'__L-'I____-.. at 1Ul'UllLU- Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Webb, Thornton. announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Norene M., to Mr. Gordon L. Davies of Tor- onto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davies of Leamington, Ont., the marriage to take place in Toron- to, early in April. `:r (lnv+nn Inna usnhrr-hat` 4-n ILU, UU.I'l_Y Ill 11111.11. Miss Claxton has returned to town having` spent some days in Toronto, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. King, where she enjoy- ed, with the artists of the studio, tea at the CKCL Broadcasting Sta- tion. -She was also fortunate in hearing` Paderewski at Massey Hall. -Make your Easter appointment early at Cowie & Co. s, Marcel 50c. Phone Grace Goring at 1242. 13p -- w\ 1-. n 1 11`A_______ -nub`, v\4 yvv-but l..--- -_`.__- _. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hutchinson, Edgar, wish to announce the en- gagement of their third daughter, Mary Elizabeth, (Mamie) to Mr. Wm. E. Davis, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. `Davis, Bolton, the marriage to take place April 28, at Soronto. - -.._1 1ur_._ 1n-1I:_....n.-._ 1'!7..`l.I. vans: xaevuuv s~u-...a 7.- ____. Geo. E. B. Grinyer and C1are;1o; B. Grinyer have -disposed of their radio and electric store in Orillia to Toronto interests and have re- turned to Barrie to take charge of the Barrie Radio & Electric `Co. Limited. wnue. - . Spring-Armstrong I At the United church parsonage in Elmvale on Wednesday. .\Iar. 28, I Clifford A. Spring of Allenwood and~ Myrtle Velma Armstrong or Van- Vlaok were united In marriage by Rev. A. Imntoul. They were attended by Cecil Armstrong and Edna Gra- ham. After the honeymoon the pop- ular young couple will reside at Al- .lenwood where the groom is a suc-; ceutul tarmer. Congratulations andi ;a few weeks. 1\,r_. . 11 .;u_\v. Mrs. Lloyd Thompson and son, of Detroit, are visiting` her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Rivard, for 11. - -- ArIi{{{"'v'vE ' 32' R35-g};i; '.-;'e'ni Q the week with his brother, Will! `White. I Q-:1-n.._Annn-I-nnnn I V-VI`-$3 Additional Elmvale news on page 7! on-Ln`- -1 v-rv_--_---n- .._-_a.| SPRING STYLE and BIG VALUE Suits that bear the label of style distinction and superb quality. Suits that conform to the Milne usual high standard. Tailored in the best way. In snappy weaves for conservative and Collegiate tastes. Stripes, Checks, Tweeds, Plaids, Mixtures andwhat not. In single and double breasted models with two and three buttons. The smart trousers that taper slightly at the cuff, the broad shouldered models, the loose hanging Coat are the new features chosen by discriminating men for Spring W63-1'. Men s and Boys Clothing and Furnishings Smartest Spring Suits aturing the Season s Smartest SPRING SUITS and TOPCOATS $18.50 to $35.00 1 Mar. 26-Erne.s`t zfxoodwln went tol `Toronto last `Wednesday to have `his tonsils removed. I A nnvnkau fvvnrn Ingn-A affnru-`AR kn`. !best wishes are extended from the; i Whole community. I Ll. Acuua nu ;u1.uuI.U. I Dr. Holly Dyer was in Tor- ,onto over the week-end. was Mnkn1 "nu-nn`-4-- --~- "` guu auuua. . I R. H. jyennett has been laid up` for some time after getting hurt on [HE ICE. ' Robert Ayott has been confined to the house for a. week. < '1`!-`nan nvhn can {an Tnnnnfn f1h{n' L11!` HUUSC LU!` 6. W665. ; Those who are in Toronto uhis [week are: Miss Wilhelmina C1eary,; H13 CUHSHS rexuuveu. I ; A number from here attended the- etuneral of Mrs.'Grey at Thornton, ; on Sunday. y D `L? Tnnnnff has hnnn Tni nnl THE BARRIE EXAMINER Way Norman Parsons. Thompson Jen- nett,and Fred Elliott. I A... nnnnuno A! ring Ra what`: fhnv-a ; CIIUFCKICS ULSL uquuay. I Harry Davis and Frank Goodwin` were in Toronto last week and each i purchased a team of horses. \1`v- (`nu-tar nf Vow T.nweH in vinif.` ; Irom me nuspxuu. | ; Geo. Golllnger moved to Ed. Gray's; g farm on the ninth or Innisfll, Thurs- I ! day. \ net1:_anu rreu xmuuu. , On account of the bad roads there; was no service in eiuher of the, i churches last Sunday. I I Uanniv hauls Ana `l:`nnn1.r flnnduyiv-n` `y]JUl|lU}J LJULCUL. I Elmer T. Sherman spent the week-end at the home of Levie `Pratt, Toronto Street A.4..,.... M,.n.._.- I_._, I mg .`V1l`. anu U. pastas. ; Wm. Hunter took a slelghload of? _young people to the dance at H. Hunter's last Wednesday night. `I'D.-anb Tnnnnv 1-sou v-Afnv-had hnmn. 4 1 I I i I ` .l'1Lln[8l"8 last VY euucauay xusuu. 3 Frank Lennox has returned home! ` from the hospital. ` flan flnlno-an mnvnd fn 17.3 PQV': purcuuseu 8. Lcbuu UL uurava. .\Ir. Carter of New Lowell is via1t- ; I ing Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bates. r Tlfnn T-Tnnrar rnnlr Q alnlg-hlnnd hf? Smart new Society Bra-nd Topcoats of nest imported and domestic cloths. All have silk yokes and sleeve lin- ings. There is a wide variety of fabrics and colors in- cluding the new plaids, tweeds and homespuns in popu- lar shades of gray, tan and novelty patterns. Purchase your Topcoat for Spring at this store with assurance of smartest style and typical Milne quality. Tailoring per- fect in every detail. The values are exceptional at these remarkably low prices. Our Spring showing awaits your inspection. New Model Topcoats ] Last night the Thistle curlers im- !proved the opportunity of good ice provided by the cold snap and play- `; ed off thei-r President vs. Vice- jPresident competition. Rev. J. S. '> Shortt. the president. defeated the , forces led by his deputy, Del. Emms,, j to the tune of 15 shots. Each game `g lasted an hour and the results were gas follows:- i B. G. Robertson ,6 Del. Emms... 3 3' Roy Merrick . . .. 9 Dick Lowe . . 0 _;W. Rainford 1 J. D. Milne . 6 | R. F`. Garrett . . .. 2 R. Malcomson 8` [1'H1s'rLE CURLERS I concwnmc GAMES l Rev. J. S. Shot-tt. 9 A. .\Ia1c i!;1; 1 R. A. Stephens . 8 H. M. Lay .. 2 BARRIE STEAM V`_J.'.-_ !:*:*.1_"T A u ov -vnz---- 55 El`i-ubeth sc.. rho... 403 ;3l V7 V.7Cl\o3u LC Mrs. Harry Es` Howard Goode guests of Mrs. Ge `over the week-end. 1\II'...... Y I* l)_,.A_L!, 2:- -- v-j-- . 7 _ -_ - EXPERT VULCANIENG _We Gut-1rar'1t;ee Work 'A{J1:5".A:E'c'r::s's.6nxT1i: FILLING snmon. .9 .5: "_49RE Page Thlu-tun uuunc, Ill utuua, U11 muuuay. Miss Annie McArthur of Owen Sound was the guest of her sister. Miss J. K. McArthur of the Royal Victoria Hospital over Sunday. M1`, and 1\/[re Crvnnf Q!-uinhln n4-`I

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