Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1928, p. 24

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Mrs . uuxnon Mcnay. ' `M. '1`; Orrock, who has been on the sick list. is improving.` - < Wedding hails mm rlnmna Inn.-nu ___.__----uju-u , . Mar." 13-'-Dav!d Miller otvarrie `galled on Midhurst friends last Sun- EV. N day. 05 HUI} IVY!- ;- "."! _'-F3 twsn EGBERT . Ivivv 1% vv mu-. 1 8-'1`he'Ladles' Aid held 31 I` concert `In the Sunday School room V on .Monday night, March 12. The 1' Sunnidale orchestra and Mr. Cook. an Indian ham 01-fawn, Anfarf-nin. Wrlc In 816!` OBPBRVGIIIBHC. - Mrs. W. Grose has returned fro gh:t'1`oronto hospital feeling a little ~ e er. v ' IVE uuu IIIIUFIIUI` UHB 118 PINK EYE. Robt. Canning ot ,-Branttord spent 'SundayAw!th the Misses Canning. Mrl, (`hr \ `INT:-`Ia!-11> rnnnlvcu-I urn-I I3 IR\Y0N Gt _ M (U"R{|LlE\Y MGTGR. SA 55% 5.4R'3 .-. j -w*~ .OUllul`WlEIl L110 M18583 Ulllg. . Mrs. (Dr.) Wright received woi that her brother was dead at their home in Fort fF`ra.nces and left at once tor the funeral. The sympathy at the community goes out to Mrs. Wright in her bereavement. mlrl, Y (`.11-nan has nnilunnnn-I In-nun ' Mar. 12-;L1Wo(yd7Grz1ham is on the sick list. \ ` f\nA Inna` Cnnnlluu has an`! blag Hln IIUR ll|n \ one local family has all the ills that are going. one oi. the children has the mumps. another has meas- les and another one the pink eye. `Rah!-_ nnninn nf -Rmani-fnm-I nnnnf murun xv. - - : Chag. and Wm. Stainton have tons to Toronto to attendthe tun- eral of their mother who died on; March 1'8. l IIIIHU \.'U.l`|.Ul` WEB UPUHIIUQ VEU Utllll by gravel which tell on him wh-ile workingin thejgravel pit, Tuesday. March 18. ' ' .l"knn an Ylfnn Gtdhinbnn knquu: lllllll ux`uuvau'u. uuu ll`: Muun. an Indian from Ottawa, entertain- ` ed the audience. T - I "A-A";:'a.1-"t;'_'v:';;`lr'xe1d at Frank Mum- |beraon'a on Friday night. March 9.` iAll report a. gopd time.` * | 1..-..- lnna-.. cu..- .........L-.1 J... .1-..LI. vn vacuum: The W.'M.'8. of the Presbyterian church held a. quilting bee at the home 0! Mrs. R. A. Sutherland and In the evening the young peo- ple held thelr meeting there. The young people's meetings have been very encouraging and very well at- tended. A I when Betty uuwuy. auuuuu or Mr. and Mrs. Robt_.,-Dawey, Bel- tast. Ireland. was united in mar- iaze to Mr. Walter Fairbrother, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John`.Gra.ham. Dublin. Ireland. The bride `wore a gown or forget-`me-not georgette. with hat to match and carried a.` shower bouquet or Ophelia roses.` The young couple will reside in Toronto. - `. can .1`. .1: _n 41. , vs..--,,L,_L__,n___ A quiet but very pretty wedding took place. on March 2. at the Car- leton t. United church. Toronto, the Rev. `Mr. Hunter officiating, when Betty Dawey. second daughter ms! Mn nn `Mrs, Rnhl-_..T)numv, RAI- Nor an auto by its color scheme. inward worth is what counts and a blindfolded man riding in an ESSEX cantfeel that it is the best in its class. \ nun --.-w-V - -vv- v-~---- I Isaac Carter was crushed [to death my av-aura` .InhInk Call run kl:-vs nvhdln PEAS-Aylmer brand, choice guality, No. 4~sieve, No. 2 tin . . 2 has 27 RADIO PEASK-- Large, tender and sweet, No. 2 size tin. . . 3". . tin 16 ........ uvu uw :_\J1nrLI\J onuuu'-' . Maconochie s imported 1 s . . . . 21 % s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SARDINES---Skipper brand, dainty and deiicious . .` . . . . . . . . 2 tin: 31 CORN SYRUP - Beehive or Crown _brand,-2-lb. tin . . . . . . . . . . 141/ac `5-1b.`ti\n .. 33 10-1`b. tin ..s9c KIPPERED HERRING-Maconochie s imported, 1 s . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 Va"s .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 HERRINGS IN TOMATO` SAUC-_-- Il4g-..--L!-)_ 2... -_. Pg-Rs0NAL SHOPPING MAKES sA'rIs1-mi [ silbiwns WALNUTS -- Crosse & Blckwe1l s pickles ' . . . . . . . . . . .. jar 47 swear Mlxb PICKLES--Crosse & Blackwell's . . . . . . . . . . . . jar 42 SWEET MIXED PICKLES - Heinz, V picnic size . . . . . . . . . .. . bottle 26 PICKLES--I-lomemade style, Libby s . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jar 28 RUSKS--The Original Holland Rusk ..I__. an - -NEW Lowau. NFSl'l..E S CONDENSED I-'_';1.;aIv'"""i5;...% -mmw-rn roam. I'L`nt- sum .l- nnlllf Illl (ML I `I'll c_1-xuacunu. 1` ="i ;i`2'E DOMESTIC SHORTENING 1 lb. Pkg. 16c Special- - DELIVERY HOURS - Week days: 11 a.m., 4 p.m. smoun No. 2 Size Tin s'A'ruRnA' " 10 mm, 4 p.m., 6 pm. DELIVERY SERVICE 17 The May meetin of the _Presby- tery of Barrie of t e Presb erian Church in `Canada will be ski in Elmvale on invitation of the con- gregation of that place. What -wmu -rnvnvn A nial and: PEARS uncut: IIVJIIGIIU l\|J-\ pkg. 21 SARDINES 2 '13 29 4 ckossnn FISH 11 -._- -. - wwuqnlrwvacs naval; o On `Moriday afternoon the teacher` and pupils of Nantyr school pre-I sented Lula Neely with a lovely leather school bag as a little token of -rememlbrance. Orville Cameron read a. short address and two ofthe girls made the presentation. Lula was taken by surprise but thanked` them all very klndty for the gifts .l. ". fl i 1 9 I __ ....`,_ -- us. vvnquni Mrs. C. Pioiwright has gone to Huntsville. she having received word that her grandson had under-3 gone an operation for appendicitis in Orillia` hospital. Last "Sunday little -Ray. _6-year- `Id son of A. W. Plowright or, `Hun sville. was an!- fering frpm acute appendicitis. To- wards evening he lapsed into un- consciousness and was rapidly sink- ing`. `Permission was secured `to take him to Orillie. hospital in the caboose of a freight train. After a.? trip or five hours, he. reached the hospital and was suocessful1y'oper- ated upon,.at 11.30. He is reported as doing well. `The iad's father is a. former resident of Mi-nesing, being a son or the late George Plowright... A U|lIonA`L-n- ._l . . _ . . _ _ A -`I4 DHAAH use-as Ivwvllt ' . -.....-...u . . - u nun: can a. VA VA: iv o 3 Miss Elsie Ro'bin'so;n, nurse-in- _tx-aining, left this week to resume `her-duties at Long Island. N.Y., at- ter spending a. couple or weeks at her home. . ' --v- --v.--v- Mrs. Cecil Sprague was a. delegate ffom Churchill L.O.B.A. to the Grand Orange Lodge Ameeting in Barrie this week. J. . Fer'1.1's';;1- and daughter, Mil- ydred, spen-t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs`. C. Campbell. I-lolly. ' A... -\.r....`.a..-. -u-_..-_.. A-_- A- -V I ITUKIHIIUH UL LIIGILIJIIUUO \ What may prove a fetal acci- dent occurred on- the 10th line of Nottawasaga Township Jest week when Mrs. Alfred Tompkins fell down stairs and broke her neck. It is thought she took a weak pell. There were no ' eye-witnesses. Mr. and -1\;tx-s. [Wilson Forbes are visiting friends in Toronto. ' Il'1__ v-111-1- vs Mar. i3-Lo":\[i;;"I..i1a Martin upent! a. few days last week with friends` ` at Churchill. on auu us HIU Jute ueurge :.l.`10W!`1nl2.. .` A number, or young people frqm ` here went to Barrie `Sunday even-I mg to hear the Inspiring address of ` C. .F. Plewmandot -Ontario Boys ` Work Board.` _ LU nuuruw xulupp. ' `Mrs. John McLean and infant son returned home vtrom the RV. Hos,- pltal last week. flnnran Tnhvuuhnn gaunt . ...\....1.. pucu man. went. | George Johns n spent a. couple- ot days in Toto to last week. I 11.... H !Mar. 13-H.:Pearson is on the sick at. John Rlawrlghi has sold his tarm to Andrew Knapp. ` `Mrs: Jnhn MnT.nnn and hnlanr mu. EIGHTH LINE, INNISFIL MINI-LSING CORN-Ayln/1er brand, choice quality, No.2tin...' . . . . . . . . ..2tins27c TOMATOES-Aylmer brand, choice quality, No. 2 size tin . . 2 tin: 21 Drugglsts report that MILL'ER?S HERB JUICE is their best seller for constipation, gas Janina, stom- ach, liver kidney an bowel dis- orders. Why suffer longer? Ask Wm. Crossland, druggist. ab1o`u1t`: 4453 a manual! E14-16 DUNLOP STREET; Tobas Special- ` - PURE RASPBERRY JA `}*A?5'36c M,ARMA1IAi5I: Cross & Blue}!-:well's 16-oz. Jar With Coubon Robin Hood Oats Rapid Cooking Regular and Chinawan Rapid Cooking mzoucmc smnmn-"s smuaoman MARMALADE THE LOBLAW_ SELF SERVE SYSTEM takes advantage of the universal tendency to study and compare values and to make selec- tion at leisure. Customers are not talked into buying; selecting at their own volition makes more satised customers. We invite all to [come and examine our large and well selected stock which is being sold at the lowest possible price. Prove to yourself that ' 33c VV lllv UFUBDICI this remedy. Kl;`.ILLER S DUNDEET 33c No. 2 Size Tin LARGE SIZE Pxcs. 12-OZ. JAR . `Mrs. Russell Hood of Alliston spent Thursday with her brother D. J. (Miller. ` J. H. Bell was in Hamilton on business, Friday. ' \ "The ice "men are busy getting: a isupply in for the hot weather next \ `uni . Li`-.Vll'S. 'J.'U'I' 01 I spent a. few days last wee} sister, Mrs. J. H. Bell. 01 he: .1 2.: `Dan ---- -- "` r vvvulwu 6 IIIOEICUKU The regular .monthiy meeting of the Eimvaie branch of the Women s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. `W. J. `McGuire with thirty- aix members and two visitors pre- sent. Mrs. Tyrer.\ vice-president, - presided. Part of the business was the arranging for a social evening in the Parish `Hall on Friday, March 16, for the members and their fam- gilies. A splendid patriotic program 'was given entitled Miss Canada Comes of Age. A dainty tea was served . \JUlllC3 I Mar 12-`-N WEED BUCBIPII 'l l'I`7Hl). Jan! ` CCOIIICIOIIIIIIOOIIQCVI Oolocovucsocuctcovou oclovnovoocoo-ucoovgtc vab 1 IICIICIOIOOUOCVIQCICUCI F bl 8 coIOI0I0aIvu ra.1s FQbo`a9 cvotccatonooopncouloo M88`. 9 uncnonoooo QQQQOICIQQIIIIIOOIOU tvuvuucoo-Ioovuccuyoo 22.00 ' 9.05 11.80 ` I 8.80 8.05 8.80 9.05 IIOIIIIUOIIQIIOIOIOOIQ Expenditures Paid for rink dvance Printing Office- 8 sets posters ccolooocoo `Examiner Printing Office- Ali star game posters -' .. Weekly add. 8 times . . . . Gunner Gill. posting bills . . 2 IOIOOIIIIQOIII Rate:-ee expense; . . . . . . . . .0. 8 `t8.0k8'............ uouuuuoncs 722.00 1.00 5.15 6.40 1.50 2.00 ` 3.50 .75 I0I90000I0IIIOIlIIlI'0l Btampmotc. .20 -------- Total 1III|"""' OIICICCOI 899.75 I 1 1 1 I 1 . . _ . _ . v.. uu.V`UU.V ' s'r.' '1`I-IOMAS KTTOI-PEN-ER PETER-B030` LINDSAY _ 'ro_no.\"ro onmnm ` WINDSOR LONDON Q1` "mun-\: A an .........--_._- 17c 9c / nuonanvlv . Women : Institute .........1..... ..- M, n Copies are promised us for distribution on and after Monday, March 12th. Write to any of our offices to ensure re- ceipt of (his invaluable handbook. It will be `sent free and without obligation. \_-K uroruf `-.VIrs. Tuer bf Alliston days last WI`-H5-1: urhh xv... '3.'U|.lu coo--o-saunas Players `pauses .. . . . . . . . . .... .. ticket men 8 ISL UL AIIISEOH Bell` week with her ` APPLE SAUCE-Aylmer brand, choice quality, No. 2 size tin . . 2 tins 29 PEARS--Real good quality, No. 2 size -tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tin: 25 HEINZ BAKED BEANS-In Tomato sauce. Small size tin . . . . 2 tins 19 Medium size tin . . . . . . . . 2 tins 25 CHRlSTlE S GRAHAM WAFERS- A Christie Biscuit for every taste II. no- -__._- .v. V... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jll: PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES--For every househld W9 Q11 in 0' nnrnncn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . urge pug. z1c KIPPER SNACKS---King's Plate brand, really delicious . . . . . . . . 2 tin: 13 QUEENLAND BRAND PICKLES--T Sweet Mixed or Sweet MuStard- 35-oz. jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43c Sour Mixed or Chow Chow-- 3S-oz. jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36c 1 CHICKEN HADDlE-\-Lily Brand From the ocean to your table. . . . . . . . . . . . ..largeIin21c (`I lI`!`,I"\ nvxrr` A I\I\l r- no SLl`C'lVEl`)_ '151i\iAi>13L'E;3si}a';3o'}' -H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tin 14c " SMALL LA-RGE TIN TIN 'PoLu-Loon FLOOR $$- A -_ nxnn 1\;la\J\) Q\Jl'\l houseliold washing purpose. , % -um`..- __ BRYSON c'}'MoRLE 22 53 ""7 .A'.Ri"t'o `5--1;.-Ia: - Wednesday till 12.30 p.m. Saturd_ay,till 11 p.m. SPECIALS ARE ON SALE MARCH 16-22 -_-_- STQRE 1_1_ouRs -_:_'-` CALIFORNIASEEDLESS __j __::- Mox;,- 'l"ues., Thurs: F nlll. Alain F. G. 9:41-: & co. RAISINS 2 lbs. 23c Members Stgmdard Stock and Exnhn h on vane V1130 ' Mar. 12---.VIr. and Mrs. Hy. Pear-; sall of Mitchell Square are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. Oatway. where Mrs. Peztrsall is suffering from an attack of shingles. `Congratulations to Mr. Oatwuv on` the splendid record of `one of his Holstein cows, winning second in the R.O.P._ test in Barrie. which proves that the dry lots of Oro can produce milk, pl u\ Ca ulilt 1'. produce milk. Gate Rece1ptu_(m-pas). Jana`cooouoccooovoncooolciyv ab!1llOIllIll0l00lQ!Iltl` yebcsoodoolootacovuoococcoo coco 0 0 - I vvcnouvooucux .. . . . . . 857.25 . Boots 22.00 Hlunnnlunn 13n{n6Co\a lling: uncn , 1 nos . MOSS . There was no service in St. An- drew's Church the last two `Sund-aye` owing to the storms and the bad roads. Victor Ross shipped two carloada` of stock on Monday. m caucuueu [0 tne `bereaved. Mrs. Jas. `Reevie of H-awkestona` spent a few days with Mrs. 'Reev1e.- Sr., who is very 111. v. Neil Campbell of Barrie vis- ite his daughter, `Mrs. T. R. Crawa I ford, and the sick ones. Niissng Karin on.) u--......:- n--- A1 zul u, uuu cue SICK Misses. Katie and Maggie Ross of Toronto are visiting with their brod ther, 'Thos. 1Ross. 'phnI~n '7-an Imp; ........x._ 2 F-- Mar. 13-'I`he community was`; saddened to hear of the death of Mrs. Alex. Currie. Deep sympathy is extended to the -bereaved. ' Mrs. Jnsz, `Pacic !\F 1.1-......u--.-L---n Exchange 3 A Ilihnun ORO STA'l`ION Mining ` < r Moron '_`!.4?"'*`$ `Nae Town Hockey League ..haa_ iult closed a succeutul Ieaon. ac- cording to a statement Just issued by chairman C. J . seita and secre- tary J. F. Dobaon. The league broke oven. which may be taken an moat aatittaotory tor an amateur ath- letic organization. It might have alone better had the weather for the finale been more favorable. The ltatement: - ` tn-A_ U-|..__n._;_ l..._-_..\ _NQTHlNG 1_.u _:um accommodation in in man! ovum..- 'V7V` 5-: L73. UUHL 11b n Wong` Ia bu DU Uula 60 V./11111113" wood General and Marine Hospit- al this year. The Board` announces ' that the donation of Leighton G. McCarthy has been increased to 813 000. Mr. and: Mrs. Snmuelc Baker. Nottuwa couple, on March 8 cela~ `GI VUIIGUI 0 -L. V.'uRorke_, native of Calling- Vg3ddT0V?18:g?.ihas bozo}: a.%point- 9 Va 6 u - t - d Forestspinythanp:'::i2$cialm;'om'!;i- mqn-t under Hon. Wm. Finlayson. A .15.; :- 4.- 1..- -1...m. .- n..n:.... DVUUI uuq UUNIIIEWOOQ, 188$ WEEK. `Stayner Presbyterian Church "has a membership of 210, an in- crease of 12 for last ye'ar..eAt isuggidale Corners the membership 3. -. 'n_- .... -_a ;1_, :0 _L_ .1-n, ID 0'8: Paving of "the, `Lake Shore road from the Town Line, Collinzwood, to Thombury.` will commence this spring` as`soon- as the weather fagorable. ` 17v n__.1-_ __-A.!--- -1 1-Vn_us.__ Vw1':1':)W1:i`as were received at tiie auction sale of_,the buildings and lands of the Imperial Wire and Steel Co., Collingwood, iast week. `tnvnnv Dnaakvvfnuinn l"nIunn1A uuuv we an we szcaung rum. There is a movement on foot to form a `joint stock company to erect a skating` rink in Beeton. p"nI\ - n `Anna;-i -En.-n -- uusuu u azwuug run: In neeton. ` Peter Milne,` a former `Brace- bridge man, passed awag, suddenly 0 at Washago. He was `a rmer hp- telkeeper. _ T A VIVA`!!! unnnanvn and: LL; vuw uvg laid luBll`Uo T f i `k (1 up by a citizvgr`: or3f4e`}dp ion ethat town last xweek. The.v were found on the ice at the skating rink. Thaw: in n mntvnmani An land 4-. w by the Atiaeniaw xndania and Anton! _ yam, rcuuuuy. The `Collingwood Elevator "Bill has assed the committee stage of the eglslature. 'l`un\ Fun.-ms nun... ..I..~h...l .... I.-- - nan uuuu uxuu an an mma. . Horses are bringing good pncea in the 'Sta,vner district. Oneteam sold for $275. -(`.`I|um`nn nnnnunn g -_A..l&.- `-1 avaq nu` van). ' , T -Charla Cameron, a native of Collingwood. died at Los Anceles, I`1-n.\L-.. 'b` -._. -- u -v nun vg aavalolvo The April meeting will also be held in the hall. Special features will be a paper by Mrs. Mitchell and a. post ottlce booth with parcels. donated by the members. i ___.v--w-w- -vuuvvj Meaford s tax rate for this year has -been xed at 49! mills. "Angus nun Inning-8-4.. ......I __S..- '1:--vv-aUIO\ vu uuv uuuvuuva. The tea table wassprettdly decorat- ed with shamrocks and green cand- les in Irish Cobbler candle-sticks. E-Iostesses for the day were Mrs. Robert Warnioa. Mrs. A. Webb. Mrs. Jack. Miss Smith and Mrs. D'Arcy Lennox. `NH... A....n ._---L!-7 address on Canadian Wild Flowers -and other parts". To flower lovers . v-nvwvvuvvi vvvlvlh-I19 IIVUIC The Painswick Branch of the Wo- men's Institute held their March meeting in the Grange Hall and in spite or the disagreeable weather and condition or the roads. had a very enjoyable meeting with an at- tendance or thirty. Community singing with Miss A. `Farrier and Mrs. Wm. Warnica at the piano. which has Just recently been ur- chased by the united `efforts 0 the Women's Institute and the members or the Grange Lodge. was a pleasant feature of the meeting. After the usual business had been disposed at many useful hints on household decoration were given and roll call . was answered by an Irish joke and there was mubh mirth at the ex- pense oi. Pat and Mike". Mrs. Will Warnioa gave an Irish instrumental in her usual charming style. ~ A very interesting and instructive was given by Mrs. B.`Warnica, describing flowers grown in the Canadian West as well as the more familiar species` grown in Ontario this was a real treat. ~.A duet. The Wearing` of the Green", by an Irish boy and girl dressed in true Irish regalia was given by Miss Fiorie W-ice and Mrs. Mustard and was a source of much pleasure, to the listeners I ML- 4-.. a..|.I- _.-, 7... ,u-'- - rvavuva ul yuu pruvuuuul KUVUFIP nqn-t angler A A wing is to be `built to Collingn Irnn nnnnnl and Marina "nun-HI-_ HUUHI Allandale--4Gracey, goal: E. Ha.- gan and Edge. defence: 131033 and Anderson, W. Hagan. vwings; Logan. can tro. ' ` Reteree. Bin Deycollinngwbod. WUFU UUII QB-`![Ji1LUll6(l. _ Probably the best feature at the game was the harmonious `reeling between the teams. and it ishoped to have the Collingwood boys return the visit during the softball season. 'l`earns:-- ` 'Co1li-ngwood---Je`ffrey.. goal: Port- land and J. Harrison. defen`oe- Lea! and Stephenson. wings; Wright. oegtre; G. Harrison and Kenweli, su s. Go by tlila fan.1oue'Tou|-int Third Cabin Service to Europe j this Summer. Week! nailing: from Montreal and uebee to Plymouth, Cherbourg, and London by the Aurania, Alan- nla. Ascania, and Aueonia to 0` to Belfast, Liverpool and Glen- gow the Atheniar Letitia, nnnin ll!` A nlnnln Last Saturday a hockey team from Allandale Public ischool went to Colllngwood to play a game of. hockey with the Victoria School of that town. The game ended in a 2-0 win for` the shipbuilders for the reason that their team was the bet- ter balanced and was well fortified with substitutes. No goals were scored until the last` period when Portland went through alone for Collingwood's first goal. Four min- utes later. following another pretty rush. he passed out from behind -the net to Wright. who bulged the net for the second and final goal of the game. That Allandale failed to score can be directly attributed to the coal display by Jeffrey in the op- posing net. for they repeatedly baf- fled the entire Collingwood team only to have him turn them baek. or to shoot wide. Portland and J. Harrison turned in the most effec- tive games in front of,him. .19. Has- an bore the brunt of the game for Allandale both on attalck and de-i fence. Edge. Logan and Gracey also layed fine -games. Edge excelling In combination play. After the mama Hm vim-m-a lnnam-1 uuu uw subs. Ill UUIHIJHIEHUII play. Atter the game the victors loaded the Aiilandaie boys up with sand- wiches and cake. and as the `latter had not eaten since morning, these wereaoon despatched. `Pr-nhnhlv H19 hunt Pnnhnnn Al Hag ' 8880001115 E IIUIIIUUF U! I! U! 11793050 A very amusing debate was held on Monday night in the Burton Ave. United schoolroom under the .a'us-. pices of the Young_Peo'ple s League when A. P_ugh and F`. Dolbson; dis- guised asmaiden ladies of uncer- tain age. also uncertain `tempera- ment. defended in real Amazonian fashion the positive side of the sub- ject. Resolved that Woman` should have the Right to Propose". For the negative Miss Mary Patton and F. Spearn put up a strong argument but as it was found impossible to secure three judicially minded per- sons brave enoughto act as {udges a decision is still pending. A1 pre- sent enjoyed the discussion thor- oughly. I -_L _L `-II!._._,'.._-.I pwymunc. ' - . 'Rev. Edgar ,8. Taylor of Us- brldge, a. former rector of St. George`: Church. was in towrrthla week attending the Orange Grand `Dodge /and had the pleasure or. meeting a number of his old friends. A vnrv nvnnnina Aahntn man huh-I _` The `ice hahveet was com leted," this week. These operations ave given a. goodly number of men em- ployment. `Rt-IV, Vatican 1! 'l`nu1nn :1`! Thu. PAINSWIGK woMT-E53 mar.` OBI-A no-.I_.....a-I- 1-n..-.._1. _4 .u_ _.g_ `II A` J14 iwa&%&&wi&&&w&% _m`s_'r;uc1iN:w A `Lost at Coilingwood .m..4......1..-. .. \...-I-..-- L__.. brated the elxtieth anniversary of their wedding. The were mended at Dun oon. Mr.` alter is 88.and `In no. A `C II`--n L`. nan; 13-4.1. -_- um um: vuu. aw. pane: in oomnu Ibis-82 {cm of an. Both are injood lxeaAth- and enjoying lug. 2-I-IV AIIIOVLIIIVII IIGVU IIGU IIU Iucl` Y9 ~ . . The saw-mill is getting near the finish 0! its out. 3 puupunuu on account 0!: we Ito!` . Mr. and 'Mrs.. `S. J. Steele ante - tamed some trlende at cards on Fri- day evening. Everyone had an en- joyable time. ~Lou. Nellly is laid up with mean!- es. , - W. R. Neabitt is confined to `the house but is Improving `rapiqly. The `fishermen have had no luck __._ `---- Mar. '18-Jvaa. E. `Neabltva dance. to have been held last Friday. we : postponed on account of the star Ml`. '1-In!` `KIWI, "H. J, .HfnnIA And-n _ uuya mac WEEK . | G. F. Cole loaded 9. car of straw this week. - 1 Miss Helen and Thou. Pattenden of ` Mlnealnz xsundayed with their all- tor. Mrs. G. F. Cole. Mar. 1~3-~'.I`he I-Iendrie Grey- hounds defeated the Phslpsto-n_Me.- roons at Pheipston last Tuesday night 18-7. It -was one or the best games of the season -being eppery- and scientic all the way t tough. The Greyhounds now hold a. two- point margin on the round. Quite a number have been getting in their supply or ice the last tow` days... . Betty Richardson or Apto visited at W. F. Richardson : for a. few dogs get week. n}; `AQAAA Q. -.n. -1 -s..-.... LU!` 3 on J. D. Wapp and S. Pratt are do!- egatea _to the Grand Lodge now be- inl held In Em-Ma. W6BK'6!lQ In 'J.'01'Ol`1tO - Mr. and Mrs. `I. J. Qarruthers and family or -lsunnldale have moved .to their new home recently purchas- ed from E. H. Reid. Mr. Carrutheru la a. son or Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carruthers. 8:-.. at Cundlea. I hnmnn Rn}! no nun on... .`....a Uul`I'llN10l'8. BF [Thomas Rolf. at one time agrou- dent here. has moved back to the houae he once occupied, belonging to Mr. Armstrong.` - SQVGPEI 1 lh '\!'"DA Inning RA;-u %:|TR3Tz exams J20 me uranu in: `held in Barrie. GU J11`: Armstrong. several in the village have been on the sick not and under the doc- tor": care. 1` ?I|nonn an.) H --LA A... 1;! Mar. 12-A-I1\jtz-vi -.`&oIis.e or Tbront was visiting friends here last week. was -Reta` Mcxever spent the week-Lend in Toronto. ' MK)`. and `Mn: -1' T .('t........n.-.... ENVY) u IFBQOOOK, Miss Jess-Ie Howard spent the week-end with `Mrs. Russell Parr. um u-me OI 'Wl`lt1`!l8. ' `Miss lolilvo -Peacock spent the week-end at the home or her._bro- that. S. Peacock. Barrie. Minn Jana-IA .1`-Tnnmnil -`-..... .51.- March 1'8-Maroh surely came in like a. lion for it has been exceedin- n ly stormy so tar and the roads are L in pretty bad condition. It;-is ho . that the old saying is true and t at ' it will so out likealamb. . - Misses `Elie, and Jean {Howard s ent the `week-end with Mr. and re. `Wm. enry. ` -Con-gratuia.tions to Mr. and -Mrs. Fl:-al.nk Orr on the arrival or a. -baby 3 r . Quite a number around here are oontined to their homes with colds. Ben. Parr spent a. few days in `Midland last week. ' . The Helping -Hand Circle met last Friday eveningat the home at Mrs. Wm. Henry of Barrie. Quite a. number attended. ll .Tnhn Inning I. `along. -l--I-_ -A Rev. John (Ross is doing nicely at the time or writing. uum-our uuenueu. ' `Mll inlvn .`DAna-unnb vnnnnt 6'!-n I nut is .l!ll]H'UVl!l' rapuyy. w'F;: `shermen have had no luck Inf mus. nllup on Iaaturuay OVOIIIIIB. Mr. and ~ re. vstattord Raid on- tertained ,a number at trlenda at the tenth line to 9. each! evening on Fri- I dayo ' puera. on aunuay. `The `Townllne choir presented Mr. and Mrs. 0112!. Davis with a. Cole- man lamp at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Knupgd on -Saturday evening. ld Pl. vtaffm-d Raid an- W961! at U16 BTEVBI pit . Drawing wood and logs seem to f be the order of the__day. Mar. 14--I-T. Pnr-far sun! (3. 1: llc '-UBIlIl0X_0! IVY- Mra. R. Camden and -"1`ruema.n vis- ited the tozju_1er'a_ Vmother. _ Mu. spoggra 6:: Sunday. 0l"nuynHnn nlnmln n..---_L-.| 11.. I ,tMr. and `Mrs. Wilfred Brolley spent Saturday with `Mr. and Mrs. A. Lennoxo ! Ivy. | MFR- `R. irnolnn Ant` mhlllvln In. an In vuw . nu Llllfo uuua. kl-' Miss Margaret Purchase of "Por- onto spent a. few dayswlth her sis- ter. Mrs. Angus Edgar. * _ Miss Esther Downer returned home on Saturday. accompanied by her cousin. Miss Mae Downer. ot- Elmvale. ' Ills` .1: Iul ll`... 111110....) !B_-II_-- 1): `Mr. Sutton has returned` to his` home at Shanty Bay after asaiatlngi at the quarterly meetings in the Free "Methodist church. V | uni) I dknn nan nalia in bu- Mar. 1'8-J .l`he severe snow storms` slncd the first or March are a. hard blow on.the prophets of 9. winter-` less winter. ' '\/Tu . ant` '\`ns haw! macainuu a-I" awaa W ill HUT 0 Mr-. and `Mrs. David Terry 023 Cookst-own spent. `Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I-laugh. `MIA: WI'nr:rnmzf 'DIn n! ma..- w xurunw. - -4 The Trail Rangers and their guid- es. Rev. J. Morrieand E. Freestone. enjoyed a. hike last .Saturday after- noon. after which was heldetarget practice and other games. On their} return they had their supper served in the kitchen in the Community` Park. H use awn uni, In xmprovlng. Wedding bells are pinging loudly- on the 8rd line. ' - A [few cases of measles have been reported but they seem to be of 9. mild type. ' Mrs. Efale Handy of Allandale spent the week-end in the village. h '.1pO&nn Ann`. .15.. f)_..L_-... -._- `baa: ' - . - .....:'.`: ;:.T."&":.`.V.'3'.'f.W, !:':!.'".;f'.z.: upvuu nu: vvwwn-cuu in HIV vauuav. .R. Lytton and` Reg. Bertram are htaiy drawing logs to the former : m . Uuay mill. mu. uuu. _ V The mild weather is making some! `at the snow disappear and the road: aoft tor trav 21. | `Klan Ya. Manl'I--.I..._ I- -4.nI -.. we awn ust anu connnea to bed`. A gang ot men are working on the steam above! which started this . week at the gravel pit. Drawing wand and Inn: nnnm On Mar. 14-1-I. Porter and G. R. Cha man made a. business trip to Mid and. Tuesday. T A Mrs. S. Cole and Mn. '1`. Dawes, Jr.. are on the sick list. `Mica fllnun "1n-imuann in nuuuul, uu Luv uruer 0: rue any I urn 8.l`6 0!! I116 SICK 11!`. Miss Gladys Thompson is spend- lngt `sometime with tr1ends;1n Tor- on o. :\;r.. u.`.u.... 1.-.. ....4....._-.n-1- 1.1.. l"l`8O M6En0ullt OHUPOH. Rev. J. Gibson was called to `rob! onto last week to see his mother. who had the misfortune to fall and` fracture one wrist besides being! badlyehakenrup from the fall. a... 11--.-.. 1- .~._ - I..-..n____ ._._. BUICL I01` Ira V 1. Mrs. .Ja:. gwdcraoken is still on th: sick list and confined to bed`. mun! nf man can mnnblno an -o----g w uuuuu vu up Qnvlcd huv ounce Ben. Ganton is on 9. business tr1p' to Toronto. A ".nnII Ennounun -ml 5|.-J.` -...lA Kit. and Mrs. R. Schandlen were called to Toronto on Monday owing to the illness .0! their daughter. `Mrs. Clifton McKay. `M. T; m'FlN!h urhn has hnuan nu IHWVFVIII VVWNHI Fgvvqg THFROIIBT nlrono 00..

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