Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1928, p. 20

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-1: --7-: -.7 in DN 'l`I-IE MATTER of the -e;t:t;`;! Henry Holt Otton or the Town of Barrie, Merchant. deceased. NOTICE is hereby given. - unu- antto the provisions the rustee Act; that all persons having claims or demands against the estate otthe said Henry Holt Otton. who died at Toronto on or about February ' 8. 1928. are required on or before the 24th day ot March, 1928. to send by goat. pre aid. or deliver to the un- ersixn . the Toronto ,General ` Trusts Corporation. the executors ot_ the last` will and testament ct ` the said deceased. their names and addresses and full particulars in ` writing or their claims and state- i ment at their accounts and the na- . ture or the security, it any, held ` by them. AN TAR KYuf\'l`ff` Ohni nfinvs 1 4 m::;*1,; Of Tho Stono Qua:-r Property and stotesbm-y Othor Aunts o The Ontario feldt st at Stono corporation Llmitod. I ain't 'th ` To be held at the office ot Ward` P it 6 Price Limited at No. 111 King St. 1'18`. - West. Toronto. on Monday.` 26th -F01` 3'0 March. 1928. at twelve o'clock noon. Party--`Spec For further particulars aizpgmg vanilla ice Montreal Tr at Company. 6 . Shamrock C` Street, Torogto. 9-121: ,5 Blue a I.1 \..uul\auuI.L Luau unu. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE - Fumed oak dining suite: 3-piece chestereld suite; 3 bedroom suites ; parlor tables, rocking chairs: 2 stov- es and many other articles. All will be sold without reserve. A conveyance will meet trains at Hendrle stalzlon. ` "I`AvVrna A Gala, ,1I'Inn-lab. -.A-I_-I Lswuurxu auauuu. | `Terms of Sale--Eight months . credit will be given to parties tur- nishlng approved Joint notes. 6% per annum of! for cash `Sale at 1 33.131. 1'1-`12b W. A. Mdconkey, Auct.I uzarc. .11} yrs. Ulu. LQUU 103. , I IMBIJEMEN'I`S - Massey-II-Iarrls truck disc barrow. nearly newi; Cockshutt disc drill. I-Tu!'\TTQHTJ:l\T .1'\ u\TY~D \YTVl'\`l'YItI'E1 i)RS_ES-Grey. Percheron horse, R6 yrs. old. weighs 1360 lbs.; bay mare. 10 yrs. old. 1400 lbs. TNru\T.'TUNI'IUT\7` l` 1\.|'nuanv_lY-Tnv-his west 73 um; 1, won. 0, vupn` *'"=- -9 - A -'-Ifyou can use a pair of new % gdga tbgni; shoes, visit Carey-Hur1burt s big ' The following: sh l' uh ' DABRY GOW'S-Blaclc cow, 6 ya. Ivy-Thornton telephone lines '. old. due March 24: brindle cow. 5 are to have a 24-hour service after i yrs. old. due -March 23; brindle cow, Ap;-i1 13, ' ' 5 'Y"9- 1d W9 May 23? P`-'9 5'94 --`See *Charlie Chaplin in ``The' f ,fI5'?`_`I g}4ff i`!`;' $'~v':'7`' f :l3f3: i|ii'el!g;r'1;." at the` Capitol. Thue; up I April 1: Holstein cow. 5 yrs.'old.. , due March 20, Holstein .cow,`5 yrs.! -YOURS men 3 3P1`iY18 0V9!" old. due April 1: Holstein `cow. 6 coats, from $15.00 up. H. J. lyrs. old. with cal: at root: Ayrshire Twigs, 111, cow. 7 ws-i1d- with calf at tow` - -Rubbers! Rubbers! Rubbers! A hi .5 ."ld.d Ail" . 4:y!:i'a: fgrzey $35.? yrs. `held. 3:16: aep the feet dry` visit 'Cy" April. 4; Ayrshire cow. 3 yrs old. H.rlb1't"5 bi? 35C 5319- 11b with calf at toot: Ayrshire cow. 4 -See the Hollinger mine work. yrs. old, due April 1: Ayrshire cow. ings where thedisaster took lace 5'.ld,d M h28;A hi - Pu cozVs7Oyrs. glad. ffn cal! a{roo?lg"` Theatre Th`-'8-. Frl., [Ayrshire cow. 4 yrs old. due`April at` , A 113` 1: Hereford cow. 3 `yrs. old, with _""`N{1 Yu'_W193v P1330 tune? ciat dat fsiot: hagetlolrd cows. 3 yl-s8..W}"ill {Jae {in Battle, Mar. 20. Orders o.ue.arc ;`ereor cow, sou 'e1-, _. _ I .\'rs. old, due March 29: Holstein Music gstoree at J G Keenrig cow. 7 yrs. old. with calf at toot; `_'__Natu 1'1. d sh Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due in Ap- . ra ` tea $8" 1-u; Durham cow, 7 yrs. old. cal! at 95 8 pair-during the openmz days foot; 2 fappow cows_ The aybove are of "Carey-Hurlburt s shoe sale. 11b all good, young cows, heavy milk- __]'_,m-8-e pea solvay coke costs 1%`: %33v-i`u`?.`J$Zi1`?`i`i?nZi"1 :; Y my $11-00 ton at ISarjeant's sale. [and it's great for all kinds of LTIVDBEVQ .r<...... n......u......... 1.-..-- 1-nuns and l.....L...... 4.1, ' IIPUOUOIIB IP03! - ' W. D. SCYTHES West 1/3 Lot 1, Can. 5, Vespra` tn mall hu nnhlln nulnnn An I 7 AUCTION SALE i|IIII0I>0I0I0I0I0X0lIII0IIvIItI0II or 22 HIGH cI..Ass DAIRY c we '3 FARM STOCK. IMPLEME T8 011 Nws AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE it - an -M " The undersigned has received 111-` .3 ! -*******$* PROPERTY FOR SALE---9 acres good clay soll. adjoining village of Mlneslng. close to highway. sultable location for poultry farm. Comfort- able nine-1'00!ll0d house, barn and poultry house. For further particu- lars apply to R. W. Plowrlght, Min- eslng. 10-13b The undersigned recelve'!`1n- ' structiona .1:-om II) I\ QIVIRIVIJISQ "AUCTION sAu:_s` n Iln_..I. 1n 1-xv on -u- ,u .M9_RT_<=A<= smi AUCTION SALE 1n\O .30 3:3 y co; pure u * , V ---See Charlie Chaplin The "71l1:l:`3g i.1i'eman," the Thurs., cow-. Sat` ` 11!! stein coats 1.5.00 . , , at toot: AY!`8hire.'I`wini:_ $ up H 13. uuuuaaawuy uuuep `Cu - ALEXANDER DOWAN, 11-12b ' `Solicitor. Barrie, Executor of Lucy J, I-lowland Estate l -- _-., -.--5- g.-..._u-rxoovug uvv wuuuo y -Newmarket Era: Every avail- able space was occupied by those who crammed into the Christian ' Church last Friday night to hear f the entertainment given by Ye . Olde Tyme Village: Quartette, .and everybody was delighted by The entire programme. It was what might be "called a superla- tive success. --Central United 'lfg1urch, Barrie, "Monday, Malrfh O ` x Q4- A....l.......9- rn.....-1. _.-- n-:..I-- `Tenders will be received by the` undersigned up to twelve o'clock noon, Wednesday 28th. inst., for parts of `lots 6 and 7 _on the west side or Owen `Street. Barrie, Simcoe County. as described in registered number M892." 0 the property is a. comfortable brie house and gar- age. nice lawn and good garden. "The-hiehasr nr nnnv fnrulnr uni VIIU LIVEUII llUl'|Ille There was an especially large turnout of members of Collier St. United `Church at the quarterly communion service on Sunday morning last. The minister; Rev. J. J. Black, B.D., delivered an ap- propriate communion address, the last of a series on Closing Scenes `in the'Life of Christ. Rev. J. D Byrnes, D.D., President of- the Toronto Conference, presided at the sacramental service, assisted by Mr. Blackand the members of Session, only one of the twenty members being absent. Mrs. Hor- ace Wilson sang with pleasing ex- pression, "O, Lord, Correct Me, .and the choir sang effectively, Christ Our Passover. At the pre-communion service on the pre- vious Thursday evening three new members were received. use. zuuu lawn anu guou -garuen. "I`heAh!ghest or any tender not necessarily accepted. _ AWJEY A `.\Yfhl7!D IIWIXYXYA KY `CO'l"I`AGE ma s.uiE -- Four, rooms. all fireproof with summer kitchen. wood and coal shed attach-` ed. large ceiiai`. inside sanitary clos- et: mirage or two stall stable. hay- mnw. pig pen. 1'i1i`,`-`.`e hen house, soft water oist_ei`n and quarter acre of I-Ierb-`rt i'21S1)bi'l`,\' canes planted last fall. Price $1300.00. Half cash and easy terms. Apply A. Robins. Cundles, Bawie. Ont. 11-12p gi`-L -,' _,_ mist. Andrew s -Church was fairly well filled last Thursday night, when Rev. Dr. Johnston of St. Catharines delivered his illustrat- ed lecture on Our Empire of the North." As those present listened to the eloquent words of the lee- turer and .saw the remarkable slides they could not help having a new vision of the possibilities of that part of Canada, which a few years ago was regarded as part of the frozen north. i vim--- ...-- -.. --.._-s-n-- I_-.-- ..---, -........ -an-uvnocvvll vvuuuvuo -Extra special at Cancilla's Fruit Store. Large head lettuce, 2 for 25; spinach, 2 lbs. for 35; celery hearts, 4 for 25; oranget, large size, 30 a doz.; tomatoes, 30c a 1b.; hothouse tomatoes, 40c Ia lb.; large pineapples, 30 each. p , \Y.........-..l.-A 13..-. H - __ -- a. uvuu so I J. LID --Another month of furnace ` weather at the least). Genuine Solvay co e, nut and g, $18.00 ton, will provide ample eat. with- out waste or clinker and little ash. Sold only at Sarjeant's. 1111 --Bright, clean Anthracite coal -all domestic sizes--cannel coal, Pocahontas lum coal, hard and soft wood and ardwood ooring ends. isatised customers our ob- jective. -Give us a trial. The Sar- geant Co. Ltd. 11b ' At the mid-winter examinations of Toronto Conservatory of Music, Miss `Margaret Rayner of Allan- dale, pupil of-Miss *Claxton, junior piano, elementary theory, received rst-class honors; elementary pi- ano, Miss Kathleen Johnson. _ __ .._-., -_--qua-ova uuvv BGlo .l..LU -I -v--Large ; you ., stoves and heaters. 11b r -Carey-Hurlburt s shoe sale is in" full swing. Don t`fail to see the wonderful shoe values being o er- ed during this sale._ ` 11b `Mrs. Eva J. Reynolds of Barrie 5 has received a cheque, as a winner in The Bookshelf contest con- ducted! by McLean's Magazine. I`--...- f.Y.-..1l.._..L9_ -L P qu5_ nu your St. Patrick : Day Party--`Special 'City Dairy bricks, cream with green centre, delivered. Sing- er's Blue and White Tea Room. Phone 1377. 111 A..-A.L_.. ..--__;I_ ,4 A, RESITDENTIAL pnopawrv FOR SALE -v-ca -aauuvu, nun 1-IHIEIEHGBUU IIHU '.Eotesbury property on Kempen- ifeldt ?St. and! is making some re- . pairs to the house prior to occupy- lingiit. ` _ nan ucguuu VGA B-L--3 -"-5- 3 ~ -A ...--y as uovn vuo bIvU snowfall of six inches last Friday and a. temperature of one above zero on Saturday were the main features of the past week's nweather. . '-cu..._1 --- 1-:.-__--1_ , L-- VV VGUIIUKO "Stanley Purvis, civil engineer, of Long `Branch, has purchased the Stntnnhun-v nv-nnnvhp an '|'(awn-unn- -v-v:uvIIo OJ OIOIIOKBIIIVI I -Carey-I-Iurlburt s shoe sale is an annual event that so many `people have been waiting for. `This sale is now on. ` ' 11b .`FOUR .mC"RES for sale} on Bayfleld St.. B='u`1`I9, good brick house and outbullcllnwrxs, o1'chm'd. good shade trees. beside golf links. Apply to M. Gordon, 17:? Elizabeth St. Phone 119\\'. ' 10-153) --.`._--.. ---vuuv-V; QOIIIIUO, &'llo, 'Sat. --Neil Yellorwlees, tuner, ,will be in should `be left L G. Keenan's Music ?Store. 11b ' -Naturale Tread Shoes for $8.- pairduring opening `of "______ _,_ (ii I u- TI. QDUTTDTI` Must own his own- truck. For full particulars write ,RnV M u'.vnn13nnu f\Qhua 1` U1` 1. uu ]RIl.'I}lC UNITS Wl' Box M, Examiner Office. _ ."TI77C! -......., oovnol yamnvv Ulla 1&0 Us !_ .--Rubbers! :Keep 'Hurlburt's the disaster place. `Capitol Theatre, Sat. ' - ' A diaount of 25% off all suit? during March. At H.` J. Turing ' `- THI IARIII IXAHINII The Ladies Aid Society of Col- lier `St. Unitedechurch wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, the.cast and all others who in any way helped to may the -play Qaddy `Lorngleg's" such a decided success. , 11b Geo. Martin and family of Craig- vale wish to thankxtheir triendsand neighbors for kindness and sym- pathy shown in' their recent be- reavement. also for floral t1'1bi11I:l; es. ` Fred Dane of Toronto, Past Pre- _s1dent of the Triennial Council of the Vvorld, presented a review of the Institution of the Black Chapter, setting the date of its inception many years previous to 1798, the date generally accepted. The Rn\'nl Rim-sLv D-ua..-+m... \?.-. ::::--x HOUSE FOR SALE OR -REN'1'--A comfortable one and a half story frame house, 6 rooms-, water and `in-kt n-nna n.....,-1...- ...n1_ n....:. 4...--- pu;-acuutu. at large Key, emblematic to the freedom or the town. Deputy Reeve "H. A. Jarvis also delivered an address. while Grand Master Bullock. Deputy Grand .Master Spencer and R. T. -Roycroft respond- ed. . uate 5t:uel` accepted. The Royal Black Preceptory, No. 601. Allandale, will celebrate -their 25th anniversary in Barrie on Sat- urd-ay, August 11. ` op: uLax.':.1c1'. :1. la. uunseltn. ECPREIOPQ; S. L. Island, Mono Mills: Clarence Mills. Holstein; WV. H. War dand W . Davis. Grand Aud'itors, John Bailey; \\`a1kervilIe; C. Davey, Palmerston. Fl`)... ..1....La.... -...I 1.__L_- -- L'l|llCl'SLUH c The election and installation were conducted by William Lee, Toronto, Past Grand Master. \ Reports Presented The greater part of Tuesday's session was occupied by the presen- tation of the reports of the various committees. In the morning clv`lc officials attended to extend a. wel- come, and Mayor D. F. Mccuaig presented a large key. emblematic to the frnpdnm nf Hm fnu-n n-....... UH LU o `7 Grand Censors, George Winters, Chas. White, Emsdale. Grand Stan- dard-Bearers R. B. Fox, London; Wellington '31-vine, North Bay. Grand `Pursuivants. ;J. "Joiner, Huntsville: Edward Mole, Seatorth. Grand M-arshal. John Dunbar, St. Mary's. Grand Cornm1ttee,`W. H. Dawson. Iroquois Falls; W. Slack, Mac* I`1er: J. C. Dunseith. Stratford;l L. Island. Monn Mmw nrgmnnn UGUAGUII, \J\V'1l DUUIIQ. Grand Lecturer, J. B. Axjmtage, Luc-an: Depwtyi. John Thompson, Toronto. [Sun-..l IV` .... _. rq._.___. ~.-.1 ., I Wcixnd Treasurer. -Wunam Cook, .\1'1eaford (re-elected by acclama. tron): Deputy Grand Treasurer, Jas. Jackson. Owen Sound. " flnnn Y.nnl>um3n `I D A.....u4.._- _-- . - -v vvuucuu. I Grand Registrar. Edward A. Fen-I nell, Toronto (re-elected); Deputy Grand Registrar, William Clark, I-a.n;11ton (re-elected by ac`clama- t on . (Ewan:-1 mnanaunnnn 1 I1 lI\l..._. r\-_\_ HUI]: Grand Chaplain. Rev. David At- k1nson.A\\-'asha.g'o: Deputy Grand Chaplains. Rev. Thomas R. White. Aurora: Rev. W. E. -Curran, Spruce- dale; Rev. Wm. Lowe, London; Rev. Alex. Ketterson, Rothsay; Rev. W. A. .\1orrl`son. Wlndermere: Rev. W. L. L. Lawrence, Sault Ste. Marie; Rev. '1`. L. Arm-strong. Windsor: Rev. E. C. Copeland, Kirklin: Rev. 1. M. Mayer, Port% Colborne: Rev. E. Baker, Meatord; Rev. D. D. Thompson. Woodham. fV_n...l tx-..:_a...-.. l.lJL|lLl'l Lruull,` uue uuu it [U111 HLUl'y light. good ;','21x`den with fruit trees. Apply at Exzuniner Office. 111: ?- uuu.pu:1.'. - Following is the list of officers: Grand Master, Rev. R. A. Spencer. Dundalk: Deputy Grand Master, Nelson Seed, V\'a11aceburg: Asso- ciate Deputy, Joseph Carson, Lon- don. UIHL don. I1... \.UIllUl`a some 150 members of the chapter attended a .banquet given by the Allandale Preceptory in the Baptist church. H. G. Robertson acted as, chairman. and speakers during the evening Included Mayor D. F. Mc- Cualg of Barrie. F. H. Hurlburt or the Board of Trade. W. C. Walls of the Board of Education, Rev. E. J`. When. C. M. Carrie of '1`oronto,, Associate Deputy Grand Master of the Or go Lodge and T. H. Bullock, zehtiri Grand Master of the Black 3. er. `DANA-u-l_.. 1.. LL- 11-`; _n _n.o vvvu UUI-Cu Rev. B. A. Spencer or Dundalk was elected Grand Master at the concluding session. and Nelson Seed at Wallaoeburg moved up to the position of Deputy Grand Master. An outstanding feature at the elec- tion was the Jump of Joseph W. carton of London to the office ot Associate Deputy Grand Master from the Junior office of Grand Connor. `AIu\A `IA -unuggk-._.. -1 LL- _I__.-4 cu... upw-news can \1vlIa0|ll|ulu\J? :35: UW3 Consideration of the Grand Mas- ter's address was first given by the Committee . on Correspondence, which reported it to the chapter without change or Isuggesvion. In the report the committee expressed agreement with several of the points in the address. among them the re- terences to Regulation 17, and the appointment or Canadian Ministers` to foreign countries, while it con- curred particularly with his criti- cism of the methods of the immi- gration department. It was through - the acceptance of this that the chapter gave approval to the ad- dress. mail `I. `G _ . _ . ._ IIwI..,;_, g vnvnuvvl cu una Lvyullu I In his address Grand Master Bul-. lock had referred to the position of` Regulation 17 as being analogous to that of another enactment which had been dealt with last year, pre- sumably the Ontario Temperance Act. "An Act of the Ontario Legis- lature, he had said, was repealed because it had not the moral support! of a large majority of the people, and other measures were enacted. to bring about the desired etfect.| It` was to this expression ox-`rather. to the interpretation put upon it by a section of the press, that Rev. T.; R. White of Aurora took exception,` and it is said that he urged that a. clause be inserted to make it clear? that the Grand Chapter was not expressing approval of the repeal of t-he Ontario Temperance A'ct. An.-- .......|.-.._ -_- -_-- -V - v- ---V vuv--.-no u\onAA.J\pLUl:Il\VF (LU!-u Othenmembers are said to have: supported Mr. White's attitude. but it was finally decided that it would be unwise to reopen such a. conten- tious question. - In accepting the address or their retiring Grand Master, '1`. H. Bui- lock. Royal Black Knights or Ire- land. in union Monday evening and ~ all day Tuesday at Central Church. virtually 9. proved of the abolition at Rezulat on '17 and Premier Fer-' guson s stand.on this question. This became known when the Rev. Ed-I ward Baker. Grand Chaplain and chairman, delivered his report. 7-. LI. ...l.I....-.. nn...._: -1..- BLACK IGHTS HOLD FOR'l'H AT CENTRAL cmmcu Approve Abolition of Regulation Seven- teen. uuu-on unu 'I1UU.V1 to rent, In mn1f01'table home, central. Phone 564. 11-16b , AVOID L. c. A. _cLAusEi Rev. R. A. Spencer` is the New Grand Master. CARD s or n-T ".Rov. Mr. `Spencer Elected Committee Agrees l-..-A..l-_ -3 4:. , I .scou1's.AnE THANK`FUL `The members of the First Troop of arrie Boy Scouts are very thankful to Mr. Garrett for giving- them a. benefit at The Capitol and also to those who bought tickets, provided candy and helped them in other ways. ~ M ' ruu-x..nun-u1 wvmg "memory of! Geo. Poucher. who passed away, .\Iarch 13, 1922. You passed away so quickly We had not time to say goodbye, But we hope to meet again Where life will have no sigh. 11b \ -Wife and Family.` - . POUiCH ER-In loving "memory of! Poucher. who nnssnd an-.... uxzu-I:Lnx1*-`In lD\`lIlg' memory or John] Elwood Leach, accidentally drown- ' ed March 14, 1927. 1 A picture in memory '\Vhlle life lasts we'll think of it. We'll never never forget, I How we miss you. none can tell, But realizing God knows well, And some sweet day \Ve_ ll meet you, John, In our happy Home just beyond. 11-b -Sadly missed by Father. Mother,` Brother. Sintnra and Qnrnatla...-...a uu.v1ro1-an--1n wvmg memory 0! W. A. Dempster, who passed -away ` March 18. 1926 Just a kindly thought, dear dad, Just a memory fond and true, Just a token of affection That my heart still longs for you. 11b --'Sadly missed by Daughter and `Don-`nu! IiEACH-4In loving memory of John Elwood 1 .a=ac-h nnninntgllsv A...-...... >*---* BED-`SI'I'I`I~.\'G ROOM to rent, in 0nmt mvrnhl.: hnnm nnnfnnl D`\nm.\ 1. [H11 I 11b _ GUEST--In _memory of_ Mrs. Geo. Guest whn nneca g.m.~... \.r.-.....1.. " %%;*`| DE.\(mPS'I`ER--`In loving memory of my dear husband. W. A. Demp- ster, who departed this life Watch 18. 1926. A precious one from us has gone A voice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our home That never can be filled. l 117,1 Zo-AI -Ip......: I.-. 71-11;, : DE.\I`PS'I?ER-In loving memory of W. A. nnmnofnr xx-hn hogan.-I .....-.. \/.r\u'Lv'JuV"-`-111, xuvxug memory or our.` dear Ermlna, who passed away `March 13, 1928. Sunshine passes, shadows fall. Love's remembrance outlasts all. And though the years be many or few. Jtuu. Luuusu cue years De many 01` few, They are filled with remembrance, dear Mina. of vou. Lucy are uueu wun remembrance, l Mina, of you. | 11p--Father, Mother. Sister, Brothei ;u:-.: uu5:.u., nappy Luce we l0V'e0 S0 well. I The sweetest of memories , ,Are all that are left, 0! a dear father, one of the best. --`Sadly missed by I 11p Wife, Daughter and Sons: ORAVEN--In loving memory of our` | dear Ermine. whn nnuunrl ax-uoul 424-Ls1J..I.uV\.z-"Ll1 LU\'.lIlg II`|`IIlOI')' OI John Banvlng, who entered eternal` rest. March 16, 1927. Oh, how we miss him, words can- not tell, `The bright, happy face we loved sci wall. - TENDERS will be received for .painting' interior (two rooms and hall) of Mlnesin-g; school, `Contractor is to furnish own material and work to he done durinu; Easter holidays. A. Ronald. Minesing. secretary. 11b . BA'NTLNG'---In lovinig memory of: I JO}!!! Baning, whn Anfnra nrnnnnl I : PATERS0N-At Barrie. on Thurs- day, March 15, 1928, James Pat- erson, aged 77 years. The tune:-ai service will take place at his late residence. `120 Bayfield St., at 9 p.m. on Friday, March 16. In- terment at Elmvale Cemetery on Saturday. leaving Allandale on the morning train. Masonic service at the house at 9.30 a.m. on `Sat- urday. ` STAJ'NTON-At her late residence. 23 Wanda Road. West Toronto, on Tuesday March 18. 1928. Margaret Jacobs, beloved wife of VVill1am H. Stainton. in her 71st year,-formerly of New Lowell. On- tario. sister of Donald Jacobs, Barrie. M-ONKIMAN-;n' -B`:;.x:r'ie onv March 8. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Monk- man. (nee Isabelle McLean). a son. McCU'I`CI-IEON-In Barrie on Mar. 6, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mocutcheon. 24 McDonald St., a son. -ouuly uussea Dy Eatner. Mother, Brother, Sisters and Sweetheart. ` rux-491-ux .memor_v o1:_ Mrs. Geo.. Guest. who passed away March 17. 1924. ' -Lovingly remembered by her niece, Mrs. E.` Lloyd. Vnnipeg. `Man. . up! He._giveth His beloved sleep. I '<'c3T2c'3" R". ? ARTHUFL, ,, Regular Prices _.-_7 -...-...-. ....... .\uunu.o, uuo say uuuc Llldl. made Broadway howl for months, stands now as the season s lm laug-h. It : a Riot ! It's 0. Scream ! It : a Howl ! Rlnlluwpuqugg _ ..__ A 2 W 7__________ Even funnier than Rookies, this gay farce that Rrnarhxmu I*1t'\1Ir1 Cr... -...-..J.L.. ..L-..-1- --- BUSINESS .\{A;1\' desires room and board with private family. Home privileges. Also wishes to know of a garage for rent. Kindly reply with pa1'ticula1~s to Box "A". Exam- iner. 11p, Surrounded by blood-thirsty river pirates-with nothing but a crew of tenderfeet! Down the Yangtse-Shanghai Bound! Get aboard for thrills! PARAMOUNT NEWS Mack Sennet Comedy-Sailors, Beware! Reg. Prices-10-25 Sat. Mat.--5-15 TONIGHT - FRIDAY - SATURDAY The Idol of `the Screeng _ ` Perkins Orchestra '.j_..____ g. A_--_ .... MONDA_Y-`TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY 3n-u :?.__ _?.__. IN 1 MEMORIAM Cl Uau uc uueu. -Sadly_ missed by Tvife DIED ONE THE YEAR S BEST PERKINS 'd1iEii1-is"r'1iA u_v uaugxxler I and Family] ----j-n--d l a how//n 11$: 1%. WAN'I`ED--3 moms, unfurnished, by young married couple, no child- ren, east of five points preferred. -M. Gonneau. 104 Dunlop St. 1113 4 _8I-I|C)'RT:IrFOR'N BULLS for sales- 1-yaar-old'a; 9. good chance to Im- ggzgavp youv stock. '8.8` these bulls`= W111 s~"ld at a reasonable figure. ukp-' p!y~H. M. Dyment. Barrie. nttb Residents of Edenvale. Minesing, Midhurst and Minesing Station me: in the S.S. room on Monday evening, | March 12. and enjoyed to the fullest . extent the meeting of the Royal `Road Builders. G. R. Lane. presi- 1 dent of the Club. presided over the I first part of the evening. after , which Walter Cool; a c:ed as chair- man. Mrs. Lane gave a. very inter- esting paper on Citizenship": Miss ;Mabel Wattie, a paper on "Mis- ;'sions." Addresses were given by I G. R. Lane, Rev. -Mr. Pope and Ross 5 Richardson: readings by Miss Emma. Cloughley and Miss Vera Walt: scripture reading `by Miss Mary Mc- 'Lean; a duet by Harry and Time. Pattenden. This was all very much ; enjoyed by the large crowd present. [The Road Builders are having a. 1 wonderful influence over the young xpeople, making them understand the good they all may do in both community and church work. Wednesday. April W.I-I. lot 16. co rarrin stoclsanq 1 -....n. vs a. .|U,)'Lul wmcer. gt--':t`he U.F.0. shipper. L. Scott. shipped two or three carloads of live stock this week The recent storm made it impossible to ship lsooner. ; -u--u-.$l` Mar. 12-:Mrs. John McLean and little son, who have been In the Bar- rie hospital, returned home last Open Sunday which wag held by the Sunday School on Mar 11. was a great success. Hunter Russell 02 Midhurst and R. W. Plow:-ght of Mineslng gave very interesting `ttlkl on Sunday School work. A \`P--._._- AA - I--- .._..--,v uvuuvn VVUL'lSo A. Newman took a alelghload of merry-makers to John Maw : one niight last week. All report a. good t me. `The young people are making good use of the rink as it is near ` the close of a. Joyful winter. r Ts-m T? 13 A -L---- - - ` 1. p.m tloneer. March Chicks . . . . 20 only We will have 6 and 8-week- old Pullets for delivery A'.p_ril 15th. lay. III\1\n 84v Pentgng St. Tel. OLD GOLD AND SILVER wanted. We can use any kind of old go! and silver. Bring it in to ;Reeve s Jewelry Store. 11;) _ I \In fIII\ Persistent Colloeton OWEN SOUND GUELPH : ORANGEVILLE % /__- ---In 3` This is the Time to Cleln Up your Slow Accounts. We are Specialists in C01- lections. Let ms turn your BAD DEBTS into Hard Cash. We are doing this for others, why not for YOU ? "IN. I C9 ` ` ' TIE: your P--.:-A-... A, n , AU `auu Vmmssmc s1'A'r1oN` I up AUCTIQN SALE mvmsma HATCHERY HORSE VVAI\"TED for its feed for balance of winter. Must be suitable for delivery purposes. `Brown & Company. 11b sday. 4-Ben Parr, at . con. 11.'Vespra- stock and Implements. Sale p.m. W. A. Mcconkey. auc- er. 11b Open 3 to 9 p.m. Night at 7.15-9.15 Thursday, March 18. 1921. :1. 1045.1 -L Stra Mia .\I1 HEATED APARTMENT wanted. three or four rooms, bath. centrally located. Apply Box W", Examiner Office. 11p Sui WAN'I`uIv3D--Spr1ng rye suitable for seed. Brown & `Company. 11-b J?4l'\l'Jk'LJ 1 L V 1.34 IJLILVLL L'KJ'$V K15 IlIaKl" sugar for branch `store in Barrie to be opened `by !Corpora'tlo'n who own and operate large down town store in 'l`oronto; lad-lea wearing apparel: man or wmnan with or without ex- perl(n<'e; will teach the business to successful lappllcrint; mwst come well recommended and capable of Investing three thousand dollars: fully secured. .\IA'CY`S, 285 Yonge Street, Toronto. 11-12b 111]!` lllullllltl.` \.U. lfcl U]"`ll6Ha LUZ` a gmrd live salesnlzuu. Territory Bmr11`m'(I. Bootcm, vcookstovvn, this is oxc-eptimz1l1,\' good territory. Ex- perlonmr necessary. Good contract to right Y)1' ll1. Apply to J. H, Nixon. District .\Iuxuger, Box 1044, Bar- rie, Ontario. 11p EX'IGCUTT\ }r3 POSI"I`I1ON as man- ntrnn Wnvv hv-Junk atnnn In fllnnnha On YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a week In your spare time at home writing show cards. N0 canvassing or 801- iciting. We Instruct you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion `Rnilrlinrr Tnrrnnfn `I\ H'h JVIUIIUCUIKL \.zU. LIL! Building, Toronto. I.\'SURA.`\'(.`l9I SALESRIAN, Crown Life Insumm-0 Co. has opening `for :2 rrnn Hvn inlnctnmznw 'I`nv~rvHnvu HORSES FOR `SALE---"One black horse, 4 years old: one brown horse, 8 years old. both geneml purpose. Apply to Jobn,V.Brown, `Spring- M bank Farm. Allandala. 11-18p REPRESENTATIVE WANTED for the Mutual Life of Canada. To se- cure thls npsltlon you must be Will- ing to work and anxious to increase your income. Apply to Box 878, Or- lllla, Ont. Btfb Ilvi-`:7 sidk" I-'OR"KLl: VVA.V1'lUlJ "" l{4K[It.`l'lUllUCu IJRCKUIS house salesman. Apply Dumarts Limited, Kitchener, Ont. 10-12b WAN'I`ED--Good. smart, all-round girl with 1'et eren-ees;- one who can serve `in dining room. etc. Give age. Apply Matchott House, Creemore, Ont. ' 11b - - ADLET COLUMN wwwggggywwwwwmw I\_n A-.. Anna`: ;....L I---- WANTED Experienced packing hnnuu 1:-.a!numn'n Annhr Tiumnv-H: GIRL WA.\"I`ED to do housework. one fond of children. Apply 18 Mul- caster St. 11b One cent a word, cash, eaciu Inlet- tlo-n. (minimum charge, 25a); :1: insertions for the price of tour.- _10c extra when charged: also 100 extra when replies are directed to The Examiner Otflc MAID WA1\"I,`ED. Apply to 168 Dun- lop `St. or phone 399. ` - 11p JERSEYS. pure bred. registered stock. freshenlng` in this month" and some In April: imported stock. Ap-. ply M. R. Nash. Oro Station. 10-15p COOK WA.\"T.ED for Ovenden Col- lege junlov. Phone 171. 11b POSI"I`I0.\' AS `I-IOUSEMAID want.- ed. Apply to 86 John `St; 11p PROPERTY son SAL: Bade Twiaty Rooms ANDBOARD HELP WANTED _`F'T5 LAND for sale unrn J1:-znnln f`nnn - COVVS FOR `SALE--One Durham cow, due April 7: one` cow. milking. Apply to `Roy E. Partridge. `Shanty Bay. A11-'12p llllll `UII 1Mtfb GENEVIEVE D. JAMIESON . ELOCUTIONIDST Pupil 0 Owen A, Smlly. Toronto. Open to engagements and pupils. Box '44. Thornton. Elvy- 1`ho`rnton- Telephone. 11-'24: 1\'0TICE--!\wiii not be` resp\>ns1b1e for any debts or claims on my_!urn- iture and. eiifeots by my wife. he- foue and after this date March 5. 1928. Signed -- Thomas William Piumtree.. . 10-18b 6Vll\Do $VL} $I1J\J I343` I-'3-'4 I U l\$V I}ll""' Graduate in massage. facial and scalp treatment a.` specialty. 18 years -experience. 14 Small 8t.. Bar- vie. ` 11-17p IRWIN'S BLUE TAXI ER'V=!CE. local and long distance. night and day. 25 cent service. Phone.198. Btfb _ MRS. MARGUERITE TURNER- wniintd In vnnnannn fnnlnl and FURS ALTERED and . repaired. over Hurlburvs Shoe Store. Miss M. 'McAr'thur. Mttbl FARM IFOIR SALE-.-100 acres good clay loam. brick house, 2 bank barns. Well watered. Good reasons for selling. Wm. `Cumming. Phelp- ston. Ont. Box 52: 4 11-16;) I l PASTUIRJE FARM for sale or rent- 50 acres. lot 11. con. 12. Innlsfllz running creek. well fenced, all cleared. Apply `to J. H. Nixon. Box 1044. Barrie. Ont. 11-16pT FARM FOR SALE--100 aoroa more or less. 101; 24. con. 11, north halt. In- rusfil. good clay soil and good build- ings. Farm stock and implements and some seed grain. Apply to own- er or .103. Thtrd. Stroud. A 8-149 FOR SALE--Ten young Yorkshire pigs, 3 months old, cheap. Phone 891. . '11b FARM FOR SALE--100 acres ln splendid condition. two miles from vlllage at Cookstown. Would sell as going concern or separate. Would take house and lot in Barrie as part payment. Apply |F. Clarkson. Cooks- town. 28ttb 300 ACRES ill township of Fios, 4'4 miles from Elmvule and two miles from `Provincial Highway. About 135 acres of good clay loam in splendid working condition. balance in second growvth bush. Splendid buildings. brick house and two bank barns. all in good condition. Will sell at sacrifice. Apply to Box 7, Elnwale. Ont. 10-12b $4.000 BUYS 50-acre farm in Brent- wood: two -minutes` walk from sta- tion. school and cllurehes all under cultivation with running stream: large brick house, fully furnished. all in first class condition; -also large barn and hen house: to settle estate. Farm. known as McCarthy Eslate". Apply W. -Goddard. 961 Dundns St. West, Toronto, Out. 11!) V"41\1. JJ114Bl'\J1`DJ41`4 El` JNIVAVL |UUl'u`-l"' ing the Vi11age`of Shan-ty Bay, 185 acres, good buildings. Apply. Roy E. Partridge, `Shanty Bay. 11-12p VERY DESI-RAB-LE 'FA'R'M fborder- Ina fhn 1IlcIau:`r\P `-not-`fir 13.111 19: BUSINESS OR PRO-FESSIONAL MAN - Desirable steam heated. ground floor space to let, available April 1st.. facing C.N. Station and Post Office square. Premises now occupied by Canadian National Telegraphs. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block. Barrie. 7-12b TO RENT IN '81-IANTY BAY- Elght-roomed brick house; hard and soft water. garden. stable. and saw- age. Apply Mrs. Geo. W. Cani- well. `Shanty `Bay. 11-16p ' L1.JUV`I`JI1- VEIEJHU 'D'U Dl\.|Jl.`J""lJll- lted quantity of red clover seed. Government grade. `No. 1. Price 816 per bus. `Wm. I-Ilggl-nson, Angus. Phone 986r88. FOR SALE---Seed oats, O.A.C. No. 144; also Dooley potatoes, both from first prize in field crop competition. Apply W. L. Russell, Mldhurat. On- tarlo. ` 10-119 :-:- CLOVER vSnEED 'B`O'R 'SALE~--L!m- Hod nnonflfu nf map! A1 A u u A n a Ala` HEREFORD BULL for sale, pure bred, of serviceable age: good qual- ity. Apply to H. L. Wright. Thorn- ton. 6-11p GR'IMI.VI'S AJDFNLFA `SEED tor sale, Apply to G. D. Banting`. Ivy- Thornton telephone. . . 11-129 CIMCKS. Barred` `Rocks. White-Lem horns. cugtom hatching a speoiaity. Agent for electric incubators and brooders. also con! boodora and supplies. Chas. Kelly, 61 Clapperton St. Phone 1184. - 11p BABY (`!H.I~'CKS - 0.A.IC. strain. Bavred Rock baby chicks, $20 per hundred. `Custom hatchlnrg $5 per hundred eggs. W11-I hatch every ha-tchable egg. Phone 255, Donald Jlamleso-n. 11p I HATICHING Ems for -sn1e.*rmm' our excellent` laying strain of Bar- ron Wh'1te Leghoz_-_ns: also one Buck- eye coal broader, 500-chick. Agents for Royal |B!`ood9rs and Poultry Sunplles. Fraser B1'os., Cralghurst, Ont. `I1 -16p NEW STAR 4 SEDAN utullv equip- nod. purchased end of December. Have changed pccupatlon and motor nnt required. Will sacrifice. W. W. Bndsrley, 173 Elizabeth `St. Phone 1858 ' 10-15p BUCKEYE I'N`CU'BA"I`OR. 210 688' size. in excellent condition, only used a short time. $25.00VF`rank_ Madman, 1,5 mile from Leslie : But- cher Shop. Allandale. 7-12p _, I FOR SALE--0ne barber chair. new. hydraulic: mirror. `6x-1; new: tools. tonlcs. etc. `Cheap for cash. Reason fnr selling. Apply to Box A.." Cookstown. Ont. 10-11b FOR SALE--4Contents of slx-room- ed house`. including Orthophontc Vlctrola. All like new. Apply 16 Per- lry St. `Phone 1155. 11:). FOR SAIJE CI-IEA.P---Baby car-r1age' (Lloyd ~Stz'oller) in splendid oondi-' tlon: also `carpenter's tool box and, number of mols. Apply `68 Ecclesle St. -Phone 578.}. 11_-=1'6p FOR 'SAI4E--asome store shelving` and five counters. Apply to W. J.l Johnson, 130 Ba.yfle`d St., Barrie 11p `TVVO ACRES OF` unno `IIL nqna n. . MISCELLANEOUS \ EGG'S--Biuwed Rock . 0.A.C . strain for sale. also vWh!te Blossoming sweet clover seed. Apply Herman Osborne, Barrie. RR. 1. Telephone 9031-38. N 6-11b SEED DR'ILL.for sale..13 disc, Frost & `Wood. Apply to Morley Beath. Shanty Bay. . 11p` GASOLINE 'DRAC` row plow for sale. iner Office: REFRIGERATOR in A1 condition. for sale, also set of light grocery sleighs. Phone 694 or write Box 1004. Barrie. T 11b PROPERTY fro Li ? 1-`on SALE su-:0 I-`OR BABY CHICKS FOR SALE L `V K) `\\ 1\l-'4bB Lil` .|.Jl`$.VJJ LUV HNIU or rent, 1%, miles from ~13arr'le. Com- fortable frame house. good hen- housn, never falling creek. Apply Box Examiner Office. 11-12b ITOR and B-tub Apply at Exam- V 11-16p U31` '5`: 1 '&Iu&l` El cu: IA-I Fqliday, March 16--W. '1`. Reid. at lot 9, con. 9, Innistll-iarm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Moconkey. auctioneer. Monday. Mar. 19-J. R. Mc`Crack- en. Midhurst--farm stock and im- plements. sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey. Auct. 10: Tuesday. March 20-Hunter `.Bros.. ' south halt lot 2. con. 9. Innlstil-- farm stock and implements, sale ' at 1 p.m. H. A. Grose. auct. ` 11:: Tuesday. Mar. 20-Wa1ker Cald- well. lot 22. con. 4. 01-0 (one lot south of Provincial Highway- extensive sale of high class dairy cows, farm stock and ixwrlements. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. ,. A. Mc- Conkey. Auct. - 10-11x NVednesday. March 21-Lorne Han- dy. at lot 26. con. 1. Oro (Dalston) --!arm stock_ and implements. (postponed from` March 19). Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mdconeky. auct- tioneer. `V 11:: Friday. Mar. 28-Russe_l Brooks. lot 25. con. 10, Essa-4tar:n implements. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. W. A. Mcconkey. Auot. 10-11: Tuesday, March 27--W. ;D.sS`:'ythes. _at`west halt lot 1. con 5. - espra. / --sale or 28 high class. airy cows. horses and pigs. Sale at 1 p.m.[ W. A. M o.Conl:ey, auct. 10-12b. Thursday. March` 29-W. J. Lennox. stock and . lot 20. `Can. 9. Essa-farm stock and "implements Sale at 1 pm.` sharp. H. A.Grose.. auct.'11-12: HID vuuuty UL BHl|UUOu . ' There is said to be erected on said lands a two story frame house con- taining seven rooms, also a barn 86 ft. by 60 ft. and a stable 24 ft. by 50 ft. The entire farm or one hun- dred acres is said to be under cul- tivation. and is conveniently situ- ated about one mile trom Glenoairn. The nrnnavhy mm ha nun.-.-1 0.... acuv aunuvuc Eu :3. reserved D10. | For further terms and particular-s= apply to . STEWART & STEWART. Barrie, Ontario. Mortgagees Solicitors. Dated the 17th day 0! February. 1928. _ V8-11b UNDER and by virtue 02 the power of sale contained in a. certain mortgage. which will be produced at the time of sale. there will be lettered for sale by public auction at the Queen's Hotel. in, the Town 02' Barrie. on Saturday, the 17th day of March. 19 8, at 12 o'clock noon. by W. A. Mo onkey. auctioneer. the following property. namely, the east halt of Lot Number thirty-one (31) in the second (2) concession of the Townahi oi. Tossorontio. in the County of 8 mcoe. 'l`hArA In unit! in ha nvnnirml An gala` uwu uuuur. one mue trom uxencaxrn. The property will be offered for ale subject to a. reserved bid. W0?` 'IlI`fhF ffh DIN` l\nI\C|.nII`ann= ov vaiifail: _F;;'I?ro-.oTt; In the Township of Touorontio I U PHUIIM AND TAKE NOTICE that after the 24th day of March. 1928. the said - executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims or which it shall then have had no- tice. and that the said` executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim it shall not then have had notice. a T\A9'I'\"N`1\ n lannla Okla Oobk An Al NRVB (R10 N05105: mvnmn at `Barrie thi 29th day or February. 1928. TORON'1`o GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORANON. 258 Bay St., 1`oronto. by ALEXANDER COW- AN. Barrie, Ontario. solicitor for said executors. - _ 9-11!) I. HOUSE FOR SALE in one of best locations in Barrie, eight-roamed brick home, double `parlor, kitchen. dlningroom, four bed rooms. 8-piece bath. furnace and fruit cellar: double gamgew large lot. Apply Henry & Cowan Ettx

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