Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1928, p. 16

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WALTER J. TEQSDALE unn-nnl>n1-\'Io in fhn HA9?` MRS. BARBARA MAIEL SHOP IN THE MORNING IF YOU CAN. Maiel s death are three sons and one daughter. They are Samuel and Fred of Thornton, Walter of Oshawa. and Mrs. Rosella Dickey; also four brothers and two sisters: Samuel Wice and Nicholas of Thornton; Charles in the West, and Louis of St. Thomas; Mrs. Wicklum of Stroud and IMrs. Saulter of Ka.pus- kasing. Among tho`se from a dis- tance who attended the funeral were B. Mainer, Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wice, `Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Reid. Concord. The pall- lbearers were old friends of the de- & CO. STORE ceased: Rolbt. Graham, Knock. Abra- ham Plant, Allandale, W. Henson, Allandale, Albert Rainey Sanford`-' St., Adam Wicklum, Stroud and` |Norman VVil1ough|by, Angus. J. E. H. Laidlaw left today for Swift Current after a visit to his mother at 126 Blake St. }'r;)}1;__s:ca~r;;' to nish-- and for hours afterward-The Cohens and Kellys in Paris. Cap- itol, Mon., Tues., Wed. 12:: 6\$IVC VI 390159.` ' 1. ulnepl d I make lnchoduluuyouun. 0 Ida. mg... -.._. -..J -.lJ..._1 Thursday, March 22, 1929. SHOWING ALL THE NEW SPRING STYLES SPECIAL VALUES ` 1'` 1'3" '1 `;'.'ma"n"':' "`Lc'c3u"":' ` I I i C C Q -.mcs-mun. 3.; :1 Ms. Mu. cc! III: ` um I Min. I. Cut adm-ciument out on dead and mad lilo us. A D- _--._ _-.____I_-_ _-I._..- -.__ _I_- ..::.1*:'.'::':..':;.-:.";"'= "=" -" -" 1 B..-I_..... -1 A.|-_.n- Inn- _...I ATLANTIC MILLS Dept. No. 441% .145 .WclliI.Iln .W-- _ _Io;nto2.0n. SN.` 0' B08 .......g.....g........uu.g;onqouanuan-4ouinnuonuuououauouulu IOOOOO*DOQOO$OQO O90! SIMMONS ,9. co. ven%I1_ll9._ o u-|p\v\ lnvflf I! Rules of Conltest IL- -L-... 1...: _._-. - ...-L. "Ii-1TA'r xmrr cow'Mnus STRUGGLING 0131' WHEN on-mas HAD ABANDONED HOPE W ........ - nu:au:c.vhdda'Mi.p`L.!':u1.'u Miu.Pmd`~ zuuuunnnnuc ,, _. MEN'S HATTERS ,2 Paco Sixteen :: : YOU WILL POSITWBLY NOT BI ASKED TO SELL A_NYTHING FOR US_lnotdonowlnm7o!IhoBlCuh l Plllu cloud above. _ -' IVhonInneoin yomlowvi `advise you of the uunbcc of points you have gained and uh you to make a null purclnu fun out couloguoto . ....-Ill.. ' {rou no not oaucxra voun. ' . sum `to no ANYTHING son as I an nunnunva In! AL! ALIQEBI `FE | 3HInI' III III! l'IlVlIIIuV\l run Irv lBY SENDING IN AN ANSWER TO I Pun:-an nirvana i Evgry contestant who - j BB GIVEN ample: of 1 our um:-huidiu valued 1-on; fsoecoszoo. Any peg-non yhojolvq 16: 3 more words con-octly WI 10- i in an IMMEDIATE award in addition to any other prize" `Q1 ji 11:1 they may. win. Nothing to` ;$i*&%$ww&&w&wmh fg ALl..ANDALE w&wwm$*w&w%a%* Men s Hal and C2gp_Weg!( Harry Hill is home from Batavis: tor a few weeks. - ' A... Fleetham is spending a tew days in Oshawa. . O n m Mmziouzhlen was a visitor. in Oshawa. u D. E. Magloughlen visitor. in Tottenham on Friday. , mt... 1:13 R1-nnfnn nnent over Sun-. in Tottennam on rrzuuy. | Mrs. Ed. Brunton spent over Sun-_| day with Mrs. M. I~Io1mea.= v_ ` frnhn Mm-zlouzhlen snent '8, few day with Mrs. M. noxmea. . . John Magloughlen spent` few` days in Toronto last week. `T ' . -Mrs`. J. S. Brunton has returned in Toronto ms: Weex. T - -Mrs`; attezra. few days in Toronto. 5 Angus Bell or -Oshawa, was with his brother-, W. A. Bell, over Sun- Aour | HIS UFULHCI. V7. 4-In J-Juno; viva --.. U day. . Mrs. RoyoLee has returned from Toronto after [attending the tuneral_ of her father. I M... wmimm Kearns has re- or her tamer. . Mrs. William: Kearns. turned trom two months in Ham"!!- ton and Beeton. _ u... APAQ -Qnhmiuher has returned and Beeton. - Mrs. Mex. Schreilber has returned to her home in Toronto after a. gleasant visit with Mrs. Ed. McMil-.| fl. pxeuacuu. vaau. vvu.-a .v..... _... -...-....-- ' lin. . Miss Elsie Ch:-1st1.e*ot Meatord is spending a. few days. with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Booth. . hlnnv randdnn of the Bank 0: Bootn. Sidney Godden. of the Bank Nova. cotia. Barrie, has been trans- ferred to -Ottawa; and left for that city on Monday last. _ V (`Dav no M . Farnev of Grand Ran- BARRIE RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS ENTARIO Scholarship Matriculation, Solo Singing, Music, Art, Conver- ....+a.......1 wmm-h nmnhnniznd Outdoor Games and Sports. city Monday mat. . , Rev. C. M. Farney of Grand Bap- ids, M!ch., (an Elmvale old boy).- who is visiting with Mrs. George Payne, Bragltord St., will preach in St. George s.'.Church on sunday ev-l ening. - ,. - During the week of the Grand Lodge Mrs. M`31TBh&1l Langman of Elmvale, Ira Hastings and son, E1-_ gin, and W. J. Magloughlen` of `Tot- tenham were` the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Magloughlen. `llcnnnnu -'RKn\TQ`. f0Y`YYl&I` Alllandale Mrs. D. 19. Maglougmen. Marcus -McNeil, former Al-landale and Barrie boy, leaves soon on a. trip, which will take him almost as far south as New Orleans. He goes from the Montreal Gazette to report the training of the baseball club at Jackson, Miss. He will travel back with the Club while they play"`,ir_1. Georgia, `Tennesee. .N. Carolina; etc.I an. A...1.__--.I.. 17136 nun-\l> a any-H91 U`UU.l.'5la., .l.cuucauv, -aw. yau-A v.-...~. .. .. St. Andrew's Y.P.S. spent a social evening last Monday with Allan- dale Presbyterian Y.P.S. In spite of bad roads the schoolroom was well . filled. The president, Mrs. Shear, presided. A program of songs and recitations was given. Rev. J. B. Thomson had charge or the games. One game which gave much merri- ment was_the drawing of a pig_ from memory. 'The one.-who drew the most perfect copy took the prize. The young people thoroughly en- joyed themselves and hoped that they might have another `social to- gether soon. Motorists `rook to O.N.R. Tracks At least one man and perhaps others who drove their cars along the C.N.R. right-of-way near Craig- vale last Tuesday are to be prose- cuted by the company. The highway was impassalble with deep snow and the resourceful motorists took to the railway tracks. The company, however, will not tolerate this dan- gerous practice and for that reason has decided on prosecution as a warning to all and sundry. Burton Ave. United church On Tuesday night the Adult Bible, Class -held a social at A. Pugh`s and the forty or more -present -spent. a very jolly time in games and other amusements. During the evening the members of the class took ad- vantage of the opportunity to pre- sent the teacher. Frank Dobson, . and Mrs. -Dobson with a beautiful bridge lamp. J. D. -Wisdom made` the presentation and J. E. Morrison read a eulogistic address. A... nhnsnv n Hf .`|3nh-lair`: 'l`A.'.. read 8. euwglanc auureaa.` Onvsaturday. 9. St. Patrick's Tez. and sale or home made -baking was held in the schoolroom by the W.M. S. and the goodly array of home- made daintdes round ready sale. bringing in over $40. Mnnnv nhrhf was blah Niht" ormgmg In Over ww. Monday night was Irish Night" at the Y.P.vL. and the members pre- sent listened with interest to a. fine program of readings, instrumentals and solos and a talk on Ireland by. F. Dobson. Those taking part, were Miss A. Garside, F. Spearn, L. Mor- -rison, Miss Mary Patto'n,_ Mrs. F. Dobson, Mrs. A. Push, and Miss: Lorna. Park. or course 9. sins song was. included in the program. g$&&mmmm&m&m$$ THORNTON !X0I0I0I0I0I0X0I0I0X0I0I0I< '5 vi >14 J. R. Grey is very ill at present. - George Lennox spent a. few days. in Toronto this week. H1-agunlnnlv aw-Inn: In nnnv-ntln A fnw Illa IllI\alV| vvcnaa out--v-u, nvvnr v wwuui W. D. Henry is unabte'.t;) get around after falling on the ice last ' - 110-. Ilfauu `Ilnann A! Man H, V. WT? TV??? -C- r- u--- zna mu '. '. - '- '5 : 0 C9" I Prlu 0 0 I I ` 75.; ' PHI! 0 I 0 0 : 35 " 5 Prison no such - - so " 10 Print J9 and: o - I 90 " 73 Print I2 MCI! I 0 I150 " A Few: Pointers on A Solvm$ Puzzle 1! you wccood a [min clu cot-ucc has In each Iquuu, you will In nblc . 'I In ml Illa manual. Tlllll In four In Toronto tms ween. . Sherlock Barlow is spending a. tow days at his home here. fT.YavIn1II n'.`nan and `Min: Vera `U JJEII Vluuywu uwsw cvuuuu.,; Wesley Patton of Rocklyta visited his uncle, John Patton, last week. 1-v-....-. a- ......u.t.. 4... aun weex. Miss Mary Mason or the R. V. Hospital. 8a.rz:1e.v1a1ted at her-home this week. . days 8.1 . ms nome nere. I-Iarold O`:Del1 and Miss Vera. -0'De11 visited here recently. ., ~_LA_.. -1 9'I-_I_1-._ --I..IL-` nus weex. Robert Black who has been holi- daying at his Home here, returned to Toronto on Monday. . Mun nun `lhlnagnv and dnnnhtar- (at A. J. Mason's recently. 10 '.l`O!`Ol'lIO on Mommy. - Mrs. Cecil Lindsay and daughter. Beryl, of Bolton. spent a. few days "rrinity Mission Circle will meet; on Wednesday evening, Mar. 28. at Miss Charlotte Mason's. IM'isse's Martha. and Edith Elson have returned after visiting tor. some weeks in Toronto and Oro respectively. I Wilfred Cunningham returned` from Toronto General Hospital af- ter a serious operation, and is pro-l an-Angina (nun-n-1: Eh}, tel` 8. serious operuu n 1 fa abl . "n .. .`m. n`a'?.`u...`. m grensmzz IJIVOPHDIY. _ ` Mm E. Mcmnnon is able to be `back to her duties as rlnclpal of. Thornton Continuation choo-1 after` being on the _s1ck rist for two weeks. .nu._ _-:....I-._-.... ...........-... Al NV.-ha- UUJIIQ VII lull`: pawn saw gun uvvv v -u.--. The missionary program o!"1:z-in-I lty Sunday School wmhe given by Mrs. Mason's .c1ass next Sunday in- stead of last Sunday as formerly anvaounced. , 1.- VD'. mat he "Fr-In-Hu nhnrnh aninounced. ' he Y.P.'-S. [met in '1`!-in-ity church on Tuesday evening. A very inter- esting program was put on. A mock council meeting was given with Chas. Henry as Reeve and other members of`-the church taking part as councillors. Delightful 3010: were given by Mrs. P. W. Carr and Miss Nessie `spears. - rm... mnmharn nf Tnwnlina choir YWC- sChOl.81`8hIp Matr1cu1auon,_ D010 mngmg, Luumu, :11, UV satlonal French emphaslzed. Outdoor Games Sports. HEALTH RECORD EXCELLENT. `LIMITED NUMBERS` FOR PROSPECTUS APPLY TO PRINCIPALS Nelle spears. The members of Tawnline choir met at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Knupp on Saturday evening, March 10. and resented their daughter. Mrs. C!!! ord-_ Davis, with 9. handsome gas lamp. A pleasant time was sp t with games and music after w ich a. dainty lunch was se1'.vnd.b.V the hostess assisted by some of -the young ladies of the choir. - .v-M... mmnm-9 . given hv shan- A. choir. - . . ' . ` Iwee hand-printed. Wide strips or ' The ne"` given by aha A` ireien "running across tht tables %%`:aug:_rs_tr::a:u:;%% ggr separated the places and owers and entertainments heard here in yeue.|?#:'3g y`g';fm;1d mg bf `}g'- ` 9 :1 :13 no an r g a Mr comm has a` me "8 bmzoodly number of ladies attended 4 I I ` . I ` :$:::n'z;::;: :.:s*:n`..*.: ::at me :44. 01. our UUIIIIDIJI A Paddy Party - St. Jude's A.Y.P.A. was held on ` Monday, March 19, at Mrs.yW. A. -Jva.mieson s. Thesociai part of the program took the form of a. Paddy party and could not but be a merry one. A reading was given .by Jim Neill. tull of Irish jokes. An al- phabet contest was won by Miss Ruby `McDonald and Ted Marrow. A treasure hunt resulted in Miss McDonald winning and in the Pa't" contest Misses Johbitt and Me- i L fa B r. H 3i I Donald came first. The prizes were say with Ireland's own color-emer- aid green. a. snake. is tiny top hat, pin box. pipe and harp. eBssf Ring Officers A meeting of the Killyleagh beet ring was held at the Keast parlors, on Monday evening, March 19, with nearly every member present. R. D. Henry occupied the chair for the organization part. The `officers el- ected for the present year are:- Pres.. D. M. Coutts; Sec y., A. .Mc- Kenzie; 'Com.. Fred Ball, Robert Rodgers, D. Allan; Inspectors, Geo. Keast. S. Sharpe. A. Halbert. W. J. C. Boake. Mr. Sturgess was the un- animous choice of the meeting to kill and cut. One thing was very evident during thediscussion: each member wassolely interested in the success of the ring and the Ibest `or feeling prevailed throughout. Successful Sale and Tea , The Ladies Aid of the Townline Presbyterian church held a. sale of baking and afternoon tea in the Or- ange Hall on March 17. There was a. good variety` of choice baking which sold quickly. The St. Pat- rick's lunch. which was served at four small taibles. proved a happy little social affair and relied on green table decorations for its touch of the Saint's Day and upon its specially `colored daintles. It would _not the natural to `be stiff or gium at a table ell trimmed with Irish green. The menu cards took the term. of e. large.sha.`mrock with one side white whereon the `bill of rare was or ireen nnnnrntnt! that unseen and owers and `V [POOR Tunnmg across uu. Luuxua ,_ ,.| foliage ornamented the centres. I The day being tine and bright lam-nllv nnrhhnr nf ladies attended gxmxxwwiwwwmwmm >2 T'A"A"A"A~~-~-_-.. _ _ _ _ , . OBITUARY :11: &%%%%%%%%$%%$% -nu\l FIEHDEIII I-111v-- ....- Following a serious illness of but two days, although he had been in failing health tor the past year, the death occurred on Tuesday, March 20, of `Herbert David Rix at his late `residence, lot 12, concession 1`1. In- -vnisfil. Deceased was a native of Oro township and was born at the R11: homestead at Crown Hill, son of the late Thomas,,Rix. Fifteen lyealrs ago he purchased a farm at Dalston, where he lived for a time and later moved to Innisfll. Up until last Sunday evening. when he was fatally seized. he had been anble to cam-y on his regular duties and his TH I BARR! E EXAMIN ER ings. humor and pathos were finely interwoven. `The latter part of his program, given in Indian costume, was especially `interesting as he told of his early home, his visits among the many Indian tribes of Canada, ..-mmumna w1th~ several numbers land In can unto, will in non Io ooln the mango. Time on 4 nrdoincluncmu. `A.-n gn AL; Igh I...-1| nannan In IE: ` the `Indian [TDDB5 UL 'La(1.IIG.\.l(l., concluding with ' which form part of the Indian music! 0! our country. A llB-.l.I.J Dg.L`, _ HERBERT DAVID RIX ~- - ..-..x...... l11nouc nf Sacrice Sale & ,0! Bankrupt Stock of the Powell 8: /Co. Stock BOUGHT AT A RATE ON THEDOLLAR, THE STOCK IS MARKED AT MUCH LOWER PRICES THAN WOULD HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE UNDER OTHER CIR- CUMSTANCES AND VALUES ARE PRESENTED THAT SPELL BARGAINS IN DRESSES BARGAINS IN COATS BARGAINS IN HATS BARGAINSINRAINCOATS BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR BARGAINS IN GOWNS AND PYJAMAS BARGAINS IN SILK SCARFS BARGAINS IN HOSIERY BARGAINS IN CORSETS AND CORSELETTES BARGAINS IN SWEATERS BARGAINS IN KNITTED SUITS BARGAINS IN KNITTED DRESSES BARGAINS IN RAYON SILK vESTS VRAYON SILK GOWNS, RAYON SILK BLOOMERS, I-IANDKERCHIEFS, BRASSIERES, BLOUS- ES, IN FACT EVERYTHING IN THE STOCK IS OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES. AS FLOOR SPACE IS LIMITED, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DISPLAY THE ENTIRE STOCK, BUT. DAY ADDITIONAL LINES ARE DISPLAYEDTO TAKE THE PLACE OF GOODS SOLD. COME-A VISIT EVERY DAY WILL BE OF PROFIT TO YOU. ALL SALES FOR CASH-NO PURCHASES EXCHANGED OR `GOODS SENT ON APPROVAL. FITTING ROOMS PROVIDED. gang: 1 -I-Inuit` QAAIQQIIQIA GIN `Dan! 15 1 The POWELL goes merrily on-and if possible the entire stock will becleared out by April 1st BA RGAI N 2 U0 ` clutch hand Iqcmola tho` and to can the life until} tonloumpunlm um-in Do an um vlh_ueh' you hnvonlnm-lunch` sudden death therefore comes as a shock to the community, occurring as it did in the prime of life, deceas- ed Ibeing but 45 years of `age. -139- sides his widow he leaves four children, -three boys and a girl, the oldest of whom is fifteen and the youngest two years. _His mother. one brother, Wesley, and one sister, Elizabeth, all residing .on the home- stead, also survive. Mrs. Efilsmere of Craighurst, is a half sister, while James of Craighurst. William of Orillia, George (Archdeacon Rix) at Prince Rupert. sB.C.. are half baro- thers. The funeral] was held today at 2 p.m. from his late residence to St. Paul's Church and Cemetery, Rev. Mr. Cousins officiating. _ -._._:a Mr. Rix was held in high regard by 3.1"] who knew him and his sud- den passing is deeply regretted. Walter Jordon Teasdale, which oc-` curred in- R.V. Hospital on Wed- nesday, March 21. after a very short illness and at the early age of 35 years. Deceased was in splendid health until about three weeks ago when he caught cold,_ developed erysipelas and later pneumonia. He was married four years ago to Fern Wing-rove and there are three young daughters. the oldest three years and the youngest just five weeks, left with their mother. Others who `survive are three sisters, Mrs. Wm. Brown, `Mrs. Mo-rley Wlngzrove, Mrs. Wilfred DeGeer, all of Vespra: and three brothers, Wluliam and Herbert of Weybusrn. Sask.. and Ernest of Barrie. also his mother, Mrs. Thos. Teasdale. -His father died two yearsl ago. Xxfnlfnr Tnannln lnavna A which ..n_..... -. ._.h.-_...._ t .-Vlost regrettable is the death of ago. `Walter Teasdale leaves a wide circle of friends to mourn his un- timely demise. He was born on the 13th con. of Innisfil and had lived in these parts am his life. When he married he took up farming on the 6th concession of Vespra. I'|"Inn Pnnnvocfl Ia hninur hnl fnmnr. OCH UUIIUCSSIUH UL vcapxa. `The funeral is being held tomor- row at 2.30 p.m. from his -late home to Barrie Union Cemetery, services being in charge of Rev. A. E. Baker of Central United Church of which Annnnnn 114nm o vnnvnhav uuuuvu I-0-1-nuuywunru us-`---- The death occurred on March 14 at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Rosella Dickey, 53 Cumberland St., Allandale, of Mrs. Barbara Maiel. formerly Barbara Wice, daughter or the late Adam and Eva W-ice. and relict of the late Frederick Maiel, formerly section foreman `at Thorn- ton. Deceased, who was in_her 68th year, had been ill for three months. She was Iborn at Painswick, Innisfil township, and had lived there all her life until coming to Allandale to visit her daughter last Christ- mas. when she was seized with a paralytic stroke. r"l`hn Info "\/h-ca Mninl wan widniv U1 `\Jl`.'IlLI'.I LJHILUU buuu: deceased was a member. LHUDIEULU. > The funeral was held last Friday ` at Thornton, where interment was made. Rev. A. E. Lumau had charge of t e service. assisted by Rev. . E. ulter and Rev. E. B. Beynon. The many floral tributes attested to the high esteem. in which deceased was held. They included a wreath from the General Motors trimming department, Oshawa, where a son of deceased is employed,` and also tx-om the Ladies Aid and `Women's Institute. l ' d" . IPIII-A-4; `titan nun: 1406 in ununn II puwuyuc mruxc. The late Mrs. Malel was Widely known. She was a. member of_ Thornton United church, also of. the Ladies Aid and the Women's` Institute. ml..- a...........I ....;... 1....1.1 1-1.5 I`odHnv IISISIIUIC. ."rhose who are left to mourn Mn.

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