Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1928, p. 14

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A Mr `by the .._. 5IA\ .:`_\'lim! 4. a-Qnuc . Belo: Comp. nv` I.... +;...| Jinn Pod:-tun Tujz-- It is really no/wonder that the Durant automobiles have been- so well received at the various auto- mobile shows throughout America- recently when one stops to compare the specication: or the several Dur- ant models with those of higher- priced a.utomob1les.e__ . `H in Infnrnntlnnr on nnfn H-mo mun RED sun." MOTORS Harold Hill Looking For- ward to Bumper % ' Season. F Durant Fours to Cr_g_c_{te A B_gg*1mpression .Many Features of High-. est Models Are ` Included. I'D` Passenger? Cars A_A A $725 $2195 I ' I-0-6. Luuln. OIL hm hm ./IIznoun6`2'IW~.-\%..___; anenti 1vNew S"erAie'_o/ \ % . r1AI:2L;DL%H1LL Lower Prices and mm! Durant Dealer--examine this. new series of liner and fast,:l?urant Fours and Sixes, , ., Ride them,,.drivs them , . crew! in dieh appearance . . . and then, compass them with other automobiles. in their-..price class. And be assured of _. .' they allhsvs the very latest bodies that the famous `Hayes-Hunt body designers can ofer . . . theryail A Red Seal Continental`Mot'ors,"the'.nest clllllel" '_ that the-engineering sta of Continental Motors Corporation can produce. ` ' I - ` _` They all have the safest andfeasiest chsises that modern science can suggest and they ALL have the surest and. most efcient four-vgheel-V brakes that the Bendix Corporation can devise. Any model in this series-will give the Ilunost satisfaction to its purchaser, .. . .. see that A cars, i-ide in them, drive` them, .`...entnitt_s,tlIan carefully . . . and make yourown .' AS Ir; Z;;i'Vev_io1'x;1;'eeLr; so nbw, Durant Mo`tors of Canada, Limited. In nwnnnlna nnntu a.o-.u'-umlulln- .0 y un wu u .su.u nu 5 UL \, ullllltug is producing quality automo`b1les of the very highest grade. 1;; w7illZ.tV)e;t`J-1:_e`-d, in r1:1.1;1;1nV-theae `new models,[tha.t an `improvement has been madevin the spring con- structlon, giving slower action and reducing the rebound. " A -' `The Red `Seal Continental Motor! to. be found in each Durant automobile is-- -manuta,cturved< by the world's largest exclusive motor manufacturer. They are the finest engines that `the -engineering start and -scientific departments at this huge corpora'tion- can produce. 1.4. ...xn L- _--4_`.1 ., - ---v --.-cu...-u-was-aooag gvvuau The plant of Durant .Mptors or Canada Limited 1s`consl-dared by" visiting experts to be one of the fin- est to be found. anywhere. The machinery'w and of` thevevy latest design, and,comsequent1y It operates in the most etficienvt and economical manner. al- ways welcome and are provided` with a guide who takes` great pleas- ure `in pointing out the machinery and the work that is of special In- terest. . ` V ' I a result of the manufacturing and` exporting of automobiles to Austra- I ha, New Zealand, South`Afr1ca. and! other members of the British Com- monwealth of nations. '; l ' This iJoV1'Vt "V-V`('J'I"l{"'Oc.cl1!`8 during! the off sealsonvin Canada" and thus llls out the manufacturing year. -7111... ..I....4. -1 1\--..`_..A 15-4-7, -- Advertise in The Ejadlngr HAROLD mu. 4 V V --Photo_ by Jackson. yavuwunnv vvvlnaua spun. Crouland Institute lcrosaland Women's Institute met "on -March 8,`l_n the Ibaaenient of `Knox church having for their guets the members 0`! the Allenwood bzjanch. After the usual bualneu a. uruuwu H1 ucn interest . Emerson Mc-Elwain, Miss I-Iealey, Miss Ovens and-Georg-e Minty took the affirmative while Leighton Mc-v 'Ginnis, Miss -Atkinson, Matt. Hop- kins and Ross Usher debated the negative side of the topic. Resolved that Wlomen Work `Harder than Men. The audience showed their appreciation of the pointsmade and the splendid de ating. , The Judges were not unani ous in their de'ci-A sion. However. the majority favored the affirmative side,-especially the lady Judges. whilst everybody ea- greed that the negative side dis- played greater ability as speakers. Retreshments were served and a pleasant evening spent. $_-_-I-.._I I_-LlA.,1, /**~ ` sieignioaas going from the village. J t The program wasprovided by the Knox guild. In addition to the mus- ical it-ems there was -a. debate which created much interest. Tvnnnnnn 'lRn.`I`4`1n-AI... `Ill..- -I--r--I-__ other friends in the vicinity. Miss Annie Bell sent a. beautiful bouquet `of carnations from Calling-_' wood on Saturday to be placed in V the Presbyterian church on `Sunday In memory of her sister. the late Mrs. Wm. `Train. ` ' .. Knox Young Peoplo,'o Guild `The Elmvale senior guild paid a visit to Knox last Thursday, two slelghloads going from the village. nrozram was nrnvidm-I hu +1.. I SLUHIU a Norman I-Ilsey" left on `Saturday I for his home in Meyronne, Sask., af- ' ter a. couple of weeks with his sla- , ter; `Mrs. Marshall Langman. and other friends in the vicinity. I !Mlss Annie Ball slant .9 h.m.n`4i.n m. nmcu over EH8 weex-ena. Mrs. Graham Turnmull left Von Tuesday for -her home in Ruddeli,, after enjoying a. few months Iniritkri her mother, IMrvs.- -Wm. Van- s c e. . u \v............. -u-1....-. `-3; -,, ..-N. - aura. nu. uurreu OI Amen M1118 and Mrs. G. A. Haight of Detroit were the guests of Mrs. ?Wm. An- drew recently. , Miss Ecke1 left on Sunday for Cliftord to` see her father who is ill. `Miss Annie Dale is supplying in her room at school. `Mrs. Margaret Black or fsintaluta, and Mrs. O. R. Black or Stroud were the guests or Mrs. R.` M. Black over the week-end. Mr; am. In m 'lVm....u-.11 `Adi -._' ms Jntenua Worxmg _on me boats; Mrs. Wm. Moftatt returned home Jastweek after enjoying a couple of months vial`: at Chicago and N18.- gara Falls. Mr: `FA flan-at-6 `.0 `A-I--- I-nv~ uuuu: an-av. vvuunauuy. . . I Arthur King of Allenwood left on Monday `for Port McN1coIl where he Intends working on the boats. MP8. Wm. Mnffnff -rah"-and kn..- -Mrs. Mo:-wick of Hamilton spent last week with her mother, `Mrs. Wm. Vansickie. . \ . Born. to Mr and Mrs`. Matthew- Bowman on isundayy March 4.. 1928. 8. son (Archibald). .' . `- .vMiu; Elizabeth Thu:-low is. home alter` spending agtew weeks_ with `her sister inA1`o,_ronto. W._ H. Ri'tbh ie. who has been an `Toronto for a few weeks, returned [home last Wednesday. ` Arthur `Kim: nf Allannmna 1.4 ; ...n ll`l9QI_ at UFEISVEIQ a `Miss Velma. Usher of B`arr1een- b the 8th line. ` , . Morwlck week Yum `Ya -ujinlpln Joyed the her home on iwnniiiiiwwg _l?.LMVALENEWS j ******x******m* . us osvun Iynqvvu LU l|1U;VVUy Nothing better by way of mater- dals or workmanship can -be Iound In any automobile than that which is employed in the conatructln of 9. Durant Six. In so tar as worfkmanshdp is concerned, it may be said that a start of highly-trained * men is given steady employment as Mr. Mchedn spentMonday fvlthl friend: at Craigvale. ` `Minn Vaimn Tfnhnn A0 a..I.` .. uGl' 1` Mrs. and `I: C1115. Ed. ?` 43.1izgbthst. Phpng 273 A . A l`&Le`1`y'1eft zhool. Garrett F1 A FLT. .--g-- -rv-- vv-nun-Iuv vvwb Ilvutyllao All of the Durant models this year are'equ!pped with Bendix Four Wheel Brakes. These brakes have provenaatlatastory on cam selling at from $2,000 to $5.000. '\YnOkInn~ kn-ton... has `mu... .1 _.-J.-.. ett `of `Amen D4 11' M115 K171: Lnten Mills [Wyn A on _ DuuI"7!" Shtylhdnn. . _n.v/an ."t-Vhudlnlp wqu. uv-u-uvruv `II-II V IV! -9 V -`S-ggdce will be held in-the Ang- Church, Crown Hill, at. 7.30 12.21:. llcan chur'ch, Mineslng, on -Sunday, March 18, at 1`1 a.m., roads permit`-. tlng; in St John's Church, Craig- -hurst, a.t; In st Jamesf. aucuxuuns uuu vxauturs were present. A dainty lunch was served. The next meeting will be held on April 12, at Knox church. I lengthy program consisting of mus- ical numibers, readings and address- es were appreciated. Papers were read by Mrs.'Jos. Locke, Mrs. A. Lyons and Miss LI-Iealey. An ad- dress of Welcome was given by Mrs. M. Andrew, .president, and replied to -by Mrs. H. Spring, president of Allenwood Branch, Rev. E. Thomas addressed the meeting. About sixty members and vi'sitors were present. . A daintv hm:-h wnc van!-un IN...` uauuu Lu .Lll Dblflfle 1'll(l. (A car for every pocketbook is Mr. Hill's motto. `He also handles the Peerless and will have one at the show. They sell for $2000:-up and if you Want a dearer one there is the Ldcomoblle, handled through the Durant people and which costs any- where from $3150 to $17,900. Nat- urally Harold is not `building on selling many of the latter class. - zrnree or these will be sixes", the 55", 6-5", and 75"`all beautiful . Slxeskwith everything that the high- er-priced car `has to offer. The Durants t i's yearwill sell for from $795 to $ 315. He is particularly "pleased with Durant prospects this year especially the "4", he having established his local reputation on the latter car whichhe considers a top-notcher in the class. `The models already in his show room are a -very nifty liooking car and they have a splendid repu- tation in the Barrie field. A Ann` Pnnn nunmu nn..`I...cL.....I_ 2.. an-_ The lubrication `system of an au- tomobile is one at the vital points. The Durant care all have full pressure lubrication, `the same as is found in all high-priced cars. A great deal could be said with re- spect to the Thermostatic Control of the cooling system. ustalned driv- ing at a speed of from 35 to 56 mil-D es an hour is possible with the big, expensive cars and with the vari- ous Durant cars. because or the lub- rication system and the cooling sys- tem. The Durant automolbiles are noted for their ability to travel at a high speed without overheating. AH l\' 41.... 'l\........u. .......!-I_ LL11, VESPRAVANGLICAN saavlcas 5.'_-..l-- ___lI _ _, _... = Harold Hill does not dependon city high pressure methods to sell his` cars. He has never worked in city. not has he hadeany experience in city met!h'ods. Born in Medonte. he lived in Craighurst practically all his life and for five years con- ducted a. garage business in that village when he discovered a larger and'mo17e remunerative field in Bar- rie. ~ ~ `\l .,. 5 av: Discussing the prospects for 1928 Mr. Hill said he would have five and perhaps six cars at the show. Three of these will be sixes", "55". "6-5". and ~75 an hm:n1H?n1 A.-quax:'t`ei' of 5 miliionmdollars is _ the turnover established by Harold _ Hi-ll, local Durant dealer, in` the" three years he has been in Barrie. Th-ls. or course, includes both new and used cars. In his first year Mr. Hill disposed of 51 cars. In 1926 he sold 80.and in 192'! it was 115, the figures showing .a substantial in- crease each year. 1245 Cars,` Involvin ` Nearly 7 A . Quarter Millig , in ~ Three Years. A nrwcow TI-ll pkunlilu :5:/mluun . -: V3 l _f'.!.`_.`_f?_" :5 G31 39 9 Ill OJHIBIOD Ulvllc ' The Red Seal Continental Motor which makes the power unit_needs' no particular comment. 'I`hevRed eai irseif is the insignia of the world's inrgest exclusive motor builders. i'he reputation and standing of the corporation which makes these pow- er units is beyond criticism. `This mo- mr is of the "L"-head type; identi- raiiy the same type as. used in an,- tomobiies selling at from $2,500 to $5,000. The same may be said of the Morse Silent Timing Chain. "Here again, it is seen that the very ex- - pensive automobiles use this unit. Jun. . nun, n , , VAN PATTER'S rnzsr GARAGE am: AND s'ru,L THE BEST No matter what its ailment. is, we can restore your car to perfect mechanical condition with the minimum of time and expense to you.- A sta of thoroughly trained auto experts stand readyto diagnose and correct every defect from a dented fender to a broken crankshaft. We give swift service! SIXTEENYEARS AGO we established the rst service garage in Barrie. Our work has stood. the test of time. That is the best proof `ofmerit.' i porn; 35:. HEN you call to order a Good Used Car, it will pay you to look for the O. K. tag on- the car you select. That is your surest way ofiidentifying the cars that have been carefullyrchecked and fairly represent: ed. The Used Cars bearing the Chevrolet 0. .tag (whatever make of cars theymay ye) are honest values. -The car s condition `exactly as represented. Come`in and see these values:-- a J ` ....,,.. wE ARE SPEEDY, EFFICIENT, MODERATE Pun Ill. LET Us REJ.UVENA`TEYOUR% CAR! ELIZABETH-%ST.%-Q-PHONE 273 Thuriaay, Maker. 15, 1923. Vl si:.:'nvd ing up and (`M an thru sd of :1 an air wear on engine. D-In _ vs unI.\ of 10 pr`?-viul; r... a sir:-I maxim oporuta gcnmzz h0I`HL`[): d(`\'v1o; ,u NOE pnucu u.uLUI1lUUlH:'!.._, It is interesting to note that many or the important units in these are identically the same as those in the higher-priced automobiles. A com- parison ot these specifications will show that automobiles that are generally conceded to be the best that money can buy have in them various parts which are to be round in Durant cars. VIII... 11...: 1-1--` ru_,,. 1'.._-

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