These fine A looking, f Powerful cars-at Remarkable New LOWL PRICES 1-H: BARBIE axauliupn _NIaw_'rc_>N noamsou cnowri J_-:.._:. V...` iv w-w wvouwwvuuntndg V3190 XVI9I\v0 But now--ateven lower prices--they stand alone`. The .-Six-80-$2135 for the open models and $2295 for the closed-bea.utiful in line, nish, performance. A ush on the get-o.way-silent powerful. `Roomy bodies-with pillowy cush- ions, luxuriously '_soft. . The Six-60-'$l845 to $1995--the lowest pric- ed car Peerless has ever built--beautiful to look at and a joy to ride in. Smooth as only a THESE cits were outstanding values before. Dun. ..--.- _n.V-__-_. I__._--- _ - HAROLD HILL rying the same insignia but rang-i ing in price from $1,845 to $2,295 accounts for the crowds that have been in constant attendance at the Motor Shows this year. I u:a.`uuI.,y. `Mrs. 'Rea.rdon and Louie. also Geo. and -Robert Lamb. are improving. Their il-lness seemed to puzzle the doctors as they could not find any cause for it. (Too late for last week) V A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Wm. Jacks. Tuesday, March 6, in honour of his 77th birth- g&%&&&&&&&w&wwg} The manifold employed is so de- signed as to insure a quicker warm- ing up which increases the power and economytaotors. The air tak- on through .the carburetor `is clean- od of all dirt and grit by meaharot on air cleaner. thin reducing. the wear on all moving internal: or the engine. `nnlnv nnnlncr "ahnnblna rlnnlannll Mr. and Mrs. `Chas. Miller are! visiting with `Thos. Jacks. `NI :-a `M n'l'.nnn la nnf rnnnvnvvina ll'U1Il HUI` l`UI.'3ll_L LIIHUSB very quuauy. | Kenneth Armstrong from Biggazgl Sask., is visiting with his uncle, '1`. A. `Sawyer. ' ' Wm iniafnn nf Tnrnfnr nnnnh G ILUIIBU uuu UULLl'o '1`. H. Stephens has purchased two cottages on De Grassi Pt. and is moving them to his own property south of the Point. nII n suntan`-`An A0 Lina. as-A4-an-..lqc- Adveftlse -in The 'B-arr1e Examiner DB , vn >I0I0I0X0I0I0X0X0I0I0X0X0I0I0X< VlHlLl Wlbll 1.1103. JEUQB. , "Mrs. McLean is not recovering from her recent. illness very quickly. Ynnnnfh A'v-nnah-nno fv-Ann Rivwnr I | J. .n.u.1aI.un. T. A-. Sawyer and Kenneth Arm- strong spent Monday at F. Clark- son s. `Cookstown. I -Mn 1-uni 9"M'r-a an Vina AP ~nu_u Ll-_l tune Ll: JUJ Uul. UL 111.!!- `F. Fawcett, manager 0!` `Strand `bank, and Lloyd Sawyer; spent the week-end with the latter s parents. Wrnd .`Rnh-I and `I-Tan-nu EUULH U]. Luv FUHIL. Quite a. number of the progressive farmers are unloading a car of crushed lime stone and are going to put it onttheir land to add to its fertility. -Mr: |'PAn~m-Inn nvui 1'.n11Cn n1an flan A. uawyer . Wm. `Ralston of Bradford spent: the week-end with his, brother, W. J.mRaA1ston. Qavuuvnn and Tfgnnnk Anon- Optional Colors Give. fthe Buyer` :1 Wide Sel'ection., I SUI! 3, \JUUKLUWllu ' -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King of ~Sa.s-! katchewan are visiting their many friends in the village. ' I`|-any-A art: a an: Anna: nf rnnnnna LFIUIIUS LEI `LL16 'Vlllll.5o There are a few cases or mumps in Belle Ewart. Always something tonsake the joy out of life. ' Wnurnnff nrinnnnrnr AC` ~h\nur1 wccn-cuu WILLI LILU {ELLUICS }J1l`CHIa- Fred Reid and Harry Farrier are spending a. week in Or- angevllle. They made the trip with a. "gorse and cutter. `LT .Qtn-`L.-.n.'-. kn... -....-1-A.-AA day. The fare part of the evening was spent in progressive euchre, Mrs. I-I. Jack and Wm. Montgomery being the prize winners. Lunch was served and the remainder of the evening spent in dancing. 0 Advertise in The Barrie Examiner] 7-hearing crankshaft can make it-with the easiest steering you've ever known-hydraulic 4-wheel brakes, and many other Peerless ad- vantages. Both of these new cars are strictly Peerless right down to the most minute detail. See them. Drive the one that suits you best. The Peerless dealer will gladly let you. PEERLESS` MOTOR CAR CORPORATION DOMINION TIRE DEPOT VEN if the tread doesn't show it to your eye --our experienced tire men will usually notice the first signs of trouble. Give us the chance to save you the price of a new tire. \Nheels do get out of alignment. Catch_ it before it gets really bad and you will lower your tire bills and get greater tire mileage. Let our service man check up your tires every week. Let him test tire pressure and look for hidden trouble. A little care may save you a half-hour on the roadside--and knock dollars off your running costs. `CI! V`-'l5|U IJIOW CIU V` The body lines; are cievelopeci in, the full. sweeping curves. Color combinations are optional with the buyer, giving a wide `selection `to satisfy individual tastes. The fnnn nf Iuvnnu olan In nan-nnhsrl A_,.9?13lf'T A WObbI3-a wom bearing--a badly linedoup wheel- anything that keeps tires from tracking true wxll rob you of mileage and make your motoring costly. LIVINGSTON BROS., BARRIE ALEX. BEGG, ANGUS s. A. McQUAY, THORNTON Cleveland, Ohio 18.110 IIHIIQ Elle cnuuren." A taxicab taking Mrs. Janet Byr- nes of Manchester. Ens" to the hos- pital got lost in the fog and her baby was born in the car. "I m a. good husband, pleadd James Murphy of xlcago. arrested for cruelty to his re. "I scrub the floor, wash dishes. make the bod: and mind the children. | A Onvlnok bnblo-us `Ina Tana` `nu- Phone 278, Barrie 43 Elizabeth St. Page Flffun wu.vca&,y suutvtuucu _|.Cl:B|.l:!o The tone or luxury alsotls carried out in the appointments. Frosted dome lights adorn the rear compart- ment with a. vanity case` and ash tray included Mn -the equipment. Smart toggle straps add a, touch 0: refinement to the interior fittings. 11... _ _ _ _ __ a..L ___. ,.__--_I .~ - V- vvvv u--vv--wu --wv.v-g-v Numerous features are. embraced j in the Wiiiyse-'}{night Great Six Se- ` dan aiming toward the utmost con- venience for the driver and passen- - gers. The lighgdimmers are con- i trolled 'by a. lever on an extension i arm on th'e- steering wheel at the ` finger tips of the driver. This ar- rangement permits the driver to 1 control the lights without removing` ` either hand from the steering Wheei.`t , A- ,1 11:1,`; `vvVV`-v vvvwvvwv -.--q-. vuvw --v---.. ..--`_-. Five passengers are comtortably accommoda.t.ed 1n.the sedan. two in the front seat and three. `:1 the rear compartment: A generous amount of leg room is provided. both front and rear compartments belns so de- signed as to provlge utmost space.` Four doors. two at either side. pro- vlde ample means of ingress and .exit. mu- n.....-.4 ml... mnan... I. ..n...'.......:- The Great Six Sedan is powered by the improved Wlllys-Knight Six- cyllnder sleeve-valve englne rwhloh has it bore of 3 8-8 lnches and a stroke of 4%. designed to give 8. maximum power and speed. smooth` operation. utmost economy and a. generally longer life. Its rated horsepower is 27:34 but lt actually deVB10p8_75_ horsepower at lts point of maximum efficiency, an increase at 10 horsepower over the motor previously `used ln this model. nu... .....'.-....xa..I.a .......I-..n.a I- an AA, WIIIUIU 1 Belex spring "shackles. designed 1-hundayfmareh 19, um. V/Greater Speed .; ~ Greater Power. NORMAN M. `GreaterEconomy All at"no increase in Brice E new Willys-Knights oer a degree of ne performance such as you never "have known before. Only the Willy Knight offers you the advan es of higher compression-greater speed, ashier activ -up ity-with none of the disadvantages so conspicuous in pa pet valve motors,-such; as undue wear an tear, and the need for . special gas to prevent knocking even after- hmited m_ile`age;`; i i - ,4 .' _ J __hI_--..... Y"....`u6 nnndng - And the agzteni, exeluaive Knight enlginein the only type of euginethat constantly grown ` smoother and quieter: with use. . A n _ n -1. _ __ -_;- Iiil..- `I'(`.. nln nnInII nnvnhiiul. BllIUUIul.llEl.' auu \`|llUI_\_ilA Wall-A I-uvu 'All of the ne\ir.WiIlys-Knight color combine-. `tions are lastiiigl attractive, rich and harmoni- \ ousl 'bleqded.. he at-e`ttin coniplemenu to t e `low, graoefu Wil_lys- ni ht bodies. adding beauty of color to` beauty 0 design. Anna- _ ggggg In the rapidleap of the automo- tive industry` _from comparative insrgnificanae to the great`.est'aincle` . business -of` the,_ -the. part played by adlvertisin 4 is too im- portant to be overloo ed. _This is part of a statement made by;Chas. A. Tucker,,who as sales manager of the Peerless Motor Car Corpor- , i ation and in other important cap- acities, has been affiliated with the ` iindustry from its swaddling clothes ays. - ~ -~ .In no other industry has the 5 competition been so keen over a ` period of years, says Mr. Tucker. . It took a company of `great strength and stability to remain in the field. A few years ago at the automo-blie show, size of space alloted to an individual manufac- turer. was necessarily email be- cause so" many makers had to be` 3 provided with room` in `which to display their products.` Today the n passenger car makers number thir- ty-two. . l\Yn+ nnnlluaa `hunt: nhln tn 8111'- In use was: uuv; awn: . If it were not for the rower of advertising, production schedules _would have to be cut. Buying ` ower of the manufacturer would _ e decreased . `Costs wouldsmount. And the automobile , instead of ac- tually being lower in price than it was a decade ago, would be con- siderably higher. From the start. advertising` in newspa ers` `and other periodicals has he ped mat- erially to `lower costs. Ann!-have nnaifivn mlvnnfnon to -13 Not onefhas `been able to sur- vive the test` without the lid of advertising. `Not one today could hope to sell its output_ without this very necessary selling help. Not one could expect to retain ts sell- ing organization in the field with- out a denite, xed schedrule on which dealers," distributors and branches could count to help them stimulate `ind keep alive interest in the cars they sell. ` 4- _.-;. 5-.. LL- ..-.Q.-.. -0 eriauy E0 IOWEI.` 0036!. Another positive advantage to the public is this. While advertis- ing -helps `the `worthy product to- wards quick success, it not as speedily puts. the unwvort 3: pro- duct out of existence. For a car. or any other commodity. must live up to the e ctation othe pubiic created by ts advegtieinc or it ll doomed to failure." ADVERTISING IS PART IN pwuxsss success to absorb road shocks and reduce wear o'n all parts or the car. and 4- wheel brakes are Itahdard equip- ment on the Willy:-`Knight Grout 1x 5-paanpnur sedan. . _Marked interest will be shown .1)? the motoring public in the dis- 1: way of the new Peerless models at the Motor `Show. In part this in- terest may be attributed to the ex- hibit which is being shown here uruuy zugul. . `Kit. and `Mrs..3Stewart McQuay . entertained a. number 01. friends `Sat- urday evening and Mr. and Mrs. W. E.- Banting; Monday evening. ' 'I"hn' Alnnnfnm: nf fhn fnlnnhnnn IBJGK OI pneunluxuu. ~ The `epidemic of mumps. which `has been sweeping the country, has not missed this locality but the victims have` ,a.1l.x-had them in a very mild tormuno serious _,ases hav-1ng| , :1AIIA`Anl` I1.-Dunning. m.uuua._y uvuxuus. The directors of the telephone `company held a. meeting last week and arranged to have continual ser-` vice after the first of April. I`|\/hm mvnn. uT.nnnnv and Anna-hfnr .Ma.r. 13--After the severe storms of last week one feels sure that King Winter has done his worst. All. are looking forward to an early spring as quite a. number o! crows have been seen. - 'l:`l-Ingnunava-1'1inl.r annrna in MA H16 1: Frank `Lennox had the mlsfortunq to get, one foot badly crushed while working on the ice last week and at present; is in the R.V. Hospital, Barrie. _ Herb. Lynn lost a valuable horse Saturday night. :M'n and `Mr: .`fnwnrf Mnolnav `Mar. 1`2-T--Wal-k'e`r Joslin of I-Iam-I llton called -on his parents one day last week. \ `Ina A1130 xfVnru~1a nnaan onvotr of U10 uuapunx uuaru . I] Miss -Doris -Kendall `of Toronto home for a short stay. nnhan Vandal] AP Ivlnninna 09911 86811 a V V Fisherman's -luck seems to `be the case with 9. great manyibut some or the fishermen e wearing -a. broad smile lately `so t eir 1uck._must have turned. L 111... !DnlO.nI-l- lg uillnln I-kn Inn nnvn- IUFXIGIL TWm. Ruttett is mm the Ice com-I puny in '1`erontafor`a time and seems to enjoy the change. _ `Tn anlfn n? +1-an mmamf nfnv-rm: Hm Haue you had the mumps? Have you had the pink eye? `These two. questions are heard quite frequent- ~iy iatelyes both'..pests have been` floating around in this neigh- borhood recently. ` `OI 3: IQW GRVB HIS! WGBK. Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. Hunter gnd children are spending a. few days wlkh friends in Mansfield. ' nmmhmn nf' Inna! vhnng nnnnla (`Jul 111. `$1 V108 ue!` Lllt` ural. UL npru. `Mrs. `Willie Lennon: and daughter, Amy, visited friends in Barrie the beginning of the week. ' Mar. 18--'Mrs. Jas. Hays and daughter have returned home to Armstrong. 0nt., after spending a week with her -mother. Mrs. Geo. Wheeler. mr... My-.... .`+ whuo- .-.9 ('|n1Hnauu\n:I IPIBDCIS EFUUHQ (UWllo - 'M1ss`)/Iyrtle Moore of `Toronto is visiting. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Moore. Wveir St. 1lYvn| 'D1n`)A`1r I-can Iknn-nah} an 131110 "(OWN ms: weun. . Mrs. C. -.MdEachern' is spending this week with Icoilingwood friends. -IMiss Elma Rogers spent the week- end in -Coilingwood. ' T -'I"kn 1\YnIuu l`FHvnv- "l`n1nnhnnn n, am: In Uoxungwuuu. . The Noisy `River. `Telephone Co. has `bought |Richm-cl 1Ba`_vcrott's` stor and intends` putting in a. switch board there. ` DA" 1X7 Dail-anann Ta aynnninav ll uuuru Luv.-rt.-. Rev. W. Pattevsonls spending a few days in Midland this week- H133 VVEEK. Mrs. Alex. Currie passed away at Orlllia Hospital on Monday, Mar. 12. after ten weeks -of serious illness and suffering. All _ extend sincere sympathy to so:-rowing husband and sonspalso to `Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ross and family. parents, sisters and brothers` of deceased`. "Bur!" 1 -Tall nP"{"n1Hna-urnn nann arm DFUCHEFS UL Ut'L'vCtl5Ul1u ABud" Hall of "Collingwood called on friends on Mondayhavlng been` to Orl` see his father who is in the` hospital there. nun .1'}nrlu .`k nnr1.cu1l 'nP l`nv-nnfn in 1101116 ,l.U1' u. suurl. suay. George Kendall of `Winnipeg 1 `visiting his uncle, !Robt. Kendall. !!`leI1Q8.nex'u. _ v'Wm. Reynolds is sporting a. new `Chevrolet car. 2 N 115...: IM'.m-Mn nf 'l`mr~nn'1>n nn Mina . `M-ar. 13-`-5Mrs.; CE-I`:m`ilton vis- }!ted.1`n Barrie over'the_ week-end. Mr. -and Mrs: W; D; -Scythes `ape;-t a. tew,days in Toronto recent- V. - . ` seems to Bruuy cue uuuuse. In spite of the recent storms the road has -been kept open between here and Letroy.` A TIM-nu! Inna hnnn v-nnnlvn H-Inf W11. nere 8.110 uezroy. `Word has been received that `Ed- ward Whan or Vancouver Island. who with his family moved from here about 18 years ago. is seriously 4 ill in the hospital in Duncan with hardening of -the arteries. It is con- sidered doubtful if he will recover. `Mn and Mn: "Darin-Hob nun nnnn- mg E sew ween: HI Luruusu. Mrs. Wm. Gregg has;-eturned home after an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Icoulson, in Allan- d-ale, '\'n -ll"nn+f and MN!` `lnnlnhw hf W8. 19 a Mr. "Coutts and Mr. `Sinclair of, Thornton were here calling on `old friends on `Monday. ID MAM-mu than nfnrn .9 bu-2'4: Wltn {nan-ua In Luuuauvlu. , A number of local young people went. to_ Barrie '1`.hu'rsdo.y evening when they were entertained by Mr. and "Mrs. Arthuncoxworth. T `van I1.-_\A *DnhInann an-ul `Mn: anu MTG`. llftllul` '\.i0xVVUl`l.- `Mrs. - Geo. `Robinson and Mrs. Albert Dawson went tofBeth9sda. on .1gondayVto see their father who is Wheeler. Mrs. Alpert White of Colllngwood spent a. few days last week with friends around town. Qfluu "\'1n~Q-In 1\/fnnvu A9 "Fnv-nnl-n `I Mar. 1`3-:-C:l;f`t:V;I;!'t_e;1-v;Ie' of Hills- dale spent 1.the_ week-end Vwith trlendshere. nxrm nmmnlda in smnrng a. new Unevroxec cur. -, I Mrs. IM-artin of Toronto and Miss. Shaw of Angus ,are visiting with ,Miss `M. Bannernman. `I'.H-I-In Fllnrf IR)-mnnnrd in under 1-ha` , MISS N1. Dtuulunluuan . Little `Bertsheppard is under the doctor's care; suffer-I-ng_ from an at- tack of pneumonia. , |'l`hn _an1d`nn'1in of mumns. which mud worm. ` I: developed . lit 7. . ' _. V i _ Howard Innes has gone to Tor- onto. EIQGFGQ uuuuuut u uv wul l.'t.'uuvm'.| `Mr. and Mrs; Reddlck are spend- ing 9. tew weeks in Toronto. `Mun mvm mngg has rnhn-nad `T193193 UH xuunuuy. IR. Forbes has "stored a. large quantity ot Ice for the summer trade. . T Inn` Inn! Man Inn:-nan? `I -Tnvh [Max-. 18-Miss` iigta. Smith is vas-' mug friends in Thornton. mhanrl-nn Qnnnnn `urn: in Prnrnnto IIITIH IPIOXIQS In `J.'nur_nc0u.. Newton Spence was in `Toronto for a few days last week. ml and an/rm: Wm I -I-nnfnr and Alex. JMIODFE. VVGH` DC- Wm.` Blakely has `bought Geo. Shetfer's house on 'Sunnis1a.1e St. "'l`kns - Ennhr nn Pnrnllv annual` SIIBIISFS 1101186 OX1 '5uI1Ill6l8.lB SL- 'Thos.` Seely and family moved Into `town last week. `M -us uh 1UFnl`l.7!nn1s.:nn' Ia annnlna The Willys-Knight Great Si}: Mark_c_z__i_ by Smartness, Beauty BELLE E_WART Hawxasroua BOND-{H1-mp 7 s1jAYN_:'.R ' Marked Interest in Pee :-le Exhibit is yGBUll`Gl. BCUGII I6 lIUWll .GUUVUo To some extent however, the] fact that the Peerless Company makes a complete line of cars, all bearing the same name andall car- Mar. 13-The -United Ladies` Aid and `W.lM.S. met -at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Gough on Thursday of last, week with at good attendance. Mrs. Gough and Mrs. Chappell gave the report of the preshyterial meet- ing held in Colllngwood. Quilt blocks and other sewing kept n- gers busy as well as did the business meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jory. III}.-.. Tnnj AB .I`1....._-I _.--_ LL- `for the rst time. The 69.7- passenger sedan is shown above. Tn unmn av!-nnf `knnrnunv {Win outstandingly smart. this is the (mat Impression one will -get in viewing the` 1928 'Wil.lys-`Knight Great Six 5-passenger sedan` at the automobile show. -Int... I.....:.. u _ . _ . ..- .1_-_AI--'~=- - `DEALER AND DISTRIBUTOR ..~.--. `av u-_.\. ..\....v V- a-..... `V. ` `Miss Ford of Grenfel was the guest of her cousin, Miss Muriel Luck, for a. days. ' On Friday) 1: annlnl cnrnnina fry! LJUUA, LU!` Cl: (Id)/3. ` I On Friday a social evening will .be held In the Club. Mr. Drury_w1ll give an address on the Life of Ab- raham -Lincoln and` Abolition of Slavery. Coll-ier St. League, Bar- rie. are expected to be present and glve`the musical part of the pro- ` gram. `There will be refreshments. LUII U: LEW lUllLlI5o _ A few from here attended the High School concert in Bradford last Friday night. Mr and |1\'rQ fl"-T Tnnnnv unnnf n ...-,.. --- ._-_v---- .--.- v v`.- -""1"he W._'-MUS. met at tho hotne of Mrs. J. R. Chantler last Wednes- `day afternoon. `The report from the presibyterial was made by Mrs. H. Connell. "Two chapters of the study book ere taken. '1`here'was a. fair attend nee despite the stormy weather. - ` `nun-.. nu..- r|:..........m. _...xn ---_ L- W UulallUl' 1 . Miss Olive Bdycroft will soon be nable to be out again after. her to- I cent illness. Mar. 12-J. Wood is iztrtozinding Grand Lodge in Barrie this week. Lloyd `connell fspenfvlvast Week- endvwibh friends `at Bethesda. . Elli-ott Stafford is home from `Tor- `onto where he has been working for a. few months. A Dunn O-an-u. .1-An.` o..6d.\-3...! 4.1.- IGEL l`l`lud.y lll5Ln Mr. and Mrs. -H. Lennox spent a. few days in Toronto last week. 4 JIIL- wrrv no In: ., o - PEERLESS HAS ALWAYS * BE.EN A coon CAR Has Bore of 3%. Inches% . and Stroke `of 494 ;:r Inches -