Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jan 1928, p. 12

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were remanded in custody. The vic- . Arrested in a. Toronto hotel by P. C. Rayner of the local police last Tuesday Lottie Campbell and Lloyd Hurst are at present in the County Jail awaiting trial next Tuesday on a charge of theft. They are said -to be members of a week-end party at which a guest was "rolled" for $825. The girl had $ 7.50 and the man the sum of $101 in the same species of bills on their persons when arrested. The pair appeared on Wednesday noon before Magistratedeffs and tim complains that he was followed t to his store rat 4 o'clock in the morning and touched" for his money while asleep` at his desk. waiting for his furnace -to burn up. He had left his front door unlocked. f Following the alleged: robbery the accused went to Toronto. .A.oting- chief Case has had the can `in - ~_\, ents and other-. My u`-sun. " .' The severe storms ot,the week- end delayed the morning train over_ an hour on Monday, much to the inconvenience" or the Barrie stud- I --v- um. vegan own an; A. u-ua V1 V1 Ella The hockey match in Elmvale en Monday evening of,thls week drew a. large crowd of enthusiasts from this vH-Ease. most of whom went by train. `~ ` Thu ununvna Q`A1nInn:- -5 LL. _. I mg. an may . o unav- Mrs. Patr1ck_Keaney has returned after spending a. few weeks with her daughter in Tamworth. ' VHI... I.-_I--__ _._A_L I I .--~- vv vvnuu Miss Pearl Gray of Midland has returned .to our village after her recent illness. ..v~~ ["iiiLL Ku of the sixth con- cession spent Thursday last with Mrs. M. Frager. . Achee}ri Donnelly isLen:|oyln`g a few weeks with relatives in Tor- onto. 1`nuu`A` 15....I-1--- _._... 1.. nn_--1__1, _. ]LJ`:{n1elAB1ikley was in Guelph at- tending the fune ra.l of his uncle las_t week. m%$&w&$&&%& !g&mmm$&&&$&mm&a LVA /1`/' s'r. GEORGES nsporrrs SUCCESSFUL YEAR The annual Vestry meeting of St. George's Church was held on Mon- dav, Jan. 23, with a good attend- ance. The rector presided. Geo. H. Eaten was re-elected Ves- try Clerk. The People's Warden, V.- E. Knight, presented the fin- ancial statement which showed a balance In the bank of $11.76. This, was considered Qaflnfnnfnvvr um-.4...-I vuu lb. 36 L` 'A` 'A` 'A` 'A` 'A` '_A` 'A` 'A` 'A` 'A` 'A` PHELP TON >1` -vnvynlhc, .nwu. u onus. uu . . . 1 IJIIBGIL SLICED PINEAPPLE-Aylmer brand 1 fancy quality . . . . . . glass jar 42 GINGER ALE-The Original Canada Dry-Pints . . . . . . . . 2 bottles 35c LOBLAW S EGYPTIAN BLEND TEA Highest quality tea procurable, Or- ange Pekoe . . . . . . . . . . lb. 95 . . . . . 14 lb. 48c-1; lb. 2'5c COFFEE---High Park brand, roasted and ground, fresh daily . . . . lb. 57c lSHORTCAKE---Peak Freans, fresh and delicious . . . . . . . . . ll-oz. tin 43c H I LJVIEK KJFHL ASPARAGUS-Ay1mer brand, fancy CHEF SAUCE quality, medium green, No. 2 size meat . . tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tin 39 BRANsT'o'r\'1' Pl SPINACH -- Choice quality, Booth s B121CkW11"S (5 brand, No. 2 size tin . 2 tins 27`c - Cl lr`I:r\ nn\1hA nnt I` Special-- LEMON AND ORANGE Candied PEEL 1 lb. 17c LIMITED UANTITY .We have arranged with a Local Dlivery Agency to call and deliver your com- plete order for 10 cents. - DELIVERY HOURS -- Week days, 11 a.m., 4 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m. DELIVERED ...... nu yv ._y . put uuuacu SKBJZGS. H Notwithstanding the heavy drifts on the roads, Mr. Gartland of Stay- ner was areal hero, W en he suc- ceeded ln bucking thrpu h with his car on Sunday. But a little west of the village ;much shovelling was ` necessary before his sturdy little` car could make the grade. James Toner, an old friend from the 3rd line, has decided to take\ rink much to the satisfaction of the say he is some dog. ybung peop1e`who a.r`e spending; all` W111 remain indefint the` time available pract1cing"upon ' the?lr`nwly_purchased skates. ' _ ' . In ---- \Tnfu1H>hnIn........ LL- u : vy::15uI.. ' Beckett say` With persistent work between 11883 Out tl' storms the boys have at last s_uc-ibring my m unit an ounce: to sum In 911-! roman: 0! the Liquor} Control T A good shipment or stock w made from [here on Monday of this; week by Mr. Cameron. Ten AI cat-I tle were sold by VV-m. Stone that` surely tipped the scales at a good. weight. TX7HrIn tun:-4-{ht--AL --- - ' - ucaatul. ruruculars next week. 9 ! s I ____, ,.. -......_, ...o.. wxsnes. for a happy future. .In place of the usual card party Bill Beckett, who has spent ths` this Wedneidamda cogxcert ofiocbal gtsgagguplewof tyearf. in dthv: a tan , .` lt1ae1l( ll1cno:lir:Jub: wlallugioye sue?` Village 011 Ml3sl1da'e xllltnhe hiso thorvl cessful. Particulars next week. lollgllbred Airedale dog. that has sfstayed with him through all the madke t1)'ro%7h%eA Mor i`day;If illllmiess irixd trgmble e expegiengeg wee y r. ameron. en ca- rng s so ourn ere. " uc ltle `sold that! faithful dog! Why. he knows more tipped than. the average human. Ml`! |`RnnlzA++ .-n--- In - - v.. star `I. MU1i2c3' '(irhf5rted) } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . small tin 23: TUNA FlSH---Breast-O-Chicken, halv- es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tin 29c SARDINES-_-Skipper Brand 2 tins 31c sxwulff Eb. -P'I'C'I<.L`E'ES. ';- Fi e-i.n:`z`: Bra`/`x'.K1'r'c5:\':"r>'1c':i<'L'1s's' '_'_' E'r3e B1ackwe11 s (Sweet Chutney) jar 29 WALNUTS Crosse & B1acxwe11 s pickles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jar 47c SWEETMIXED PICKLES-Crosse_L D1,..\1......1n.. 0 picnic size . . . . . . . . . . . be PICKLES-Homemade style, A a n_.\J\/A\ T \Jl.UlI\ \JlUuuu, Wheat, nothing added and- nothing taken away . . . . 2 lbs. 11 POT BARLEY-MacKay s Medicated, Standard of the World, . . 2 lbs. l`lc PEARL BARLEY-MacKay s Medicat- ed, Standard of the World . . lb. 7c GREEN PEAS - Fancy, Japanese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 lbs. '17}: nrrnr: llt'\l\Yl"\r ur\, on Q IIJDO ICU PURE HONEY -_ Pure as the bees made it . . . . . . . . . .11-oz. jar 16 AV! MED (`LIH I CAHPI: I_-.u_ an- JJLIILUH VV 1311.3. A scholarly paper on the life and works of Burns was given by the Rev. J. B. Thomson. He brought out the nobility of thought, the tenderness. humor or pathos of some of the finest poems or bal- lads and left his audience with a, high conception of the effect of Burns works, not only on the Scottish people but on the English speaking world. A toast to Burns was sung by five Y.P. members af- ter which all joined gin silnging Auld Lang Syne." I; m`Mg;a`cmus,s.uc1:`.`i".:.;;i`i`; 5:; (`!ll,1` (`A11/~r* A lla\) L45-7kJLl(lll, \JLJk/Krllllllr -wc;1a1?tL$r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. 21 CORNMEAL-Fancy, Golden . lb. 54: GRAHAM FLOUR Stone Groun \xIk,\1,. ur1-..,.4. ..nu_:_-- .44.: ..--J lIlllLI_4 "13T:Tci;we11 s `yr-r~rn u.uu:u- 40 oz. ` GLASS JAR 29: CAKE lb.l8cl S3ecial% .Thurod a -y, Januiaj-y 26, 1928. FRESH LOBLAW S VALENCIA 10 A 1. l.ll'clIl _ me Beckett says, And (1 1 there this .ibr-ing meals to m: |:Wat(!}1 nvnvu up... 121.. V I1 -vII nu IVIUIII Scotch sentiment sent "the cold blood bounding free through pulse and heart and vein." It was on Jan. 28. at the Presbyterian Young Peo- glam Society meeting, nearest the irthday of Scotland's favorite poet, Bobbie Burns. His photo held an honoured place on the plaid-draped piano. Scotch songs were sung in- cluding old favourite numbers. Those who contributed to th_is part of the program were Ernest, Har- old and Goldwin White, Misses Dora. Knight, Annie Davis, Katharine Culross, Jean and Lillian Kearns, Mrs. J. B. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton White. A anknlnulu. I-no\`A-_ ._ 41., `an - another term. Miss Florence Inp of the ROY` .al Victoria. Hospital, Barrie, span: _the week-,end at her home here. [Th MCI L- Misses Phyllis and `Thursday lat. Tho 1-nan? -3-- nun. Z3-M Winnipeg is bert. I `An : .... - Jan. 23--.\ V?hnInn_ 2.. ..u m aume uog. M remain" indefinitely. -\.1\/Ad o Il\lt5l\n Xiv Ideal i'or Fish and . . . . . . . bottle 21 'l I{` -Mrs. Charlotte 1-2 is visiting friends EGB/ERT 5' "HJ. 111-: Knows human, vs. An.-1 .a....a..._ ._ -Hftrtsv numan," Mr`: 8. `And during my 111- Jere this dnsr nao m uunuay |,u5ULuUl'. W. R. Devenish. General Supt. of Northern Region, C.l\'.R., was in A1- landale Tuesday and Wednesday discussing matters with` various of- ticers and railway organizations. chief among which was the diver- sion of two through freights from this division to the east -side or Lake Simcoe. The General Supt. explained to crews affected the reasons why the change was made, mainly a. "question of economy in` 0'eX'. A Huron. Night -.-uu uurulg. III) In` 2 dog used ta 3 my bedside and like a nurse. Oh. I 3 dog." Mr. Beckett. dHfinifA`1y \an u gala 1. boui;'` le, Libby's . . jar 28c .aav\A..J..-.,-3\ Holt 01 .s in E3- .llUl U > (11. WI Lvunnu LIA Mr. M Haxvkemn.-A spite his been plzlc trust and ually fall his age. I manager C0,, 21 pm: year 810 member 0' being firs: but 24 _\'U ve con. haps best the Om which Sgm famous \\ he has hvl. nus to that three year. the East Si `cure for th the Orr) from its in until last _\' the secretm director of 81 Society. "l`l|n n type. T} possessnm out of U1 sghere or" t e welt . For this I: found tin There a man become his com small :1 with her: his fcllo rst hZl\'v ability. ( is perhap Irwin uuuzcug | That's HTU urguu. LU UU UH (H1110. Roadmaster H- McPhail of the ,Allandale Division of the C.N.R.. `and Mrs. McPhail areat present enjoying a well earned holiday in California and Mexico. according to word received by friends here. It (is a great many years since this estimable couple have enjoyed a holiday together. TIT P hnlrnniah Flnnnnnl Guns -4! Advo paper \\ U - IL. L) Jzl('k.< Billings dames Simpsu A \,'r,.w @|ll|l}.`I)l' A. IVIt'I.' M1: ; 1:)I'OLL Creswi Biaruxw row, (' son. F Philip Claren Robt. Rogexx Johmo M. H. C. Arn Advi. gersz, I1 Channo Mobe1'l_ I [ll (.`1(`Cto4 m~ s Peopl V'e. Envc-l< non; sley 21 atives Y1 /1 Charm ktkl $10,; Ini Part pfllll VIE: 7 8.0.13. meet `Tuesday, Jan. 31. at 8 pm. sharp when the White. Rose Degree will be conferred one large class of candidates. All members `are urged to be on hand. Roadmaster McPha1l of the XV U1 ; '1'`! don the ryw min u B(_"\'(' Cl'CZl.* otfi` "ll. Biozl T 1' i TI UH LU: Hugh Garalde left on Wednesday -for Detroit whither he has. been transferred from Pontiac, M1ch.'I-Ie spent a. month's vacation with his parents here. 5 `Tuesday. 31. pruuwru us. . ' > Mrs. Hurst and Mrs. Kelly have returned home after spending the` past six `weeks with friends in Re`- gina, Sank" Miami. Mam, and Tor`- onto. ~ `Ills . .7. Bell and M. Hudoonjor '1" onto spam the wgelt-and with - former : mother and Vbrqthgr Bradtord St. Mrs` `F-Ynrnf and Mrd, Ynliv 1-u ..n. no usu-sun DUUIVDIL The inaugural meeting or Sunni-` dale Council was held at New Low- ell, with all the members present; After the several. members sub-. scribed to their respective declara- `tions of office the Reeve took the ' chair and. opened -the session; The following - communications were resented and read: A. .7. Hal- loril. nsineer Public Works,'re ob- eptructions in the Mad -River. Liquor `control Board sslcinxv council `to pppcint` an otticer to sssist in en- jm-ument the Llaumc n.......-. 111:: Margaret Rayner is able. to go out again after an attack oi the.` H. > Pun Twolvo 5l$%%%%%%$%%%%| 'Vi'I0I0I0I0I0I0X0I0I0I0X0I0I<` I E A Burns Nicht can-nil! II Y El` A report of Judge Mott : ad- dress to the .WqmeI s\,.Canadi :1 Club is unavoidably hold _ovqr 11 next week. T_ ` _ Inn:-A yuvl worn uuxy pulled. _ . ] A number or -accounts were order- ed paid. - LOCAL ma AWAITING % TRIAL on THEFT CHARGE ww n:u.reeL._ waqaga. ueacn, " `By-lam o.ppo1nt1ng`townah1p ot- cora and for purchasing road sup- plies were duly passed. number of -Annnunfn urn-us A-I3--A Act: Secretary` Women Institu'te asking for library grant: E. `Eber- hardt, offering to lease part otHW11- low street, Waaaga Beach. `BV-mull AnntiinHno' Onvufhnl-l_ -1 Tor- In Chg The angel of death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mc- Quay of Elmira, Saturday evening, Jan. 21. and claimed their little daughter, Dorothy Eleanor, who had always been a. delicate child. A short service was held in their home Sunday evening. The Rev. Dr. Mc- Avoy gave the address basing his remarks on the words at our Sav- iour Suffer littlechildren to come unto me for or such 1 the Kingdom of Heaven." Her remains arrived on the morning train at 1`hornton' and the funeral was heldtrom the home or Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bant- ing a.t`2 pm. to the Presbyterian church. The Rev. `E. A. Clifton preached in. very appropriate_ ser- mon ohoosing the words of his text ; from Luke 8:52. She is not dead but sIeepeth."l Many oral tokens of sympathy were received among thembeing Roll of Gale Presbyterian church. Elmira. `A .Pa.llbearers_, were Jack Banting..Borden Elliott, Davis Arn- `old . and Mervyn. Martin. one from `the Cradle` 1 1 -1 . Ulll.Uo ' The young people of*`the Maple Leaf Club met in the basement of the Presbyterian church, Jan. 17, for the election of officers` which resulted as follows: Pree.,"Le1la Davis; Sec y., John Henderson; "1`reae., Gertrude Lennox; `Commit- tees--Mus1cal. Erma Elliott; M!s- ` slonary, Thelma Broley; Literature, 7 Wm. Lough; social. Lorna Jennett; Educational, Helene `Wilcox. `Ur- _ the uaya onto. Vlru uau. {Q-MP8. G." VRODIIISOII and daughter, Margaret, spent a. few days last week with friends in Tor- Essex is asking Simcoe County Council to endorse a resolution .asking' that the provincial govern- ment pay for the keep of pris- c'325"'.IThere':"j"'; re sixteen nominated ` ' idenship, but thirteen e with the consent of their spo 'ors. Reeve Creswicke in withdrawing served notice that Barrie might be seeking the honor next year, for this town has not returned a warden since 1910. Mid}and s reeve served similar notice. 4.4.... mu tum cnuuvleauer. The rector expressed regret at the loss of many active members owing to removal to other points. loyalty and faithfulness` of all during the current year. A very harmonious gathering closed with prayer. Lambert (.31)-Archer, Bates, Bell, D. Brown, Buchanan, Carl- ton, Creswicke, Cunningham, Dor- ban, Doyle, Drinkwater, Dutton, `Fenton, Glover. Holmes, Jarvis, 'Johnston Knight, Lambert, Mc- Gibbon, McKnight, McLeod, Scott, Ismiuh, `Spicher, c. E. Stevens. 'r. Stephens, Templeman,_Tom, Webb and Wray. Ham`bly (19)-Al1an, Asselin, I. K. Brown, `Crawford, Denney, Downey, Drennan, Drysdale, Ford, 4 _ my vvamen was as 1:ol1ows- I son, Thompson. "'.'Y".>';' `I9 91` * o'3i5','.IThere':"; f nominated `r` the `E-den_}3ip_,_ --`..3a....... - .1 Gratrix, Ham-bly, Hill. Jebb. Kier-` . nan, Lacroix, Luck, Nolan, Patter- . 'l|F* The s econd' ballot on the VoVte` for Warden was follows: Tmrnhnvf lQ1\, A--1--m '1-L W` I All three garrie voteS--Cres- wicke, Knight and Jarvis--went solid for Warger; Lfmbert. nu, urysaale, McLeod, Smith and T/Stephens voted for Reeve Tom of Collingwood. On the second ballot Asselin and Drysdale voted 'for Hambly, while the four others, also Reeve Tom, voted for Lam- lbert. ` " 4. .1. A. 'F7I"N 77 3 Jan. 24-Mrs. G." Robinson auzhter. MarInrnf_ an-mn+ a c..... 9 II `F W Mayor D. F. Mccuaig extracted a well-deserved laugh from the members of the Council Monday afternoon during an -otherwise . solemn and somewhat dry `session. town he sai that -Chief, of Police Stewart had for `some time `been contemplatin eration and t eration the` town council A cided that the week -the -y County Council was insession `would 'be a most appropriate and period for the `Chief to enter hos-[ pital. His Worship said that he re: psretted in many ways forsaking the reeveship for the `mayor's chair, for he had many pleasant memories of his `two years in County Coungl. undergoing an op- at after -due consid- In extendin the freedom of the had de-I auspicious Jada WWW I regard the County of Simcoe t as the sweetest spot on e'a1'th,"v said Ex-warden wcoombsf of Brad- ford in extending` congrats. to the warden-elect on Monday. ~ Mr. Coombs said he had lived in Sim-' coefover half a century `and re- corded that he had this year step- ped down from `political life. He first came to `County Council in 1918. He urged council to get be- hind the new warden and give him theitr hearty co-operation and sup- por . ; nh U (Continued from page 1) career. His powerful. voice car- ried out into the corridors and over the snow covered terraces of the Court House. grounds. We should all be thankful we are here and not killed by autos, was one ' of his 0 ening .quibs. He said he belonge to probably a dozen fra- ternal societies but innone had e encountered the genuine fell - ship and brotherhood which he had experienced while a member of Simcoe County `Council. "He had. also learned scores of lasting lessons which were daily serving him well--that of `being able to assimilate criticism and to keep on doing one s duy irrspective of it. M couN Y COUNCIL JOTTINGS M 4. u. ttoyce, W. Wardle and L. Little were appointed audi- tors. The following were appointed idesmen: People's, E. A. Little, W. J. Little, A. Taylor, R. W. Taylor. 0. Luck. B. Thompson,` C. Danvers,' A. Jay, Sr., A. Jay. Jr., W. Wardle, W. B. Webb. T. Edge; Rector s, T. Booth, '1`. Royce, L. Little, W. Grav- es, I. Kivell, G. Spearn. W. McFad- den, A. Kendrick, J. Looker, W. 1088. F. Gosney and A. Vernon. Geo. Webb was appointed En- velope Secretary. It was urged that all members be asked to contribute - through the duplex envelope. Wal- `ter Perkin was appointed organ- I 1st and choir . leader. The rsmfnr nvnnn=.....a .........-L -L -- Little ' Daughter Taken . ..._.....1 -41 .I....4.I. __..._._. HELD ovzki GUI e in h! respected. . Aft falling a home 0 enuea school here for a. 3 youth and was highly Death of Mn. R. anniiyo er 9. long `period or- health Mrs. 3. Bill! d away on Fri Du gradually nga pass- day morning at the or non, Frank. Earn In `away was came `IO uanaau ` parents about sixty years _-__ -- - guy. sunny 1.` 6 Gljllo Fur m Cbunty Down, Ireland, on May 25, 1851. she came to Canada with her sixty want: u... ...a uwmpson. met week. . 4 ` . Ted I-Iipweli and Duncan Mc- i Arthur attended the convention and A _;ba.nquet_.o.the star Motor Car, Co. held in the King Edward Hotel, -Toronto. ' " ` _' _' Rev.vE. M._ Burgess, accompanied by members of the Junior Bible Class, motored to th House at Re- - tuge,-Beeto'n, on. S n -day evening and held a.-song` service which 9,}:- parentiy enjoyed by the. aid .. The news of the tragic death of I-Ia.rry.'1`erry or Schom_herg"on Fri- day last produced a. feeling ot`sor- - row in this neighborhood. Thee de- ` uvaul I`ll`a`A"|lJ ' ,` Jan. 28 - The Anglican Women's Guild held a social evening at the home of Clarence Switzer on Wed- nesday, Jan. 18. ' . Mrs. Harve Clarklot schomberg visited with or daughter, Mrg. .0. u',y run` wun ms Chinchilla` rabbits; The annual district meeting of Barrie L.-O.-L. met on Jan. 17 with a. very good. attendance from Tory Hill and Minesing. John Bowman was i elected Di.strictAMaster and S. Pratt District Chaplain. After. the officers were_inst'1I1ed to their re- spective offices, the Royaiscarlet degree was exemplified; two bre- thren from Tory Hill being exalted. u:w uays. V ' Rev. Dr. Dodds left on Saturday to at, special` services at Flamboro on Sunday"morning, Kirk-T wall in the afternoon and Sheffield in the evening. These places are near=Hamilton. . J. D. Knapp, "(Bundles Fur Farm, won severalprizes at Barrie Paul- M try Fair with his Chinchilla` distrlnf mnnfinm ..o ` W U550 Miss Helen Fisher, 3. colleglat pupil, is confined to her home fO1"w few days. REV, nil A313. 1.1;. -_ I--I - in the church and organizations during the past year. The numbers of communlaants at Easter and Christmas were the largest in the history of the parish. ` W. Hogan and V. E. Knight were re-appointed Rector : and People's VVardens. E. A. Little. VV. J. Little, and E. F. Wood were re-elected delegates to the Synod with G. H. Esten and the Wardens as sub-. stltutes. T. C. Royce, W. ` ml... o..n-_-: mus. uarvm, ror an indefinite time. George Huth of Sunnidale was a gueit .01 Mr. _and Mrs. Roe last was . I collegiate is confined to her mm. c....... . vvavlluli I Jan `23-Mrs. (Rev.) Dodds left on Saturday for Rochester to visit` her two `daughters, Mrs. Carver. and Mrs. Garvin, for indefinite Huth of sunnmm. m... .. n.a.l'U,1u ueu, aeputy-reeve of Ess_a.| The matter was referred to com- mtttee which hoisted it to the No- vember sesslon. . ' |.c-x'uuUu:! 38881011. ` .A report of the Finance Com- mittee `recommended. among other; things the appointment of chapter-I! ed accountants. The re olutlon was; moved by Coun. I._ K. rown, reeve of Midland and seconded by Conn.` I-Iarold Bell, deputy-reeve of Essa. matter wan rnfnrv-n 4.. ..-.... I me, road extending from I-I1-1ls,da.1el to Eady, in Medonte. added to the County Good Roads System, a reso- lution t-o this effect having been passed by council last session after! `it had been struck off. The Dept. ofa ~-Highways is sending an engineer; [to take a census. 1 T at an at The question of whether the county's'booksgshou1d be audited by chartered accountants or by ac-` countants. or bookkeepers, without, the annendnze nf "HA " mm-ma -A cuuuLunl;S. or nooxxeepers, without; appendage of C.A., proved a.; lively and somewhat contentious` topic for d bate in yesterday af- ternoon's se sion. - ` A ndnns-o+ am LI..- 1:u.__._-- --. a: as at Special committee on Reforesta- tion has been authorized to pur- chase 1,0D0 acres _in the Orr Lake` section. ale an 1:` , - : Vkn .-..-u....L.. I- ....-o-A.... L- 1.7", auuuuu. at alt Ilt` ,- 1 The county is seeking to have: the, road extending from I-I1-1ls,da.1el Eadv. in Mednnn-a. And +.-. {-3141 VUIJIICB uu aauuuuu bl-R: pa.,vmeub U.L a $6.00`-telephone bill of the pol- ice maa'ist`rate of Orillia and passes the hill on to the County` -for payment. The Inspector makes it plain that the province does not ay for telephones in `County pol- \ce magistratei gffiges. ya-:, Lue ulrl uuldes 350. During the year a troop of B Scouts has been formed also Sanctuary Guild and S.S. Orchestra. A hearty vote of thanks was pass- ed to all the workers and helpers [the and or2nniv.-nHn-- 'l"'l` f`. A proposal :0 have the County! Council endorse the appointment or a second Judge for Simcoe is being considered in committee at the pre- sent session. H .n. 4. ,I.,A`. Hunuglufiest inspecter of legal 9"ices, for the province, de- ;clines to sanction the payment of n n`.+a"Iav-Janna EH1 A4-' `Jan un'| R. M. Gibgona: ist. Supt. of Postal Aserxice, in la lettler clalled attention 0 'counci to t e a most impassable state of the Brentwood- Sunnidale Road, it being practic- ally impossible for the courier to . make his trips in that section. an 9|: -1: The reporcwofw the registry of-! 1 ce for the` registry division of. . tge County of 'Simcoe for 1927! s ows that the total number of in- struments re istered during the year to have - een 4972. with fees totalling $9029.44. There were` 6 patents, 1902 deeds, 1213 mort- gages, 1084' discharges of mort- gages, .265 wills, 10 leases, 21 mechanic's leases and 482 other in- struments registered. The num- ber of abstracts was 785 with fees of $1551.60 and the number of searches 8050. with fees of $957.45. Total revenue `was $11,-' 577.09. The gross amount of fees, for the previous -year was $I1,-- 731.18. The disbursements in- clude $4,315.08, net amount re- ceived by the Registrar and sal- `aries $4,426.36, leaving surplus to . be turned over to the county of $2835.65, as compared with $2,- 901234 a year `ago. dasbnla vfor XJRay services and special! W W W . . The Royal -Victoria Hospital Board is asking that it `be reim- bursed to the extent of $196.25, nurses board incurred during the illness of the Nevills children, and which expense. is not taken care 'of by provincial and county grants. A * * ' The premium which the county is asked to pay this `yearefor in- surance against accidents on coun- ty roads is $896, an increase of $200 over` last `year. The insur- ance has been carried with the Globe Indemnity` C3. of Canada. . . 3|` II VI The? "Canatlfan National Insti- tute for the `Blind, to which the county` made a grant of $100 last year, is this ysarulaslcing for $250. onere ccnvicted under the L.O.A., where` `such convictions are secur- ed`. by provincial police oicers and the fines go to the. province. . ` an 1- 1: . P,'.-F . -15 ...- auuuuutcu LU apzaw, made up Of $594 open offertory, envelopes $1208. for! Missions $120 and the balance fromz organizations. The Warden s Rec- tory Fund was $387 and the V70- .man s Auxiliary Rectory Fund was $478. The mortgage on the rectory has been reduced to $1700. The W. A. General Fund amounted to $388. The Sunday,Schoo1 received $206. The balance on hand in the W. A. amounts to $160; Sunday School` 324, the GirI'GuIdes 350. During` th vncnv 1: Mann A3 1` J ; VVIUII HUI` I up and `TH! nan: JXAMINIR rormmg as a. musical trio. ' ' Bobby jRobertson, 18, of Bed Eagle, Mont.. has gained fame as a. hunggr by killing Iivoral door, bear and elk. . uy nut` parents, wno 88.011 speakten. ' The Huxton triplets or ' -Ports; mouth, Eng., 10. years old, all boys, are earning their education by per- forming musitaal Bobby 'Robertsnn_. 12 of am- , ,, 1 Jeanne \'Vier`ne. of Li1le,'France, speaks tour languages at the age of two yea;-3, having been taught _by her parents, who each speakten. I-Iuxton trinleiuu nf" .Dm.', , .w...- .1... unanvoo --vs uvurvuu ` Rev. E. M. Burgess. was held in the V Frank. of Bond Head, Edward of The funeral service, conducted by home on bisunday afternoon after which interment took place in Bond Head cemetery. Ish is survived by three `sons, 1 Toronto, Elvin of Port Colborne; also one brother and four sisters. vlz., Thos. Lyons~o! Bond .I-Iead, Mrs. H. L. Hughes of Niagara Falls, N;Y.. Mrs. G. `S. Hawkins of Port 'C6lborne, Mrs. R. Garrod of Ayl- /` .. `N Colborne; '` ' V \ --:-j--:-jj mer -and. Miss Eleanor Lyons, Port ; "resided until her death. settled in the township-or Adjala later moving to St. Thomas where she married the late E. G. Billings. After the death of her husband she and her family" moved to Bond Head in the neighborhood of which she ` IIIL- a-_..__,-c ,,_ I \.ll-4\l I I I % W I I I W I R AIS! uC&IILI packed, large 2 V2 tin . . 2 tins 27c CARROTS--Sma11 and tender. Na- ture s best, No. 2 size tin . . tin 16 PEAS--Radio brand, sweet and tender, RYA 6 A:-nn no` L:._ `Q- u an my ufuuu, van was bill bwnnulrl No. 2`i'z""tin . . . . . . . . . . . tin 16$ PATTERSON S SAUCE-. bottle 12.: o s o o o n a o n o o n o o u o ; L'llJo III-IL ICU SWISS GRUYERE CHEESE--lmport- ed, solids, finest quality . . box 33c SWISS GRUYERE CHEESE-Im_port- ed, 6 portions, finest uality box 37 ROQUEFORT CHEES ---Fancy qual- ity, Frnch imported . . . . . . lb. 48 INGERSOLL CREAM AND PIMENTO CHEESE-Spreads like butter-- CHATEAU CHEES'E-1/2-lb. pkg. 21c medium size pkg. . . . . 2 pkgs. 25 OLIVES-Clubhouse `brand, Lunch Queen, No. 5 bottle . . . bottle 1c OLIVES-Banquet' Queen, Clubhouse brand, No. 12 bottle . . . bottle 28c`~ mongol-: ` IN A I\l'\\1 T` wuumuuv u: use Ud.IlK OI :l],.76. This! considered satisfactory seeing the year commenced with a deficit of $121: Receipts from all sources. amounted to $2313, made of for Missions $120 and the halnnnn `Pr-rxrvu. `--- --su--a nu-ya; 4\\.aA \JdaAxn-4 . . . . . . . lb. 32 COOKIE.S-Homemade style 1 IL L-.. 1')- `ma ; i='Ru'rr' xN'1s'1u'r' `cmj` 2 lbs. for 25c MINCEMEAT FANCY QUALITY Special-- PURE ORANGE MARMALA DE saw ` box7l7`c I1lI"r4r\r'N I `- At the tinieof wrltiog another storm `is developing from the east, which by all appearances threatens na. .. . , & A suNNm2'L'E councu. Phe innun-nmal mm. . . . n m . _ _.

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