Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1928, p. 16

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You have a good automobile--so take care of it. Give it the attention a good car deserves. Doanot abuse it-because pen- nies saved now can cost you manyfdolla-rs. later in replacement of `parts which likely never would have sworn if proper attention had been given. Shepherd and I-iart s gar- age service is guaranteed yservice." We specialize in careful workmanship. W'hen a car is given us for overhauling and tun- ing-up, it is returned to its` owner in first class condition. Our charges are low and: you get immediateand prompt service. A We handle only the best gasolene, oils, ` greases, etc. Make our place your motor headquarters. You will` nd it pays to `drive here-no `matter what -your motor ` , needs may be. YOUR CAR C. L. CHITTICK TICKLED PINK wrru NEW rokpi Lug .u:u'uuug Ill EH13 UUIalUIly 53 UlU" where. one farme'r"can`1e into C. & W. Motors the otherday and"- said: I ve had the best year I've ever. had and I think the most of it` is due to the tractor. It has made Ulvllliu In addition there`are' upward: of fifty Ford tractors doin% busi- ness on the farms around arrie. These tractors are revolutioniz- ing farming in this section, as ele-. Jiakaun nu- -Rnuuazguwua-an ; Ind-A H v . C. & W. Motors started business in 1924, on the 1st day of January, and since `then have sold between 550 andv .600 `cars, representing a good half million dollars worth of business. 7.. '_.I.IJ.-u AL ....... ` _ n _ . . . _ . . . -...I; weatnerecomes." - C. &` W. `Motors occupy spiendid quarters in the new Livingston Block, one of the, finest garage buildings north of Toronto. It is a modern garage and that mean it has everything from steam heat to` spacious show and office space, re- pair facilities, accessor compart- ment, etc. The C. & ; half has a frontage of 85 `feet on Dunlop Street and a depth of 165 feet, with storage room for forty cars`. 4 I`! a. Qty i'_`.A,... ..;.___L-.! `L--..S...__.. win no nirvana! We were expecting a car far superior to the` old Model T. We were modest and careful in. our claims. We knew nothing except that we were to be given a good car," said Mr. Chittick to The~Ex- aminer. But we were agreeably surprised to get an automoble far superior to our expectations in the New Ford. All who have ridden in the new car say the same thin . All are greatly enthused. The e - itor of your paper was one of the number. They have one and all ex- pressed genuine surprise and satis- faction on its cagabilities during a demonstration. e know that the New -Ford is going to go over big, or has already. -It is simply a mat- ter of getting enough cars, but Nye expect there will be no trouble in this respect by the time the ne weather comes. n 5.11:` .m-..-.... ............ .....1......:.'.: a_. W, WOQDMAN -'-'-Ph'otos by; Jackson UL UC5UUa Now that production of model A is again under way at -Ford, Ont- ario,-and assembling -`will soon be carried outat the branches at Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg the benets of mass production will again be passed on to the automobile buying` public `during }1928. Announcement of sweeping gpricegreductions have just recent- vlyrbeen made`-`by. almost all com-, I panies.` No doubt this..will aid con- 'siderably in making 1928 the fg're_atestv year in automotive` ' his- `tory' both` from -.a` production . standpoint and .a quality stand--' point. It will be a case of more carfor less money, an`dat the` pre- sent moment; it is bemgywell car- 1' ried out. - ' V " I vs v-cu--Q CC. V CV8 r$G NWO Quantity production . in May 192_7 for the .Dominion"by all com- anies reached the highest month- y output of all time and it also marked the last month of acgibve 9. production by the Ford Plant fore the shutdown that heralded the advent of the new car. The part represented by one company in the furthering of economical motor car transportation is best il- lustrated !by comparing gures for active ' production during 1926, when out of a total of 204,727 units produced in Canada the Ford Motor Company of` Canada was re- - sponsible for-~100-,614.. With the- economic benets of mass produc- tion and standardization out of the eld f.-or L927 it was inevitable that motor carvcosts would be in- w "creased. \T-... 1.14-; _,,, I .- - - - Automobile statistics "for 1927 from the Dominion Bureau of `Sta- ? tistics, Ottawa, show that our auto- mobile` bill for 1927 was $49.00 a car more than in 1926. Because of price reductions announced by all makes of cars during 1927 we would expect it to be less. .But the extra cost that had to be met by the public amounted to $7,752,- 780. This increase in our automo- bile expense account was no; doubt ca_used'b'y the non production of . ourzreatest single automoblie ro- educing unit, the Ford Motor `- om- pany of Canada,` Limited, which since June 1927 has been-only pro- ducing service parts. I\.-....J.3J.-- .__.-_1-- _;.:-_' u , up UGUIlo But all eyes are on the New Ford. Itfhas beenthe talk of every motor show that has been held this year. `Both Mr. Chittick and Mr. 1 Woodman, or their salesmen, will t be in constant attendance at the show at the Armouries next week,_ and they told The Examiner to say that anyone, whether a prospective purchaer or not, can have a ride in the new car simply for the ask- ing, And we guarantee them a real thrill," said Mr. Woodman. CANADA'S Al1'l'O.B'ILL: $49 CAR HIGHER, 1927 For the benet of the uninitiat- ed in Barrie and surrounding coun- try----and they must -be few in number--the C. in C. & W. stands for C. L. Chittick and the W. for E. W. Woodman, partners in C. & W. Motors, the local Ford dealers. Like their fellow-dealers all over the countr , likewise the product they sell, 1; ey have been passing through a perxod of trans- ition awaiting the arrival of th New Ford, which has now arrived and with a bang. ((117- __.__.- 4 .__-L!---. _ ---- l`AA- ' C5110 Ullol-IKGI L I-IIGUUI Last year C. & W. opened a ser- vice station on {Burton Avenue as a branch of the main office, and this has been found to have been a great convenience to Ford owners. It is to `be conducted again this season. ' ' ...J. -11 _ . . _ . _ . - _.. ALLA \?-__- it possible for me to keep up with my work and I am getting every.- thinc` out of the land that it is pos- aibleto get, or nearly so. Nothing Vis`*being neglected now. '0. & W. are also agents for Oliver farm machinery and threshing machines and have `a wide and intimate con`- ..-..-A..'-.. -- E|-...'l A....'I...... ...:LL LL- uuwuu uuuny. - Of Sir Henry Thornton's visit to Mexico, speaker said Sir Henry had _t_o1d Calles his railroads were rotten and the country's WUUIU IIGVU UIIUUW LUHS asu. The Roman Catholic Church in Mexico had troubles, Father Burke concluded. This was so because the church, he claimed, was the one inuence in Mexico which made for stability and which guar- anteed liberty. l Qha "nuns! Vlnnune-An : 11:cN- 4-A nect: agric Pylllcllbn 7 United States should wash its hands -of the Mexican. Government, speaker urged. Had the `States taken the strong action which the Labor Government of Ramsay Macdonald had taken all strife would have ended long ago. "I11... `Dav-nun r`n-1-u\11.n (`.`nnwn1n :91 Dklllu C `Mexico was on the verge of bankruptcy, Father Burke said. "The good will visit of Lindbergh had been arranged `by the Mexcan Government as a gesture. to Am- erican bankers in an attempt to` stave off the evil day. It had` come at a time when Mexico had just defaulted a $59,000,000` interest payment. TTHN-Ar` {-cl-an a1\n111H H1511 34-:4 _ ' (Continued troniiage ,9) p government was now :busy cons- cating these lands from the for- S eun- am who -`had paid a just price for them. This high-handed S action meant nothin"t`o the coun- * try s benighted, people; but was being done for the person- al aggrandizement of the members of the government and its, friends. lit was in protest to such acts as this that the heroine "Rosalie Evans `had shed her blood, but'the Mexi- can Government wasnot deterred in itsoutlawry byythe sight of hu- man blood, as events were proving. Speaker here. enumerated sever- al -Mexican . laws, including that which refused the right of a for- feigner to will his'land. The bene- -cia`ry_must sell and no Mexican has enough money to buy and no foreigner is permitted to. I say this is pure; Socialism, and I say it advisedly,'said Father Burke. `He spoke of the recognition and re- ception whichxhad been accorded President `Callas by the Socialists of New York and by `Soviet Rus- sia and of the plottoiestablish a Proletarian ?Red Army in Mexico. _of the stopping of a boatload of ries and machine guns by a Bri- tish man- o-war, consigned to Cal- les by European `Socialists, of the beast made that the Red' Flag would be raised from the R10 ' Grands to the Panama, and of the attempt to drive a wedge between the Union of Latin nations and the Saxons. A - ' 1\`--_:-- __-_.. --_ L`L - --e\----- -1 Maxncancovw. Is mmouucnb %_ ARRANCJS TO vrsrr THE More YOU TO VISIT mam EXHIBIT AGREEABLY SURPRISED . ._ . Protestants '.in Mexico were noti a factor because they were so few, but he dloubtedif their lot would be any more satisfactory than that ofthe Roman `Catholics were they more numerous. Mexico was from 95 to 99 per cent. Catholic. The Catholic Church was the one wholesome inuence in the life of Mexico and that is why an attempt was being made to drive it out of the country. I - wro wnlvnc VIQUI V KIZIIKUIKIIO '7"i*'1 Church, he ::dded, cannot! -be threatened- and cannot be pur-I chased. For that reaosn _ it must suffer. ,_ 2 nun-hi-nnnvnn '3`. \`...-..- ..._.._ --1-| nnancxal *-.pos1` lorable. Sir Henry had advise Calles -to settle with the Catholic Church as the wrst step toward re- habilitation, /and` that from a fairly representative Canadian. I Il'II._ fIL-___-1. D) I - ndncial :pgsition deplorabl. Sir Anion Ln .ln:..-A. .I'|-H-- 1-- THE NEW FORD ENGINE. MANY VELQPMENTS. ,0-Ia Mama BVXAMIANIR -:--- The, New Ford travels 55 to 65 miles.-an hour-40 hor ' to 30 miles per gallonof gasoline. Houdaille se power engine. Remarkable ac.:eleration--20 shock absorbers--four-wheel brakes. The new Ford is the complete car, givin T Standard equipment includes five steel-spoke wheels, four 30 x 4.50 ball l ' speedometer, cowl gasolinegauge, dashlight, mirror, combination stop and tail lig complete tool set, theft-proof coincidental lock, pressure grease gun lubrication, proof glass windshield. y ' ' ht, an indicator rod: g you everything you want or need in a modern automo.bi_le. and `Triplex shatter-. ARRANGE THE MOTOR sHOw IN THE ARMOURIES. c. & w. MOTORS INvITEs ExHIEIT;-TO TAKE A RIDE-TO KNOW THE THRILL OF DRIVING THE NEW FORD. YOU WILL KNOW THEN THAT IT Is NOT JUST A NEW AUTOMOBILE-- NOT JUST A NEW MODEL-.--BUT THE ADVANCED EXPRESSION OF A WHOLLY NEW IDEA I . IN MODERN, ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION.` Partners Didn t Think New Car would be So Good TheNew|-'nrd is a Most Remarkable Automobile . .dor'Sed`a`n for $'i40; (Pri_ces F ofd, Or;t.- Freight. and taxes extra.) ` ' _ The Roadster sells for $495; the Phaeton. for $510 ;` the Coupe for $640; the Tudor `Sedan for $640; the Sport Coupe for $710; the For- TYPICAL FORD RELlAB1LI'l'Y AND LONE; LIFE. Low FIRST cosr AND Low UPKEEP cosr In this concluding 1 remarks Father Burke said that the recog- nition of Mexico by United States and other. countries had been ob- tained by false pretences., This in itself formed! an interesting. chap- ter in `Mexican `history which time ldid not permit him to \go into. He said that the fact of Mexico be- [ing so dominantly Catholic" was I being used by the Mexican Gov- ernment to line up Protestants be- nind it in its ght with the Roman Catholic `Church. H-`owever, lead- ing Protestants, whom he named, had not fallen into line, but had denounced the government. Cost ` of_ Orillia s 'scho1s for 1928 Will be $94,750, of "Which |$77,200 is for Public Schools _and 3`-A ~ q) I 1,auv 1: I Collegiate. Advertlslng unless true is wasted-We tell you? SAl..ADA" Orange Pekoe _is the best Orange Pekoe `you can%buy-and the most economical. A half-pound package is only 43c--Sold by allv good grocers. Make atest in your own_ home, C. & W. Motors Pleased With Prospects For 1928 292 Thursay, March` 15, 192`: -:--__._j.:___.__------- R51: 1 2 sh4 Ride in theNew Ford Assures a Real Thrill ; Pun Blxtun Taj-u---u-- - " BRADFORDST. % ' 0. M. L. ROADSIDE SERVICE T CHRYSLER SERVICE Q 5 -PHONES V 7 Nights and /Sundays T". _ DAYS, 335 T s55w%ss7% V 5h'P!!!!!_H3P|

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