Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1928, p. 12

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NOR S`ALE-'-'So1id`brick house with furnace, bath and gas. also good barn and two cement garages. Ad- joining this here is 6% acres land with` four good chicken pens, run- ning spring water. This property is very suitable .i'or chicken farm or dairy. Phone 475. A. G. Walker. Box 108. Aliandale. 18-'18b FOU-R AJCRES for sale on Bayfield St..' Barrie. good brick house and outbuildings. orchard. good shade trees. beside golf iin-ks. Apply to M. AGO:-don, 172 Elizabeth St. Phone 119W. ' 10-159 ' t%foifsE won sum in one or best locations in Barrie. eight-roamed brick house, double parlor, kitchen. dining:-oom, tour bed rooms. 8-piece bath. turnace' and fruit cellar; double garage; large lot. Apply Henry & Cowan Ittx` BED-SITTING R00}! to rent. In I nnvnfnrfnhln hnmo onnh-Al Diana`: 1'. .1 I `i DI'JlJ'L&'&`l.\\l' SIVUJI LU rent. I J comfortable home. central. Phone E` 564. . , 11-16b FOR SAIJE--Registered Shorthorn, roan bull calf, also f1ve.tons hay. Ernest Crawford. Oro'Stat1on. 13-15b MARE -FOR SALE. nine years old, weighs 1400 lbs.; also set of heavy harness, heel chains. Apply 84 Bald- win St.. Allandale. 13-14p] JERSEYS. pure bred, registered stock, treahenlng in this month and some in April: imported stock. Ap-' ply M. R. Nash. Oro Station. 10-15p BULL FOR SALE. registered Jer-' sey.v4 years old. For price and terms. apply W. `C. How, Barrie. Phone` 798. 18-14;) THREE YOUNG BROOD SOWS. due April 10. for sale. Apply Jas. Muir, -Shanty Bay. 181) LARGE GOLD BROOCH LOST. with fancy hair centre. valued as a keepsake. Lost in December or early January. Reward. Phone 719. 12-17b YOUNG PIGS for sale. 6 weeks 0143.! Apply to Geo. -B. '1`. Lawrence, `R. 1%.; 2. Barrie, phone 609r11. 18p FOR SALE--Good heavy farm horse. young. J. Hawthorne, R.R. 2, Allandale, phone 8r113. 13b TWO YORKSHIRE SOWS for sale, due April 131:. Fred Brown, Allan- dale. phone 3r24. 13b FOR 'S`ALE-50-acre farm, $500. Bargain. Three-roomed house. Easy terms can be arranged. Location- east half of west half of lot 15, con- cession 7, Vespra. township. Two miles from Midhurst station. For further particulars write Sterling Development Company, 77 Victoria I St.. Toronto. 12-13p` j FOR SALE-Sow with eleven p1gs.g A nnlv Ed. 'I"rn vars: Talnnhnnn I 1` un anus:-auw `Willi BIUVGXI jll. Apply Ed. `Travers. Telephone 607r14. , 12-13p I` ."L'I\JL 1` U5` l$I4114 UH '1`-.J.V `J. "` South halt lot 2. con. 5. Innisfll; _goo'd buildings, convenient to church, school and market. Apply to owner. Mrs. M. E. Dutcher. 12 Collier -St., Barrie, or J. A. Corbett, Thornton, Ont. V 13-15b} I A FOR SALT-3-A good clay farm, 1oo| nacres good buildings. piece of bush.| . wheat. ploughing done. possession` at once. A bargain. E. H. Johnston.` real estate agent, 26 Mary St. Phone 5 942.1". 139 I 1 iPAs'rU'RE FA|R.\I FOR SALE or unno OK nnnna `A0 1! . l|I\I\ G uwunao FA-RM` FOR SALE OR "RENT- K Qnnvln Ia:-s10 `Ah 0 IlI\O\ `In-h-OH. DOG LOS"I`-|Stm,ved away on Sat- urday. March 24, small black dog, part spaniel; answers to name of Larry," Finder please notify 181 Toronto St. 1'3x {FARM FOR SALE-100 acres good 1 . clay loam. brick house. 2 bank` barns. Well watered. Good reasons . ' for selling. Wm. Cumming, Phelp-. ` ston, Ont. Box 52. 11-16pi I PASTURE I-`AvR.\I for sale or rent-` 1 50 acres, 10: 11, con. 12, Innlsfir: . running creek, well fenced, all` 1 cleared. Apply to J. H. Nixon, v-Box '10-14, Barrie, Ont. 1,1-16pi (ADJ. US$12 l`4`$'L\JJ. L`\JL\ `D31-I-IE4 UL` rent. 25 acres, lot 15. con. 8. west . halt, running creek, well fenced, I with 3 acres of bush. Apply to John ' McDonald, Thornton, Ont. Rm. No. | 3. 13-15:: FARM FOR SALE-100 acres more or less, lot 24. con. 11, north halt. in- nisril, good clay soil and good bund- ings. Farm stock and implements and some seed grain. Apply to own- er or Joe. Third, Stroud. 3-14p 100 ACRES. lot 22. con. 6, Oro; principally clay loam: bank barn: brick house: spring creek: (5 acres `maple sugar bush. D. Beasley. Oro` I Station. 12-12p `APARTMENT TO LET--5 moms` and bath, heated. Apply 18 Elizabeth St. 13b `ROOM AND BREAKFAST. 3 min- utes walk tram Collegiate. Write Box 82. Barrie. 4 _ 13p I-`ARM FOR SALE or rent at west _hait lot 19. Eon. 6. Vespra, 100 acres. ;a1l cleared. good buildings. Apply 5:0 Garfield Wingrove. R.R. 2, Bar- rie. T 13;: v n [ROOM AND BOARD for twb men. VPhone 942.1. V . 139 I I .:R_991!1!:3D,%H9UE_ LEGHORAN BABY CI-PICKS of extra. large stock: also high laying` strain; price per 100. 200 each. or 500 at 18c each. Hatch 0!?! Mar. -24. Twenty per cent. cash with order. Order early if you want to be sure of your chicks. Jas. .B1rn.le, -Kempenfeldt Sot., Bar- rie. 12--13p LIVE STOCK FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE AND BOARD FARMS FOR SALE STAR TOURING CA:R.. zood as now, tor quick sale. Apply to 104 Maple Ave. Phone 14'29W. 12p FOR SALE--11926 Fordtourmg oar. : motor and rear and thoroughly over- hauled. top. aide curtains and up- holstery in A1 condition. paint real good, batteries 0.K., new license. Apply E. J. Powell, 22 Eugen-la St. A snap at $276. 12ttb FURS ALTERED and repaired. Invar T-`l In-lhuv-{'1 hnn tmu M !-n | L` UIVB .n.I.l.LJu.n`.nuJ uuu ropnsreu. Over I-Iurlbux-t'I Shoe tore. Mina M. 'McAz-thur. mm GOOD IJIVERY and oartage busi- ness tor sale. Apply Arthur Hub- ` bert. Allandale. 18p eyes Of our girl we sadly miss. Her sweet voice is silent. Her dear head lying low: How we miss our darling balbe. God in Heaven can only know. Short and sudden was the call. or one so dearly loved by all, And only those who loved can tell Tho nnln nf nnr nuinal a lost fawn- FIVE-`ROO.\IED HOUSE to rent at Candles. with garage. Apply 94 Clapperton SL. or phone 778. 13-18;) llu. Ullb} BSIUBU WSIU IUVUIA UH EVIL he pain at not saying a last fare- well, A sudden shock. a loss severe. To part with one we loved so. dear. Our loss was great, we'll not com- nlnhn UH!` HEB WEB `PHIL, WU 11 UV` VUlu' plain, But trust tmchrist to meet again. 1-3b -`Sadly missed by Mother. Father and Brother l'RW'-IN S' BLUE TAXI SERVICE. local and long.dlatance. night and" day. 25 cent service. Phone 198. Gtfb NOTICE-1 will not be responsible for any debt: or claims on my turn- lture and entects by my wife, he- tore and [after this. datraroh 5. 1928. Signed - Thomas `William Plumtree" 1o-ash ` WA-RD--In loving memory of our dear girl, Florence. who died from car accident in Toronto, March 25, 1927, aged 7 years, 15.d-ays. Precious form we long to see you. Precious lips we long to kiss: `We tons to look into your Ibrlzht AVAG SAWYER-- loving memory of Tmvnnnn u7hn!Innnv1>n fhha HPA 'Dll VV IA"S*"J. IUVIHS HRUIIIUYJ UL Laverne, who departed this life March 81, 1920. Gone, but not forgotten" 13*!) -Father, Mother, Brother. Sill]. UUl'u.VUIllU`llLu 10]}! We wish to thank all our good friends and neiglubors for their kindness and sympathy shown in our recent bereavement. Mrs. John Marley and family. 18-14p -Relatives of the "late Herbert D. Rix desire to sincerely thank friends for many kindnesses shown and for fioral offerings received during their bereavement. Neigpbors have been more than kind and this is deeply appreciated. Mother. brothers and sisters. Crown Hill. 18b A. C. Currie wishes to thank the many friends and neighbors for their service and kindness and sym- pathy shown at the time of his re- cent ibereavement and to the nurses and staff of the Oriliia Soldiers Memorial Hospital for their loving kindness and thoughtfulness to Mrs. Currie during her illness. 13b 'nus1'u-:s ENTERTAINED AT cm:-zm AND sucx-nu: i Mrs. Walter Teesdale and family` relations wish to thank their neigh- bors and friends for their kindness, and floral tributes in their recent` sad bereavement. 13p| Ya uyiuh on hnnlp A11 nun annrlu BESI-IOP-On Saturday. Mar. 24, ` 1928. to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bish- op. Mldhurst, a. son. S\'VITZER-0n Monday, March 26, i 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swit- | zer. Crown Hill. a daughter. IWAI1`E-At 132 Bradford St.. Bar- [ rXe,March 25, 1928, to Mr. and ` Mrs. Wesley Waite (nee Pa1zna- Smith, Meaford. Ont.) a son. I rWI*CE--0n Saturday, March 24.; H 1928. to Mr. and (Mrs. Earl Wice I (nee Hilda. M. Hoover), Craig- vale, a daughter,_IEdna Adelaide). TO RENT IN SHANTY BAY- Eight-roomed brick house; hard and soft water. garden, stable, and gar- age. Apply Mrs. Geo. W. Cald- well, Shanty Bay. 11-16p c+n3so.\' -- SMITH - At Trlnltyl church, Barrie. March 24, 1928.` by the Rev. A. R. Beverley, George, Goldney, second son of .\Illner? and the late Ellen Jane Gibson Macclesfield, England, to Chris- tina. Isabel, second daughter or the late George and Sarah Oliver Smith, I-Iawlck, Scotland. 113113 3110 IXGUIS la runs. During the evening the Lay curl-I ing trophy was presented to the A. F. A. Malcornson rink. winners of this season : compet'tion. Vice- P-resident D. W. Emma presided and nicely expressed the appreciation of the members of the Club to Mr. and Mrs. Lay and Sir. Garrett for their kind hospitality. M-re. Lay was pre- sented with a. bouquet ot roses and the Lay children with a 120: o! chocolates by the curlers. ' v BALL-On March 27, 1928. at the" residence of his son-in-law, Rich- ard A. Stewart. 406 Windermere: Ave.. Toronto. Jas. Irwen Ball,l beloved husband or Hannah M2: Dunsmore. formerly of Barrie, in his 70th year. Funeral service at above address on Friday, Mar. 30, at 2 pm. Interment in Norway cemetery. hens and Keliys in Paris." On Tuesday about forty members of the Thistle Curling Ciublpent a. most delightful evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. )1. Lay. Blake St., where they enjoyed progressive euchre, followed` -by a. tasty iunch and an impromptu prog!`3!1t. Pre- ceding the visit to Mr. Lay's. the party were guests at R. 1-`. Garrett: at the Capitol Theatre where they fully enjoyed the antics of the "Co- nun-Inc who nvanlnp the `Lav purl. BROODERY OPEN DAILY -EXCEPT SUNDAYS April Chicks . . . . . 18 each Sold out of 6 agd 8-week-old Pullets until June 1st. Note--Most, of our April Chicks are from Government Culled and Blood-tested stock. ' 84 Penetang St. Tel. 1045.! THE BARBIE EXAMINER BABY CHICKS - O.A.|C. strain. Barred Rock baby chicks, $20 per hundred. Custom hatchlnug $5 per hundred eggs. W11-l hatch every hatchable egg. Phone 255, Donald Tnrninnnn BARRED ROCKS CARDS OF THANKS MISCELLANEOUS KELVINSIDE % HATCHERY AUTOMOBILES .9159. --Just when new Easter shoes -are wanted, Carey-H_ur1burt s shoe Isale will appeal to thrifty buy-. Pets. 13b . `Saturday. March` :1_--Abe Jory, at Marriwa Yards, Barrie-16 hors- es..sheep and cows. Sale at 1 p. in. W. A. Mcconkey. Auct. 13x _'l`uesday, April 3-John Deadman, at south {-5 lot 10. con. 10. Te- lum|eth--tarm stock and imple- ments. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mc- V Conkey. auctioneer. 131: Wednesday. April 4-Ben Parr, at W11. lot 16. con. 11, Vespra- tarm stock and implements. Sale at 1 pan. W. A. Mcconkey. auc- tioneer. 11!: Friday. April 0-W. Bligh, at lot 82. con. 2. Oro-13:-In stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Moconkey. auctioneer. 12-1-ix Tuesday. April 10 - Newton A. Spence. at east 3,5 lot 23, con. 8, Essa-tarm stock and implements. -Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey. auctioneer. 13-14: Wednesday. April 11-Mrs. Walter Teasdale. at lot 19. con 6. Vespra- farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 pan. W. A. Mcconkey, auc- tioneer. .13-1-ix "FhIn-antr Any: 10_'l"1-an AA-...I..:.....- llnbuuuutc Jamieson. {IL 1. pan. I1. Jt. .u.cI.;0nKe.y, auc- Thursday, Apr. 12--The administra- trlx of the estate of the late Her- bert Rix, at north halt lot 12, con. 10. Inn1sfll-farm property. farm stock and Implements. Sale at 1 13.111. W. A. Mcconkey. Auct. 1-1b Aucuon SALES At these prices you can get Hyloom Vests and Bloomers in all the pop- ular shades-and Hyloom means a guaranteed satisfactory quality. Beautiful Silk Underwear at $1.75 and $2.75 SARIEANT ea KING UNDERWEAR AND Stylish`, popular priced Hats are glaced on sale every week in our usy Millinery Section. Hundreds of Hats to select from with the ex- pert skill of our milliners to aid you. New Millinery ma WEAR STORE SUM .\IFJR `CO"I'I`AGE TO RENT at Big Bay Point: furnished. also Wat. .er in cottage. Apply to A. B. Moysey & Co., 1\IcKinnon -Bldg" Toronto, Ont. 1 3-15b we uwm: INSPECTION For Spring Requirements MARTIN-SENOUR 1ooo/,, PURE PAINTS AND VARNISHES Rogers Lacquers, Muorooco, Alabutine STEP LADDERS, BRUSHES, ETC. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES. $75 UP The new Coffield Gyrator is a wonder SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON McCLARY ELECTRIC RANGES TO MAY 1. TERMS ARRANGED IF REQUIRED OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW OR LOWER THAN MAIL ORDER HOUSES BUY IN BARRIE - YOUR TOWN \ROBlNSON HARDWARE ROBlNSON HARDWARE SILK CH IF F ON HOSE Silk From Top to Toe Every color imaginable will be found in this special sale. Grays, Fawn, Azure, Peach, Nude, Beige, Moonlight, Tans and plenty of Blacks. At this low price you shouldn t hesitate to pur- chase several pair. Guaran- teed, rst quality, silk chif- fon hose, full fashioned, sheer, clear and perfect. All wearivng points cioubly rein- forced. TO LET May 1st. furnished apart- ment, 4 rooms and bath. Apply to 39 l\Im`y St.. phone 1055. 13tfb. $2.00 Thumlay. March 8. 108 SIX-ROOMED BRIICK HOUSE to rent on Elizabeth St., electric light. Phone 611x'31. 13b SUMMER AJCCOM.\'I`ODA,'I`IO'N - Anyone having summer cottages. houses or rooms to rent during the tourist season kindly notify H. H. Croswicke, secretary -Barrie Board of Tl'.'1(1P. 13-`24b \VA.\`TED at once, furnished apart- ment or rooms with privilege of light h0u.-ekee-pin.;. Apply box "F". Examiner Office. 13b W'A.\"I`ED TO RENT, with option to buy. fifteen to twenty-five acres of good land and buildings, also hennery. near `Barrie. Apply 492 Main \\'esL. North Bay. 131)] \\'A.\"I`I by June 1. Six or seven- rrmmed house with all conveniences and centr:1l1_V located. Apply BOX- "G," Examiner Office. 13b SU.\IJ.\IE R COTTAGE wanted, to buy. on Lake Slmc-oe. .\Iust be rea- sonable for cash. State full particu- lars. Box S", Examiner Office, Bar. tie. 13-14p ___.._?...._._______...._.. \VA.\"I`ED-B:Lrx'c-1 spray motor for spraying fruit trees, in good con- dition. Apply Mrs. \VeId0n. Box 958, phone 1119\\'. 13b LIVE POULTRY VVA\"I`ED. high- est prices paid for fat hens. Leave orders at the Y.M.C.A., Allandale. or write M. Alexander. 12-17p SI`I(`().\'D-H.~\..\'D PIANO wanted.l will t.`Ik- in on 6-xv-lmnze for radio. Apply Box "*0". Examiner Office. 13b HORSE XV.-t.\"I`ED - Sound and quif-t. about 1300 pounds. not more than 8 yrs. old. Apply 91 Toronto` Street. 13p| gm&&%*&%$%%&&& :1}: ADLET COLUMN g $%&wwm%g&&&& ..:...:__.__?.___...__ CHI.\'ESIi CHEF wish;-s position in hotel or 1`:-stuumnt. Apply 50 C01- nr-.v~ phone 534. 13p! .___.____.__._:.:____ I __-_ COOKS VVA.\"I`ED--$60.00 to $100.00 per month. according to size of gang. Write stating experience, number of men, date available. Crawley and MC-Cracken Co. Ltd. BJX 1960, Sud- bury. Ont. _ 12-14b YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or sol- iciting. We Instruct you and supply you with work. VVrite today. The Menhenitt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Building. Toronto. 1.\Itf~b I REPRESE.\'TATIVE V'A.\"I`ED for th~'- .\Iutu.l Life of Canada. To se- cure this position you must be will- lng to work and anxious to increase your income. Apply to Box 878, Or- Sllia. Om. 6tfb CAPABLE MAID TVAXTED. Phone 357. 13b` j I _____...__..__.___.:_ 'WA.\"I`ED--Jsaleslady. with some experience in bookkeeping. Apply personally. Sarjeant & King Ltd. 13b. One cent a word. cash. each inser- tion. (minimum charge. 25c): 51: insertions tor the price of tour. 10c extra when charged: also 10:: extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. ' KITCHEN MAID wanted at Royall Victoria Hospital. Apply to Miss .\Ic.-xrthur, Supt. 13b Page Tsiolvo Los_1f u rounn from 100 8885. 151111; yuur U553 auu get early chicks. Chas. <-K,9_lly, 18 Me. I Donald st. Phone" 11-s4. ' 13p PROPERTY T0 `:5? BABY cuxcxs Hm WANTED WANTED Ht!-Ill 13b HOUSE FOR SNLE OR RENT. six-roomed frame house, water and lights. on 9 Main St., Allandale. Ap- ply to Box 33, Barrie. or telephone 1071.1. 131) EGGS from high producing Barred Rocks. pens headed by pedigreed cockerel Clarke's strain. _dam sdre- cord 3'16 and special cockerels from Burns and Guilds best pens.. A `few cockerels at $2.50. .J. A; Cruse, Hawkestne. v .-18-18p FOR SALE OR TO LET--Centrally situated In A1landale,`a. comfort- able brlck house, 5 rooms, fully modern. Apply 46 Louisa St., Bar- rie. 18-14p SEED F(')R SALE---Marquls spring` wheat and limited quantity red clover. No noxious weeds. N.,G. King, Churchill. 1313` A CHANCE TO SAVE money. Why pay two prices for fruit trees? Ap- ples 750 except `McIntosh `Reds, $1; pears $1: cherries $1; plums, 75c; currants, 2 for '2-5c; grapes, 25c. Or- ders taken now for vegetable plants and flowers. .`E. V. '"Babcock, `Cook -and Icodrington Sts. Telephone 365.1. 13-1'8p OI-IvI`CK S Iron Is'ALE--o.A.c. strain ha-by chicks, will make high record layers. I`do custom hatching. have Just installed two more large elec- tric incubators to take care of the increased business in custom work. Get my prices on large hatohings. havehatohed as high as 89 chicks oo . Bring your eggs and .`3". ...1.m 3555.... Chas. -Kelly. 1-s bA`TS FOR ~SAIJE-~O.A.C. 72. Free of wild oats. Ed. Cavanagh, Anten Mills, Phone 9x'6. 13p |G`R`IMIM S 'ALFALF`A `SEED for sale. Apply to G. D. Banting. Ivy- Tlxovnton telephone. 13tfb` EOR SAIJE--4Nice bright No. 1 O. AJC. seed oats. Government field inspection certificate show them to be absolutely pure in every way. while inspector's final report on sample say they are of the highest grade of this heavy yleld1ng,atlf struwed variety on the market this- year. Phone 601r41. R. D. Coutts. Mldhurst. . 1 13-14b FOR SmLE-'I-latching eggs. from Clarke's strain Barred Rocks, per- sistent all year round money mak- ers. Pens headed by males of pedi- greed stock. 31 a setting. J. L.'Jack. Allandale RJR. 1. 13-181) GOOD BARGAIN for somebody- Two incubators (Prairie State). 400 eggs each; two Room brooders. will accommodate 1000 each; will be sold cheap. KR. lRobertson, Cralgvale, l Ont- 12-13p NEW STAR 4 SEDAN .ful1y equip- ped. purchased end of December. Have changed occupation and motor not required. VVil1 sacrifice. W. W. Badgley, 173 `Elizabeth St, Phone 1358 _ 10-15p HATCI-IING EGGS for _ `sale, from our excellent laying strain of Bar- ron White Leghorns; Agents for Royal Brooders and Poultry. Sup- plies. Fraser 'Bros., Craighurat. Ont. _ '11-16p L1`1:4.\lJr\U.V VV'1bl\l2Jl\ DAD1 UAR` RJIAGE for sale, cocoa shade, revers- ible body, in first cl'ass condition, cost `$35.50. will sell for $15.00. Ap- ply 34 Louisa St. 131) `FOR SAI.4E-Water trough. 1 ft 10 in. by 2 ft. by 8 ft. inside measure, made of 2-inch dressed Cyprus pine and lined with galvanized iron. Price $15.00, 46 Rose Street, Bar- rie. 12-13p SAFE, medium size, good as new; two showcases, Auto Knitter, motor sewing machine, Aladdin lamp. set computing scades. must be sold this week at `Tuck's Barrie Fair. 12-18p} LOIS'l`--One pair of black rimmed glasses. Finder please leave at Par- son's Fair. Reward. 13b FOR SAI4E-Scant1.lngs 2x3, two show cases. sideboard, refrigerator, pair of scales, also 7 sheets of Gyp- 1'00, 8 ft. long by 3 ft. wide. Apply 18 Eccles St. 12-13p ' G'E.\' DIT. A f` BARN FOR SMLE. size 35x60, sit- uated on lot 22, con. 4, Vespra. 1%, miles from -Barrie. For particulars apply W. C. How, Barrie. Phone 798. 13-141) O.\"E SINGLE-DIAL RADIO, Mar- coni, table model, complete. W111 sac1`ifice for quick sale. -Roy Slack. Craighurst. Phone 905x'32. 13-14b BABY CERRIAGE for sale, in good condition; tapestry rug 3`;x4 yards; library table. fumed oak; electric heater. Apply 14?. .\Ia.r,v St. 131) i . FOR SALE CHEAP--011 burning brooder, 350-chick size. used two seasons. practically as good as new. J. L. Jack. Allandale RR. 1. 13-18p I FOR SALE-Sarnia wire fence. car-! load here in a few days. Get our: prices. Robinson Hardware. Phone. 1040. 13bi FOP. SALE-Set of 12 ft harrows, complete. nearly new, price reason- able. Apply 22 Sampson St. Barrie, 2 blocks east of market. I 13p IFOR SALE---1 Mohawk. 6-tube radio, regular $150 for $100 com- plete. The Barrie Radio Electric Co. Limited. Phone 120. 13b GIRLS CLEVEL.-\.\'D BICYCLE for sale, in good condition. Apply Betty .\'elles. Phone 725W. 131)! FOUND---Pui'se containing small sum ofmoney. Ownev may have same by applying at The Examiner Office. 13b I FOR S.-\LE--.\'ear1y new .\Ioffatt` range. with reservoir. A bargain. Robinson I-Iardware. 13b` SEED DRILL for sale, 13-disc,` Frost & \\'ood. Apply to Morley, Beath. Shanty Bay, Ont. 13p IFOR SALE-Bedroom suite. new. |and kitchen cabinet: sacrifice if: it:`ak`n tonight. 16 Perry St. Tele-. |phone 1155. 13p I-IEI.\'TZ.\IA.\' PIANO for sale. in first-class shape. Apply .\I1`s. Geo.` I Irwin. 27 Collier St. 13b ' La\zoJlo JJICL: 1\4J.JlTJ LU! ERIC. auuuay` new, sacrifice for quick sale. Phone` 861 or 1068. 13-1-lb I`|ylJJ3l3C4I\ -LLXVFJLI l3\J\l'\.I'L Iln good condition. Newly iApp1y to 90-Ir32. FOR SALE. cheap. Happy Thought range. coal or wood. 13 Poyntz St.. Barrie. 13p FOR SALE-1 used piano $45. The Barrie fRadio Electric Co. Limited. iPhone 120. , 13b `GASOLINE TRACTOR and 3-fur- row plow for sale. Apply at Exam- . iner omce. _ 113161) f c.c..\1. BICYCLE for sale. almost? not-xv gannlfinn Pin: nuinlv nah: Dhnnni :- UMBRELLA taken by mistake from Chrysler car at armou-vies on Sat- urday night. Please leave at Ex- aminer Office'for owner. 1-3b RUBBER TIRED BUGGY`l an-\Aonn \'o:-rvlu mxrzn HAY for sale, baled. Herb. J ohnston. Minesing Station. 13;) FOR SALE--S'wede turnips. man-' golds and carrots. Phone 1182J. 13b I SECOND~I-IA:.\'D OOOKSTOVE for .11.-. A-\nVn on 17.9 Faun Q0 A]`an_ 3I'J`.\}A\lJl'14`l\lJ `J\J\JJ\'l\JV'& L`-II`: sale. Apply to 158 Essa St., Allan-Q dale. , 18-18p` FOR SALE OR TO LET EGGS FOR HATCHING 3.\'DR'O.\ VVWICKER BABY CAR- 'Af`.Ii`. Pnn nah) nnnnn aka.-In nan.-(nu, {fsago 1-`on SALE tor sale painted. 131-I FOR ~SALE--Superlor quality Bar- red and White Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns. Chicks and eggs. plant under government inspection "in record of performance. Every- thing -bloodtested. High average production and quality combdned. Harry Morren, 8 North St., Barrie. phone 387.1. 12-1`3b j SIX-ROOMED `OOTTAGE for sale. A Apply 2-6 Caroline` St., Allandale, Ont. 18-'18b FOR `SA-LE--One gwrey gelding Ms- ing 4 years old, about 1500 1Ibs.: one 'Clyde gelding 10 yrs. old; 1 milk delivery wagon. 9. few bushels of yellowblossom sweet clover. John Campbell. Churchill. 18p lS`T10RE FOR SALE -in `good loca-U tion. Phone 341 or write Box 889. Barrie. V 1I2ttb FOR SA~LE-Brick house, 7 rooms, town conveniences. 1% acres good gardening land. For particulars, ad- dress Box 471. Barrie. 13-14p` V _-c :-v -- ffj vsoua brick, half acre of ground. s'ltua.ted at 68 tcumberlandtlstn Bar- nie: will sell cheap or exchange for a. farm or for real estate in Toronto. Write -C`. 'Cht_'1a.topher. 146_ `Maria. Btu! Toronto; W 4 ' 18--14b-L ITAIJIAN BEES. 47 hives; always clear of foul brood. Buyer can have many as desired. Roy Carr. Cooks- town, 101: 2. con. 12. West Gw1l11m- bury. _ . 12--18p 4 SI-Il0R"l`I-IIORN `BULLS for sale- 1-year-olda;. a good chance to im- prove your stock. as these bulls will be sold at a reasonable figure. Ap- ply H. M. Dyment, Barrie. 11tfb HIOFRJSE FOR SALE--One black Percheron horse, `5 yrs. old. 1450 lbs. Apply to John V. `Brown. Spring- bank Farm, Allandale. _ 11-18p ' FOR S`A`DE-Ice cream and confec- tionery business, tull equipment, goodlocatlon. Phone 475 or 770. A. G. Walker, Box 103, Allanda-le. On- tario. 18-v 18b SIX-ROOMED `HOUSE. paved street, complete bathroom - and mu-2:1:-_v tubs, elnotric fixtures. ver- anda. garden: grand. central loca- ,tlon and low rental. 55 Mary St. lspi

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