Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1928, p. 13

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DIIFFLC, IlUyllI5 ULIL rruu Vl1lL'l.'U-LL61`: Jack. Buchanan stands high in the automobile business in town and his advice is often sought by deal- ers and fellow mechanics. He hand- les the Morris car as a. sideline, but the repair and overhauling is the big and of` his business. From 8. strictly mechanic's viewpoint, he is, of courserenamored with the work- manship and quality of the `Morris .car. J., A. Buchanan Has V Built. Up a Fine Business. B The undersigned has received in- structions from 1' I321: - QRAA--- in eight years the mm o : Buch- anan & sign has built up a substan- tiaiwauto repairing business at the corner of Mulcaster and Dunlap Streets. `It was established in 1920 by the late J. B. Buchanan and his son. John. Both were-experienc- ed mechanics. `The -late J. B. Bu- chanan was a miiiwright -all his life and was with Mickie & Dyment at Gravenhurst when he came to Barrie. He was active in the busi- ' ness here right up to the time of his death thnee yearsago. Inhn Rnnhnnnn n-an ncuuvln nn A-n'cEcT1J_cTr_ ASAl`.CHANlC BARRIE. STEAM AvuLcAN1;_1_1:(; PLANT ucu-ui Zcnji FARM hs'roc_K a IMPLEMENTS HUi~3'"fiii 1365. S. H. Lot 2, Con. 9, Innisfil In nu`! `nun uuuulvxlhn nun:-:6-Inn AG 1 -snn hf ---nuv nnZ& FARM T_OcK a. IMVPLEMENTS Keller, 1. yr. mu; ueucr ua,u.. GRAIN AND PO"1`A`T0`ES -- 200 nu: nnn nn1>u- 9.5 hut: haw-lnxv 9.5 -runs I.-nu nu nnnnl.-an u --- --7----- _s5 nfunnu. c.,1m..... 405 wlyln uvl-Avila AL V II RUSSELL Bndoxs _A_t Lot 25, Con. 10, E... n an KI! v\nk`In ouIn6IA-u at Ei:"p'na'n"r'"w7IixLc'A1~In'N'E:' ` We Guarantee. -Our Work AUTO Acct-zssonuzs. T FILLING STATION.` awn U] ulna uuvbulu at -I. yulllc 'ru5;13AY, MARCH 20 A "I`hn> CnI1n`n1{v-nu-o nap -w tuna: ow to self by public auction at 1 o'clock sharp on. ERIKA`) Illiili I#11V ARENA} Ll1J111JUD QUU seed cats; 25 bus. barley; 25 buckwheat; 1 bus. alsike; 2 red "clover; 10 bags Dooley inn: rRi6X?I1vfX+i"23 WV`-an ?A1Inurlna-o ..6H933QN.$':. _ Auc'noN_sAuj. II ill Q I l1l 3: I 13- F7. @0935 oGOLDlE HARPER DECORATING CO. . CONTRACTORS liptimptel cheerfully Given 84 Toronto It.. Phono Illlw Tl-ll nanu: ' nxammen to attenu tms sale. SHEEP AND PIGS--15 well bred Shropshire ewes: 4 grade Oxford ewes: Shropshire ram, 1 yr. old: 2 brood sows. with pigs 4 weeks old; sow, due May 19; sow, due May 21. 'PMPLEMEN'1S, ETC. -- Deerlng binder; Deerlng mower; steel land roller; sulky rake; 13-disc drill, Mas- sey-'Ha1-rls: spring-tooth cultivator, Massey-Harris; set light harrows; set heavy barrows, dlsc- har- row; single plow. Fleury No. 21: single plow, Percival No. 12; 2-furrow plow. Verity: set scales. 2000 lbs.; fanning-mill: set sloop sleighs, new; hay rack; truck was gon. steel wheels: King separator, 600 lbs., new; 2 sets double harness: top buggy: 2 sets single harness; saddle: Stewart clipping machine: 40 grain `bags; .40 gal.vol1 drum: 2 coal stoves; sheet Iron heater: dog power: snow plow. V r:. R`A'.1\T._2nn hnn. and nuts. `Mam. power; Sll`UW IJIUW. GR-A'I~N-b-200 bus. seed oats, Mam- moth tC1u ster;A30 bus. seed oats. O.A.tCd.. 72; 30 bus. seed barley, O. A.C., 21; 200 bus. feed oats: 150 bus. mixed grain. oats, barley: 60 bus. mixed barley, buckwheat; also a large quantity of chains, forks. doubletrees, horse blankets and many other articles. . '1`m-v-nu nf 'Qn1n_.Al'l guru: nf S10 many Ollie!` EFEICIUB. Terms or 'Sale--A1l sums of $10 and under. ogsh: over that amount 12 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 5% or: for cash on credit sums. All will be. sold without re- serve as proprietor has sold his fa win 0 1 yrs. old. A CA.`TTLE - Pure bred Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old, due April 1: pure bred Holstein `cow, 6 yrs. old, due March 28; pure bred Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old; due March 23; Ayrshire cow, 3 yrs., due April 4; pure bred Holstein cow, .6 yrs. old, with calf at toot: Ayrshire cow, 5 yrs., calf at foot: Jersey cow, 4 yrs.,` calf at foot; Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs., due Mar. 24; Ayrshire cow, 7 yrs., due April 15; Durham cow, 6 yrs., call! at foot; Durham cow, 8 yrs., due April 8; Holstein cow, 7 yrs., calf at foot: Holstein cow, 6 yrs., due`March 28; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., due April 1; Holstein cow, 4 yrs., calf at foot; Durham cow, 5 yrs., call. at foot: Durham cow, 4 yrs., calf at root; Durham cow, 6 yrs., due Ma 20; Durham cow, 5 yrs., old, mi ins; Jersey cow, `due May 26; Durham heifer, due March 20; Durham heir- er, /due March 21; Durham heifer, due March 24; Ayrshire heifer, due June 14.; Ayrshire heifer, due June 29; Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old; Ayr- shire heifer, rising 2 yrs.oold: 2 Dur- ham steers, 2 yrs. old; 8 "calves, 1. yr. old. Above cows are all heavy milkers and high testers. Anyone wanting real good cows will do well to attend this sale. - aummn Axvrn n1't1a_._1K man 1-mm! 131'! . Conkey, auctioneer. -Barrig. `Sale at.1 p.n'i. `sharp. W". A. Mt;-l O Vjrnnn, av: uniuu u-w The following: HO!RS`E'S--Bay mare, 7 yrs., G. P.; M-bay horse. 3 yrs., Clyde: bay mare, 10 yrs., Clyde; driving horse. 7 yrs. old. "(`A*'I"l`T.14`. `Puma hrnd Holstein uUUUlUL1'I'. S uuu runny 1)!-HUI` Up|'LlUlV5n `Terms of Sale-'Ca.r and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved Joint notes, 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. W. A. McCon- key, auctioneer, Barrie. The undersigned has received in- , structi-ons from IIIAI IIEI) (`AI INIIIEI I UK, 6 yf n IM -PIJEMEN7'I'S, ETC - Massey- Harris binder, 7-ft. cut; Frost & Wood mower, 5-ft. cut; Frost & Wood rake, 10-tt.; spring-tooth cu!- tlvator, 17-.tooth`~; Cockshutxt 1`3-disc drill; set harrows,~ 17 It.; scuter; set harrows, 12 ft.; `Adams truck: John Deere sulky plow, No. 82,; Massey-\Harris.Imperia.1 gang plow: : single plow, Fleury; pulper; single plow "1`ud No. 42: Chatham fanning-mill; corn culti- vator; wheelbarrow; Bain wagon and box complete; set scales, 2000 lbs.: cutter; Massey-`I-Iarris cream separator, 5. Above-implements all nearly new. 40-gal. steel -tank; range; set brass-mounted harness: ; set breaching harness; set driving harness; "Overland touring car, model 91, 1925; also forks. chains. doubletrees and many other articles. "'l`nr|-nu A1 Qn1n_i{`nv\ and all cull-na WHEN 1'H1NcsL;oo1< BLACK-eCALL on? Us V3ARnmPHoNa*5eg%;% z I SU'UCI1`OS IPOH1 WALKER CALDWELL 1 At Lot 22, Con."_4, Ora (0-NE LO`T SOUTH OF PROVIN- % C`IA`L HIGHWAY) 1 to sell by public auctlorron l vnmcnnv unnnu on W1L`llUUL I-'Ul'VCu _ Terms of Sa1e-Al1 sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum of! for cash on credit sums. Sale at '1 pan. W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. IIIIILU old . `DH Lu PIGS AJND SHEEP`--2 pure bred Yorkshire saws, due in April: 2 Yorkshire sows, due in April; 7 Shropshire ewes. -CAT`T`LE-fDurham cow. 7 yrs., due April 1: Durham_.cow, 8 'yrs.. due April 16; Durham cow, 4 yrs.. due July 28; 2 calves; Durham heif- er. 2 yrs. TN! -DTA`F`.`Mf`RN1'T'. 'EYI"(", `Nfnaanv- The undersig;1ed has rece1ved`1n- structions from I l\l)\ll.` [J A \I I\\I Iv ::-vj'-run- av-n pants: 1- The following: HO !-?JS.`ES-Brown mare. 5 years old; brown .m~are, 4 yrs. old, well rr11(4;tched team; bro/awn horse, 10 yrs. 0 uvun Itch Q ' lvijbuu DC The following: Black horse, '10 yrs.. G.P.; 22 hens; one horse wagon with pole and shafts; -`set long tug. harness: set light harness; "top buggy-:~ cut- ting box. Peter Hamilton; 2 11.1). gas- oline engine; 2 neck yokes; buzz saw and frame; 12 single plows; set iron harrows; wire fence stretcher; Grindstone and frame; 2 sets heavy whiffle trees; wheelbarrow; quan- tity hay; quantity household furni- ture; cook stoves; heating stoves; parlor, dining room and bed room furniture, dishes. etc.; also saws, barrels. forks, chains, shovels and many other articles. All will be sold without reserve. Wahrnu AF o1n__A1I Qlivunn AC C'i \IlI\I-U I VI`) N to sen bx` ublic auction at 1 1 IIII'."I\ I'\AII IIAIIIWL c `-09 VIC`? CI IVIUCXCICI to $11 bsumbllc auction at 1 .m- 011' III` I\A\I IIABIVIJ ll The undersigned has received in- structions from I D Il.lVBAl`VIII.'R! v -p-- ' ww_~.-.-,----- - --v LI:1'1)'R'.' Hi:' POULTRY Aiviiisidcx rromc ' A MAKE YOUR -PROFITS LARGER. ` A __ _____- 4 '::n- vii-A XXIII I RI` OF HIGH CLASS DAIRY COWS FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS AUCTION SALE FARM STOC_K a IMPLEMENTS TTQCTC` U FAm3I's'rocK 4 IMPLEMENTS `tars-nu I `v?/"i~f1 5~:%` 1`i`r ,`11A1z`" `x5"'1" Tho Cnnnnrhna-s SEPIICIIOIIS ITO!!! J. R. `McCRAC " In the Village of Midhunt 7 an kw I\IIh"A anal-Inn Q! 1 turn, I! to sen Dy puouc aucuun un TUFSD Y, MARCH 20 'I'\Inn n11nnrIna-- BLFUULLUHS IFUII1 LORNE HANDY At Lot 26, Con. 1, Ora (DALSTON) man hv rmhlin nnnflnn at 1 11,111 sell 3;; .;1;H.;'a{m;:'.,.;`.:tT"..;.: MO DAY, MARCH fa "I"I\n 'l\l\lII9'UIlIQ %A!J.C`i"Ii_?.5`' 'S`AI-E A :An:\J Ag: _AUCTlON II 3:32 II Q I II I II Dunlap St. EXTENSIVE lXIl\II 3 I Unavnnv Mung! -ouwou uno- Bfor ........--...... 25 Kipper Snacks, . . . . 4 for 25 XXI IIlfII`l T3 1 I I 20-oz. tin` gnapgre Al;ineappl7e V 2for ..{ . . . . . . . . ...._28 Castile Soap, small bars 'i.T.W17:CULL0UGiI`J`V"`";r:.:: Pm; 215 F93 Y9U_e GROCERY Mfrs A beautiful display of furniture for your selection DIIN I%IIl\|'lil\II urguuin consul 10 Dunlop St. LET US IEURNISH YOUR HbME U wm `ALLOW EXCHANGE on YOUR USED FURNITURE :.:.s:"::; zhsrom-'5 2:::'.-.-*.::.~ THE BEST FOR FUEL, ICE OR CARTAGE A. E. SMITH J. W. SCOTT S _ nnuwr nmnmn IN % none: nos. nssanczn cns-cmu-um nos. Suucxs REO SALES AND SERVICE REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS st. %- BARRIE - Phon 294 uv-v CV jlujii II I Wlnoluilo hail` Rotiil Bllfcllwtfl Fi,-la." Giglt sad V.-I -"t9i.|-5 ii: Sewn .97 Dunlap St. I-:u..b.u. ssf Installed `for demonstration without obligation. His Master : Voice VICTROLAS 62 Dunlop St. TRY oun NEW comm CRUST LOAF AND BUTTERMILK SCONE A TREAT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY PHONE 250 And have our salesmen call on you with this Wonderful New Bread. Our Motto: Quality and Service 137 Dunlap St. FIIOIIO 1017 *1?-AI .M.ARKT Cecil R. Livingston DEALER FOR DeForest Crosley coon MONEY MAKERS { 2 Young _l 9yl;,_ l'_R__ gum) srocx ,, _#_ - _ '10`: a-I-3 jgnung 5.3;}; a'{a'"umm""u Suits and Topcoats ALL ONE PRICE - T139 Home of Better HlLL S BAKERY TIP TOP TAILORS _ N_EW SQNEPLES j stead IV&II`ID4 11 Dunlop Sb. Telephone I1 IIHARLE T Y BATTERYLESS -I-'1-on $250 to 8450 -l-hone 23, Barrie `"3" '.'?C'`' 1"` E`? '7?` '3mzs"' H 1-`Isa DAILY BAYFIELD ST., BARRIE. - BATTERY-- Priced 3180 to $170 29 Elizabeth St. I NIIIGU Iv: Ctr V v-C--vv!P" ' - --v - DELIVER "' ' ' '3': `to ALL mus bi-` "town" . .y---cf Clcflliillt U Best qlilliiy Meats VICTOR NORTHERN ELECTRIC FADA and WESTINGHOUSE WI-ll'l'BY S Onlario Bakeries Limited RADIOS PHONI `I78 LIMITED A. H. FELT I WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER `" `'" 1. G. KEENAN ""1 EVERYTHING IN MUSIC SCOTT S (naou/m's BAKERY)- J. G. SCOTT BARRIE \ Qusgrt gin` Fur; Mplg V8'y;up, Q tln-......n..~neon758 } 4-lb. tin -Marmalade . . , , . . 55 Matches . . . . . . . . 22 a bundle : A jja $1 j-c--g- 3 Dunlap 3:. mm. 1041 ' -;EEiAfI-S-TI-I:I- ` coonvua WELT AND HYDRO PR%SFS SYSTEIS HI I31 llnrliu A Iimunva BARR}? - -- Inuit: Q A`! MORE EGGS LESS FEED COST BLATCI-lFORD'S FILL-THE-BASKET EGG MASH Are You Taking Pic- tures of the Snow? Try our border prints on your next roll. SE95 NICE WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS $1.95 1-`. C. LOWER .T.A"-QR EROWH 3999- THE SHOE MAN 11'-nvnpv A 7 wars: 0`. ROBERTSON S DRUG STORE Phones 3;; :::d'14v4' OPP. POST OFFICE '11"? B31353? AGINCY won 1'!-IE" ms nncusu uonu. VAN RADIOS VICTOR RECORDS BELL PIANOS FURNITURE and STOVES C. R. SCOTT Page Thirtun Phone 243 Phone 88 Phone 330 Tm... no FOR naucnous ICE CREAM CREATIONS, SANDWICHES, TEA, corpse. . Mo113's_A%'1_~11){{NI-:1_1.sToN_?_ cHq_coLA'rEs -mi` `C'j` * TTCI I47 Dllllop 8!. Hunt 147 BRYSON S TEA ROOM .6-mi 9!"'.`?'?."?"~' Now is the Seuonzfdit M : are weil stocked in the various grades. PHONE FOR ESTIMATE. `_ THE BALL PLANING M1u..~co. Limited. om. zoo .. BARRIE an. 300 P9".*"" & 511 1I_-__ I Thunduy. MINI! 15. 93. W. L; BRENNAN GINIRAL REPAIRS ON ALL IAKES OF CARS. ORILLIA ggqlgggv co. LTD. LAUNDRY `CALLED ron AND nzuvnitan rnourru: QRILLIA I-nouns." no - 11-1 Guanine Fol`!-I M'6iiiifs CARS BARRIE-ALl.4\_P_{l_}Al_.[ D_A_IRY co. ~ LIVINGSTON BROS; A Hotel with an the comforts of home -- SATURDAY SPECIAL DINNER ;_ soc sc1:N11ncALLv PASTEUi!lZ_ED'. "fn'b1{i1E3r'3k'a?I `<%s'6c':e'.-'1II.TnE' M0+l . - .- nuts ! I"! llI'l\ IlIl\A W.-% %$IM.0!i BARRIE.wEEKLv BUSINESS REVIEW i-TF_5':'3Vi5B._B`5! 8 COAL MILK --I Minn? YOUR YOUTH" -C1:oice, mu Breakfast Bacon, .ha1 , or whole side, per lb. . . . . 27 :Sliced,'p r lb. 30: Sakabula Pineapple, large tin 84 |C_hoie Tomatoes . ._ 2 tin: for 25:2 More of those goodf i -i;ni::-Iw-I;rr';s:` Swiftfs best curing, per lb. 23: Ayimev Sogpa. {I11 avors, special ' o v v v V 0 3 ,9 27` ;singapor_e- -Pineapple, ahead 2 than for .....,_._.\.,..o. 29: _1cing'Sugar,`f 21!. for IO:-de'r__Ea.rly : Phone 117 Ten;:l-|;'-;f-i: i;-I`t;.-'. 'I'l'u:`o:y, Sight Sinling. % G. & E. BURNS. Sp.-C. Licensed Chiropractors Drugless` Therapists I0 Elisabeth St. (npolnlu) ` Phone 40 ll ' `."""C Pupils pry and tor all exam nations. - 87 BI-ulfcrd Sh. Piano MI We carry the best V `variety zsgoguoanutiorfjnryz LuIl:o Barrie.!*9:v|inA_9as'e9'vV -u-v JACK n'1z7\"F'i'v. Pupmeu BOWLING` FISH AT LOWEST mess % F5"- `-_-"--vg-y- - - 777 V `Shula and -Dotuxvbie, if: sfock and made to order. JARVIS'S _l_ _a_s_try- Flour 85. bak io A.n'i..1x I-.I.' Phone 480 L /`JESSIE R, BRYSON; JARVIS Phone. 65 v. s. I-lAIBl..Y_ Cleaned 'r'3i-7:35.} PHONE _ 11: unencu- '.l`he importance of this develop- ment is `appreciated when, adding to this number the 133,581 tele- phones operated in, the two pro- vinces by independent companies which connect with Bell exchanges, it becomes apparent that the total of 801,964vtelephones givesto Ont- ario and Quebec a notable status as regards this vital service. In comparison, _ the European coun- tries of France, Roumania and Portugal combined had 799,809 telephones in serviceat the begin- ninz 01.1326. ` V . \10b W. H. Johnson & Son `Tel. 997W 9? R950 St -- -- :1 v 1-w. avujov Q Statements of the improving trend of business . conditions through 1927 are well supported by the fact, pointed out in the an- nual report of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada,.of a net gain during the year of 38,222 tele- phones. On December 81st 1a_st there were 688,383 Bell Tele- phones in service in Ontario and Quebec. - . TL; innnnwl-nnnn A3 4-`ah: ohnvnlnn, nun: uvea -vv cuyuwuuu, umu uu mu farewell to her, before leaving for Toronto to take up a position. The time was spent in music and games. Miss Weaymouth was `pre- sented with an address and a pair of Dutch silver salt and pepper shakers, also a _mantel clock, as slight tokens from her many friends. The address was read by Miss Florence Beelby and the pre- sentation was made by Edward Beelby. Miss -Weaymouth replied in suitable` terms,.thanking them all for theirjkindness. After tht lunch was served {by -Mrs. Mag- loughlen. Going home everybody reported a good time. . V -_..--~.-`- _---uvv--vwu--uw_. `A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Miss Mqssio Maoughlen, 96 `Cumberland: .St., on ` arch 9, when twenty or more youn -boys and girl friends of Miss eta Weaymouth, `met to bid `PCVIAIIVAII `'I\ kill` `\nnvu\ lnn1I:v\tI `nu UV I'll VIIW til-`(AW \pI\IlIUlUIII In the ladies. league on"`Wednes-V day. night the Mismacs took all three points from the St`. Pat's. Go-Getters went into first place by taking three points from the Brats. Lucky Strikes and Hogan s Alley each won a game but the former got the high total score for the odd point a"nd went into second place. The high scorers for the night were: Mrs. `Raven 2655., Miss Ward 864, Mrs. Brown 348,` Miss A. B0 ardis 346 , Miss Wiles 355, Mis bite 342, and Miss Mathia- unvi OQA iVlB VV Ill son 284. `The men's league wound up in a grand and glorious `finish last week. The Livingston team put on a great burst of speed and jumped from seventh place into a tie for second place with the Old Timers. These two teams will ro_l1 off this week for the privilege of meeting the Singer's team, who finished in . second place `in the `first series, to see,who s-gets; secondplace honors and prizes for the season. To show how evenly the teams were match- ed there was only three points dif- ference between six teams. a ---w.-vw -.1:--w--- -..--u -'-----. As all league bowlers are anxi- ous to carry on, another series has been'arranged with the same teams taking part. Each team will meet each` other once and the way the teams are goingtnow a lot of close and exciting ames should be the result. .`The rst three teams will be in the prize donations.` 7,. L`_, I- 1!, I I I`, 3,. ,, VVII yput. T at the crankshaf-t -dimensions and the bearing specifications or -the Whippet -should duplicate those at much larger cars is a natural re- sult ot=the principles of design used in its construction. the diameter of the crankshaft in the-Whippet-being equivalent to that of some eight- cylinder motors; The bearings are Chadwick full `bond babbitet. UL vuv vv unppct. vusuuw. Engineers declare that efficiency in fuel consumption and flexibility in motor penformance are to a large degree dependent upon the two fac- tors of piston travel and compres- sion ratio, such as touqd in the 'Wi1 Dnet. -I'll no Man nnnnbakne -Rhnnnnainnu UL!!- In the Whippet -the piston travel is 2,200 feet a minute and -the com- pression ratio is 4.7 which repre- sents the ratio of compression of the gases in the cylinder from their original- volume `before they are fired by the spark.,In these features the Whippetengine is constructed to operate like a six. Other light tour-cylinder cars have an average piston `travel in the vicinity 0! 1600 eet per minute, with a compression ratio that is considerablehelow that of. the `Whippet engine. I`.-..-.h..-.3- t`nn`nnA shoe nnlnnnu RADIO Tunas 'rzs1*zn7 AND naacnvuzo. axrrznlzs CHARGED 15.. Onvnight shun. 50. ATWATER KENT Battery and Button-ylcu. 16.6.2. Ruliolu and Mu':onl. \ Phone for a. demonstration or call and see them. _ A study of] power plants in the light. can, field -discloses that the Whippet. `following the principles 0! design usually employed only in the construction or six-cylinder en-A gines. holds andistinctly individual position in the.-light tour-cylinder field for power development and outstanding performance. It is pointed out that the Whippet is the only engine in the light car field that -more -than doubles its rated horsepower "at i-ts point of maxi- mum efficiency. This unusual devel- opment of power is said to be due _ in part to the unique desigmot the engine, -this design bringing about a complete revolution of construc- tion in the light car field since the initial introduction or this car. Engineers point out`-th_a:t`th'e oom- pression ratios of the light sixes range from 4.70 to 5. at which points detonation of the gases is likely to occur. The [average piston travel is saidtto be about 2,200 feet a, min- ute. ` 7.. ml... yL`n\U|l\` .`1n:\ -u{n6An Cvusuvn` WHIPPET. ENGINE rowmm om: Full Fo`i"ceV `Feed Lubri- cation? System is T Employed. % FAREWELL PRESENTATION A HUGE Dzvnouaur BOWLING NOTES potatoes. - P'IG S ANID `S !-DEEP---Brood sow. due April 1: brood sow, due May 15: 7 store pigs. 8 months old; 7 young pigs, 10 weeks old; 5 Shropshire ewes. ` \ . AIM-PLEMzEN'TS, ETC. - Binder. Massey-Harris, 7-ft. cut; seed drill, 13-disc. ~Cockshutt:' set light sleighs; buggy; gang plow, 2-furrow; cut- ter . Vnvwnu .l\' o1A__f1nnIr| nnfofnna L81`: Terms of Sa.1e--Grain, potatoes, seed and all sums of $10 and under, cash: over that amount 9 months` credit will 'be given to parties fur- nishing approved joint notes. 6% off for cash. H. A. Grose. auctioneer. nlure, LI) ylf. Ulu. 1'ua.uuu:1.'. A HAJRNESS--Set long tug breech- lng harness; set single harness, new. Goldine mounting; set single harness. .I\A|'N"`1',1FT`L'A1nn'n nnnv O Qvnovla Cha%n HHIIIUSEI. GA-'1".lV`LE-Holste1n cow, 8 years, due Novemlber =12; Hereford cow, 8 years, due June . 10; red cow, 6 yrs... fresh; steer, 1 yr.; Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs., due May 6; Holstein cow, 7 yrs.. due by sale; heifer, 1 yr. old; heifer calf. (1I`R.A-1 ~'.\T A.\TT\ nn"Iu*'r.n-ma 900 \J'`UJ`L'l.V bus. bus. buck bus. potatoes. PVTIEJR A QTFTIQC, ov-I--w--o -Iv ` 7 . J,'1`_he to1lowing: I-I'0RSES-'-Grey mare, rising 12 yrs..b1d: grey horse. rlsing11 yrs. old: bay mare, 7 yrs. old. roadster; bay mare, 5 yrs old, Hackney; bay horse. 4, yrs. old`. roadster; bay mare, 13 yrs. old. roadster. `l.'l'A1`Dv\T1<`.._En+ Inna hnr P-nvnnnh. 'L&\'.l.\l."lJQ.Vl.'.u.V'.L'D, IJl.L'L.:. * DHUJUF. Frost & Wood; Deering mower; top buggy: Deerlng sulky rake; my rack; '13-disc drill, Deerlng. nearly new; Deerlng cultivator; set iron harrows. `12-ft.; 2-furrow plow. Cockshutt; 2 No. 21.Fleury plows; scufer; set scales, 2000 lbs; demo- crat; Massey--"Harris cutting-box; Chatham fanning-mill;_cutter; set sloop slelghs; buggy pole; wagon, nearly new; wagon and box; Brantfordasollne engine, 21/. h.p.; set single harness: 2-wheel cart; 2-furrow plow, Oliver; 2 set long tug` harness; set double harness. with breec-hing; 2 horse blankets: Renfrew cream separator; heating stove; Empress range; 20 tons Timothy hay, pressed; quantity seed oats; _hay fork; quantity mix- ed grain; rope; sling ropes and pul- leys: bag trucks: quantity house- hold furnlture: also forks, chains, dou-bletrees and many other articles. "l`Am'na nf `Slab: ._.. Grain and 1:11 The undersigned has received in- structions from 3! III 1&5 1 `-nun 7 Cunnncwill to sell by public auction at 1 pm. on TIIPJQRKII IIABIVII CIA UUUUICLL CV5 auu Luauy ULIICLV Gl'LlUlUB- `Terms of `Sale Grain and all sums of $10.00 and under. cash: over that amount 9 months credit will -be given to parties furnishing approved Join-t notes. 6% per an- nu-m off for cash on credit sums. W. A. `Maconkey, auctioneer, Barrie. `P151115 6 y1`a.; FULI HUILUF, I) yrs. PIGS AND sHEEP-2 Yenkshire sows.'due in April; 3 Yorkshire sows, due in May; 14 store pigs; Tamworth sow. due in May; 8 Shropshire ewes. . 'IMtPIJEM~EN"1`S, E'DC. Binder, Wvnaf Ry `Unn- hnnhina rnnurnvu fnn - uvcju--, cvxnnwuu 17 ' The following: . I-I-0iRSES-Bay horse, 12 yrs. 1400 lbs.; brown horse, 9 yrs., 1600 lbs.; bay horse, rising 5 yrs., 1300 lbs; bay mare, 12 yrs, driver. CATTLE--Gray cow, 7 yrs., caif at foot; Hereford cow, 7 yrs., due by sale; red cow, 6 yrs., due in Ap- ril; blue cow, 5 yrs., milking, due in July; red cow. 9 yrs., milking, due in .'Sept.; red cow. 8 yrs., due in May: red cow, 7 yrs., fresh; red cow. 4 yra.p, milking: red heifer, 3 yrs., milking; ` red heifer, 3 yrs., supposed in calf; road cow, 3 'yrs., due in April; gray cow, 3 yrs., due in April: red heifer, 3 yrs., sup- posed in calf; registered Durham heifer, 3 yrs.. calf at foot; cow, 6 yrs.. due April 1; Ayrshire cow. 6 yrs.`. due by sale: Durham cow, 5 yrs.. due `by sale; 2 Hereford heifers, rising 2 years;; 2 roan heifers, ris- mg 2 yrs.: black Poll Angusheifer, rising 2 yrs.; red heifer, 3 yrs. DTQQ ART-T) QT-T1'4TK Vnnlzahlrn HIS U.U`l.Lll LKIPCU )'BKul'5 E150. John Buchanan, who carried on, is a. tool maker as well as a mech- .anic. He served his time with the Wm. Hamilton Co.,` manufacturers of saw mill and mining machinery, engines. etc.. at Peterboro. He -was working at West Toronto when he and his father decided to open in Barrie, buying out Fred VanPatter. Innlr "Rnnhnnn'n akanrla Isiah In A NoAsLm:;.- NO nocx. . STELCO COKE-A CANADIAN PRODUCT C. J; SMITH PHONE 1324` A

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