Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1928, p. 1

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IE + EXAMINER `ll-U IICIVJH5 lUDl5|lC\.l.n By motion, the Board express-| ed its appreciation of the dona- tions from local business men for the benet of the hospital staff at Christmas time. _ 1.. --..._ ..-..........1 .u....;. 1:` h.....L.-.u. \JlIL'lBIullIr UIIHUI It was reported that E. Dayton. 1: drifter," who had been in the hospital since last February, had left on Saturday and had gone to Powassan. He had caused much trouble to the ospital authorities and his departure was a relief, particularly as there is no pro- vision under the Act for collect-. _ing from these floaters, `D I|nn:v\J'a `nu 4-La war-uni-In uycnnnt DCIIUI `L583 7' ULDIIIIJ DCOAIAI I ysc On this the first meeting of the] New Year it gives me great plea- sure `to welcome the members of the 1927 Council who have -been re-elected; also those members who "are with us for the first time. It is an endorsation of the efforts of last year's Council and an evi- dence of the condence of the electors that all those who sought re-election have been returned. 7lVL_ ._-_-_-...._1 -.D .. IV........1 .1- LU"UIU\l-vlvll IICGVC LJUUII &\JUBLlC\--\I The personnel of a Council is so prone to change that the new and the old must learn to assimi- late quickly. As an illustration of this I may say that no member of the present Council has sat with me continuously during my short service of three years in public office. Therefore I -bespeak for the new members the co-op- eration of the more experienced` in order that we may work to- (Turn to page three, please) ` By the will of the late Mrs. J. S. Johnston, the sum of $500 was bequeathed to the Royal Victoria Hospital. -Notice to this effect was received by the Board at its monthly meeting on Monday af- ternoon. This gift was much ap- preciated. A unan1n+3nn A-F IIt\O\ArI\1A$1l: ninl tJ.I{UUllvU\lu A resolution of condolence was passed in connection with the death of D. W. Lennox, a. former member of the Board and a com- mittee was appointed to report upon a successor to him. nnnnun-4-on o`un vol: mama!` MRS. JOHNSTON LEFT` $500.00 TO Hospmu. W. c. WALLS, President` Officers of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie for theiYea\1r 19Z8`---Insta_lled on Friday, January Sixth sessions of 1928 Town Council held last "Monday, morning` and evening, were as tranquil as` the proverbial millpond. All day there had been murmurings of an up- rising on one or two points, but it either did not materialize or was promptly squelched before it got under way. Perhaps it was the lesson which Mayor McCuaig read his colleagues on parliament- ary procedure and decorum be- fore the regular business of the lcouncil was taken up which had 4 I u 1 I I I I i i its effect. His Worship made a plea for short, business-like meet- ings with religious observance of T the rules of procedure. Monday s evening meeting was over before nine o'clock with all business cleaned up. The aldermen, how- ever, are only just getting their bearings and there was evidence; that several are saving their vam- -munition for future meetings. Proceedings at the inaugural Gas. Not Mentioned The subject ofdgas and the re- cent -bylaw which the ratepayers ratied providing for the purchase of the gas plant by the town was not mentioned at all. It was ex- plained after that a statutory two weeks must elapse between the taking-of -the vote and the final passing of the bylaw. The coun- cil is scheduled to meet again next Monday in regular session. Man- ager Hills of the'Barrie Gas Co. was prese t throughout last Mon- day eve ing s proceedings, but nothing of interest to his com- pany transpired. Knight is Works Chairman The nomination of Second De- puty-Reeve V. E. Knight as Board of Works chairman was not chal- lenged, as forecast. The-report of the striking committtee was ad- opted holus -bolus without com- ment. First Deputy-Reeve Jarvis was mentioned for this job and had some support at the Board, but not enough. `Mr. Jarvis left it to his friends to take action if they taken. Mr. Jarvis had scarcely anything to say throughout the meeting. Before the meeting he made no bones about seeking the Board of Works job. He contend- ed that Mr. Knight, in his private capacity` of manager of the rail- way restaurant at Allandale. would not -be able to give the position sufficient personal over- sight and that he was too far re- moved from the centre of opera-l tions. When the motion 'Was= made to adopt the report of thel striking committee no one raised` his voice, however, to make a change. ' Annniiolll `J ' RH` so desired but none was The nearest `approach to a com` tentious discussion was precipigj tated -by Ald. Moran when he call-" ed for accounts paid since Dec. 15, by the Mayor and Clerk on the authority provided by special motion of council passed at the final 1927 meeting. Aid. Moran's request gradually narrowed. down to the produc_tion_of`an account of Buchanan's Garage for repairs to Foreman Ed. Shute1"s private automobile, used in town _work` Hdrmony Reigns as Council Meets in Inaugural Session Mon: ON smmzn T Business_. of` Evening Dis- posed of in Little Over Hour Rumored Flare-Ups Did` % not Materialize on Monday Night . r e r , A x ' A. E. BRYSON, District Trustee e A. H. FELT, secretary ` T _ J. R._ D_IEI\i, Vice Presidedt } and im\medlatePast President? since the inception of.the Club A. G. MacLELLAN, Treasurer za~;,;;.";;. sage _1`:'v-`Io;"1'>V1;a1`s$)V.` Account is Last .Who Lived in Barrie and| What They Did Half % Century Ago INAME RETIRING MEMBERS no wuuous cnvxc BODIES lMayor McCuaig' Monday even- There is only one change in Barrie s various civic bodiesas a result of appointments made -by] ing. Ex-Reeve W. A. Lowe re- placesthe chairman of the Indi- gent Committee, this year Aid.` W. A. Craven, on the Board of Health. Objectionto this appoint- ment was taken by 1st Deputy- `Reeve Jarvis on the ground that the connecting link between Counciliand Board of Health was , being broken, but it was pointed out that Mayor McCuaig is by reason of his office also a member of the Board of Health and that the link would be maintained. Ald. Reeve, 1927 Indigent chair- man, said that his position on the Board of Health last year did not help himin his committee work. Deputy-Reeve Jarvis objection was quickly brushed over and the appointment went through. Ald. Craven made no objection. Ap- pointments made were: nal - r`p\`~\\AAu.nau'I\v\ T.l\|1n Tollendal and Fisherman s Point in Race For V Tqwnsite % 9 In an intimate illustrated talk on people and conditions in Bar- rie fty--eve.n sixty years ago, -for nearly -two hours at the Col- iegiate Institute auditorium Tues- day evening, J. H. Bennett en- ,tertained and delighted an aud- iience of two hundred or more. "The address was delivered to the Won1en s Canadian Club, but there were many non-members present, with quite a sprinkling of. old timers who followed Mr. Bennett with rant . attention in his intimate description -of the times and the people, where and how they lived. what they did, letc., in the early days." ' - A anal-31:1. man cannot nnulw J-`an no-In `Old Time Stuff , First Hand;! 1. H. Bennett pn Early Days% THE cool) on) DAYS l U\Il Ill UIKC C?` I`, 9%`, WI ' A native son, now past the age! of three score and %ten--in yearsj UIIIUIIIUIIUD llG\IU VVVI-U I Parks Commission, Philip Love IULM V In. introducing his motion Ald. Malcomson -said the suggestion had often been discussed informally, but had always -been allowed to drift without action being taken. This year he propos- ed to press it to an issue and` was starting early `lest he forgot. Ald. A. A. Malcomson has introduced a motion in council, which will likely -be reported upon and discuss- ed atvnext `Monday's meet-, ing, providing for the hold- ing of Barrie s civic elec- tions on the rst Monday, in December, instead of the first Monday in January, which has `been the regular voting day since incorpora-. tion. _,L__-_1._-_... 1.5- .._.u.:.... sums EARLY To an rouauc m nacmsan 4625 GOPIES 65th Year- ;-'vr--v --~ `Ul;A`6N Tl-llSWEEK' CANADA, THURSDAY, JANuA1'2Y 12, 1928. [FIFTY-FIVE BEEKEEPERS s1-:'rru-: IN POLICE COURT The ;prosecuti_on' of 68 South Simcoe` beekeepers for failure to register under the Foul Brood Act is a closed book insofar as the police court is ..concerned, all cases having been dealt with. Of the total, fty-ve took advan- tage of the -Crown Attorney's loffer to settle with the court by paying the costs, $4, the charge being withdrawn on the under- standing that registration is af- Ifected forthwith. Five of those charged could not be located and` were therefore not served, owing to clerical errors at the Provin- cial Apiarist s office at Guelph. Eight others were withdrawn, they having shown that they had gone out of business. Quite a number of the small keepers who| paid nes signied their inten- tion of going out of business, some_ stating that they had al- ready burned their hives, two or three in number. U Inc we uaurnnvnnauuuasn Reve of Stayner, who aspires/co preside over County Council. !of old timers" who followed inl able memory. Mr. Bennett fairlv! revelled in this Old Time Stuf`f' so dear to hearts of native Bar- rieites of two, three and four gen- erations ago. His fund of in- formation seemed inexhaustible. ----~ - ..A.-..-- -3 -13 `D.......`..| and J.. McMartin. | Library Board, Miss Emma King. , Board of Health, R. A. Steph-` ens, J. D. Wisdom and W. A. Lowe. ,1 n___- __- 3.-- 11--.... 11..-... i JJUVVCO Band Committeg, Reeve Cres-' wicke and Deputy-Reeve Knight.` POLICEE COURT FINES WERE l $72.50 IN DECEMBER LAST The December report of Chief ! of Police Stewart records that! $72.50 was collected in nes dur-` ing the month. Thirty-four cases, of which twenty were petty com-; plaints, were dealt with. There`- xvere two for robbery with vio-I lence, one of which was dismissed} and the other withdrawn; two for` theft by entry, both olfenders be- ing boys and Sentence suspended;| there were `ve thefts and three] Iconvicted; two for non-payment! of poll tax, one convicted `and the g other settled; there were three; breaches of town bylaws. | -- V -..A.._.____ I MAYOR succl-zsrs HAVING macrnons A MONTH EARLIER lurumuuu acclucu uxcnuaueu-vac. | 'It was a story of old Barrie told in characteristic fashion, as only Mr. Bennett could tell it. He` 'prefaced his remarks with a shorti resume of the struggle which was, i (Turn to page nine. please) | `Would\ Be warden E. J. LAMBERT l YEAR IS RECORDED BY anucxrnon BOARD ichairman Urges Teaching` of More Religion and [T Morals in Schools !ALso SINGING counsni The 1927 Board of Education held its nal meetingeon `Monday evening when the -business of the year was wound up and a most fruitful and satisfactory year re- viewed by Chairman W. C. Walls in his valedictory. address. The Board of Education is the largest spending department of the town and last year handled $61,739.88, as compared with $63,451.00 in 1926, a reduction of`- $1711.12., This, of course, is without grants. The Board of Education had a surplus in both 1926 and 1927. an ..... .......4.:....`I.....'lu ...1...-.-`...1 4-1....+ uvlnuuanuvy aux`: ullv uuu x ; A I null: Regret was expressed thatl |Trustee Dr. Brereton was forced `to resign from the Board and con- gratulations were extended to Trustees Mrs. Ord, Albert Bryson and Dr. Sprott, elected to the Board at the recent elections. We are glad to have a man with the municipal experience of Dr. |Sprott _to take Dr. Brereton s .place. Chairman Walls said, con-I |tinuing: N11... `\7...... `D.....'........J \lL1Jl\J All IIUUII Lllhlv 5QAL\A L at I 0 I am particularly pleased that the expenditures of the year were kept within the estimates, and with no increase in the levy, not- withstanding the establishment of an auxiliary class and increase in the salary list at the Collegiate owing to the greatly increased at- tendance, said the chairman. 'l3......-.I. .-..... ....... .......J L'I...4|. TALKS or GAS smw Board Spe $61,739.88 arid Ended Year With Surplus Ulllflllb I The Year Reviewed The past year on the surface might be termed as one in which` we have left undone more things than we have done. However, it has been a year of much studious` ,thought on the part of the mem-I bers of the Board and I think we are all much better prepared to cope with the big questions that will confront the Board during the year 1928, particularly the matter of the Collegiate enlarge.- ment. J It is a question on which| I think it is the part of wisdom? ito make haste slowly. The` lchanging conditions since the wari I In a letter to the Town Coun-I Icil. read Monday evening, Raden-l Ehurst & Hammond, barristers, re-I new the application of Sam? ,Georgianni for permission to! ?erect a gas pump in front of the [premises at 52 Elizabeth street. |This request was refused by the! !1927 council. The latest applica- |tion was referred to committee! GEORGIANNI AGAIN SEEKS; I LICENSE FOR GAS PUMP` ll\y f\U u E In their letter Radenhurst &i `Hammond point out that Georg-~ .-ianni s tank gt 52 Elizabeth will be located on private property and that it will not be necessary~ to disturb the sidewalk to run a `pip ? line un_de1_`neath it. - ---L__.-_ I Georgianni was formerly locat- ied at 54 Elizabeth St., at the Tor-, lonto Garage... owned by John` ; Saso, but his lease expired Nov. 1 I ilast and was not renewed. He. `owned the gas pumps at this place} !and had` a license for their opera-3 ition, but was refused a transferi !next `door. [ 1.; 751 1 . n yayuis JIIIC UIAAHUL lxvuull sin I Georgianni is a war veteran; `and upon refusal of 1927 counci1'~ |for a license the Canadian Legion of the B.E.S.L. took up his case- with council. k ('I;;1rr`1'V to page three, please) Twouw COMBlNE TWO CIVIC omcnas says Change Advisable in His-Inaugural Address % Town Clerk Smith Suggests Assessor Whitebread As Collector In a letter to the Town Coun- cil, read Monday evening, Town Clerk A. W. Smith urges the ap- lpointment of Assessor White- I bread as collector of tax arrears, thus making him a full-time em- ployee of the town. Mr. White- bread is now getting a salary of $900 a year and it is proposed to increase it $500 or $600 to com- pensate him for his added duties. Mr. Smith writes: Gentlemen: The matter of tax collection is one that has been a source of dis- cussion for some time. It is only `fair to say that the system in use in Barrie is one that has been used for over forty ` years. At the lpresent time 88 per cent. of the I1927 taxes has been paid. Look- ing back over -the records for many years this record does not compare unfavorably with those of other years, but the amount of taxes levied is gradually increas- ing and has more than doubled in |the past ten years. As the amount `vof the levy increases the difficulty `of collection also increases, and the amount outstanding will, of course, be larger even though the ....... _ _ . _ . ....A........ J\: L _ . . _ _ . . ,...`l --....,.., I\.4 ....,,-. -.-.. ....._b.. ...- `same percentage of taxes is co]- 31ected. zzv `Ann. .1 . n .1 11 `Iv was $210,513.74 and the amount paid to date, including discounts allowed for prepayment. is $181.- |541.76, leaving a balance of this I year s taxes of $25,971.98. It seems to me that some other lmethod of collection must be found if the amount is to -be re- duced. After -careful considera- tion I would suggest that a collec- 'tor be appointed to. take over the `roll on October 1 each year. which would be at a time when ,t`he second installment of taxes `would have been naid, and- any- Ithing unpaid at that time would ube in arrears. It seems to me that {our assessor might very well be ;made use of six or seven months jto collect` what was outstamlinsr [and could make a return of the [roll on a date fixed by council. He `is familiar with the town, careful 'and accurate, and his services for the whole year would be avail- `able, which would be of advant- lasre from the assessment point of view. There `would also be the ;added advantage that his services `could be procured when the two `offices were combined at a lesser salary than a collector could be `procured separately. ; v``lil.1927 the amount of the roll if The Rescue of Mrs. Mc- Kernan s Cow, an incident which occurred on a Sunday morning` in the summer of 1866 or 1867, must have been a red letter day for Old Barrie, J. H. Bennett laughingly recalled in his address at the Collegiate `Tuesday evening. The cow had become mired on the water front, near where Sarjeant s coal sheds now stand, and it required the best engineering brains of the re brigade and almost the entire populace to affect a rescue, operations lasting four of ve hours, an im- provised derrick nally do- ing the trick. The fun started just before church time and there were very slim congregations that morning, Mr. Bennett said. 'TWAS A BIG SUNDAY IN HISTORY OF BARRIE .3;/\1;o V i'r1'sti:_1 li`e'd 'ti1'e'6i=riEe3}' To. 37%| 12 PA E ma SIMCOE COWY POULTRY snow IS NEW succnsnon AAJCIAL, Ul.(.'Cl.lCl` nu `HIP LULlllL_\. Secretar`~' .VI(i""0n outlined the Droject to The E".'1l1llI`.L`l' yester- day. He -aid the idea was to elim- inate the .=eve1`al small shows now being` held and incorporzite them all in one big` show in Bmrie. Some work has already been done along: this line. The ofticei-_= and executive would, of` course, be re- presentative of the county. and the idea might eventu:1ll_\' be de- veloped into a Winter Fair for lSimcoe County. m1__,., 3, I, Calls For Readjustment of Street Lighting " ` Rates In his inaugural address, made Monday evening. Mayor D. F. Mc- Cuaig stresses the desirability of. having the Water and` Light Com- mission take over the manage- ment of the gas plant which the ratepayers voted to ` acquire I on New Year's Day. His Worship also calls to the attention of his colleagues and to citizens the in- creasing tax arrears in Barrie, the mounting bills of street lighting and the need for readjustment. The encouragement of the tourist trade, which in 1927 was the larg`-I est in the town's history and the need of additional industriesare among subjects covered, as well; as desirability of `holding civic` elections first Monday in Decem- bar, instead of January, as at! present. His Worship said: ' f\u `L:n `Ln Run vvtnnl-{V-uv A` C-1613' soo BIRDS ON DISPLAY Record Entrrytiist at Arm- ouries-Closes Tonight .With a record entry list, hearly ve hundred, the annual show of the `Barrie Poultry Association opened on Tuesday and closes this evening. Not only in quantity, but in quality too, former shows are surpassed, the breeders from all sections of the county having sent their best stock following a per- sonal canvass of Secretary Harry Morren. The spacious armouries lend themselves admirably to an exhibition of this nature and tak- en all in all the officers of the as- sociation are more hopeful than ever of launching a big. central, Simcoe County Poultry Show in Barrie within the next year or two and of making it an annual event. Thousands of birds could be cooped at the armouries. In this project the local association has the support of the most prom- inent breeders in this count_\'. _ ,1 C`....-.,.L.....- 'LI'..._... 11-- ...L!,`._ _ There is kwm covrmtition in almost every class this 3:931`. The showing of Barred Plymouth Rocks is particularly good, with a total of over fty birds. The Partridge Wyandottes total over 40, single comb white Lorrhorns 45 and representative exhibits in the Silver Spangled Hamburgs, White Wyand-ottes, etc. The ex- hibits in the bred-to-lay stock, Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Wyandottes, White Leghorns, with the Barred Rocks the heavi- est, are also above averag'e. `XT3'H:..n (`....n.. T ....-..I....'lns.n Local Associatign Sponsors Scheme and Finds Support ca, 0.1:: GJDU auuvc 'a.vC1a_Lf.c. William Carter, I.-mwdeshoro, Ont., and F. J. French, Ne\vn1ark- et. are the officials. the latter judging` the utility stock. T `LT Dual ... .4` \ll'.J`I.....,J nv\A T KNIGHT CHAIRMAN BOARD OF WDRKS Juugxuz; uu: uuuuy auucn. J. H. Parker of Midland and J. G. Shaw of Port LVIcNico11 are two exhibitors who favor a central show for Barrie. They specialize in Barred Rocks. E U1 I|lClIlUCI.Do Q After an invocation by Rev. E. .J. Whan, Dr. Lewis, Lieut.-Gov- .'erno1', proceeded with the installa- ! Hon which he performed in a very iimpressive manner. Directors `were installed by Dr. L. J. Simp- `son. a past president. 1"..- `IN TT.-LL.._..1 l`.....L .......~. ...,... .. ,.,.,. ,,...,.u-..u. Geo. D. Hubbard, rst Mowi- dent of the club, in presenting` a `past president's button to Albert Bryson, stated that Mr. Bryson 'had the remarkable attendance record of having missed "only ve metings since 1924. A (1 1\lI nnT,n`I'lnn I-\10nanvI+nr` 4-Mb }J}JUll G DM\J\aCBUL uv Iuulo A committee also was named with reference to the appoint- ment of an auditor, W. T. Stew- art having resigned. an nAnAnnIn `Ln Danna/1 nuv\unnu_ The .1928 officers of Barrie Ki- wanis Club were installed at the lweekly luncheon last Friday in jbhe presence of a large number Sof members. 1 -r\ 7! llICUblll`E`_,D DIKIUC .lla`t. A. G. MacLel1an presented the It:-easurer s report which showed the club s nances in a satisfac- Itory condition. , Wins Out in Four-C0rn- ered C0ntest---Cres- wicke on Finrmce ea;- There were four nominated for the chairmanship of the Board of Works: Jarvis, Knigrht, Malcom- and Tyrer. The low man dropped out on each vote. On the rst Jarvis received 1, Knight 2, Malcomson 3 and Tyrer 2. On the second division, with Jarvis eliminated, Knight got 3, Malcom- IBARRIE KIWANIS CLUB I OFFICERS INSTALLED Second Deputy-Reeve Knight is chairman of the Board of Works,-. Reeve Creswicke of the Finance Committee and Ald. Malcomson of the Property nd Police as a result of the deliberations of the` striking committee last Monday morning when council met to take` the declaration of office, and con--` firmed its decision the same even-- ing. These are considered the` prize packages in the gift of council and although Reeve. (`ma- wicke received his nance minia- ter s portfolio witlzmt opposition there was stiff competition for the other two jobs. Other ch.zirmen named were: A151. Reeve, 3-T11'l and Parks; First Deputy-Reeve Jarvis, Irinting`, Adverti.=.inp:, In- dustrial and Reception; Ald. P. J. Moran, Water and Light; Ald. Craven, Transportation and Re- lief. u ' (Turn tyo page t}`1Jree,T please) SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 4 I555 LLUIII UIIUDC llU$Vl1\7&Dy -Receipts for the month were $2,640 with payments of $2,950, the latter including $473` of a-coal bill. At the end of the month there were 29 patients and on baby in the hospital. ' -

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