Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1928, p. 2

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No Woman is Beautiful Who is H 7 . U91`, 1|! IIIFUH V Ivy for a. year. % others. l those of smaller dimensions. The task has `been accomplishedin mo- tors specically -designed for anti- knock gasoli-nes, but the Hudson design isintended for any stand- ard or even sutb-standard fuel. The Essex System The new vpatent--which was ob- tained after several months study --covers all these and other ar- rangements, each `inrelation to and in combination with all ` 'mL. _.;..;....;;.:..3. ....I-:'.-; 5.'.aAA'nAa- others. ` V. H , A . 0, _ _ . ` The compressionratio made pos- si`ble-`-a.bt_>.ut` 6 to 1`.-is practically the Isame` as that _._used` in, `the smaller -Essex ..mot'or,;,wh ere an L- Head design` has `been found quite --J.} mfg AI-nun! ncau uvnnsu SR tisfactory. ms SEDAN $1155.00 1-HI Auuuuu uxmmn `I-`HE courz $1115.00 All pt-leoa 5.0.5.`. Barrie, L fully equipped. ( GRAND RAPIDS- "Outsold every other make of car for January, 1928, ex- cellin past Hudson-Essex record more than 1oo 0." CLEVELAND. o.-"rn an 15 am Cuyahoga County sold approximately 300 `cars, double the former record. LITTLE ROCK. ARK.-"I-lave sold more can in Little Rock than 3 agencies In: yeereold duringthe entiremonth of January." .iACKsONi'n.LE. FLA.-"In 15 deliveries were 70% greater than for entire month or January. 1927." 48!! the During a row over discordant notes a deacon and a. choir member were knocked unconscious in 9. no- gro church in Chicago. while the choir continued to sing "Throw Out. the Life Linc, Someone is "Sinking Today." cAs'roNm{N. C.-"A gain in ma deliveriea over last January of 150%. " NEW YORK -"Greamt January and February buaineaa in our history." TIDAHO-"While the automobile indu- try an a whole showed a lore of 25% in Idaho during 1927, the Hudson-Euex line won in highest popularity. increasing nice over the previous your by 43%. pH;L_},ppLPH1A - "Then an en. ,_ I_l'__.I--.. B--... ...-- -....I IIIIHIIIIIHIJI 551:5 `- I uvuv can III` greatest values Hudson-Euex cvcroerod and they dourvo their great mecca. CHICAGO-"Tho most cucceuful auto- mobilq show we on: hnld." - THE COAEE _$1_06_5.00 T !-IE CANADIAN-BUILT CHRYSLER FOR CANADIANS ; A. Grose, 112.1 14 BRADFORIQ sr.` J % Dealer and Distributor PHONE 21, RES. 1o11w `&i`-i"YsLEn "61 ~ v with truly exceptional features and at amazingly low prices Mar. 19--A1lun Hounsome of Cookstowu visited at Geo. Keasvs last week. Iunln `Unnnh nn 'I`.hnn MR,VAl uying wave ihaf sweeps away all retards Great New Chrysler "62 Prices-Business Coupe, $13503. Roadster (with rumble seat), $13703 Touring, $1375; Two-door Sedan, 01450; Coupe (with rumble seat), #1490; Four-door Sedan, #1530; Landau Sedan. 01600. All prlcaf.o.b.Windsor, Ontario, indudivtgnandadfaaouyaqcdpuuactdglu A ' ; and can atra). b Sales that surpass all records for this time of the year; outselling all other cars at many points, and gaining mo- mentum at a speed that astounds the trade, the new Essex Super-Six is enjoying the greatest public ovation in 6-cylinder history. The localities reported in the column to the left are not unusual, but typical, and they merely reflect the country- wide triumph. Everywhere dealers are reporting more than 100% greater sales than for the same period last year which was the previous record. It is easily the greatest Essex Super-Six in history. It offers *200 to 3300 more visible value than its great pre- decessor which outsold any other Six at or near the price by overwhelming margins. Buyer can for can out of income at lowest availabl h P or inure. handling and Irnurancc. 8 c or`. No one can see--or drive-or even read the specieations of the Great New Chrysler 62 without mar- veling at its value. Here is everything that Chrysler quality has come to mean among motor cars-and at prices that up- set all past ideas of what $1350 will `buy in an automobile. Here is typical Chrysler erform- ance-all its snap anddas and zip ' with 62 and more miles an hour whenever and as long as you wish. Here is typical Chrysler comfort- with such exceptional features in a car of this price as saddle s 3 seat cushions and the rubber s lltl WBBK. Ernie Wench and Thos. Mayes were in Barrie last week attending the Grand Lodge convention. |'P}~mnn ulnlnrhlnnn fnnm hnrn mt. IES S IEX. $UPER'.SIX V Bryson & Morley Showrooms: Bradford St., Barrie. Phone 845 //[jg the reason pf course !Mv(.'.'z'.`ssu9""' linsulators which have previously been exclusive with the famous Chrysler '72 and Imperial B0. Here, in brief, is typical Chryslu excellence in design and manufac- &u4nT-4`A;A4u;: gngd-!-n-`Q.-I-u 1: Ag. GQUUIDBEIDB `LI 3 IIJLIKIC? UI`ll KIRK ture-reected particularly in the si;-cylinder `Chrysler 54 h. p. en- gine, with 7-bearing crankshaft, invar-eu'utpistons,ventilatedcran.k- case, rubber engine mounting and A ,-.L....I I.....I.....-I:- I......l-..- "4'3i.2Zi"d:`u`1`i S'i3:`i: sT Try to match these Chrysler '62 features. in any other six priced from $1350to $1600. Then drive the 62. Put it to any test you choose. We are condent you will __._-- AL.` AL. ....J_A gt LL- 9 A-`A, U13 Lrruuu uuugu uuuvuuuuuu `Three slelghloads from here at- tended the dance wt E. Smith's on Friday night. `Minn Mnvinria (`!nnH.sI in with Mrs. VVC `CC UUILILIJCLII YIJII VVIII ;ee tha the price of the 62 out classes and ou_tbuys all competition. Thu:-uday, March 22, 1"I'lUl1y H15 in Miss Marjorie Coutta is with Mrs. `J. R. Feltls of Thornton. '1--J": `.|'.(.i3".'l`.. !`. U'I uuxur-::` M '1; * +'*%'!=*=?*.`%`?'*s',;,`;.;zg" MADA E.:1DYs2:1&,g,:2I:;s;.m,,.Ys;., %ga:ie [W M A... J .. pin mp-L~:J g...-__.:.a.L_n$ Page You I 933E IlII\l 1 '3-"p'ay nothin LI..- `Anglo-n -uunnn and 'T`+':W-"- _""" ca} iiha of Wei}? 3 III, -I_- ___2..l. 0---; -...I I..-__ ' iitii~iL61-s" -why are service-giving Tazfis using ""'"'_'ITii'Lo1-s -why are rushing Ambulances using DUNLOPS -why are busy Business Men using nunnops -why are money-maliin_g Truck -why are active Doctors using Owhers using V DUNLOPS -wl_1y _are modern Bus Operators si-d-e in? ekiliullv-aesigneva ..wa7r-resisting treads,give the DUNLOPS ' vd1g1;s`e'.' so prominently on all makes of _carsVv:t1}e`atamina to stand. the gaff in all types of service. ' {{s'{.g" ' ' iitiitors -why a_re careful Motorists in liignlop Tires are ri 1'\ I 0 1 il ':-1_\'3-re;l"t1si17\Wg " nunpops Why ? -- Because velauves In 5t.,UaUNu'u1es. The Ladies` Aid ot=t-he `United church met at the home or Mrs. Thoa. Mocann on Wednesday after- noon. Following the usual business meeting. the ladies quilted an auto,- graph quilt. v Mr, and Mrs. David Jennett of Ivy Gain Pounds of Weight in 3 Weeks with Yeast and Iran- A -. ._..-- .._J.'_:....n Mar. 19--M1ssBeua Miller at Bar- rie spent the week-endv with M1 . and Mrs. Allen Miller. T Mr: Tnnlln nnhsnn has returned and Mrs. 51131! M11181`: Mrs. Leslie Dobson has returned home from an extended visit with relatives in St.,Cat!uu~lnes. 'lVhn `I'.n(1|An' Aid nf = the `United grapn quut. ` Mr. and Mrs. David Jennett Ivy spent Sunday with the latter s par- . Ants: - apwu t i ents. `ems. . Dan. McFadden and Gilbert Mo- Master` of Isllngton were home over Sunday. ' nnlnh `Rah has: mxsznmad work with |noX11\v0r{I13lg at uuufwuig is last an er was n 211'!` lweek fr); a few days. attending |G1'rmd Lodge`. vrnc. Tnu Qmwnnlp. nf Wahmvf in 1 Grand uoage. Mrs. J-as. Sproule of Egbert is visiting Mrs. McIntosh this week. Sunday. Ralph B911 has resumed work with the C;PJR.' automatic` signal gang now wonking at London. An...` Mum was in Rmmla Inst Mar. '19--.VI1ssesf1xi;y and Vllda Walker of Toronto spent a few days at their home h`ere`the latter part 0! I last week. A _ . Tom Qfnawf In mhin fn -hn nrnun again auer ma vuuum zuuuaa. Mrs. W. 1. Clark has {been spend- ing some time with her son, Gordon Clark. `Pkg In`; Mn: Alnv nnnln we '7-VJ -vvuu-v--u I All over the eonn women and men are unazed'at the elinoa magic ellectu oi IRON- IZED YEAST. Alter a single course treetsnent I --thin, weak bodies are brought us in we ht and stren . Flew rnede round an rm. ol- lows on out. Skin rnade satin smooth with the glow of girlhood. How is I done? Yeast and Iron have nlwnye been considered two of the greatest body and blood builders bx medical science. They contain these vital too elements that build up esh, correct skin and dizgastion troubles and enrich the blood. IRON- ! D YEAST contain: these inxredientl in I highly concentrated loan which give revolt! in hall the time required by year: and iron taken neparately. rnnnnvvn vw,A:'I* chum van on the weight. mark. The Late Mrs. Alex. Currie A gloom was least over this neigh- borhood last Monday when word came that Mrs. Alex. Currie had passed away in the |Soldiers' Mom-A orial Hospital, Orillia. after an ill- ness of ten weeks. Mrs. Currie was of II. kind and cheerful disposition and was loved and will be remem- bered by all who knew her. The funeral. which was held on Friday to. Guthrie oemetery. was very large- ly attended by -sorrowing neighbors and friends paying -their last tribute of love and respect. The sympathy of this community goes out to all the sorrowing friends. last weex. Jas. Stoddart is auble to -be around again after his recent Illness. Mm W 1, nlmvk has lhean smand. Mar. 19--1"1`-I;e-;d"la;s;s'-I'<`lorenoe and Jean Handy visited with Midhurst friends last week. ` ' T.nnnA Tnn" T.n:|Hn RAM-warn null IPIOUGS ma: WBGK. Lorne Jory. Leslie Bertram and Frank Wood. have returned from the lumber cam-pa. mm Tlnhafnn fvvlann nf Mrs. J. mu: Hue us uupvuvms uzuwy. A number of young people at- tended the oyster supper and dance at Midhurst Hall and report a. good mo. .DA'n-n14: hnnnnl-snubs nun olntl in Wui;:>*p1e hereabouta know that Mr. and ()aborne are going to store. `In nnt` "Inn f\n.6IIIn UIB IUUIDBP 0.I!l'1-)3. `The Dalston friends of Mrs. J. Harvls. Barrie. are glad to know that she is improving nicely. nunnhmv nf unnng nnnnln mt. and Mrs. owtway and family have moved to the farm tomerly occupied by George Cook. Advertise in The Barrie Examiner mm lupuruuuyo IRONIZED YEAST gives you all the weight- buildin benets contained in various sickening oils wi out upsetting the stomach. 1:- n. 1.. ...o...-.I that nlhw I-nlrlmr TRONYZED GU'l'HR_lE P.-_5.""__ T9 }__ are 819.6. to Mrs`. Harold open Dalston Mar. 19-Miss Pe V;Y\!;1othwood-ct] Toronto isvlsltlug under the parr- enbal root. V - Floyd Vallentyne of Toronto vil- ited at his home here. 11:... Y'\nnIn u`n\/Lnhnn (of Mmilnnrl H80 81$. 1118 1101116 llBI`Un " Miss Doris McMahon o`t.M1dla.nd spenta day or two at her home here. `C. Brown:-ld-ge spent` the week-` end at his home in Stayner. Klan: LI'nnnIr hark`! nf MIR!-and `I. end a: ma name in Bwynar. Mrs. Henry Darby of Midland Isl visiting her daughter, Mrs. John eynolds, Jr. . . Onltn n- number of the L.O.B.A. ujceynoms, at. Quite a number of the L.OJB.A. and L.O.L. members attended the Grand Lodge In Barrie. (min: a numlhar mrlnvpd the lan.. uranu 140036 11: burns. l Quite a number enjoyed the lan- tern slldes shown by Rev..A. Bush- el 0!, Wyevale. Mr and -Mm, -Jnhn S-tamav of 61 or, Wyewue. Mr. and Mrs. John Stacey of Midland spent the day with Mrs. I. nus WIN-IUUI uyawsuug mu Ijwucuvuo So it is natural that aim` taking IRONIZED YEAST in a single course. treatment you will notice an amazing improvement in your saith. appearance and 3 ts. The skin loses to In!- iow, pixnpiy. blotc y iooiuzunda of good esh are taken on and out nation and bowel action are wondertnivly improved. So. don't ban a skinny. wank body that looks as though it had never been ted enough. Don't -.:..:'.`:`:.':..':::. 1` ....'..:.'rc...`:`! i`:.'."?.': aunaay wrm (us parents uere. Mrs. Sptoule and daughter. Lila. have returned to their home here after spending the winter months with friends in Toronto. T W RA -on Dani Qailblknvur lint` Hff`A nnn .l"l`6UI1- ` Nelson -McMahon ofvElmva.le spent ` Sunday with his parents here. Mr: R1-n"-nuln and daughter. Lila. VVILU LFIUIIUS U1. J. Ul'UHLUs Mrs. Bert Sallstbury and llttle.son `or Midland are visiting with Mrs.- Burnett Salisbury. - Dnvvnv Tufnnrl I-and A-hn miafnrfnnn J3U!'UBl/C auuauury. Percy Wood had the misfortune to be robbed of $120. Lin and \}l nn Rnnov Tnnna annnf uuruuueu UL Q1-`GU. Mr. and Mrs. Mora". Jones spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wood.. LI -. nut` `Inn Danna nhnnyn and WOU(l. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brown and Mrs. T. Devltt spent Sunday with friends here. ' A `Dali-I-nlm AF TIT1!n`-uvlltrn nvnn Q IUP8. Mlss P. Smith pf Midland visited recently with her aunt, Mrs. John V Wood. n`-\n Dnnutvn hum IIn"I'II\I`\Qf` knvnn uruuy BVBNNIS. _ `Prior to her leaving Ivy to reside in Thornton. Miss Amy Lennox wal the guest at honor at a social given by the `Maple Lea`! Icluib in the `hall, Monday evening. The evening was -enjoyed and Amy will be missed -`by us alsl. I-FIUUUS llUl'Uv `A. Brjttain of Wyebrldge was a. recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wright. .121 Whunnu I-mu nnvmhnsm fhn farm W-Il:I`.g*lCl3Ll`ucas has purchased the farm belonging `to James `Truax and in- tends mov1n_g'to it in the near fu- tu!`9. Ilium D Qn-\H>In AP `lUl'lr'I1nn vlan VVUUU. Elba Brown has returned home from a tbuslness trip to Detroit. . 'RKn and Mn: I-T `K791-`(Av nf `Mid. IVUTU it `UUHUIUHH IP11-J LU lJULl.'U5|vo 'MI'. and Mrs. H. 'Walker of `Mid- land visited Mrs. E. Stacy at Mrs. I. French's. .T ' `The Ladies Aid had a quilting in the Orange Hall. Wednesday after- '\f\I\I`I A! number of local young peoplel took in the play. The Lone Hunter" in Elmvale. Wednesday evening. ' A nnrnlhnv nf Innnl nannln nninvnd In I`4'HIlVtuU, vvuuuuuuny uvctuus. A numlber of local people enjoyed tobogannlng and skiing on the V10- tovla Hill. Saturday. Mar. 20--Mrs.-1`3l:3.ok has returned to Barrie after visiting Mm. J. Banting` tor a couple or weeks. 1UI'lHnm Tmnnnv 2-nf wnrd `frnm l3.I1L`Hl5' LU!` H. UUULJMS UL `WUUKM Wllam Lennox got word from Huntsville on -Sunday that his bro- ther was very in and left for there Monday morning. . `Minn .TnvnA avvlglnv nf if-1`n1lv In Vin. LOW uuuuua u;nuruuay 9V`DHlUo Norman Parsons and IR. Hamil- ton have returned `tram the north where they have spent the winter. Ill..- 15.'I|.. IIIIII-.. -1 I'i......l- .._-_L llUI'I |UUo ' r. and Mrs. Elwood Jennett one tertalned a. number or `friends. Gat- urday evening. v`l3nImn I-n haw Innvlno 1'uru in nnnhld Mar. '20-'C.!ongra.tui1ation-s to Miss Jean Gilchrist on olbmining first class honours in her music exams. "`"1fc1'76;;JnEiaaI;' :';Tpn&i'J"2 few days with his parents in Tor- onto. .1Ul'na Tl)` -MI'nYIv\!ah In An -fhn nlnlr f'Try It on Money-Back Offer IV!-KB: VVI 6VIUl\lllll|v I6 VII lpllv lial) list. Mrs. `Terry is under the doctor's` care with 8. -severe cold. mfu an.-I iYUl`v-u \Tru\rnnn Invurnnfh Mummy IIlUl`lNI1B'n Miss Joyce isrlgley of Holly is via- mng her sister. Mrs. '.B. `MoQua.y. CHINA n. nnmhnr of .thA .01-n.nn`Aw|nn IHITE HUI` HRILUL`, `WIPE: Do 4.vLuuuuyo Quite a. number of -the or-angemen from here took in the Grand Lodze at Barrie -last week. TJ'n1vnII 'l\n-uh: Inna `hnuuklv .\TA.u1nI| pUHUU S LGol"llh Miss Amy `Lennon: entertained 0. few friends Vrhursday eveninz. `Mm-man .`Pn.rnnn.n and P, `I -Yam. 'i&ia 'ia';{1a'Ea:Ie;'3 'a{{-;:e".;3 the week-en-d with friends here. Mun \'Ann1I'I4k nvrtgul-clan!` n nuns- Mrs. Meredith enrtertadned a. num- ber of ladies to a. quilting fbee. Tues- day afternoon. ' Luv `WUUlI'Vll'u wuu tnuuua nuns. I .Mr and Mrs. Imlurnn .'|'.nnnAH- An.| UHWB WHJI 'HUV\'5l.`t` uutu. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Icoxworth of Ivy spent Sunday with the lat- ter's mother; Mrs. iRobt. Mooney. Mn: and :Mnu RX! Nfnnnnl nun CH: DWl`l'lU IWBE `W565- ~1-Iarry Davis has `bought Newton Spenoe'a farm. Minn Amv hnnnnr nntnrtnjnml A Announcement is made by the Hudson `Motor Car Co. that it has been granted patent rights on the `.`F-Head high compression motor which has been used -in all Hudson Super-Six cars since early last summer. The patent--`No. 1,656,- 051, relating to internal combus- tion engines-_-covers the entire arrangement of valves, spark plugs and `combustion chamber. &-2 Go today to any an: atom and got 3 tall also argument. 1!. am: a generous trial. you an A Hudson engineering execu- tive says the patented design is importatit because it permits high compression benets `in a `large. motor like the I-Iudsonesuper-Six. High compression, it was said, has proved a `far more *di icult `prob- lem with _lare motors than with Vntvo. spark plug. ond combustion arrangement for the high compres- sion Super-Six motor, patents for which have been granted to'tho Hudson Motor Car Co. A - . IHLU. Mrs. W. -Mcxmght 1sVon -the sick Iuf BFVS IIIUIIMS WITH: LITUUM xuuuney. Mr. and irlrs. FW. McDonald are PERMITS HIGH COMPRESSION WITH ANY GASOLINE wAvnL:_1r Hudson Patents "F-Head 1-`.cnIan1'; nicely settued in their new house that he bunt this Iummer on his muskrat ranch. hhrae Laird, who has been with Dick Cunningham during the win- ter, has hired with John Davis of Tuv Inn to tmnv-_ Go todny to an: atom can get a nu no treatment. 11. gamma trial. you not d htcd with oaocts ask for money back. twmbuotuudotnun toly. Iliu- couvenlont to bu mun lllroct to CANADXXN I10 .00. W 70:! Erica 033-; DESK 255-EE

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