Ian Pour bu` sale a; $1.50 garment A MEN S F LEECE-LINED UNDER- WEAR will go at . . . . . . . . 53 MEN S HEAVY RYBBED UN- DERWEAR, PENMAN S AND OTHER coon MAKES; reg. _..:-- dronn C_l, -I -IA _ _ _:- `as: `In nvafilhl-AIJ grice $2-.00. Sale price . . . ox/'1'=.'fi.Z.i.Ls and SMOCKS MEN'S ALL-WOOL FLANNEL SHIRTS, feg. $2.25. Out they go In-I IA at. MEN'S FLEECE-UNED COM: BINATIONS. Out they go, MEN S PE:l5PER AND SALT WORK SHIRTS. Out they go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOYS FANCY SWEATERS, sizes from 8 to 15. Out they go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . athnoo MEN S HEAVY JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS, reg. $4.00. Will go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --:-.j MEN S COLLARS-Kant Kra:l:, Linen and Silk, reg. 25 and 50c. V . iI}_ go at . . . . . . . . . . 3 for 10 MEN S MACKI_NAW BREECHES, -- 1...- L--____ _._- an .-n t\ 80- at. ,. _ sale at MEN'S plain and ear laps, for dress wear and work, reg. $1.75. On sale at . . . ; .. MACKINAW cons, well lined, outer duck, extra heavy quality, reg. $4.50. Sizes 32 to 36. Will ; A-4 $2.47 worth $4.00 Will go at Men's -.--- in our store, prices ......... ;.. iij. :'i"9; Thursday, January 11, 1'04! .._--j IVIII C Cottonade and tweed TROUSERS Sizes 32 to 44; Reg. $2.25 On sale it TI heavy wgght Reg. "pr. On sale at 3 pairs $1.o( $1.59 Men s Penman s LADIES CASHMERE HOSE, all- wool, reg. 95c. On sale at, pr. ---"~7"`s?1Ii`i WOOL socx_ _ Mel"1 ai- ` "$1700 sale Dr. ;'I?\"i?i_:`| roquin stock hand a .,, I. F LANNELETTE BLANKETS, . grey and white, large sizes. On sale at pr. . . . . . . . With] uwmu hm yean an. the` tho JUST ARRlVED--FUJI SILK so different patterns, `first quality, reg. $1.00 yd. On sale at yd. 65 ber V. 26 [HIP Ii ro;:i Prin- aw :11 to: :`(_f peVI Weft` in }:0 insp \ . Conn wen 1927 erea. prin by 3 June The tcac. year. as at M` WHITE FLANNELETTE, 36 in. wide, reg. 35 yd. On sale at }'d- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - -4- LADIES SILK AND WOOL VESTS AND BLOOMERS, reg. 98. On sale at garment . . . 79 LADIES BATH ROBES, pretty patterns, extra quality, reg. up to $7.50. `Sale price . . . . . V. LADIES POINTEX HOSE, reg. $2.50 pr., all shades. To go at and AA Dr, TmV8| JDIES SILK UNDERWEAR, Vests and Bloomers, heavy silk, reg. $1.50. To go at garment ALLQWOOL FLANNEL, suitable for dresses, reg. $1.25 yd. On sale atyd......T.... . . . . . . . . MACKINAW FLANNEL;~ for (blesses, reg. 49. On sale Fat bun :--v EHlNTZ-just arrived, 20 shades, eagtra wide, reg. 35. On ulggat THOUSANDS or o'n-ma ARTICLES T00 `NUMER- gu_s_ TO `MENTION on --n-noun! If \I 11" LMABIES PURSAES---50 over A0 1' Clyistfnas stock, reg. $2.50. I! All AA than -w------v sale at ... This is the Most Colossal Sale ever attempted in Barrie Only the Barrie Bargain l`louse_e eiter you values as mentioned below 0 `lfliuo 9 II Uuuv U00 ' - ' 35 HUB! `Ill Uwuv nu- ~~~~ 25; s`1`.o4`:[.T:i%si Imagine a sun` or an ovmcom for om $1.00 This is are_:alopportur~1%ity% to buy your new spring suit I (I51 l\l\ GROUP 1--With every purchase of one suit, valued at $20.00, we will give an Overcoat or Topcoat 5 - `I 001 RA store will be closed Wednesday and Thursday, January 11 and 12, in preparation for bur . orsprinug B?'&t"iBr'Eh of only $l.O0v The suits are up to the minute in styles. colorsand cloths, and we " know the people will be glad to grasp this opportunity of > buying a suit or overcoat for only $1.00 e i 3}-" .".'f Moneymu st be raised in 20 days and inorderto do so we have offered to the public of Simcoe the e e greatest bargains ever known V WATCH ton ova LARGE wmnow slams Our} gtoxfe is twq doors lwest of Bank of %Toront_o. L'Opp\osite Post Office ARRIEBARGAINHOUSE BOYS ALL WOOL BOY S ALL-WOOL PENMAN'S UNDERWEAR Shirts_ and Drawers MOTHERS ! You con buy your son a new Suit now for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . And for.$1 extra we will give an Overcoat for the low price. of . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sizes. 26 to 34 " Reg. $3.50 On sale at ,. . "mg. $1.25 Will go at gar. 69 all calm`: and patterns, collars attached and separate, regular $2.25, sizes 14 to 17. On sale ut~ "'.Reg' On sale at pr. soo MEN S BROADCLOTH sums MENjS c_Lov_as Viluu anus un- ' some soiled .Mocha. and Kid capes and suede: LL 1Q 41"REE FREE FREE JUST ARRIVED-~l0O LADIES DRESSES, quality Cantor`! crepe. The regular price is $15.00. We are disposing of same at the sale price or .......... .. $9.95 BOYS ovERAL;.s heavy lined Reg. $2.25 Sizes 24 to 35 Will go at ptj. T Penman sA Reg. 60c On sale at gar. ' :}i}e, 'BiJ {Sci 7 Black Ages 7 to 15 On sale at soars FLEECE-LINED UNDERWEAR BOYS BLOOMERS ":3: '`r 1iK1is.L&f1i GROUP 2---With every `Overcoat valued" at $26.00, we will give a `Suit for $1 extra . .. LADIES mass:-:s, odds and ends, including crepes, silks, 'trico- e tines, twills and flanne|s._ Thou! dresses were priced as high as $_15.00. 200 in the lot to be sold on En Tl-ll mm IxKM}NIn Reg. 95:: On` sale at pr. 50; MEN'S ALL-WOOL CHECK SWEATERS Reg. $4.00 On sale at V Reg. $4.75 On gale at` ""3 wmcm ' comammons ALiEv'b'oL EXTRA HI~_:_VY nijj MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOCKS MEN'S KHAKI COMBINATION OVERALLS Reg. $3.50 LADIES SILK SLICKERS, reg. $9.50, 20 on sale at . . . To 80 at $2.59 Brar;dzPenman s MEN'S HEAVY MACKINAW sp_c1 Reg. $1.25 On sale at 75c $2.98 $3;95 GROUP 3`--With every Suit val- ued at $35.00 we will give a Top- coa._t for $1 extra . . . . . . MEN'S BRACES silk glastic Reg. 95 On sale at pr. LADIE$T V COATS, fur collars and cuffs, odd sizes, on sale at Men : Silk {Ind Wool Q--2-QC jI3I$ LIGHTHOUSE OVERNLLS AND SMOCKS Reg. $3.00 Sale price ' We give a watch free with these. Medigmiweight Going at gar. 95 BOYS _ HEAVY RIBBED STOCKINGS \ Reg. 95c On sale at pr. 50 "c'iS1'v1i3'iiX"r'1<)'i~fs." Sizes 34 to 44 Ree. $2.50 "` 8 at $1.50 PENMAN S UNDERWEAR ` _ Reg. $1.25 MEN'S HEAVY WOOL TROUSERS Blue and Black Heavy Weight Reg; $2.00 gar. LADIES MILIAJNERY--any hat -4 -4 pg gi