Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1928, p. 8

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-COCKERELS -- o`.A..e'. b d't"aV "Barred Rock cnckerI' \_t}` 3319: .also Wm. Blossoming swab ?"1` rseed, Appw Herman Osborxi} 3!- zfie, 3.11 14 Phone 903:-33. 6.-h-Pu __ was-cl S 1`0*R E. `STOCK AND mxr-Umas f-)1` sale. Ennd lnman-n Ann-nu `DA- NO. 1 `HARDWOOD tor sale. A-pply` F. E. 'Co`ok, |M1dhurst. 911 MISCELLANEOUS 1-"ARMS FOR SALE LOST AND rouup ma uuuuueu. b'0cKS and stock- footed, made good .as new. own yarn used If desired. J. -Rose. V 5-10p _.________._.__.__._ BABY 'cH1cKs L;-.\_.n1`+Vu 60.00 per We will hatch every Get your chicks ou-t 2155 or write Donald I e. V` ""1 XIUE. I 53.11 Appl1can.'t 8'-10b ycgur up- p covers a 8-10b u-T ELL It Joh '11 L11 LBS E vnv-1'; lalu vmuuu 1-ugnway at Painswlctk. There is erected thereon a. one and one`-ha!!! story. concrete residence, containing seven rooms; and also a. tram stable 20 ft. by 30 ft. The propertg contains about one and onequarter acres otground. The highest ,or any other tendr not necessarily accepte . , ' . _ l For tut-then` tenns and pa.rtlcu-- apply to~ - V , BEVERLY QUANTZ. '_ V . - R. B. 1., Allandale. O1` gun: a tial pro: vincial "uA-aim I. Ulllnn I`\J ; Residential Property at the Village of Painowick Tenders will be received by the undersigned up `to the 15th day of March, 1928, for the purchase at, that part of Lot Number Tuwelve ('12) in "the thirteenth (13) conces- sion oi. the Township of Innisfii owned by the late F. D. Quanta, as particularly -described in Register- ed ilrriisltrument Number 142,7-5 tor` a . . , he above is a des'ir`able,residen- 1 tial` property situate on the Pro : E f `n 'IISIr)In- . THE S(7).LDIER'MSET"1vLEM-EN ! BOARD OF_ CANADA Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this 16th day 0:! February; 1928. 8-9b C. M-. Nixon. Districtsuperintlendent - -_--. ....... um! um uuuuy azsposed of. e Tenders should be in plain envel- opes mzirked Tender for the pur- chase of Lot 31, Con- 2, Township 0!`0. C_3ux1_ty3_Sigr1qe". Address tend- gmn n... BPS < uvuu UICVIV Tenders will be opened at Toronto on March 3, 1928. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted; If the land is not sol-d on the date above men- tioned, the Board will be prepared to receive offers to purcvhase until such. time as it is finally disposed of. Tenders: nhhnhl 1-... n. -I~:- --- -' . BROVVN `PERCERON H|O`R'S'E for sale, 7 _ve:r11-s om, Xvnirrhu man 1115 um aux-hue!` settlement Board. Terms of sale are 10 per cent. of the purchase price in cash on ac- ceptance of the tender, and the bal- ance in twenty-five equal annualin- 's1:a.lments, with interest at 6 per cclant. per annum on the amortizatiog 9 an- ' - . Each tender must hp accompanied by aneccepted cheque for $100. If tender is accepted, this sum will vu _uu: mo ` tenderer. VIVA.-..!-;... .u. out -50, . T or . [STEWART & STEWART. \ 10b v solicitors. Ba,rr1e,1 UUUQ The Purchaser of this property must rely on his own inspection and knowledge of the farm and not on the above or any `other particu- lars or representations made verb- ally or in writing by employees of the Soldier Settlement Board. of H319 915A 1 nnm nn-4 -5 ..uvvI O00. rm. 10% ash-`Balanc(e in 25 Year: The`So1dler Settlement Board of Canada offers for sale by Public '1`ender-100 a.cres-Lot 31, Con. 2, Township `of Oro, County of Sim- u.u::- uuunty or sxmcoe. ` There is said to be erected on said lands a two story frame\house con- taining seven rooms. also a barn 36 ft. by 60 ft. and a stable 24 ft. by 50 ft. The entire farm of one hun- dred acres is said to be under cul- tivation. and is conveniently situ,- ated about one mile from Glencairn. The property ~-wil~l be offered for sale subject to a. reservedbid. For further terms and particulars T apply to STEW AR`T & STEWART, Barrie, Ontario, A Mortgagees .'So1icitors. ; Dated the 17th day of February, 1 1928. 8-'11b . .a,aU UL 1.10! 31, COIL '0, County .S1-moe". . s and enquiries to: SOLDIER SI `3|I`|A.13`l\ . . _ V - - - ya -Val-I nlrbl-lld Of '\/aluable Farm Property'in the Township of Tossorontio o ` `GENERAL STORE for sale at lMlt- chell Square. To be sold to wind up 1'-Gilbert Love Estate. For particulars apply to Duncan F. Mccualg, Bar- me, solicitor for the estate, or to Ernest B. Love, Shanty Bay. 7-9 V uqvts uuu nouce. . DATED at Barrie this 29th day of February, 1928. TORJO'N I`>0 GENERAL TRUSTS -C'O?RPORAT1ION, 253 Bay St, -Toronto, by AILEXAN-DE-R COW- AN. Barrie. Ontarin, .annnn.... 42.... -_ __--_ -V up-snunIaL\ll\hJ in '.l`H'E.MA'1`?T4ER of the estate or Henry I-Ioltvotton of the Town ` of Barrie, Merchant, deceased. NOT-ICE is hereby given, pursu- ant to the provisions of the Trustee Act- that all persons having claims ortdemands against the estate of the said Henry Holt Otton, who died at Toronto on or about February 8, 1928, are required on or before the 24th day of March, 1928, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to t-he un- . dersi'gn`ed, the Toronto General - Trusts Corporation, ` the executors of the last `will and testament of . the said deceased, their names and addresses and run particulars in writing of their claims and state- , `ment of their accounts and the na- ture of the` security, it any, held by them. . AND TAKE NOTICE that after - the 24th day of March, 1928, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which it shall then have had no- tice. and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim it shall not then have had notice. 'hAI'n l:!`n at 7Dn.....l- an}. AA!` - - NOTICE TO` CREDITORS % 'm\r 'n`l .I -m 1\/I'Arnrn~m~n -3 u. ;.w. uuuu, uy A.d.4.l14'}&`AN'l)E'R. COW- AN, Barrie. Ontario, solicitor for said executors. A ' 9-11_b * `EN IBIJOC O`f~_1'he Stone `Quar Property and Other Assets 0 The _Ontarno Stone Corporation Limited. To be `held at the office of Ward Price Limited at No.,1'11 King St. West. Toronto, on Monday, 26th March, 1928, gt twelve o'clock noon. For further particulars apply to Montreal `Trust -Company, 61 Yonge Street, Toronto. 9-12b I V * .- . - There was a very. fair attend- ' ance at Collier St. United Church I last Friday afternoon `when the ; ladies of the missionary` societies : of `the various Protestant churches Id of Barrie observed the World Day `a of. Prayer. Mrs. (Rev.) - W. E M Wallace presided and Mrs. Albert . Burton read the scripture lesson.` = Those who led in prayer included [Miss King, Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. J. H. Robertson, Mrs. Parkhouse, Mrs. J. `S. Shortt,,.Mrs. Robson and Mrs. Kingdnon. Mrs. _W_allace gave `a helpful and inspiring talk on the value `of prayer. " FOR SALE nnihnl B..-..-..A-_ _; n nAYor1=!izAYERIs T _ 4 % OBSERVED BY W.M.S. party sltutcbxvf 1715-q1`3`z`-` Highway at Painawlctk. I erected thfnll A nan ant` .1-ARM 1-`on SALE ---.__._-:-.._._:___, HEREFORD` BULL for brad` nf cnvvinnnkln .-.n.... . MORTGAGES SALE AUCTION SALE inxv .1-vr 1mm EN 'BLOC an 'O........ Q |Ia` 6, IUVVHSGIII P . tend- 15IGs AND SI-I*EEP--`2 pure bred Yorkshire sows, due in April: 2 Yorkshire sows. due in April; 7 Shropshire ewes. CA"I`TLE--Durha.m cow, 7 yrs.. due April 1: Durham cow, 8 yrs.. due April 15: Durham cow, 4 yrs.. due July .28; 2 calves: Durham heifer, 2 yrs. . IM-E -IJEM.EN"I`S, - E110.--Mas ey- 1 Harris binder, 7-ft. cut; Frost, & Wood mower, 5-ft.` `cut:. Frost-" & Wood rake, 10-tt.: spring-tooth cul- tivator. 17-tooth; Qockshutt 18-disc ` drill; set harro , 17 i't.; scuffier: ~ set narrows ,1 ~ .; Adams truck: John DeerJ sulky plow, No; `82: ~ Massey-Harris Imperial gang plow: * single plow. F-leury; pul-per; sinfzle I l plow. Tudhope-Anderson No.` e Chatham fanning`-mill; corn cultiv - tor;. wheelbarrow; Baimwagon and box complete; set scales, 2000 lbs.: cutter: Massey-{Harris cream sep- arator, '5. Above implements all nearly new. 40-gall. -steel: tank: range: set xbrass-mountedi harness: _.-mt breaching harness: set` driving lnrness; Overland touring car. model 91, 1925: also torks. chains. d an-bietrees and many other articles. Terms or `Sale--Ca.r and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 9' months credit will be 0 g.ven to 'parties furnishing approv- sr.ructl0ns' rrom LORNE HANDY J - At._Lo tV 26,- Can. 1, .Oro _ _. (DALSTON) to sell' by public auction at 1 pm. FRIDAY,` MARCH *9 V - The folrowing: ' HORSES--Brown; mare, 5 yr old-, brown mare, 4 yrs. old, we a]`he'd team; brown horse, 10 yr n` . nu as sun at-''a " FARM STOCK a IMPLEVMENTS wnnout reserve. V auctioneer, v Barrie. .n.u4u:\.I.`41`U`L1U uupu for sale, pure bred, of serviceable age: good qual- ity. Apply to H. L. Wright, Thorn- ton. ` 6-11p au 1.. ' `Teff of .Sa~le-- All and un'der, cash: over 1 9 mom-Thu ammo mm and un'der, that amount months credit will be `given to parties furnishing approved `Joint notes, 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. Ali will be sold without W. A. Mcconkey, nu... ueuer, rising 2 yrs.; Durham cow. 3'yrs., in calf; red and white heifer, 1 yr. old: 4 pigs, 4 weeks old. `IMPLEMEN'1`.S. E110. -- McCor- \ mick binder; cultivator; Cockshutt disc drill, nearly new: 1-furrow rid- ing plow; cutter; Deering corn bin- der; sullky rake; tanning-mill: need narrow: -set scales, 2000 lbs.: disc harrow: set double harness; buggy: ` set le rigs; quantity of hay: 8 bus. swe t clover seed: cream separator. Renfrew; also forks. chains. dou- bletrees and many other artiicles. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE - 2 large bureaus; 2 cupboards; 2 ta- bles; extension t-able: parlor table: number of- rugs; 2 cook stoves 8 heating btoves: 2 bedsteada: 2 arm chairs; lounge: 2 rocking chairs: 6 kitchen chairs; reavther bed,` toilet G !I'1n"E.'2. ,A Al I I : . . _--v--snarl A, IVII"'II`%l-I l ' . The following: STOICK-B1ack mare, 7 yrs. old. heavy; aged mare, heavy; Durham heifer, 3 yrs., in calf; Ayrshire 90w. 6 yrs., in calf; red cow, 7 yrs.. in calf; red cow, 6 yrs.. milking: Dur- ham heiter, rising 2 Durham heifer, old: nits. A wank. ..u..a V.-. -av; Cl, won. 11 I to sell by public auction at 1 p.m. WEDNFQDAV IIABIIII - \l ALL . FARM 'STOCK._& IMPLEMENT3 The undersigned has received in-. structions from unu` 808. ml-. mructlons rrom ROBT. MONTGOMERY At Lot 21, Con.ll,_l_nniIl to sell in; mam- ....- -., usuaun 'La'AI'J." 7 yrs. old; Holst roan cow, 4 yrs. .Vear]in2'_u- .9 u 1 ms-Durham ein cow, 9 yrs. uu uauu OI sale. HOR'SIES--Pa1r mares. mate! 8 yrs., -Ciyde; -brown horse, 7 old; -Clyde. (;pA1-11:1 ftA.rI'IrI-I-r vs - . TEN PIGS for sale, ithr .e and half n l0Y1T.hS Old. Annlv Dnhu n--nu JJu.u1--L`I`lII1l`OS9 ououaooccon BELLBDCTION -Sire--Pict-on Jr. . . . . 4 . . . . . . Dam-.-A-Nellie GRACE PICTON A `Sire---Picton Jr. . . Dam-Lenora . ..\. . . . . LENA FAIRFAX . . . . . Sir-e-Donald -Fairfax . . . . . . Dam--Bell Picton . . . . . ELVTBRA.FA'IR1FAX -Sire--Donald "Fairfax - . . . . . . Dam-Leno1~a _R'U`BY~FA'IRFAX fSire--Donald Fairfax . . . . . I Dam-Annie Laurie . . . . . , VILLA FAIRFAX ` Sire--sDonald Fairfax . . . . . . o o 0 I u o o n a LILLY FAIIIRFAX Sire-Don`al-d Fairfax Dam--Thornton `Lass . . . . . . i NORAFATRF Sire-V--Brae Real 27 . . . . . . . . Dam--T-o.psy `Fairfax . . . . . . ROSE FAIRFAX... . . . . *Srire--IDonald Fairfax . " Dam-Jean Picton . . . . . . . . JIMMVDE -BRAE .' . . . . .. Ioooocvonu Dam`--Mo1lie LINIDEY FAIRFAX . . . . . . . . . Sire--Donald -Fairfax . . . Dam-Primroise . . . . . . . . . . 4 HEFFER FICALVES and 3 B1 CALVIES--Ped'igrees will be A on date of salle. ` t1'I\1\n~:.-nun. - 2 sen by {at pdh. an WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 THE BARBIE` EXAMINER f - u u u nu; yuuuth; puuuuun on TUESDAY,MARCH 6 ` Registered Hereford Cattle HRIM'R'O`SE.. . . . . . . ` :S1re--."Rocklyn `Boy . K. . . . . . . 7 Dam--BrIght Lady . . . . . . . . 1 _THO'RN 1'ON LASS . . . . . . . . . 37` S 1re--`Piaton Jr. ... . . . . . . . . 17 Da,m-Pri-mrose . . . . . . . . . . . .mm `pnrvnnm u an uuuaulla Ll % J. A. PA1'F3N , V At-Lot 1, Con. 7, (Half fhile from Thornton Station) , tosell by public auction on 'l'IlI.`l'\A1) nhnrupvuuu _ V'.l`h, undrsigned ` Afnnunflnn. ,{::::- AUCTION `SALE `M A IIABIII-In-I nalullll \JI\Il VIII [LE FARM STOCK a IMPLEMENTS ;Ju.u.1--L 1'1-H1 F058 '3DA .N P1301`-ON . . . Sire-lP1cton Jr. Dam-`Primrose AT . 1`f\'\T ;u-V r'1'u'-3 rul` sale, In!` half months old. Apply Patr Cavem- agh, Anten Mills, Ont. 9p ----.._...._--.---------. AUCTION SALE ` um .s'rnmz A -an I GIVS Al19.!32IiAI w--85` Elf: `OF REGISTERED .'Dl:'l.'nnn n Hr-rl dersignedras received in-rl st:-uctions from: AEXTENSWIVE n-Boy :Lady QASS 1 2 OIIIOOUIIII: oooucotalvouol -` 2 OIOIIIIIIOI: unuooouoooucl J}-. .OIllOIlOIIOI4 ...........1 Luou`couuuoIno -X '0 I I I I I D O E 2 I 0 O /4 FAX O I O I O I I I I 6 "Fairfax. .2 .AX OllIOIIOlI Fairfax....-... 2 Se OOIOOIIIIOO 1 X............'5 2 Laurie 1'7 AX IIOIIIIIOI Fairfax V2. OICIIIIII `X IOIIIIOIIO 2'1 m'Lass...... 31 61 a1'2~7 ........4( Fairfax 41 EIIOOOIOIIOOC .~`airfax..;'... 21 cton 47 inlittttiidl IOIIDIOIIIOII `AX 65 21 e 1-2 VES'=af1_i BU I s'ums'ot 810 mt-nvm-I - ~lnh-f 5.013. '1 HA 1 fl int: j HOUSE FOR SALE in one of bee locations in Barrie. eight-roomed brick house, double parlor, kitchen, dlnlngroom, four bed rooms, 3-piece bath, furnace and fruit cellar; double garage; large lot. Apply Henry & Cowan .5tfx ` S. martohed, Oran. 7 vvu ruin! ' ... 12195 ... .7990 ... 1993: ... 3-7`376_: ... 17026` ... 12695 ....4721s ... 17026 ... r2195 ... 4951o_` ... 17026, cat ... 47626 ... 17026_ ... .7697 . ... 55313 1 ... 2151o ...'4951o;4 ... 65314;` ... 2r51o 1 : ed joint notes. 6% per annum oft foroash on credit sums. `All will be said without reserve as proprietor is giving up farming`. W. A. Mp- Con-`key. auctioneer. Barrie. -here -1 Tuesday. March 6--J. A. Patton, at '- "lot 1. Con. 7. Innisfii (half mile from Thornton station), will hold` an extensive auction sale of Reg-' iatered Hereford Cattle. farm, stock and implements/. Sale at 1 . -p.m. W. A. McConke,v.1auct. 7-9b ' Wednesday, March 7-1Robert Mont- gomery. at lot 20, con. 11, Innis- tii-tarm stock and implements. Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. 8-9: [ `Friday. March 9--Lorne Handy, at 1 _lot 26. con.` 1. Oro (Dalston)- piements. Sale at 1' p.m. W. A. Mdconkey, auctioneer. 1"riday..Ma.rc.h~18---`W Reid, at lot 12, con. 9, 'Inn'isfil--vfarm stock and implements. Sale at 1 pan. W. A. Mcconkey, auctioneer. __ us.-av, YPS. L` ya: neig lulu :3 uvulv uu:._y CKHHK tnat tor gotten When at times they see us smile. But they little know the.sorz-ow That smile hides all the while . 9 an... .11-- ..-n, - - ----m an A. 1.0800 .011, mother, how we miss you, In our memory you are near. Loved, remembered, longed for al- A ways, Bringing many a. silent tear. ome may think that we've tor- gotten _....__.______..____._.____ . F`O:R SALE--O1'i1Iia. 9 large rooms. .-solid brick. large lot, garage for 3 on Mississauga St. This place can `be bought cheap as I am leav- ing town. Apply Box 499, Orillia. 9p f L0'CK~H'A'RaT-4In loving memory of our dearmother, Mary J. Lock- hart, who entered eternal rest March 1. 1926. [ Al. ....;.|_ -._ -V a.uu neavemy gates wet wide A loving Vo-ice said: Co 9pb . -ISadIy_1 4___.__.__..____.______._ LIDGO`LD-In loving memory of Felix and Mrs. Lidgold, father who passed away March 2, 1924. and mother who -passed away March 1, 1927. ` They suffered with patient love Physicians were in vain, T111 God above in His great love Released them from their pain. They did not fail to do their best Their hearts were true and tender, The? fzvorked hard for those they 6 . That is something to remember. They bade no one a last farewell, Said goodbye to none, The heavenly gates were opened wide Gone from us. but leaving memories- Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger Whlle upon this earth "we stay. 9p --Ever remembered by Husband and Family N '0RD'ON-In .T HA finnnou HIKE vi ..-nuuwt, WHU U180 .Vla.rCh 5, He assisted me manfully . and courteously when in `financial diffi- culties. Hls epitaph on the tomb 0'! my memory is: . He was a man, take him for all ln'a.ll. ye ne'er shall look upon his glke again." - Y! (Q y -u-u FPS!-IER-In grateful memory of S. J. Fisher, who died March 5, 1927. He infn nan ----`-"`" -up `yaw, LVLGULIU WelD8.nKS, ed wife of George 9. Martin, of Cralgvale, in her 40th year. The funeral from the family residence, lot 22, con. 10, Innistil, on Sunday, Feb. 26, to St. Paul's, Innisfil. ~WA"1"I`--In Barrie. Wed., Feb. 29, 1928. Elizabeth Brent Watt, aged 82 years, mother of Rev. W. J . Watt of Long Branch, and Miss W`att of Barrie. Funeral to Walk- erton on March 2. U E 3 Weaymouth, 222 Dunlop .St., on Feb. 5 23, when about twenty members of 7' L.O.B.A. N6. =551. Allandale, met to 3 bid goodbye to their daughter, Kao, 3` on the eve of her departure to take ),a. position In Toronto. The time ;,'was spent in music and games. ) M1ss'Weaymouth was presented r with an address and 9. pair or beau- ; tltul Dutch silver candle sticks, as a . slight token of tho: 1-mm... .....- -.. .. HOUSE FOR SALE high-class spe- cial built new seven-roomed house figured gumwood, selected trim, . oak "oors throughout; Immediate _ possession. See R. E. Tuck, builder. Box 1078. Phone 650J. 4-9p `St, yetes Chu"ch. Minoslnz. rm `cu --v-u--u * vv v-IIvIVI-U 31:. '_Coll!'ns.v vqlllwfaold service in` John's 'Church."Cra'Ighurst. at 3 p.m., and in St. James Church. Crow Sunday. March 4. at 11 a.m.: in `S1 Hill, atT7'.30 p.m. _ A: BEIJL--'At Ca:-man. Manitoba, on Sat., Feb. 25, 1928, Laura Ger- trude. youngest daughter of the late Arthur and Sophia. Bell of Crown Hill, in her 48th year. GIFFEN-At the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, Friday, Feb. 24. 1928, Mar- garet Jean. infant -daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Newman Giffen, Edenvale, aged 6 days. V Mmrn:'mn\r.__w- M-- n-~~- --- - loving memory of Jane Gordon, beloved wife of Joe. Gordon, who passed away March 1, 1923. I u,u.u uuwn suver candle token of the respect she` en- ijoys with the officers and mem- lbers "of Stella Thompson Lodge of which she is a. charter member; also holding the office of secretary` l tor two years. . . Aucrgyj sAuas \J'Ul'l.lU!1, [Ann funny _ A tine-night in Oddfellowship was `enjoyed on Tuesday when a. ban- quet was held to mark the close of I an attend-ance contest in which No- ;ble, Grand Jervis and Vice Grand Thos. Gray contended for the hon- ors in increasing the attendance. For the month of the contest the increase averaged over 300 per cent. invited. A number from Cookstown also were present, altogether mak- ing a. party of about 150. Noble Grand Jarvis presided while a pro- jgram of music and addresses was =enJoyed. . ' Previous to the banquet, the third degree was exemplified on `some Cookstown candidates. . : cann or Hospital, Ba 23. 1928, Mattie W el .f`.rnia-ugh; Iva I... An.` h uu._y on. the Royal Victoria mie, T ursday, Feb. banks, belov- Mar-t1n,__ot FAREWELL PREvSE'NTA1"|oN A verv nIp.nnnn+ m`.....:_.. ___ _ CO`T'.I`AGE for sale, 16x26. Apply 149 Blake 'St.. Barrie. 91) '__`I":","""""""""""""'-'__' IN MEMORI -w--u wan vnnv VVLllIVu --Sadly missed by Arvllla and Madelene -._-_ . wvulvn --ISadly missed- by sons and Daughter DIED -s. L. Flmlng .--.j.-..-----n uv c.uI:'u.' U65 '- ue for Some." R. D. COUTTS, % President". Vespra Airrrintrltns-a`l A nam- o4us.u.a.1 L400 L111. rrLU'J."1`JS#SIO'N'AL MAN - Des1z'uble'steam heated, ground floor space to let, available April 1st., facing C.N. Station and Post `Office square. Premises now occupied by Canadian National Pe1eg'r:`phs. Apply H. E. Jory, King Block. Barrie. 7-12b __ 1o.oo to 12.00 am. "Ana &A `L. `-- ;.v.vv w ;a.Uu a.m. .1uagmg`Classes of Brood Id 1 n Sow: and Markei H , t 'b h yo ` Illcizgsstratted -iecgure (on Breeding and Feeding. 1.45 to 4.00 y.m. (1) Breeding for `Bacon Production. (2)` Feeding to. Lower Cost of Production. . PROGRAMME-WEl-:Ds_. 1-1...--.--_ -- - PROGRAMME`--SWlNE counsa `SPEAKERS: L. W. Pearsall, B.-S.A.,- Director ` Graders; George Foster, Hog Grader, of K11 Tuesday, March 6th, 1.45 to 4.00 pa: Illustrated lectures on (1) Why Canada Produces a (2) Some of the Important Hog -Marketinn n u .urru.-uu` I --At Wednesday, Feb. Amiga:-1, Ont.,] 8. 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Humphrey, a son (Willis William). to `Mr. and Mrs. Essa Road, Allandale, a.son. 'VV.J HUMPI-IREY--;At Amigari, Ont., Wednes'dav_ Fnh R 1099 .. mt.- ...._,.. ..........5 vv cuuuauay Iugnt. `The mean temperature for Feb- ruary was 4 degrees below the nor- mal average. The hlghest, 39, was on the 4th of the month and the` lo,west, 18 below, on the 25th. Snow- fall was 19.7 inches and rain 0.42 of an inch. _ , Vespra Short Cong; .-: BUSINESS OR IJAK7 T\nn:.....\ Auau, uuuuea us ms official report for the week this afternoon. In case you don't know it, or If it escaped your attention, It was 18 below in Barrie last Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and 12 below Monday at the same hour. On `Saturday it remained` at the zero mark al_1 day but. on Sunday rose to 20 above and yes- ' terday to 34. Last Thursday was the warmest day, the thermometer reading 38 above. Four inches of ` snow has fnmm r'hn~ina- H... ..--.-.. I Luauuxs do anove. your Inches of snow has fallen during the seven days ending Wednesday night. {THO rnamn fnvvuvu-u....4....- A.~ `` I Good insurance salesmen can with our growing organizati given.` MONTH OF FEBRUARY T COLDER THAN AVERAGE; 4 W . H. Buttery, Barrie s weather- handed us his official 8 this afternoon Tn nsaun manna gh D. COUTTS, ` STEWART L. PAGE; B.S A President . , , _ , Azricultural R ' ' Agngujflural Asoc1t1on. Ont. Dept. of X?ftt3, . TO LET--Splendid steam heated of- fice, overlooking Post Office Square, immediate possession. Apply H. E. Jory, Kim: Block. Ravrin =_1m~ GUARANTEE}; MCONSTRUCTION Phone 185 .., ....u. \J1\n1VULtllELJ DUUAIK, L.'d.5Il uuu puny Ul delivered with an order . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 HONEY (lmp. pt. jars) Amber grade . . . . . . . . 30 jar QUAKER CORN FLAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 for 25 PURTTY OATS, quick cooking, coupon pkg. . . . . . 25 PINE TREE MATCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 boxes 25 `SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA (15c pkg.) for \ . . . . . . . 10 ROLLED OATS; bulk . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 lbs. for 25 CANADIAN MILD CHEESE . . . . . . . . . ,. . 28pr lb. McLAREN S CREAM CHEESE . . '. . . . . . . . . . 14 pkg. EDWARDSBURG SYRUP . . . . . A: . . . . ~2-lb. tin 16 GEORGIAN BAY TOMATOES (reg. size) .. 2 for 25 LUX (small package) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9c NILH-`-I I H-m D...-&`...4. 1-11.. n......I.... 0| 14- GSA L.uA (small package) . NU-JELL, the Perfect Jelly Powder 5 lbs. LIIGI-IT BROWN. SUGAR ....}; . . . . . . . .. 30 10 LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR, Cash and Carry or den`/PI'P'{`l \lI`]1 an nrrinon A0- People s Co-0peraliveStore ,__.:_ -41&ZlII DOUBLE WALL, LEAK-PROOF COPPER " HOT WAT'E'R HEATING, CELOTEX INSULATION EGG-TURNING TRAYS, IN ALL SIZES Dl)II`I.`l\ II1III!IIIlv -- A - A-- uuun:um.Le posses King Bloc k, Barrie. slon. Apply E; 5 -10b by the Dorfxinion Live` Ontario Department of PEOPLES CO-QPERATIVE srom-: BORN - QUALITY -4- SERV_l_CE - WEEK-END SPECIALS lI`1I1C always find a place organization. Good contract \3R.9.E_B5 l`!l I`r'\Av '151i;Ei3:i3'vi`I"ii1`111'i`2E'Ts()'1`~in lE-WEEDS-- Thursday. I Lecture and Discussion on C. E. Toole, B.-S. , ._. vvvnulli W. Ontario I-I03 >rge Kitchener. Ly, March 1.48 pan. ; (1) Canada Bacon Hogs. -Marketing Machinery. Wednesday, March 7th. \ J1'1dging='Classes Market zeld locally. cture on and Breedif for nnnnn `D-- -`-- ' ` ` gzuueu and nennouse. Haskett or phone 459-F.` ______________________ ESTABLISHED 1897 !PFA!fi_NCUBAT0R OF EVERY ,._._.- A report`of this week's meeting !_ 4 of the Boys Town Council was re- lceived too late for this issue. I /._._.---v V I `YO Stock Branch and the Agriculture. WATCH FOR PRICES ON LEGHORN CHICKS MA-'RCHZ '1>}e51cEsm' Week-old Chicks . . . . . 20c 2-week-old `Chicks . . . . 25c 4-week-old Chicks 35c Sold out of Chicks April 1st hatch and all 8-week-old Pullets up to April 29th. No deposit. Orders strictly in rotation. 84 PenetTangMSt. Tel. 1045J .---u can OIIIO m '61: Weeds, e, B.-S.A., Newmarket. Advertise In The Examiner .____..____..__.__.__....._.__.__...... TAO .RE~." I`--A seven-roomed rough cast house withwater and light. gaxden and henhouse. Apply Fred Haskett phone 459-F. On B..gz_1_21_5:pT ROCKS 3 N th 3:. BARR Phox: 3871 KELVINSIDE HATCHERY Thursday, Mil-oh 1," 1923. -uw yuan nu .. 14.c tm . . . .. . . . . .. 2 for 15 139 Dunlap St. , - SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE to, I let. all modern. conveniences, at 4.8 Louisa St. Phone 171 or write bdx 755, Barrie. ~5-9p at-:2--- -.-.-. uvn-: srocffon sAL-; I-`OR SALE-~Good[/IiIac'kney mar. eleven years old with Tudhope cut- ter and harness. `$100. This mare is .3, good lady's s `horse and is useful anywhere. Apply `Box `L, Ex- aminer Office. - 9-10p HOUSE` '1O 'REN"1`-Ap 1 t RY"7a- 39 1`m'0n'm `St? 5;net3re{ 2 and 3 n.m. nr (: nn 9 V1111 n.. .n.ry11U.'(l:`. 6:! "1'm'on`m 'St.. b pm. or 6 and 8 13.111. , ._.____._.______.. TWO ROOMS for Standard Bank. M lences. _. FURNISHED ROOM TO LET. Ap- ply 57 Mary St. 8-9p '_:_'TT"" -""""_""--""'-"""" __-_:-- CORDWO-OD WANTED. Any quan- tity of cordwood. slabs or bundled edginugs. Trent Valley Lumber Com-- pany, Limited, 95 King Street east, Toronto. Phone Elgin 5754 or Elgin 7972. 7-91) ....._._._...___...._._._.._..___._.. VVANTED- -Board and school pri- vileges by heal-thy twelve-year-old girl in _exchange for company. light house work or care of children. Ap- ply Box D," vExam1ner. 9b ..____.____._.._..__....______._ vv unzx VVJ-uV`1'1!J.lJ Dy the year on farm, by experienced man- Apply to Box 76, Allandale. 5-10p ....__.._..___________..___.__ WORK WANTED by the farm. by exnerlennpd mnn Ann`!-n ` YOU CAN EARN $10 to $25 a. week In your spare time at home Writing ahow cards. No canvassing or so!- iciting. We instruct `you and supply you with work. Write today. The Menhenitt Co. Ltd., 45 Dominion Building, Toronto. 1Mtfb M REPRESENTATIVE WANTED for the Mutual Life of Canada. Tone- cure this position you` must /be will- ing to work and anxious to increase your income. Apply to Box 878, 019 mm, Ont. Btfb I VESPRA ANGLICAN SERVICES! `r__ r~|_IIJ.__ _._III 1. Pkoganfty F0R__w_ST_Al,.l-I :--- TRAVEL TVITH MANAGER, make real money selling Nationally `known product. Advertised in leading pub- lications. Apply Box C," Examin- er. T 9b -Ztj-1 EXPERI-ENCED COOK GENERALt wanted by Mzu-ch 10; age 25 to 30; good wa,ges.AApp1y 55 Peel IS't.-7-9b _ YOUNG GIRL wanted in Allandale to look after baby one evening a week.4App1y 39 Cum'ber1and `St. [ 9p --:-j-: &%&w&&&m&&&& 3; ADLET COLUMN AK` mwammm&amm&$w&m u One cent a, word, cas`h. each inset-_ tvion. (minimum `charge, 25c); six insertions for the price or tour. 10c. extra when charged; also 109` extra when replies are drectedto The Examiner Office. " .g mlv 0:111 slrpd hv m`n1nnng6 am . FOR SA!I.QE-4Revgiste1`ed I-Io]-I ROOMS AND BOARD Page Eight GOOD DRIVING MARE for saw! 5 years old or would trade for a. good gneal purpose horse about 1200 lbs. `Apply to `Arthur Young RR. 1, Allandale, or phone Stroud 21r'3. ` - , 7-9p `:1-Lu?4--lnB .'1S[el``d 1-101- sired by Elmcrest S11` nt. Annlv +n `W-or! Ya` HELP vvgrrn-:9 WANTED . ............__._.._...._.. PROFESISIONAL ' W19 ' nfnnm knofn _______...___.. or rent over the Modern conven- tfb sale. Enn n In: I _ wrc-s I. D11` Fred E. 9p DI.-g 9b uuu vvn-n'1' cw 'l`fGWA`RT. \. 19 Owen St.. Barrie. Ont. 6-_10b Solicitors for the Appllczu NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE .NO'1`ICE is hereby given that Amy Simmons, or the Town of Barrie. in the County of Simcoe, and Province of Ontario, married woman. will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at the present session thereof. 1 r a. Bill ot~Divorce from her husba. d. George` R. `Simmons. of the said Town .0! Barrie. -in the Provincen-f ' Ontario. aforesaid. Furrler. on the! ground of adultery and desortion. v Dated at Barrie. Province of on-` tario. the 7th day of February, 1928. I STRVYADT R. G"l!D\\11A.1-\n- ' ~pUp7s`}.~b'_R 'SALE--'I`wo gandsome ,`Po,mer:anirm WDNPS. Spitz. 6 weeks .0m; one w(,1f,_*"e.\' an! other orange -sabln. maies. Ax,_`>'.\' Mrs. A. Robins, '-Cundles I ' 4 9)) CUSTOM HAT-OI-I~I*NG; Barred Rock and Leghorn chicks hatching` eggs. Send for c1rcular.`Harry Mor- ren. 8 North 'St., Barrie, telephone 387.1. 8-10b "--I-`---_ V- -v.- MRS. M'ARGUERI'I`E TURNER- Graduate `in massage, facial and scalp treatment a specialty. 18 years experience, 14 Small St., Bar-' rie. - 5-10p CUM phone 239. mum unu xong distance. night and day. 25 ucent service. Phone 198. Btfb 2 **j"1i U*PHO'LSTER'ING-I-Iave h0lstm`ln2' (`Inna non!" an- u'f'nUua1'nJ11'1N'G--HQVB y holsterlng done eafrly. Slip specialty. Phone 61'1r`13. V ____________________ AYI?I-IrnIa 3 ow for sale. 7 years .'`,_? 1 M35 . quiet and good mllker; an "I `D"is_\' churn. cutting box and onus. *9*73- Apply Examiner Of- fice. ` - 913' -j `- > -1 FURS ALTERED and repaired.` Qver Hurlburt Shoe mm. 1/nu PRACTICAL NURSING nlv Mm, `I-1 (1.-nn+ vm1.m-- NBRsIN=G done. Ap- pI.V Mrs. H. Grant, `Thornton Post , Office. 5-10p ` ---1-` A.'4'I.&tLVL \L"LI'l.\ D'`L4lJl`J.lUU acres, or gess. in `F103 on Provincial High- way in Eimv-ale; splendid buildings, bank barn, 8-roamed house. stone foundation; good soil; 17 acres fall wheat, 13 acres of alsike. For price and further particulars apply to owner _on premises or write W. Rob- - bins, Box 28, !Elmva1e. 8-9b| ` , ' 100-AJC1RE FARM for sale or rent. land clay loam, plowing all done. Seven-roomed cement house and bank barn; good orchard and` plen- ty of small fruit; plenty of water: situated 1% miles from Provlnclal Highway, 9,1 `mile from Lefroy, church. school and a good market. Apply F. C. Mocullough, Lefroy, Ont. ' ` 9-!10b FARM FOR SALE-100 ` ;,1ess.\1n Prov1:gfa?ls'Hr?g?1:? WRV in m]Tnun1n- mnlnvnlla I....u.1a.._.. PAS'l`llRE FARM FOR SALE- South east half of lot 12. con. 10, Vespra: about 35 acres cleared and 15 acres bush; runniqg creek through pasture fields. For further -particulars apply, Marshall Keast. 57 Park St., Barrie 5-10p, T FARM FOR :SALE--'100 acres In splendid condition, two miles` from viHa.g'e or Cookstown. Would sell as going concern or separate. Would take houseand lot in Barrie as part payment. Apply 'F. Clarkson, Cooks- town. a V - 28ttb __.________-_____.-.-_--__.:_ unntu mun uA1.u--100 acres more or less, 101: 24. con. 11, north `half, im- nisfil, good clay soil and good build- ings. Farm stock and -implements and some seed` grain. Apply to own- er or Jos. Third, Sftroud. 3~14p ,, LEGIH-ORN BABY CH-I-CKS of extra large stock: also hlghelaying strain; price per 100, 250 each or 500 at 220 each. Hatch off Mar. 2. Twenty .per cent. cash with o1`d`er. Order early if you want to be sure of your clricks. Jas. Birnle, Kempenfeldt -St., Bar- rie, 9-10p ` w FARM FOR SALE--100 less. 101: 24. con. 11 mmna -how I- ., ....u u\-no .4; UL vuul`u?U'y, 1 STEWA-RT & STEWART. Ownn Qt Rum-I- n- :; CI-BBC-KS, Barred `Rocks, White Leg- horns. custom hatching a specialty. Agent for electric Incubators afnd brooders, also coal , br`oode'rs and supplies. Chas. Kelly, 61 Iclapperton St. Pho_ne 1184. ' ' 9p uug---nw.ux< sweater coast with 01;- ange trimmings, `near 'Fe'rndale, on Vvedrnesday, Feb. 29, has initials B.'R.'C." and L.-R.S. on the pock- ets. Kindly return to `Ted Dyment. phone 368. 9b ' ______________._____ DOrS?'1`--'Black sweater coat with 0;- anzre trimmings, nnnru rmnnnanv- ..~.. ` IOUiND~--Gre,v and white live goose on the bay on `Saturday. `Owner may have same by paying `for adyertis_e- ment and calling at 214 `Blake St. 939 unnum` uuuu usroUUCH lost, with fancy hair centre. valued as _a.keep- sake. Lost In December or early January. `Reward. Phone 719. 9b - LARGE GOIJD BROOCH lost, fancy centre. `vnlma 1:1: 1: Mann. I j: LA;DY'S PU'R'S'E with money left at Brennan's Butcher Shop. `Owner may have same 'by- applying at above address. 9b _ I . BULL SA!LE-4Registe s!o`n bull 0:111 Elm Sylvius Lwfont. Apply_ to `Webster. '1`h'>1'nton. --.-......_. .---------_------------ YARIN--52 McDonald St. stocks all kinds yarn. We undersell other deal- ers If made up here, Lost or mislald articles matched.` Socks and stock- lngs Your J . Platt ` BUCKEYE INICUBATOR, 210 egg size. in excellent condition, only used a. short time. $25.00 Frank Madigan, ys mile from Leslde s But- cher Shop, Allandale. ' 7-12p { V FOR SALE--Quantity of Crown seed peas, quantity of red clover and timothy seed. Apply Louis Car- son. Phelpston, R.`R. 2 or telephone Elmvale -57r2`3.V . - 9b ________________.._____. PAJIR `SLIDING CDO`OuR S, light grained. size 2868 by 1% inches thick, with track and trim complete, also one electric fixture. Telephone 300. 9ttb wan run ajaum-1927 model Chev- rolet coach in A1 runningcordet: only six months` 013; will sacrifice for quick sa_le. Phone 1010. c 9b _ WOOD FOR SALE-4-toot -long in the bush, $4 a cord, and also cedar posts for sale. Apply Mr. West, Churchill. ' ` ' 5-10blA N CAR F`0R SAIJE-19`27 model Chev-l lrolet coanh' in A1 running n-"In-u FOR SALE-Baby carriage with runners. two -burner ggas p1ate`a.nd parlor table. Phone`4 4 or 16 Small St. - . .,9b: . axurvu, 'a"1'UU1 A`ND FIXTURES Asale. good location. Apply B33 .' [ . , p . . '1`A'1?-LE CA\RR-OTS for sale. Apply J. W.` Caldwell, `Napier `St. 9b PURE BRED JERSEY COVV for sale, seven years old. due to `freshen rLght away. Apply 206 Bradford 'St.. or phone -1-20.

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