&&&a&w&&m&&&%g :1; ADLET COLUMN gg .w. .v. .v. .v. .v. .1. .V. .V. .V4 N. m & & 'Li~U'UU WUINLS -n-uut-mu, -wuxuu uuu harness for sale. Apply Bert Pringle, ~33 Collier St. . 129 The officers and members of the Barrie Women's Christian Temper- ance Union extend warm ppre- ciation for generous donations time, money and baking from zfrie ds in town and country during` the` past week. . 12b The Worthy M-atron and trustees of Bayview Chapter No. 106 '0.E.S.r Barrie, wish to express their sin- cere appreciation to `R. 1'1`. Garrett of Capitol Theatre, also the artists who assisted each night by singing, as well as the general pwblio for hearty support when Roses oi! "Picalrdy" was shown as a. benefit picture. -Mrs. -S. Wood, secretary; Mrs. M. Knapp, Worthy -Matron, Mrs. WV. Shrubsole, E. J. Burgess. FOR SALE-41926 Ford touring car, motor and rear end thoroughly over- hauled, `top, side curtains and up- holstery In A1 condition. padnt real good, baatterles *O.K.. new license. Apply E. J. Poweil, 2'2 Eugenia St. A annn nf 827:5. 12tfb FOR SALE--Sow with eleven pigs. Apply Ed. `Travers. Vrelephone 607r1-4. 12-13p TWO YORKSHIRE SOWS for sale, due- April 1st. IFred Brown, Allan- nln nhnnn R104. 12!) IlI- \IUUI\lIl MRS.mJAS. pA`i*EizsoN 12o Bayeld su, Barrie J... .....`I Lou `D..L1:- Ann`-3am An S"1`A'R TOURING C-AvR, good as new, for quick sale. Apply to 104 (Maple Ave. Phone 14`29W. 12p Ed. I ! PU! Apply A snap at $276. _ YOUNG PIIGIS for sale. Apply E. Lessor, Ante.-nIMil1s. V 12p - j GOOD DUIR-HAM nCA:LF for sale: seven months old, would make a eood baby `beet this summer. Chas. Nash, Cundles. 12p T MAN VVA.\"l I`ED--Good. reliable. honest man to sell from door to door; horse and wagon provided; commencing April 1st. Steady. P.O. Box 373, Barrie. 12p _ QuB'l`\.]Jl'1l ISL. '1`! dale._ phone 3:24. - COWS -FOR 'SA1LE--One Durham cow, due April 7; one cow. milking. Apply to Roy E. Partridge, `Shanty Bay. 11-*1~2p HATOHING EGGS for sale, from our excellent laying strain of Bar- ron - White Leghorns; Agents for Royal Brooders and Poultry Sup- plies. `Fraser 'Bros., Cralghurst. Ont. . `11-139 : AP~AR'1`?MEN`T TIO LET--5 roomsl aunt: knbln knon Anv\`1I 19 ma.`\A-Gk Al"KIY'1"LVll&V'1' l.`\J L112 1. D FUUHIB and bath. heated. Apply 18 Elizabfzb St. ` COW ~FO`R SAL'E--one fresh Ayr- shire cow, 6 years old. a good one. H. .B. Armstrong. Allandale No. 1. Phone Stroud =21r32. 12b ROOIM A-ND CBIOAIRD for two men. Phone 9412.1. 129 Ul`J1J"`'I."1`1`l.'$V\.I' I11-'UU&VJ. (0 I811! In comfortable home, central. Phone 564. 11-1-6b` BED-`SITTING ROOM to rent; nnvunnl-m1\1n In-`nan now-Man` DNA JERSEYS. pure bred. registered stock. tr-eshening in this month and some in April: imported stock. Ap- ply M. R. -Nash`, Oro `Station. 10-15p ...._.__.__._..________._ TEAICHEII \VAI\"I`ED for SS. No. 6, township of Inn`..~xt i1, duties to com- mence on April 2. Apply. giving quallfimxtions, references and salary expected. None but :1 Protestant need apply. \\'m. F. VVonch. Sec'y., RH. No. 1. `Thornton Post Office, Ont. 12p ITALIAN BEES. 47 hives: always clear of foul brood. Buyer can have many -as desired. Roy Carr, Cooks- town. lot 2, con. 12. West Gwimm-' bury. 12-:13p j FOR` SA.'IJE'--Clyde mare with 8. white race. also top ibuggy, light and heavy _~wagon tongues and set of heavy wagon wheels. Phone Perry G111. V Midhurst. 12 --: -:-w 7 of Household -'Fumiture ` I-I~0RS&ES F01 -I `SA'L'E-=0ne. black horse. 4 years old: one brown horse, 8 years old. both general purpose. Apply to John V. `Brown, Spring- bank Farm,Alla.nda1e. A 11-18p - - PULIJETS FOR \SAIJE--1'2 Barred Rock and 6 White Leghorns; also el-A ectrlo Incubators and broaden. Gua- tom *ha.tchlng. $5.00 per hundred. ghqg. Kelly, 18 McDonald St. 1'23) --v jv-J.-w_- -or-3 ------v to sell by Public Auction bn ngj-I-sumac! n-All an _ 4 SH)OR'1'tI-!JOR'N BUIJLS tor sale- 1-year-olds: a good chance to im- prove your stock. as these bulls will be sold at a. reasonable figure. Ap- ply-_I-I. M. Dyment. `Barrie. 11m- :- NOTICE-- will not be responsible for any debt: or claims on my turn- ituro and entects by my wife. he- ltore and after this date -March 5. `_ 1928. Signed -"1`homa.I `William Dlnvnhvmt. jh FURS AIJPERED and repaired. Over I-Iurlburtfa Shoe Store. Min M. 'MoArthur. Ootfb "Ev:-zsrocx FOR sun `SIX-ROOMED HOUSE'to rent. all conveniences. Apply 11 `Cumberland St., Allandale. 12Ib L950. waguv Plumtx-ee.. .4UCT.'.1...5.eE} EGGS FOR HATCHING ROOMS" AND BOARD camps or 11-ugNxs { mxmmaous AUTOMOBILES LII.` t. 12tfb `V--' at cornrorta-D19 brick nu.9 End 8a.r- pl`OpI'leIOI' IS gxvung up Latuuug mgiblg 8.89. nice lawn and good ga.rden.- Terms of Sale---Fowl and all gums T119 highest or any tender not of $10 and under. cash; over that o, 3109l9-P113 9-0Dt0d. ' amount 9 months credit will be giv- [ch ALEXANDER |OO'W.A.N. on to parties -furnishing approved 'uu.,m 11-1% Solicitor. Barrie, Joint notes. 6% per annum of: for 10-10bEt!` 03 1'-11?` J. Rowland Estate cash. H. A. Grose. aumoneer. Jill` 12p -:-: S-`EV EN -R00 M ED BRITCK ' HOUSE ! tn vnnf n1! rnnz-`I.-sun An n . . A n A n n nu -Wire Fence priges reduced at ,Sarjeant s. ' 12b i 65. ` -Keep Easter Monday open for the annual Easter. Dance at the Armouries. 12x -,-Jarvis special for this week only-Palmolive, `Soap, 4 for 25, cash and carry at Jarvis 12b -Men's and young men's plain and fancy spring suits and over- coats atsR. A. Stephens . 12b -Week-end special at Cancil- la s-Head lettuce, 3 for 25, Spinach, 2 lbs. for 25. 12p --`Smoked Fillets, 2 lbs. for 25, fresh`Fi1lets 22c lb. Nice variety of potted plants." Jarvis Phone - 12p -Northway s traveller will be ' at `Sarjeant & King's next Wednes- . day. Come in and selects novel- ty dress or coat. _ 12b The` Town Council on Monday L evening. gave its official endorsa- tion to Empire Shopping Week, to be held April 21-28. 'I'J'-In unnnu Turing nnnal page U8 IIUIU flflfll 6.I.'tOo His Honor Judge Donald Ross held his first court on Tuesday when he officiated at `the division court a-t New Lowell. Rev. J. B. Thomson of Allandale will be in. the Guthrie eld preach- ing on Sunday. He is the interim moderator of the vacancy. 1"! CO 0 e"vv134iiggi;sa;; 'o{A}{g1Is} reports | very prompt results from an adlet of clover seed last week, the seed being disposed of on Friday. RR -7---- _._-`.-_'.. v_ v.. -..-.....,- -If you want something differ- ent in a spring dress or `coat, make a selection from Northway s samp- ,1es-at_Sarje'ant & King's next Wed- nesday. - 12-b Allandale Presbyterian `Church Ladies Aid hope to see many at concert in church, Tuesday, March 27, by choir of Orillia Presbyter- ian Church. 12b It is just forty years ago today (March 22) since the -big snow- plow -accident occurred on the North `Bay line in which five men _ were killed. T_f-.._I.I- TY!!! 1.-- L,-__ ______!,,A_,I D116 UAIJLCDD uvxuyauyo Through the benet kindly given them `by Mr. Garrett of the Capitol Theatre and the sale of candy in connection therewith, the First Troop of Barrie `Boy !Scouts clear- ed the sum of $121. It (1 Dn\.$nnv|`a:\vu A`-un:nn1-nan: A` VII IIIQU 5Ulll UL vlulu H. G. Robertson, chairman of the -Orange Grand `Lodge arrange- ments, is a St. Patrick's Day boy, having been born on March 17. Some of his Irish friends present- ed him with a green hat last Sat- urday. A T.nnnI-In A` 'KYn .~rnaA+3nm A League of Nations meeting will be held in the Police `Court chambers on Monday afternoon next at 4 o'clock. All interested are asked to be present. A drive for memfbersis being made in Can- ada on April 17. _.___`Qn'un1v nnhn ud" Inna` vvnnu ___.________..___..___.___ REPRESENTATIVE VVANTED for the Mutual Life of Canada. To se- cure this position you must be will- a..., m urnvlr nn anxious to increase aua uu aupru ac. ---`Solvay coke will heat your home comfortably, at a minimum cost and there will` be little ashes to carry out. Large pea size is ex- cellent for ranges and heaters and costs but $11.00 per ton; nut and egg size, for stoves and furnace, $18.00 ton. A mixture. of pea and nut burns splendidly in the aver- age furnace---try it. The Sar- jeant `Co. Limited. 1% Rev. Dr. Dodds preached at the preparatory service in ?St. An- drew s church last Friday night when te-n new members were re- ceived-four -by confession of faith and six by certicate. The quarterly communion service on Sunday morning was largely at- tended, in fact, one of the largest in years. TX- nu-x#uuenA I-A Q:vnnAA r`AI\-nd-1' W Cl C IXIIJUUQ Harold` Hill has been -appointed dealer in Barrie and vicinity for the Hupmobile and is showing his first car this week. It is the new Century-`Six, custom sedan. `I71, 0 __--.._., -v---,, wwuntvvuil -avvu-an -When in Paris don't do as The Cohens and Kellys in Paris" did. You ll get into lots of scrapes and everybody will laugh at you. Capitol, Mon., Tues., Wed. 12:: 1'ire'r'& '{:v8'u'r `1f1'{vh'{'y3B 3}- der from The Sarjeant `Co. Limit- ed. Ask any of our customers. 12b ----- vw-I` v_ v- wt! vv--uvovv c-Iv --They saw lots of pretty ar-I tists models in Paris---`but their wives were along. But The Cohens and Kellys in Paris had lots of fun, anyway. Capitol, Mon., Tues., Wed. 12:: 9 After over twenty years occu- pancy of the south corner of the -King Block the` C.N.R. telegraph office was this 4-week moved next door occupying joint quarters with the express company. `Tknnuamh I-111: knnni 1.r:uu:I1cv ndunn '-`---v-, -~-v--., --v-u -vvuu ---u --Bright, clean A;1thrac`ite coal of the highest quality will be de- Vanna. `VI Ann Wnhnn uynn `nun Au- L IIIIU Ill` livered in .1-.. A...... I In years. The refund to Simcoe County towns and villages in connection with good roads for 1927 road levy is as follows: Alliston, $144.50; Barrie, $4,873.50; Creemore, $44-6.25; `Goldwater, $427.50; Orillia, town, $2,716.35; Totten- ham, $336.00; Victoria Harbor, $288.00; Port McNieoIl, $412.50. Cheques have been issued to the various treasurers for these amounts. -62..-- I'_._-\. 1! _.. J_ LL- --_-__..- Since March 15, or in the course of the past week, there has been 4.4 inches of snow fall. The low- est temperature recorded was on Thursday of last week, 7 above zero, and the highest yesterday (Wednesday) 39 above, according to records kept `by W. H. Buttery. It did not go below freezing last night and yesterday and today _ much ofthe snow has disappeared although most of the streets of the town are a veritable quagmire. THE BARBIE EXAMINER U118 posxuun yuu mum. uu wus- lng to work and anxious to your income. Apply to Box 878, Or- lllia, Ont. 6tfb Tenders will be received by the underllgned up to twelve o'clock noon. Wednesday 88th. 1nIt.. tor parts of -lots 8 and 7 on the welt side or Owen `Street. Barrie, Slmcoe ' County. a. delorlbed 1:: registered num|ber'1`n892. -On the property in comfortable brick house and '|`l-nn hlohnnt new as-m Onntlnr nnf RESlDEN'I'lAl.. Pnomrrv 1-`on SALE - 12-p -Wife and Family PA`DDI3SON--In loving memory of W. J. -Paddison, who passed away March 26, 1927. , A light is from our household gone, A voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in our home V_V'h1c'h never can be filled. "- .._VVH n and `Family. >I0I0I<$>I03>X0I0X0I0I0I0I0I0X< P3 g. IN MEMORIAM , $***%%FF$*$*%K1* C'LAR`K---In_ 1o`vl31_gjmemory of gut TTTTT'A"A"A"-7-r-- .. _ ._ _ C'LAR`K--In loving memory of on dear mother. Mrs. Clark, of In- nlstll. who died March 22, 1915. Three little words, forget-me-not," They don't seem much `but mean a At _ __'_._____.________.___._ PA'DDII'SON-IIn loving memory of W. J. Paddison who passed away March 26, 1927. ` Deep in our -hearts is a picture 0! a. loved one laid to rest. In memor_v`s frame we will keep it, Because he was one or the best. --Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Jarvis 12b and Family LHUJ uuu L. nu... .......-- .... 101:. Just a memory fond and true To show, dear mother, _we -think, of !!l\II LU ca.-an, ...-.-- -__-_, you. 12p-Sadly missed ---:--:-----:.:-- vy um 12p ________________.___.._. YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 3. week in your spare time at home writing show cards. No canvassing or 301- iciting. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Co. Ltd.. 45 Dominion 13..nA1na 'T`nvvnnfn `|Mtfh |The undersigned has received in- | structions from an n I I KQIQI3" REI~D--In loving remembrance of George Reid, beloved husband of Agnes Reid, and father, who died March 4, 1921. IIII\hI.Cuc, -v----w-_ _- I The following: HORSfE~S-Black horse, *6 yrs.. 1500 lbs.; black horse, 7 yrs., 1500 lbs. The above is a matchedpair. Grey horse, 9 yrs. old, G.~P.; brown driving horse, 4 yrs., sired by Prince Arundel. `This is a. real show horse having won at several fairs last -fall. .ru'vnm1 .1:`_.innr`nnm now. 4 yrs having won at Several Lu.u'a Aaau. -a.a.u. vCA'1`TLE--Durham cow, yrs., milking, in calf; Durham cow, 7 yrs., milking. In calf; Durham cow, 8 yrs... due "by sale; Durham cow, 8 yrs., due by sale; Durham cow, 6 yrs., due April 1; Durham cow, 8 yrs., fresh, calf at side; 2 heifers. 2 yrs., Durham; 3 heifers. 2 yrs., Poll- na Angus: Durham cow. 9 yrs., old, `uurnam; 5 neuera, 5 yrs" s ed Angus; Durham cow, yrs., - supposed in calf; heifer, 1 yr. Durham; 1 spring calf. an-me mun wnmvw. ._ `Brand 1 Durham; .1 Spring cuu. PIGS A-ND F0'W'L Brood sow with 5 pigs 3 weeks old; 50 pure bred Rock pullets; 25 good laying strain, mixed. - wu.nm.wr.mwr-2: _ made;-_ q-gt,_ strain, mixed . IMHLEM-ENTS Binder, 7-:t.,` Massey-Harris; mower. 5%-ft.. Frost & Wood. nearly new; seed drill. 15-hoe, `Massey-Harris; spring `tooth cultivator, narrow; spring tooth cultivator, wide; set drag har- rows, 12-bull; set drag harrows, 18- bull; sulky plow. Icockshutt; 2-fur- row Cockshutt plow; walking plow, Wilkinson No. 4; walking` plow, Punch; sulky rake; root pulper; turnip drill; set 91'-lenfrew scales, new: cutter; fanning-mill, Chat- ham: 2 wagons; buggy, 2 stories; gravel lbox; steel vise; root scut- tler: 4 sling ropes; 2 doz. grain bags. I-LAIRNESS ~A`N'D GtR.6uIIN - Set team harness; set plow `harness; 2 sets single harness; 150 bus. feed wheat; rakes, hoes..whitletrees and many other -articles too numerous to mention. Positively no reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. 'l"m-Inn of sale---Fowl sums l'l\l\.a I I\ll I ll`--a-I I'-`ARM STOCK &. IMPLEMENTS 'rU1i si3 X\"I'"MAi'i`'ix'9 Vkn Onnnrhna 3Ll`uUl.1Uua L w. J. LENIVSX I: Lot 20, Con. 9, Essa L.` ..p.11 `xv! \\II`\"f\ a:.nr-Hnn SEED OA'I`S--American Banner, for sale: good clean seed. Wm. Dun- can, Shanty Bay. Phone '312_ Oro line. 12p - We have remodelled our store considerably and have dis- played everything in Spring apparel. Spring merchan- dise has been coming in for the past two months and our stock is practically complete. In order to make space for same we had to make several new changes in our store L- LL- ATLA.-A`-:1-\r\ IAIIKI '7 9 I99` LCIV 2/VVJEIG V1 Ill o V V o m v v v - - v v -- very much We invite you to come in and see 0' and merchandise. Everything displayed to your : age; styles never equalled before; colors the new snappiest shades; prices that will surprise you :11 you dollars. ` '5` Id\JI. KI], IlI ur, to sell by public auction at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp on ----cI\tII\AIl Q1135]; Q; We-have stocked about 1,800 Hats for this season, the prettiest modeis and nicest shades ever known. ,Our prices on hats are always the lowest prices. SPRING COATS in the newest styles and shades, prices always the very low-' est. REMEMBEE, we` also carry a complete line of Misses and *Children s Ready-to- Wear. Opposite Post Office PHONE 1030 Next dodr Bank of Toronto has nunniw \a&nun3 styles REMEMBER, DRESSES that will take your breath, the newest models and the nicest shades you ever looked at. Every- one knows we. are unbeatable on `Dresses and we feel sure our stock now is the best shown, also the prices are unbeatable. Sure We are away 311830 E1113 year in shades, colors and styles. Special $14.00 up A complete line of Boys Suits, Coats and Furnishings. BARRIE BARGAIN HOUSE _AUCTlON SALE . 4-nggng A III. EIIE SPRING COATS u:u.'4v ;an*1\LrLI.vlL`4JJ :DIVlU1\ IIUUDEA to rent, all modern conveniences, `good garden. hen house; also place for -:1 mm`. `For Imrtlculars enquire at 159 l\Iur,v St. 121) 3.11 De nueu. ` --Wlfe and Fami1y.3 by the Family FUJI , old,` ' S. STRANSMAN, Proprietor ' The undersigned has received in- structions from --n us npuqrulvllli _ vV.`f5.""Ev`i'i-i`:s% West 1/; Lot 1, Con. 5, Vespnl in .511 I. nnl-nln nsnnfinn nn .wl_-- IV.In-`-- tut I The following: DABRY COWS-Black cow, 6 yrs.l old, due March 24; brindle cow, 5? yrs. old, due March 23; brindle cow,{ 5 yrs. old, due May 23; pure bred: Holstein cow. 5 yrs. old, due March} 215; Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, due: April 1; Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, due March 20, Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, due April 1: Holstein cow, 65 ...... ma man. M19 nf fnm: Avrshirei E399 II\Il` hiring-a OF 22 HIGH CLASS DAIRY COWS anon A'l'h!`.K, IMDLEMENT3 OF 22 HIGH GLA35 UAII-n vuvva FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Old, due Aprll 1} noistem cuw, 0; yrs. old, with calf at foot: Ayrshirei cow, 7 yrs. old, with calf at foot;| Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs. old. due April 4; grade Jersey cow, 6 yrs. old, due April 4: Ayrshire cow, 3 yrs old, with calf at foot; Ayrshire cow, 4 yrs. old, due April 1; Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs. old, due March 28; Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs. old, with calf at foot; Ayrshire cow, 4 yrs old, due April 1; Hereford cow, 3 yrs. old, with calf at foot; Hereford cow, 3 yrs. old, due March 28; Hereford cow, 3 yrs. old, due `March 29; Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, with calf at toot: Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due in Ap- ril: Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, calf at foot; 2 farrow cows. The above are all good, young cows, heavy milk- ers and high testers. Anyone want- ing cows will do well to attend this main JVIEXIIIUIIALL LAI. uu Building, Toronto. One cent a word, cash. each inser Alon. (minimum charge, 25c); six insertions for the price of four. 10c extra when charged; also 109 extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Office. e uxs um sale. urn` UOCKSIIUEI . Luau urux. HOUSEHOLD `F-URNITUERE - Fumed oak dxinlng suite; 3-piece chestereld suite: 3 bedroom suites: parlor tables, rocking chairs; 2 stov- es and_ many other articles. All will be sold without reserve. Aeconveyance will meet trains at I-Iendrie station . I I'I'\;...uv.n A0 Qa1a_.13Io-hf vnnnfhc 88.18. HORSES--Grey Percheron horse,` 6 yrs. old, weighs 1350 lbs.; bay` mare, 10 yrs. old, 1400 lbs. 1'M1n1':'IaM1=`.N`'P _. Masgnv-n'-1'ar-rig mare, 10 yrs. olu, uwu uua. `IMPLEMENTS Massey-II-Iarrls truck disc harrow, nearly new; Cdckshutt disc drill. r.r.n'rTa`rn1.r-n`r.h :n`.TT`RN1'FTT.1?'I72 ' A1-ienurxe s1:a.uuu. Terms of Sa1e--Eight months credit will be given to parties fur- nishing approved joint notes. 8% per annum off for cash `Sale at 1 p.m. 1'1_.19h `W, A, `Mn(`.nnkev_ Aunt. `Dun: | 1'1-.1 0 yrs. om, umvur. SHEEP AND PIGS-45 Shrop- shireewes; Oxford ram; Yorkshire sow, due April 5; Yorkshire sow and litter; 18 store pigs. ruwnrn1'.1a ... `nmzinharnd T-`l nr-`nfnrd The undersigned has received in- structions from 1:-n upu A AIIII (`II 19. 9, turns: V, nuuuuucnuun to sell by pmbllc auction at 1 p.m. on nunII!I\|IIInl\ All IIAIIIIII an VV1ZlIj&J I- cvuuouib-u 1: The following: I-IORSES--`Bay mare. rising 6 yrs.| old, Clyde, in foal, 1600 lbs.; bay m-are, 10 yrs. old, Clyde, in foal. 1400 1bs.: bay gelding, rising 3 yrs. old, Clyde, 1300 lbs.; bay colt. I'll- ing 1 yr. old, Clyde; brown horse, 5 yrs. old, driver. qmrwmp ANT) PTGS-45 Shrou- VS -AN"I`ED-A reliable; amibitious, enthusiastic man. willing and not afraid to work. to collect and sell Insurancein the Town of Allandale. Salary and commission with ad- vancement in future. This position has been paying: approximately $2,000 per` year. Married, business man pre~fer1'ec`i.-Replies will lbe treat- ed confidentizlllly. Apply London `Life Insurance Co., F. M. `Tyrrell. Phone 496 or 1204. 12p 11121261`; 15 31.0117 pxsa. CATTLE Registered I/Iereford cow. due in May; Hereford cow, due by sale; Hereford cow. due in April; 3_ Hereford heifers, rising 2 yrs.: 1 Durham steer, rising 2 yrs.; 5 cattle. rising 1 yr. old. 1 1\m`DT.`la`.M F.N`.'lVS. E I`IC. -- Frost & yrs.; 0 cause. ruung 1. yr. uxu. IMPLEMENVDS. ETIC. Frost a; Wood mower; .2-turrorw plow, Cock- shutt: set iron hart-ows;- cutting box; road cart. nearly new; quan- tity of hay: also other antlcles. All will be sold without reserve. mg.-an A! aln.__2 rnnnr-nu In-AIM? Will 06 sou: wunuut. reserve. `Terms of Sale-8 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash. W, A. M60021. key. auctioneer, Barrie. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK a IMPLEMENTS LU EVIL U] PIJIUAAV cuuyuavu um. 4. `Islam: vn WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 fkn 'nI1nuvInrp- GI-1(.3i.!V(~2:l'?-.mKEAS`. 1' At Lot 8, Con. 6, lnnisfil . nail kc: -gnu`-din on.-unr\ n 1 nv-n 4 Lu acu -4; put u - . y u . V . . V . . . .. ES AY, MARCH 27 Fnlnn Onllnnrlnou 5 ry--v-- vr----o ---------- ~- months 2. .'al changes rill appreciate the alteration our store ng advant- efore; newest and Lt and save MEN S DEPT. 300 SUITS, the new Spring `-_ tone, new models displayed 9 to your advantage. Come in *0` and see them. Special 314 up v TOP COA'I`S-We always SCI 7; law. a, `pussy w, --_l to sell by public auction on unit-nu-um`) IIAIIIIIJ on _z}gcnoN SALE 1: an Aug nnnnv ti j- VIERY DESIRABLE FA`R'M border- ing the village of Shanty Bay. 185 acres. good buildings. A-pply. \Roy E. Partridge, `Sh-anty Bay. 11-12p . DRESSES LID. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. avv V . ---, Iour advant- anc ou save dis 0 : led in this line and we feel we are away ahead this EN BLOC Of The Stone Qua:-r Property and Other Assets 4) Tho Ontario Stono Corporation Limited. To be held at the office of Ward Price Limited at No. 111 King St. West, Toronto, on Monday. 26th March, 1928, at twelve o'clock noon. For -further particulars apply to Montreal Trust Company, 81 Yonge Street, Toronto. 9-12b coir; B1'L-.' -sf:-EFRIC Have Automatic Turning Trays in all sizes; least trouble to handle, and give Greatest Hatching Eicioncy Both coal and oil burning ROVAI, gnu! GO! _l-ll\'l` Poultry and Chick Supplies ISAIIIQISPQ I:I\4-nip 1-` Aunqo. _ -_.__- -....--. up-`pl:-Ivy BARRiEl)"-ROCK (BABY) White u-zcnoaw (cmx) Also WHITE ROCK EGGS WAN'IE`D `T0 RENT. with option to buy. fifteen to twenty-five acres of good land and `buildings, also hennery. near lBarrle. `Apply 492 Main VVest, North Bay. 123) 8 No;th Street Phone 387.! : BA 4 c7\LoADs by :\.L-1'(?'-ITON v---w- njjgl-Q until end of April. All bought at high prices last fall and in excellent work- ing condition. 12-16b SALES START II A.M. NO RESERVE COULTER BROS. fIIX XF'uAu.1nn:g:-- 84 pnetaiggt. Tel. 1045.! in manna A 9: lI&I\H Are the supreme winter lay- ers and payers. Our early Chicks are bred to live and lay. Our method of brooding, unequaled in Barrie, gives vigorand health. I III`; l\L'nI'\IJI I \II\ I 10-28 Nelson St. -- Toronto uasusaunl l\\I\vI`hI Ma?-'51: Chicks 20 each We will have 6 and 8-week- tilhlfullete fer delivery April 6 weeks old . . . . . . . . . . 80 8 weeks old . . . . . . . . . . Ole ORDERS IN ROTATION. \Tf\ T\I7`13f\G1"l|'I HARg<}f E: IYIORREN VAVULHLVD .l.$V JLVU I. A L LU: N O DEPOSIT. Visit our Broodery and no Chicks of all ages. ____ A A A Thunday, March 22,_1928 GR'IMIM'S ALF`A`LF`A. `SEED for sale. Apply to G. D. Banting. Ivy- Thornton telephone. 11-121) _- - -accuse: _ii9ERTY 110$?-S9AY.A Jun UUCH. auu Ull ULIFHII ROYAL and SOL-HOT 30.55 !*.0R5E5 3 I! A l\ unn--3.44 _"_1I_vE_jAT'6'K AUCTION SALE "r'HE -1:-E335 53 V?- Q Kl-I--.. Q: `F mvmsmn _HATCHERY BRoTiI'>`I:R_s EXECUTXVE POSFTFON as man- ager for branch -store in Barrie to be opened 'by Cox'pora'tion who own ` and operate large down town store in Toronto; ladies wearing apparel; man or woman with or without ex- perience; will teach the business to successful Iappllca'.nt;, must come we}! recommended and capable of Investing three thousand dollars: fully secured. 'MA'CY`S, 285 Yonge Qhuznf 'I`nv-nnfn `l1.12h Open 3 to 9'p.m. the odels displayed ntage. up BARRIE 50-ACIRE FARM forLsale_or `rent. Good buildings, some wheat and clover, somn plowing done. VValter Spring, `RR. 2. Barrie. `Telephone 60714}. 12p LIVE POUI/DRY WANvTED. high- est prices paid for fat hens. Leave. orders at the Y.M.C.A., Allandale. or write M. Alexander. 12-17p Page Twelvo .Lv1Azu1.uuu .V1`AuV wuxuu V'VUl'It uy Luv: yeam: experienced on `the farm and all kinds of work. Box 76, Allan- dale. 12p lull) SCUUIUU. J Street. Toronto. '1` ~ '1` mw&&&a&aa&&&w&&] -1. .._..- MARRIED M`AlN wants work by the uvnnmv nvnnuvionnn nu .fhn Farm and ? 100 ACIRIE-S. lot 22. con. 6. Oro; principally clay loam: bank barn: brick house; spring creek; 5 acres maple sugar bush. D. Beasley. Oro Station. 2-17p FARM tF04R SALE-100 -acres good clay loam. brick house. 2 bank barns. Well watered. Good reasons for. selling. Wm. Cumming, Phelp- aton, Ont. Box 52. 11-161) T PASTURJE FAJRM for sale or rent- 60 acres. lot 11. con. 12. Innisfll: running creek. well fenced. all cleared. Apply to J. I-I. Nixon. Box 1044. Barrie. 0-nt. 11-16p ` FOR `SALE-50-acre -farm. 35,00. Bargain. `Three-roamed house. Easy terms can be arranged.- Location east hair of west half of lot 15, con- c9`.[on 7, Vespra township. Two miles trom Midhur-st station. For further particulars write Sterling Development Company. 77 Victoria no `l`mvontO.. 12-13!) il)QVB1uyuwu I. at" Toronto, FARM FOR SALE--100 actoa more or less. 101: 24, con. 11, north `halt. in- nistll. good clay son and good bulld- mgs. Farm stock and Implements and some need grain. Apply to own- or or Jon. Thtrd. Stroud. 8-dlp EEEFTVEE? g_Ms FOR SALE seen FOR SALE? _______________._ cooxs \VA.\ I`ED-$60.00 to $100.00` per month, accorcllng to size of gang. \V'rlte stating experience, number of men, date available. 'C1'awley and McCmcken_`Co. Ltd. Bax 1960, Sud- bury. Ont. 12-14b :-: WHELPWANTED WANTED at Royal to Miss 101-` Illlll IUII 1Mtfb J. uusu 11-12b V II UJFICI: 12-I81) WI 133 12b GASOLINE IWRACTOR and 3-fun row plow for sale. Apply at Exam- iner -Office. , 11-161) ----------------------A I - BUICKEYE INCU`BA'TO.R, 110-eg I capacityy-portable colony house, Ibuggy. wagons, sleigh, cutter. Jar- ula. nhnna K5 ..._..____________...___.. FOR SA'LE--3 electric inculbators. 2 Daniels. 1 Elqctro. hatch." Egg cap- aclty~abou_t 100-egg each. Apply post office box 757. Phone 134. xv 121): __________._._._.__| "ITO RENT IN SHANTY BAY-- Eight-roomed brick house; hard and soft water. garden, stable. and gar- age. Apply Mrs. Geo. W. Cald- `well, Shanty Bay. 11-16p Iuugsy. w`cL`5-uu vis-. phone 65. -- FOR good Lloyd on at . |FOR SAIJE--Scant1lngs 2x3. two` show cases, sideboard. refrigerator, pair of scales, also 7 sheets of Gyp- roc, '8 ft. long by 3 ft. wide. Apply $9 Innlna Q0` ruu, '0 LL. luau 18 Eccles St. FOR `SALE CHEAP-Baby carriage (Lloyd Stroller) in splendid condi- tion: also carpenter's tool box and number of tools. Apply 68 Eccles St. Phone 573J. 11-116p , BUCKEYE INCUIBATOR. 210 888 size. in excellent condition, only used a short time. $25.00 Frank Madigan, ya mile from Leslie's But- cher Shop, Alla'nda.le. 7-12p - SAFE. medium size, good as new: two showcases, Auto Knitter, motor sewing machine. Aladdin lamp, set computing scaes, must be sold `this week at "1`uck s Ba-rrie Fair. 12-13p . __._..__.__...._.._____._. FOR SALE-Water trough, 1 ft 10 in. by 2 ft. by 8 ft. inside measure, made of 2-inch dressed Cyprus pine and lined with galvanized iron. Price $15.00, 46 Rose Street, Bar- rie. 12-13p -: NEW STAR 4 SEDAN ufully equip- ped. purchased end of December. Have changed occupation and motor not required. Will sacrifice. W. W. Badgley, 173 `Elizabeth St, Phone 1358 10-15p JJ`lI\\JIIJ 'Ll LllJlJ 'l3 1\JL \.l'\JlTL lJ_\JD J. g with fancy hair centre, valued as a keepsake. Lost In December or eanly January. Reward. Phone 719, 12-`17b "800 ACRES in t6 2; ' miles from Eimvggsaxig ?.," !,$,s1'1 ` lrom `Provincial Hishway. 41,032 acres on: good clay ldam in * splendid workins condition. balgnge in` second srowrth bush. spumud buildings. brick house and two bank good condition. wm " ham. all in t1ce.~_ Apply to Box `I. jail at sac:-i PAIR OF BARIBE`R'S SH`-EARS found on `Dunlap St. `Owner may have same by paying -for advertise- ment and applying at 83 Clapperton St. . 12p GOOD BARGAIN for somebody- Two incubators (Prairie State). 400 eggs each; two Room brooders. will accommodate '1000 each; will be sold cheap. KR. `Robertson, vcralgvale, Ont. 12--13p . S'l`IOR'E FOR SALE tin good loca- tion. `Phone 341 or write Box 889, Dnnnin 1:00?!` LIUIM `I Barrie. - FOR SAIJE--One ivory bedroom suite, one brass bed. leather divan- ette and 2 chairs to match, floor lamp. sewing machine and kitchen cabinet and Iorthophonlc Vlctrola. All in good condlution. Apply 16 Per- ry 'St. Phone `1'15~5 12b LOST `OR STOLEN. on or about Feb. 20. -8 Beagle hounds, ;co1ors black, white and tan. Phone 974. W. L. Brennan, Barrie. [ `12p LARGE `GOLD BROOCH DOS`-T.l wit-In Fanny! l\n`n nnnfnn Ivn`I1n an n V~A'CAN"1` LOT for sale. Corner of Theresa. and Berczy Sts. Apply to phone 310. . 12b FOR SALE--Grocery store, stock ~and fixtures. House in connection. Apply Box 347. `_ 12p SUM OF MONEY FOUND. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. Apply over Jarvis` fruit store. M 1% KITCHEN MAID wanted Victoria Hospital. Apply McAr-thur, Supt. I4EGH.O`R-N `BABY CHECKS of extra large -stock; also high laying strain; price per 100, 200 each. or 500 at 1.8c each. Hatch off Mar. 24. `Twenty -per cent. cash with order. Order early if you `want to be ure of your chicks. Jas. :Blrn.le, IKempenfeldt IS~t., Bar- rie. 12-213p TWO A`C'R`ES -OF LAND for sale or rent. 1% miles from Barrie. Com- tortable frame house, good hen- house, never failing creek. Apply `Box D"'. -Examiner Office. 11-El2b BA-`BY CHICKS - Barred Rocks from high record laying strain, ped- igreed males, custom hatching done at $5.00 per hundred. Chas. Kelly, 18 McDonald St. Phone 1184. 12p BABY CHICKS - 0.A.IC. strain. Barred {Rock baby chicks, $20 per hundred. Custom hatchln-g $5_ per hundred eggs. Will hatch every ha-tchable egg. Phone 256, Donald Tnvnlnunn 191\ F-(JR *SA`LE--Su erior quality Bar- red and White P ymouth Rocks and White Leghorns. Chicks and eggs, plant under government inspection. in record of performance. Every- thing` blood `tested. High average production and quality oombdned. Harry -M_orren,' 8 North St., Barrie. phone '387J. 1?-13b ll I-UIICIUIU J amleson. \ FOUR ACRES for sale on Bayfleld St.. Barrie, good brick house and outbuildings. orchard, good shade trees. beside golf links. Apply to M. Gordon. 172 Elizabeth St. Phone 119W. 10-\15p HOUSE FOR SALE In one of best `locations In Barrie, eight-roomed brick house. double parlor. kitchen, dining:-com. tour bed rooms, .3-piece bath.. furnace and fruit cellar; double garage: large lot. Apply Henry & Cowan sttx . PROPERTY FOR SALE--9 acres good clay soil, adjoining village oi! Minesing, close to highway, suitable location for poultry farm. Comfort- alble nine-roomed house,.barn and poultry house. For further particu- lars apply to R. W. Piowright, Min- esing. . 10-il2b HOUSE FOR -SALLE--Ideal i.;;g.s for small family, centrally -located on Mary 'St., -rug `brick with -stucco gables. rive rooms. oak and ash trim. hardwood floors. built-in bookcases. tapestry .-brick open tirepl-a.ce_, loit- ohen has . many cupboards and lbrealctast alcove furnished. electric heater. electric stove. blinds, fix- tures. storm sash and `screens in- cluded. Large .lot planted with ehruiba and -perennials. Owner leav- ing town. Phone 1094'W. for appoint- mnnt, .1129 VVANTED - Experienced pabking I...-...an aqlnurnnn Annlv DU~YTl8.I'tS COTTAGE FOR SALE - Four rooms. all fireproof with summer kitchen, wood -and coal shed attach- ed. large cellar. 1-nside sanitary clos- et; garage or two stall stable. hay- mow. pig pen. large hen house, soft water cistern andxquarter acre` of _ Herbert raspberry canes planted. iast tail. Price $1-800.00. Hal! cash and easy terms. Apply A. `Robins. Cundles. -,Barrie.0n-t. A 7 11-123: H tn; 1. meat. PROPERTY" [QR `SALE LOST AND I-'ouNp SALE----WVicke1~ carriage. in condltlon. reversllble gear, make; will sell cheap it tak- Anna om) `nngfnv Q1? 1'21`) sell cheap It tak- once, 202 Bradford St. 121) BABY CHICKS fion SALE . Apply 12-1311 IL ooa, 1:2tfb` M-BUSINESS OR PROFESISIONAL IMAN -- Desirable steam heated, aground floor space to let, available /April 1st.. facing C.N. Station and Post Office square. Premises now occupied by Canadian National Telegraphs. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block. Barrie. 7-12b ucuu 12p l V A . | The undersigned has received ' instructions from | ____ -4- 1;---u-:QD wg . u-use-y --ww- :S.b:TURDAY, _j_Rh"4 LL- 13-11 ' the following: 'Mahogany Parlor -Suite, 3-pieces. 4 Black Walnut Chairs,oval top Odd Black Walnut Chair ` Black Walnut Console Table Black Walnut- Sofa Hall Rack Black Walnut Parlor Table Black Walnut Clock 5 Rugs T Black Walnut Foot Stool Walnut Ottoman P Curtains 2 Quarter-Cut Oak Parlor Tables Oak Buffet . ` Pictures, etc. Oak Extension Table Mirror 6 'l3la_ck Walnut Leather Seated IVL - .'.... Dining Chairs 6 Cane Seated Dining Chairs. Oak Windsor Chair Couch Oak Writing Desk 2 Congoleu-m Rugs . Dishes, Fancy China, etc. Quebec Heater and Cook Stove, n nnn"lu`n AA W UCUCU LI-UGUCI auu \IVVll vavv V V combined Drop Leaf Table Glass Cupboard Baking Cabinet Large Quantity Kitchen Utensils Chest of Drawers and Mirror. Walnut Bedroom Suite 2 Oak `Bedroom Suites V , Bedroom `Chairs ' Toilet Sets Wilrcfllxester 32 Special Hunting 1 e. "Also Garden Tools and Many t\A.L__. A- 3 1.... \Il WI `_-Either Artieleg. A1l'will be sold without reserve. Terms, `Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp UUI9 KLl\Q avcwnng W. A. McCONKEY, Auct., {_____L. N-UMBER 01-` Y`EARtLING CATTLE for sale. Apply `C. M. Srigley, Allan- dale RJR. 2, phone 8r3. 1'2b -GOOD WORK I-I-ORSEL, wagon and |..........=... cm. can .Annlu aw! `Dr-lnsa. A.1\"I`El) tsxpemem.-eu pucxuus house salesman. Apply Dumarts Limited. Kitchener, Ont. 10-~12b`